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Grade 9 Quarter 3 Week 6


Name: _____________________________________________________ Section: ____________________

Learning Objective:

 MELC – Judge the validity of the evidence listened to. (EN9LC-IVh-215)

 State evidence/s implied in a documentary through exercises.
 Time Allotment: 60 minutes,5 days a week (Q3 W6 Day 1)

Key Concepts

What is a "Good" Source in Determining Validity of Evidence?

Terms and concepts to know for this lesson:
1. Validity - soundness and strength of argument. Is this evidence any good?

2. Audience - people who have read or will read a particular text, publication, or writer,
considered collectively. For whom did the author intend to read or view this source?

3. Authority - power to inspire belief or weight of testimony. Does this person know what
he or she is talking about?

Evaluating a Source
When we determine that a source is "good", we say that it has validity. But how can you
determine if the source you're consulting is valid? Here are couple of questions to consider:

 Who is the author of the source? What are his or her credentials - is he or she a
recognized expert in the field? Are they representing an organization? If so, what is the
organization's mission and goals? If you're unsure, try doing a Google search on the author
or their organization.

 How did the source get its information? If the source includes references, look at a few
of the references - do they look like reliable sources of information? Does it look like the
author is citing the source correctly? Use your best judgment!

Author: Warnely O. Ceniza, SST III

School/Station: Agusan National High School
Division: Butuan City
E-mail address: warnely.ceniza001@deped.gov.ph
 What if the source you've found doesn't have references? If a source doesn't include
references, see if you can fact check the information in other ways. For example, if you're
looking at a news article that quotes experts in a field, do a Google search of the expert's
name and see what information you can find on him or her.

Activity 1: Evidence from the Text

What to do: Read Michael Alvear’s “For Conversation, Press #1 ” pp. 265-266 of your
English 9 textbook .Answer the following questions and cite evidences by supporting your
answer using a quote from the text. Choose your answer from the word pool. Write your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which statement best expresses the author’s main point?

The author stated _____________________________________________________________________

 “A funny thing happened in the way to communications revolution: we stopped

talking to each other.”
 “People are communicating less than they did in the past. “
 “The advances in communications technology are unnecessary.”
 “People are forgetting how to communicate with others.”

2. Which question reveals the author’s confusion about technology?

On page 266 ,the text stated ____________________________________________________________

 “Why say good-morning to the attendant when you can swipe your credit card at
the pump and save yourself the bother of human contact?”
 “Why talk to a clerk who might live in the neighborhood when you can just insert
your card into the ATM?”
 “Why is it that the more connected we get, the more disconnected I feel?”
 “What good is all this gee-whiz technology if there’s no one in the room to hear you
exclaim, “Gee whiz”?

3. Which statement describes the author’s critical tone throughout the selection?
The author said ______________________________________________________________________

Author: Warnely O. Ceniza, SST III

School/Station: Agusan National High School
Division: Butuan City
E-mail address: warnely.ceniza001@deped.gov.ph
 “The telephone used to connect you to the absent. Now it makes people sitting next
to you feel absent.”
 “I am no Luddite. I own a cell phone, an ATM card, a voice-mail system, an e-mail
account. Giving them up isn’t an option–they’re great for what they’re intended to
do. It’s their unintended consequences that make me cringe.”
 “Pretty soon you won’t have the burden of making eye contact at the grocery store.”
 “Directory assistance is almost always fully automated.”

4. What statement emphasized that cell phones isolate people in the third and fourth
In the third and fourth paragraphs, it is stated that _____________________________________

 “The park was filled with people talking on their cell phones.”
 “Evidently, the untethered electronic voice is preferable to human contact.”
 “The telephone used to connect you to the absent. Now it makes people sitting next
to you feel absent.”
 “If my mom has a question, I just leave the answer on her machine.”

5. How did the author deal with the effects of communications technology in his life?
According to the text, ________________________________________________________________________

 “I find myself hiding behind e-mail to do a job meant for conversation”

 “I became invisible, absent from the conversation.”
 “I am no Luddite.”
 “So, I’ve put myself on technology restriction: no instant messaging with people
who live near me, no cell-phoning in the presence of friends, no letting the
voice mail pick up when I’m home.”

Answer briefly.

Aside from the communications technology cited by the author, what other
technological advancements in communication deviate from human interaction?
Cite evidences on this.

Author: Warnely O. Ceniza, SST III

School/Station: Agusan National High School
Division: Butuan City
E-mail address: warnely.ceniza001@deped.gov.ph
References for learners

 English 9 Learner’s Material, pp. 265-266

 http://www.lordalford.com/engieoc/EOCargumentative1.pdf?
 https://umd.instructure.com/courses/1082806/pages/what-is-a-good-source-


Grade 9 Quarter 3 Week 6


Name: ___________________________________________ Section: ____________________

Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC)

Learning Objective:

 MELC – Judge the validity of the evidence listened to (EN9LC-IVh-215)

 Connect evidences of the events that validate/s the judgment/generalization.
 Time Allotment: 60 minutes,5 days a week (Q3-W6, Days 2 and 3)
Key Concepts

Internet Source: https://studylib.net/doc/8978424/grade-5-unit-4-week-2-skill-


Exercises / Activities

Activity 2: Validate my Generalization

What to Do: A. Read each selection inside the box and look for evidences to validate the
given generalization .List down evidences using the graphic organizer. Write your answer on
a separate sheet of paper.

The punishment of criminals has always been a problem for society. Citizens have
had to decide whether offenders such as first-degree murderers should be killed in a
Author: Warnely O. Ceniza, SST III
School/Station: Agusan National High School
Division: Butuan City
E-mail address: warnely.ceniza001@deped.gov.ph
gas chamber, imprisoned for life, or rehabilitated and given a second chance in the
society. Many citizens argue that serious criminals should be executed. They believe
that killing criminals will set an example for others and also rid society of a
cumbersome murder. Other citizens say that no one has the right to take a life and
that capital punishment is not a deterrent to crime. They believe that society as well as
the criminal is responsible for the crimes and that killing the criminal does not solve
the problems of either society or the criminal.

Author: Warnely O. Ceniza, SST III

School/Station: Agusan National High School
Division: Butuan City
E-mail address: warnely.ceniza001@deped.gov.ph
My dog Pan is so much fun to play with. One of the reasons he’s fun is because he
loves to play catch. What’s also fun is that he follows me around the house with a toy and
drops it on my foot, so I will kick it. Additionally, he catches just about anything, but his
favorite thing to catch is a Frisbee. Finally, he loves it when I pretend like falling dead,
and he runs over to lick me. All these reasons show why I really have fun playing with

About 20% of the Americans have allergies. Allergies can range from mildly annoying to
deadly. An allergy is an overreaction of a person’s immune system to something that is harmless.
Many people are allergic to dust, pollen, or mold. Some people are allergic to certain kinds of
food, perfumes, or medicines. An allergy might cause sneezing, coughing, or a rash. Sometimes,
an allergy is so severe that it can lead to death.

Author: Warnely O. Ceniza, SST III

School/Station: Agusan National High School
Division: Butuan City
E-mail address: warnely.ceniza001@deped.gov.ph
B. Read and identify whether each statement is a Generalization or Evidence. Fill in
the table by placing the statements according to their classification.

1. - A physical therapist can help a football player with an injured shoulder get back in the

- A physical therapist feels great when they can help a person heal from a broken arm.

- Physical therapists can help people who have injured muscles or bones.

- A person who is in a wheelchair can see a physical therapist to help him/her move

Generalization 1.
1. 2.

2. -It was a warm sunny day for picnic.

-The sky was a clear blue across which fleecy clouds floated.

-Around us was a stretch of sand shimmering in the clear sunlight.

Author: Warnely O. Ceniza, SST III
School/Station: Agusan National High School
Division: Butuan City
E-mail address: warnely.ceniza001@deped.gov.ph
-On our faces and foreheads blow the warm, summer wind coming from the sea.

Generalization 1.
1. 2.


Answer briefly.

Social media can spread fake news and information about certain issues . Why
do you need to gather evidences before drawing judgment/generalizations?

References for learners



Grade 9 Quarter 3 Week 6


Name: ___________________________________________________ Section: __________________________

Learning Objective:

 MELC - Judge the validity of the evidence listened to (EN9LC-IVh-215)

Author: Warnely O. Ceniza, SST III

School/Station: Agusan National High School
Division: Butuan City
E-mail address: warnely.ceniza001@deped.gov.ph
 Discuss validity of evidences of documentaries presented.
 Time Allotment: 60 minutes,5 days a week (Q3-W6, Days 4 and 5 )

Key Concepts:
 English 9 Learner’s Material, pp. 265-266

Activity 3: Which Is Which?

What to Do: Read again Michael Alvear’s “For Conversation, Press #1” on pages 265-
266 of your English textbook, then distinguish the main argument and its valid evidences by
completing the table below. Discuss briefly your answer by giving your reason/s.


Content 40%
Organization 35%
Mechanics 25%


Which part of the lesson is very difficult/challenging? Why?

References for Learners:

 English 9 Learner’s Material, pp. 265-266

Author: Warnely O. Ceniza, SST III

School/Station: Agusan National High School
Division: Butuan City
E-mail address: warnely.ceniza001@deped.gov.ph
Answer Key:
Activity 1

1. “A funny thing happened in the way to communications revolution: we stopped

talking to each other.”

2. “Why is it that the more connected we get, the more disconnected I feel?”

3. “I am no Luddite. I own a cell phone, an ATM card, a voice-mail system, an e-mail

account. Giving them up isn’t an option–they’re great for what they’re intended to do. It’s
their unintended consequences that make me cringe.”

4. “The telephone used to connect you to the absent. Now it makes people sitting next to you
feel absent.”

5. “So I’ve put myself on technology restriction: no instant messaging with people
who live near me, no cell phoning in the presence of friends, no letting the
voice mail pick up when I’m home.”

Activity 2

1. -Citizens have had to decide whether offenders such as first degree murderers should be
killed in a gas chamber, imprisoned for life, or rehabilitated and given a second chance in
the society.

- Many citizens argue that serious criminals should be executed.

- They believe that killing criminals will set an example for others and also rid society of a
cumbersome murder.

- Other citizens say that no one has the right to take a life and that capital punishment is
not a deterrent to crime.

-They believe that society ,as well as the criminal ,is responsible for the crimes and that
killing the criminal does not solve the problem of either the society or the criminal.

2. - He’s fun is because he loves to play catch.

- He follows me around the house with a toy and drops it on my foot, so I will kick it.

- He catches just about anything, but his favorite thing to catch is a Frisbee.

- He loves it when I pretend like falling dead, and he runs over to lick me.

3. - Allergies can range from mildly annoying to deadly.

Author: Warnely O. Ceniza, SST III

School/Station: Agusan National High School
Division: Butuan City
E-mail address: warnely.ceniza001@deped.gov.ph
- An allergy is an overreaction of a person’s immune system to something that is

- An allergy might cause sneezing, coughing, or a rash.

- An allergy is so severe that it can lead to death.

Activity 2
1.Generalization : Physical therapists can help people who have injured muscles or bones.


- A physical therapist can help a football player with an injured shoulder get back in the

- A physical therapist feels great when they can help a person heal from a broken arm.

- A person who is in a wheelchair can see a physical therapist to help him/her move

2- Generalization : It was a warm sunny day for picnic.


-The sky was a clear blue across which fleecy clouds floated.

-Around us was a stretch of sand shimmering in the clear sunlight.

-On our faces and foreheads blow the warm, summer wind coming from the sea.

Activity 3

Main Argument:

Cell phones isolate and deviate people from having meaningful interaction.

Valid Evidences:
Author: Warnely O. Ceniza, SST III
School/Station: Agusan National High School
Division: Butuan City
E-mail address: warnely.ceniza001@deped.gov.ph
People most of the time are using their cell phones in communicating.

Cell phone deprives people of having meaningful conversation because it stops them from
talking to each other.


I agree with the author because we can observe this meaningful communication breakdown
happening around us with the advances in communication revolution.


Ellen Faye F. Padua, SST III

Venus Sheila O. Ayado, SSHT IV

Maria Dinah D. Abalos, PhD, EPS -English

Author: Warnely O. Ceniza, SST III

School/Station: Agusan National High School
Division: Butuan City
E-mail address: warnely.ceniza001@deped.gov.ph

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