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Alzheimer’s Disease Detection : An Innovative Approach

Using Convolutional Neural Networks.

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement

for the award of the degree of


Rollno : 22P61A3229 Name : J.DHARMIK

Department of Computer Science & Business System

July -2024
Aushapur (V), Ghatkesar (M), Hyderabad, Medchal –Dist, Telangana – 501 301.




This is to certify that the real time project titled “Alzheimer’s Disease Detection : An

Innovative Approach Using Convolutional Neural Networks" Submitted by

22P61A3229 – J.DHARMIK in B. tech II -II semester Computer Science & Business System is

a record of the bonafide work carried out by him.

The Design embodied in this report have not been submitted to any other
University for the award of any degree.


(Mrs.B.Madhuri) Dr.G.Swamy

Assistant professor Associate professor


I, J.DHARMIK , bearing hall ticket number (22P61A3229) here by declare that the real time

project report entitled “Alzheimer’s Disease Detection : An Innovative Approach Using

Convolutional Neural Networks” of Computer Science and Business System, Vignana

Bharathi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, have submitted to Jawaharlal Nehru

Technological University Hyderabad, Kukatpally, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for

the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Business System.

This is a record of bonafide work carried out by me and the design embodied for this project

have not been reproduced or copied from any source. The design embodied for this project report

have not been submitted to any other university or institute for the award of any other degree or


Roll No : 22P61A3229 Name : J.DHARMIK


I am extremely thankful to our beloved Chairman, Dr.N.Goutham Rao and Secretary,

Dr.G. Manohar Reddy who took keen interest to provide us the infrastructural facilities for carrying
out the project work.

I whole-heartedly thank Dr.P.V.S.Srinivas Principal, and Dr.G.Swamy, Head of the Department,

Computer Science and Business System for their encouragement and support and guidance in carrying
out the real time project.

I would like to express my gratitude to the Overall Project Coordinator, Mrs.B.Madhuri, Assistant
Professor, Department of CSBS for her valuable guidance during the course of project work.

I would like to express my sincere thanks to all the staff of Computer Science and Business System,
VBIT, for their kind cooperation and timely help during the course of my project.

Finally, I would like to thank my parents and friends who have always stood by me whenever i was in
need of them.
To emerge as a premier institution for technical education in the country through academic excellence
and to be recognized as center for excellence in Research and Development.

1) Provide a rigorous theoretical and practical framework across state of the art infrastructure with an
emphasis on software development.

2) Impart the skills necessary to amplify the pedagogy to grow technically and to meet interdisciplinary
needs with collaborations and innovative research abilities and societal needs.

3) To develop globally competent engineers with excellent managerial skills to become leaders and
entrepreneurs through quality pedagogy.

4) To evolve as a centre of excellence in the field of interdisciplinary engineering research and practice.


PEO-01: Domain Knowledge: Synthesize mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, pragmatic

programming concepts to formulate and solve engineering problems using prevalent and prominent
PEO-02: Professional Employment: Succeed at entry- level engineering positions in the software
industries and government agencies.
PEO-03: Higher Degree: Succeed in the pursuit of higher degree in engineering or other by applying
mathematics, science, and engineering fundamentals.
PEO-04: Engineering Citizenship: Communicate and work effectively on team-based engineering
projects and practice the ethics of the profession, consistent with a sense of social responsibility.

PEO-05: Lifelong Learning: Recognize the significance of independent learning to become experts in
chosen fields and broaden professional knowledge.


PSO-01: Analyze various networking concepts and also aware of how security policies, standards
and practices are used for trouble-shooting.
PSO-02: To incorporate ethical values and professional standards with soft-skills in computer science
and business disciplines for enabling students to emerge as an entrepreneur in the society.

PSO-03: To Inculcate Proactive thinking to ensure effective performance in the dynamic,

socioeconomic and business ecosystem


Engineering graduates will be able to:

PO-01: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering

fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.

PO-02: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural
sciences, and engineering sciences.

PO-03: Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and
design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for
the public health and safety, and cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

PO-04: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research
methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the
information to provide valid conclusions.

PO-05: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern
engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an
understanding of the limitations.

PO-06: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess
societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the
professional engineering practice.

PO-07: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering
solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for
sustainable development.

PO-08: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms
of the engineering practice.

PO-09: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in
diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

PO-10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the

engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective
reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

PO-11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understandingof the
engineering and management principles and apply these to one's own work, as a member and leader in a
team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

PO-12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and abilityto engage in
independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.


1 1.1 Problem 1
1.2 Solution 1
1.3 Existing System 2
1.4 Disadvantages of Existing System 3
1.5 Proposed System 3
1.6 Advantages of Proposed System 4
2.1 Software Requirement Specification 5
2.2 Content Diagram 7
2.3 Algorithms and Flowcharts 7
3.1 System Models 10
3.2 Module Design and Organization 13
4.1 Software tools 14
4.2 Execution 18
5.1 Design of Test Cases Scenarios & Validation 21
5.2 Summary 24
List Of Figures


3.3 Content Diagram 16

3.4 Flow Chart Diagram 17

4.2 Use Case Diagram 22

4.2 Sequence Diagram 23

4.2 Activity Diagram 24

List of Input/output screens


5.3 Output Images 35


Alzheimer's disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that affects millions of people worldwide,
leading to memory loss, cognitive decline, and eventual loss of independent functioning. Early detection of
Alzheimer's disease plays a crucial role in providing timely intervention and improving patient outcomes. With
the advent of machine learning and deep learning techniques, there has been a growing interest in leveraging
these technologies to develop accurate and efficient diagnostic tools.

CNNs have demonstrated exceptional performance in image recognition tasks. They can automatically
learn and extract complex features from medical imaging data, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) or
positron emission tomography (PET) scans, which are commonly used for diagnosing Alzheimer's disease.

CNNs have shown promising results in various medical image analysis applications. By leveraging
their ability to detect subtle patterns and abnormalities in brain imaging data, CNNs have the potential to
achieve high accuracy in differentiating Alzheimer's disease from healthy individuals. By developing an
automated CNN-based Alzheimer's detection system can streamline the diagnostic process, enabling faster and
more efficient analysis of large volumes of imaging data. This can save valuable time for healthcare
professionals and facilitate early detection in a cost-effective manner.

In this real time project, we aim to explore the potential of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) in
detecting Alzheimer's disease. CNNs are a class of deep learning models that have shown remarkable success
in image recognition and analysis tasks. By utilizing their ability to automatically learn complex features from
input images, CNNs can potentially assist in the detection of Alzheimer's disease through the analysis of brain
imaging data.

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that affects millions of individuals
worldwide. Early detection of AD is crucial for timely intervention and improved patient outcomes. In recent
years, deep learning techniques, particularly Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), have shown remarkable
success in various medical applications, including disease diagnosis and detection.
This real time project aims to develop a CNN-based model for the detection of Alzheimer's disease using
neuroimaging data, specifically magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. The proposed model leverages the
inherent power of CNNs to extract meaningful features from brain images, enabling accurate classification of
AD and non-AD cases.
The project follows a systematic workflow, starting with preprocessing of the MRI scans to enhance
image quality and remove noise. The preprocessed images are then fed into the CNN architecture, which consists
of multiple convolutional layers, pooling layers, and fully connected layers. Through an iterative learning
process, the model learns to automatically identify distinctive patterns and features that discriminate between
healthy brain scans and those affected by AD.
To evaluate the performance of the proposed model, a dataset containing a combination of AD and non-
AD MRI scans will be used. The dataset will be split into training, validation, and testing sets, ensuring proper
assessment and validation of the model's generalization capabilities. The CNN model will undergo training using
backpropagation and gradient descent algorithms to optimize the network's parameters. Performance metrics
such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score will be used to assess the model's classification performance.
The results of this real time project will provide insights into the potential of CNN-based models for
Alzheimer's disease detection using neuroimaging data. Successful implementation of such models could assist
clinicians in making timely and accurate diagnoses, leading to more effective management and treatment
strategies for individuals with AD.

IDE : Integrated Development Environment
CNN : Convolutional Neural Network
UML : Unified Modeling Language
MRI : Magnetic Resonance Imaging
1.1 Problem
Detecting Alzheimer's disease at an early stage is often challenging. The disease progresses slowly, and
symptoms may be subtle in the initial stages, making accurate diagnosis difficult. Developing reliable and
accessible diagnostic methods that can identify Alzheimer's disease in its early stages is crucial for timely
intervention and treatment.
The interpretability of the algorithm's decisions is crucial, especially in the medical field. The ability to
understand and explain the reasoning behind the algorithm's predictions is essential for gaining trust and
acceptance from healthcare professionals and patients. Developing algorithms that provide transparent
explanations for their decisions remains a challenge. Ensuring that the algorithms can provide timely and
accurate results within a reasonable time frame is crucial for practical use in clinical settings.
1.2 Solution
Accuracy, efficiency, and potential for early detection make them valuable tools in assisting healthcare
professionals in diagnosing Alzheimer's and improving patient care. By leveraging the capabilities of CNNs for
feature extraction, complex representation learning, and non-invasive analysis of brain imaging data, CNNs
provide a promising solution for Alzheimer's disease detection.

In the context of Alzheimer's disease detection, CNNs can learn to recognize specific patterns, structures, or
abnormalities in brain imaging scans that are indicative of the disease. By leveraging the hierarchical nature of
convolutional layers, CNNs can
capture increasingly complex features at different scales. CNN-based algorithms provide a non-invasive
approach to Alzheimer's disease detection. By analyzing brain imaging data, such as MRI scans, CNNs can
assist in identifying early signs of Alzheimer's without the need for invasive procedures or lumbar punctures.
Collect a diverse and balanced dataset of brain imaging scans, including MRI or PET scans, from both
Alzheimer's disease patients and healthy individuals. Ensure proper data preprocessing techniques such as
normalization, resizing, and noise reduction to enhance data quality and compatibility with the CNN model.
This convolutional
neural network approach helps leverage the learned features from the pre-trained models, improving the
algorithm's performance.
These intelligent algorithm analyze intricate brain imaging data, revealing subtle patterns and abnormalities that
elude the human eye. With the potential to provide early detection and personalized interventions, CNNs shine
a light on a brighter future for Alzheimer's patients and their loved ones. Step into a realm where technology
meets compassion, as we embark on a remarkable quest to transform the way we diagnose and confront this
devastating disease.

1.3 Existing System

Currently, clinical assessment remains the primary method for diagnosing Alzheimer's disease. Healthcare
professionals evaluate patients through various cognitive tests, medical history reviews, and physical
examinations. This approach relies on the expertise of physicians and their ability to identify symptoms and
patterns associated with Alzheimer's disease.

1.4 Disadvantages of existing system

1. Subjectivity: Clinical assessments heavily rely on the expertise and subjective judgment of healthcare

2. Diagnostic Accuracy: Diagnosing Alzheimer's disease based solely on clinical assessment can be challenging,
particularly in the early stages of the disease when symptoms may be subtle or nonspecific.

3. Reliance on Behavioral Symptoms: Clinical assessments primarily rely on evaluating behavioral symptoms
and cognitive decline during face-to-face interactions with the patient.

4. Variability in Assessments: Different assessment tools and scales may be used in clinical assessments, leading
to variability in the evaluation process and diagnostic outcomes.

5. Limited Diagnostic Predictability: Clinical assessments may not accurately predict the rate of disease
progression or provide insight into specific underlying mechanisms.
1.5 Proposed system

The proposed system aims to develop Alzheimer’s disease Detection system using a Convolutional Neural
Network (CNN) model. The system will leverage advanced computer vision techniques to accurately classify
and identify Alzheimer’s disease from MRI scan images.
1. Data Acquisition
2. Data Preprocessing
3. CNN Architecture Design
4. Training the CNN Model
5. Model Evaluation and Validation

6. Testing and Deployment

7. Integration with Clinical Practice

8. Continued Improvement and Adaptation

By implementing this proposed system, the aim is to develop an accurate and reliable tool for Alzheimer's disease
detection using CNNs. The system can assist healthcare professionals in diagnosing Alzheimer's disease at an
early stage, facilitating timely interventions, personalized treatment planning, and improving patient outcomes.

1.6 Advantages of Proposed System

The Proposed system offer several advantages in Alzheimer's disease detection, which contribute to their
effectiveness in this domain. CNNs excel at automatically extracting relevant features from complex datasets,
such as brain imaging scans. In the context of Alzheimer's disease, CNNs can identify intricate patterns,
structures, or abnormalities in brain images that are indicative of the disease. This capability allows CNNs to
capture subtle and subtle variations that may not be easily detectable by human observers.

2. Learning Complex Representations: Alzheimer's disease is characterized by intricate changes in brain

structure and function. CNNs have the ability to learn and recognize complex representations within brain
imaging data, enabling them to identify and differentiate disease-related patterns from normal brain structures.
This capability enhances the accuracy of Alzheimer's disease detection.

3. High Accuracy: CNNs have demonstrated remarkable accuracy in various image recognition tasks, including
medical imaging analysis. When properly trained and validated, CNNs can achieve high accuracy in
differentiating between Alzheimer's disease cases and healthy individuals.

4. Automation and Efficiency: CNN-based algorithms automate the analysis of brain imaging data, providing
efficiency and scalability. Once trained, the algorithm can rapidly process large volumes of scans, providing
quick and consistent results. This automation can save valuable time for healthcare professionals, enabling them
to focus on interpretation and decision-making rather than manual analysis.

5. CNNs offer a powerful tool in aiding early detection, accurate diagnosis, and personalized care planning for
individuals affected by Alzheimer's disease.
2.1 Software Requirement Specification (SRS)
1. Purpose: The purpose of using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for Alzheimer's disease detection
is to leverage the capabilities of deep learning to analyze and interpret brain images in order to identify patterns
and features indicative of the disease. The system aims to assist healthcare professionals in diagnosing
Alzheimer’s disease conditions, reducing the time gap between consultations and treatments.
2. Functional Requirements:
1. Image data handling: The system should allow users to input brain images in a standard format. It should
support batch processing to handle multiple images simultaneously.
2. Model Architecture: The architecture should consist of appropriate layers, such as convolutional layers,
pooling layers, and fully connected layers.
3. Model Training:
The system should provide functionality to train the CNN model using the preprocessed brain image dataset.
It should allow users to specify the training parameters, including the learning rate, batch size, and number of
The system should implement optimization algorithms (e.g., Adam, SGD) for efficient training.

4. Accuracy and performance: The system should exhibit a high level of accuracy in classifying images and
maintain efficient processing times for real-time analysis.
5. Integration and Deployment:
The system should allow easy integration into existing healthcare systems or platforms for wider adoption and
It should provide options for deploying the trained model on various platforms (e.g., local machines, servers,
cloud) to accommodate different deployment scenarios.
6. Integration: The software should integrate the CNN model seamlessly into a user-friendly interface or
application, ensuring smooth interaction and easy usage for healthcare professionals.
3. Non Functional Requirements:
1. Usability and User Experience:
User-Friendly Interface: The system should have an intuitive and easy-to-use interface, allowing users (e.g.,
healthcare professionals) to interact with the system effortlessly.
Visualization: The system can provide visual representations of the results, such as heat maps or highlighted
regions, to aid in understanding the model's predictions and decision-making process.
2. Performance: The CNN model and related algorithms should be optimized to make efficient use of
computational resources (CPU/GPU) for faster training and inference.
3. Accuracy: The system should achieve high accuracy in Alzheimer's disease detection to minimize false
positives and false negatives. The system should be dependable and consistently produce reliable results across
multiple runs and deployments.
4. Security:
Data Privacy: The system should handle personal health information in compliance with privacy regulations and
best practices, ensuring confidentiality and integrity of sensitive data.
User Authentication: The system may require user authentication and access controls to ensure that only
authorized individuals can access and use the system.
5. Scalability:
The system should be designed to handle an increasing volume of data and users, with the ability to scale
resources (such as computational power and storage) as needed.
4. Constraints:
1. Hardware Requirements:
• Processing Unit (CPU/GPU): A powerful central processing unit (CPU) or graphical processing unit
(GPU) is essential for training and inference tasks involving CNN models.
• Memory (RAM): It is advisable to have a minimum of 16GB of RAM, but more memory may be
necessary for larger datasets and more complex models.
• Storage: The size of the dataset can vary, but it is recommended to have one terabytes (TB) of storage
available to accommodate large medical imaging datasets.
• Networking: For systems that involve distributed training or deployment across multiple machines, fast
and reliable network connectivity is essential to facilitate data transfer and synchronization between

2. Software Requirements:
1. Deep Learning Framework: We choose a deep learning framework that provides a high-level interface
for building and training CNN models which include TensorFlow and Keras.
2. Programming language: Familiarity with Python and related packages, such as NumPy, Pandas, and
Matplotlib, is recommended for data manipulation, visualization, and other necessary tasks.
3. Integrated Development Environment (IDE): Jupyter Notebook is used as a text editor which provided
many features for efficient coding, debugging, and project management.
4. Image Processing Libraries: Depending on the specific image processing tasks involved in the
Alzheimer's disease detection system, libraries like OpenCV are used for image loading, resizing, and
other pre-processing operations.

The Software Requirements Specifications provide an overview of the key requirements and expectations for
the development of the Alzheimer’s disease Detection system. These specifications serve as a foundation for the
software development process, guiding the design, implementation, and testing phases to ensure the successful
delivery of an accurate, efficient, and user-friendly system for brain diagnostics
2.2 Content diagram:


MRI Scan

CNN Model



2.3 Algorithm and Flow chart:

The Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) algorithm is a type of deep learning algorithm specifically designed
for image classification and recognition tasks. It is inspired by the visual perception mechanism of the human
brain and has demonstrated remarkable success in various computer vision applications.
The CNN algorithm consists of multiple interconnected layers, each responsible for a specific task in the image
recognition process. Here is a brief overview on how the CNN algorithm works:

1. Convolution Layer: The input image is convolved with a set of learnable filters or kernels. The filters scan
the image in small spatial regions, performing element-wise multiplication and summation to produce a feature
map. This step helps extract important local features from the image.

2. Activation Function: An activation function is applied to introduce non-linearity into the model. Common
activation functions include ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit), sigmoid, and tanh. Activation functions help capture
complex patterns and enhance the model's ability to learn.

3. Pooling Layer: The pooling layer reduces the spatial dimensions of the feature maps while retaining important
features. Max pooling is commonly used, where the maximum value within a pooling region is retained, reducing
the feature map's size and computational complexity.

4. Flattening: The output of the pooling layer is flattened into a one-dimensional vector, reshaping the data for
further processing.
5. Fully Connected Layer: The flattened features are connected to a traditional artificial neural network (ANN)
architecture. The fully connected layer learns the higher-level representations by computing weighted sums and
applying activation functions.

6. Output Layer: The final layer of the CNN produces the classification output. It typically uses a “softmax”
activation function to generate class probabilities for each possible category.
7. Training: The CNN is trained using a labeled dataset. The model's weights are adjusted iteratively using
optimization algorithms such as gradient descent and Backpropagation. The objective is to minimize the
difference between the predicted output and the actual labels, updating the model's parameters to improve

Through the training process, the CNN algorithm learns to automatically extract hierarchical features from input
images, enabling it to classify and recognize patterns, objects, or abnormalities in new images. The strength of
CNNs lies in their ability to capture local patterns, spatial relationships, and hierarchical representations, making
them highly effective for image classification tasks.
Flow Chart:

3.1 System models

UML Diagrams:
Use case Diagram:-
Sequence Diagram:-
Activity Diagram:-
3.2 Module design and organization
The module design and organization for the Alzheimer’s disease Detection project involve breaking down the
system's functionality into distinct modules, each responsible for specific tasks. This modular approach enhances
code modularity, reusability, and maintainability. Here is an overview of the modules and their respective
1. Data Preprocessing Module:
This module handles the preprocessing of input data before feeding it into the CNN model. It includes tasks such
as data loading, normalization of pixel values, resizing or cropping of images to a consistent resolution, and
applying data augmentation techniques such as rotation, translation, or flipping to increase the diversity of the
training set. This module ensures that the input data is in the appropriate format and enhances the robustness and
generalization of the model.
2. Convolutional Neural Network Architecture Module:
The core of the CNN model resides in this module. It consists of multiple layers designed to extract meaningful
features from the input data. This module typically includes convolutional layers, activation functions, pooling
layers, and possibly dropout layers for regularization. The architecture can be customized based on the
complexity of the problem, available computational resources, and domain-specific knowledge. The number of
layers, their depth, filter sizes, and activation functions can all be adjusted to optimize performance.
3. Fully Connected Layers Module:
This module follows the convolutional layers and consists of fully connected layers that map the extracted
features to the desired output classes. It can include one or more dense layers with appropriate activation
functions. The number of neurons and the depth of the fully connected layers can be adjusted based on the
complexity of the problem. This module is responsible for producing the final class probabilities or regression
4. Loss Function Module:
The loss function module defines the objective that the model aims to minimize during training. For Alzheimer's
disease detection, the choice of loss function depends on the specific task. For binary classification (healthy vs.
Alzheimer's), binary cross-entropy loss is commonly used. For multi-class classification, categorical cross-
entropy loss is employed. If the problem involves regression tasks, mean squared error (MSE) or other
appropriate regression loss functions can be used.
5. Optimization and Training Module:
This module handles the optimization process of the CNN model. It includes an optimizer, such as stochastic
gradient descent (SGD) or its variants (e.g., Adam, RMSprop), that updates the weights based on the computed
gradients during backpropagation. Hyperparameters like learning rate, batch size, and the number of training
epochs are set in this module. It also includes functions for model training, validation, and evaluation, along
with metrics calculation such as accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, precision, and AUC-ROC.
6. Model Evaluation and Interpretability Module:
This module focuses on evaluating the trained CNN model and interpreting its predictions. It includes functions
for evaluating the model's performance on test data using the defined evaluation metrics. Additionally, it can
incorporate explainability techniques such as Grad-CAM, saliency maps, or other visualization methods to
provide insights into the regions of interest in the brain images that contribute most to the model's decision-
making process. This module aids in understanding the model's behavior and interpreting its predictions for
clinical use.
7. Model Optimization and Fine-tuning Module:
This module handles the optimization and fine-tuning of the CNN model. It includes techniques like
hyperparameter optimization using grid search or random search to find the optimal combination of
hyperparameters. It also incorporates fine-tuning strategies, such as transfer learning from pre-trained models
on large-scale datasets or related tasks, to leverage existing knowledge and improve the model's generalization
4.1 Software Tools
1. Python: Python programming language serves as the foundation for implementing the Alzheimer’s disease
Detection project. It provides a rich ecosystem of libraries and frameworks for deep learning, image processing,
and data manipulation, making it an ideal choice for developing machine learning-based systems.
2. TensorFlow : These deep learning frameworks is widely used for building and training neural networks,
including Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). TensorFlow and PyTorch provide high-level APIs, extensive
support for GPU acceleration, and a wealth of pre-built models and utilities, making them essential tools for
developing the CNN model in the project.
3. Keras: Keras is a user-friendly deep learning library that can run on top of TensorFlow or other backend
engines. It offers a simple and intuitive interface for building neural networks, including CNNs, enabling faster
model development and prototyping.
5. Numpy: Numpy is a fundamental library for numerical computing in Python. It provides support for handling
multi-dimensional arrays and efficient mathematical operations, which are essential for processing and
manipulating image data.
6. Matplotlib or Seaborn: These visualization libraries are commonly used in Python for creating plots, graphs,
and visualizations. Matplotlib and Seaborn can be utilized to visualize the CT scan images, display classification
results, and generate performance metrics or reports.
7. Jupyter Notebook or IDEs: Jupyter Notebook is an interactive coding environment that allows for code
execution, visualization, and documentation in a single interface. Alternatively, integrated development
environments (IDEs) like PyCharm or Visual Studio Code can also be used for efficient code development,
debugging, and project management.
8. GitHub: GitHub is a web-based hosting service, facilitates code sharing, version control, and collaboration
among developers, making it useful for maintaining project repositories and tracking code changes.
4.2 Execution
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator
import sys
import PIL
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.image import load_img
train_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1./255)
validation_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1./255)

train_dataset = train_datagen.flow_from_directory(
'Training and Validation Data/train/',

validation_dataset = validation_datagen.flow_from_directory(
'Training and Validation Data/val/',

class myCallback(tf.keras.callbacks.Callback):

def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs={}):

if logs.get('accuracy') is not None and logs.get('accuracy') > 0.999:
print("\nReached 99.9% accuracy so cancelling training!")

callbacks = myCallback()

model = tf.keras.models.Sequential([



model = tf.keras.models.load_model("model.h5")

import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing import image
Test_DIR = 'Testing Data/'
for i in os.listdir(Test_DIR):
img1 = image.load_img(os.path.join(Test_DIR, i), target_size=(180,180))
X = image.img_to_array(img1)
X = np.expand_dims(X,axis = 0)
images = np.vstack([X])
val = model.predict(images)
predicted_class = np.argmax(val)
if predicted_class == 0:
print("Mild Demented")
elif predicted_class == 1:
print("Non Demented")
plt.savefig('fig + i')

1/1 [==============================] - 0s 31ms/step

1/1 [==============================] - 0s 31ms/step

1/1 [==============================] - 0s 31ms/step


1/1 [==============================] - 0s 33ms/step


1/1 [==============================] - 0s 33ms/step

Non Demented

1/1 [==============================] - 0s 31ms/step

Non Demented
5.1 Design of Test Cases Scenarios and Validation
1. Train-Test Split: Divide the dataset into a training set and a testing set.
Train the CNN model on the training set and evaluate its performance on the separate testing set.
This provides an initial assessment of the model's ability to generalize to unseen data.
2. K-Fold Cross-Validation: Partition the dataset into k subsets or folds. Perform k iterations, each time using
one fold as the testing set and the remaining k-1 folds as the training set. Compute the average performance
across all iterations to get a more robust estimate of the model's performance. This approach is particularly useful
when the dataset is limited, as it maximizes the use of available data.
3. Validation Set: A validation set is a subset of the training data that is set aside for evaluating the model during
the training process.
While training the CNN model, the performance on the validation set is monitored at regular intervals (e.g., after
each epoch).
The validation set is used to tune hyperparameters (e.g., learning rate, dropout rate) and to prevent overfitting
by early stopping or model selection based on validation performance.
4. Understanding Model Architecture: Obtain a detailed understanding of the CNN model's architecture,
including the arrangement of convolutional layers, pooling layers, fully connected layers, and activation
Identify any specific features or patterns the model is designed to detect for Alzheimer's disease detection.

5. Code Review and Analysis: Review the code implementing the CNN model, including the forward pass
through the layers, loss function definition, and optimization process.
Analyze the mathematical operations within the model to ensure they are correctly implemented.
6. Unit Testing: Conduct unit tests on individual components or functions of the CNN model.
For example, test the implementation of convolutional layers, activation functions, pooling layers, and other
components separately to verify their correctness.
7. Boundary Testing: Test the CNN model with boundary cases, extreme values, or edge conditions.
Ensure the model handles inputs that are at the lower and upper bounds of the expected ranges appropriately.
8. Activation Map Verification: Check the activation maps of the convolutional layers to verify that the model
is capturing relevant features in the brain images related to Alzheimer's disease.
Examine the activation maps to understand which areas of the brain images contribute most to the model's
9. Gradient Checking: Perform gradient checking to verify that the gradients used during backpropagation are
calculated correctly.
Compare the gradients obtained from numerical methods (e.g., finite differences) with the gradients computed
analytically in the CNN model.
10. Coverage Analysis: Assess the code coverage of the CNN model, aiming to cover all possible paths and
branches.Use code coverage tools to identify areas of the model that might require additional testing to achieve
full coverage.
11. Robustness Testing: Test the model with inputs that might challenge its performance, such as noisy images,
partially corrupted images, or images with artifacts. Evaluate how the model responds to such challenging inputs
and ensure it maintains reasonable performance.
12. Adversarial Testing: Conduct adversarial testing to check if the model is susceptible to adversarial attacks.
Evaluate the model's performance when presented with subtly modified inputs intended to cause
13. Input Validation and Error Handling: Implement input validation and proper error handling mechanisms in
the model to handle unexpected inputs gracefully.
14. Integration Testing: If the CNN model is part of a larger system, perform integration testing to ensure its
seam less integration with other components.
15. Model Deployment Testing: Test the model in the production environment, considering factors such as input
data formats and performance under real-world conditions.

5.2 Summary
The testing and validation phase of the project involved rigorous evaluation and assessment of the Alzheimer’s
disease Detection system. This phase aimed to verify the accuracy and performance of the system and ensure its
reliability in real-world scenarios.
During testing, a separate set of data, distinct from the training dataset, was used to evaluate the system's
performance. The system was tested on a variety of MRI scan images representing different cases of Alzheimer’s
Diasease. The predicted results were compared against the ground truth labels to measure the accuracy of the
system's classifications.
Some of the Validation techniques, to ensure robustness, k-fold cross-validation is implemented, leading to a
more reliable assessment of the model's performance. Performance metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall,
F1-score, and AUC-ROC are then employed to quantify the model's effectiveness in accurately detecting
Alzheimer's disease
The testing and validation process demonstrated excellent results, with a high accuracy rate of 99%. This
accuracy rate signifies the system's effectiveness in accurately identifying and classifying Alzheimer’s disease
detection using MRI scan images.

1. Yang Han, Xing-Ming Zhao “A hybrid sequential feature selection approach for the diagnosis of Alzheimer\'s
Disease”, 2016 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN).
2. Kaggle, Machine Learning and data science community: Alzheimer’s disease dataset
3. Perea, R. D., & Montoya-Zegarra, J. A. (2021). Detection of Alzheimer's disease using convolutional neural
networks and feature importance analysis. International Journal of Neural Systems, 31(02), 2150001.
4. Zhang, D., Wang, Y., Zhou, L., Yuan, H., & Shen, D. (2019). Multimodal classification of Alzheimer's disease
and mild cognitive impairment. NeuroImage, 01906.

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