Speed Up NetSetter

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Monday, February 8, 2010

How to Speed Up Idea Netsetter USB Internet

Speed up Internet
dea net setter is termed as the prepaid data card usb wireless internet service from
idea cellular ltd.it is usable with laptops as well as pc with sms facility which enables
you to surf internet on the move.They started the service with a good speed rate but
nowadays many users complain about its speed as it is very slow. Everyone
searches on the internet for idea net setter speed booster and they get some useless
links at all.
Rocket speed internet
There is good methods for speedup net setter as well as any internet connection ..
but remember one thing the surfing and downloading speed is truly 80% depends
upon the isp speed. But we can play with the internet settings to do a boost.

To speed up Internet Connection on idea:
1.Download Cablenut application Irom :http://www.brothersoft.com/cablenut-62174.html
2.In Cablenut apply the Iollowing settings

DeIault Receive Window 17520
DeIault SendWindow 8096
Disable Address Sharing 1
Initial Large BuIIer Count 10
Initial Medium BuIIer Count 24
Initial Small BuIIer Count 32
Large BuIIer Size 4096
Max Fast Transmit 6400
Medium BuIIer Size 1504
Priority Boost 0
Small BuIIer Size 128
Transmit Worker 32
Fast Send Data gram Threshold 1024
Enable Fast Route Lookup 1
Enable PMTU Discovery 1
Ignore Push Bit On Receives 0
Global Max Tcp Window Size 8760
Max Free Tcbs 2000
Max HashTableSize 4096
Max Norm Look up Memory 5000000
Sack Opts 1
Syn Attack Protect 1
Tcp1323Opts 0
Tcp LogLevel 1
Max Dup Acks 2
Tcp Max HalI Open 100
Tcp MaxHalIOpenRetried 80
Tcp Recv Segment Size 1460
Tcp Send Segment Size 1460
Tcp Timed Wait Delay 32
Tcp Useb RFC1122 UrgentPointer 0
Tcp Window Size 8760
Maximum ConnectionsPer10 Server 8
Maximum Connections Per Server 4
DeIault TTL 128
DisableUser TOS Setting 0
Tcp Max Data Retransmissions 6
DeIault TOSValue 91

3.Download Tcp Optimizer From:http://www.speedguide.net/files/TCPOptimizer.exe
4.Apply the Iollowing settings in Tcp optimizer
Max MTU - 1500
MTU Discovery - Yes
Black Hole Detect - No
Selective ACKs - Yes
Max Dup ACKs - 2
Time to Live (TTL) - 128
TCP 1323 Options - uncheck both

5.Apply all and restart your computer

Note: 8500/:5/0,309809907 settings may change your computer network settings. always
perIorm the operations aIter creating a restore point.

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