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English 9 Quarter 3 Week 8


Name: _____________________________________________________ Section: ____________________

Learning Objective:

 MELC – Judge the validity of the evidence listened to. (EN9LC-IVh-215)

 Organize a documentary where evidence/s are pointed out.
 Time Allotment: 60 minutes,5 days a week (Q3 W8 Day 1).

Key Concepts

When writing an argumentative, analytical, or persuasive essay, prove your argument by including
evidence. What counts as “evidence” depends on the genre, discipline, and assignment, but most
common evidence in academic papers comes in the form of quotations, paraphrases, and real-life
examples. All evidence should be clear and relevant both to your paragraph’s argument and to your
overall thesis statement.

To use evidence clearly and effectively within a paragraph, you can follow this simple three-step
process: 1) introduce the evidence, 2) state the evidence, and 3) explain the main message you are
emphasizing through the evidence. To create a complete, rich paragraph, you should also begin
with a claim and end with a link to the thesis statement.

Before the Evidence: Making a Claim

First, make an assertion. Ideally, the paragraph’s topic sentence will assert a claim.
Example: Adolph Hitler’s writings reinforce the belief that there is no objective reality;
instead, a person creates his or her own reality.

1. Introducing the Evidence

Never drop in a quotation or other evidence without introducing it first. Instead, include a
sentence or phrase that prepares the reader for the evidence. Some common introductory
phrases include According to <author> , According to <source> , <Author> states, <Author>
writes,<Author> concludes, <Author> attests, and so on.
Example: In Mein Kampf, Hitler asserts,

2. Stating the Evidence

Next, state your evidence. If your evidence is a quotation, carefully copy the quote word for word
from the source and place it within quotation marks. If your evidence is a paraphrase or
anecdote, stating it might take up more space; state the paraphrase or anecdote as clearly and
succinctly as possible.
Example: “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it often enough, it will be believed.”

3. Explaining the Evidence

Immediately after you state the evidence, explain the underlying message or main idea you, as
the writer, are trying to emphasize to the audience.

Author: Princess Lovejoy P. Millanes

School/Station: Agusan National High School
Division: Butuan City
E-mail address:
This step can be very challenging! To find ideas about how to explain your evidence, ask
yourself the following questions: Tip: It’s okay if you
feel you are explaining
 In what ways does this evidence support your assertion? something that seems
Explain the strongest points you can think of.
self-evident from the
 How does the evidence relate to the original author’s main idea?
example. Remember,
 Is there anything about the original author’s main idea
that can be applied to your assertion? not everyone thinks
 Is there anything about this quote or example the same as you! It is
that wouldn’t be obvious to all readers? better to
Is there anything unique or confusing about it? overemphasize than to
Draw the reader’s attention to those parts. underexplain.

Example: By describing the lie as “big,” Hitler emphasizes that determination and perseverance can
help a person accomplish even unrealistic goals. In his mind, objective reality has no importance;
instead, what matters is what people believe—no matter how big the lie.

 After the Evidence: Linking to Your Statement

To make your essay coherent or understandable, each new idea should relate to the overall
idea of the essay. After you explain evidence, you should also show how it relates to your essay’s

Example (for a paper whose main idea is that reality is socially constructed): Sometimes
creating one’s own reality means creating a reality for others as well, as Hitler illustrates. Because
we are susceptible to believing repeated lies, each individual’s reality is dependent on others.

Example of the Final Product

Adolph Hitler’s writings reinforce the belief that there is no objective reality; instead, a person
creates his or her own reality. In Mein Kampf, Hitler asserts, “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it
often enough, it will be believed.” By describing the lie as “big,” Hitler emphasizes that determination
and perseverance can help a person accomplish even unrealistic goals. In his mind, objective reality
has no importance; instead, what matters is what people believe—no matter how big the lie.
Sometimes creating one’s own reality means creating a reality for others as well, as Hitler illustrates.
Because we are susceptible to believing repeated lies, each individual’s reality is dependent on

Activity 1: Be a Writer!
Directions: Imagine you are a writer for a certain documentary. Your task is to write
a short manuscript about the given topic below. Make sure to point out some evidence to
support the topic you have chosen. Lastly, be sure to create your own title for your
COVID-19 Vaccine
New Normal Education in the Philippines
COVID-19 Impact on Education
Social Media Today
 Content 40%
 Organization 35%
 Mechanics 25%

Author: Princess Lovejoy P. Millanes

School/Station: Agusan National High School
Division: Butuan City
E-mail address:
What is the easy/difficult part in organizing a documentary ?


Name: _____________________________________________________ Section: ____________________

Learning Objective:

 MELC – Judge the validity of the evidence listened to. (EN9LC-IVh-215)

 Practice stating evidences in support of the generalization/judgement.
 Time Allotment: 60 minutes,5 days a week (Q3 W8 Day 2).

Key Concepts


 It is the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or

proposition is true or valid.


 A general statement or concept obtained by inference from specific evidences.

Social media can be used as a tool in starting up a business. With just a
few clicks, businessmen/women wannabes can open up a virtual online
store through Facebook pages or Instagram. Business owners post their
products and even do live selling with the use of these online platforms for

Generalization: Social media is a tool in starting up a business.

1. With just a few clicks, businessmen/women wannabes can open up a virtual online
store through Facebook pages or Instagram.
2. Business owners post their products and even do live selling with the use of
these online platforms for free.

Author: Princess Lovejoy P. Millanes

School/Station: Agusan National High School
Division: Butuan City
E-mail address:
Activity 2: Stating Evidence

Directions: Complete the graphic organizers below by providing evidences of the given
generalizations. Choose your answer from the given statements in the box. (5 points.)

 COVID-19 itself can lead to neurological and mental complications such as delirium,
agitation, and stroke.
 Bereavement, isolation, loss of income ,and fear are triggering mental health
conditions or exacerbating existing ones.
 The President can veto bills passed by the Congress.
 Facebook users spend a lot of time on the site -40 minute per day, on average.
 Many people may be facing increased levels of alcohol and drug use, insomnia, and
 Facebook is the most popular social network.
 Facebook is also known to place a strain on relationships due to how easy it is to
connect with people from your past.
 Facebook advertising is affordable.
 The President is the Chief of the Cabinet.
 A video-sharing social networking service owned by Chinese company ByteDance
 The President has control over the executive branch.
 Facebook users encompass all demographics.
 The President is the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces.

A. Evidence:
Generalization: ____________________________________
Facebook is the most effective Evidence:
social media marketing tool. ____________________________________


Author: Princess Lovejoy P. Millanes

School/Station: Agusan National High School
Division: Butuan City
E-mail address:

Generalization: ____________________________________
The COVID-19 pandemic has
a significant impact on mental health. ____________________________________




Generalization: ____________________________________
The President of the Philippines ____________________________________
has many powers. _____

Evidence: ____________________________________
____________________________________ _____
Author: Princess Lovejoy P. Millanes
School/Station: Agusan National High School
Division: Butuan City
E-mail address:
Activity 3. Evidence Overload
Directions: Identify the generalization and evidences from among the given list below and write
them in the table.
Vloggers earn money by placing ads on their site.
Vlogging is one of the means to earn money.
Each time a viewer clicks on the ad, the vlogger is paid for that click.
Vloggers also earn money by giving a review of an advertiser product or service.
Selling sponsorship space in a vlogger's e-mail newsletters, podcasts, and videos provides income.

Generalization 1.
1. 2.

Why do we need to point out evidence/s when stating a belief/proposition?


Name: _____________________________________________________ Section: ____________________

Learning Objective:

 MELC – Judge the validity of the evidence listened to. (EN9LC-IVh-215)

 Critique a documentary based on the validity of the evidences presented.
 Time Allotment: 60 minutes,5 days a week (Q3 W8 Day 3)

Author: Princess Lovejoy P. Millanes

School/Station: Agusan National High School
Division: Butuan City
E-mail address:
Key Concepts

Writing a Documentary Review/Critique

Step 1 Give details of the documentary.

• Title of the documentary
• Intended audience

Step 2 Explain the purpose of the documentary.

• What is the purpose of the documentary?
• What is the main message the director/writer wants to get across to the audience?
 What can you say about the validity of evidence presented to support the claim?

Step 3 State your prior knowledge of the subject.

• Did you know anything about the subject before you watched the documentary?
• What did you expect to see?
• What questions did you have about the subject?

Step 4 Summarize the documentary.

• Who / what is the subject of the documentary?
• What is the documentary about?
What are the main events (if any)?
•Where was it filmed?

Step 6 Give personal comments and recommendations.

• Which part of the documentary do you like most?
• What have you learned from it?
• Was there anything that surprised you?
What are the drawbacks of the documentary?
• Would you recommend this documentary to your friends?

Activity 4: Watch and Review!

What to Do: Watch/read any documentary film or printed material then write a critique
following the given steps above. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answer.
(Documentary Title)



Critiqued by: ____________________________



Author: Princess Lovejoy P. Millanes

School/Station: Agusan National High School
Division: Butuan City
E-mail address:

Objective (25% ) (20-24%) (15-19%) (10-14%) Score

Recollection Touches on every Covers Covers a majority of Contains only

of facts important fact related to the critical facts facts related to the some of the obvious
the topic related to the topic topic facts

Demonstrated Original wording, Steps beyond simple Recalls appropriate Apparent misconcepti
understanding analogies, or examples are recall and attempts concepts or on(s) or knowledge
used to interpret ideas to examples to address gap(s)
better answer the question
Applies taught concepts question
to answer the question

Linking of Carefully evaluates Incorporates multiple Answers the Answers the question
topics multiple topics that apply concepts to answer question using
to the question the question and using several conce a single concept or
and synthesizes them into demonstrates judgme pts or topics topic
a coherent answer nt in applying

Persuasive Every idea or conclusion Every idea or Relates ideas and Opinion and fact are
writing is logically supported by conclusion is logically conclusions not clearly
relevant facts. Includes supported by relevant to facts or concepts separated. Basis for
judgment of facts. taught as fact opinions is unclear at
data reliability times.


1. In this lesson, I realize that I in critiquing /reviewing a documentary one should



Name: _____________________________________________________ Section: ____________________

Learning Objective:

 MELC – Judge the validity of the evidence listened to. (EN9LC-IVh-215)

 Evaluate the truthfulness of evidences provided in the documentary .

Author: Princess Lovejoy P. Millanes

School/Station: Agusan National High School
Division: Butuan City
E-mail address:
 Time Allotment: 60 minutes,5 days a week (Q3 W8 Day 4).


Directions: Read the essay. Then answer the questions.

Why I Hate Facebook

The use of social networking sites, in particular Facebook, can not only skew your
understanding of reality, it can cause you actual, physical harm. According to Jean Conklin, a
clinical psychiatrist at University of Maryland Hospital, in Baltimore, “Facebook is to your mind
what sugar is to your body – bad all around.”

The main reason we all ought to stop looking at Facebook is because it makes us think that
the people in our lives (or virtually in our lives, anyway) are happier, more fulfilled and more
successful than they probably are; which makes us feel more depressed, frustrated and unfulfilled
than we probably are. Why? Think about it. How quickly do people post good news to Facebook?
Exotic vacations; engagements, anniversary parties, raises, promotions. . . when was the last time
you read that the devastatingly handsome new boyfriend of your college roommate is actually a
recovering alcoholic, or that the new six‐figure job that your old friend got two months ago didn’t
last two weeks because it turns out she didn’t have the people skills required to make it work?
“Thinking that everyone else is doing better in life than you are isn’t motivating,” says Clint White,
career counselor with My New Job, Inc. “It’s depressing, and can be debilitating for some people,
who think there’s something wrong with them because they have problems in their life that no one
else seems to have.” Mr. White cited fifty‐ four clients in the past year alone whom he has seen who
were seeking a career change for no reason other than that they didn’t believe that they measuring
up to their Facebook peers.

As if the psychological problems weren’t enough, Facebook triggers a stress response in the
body, even if you don’t think or realized that you are stressed out. Studies have shown that reading
new information on Facebook triggers the release of glucocorticoid (cortisol), your body’s stress
hormone. This messes with your immune system, and prevents the release of growth hormones,
and all these things keep your body in a state of chronic stress. If you have digestive problems; if
your hair or nails grow very slowly and it takes forever for cuts and scrapes to heal; if you feel
irritable and nervous, or are susceptible to every virus and bacteria that cruises through town, you
may not need a trip to the doctor―you many just need to delete your Facebook page. People
survived for hundreds of years in an industrial society without the necessity of blasting out every
intimate detail of their lives to everyone with whom they’ve ever crossed paths, or with whom that
person has ever crossed paths. . . a real relationship encompasses the good and the bad, and
includes genuine human to human interaction. So shut down the computer. Go out to lunch with a
friend. Call your mother. Take your kid to the zoo. And for goodness sake, don’t post anything on
Facebook about it when you get back!

1. What is the author’s claim? _______________________________________________________________


2. List the reasons and evidences the author offers to support her claim.


Author: Princess Lovejoy P. Millanes

School/Station: Agusan National High School
Division: Butuan City
E-mail address:
EVIDENCE: __________________________________________________________________________________


EVIDENCE: ______________________________________________________

It is important that one must use truthful evidences because______________________________________

Answer Key:

Activity 1- Answers vary.

Activity 2-
 Facebook users spend a lot of time
on the site-40 minute per day, on
Generalization: average.

Facebook is the most effective Evidence:

social media marketing tool. Facebook is the most popular social


Facebook advertising is affordable.


Facebook users encompass all


Author: Princess Lovejoy P. Millanes

School/Station: Agusan National High School
Division: Butuan City
E-mail address:

Bereavement, isolation, loss of
The COVID-19 Pandemic has income, and fear are triggering
mental health conditions or
a significant impact on mental health
exacerbating existing ones.


COVID-19 itself can lead to

neurological and mental
complications such as delirium,
agitation, and stroke.


Many people may be facing increased

levels of alcohol and drug use,
insomnia, and anxiety.


The President can veto bills passed
The President of the Philippines by the Congress.

has many powers.


The President is the Chief of the



The President has control over the

Evidence: executive branch.

The President is the Commander-in-

Chief of the Armed Forces.

Author: Princess Lovejoy P. Millanes

School/Station: Agusan National High School
Division: Butuan City
E-mail address:
Activity 3

Generalization 1. Vloggers earn money by placing ads on
1. Vlogging is one of the their sites.
means to earn money.
2. Each time a viewer clicks on the ad, the
vlogger is paid for that click.
3. Vloggers also earn money by giving a
review of an advertiser product or service.

4. Selling sponsorship space in a vlogger's

e-mail newsletters, podcasts, and videos
provides income.

Activity 4 - Answers vary. Activity 5– Answers vary.

Crystal Maye G. Lausa, SST I
Venus Sheila O. Ayado, SSHT IV
Maria Dinah D. Abalos, PhD, EPS -English

Author: Princess Lovejoy P. Millanes

School/Station: Agusan National High School
Division: Butuan City
E-mail address:

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