Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

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MIDTERMS: EDUMS06 • Instruction turns to be more thematic, project-based and integrated with skills and

competencies not confined within students themselves.

• Learning is not confined through memorization of facts and figures alone instead, connected
• Focused on a project-based curriculum. to previous knowledge, personal experience, interests, talents, and habits.
− We ask the students to make an output, they learn from experiences and observation.

• Better understanding of concept of knowledge

− Knowledge (Only know) Vs. Wisdom (You can apply it) 21ST CENTURY LEARNING ENVIRONMENT
• Students collaborate with their peers, exchange insights, coach and mentor one another
• From “building” to “nerve centers” and share talents and skills.
− Building is a confinement to where students learn with one another • Cooperative learning is apparent.
− Nerve Centers, information travels, disseminate and processed. • Use technologies.
− Back then, we were just confined to one room (teachers are the only source), but now, • Considers kind of spaces needed in conducting investigations and projects for
we can learn from others (internationally and other schools). independent works.
• Has walls and spaces for displaying student work.
• Teachers: from dispensers of information to facilitators of learning
− Dispensers: teacher-centered, spoon feed the learners.
− Facilitators: student-centered, guide them to learn through observation and Technology in the 21st Century Pedagogy
experience. − Full access to technology (Important!)
− Better bandwidth of Wi-Fi access (Important!)
• Requires knowledge generation, cultivate “culture of inquiry.” − Laboratories for simulation and manipulative works
− Get the students interested, get to excite them. − available televisions to watch school broadcasts.

✓ Learners: adaptive to changes

− Technology Understanding 21st Century Learners
− Multi-culture and Interconnectedness • Digital Natives
− Being student-centered − Digital Natives - The term 'digital native' refers to someone who grew up in the
digital, internet age, and is therefore inherently familiar and comfortable with
digital technology from an early age.
Implications to teachers: − Digital Immigrant - A digital immigrant refers to someone who was born before
1. Teachers must discover student interest the widespread adoption of digital technology and had to adapt to and learn to use
2. Teachers must instill curiosity technology later in life, rather than growing up with it.
3. Teachers must be flexible in how they teach
4. Teachers must excite learners to become more resourceful • Reactive, Random, Holistic, and Non-Linear
• Predominant Sense: Motion and Touch
✓ Demands a school that excites students for school. • Learn through experience and learn differently.
• Immersed in the 21st Century media culture.
• Should be prepared and assisted to become media literate.
• Interdisciplinary, project-based, and research driven.
− Interdisciplinary - subjects are interconnected to each other. 21st Century Skills Outcome and Demand in the Job Market
− Project-based & Research driven. • Set of abilities (21st Century Skills) students need to succeed in the information age.

• Integrate higher order thinking skills, multiple intelligences, technology and multimedia, Partnership of 21st Century skills
multiple literacies and authentic assessment. 1. Learning skills — critical thinking, creative thinking, collaborating, and
• Students work independently and interdependently. 2. Literacy skills — information literacy, media literacy, and technology literacy
− Learners should not have close monitoring from teachers. 3. Life skills — flexibility, leadership, initiative, productivity, and social skills,
− Independently - can work in their own learning.
− Interdependently - collaborating and communicating with their classmate
• Knowing trade, following directions, getting along with others, working hard, being Attributes Of 21st Century Education
professional, efficient, prompt, honest and fair
• Students should solve problems creatively, work in teams, and communicate clearly in 1. Integrated and Interdisciplinary
many media. − Knowledge is no longer distinctly divided into clear cut learning chunks or separate
• Learn ever-changing technologies, and deal with influx of information. subjects.
− Education is characterized by linkages among various subject areas in an integrated
Implications Of 21st Century Learning manner.
➢ Teachers − Utilization of learning from various disciplines.
− Practice teaching cross-disciplinary skills in related courses.
− Articulate technical scientific concepts in verbal, written and graphic forms. 2. Technologies and Multimedia
− Presenting laboratory reports to pool of specialists or use emerging technologies. − Education makes full use of available Information and Communication technology.
− (ICT) as well as multimedia- improving digital literacy abilities is critical so that it
➢ Schools can be passed on to the students.
− Use of variety of applied skills, multiple technologies, and new ways of analyzing − Implication: school needs to acquire and use computers and various multimedia
and processing information equipment
− Adapt and develop new ways of teaching and learning that reflect a changing • Training is needed as part of a bigger “technology plan”
3. Global Classroom
✓ Clear articulation of purpose − Education aims to produce global citizens by exposing students to the concerns of the
region and other countries.
PARADIGM SHIFT FOR 21ST CENTURY EDUCATION − Students encouraged to react and respond to issues.
Time-Based Outcomes-based − Implications: teachers need to include current global issues/concerns in classroom
Focus: Memorization Of Discreate Focus: what students know, can do and
Facts Are like after all the details are forgotten
4. Creating/Adapting to Constant Personal and Social Change and Lifelong learning.
LOTS In Bloom’s Taxonomy HOTS, metacognition − Learning does not only happen inside the school and during one’s schooling years.
Textbook-Driven Research-driven − Learning can take place anywhere, anytime.
− Learning place not only for the purpose of passing exams but also for transferring.
Passive Learning Active learning
knowledge to real life situations
Walled Classroom Global Classroom − Curriculum should be planned in a way that students will continue to learn even
Teacher-Centered Student-Centered outside the school’s portals.
Little To No Student Freedom Great Deal of Student Freedom
5. Student-Centered
Discipline Problem No Discipline Problem − Learning does not only happen inside the school and during one’s schooling years.
Fragmented Curriculum Integrated And Interdisciplinary − Education is focused on students as learners
Formal Assessment Based On Students’ Performance − Education is tailor-fit to address individual learning needs of each students
Assessment making purposes and Assessment important aspect of − Teacher structure variety of learning environment
placed as part of lesson plan Instruction to gauge learning outcome − Implications: teacher should act as facilitators of learning
Low Expectation High Expectation • Learners should be given opportunities to discover new knowledge, learn with
one another, and create their own learning
Teacher Is Judge Self, Peer, and Others Serve as Evaluators
Curriculum Irrelevant to Students Curriculum Connected to Students 6. 21st Century Skills
Print Primary Vehicle of Learning And Performances, Projects and Multiple − Promotes skills needed to be productive members of today’s society
Assessment Forms Of Media Used in Assessment − Students should develop skills that would help them cope with life and work in 21st
Student diversity is ignored Student diversity is addressed century communities (critical and creative thinking skills, problem solving and
Students are empowered to lead and decision making, ICT literacy
Student follow orders and instructions
Initiate while creating solutions and solving. − Implication: teacher is expected to possess these skills before helping students develop
While listening to teacher’s lecture these skills
Literacy is the 3r’s Multiple literacies of the 21st Century
Factory model, based upon the needs of Global model based upon the needs of a
Employees for the industrial age Globalized high-tech society
7. Project-Based and Research Driven 10. High Emotional Quotient (EQ)
− Emphasis on data, information and evidence-based decision making − Teachers do not just have the head but also the heart to teach;
− Relies heavily on student-driven activities to encourage active learning − Teaching emotionally taxing but an influential job as it involves interaction with
− Implications: teachers need to be knowledgeable about research human beings

8. Project-Based and Research Driven Common 21st Century Technology Tools for Learning
− Rooted in real life day-to-day activities of learners • Blogs • Google Docs
• Zoom
− Can be applied to the present and includes what students need to develop • E-potfolio • Google Forms
• Canva
− Implication: topics are taught using current and relevant information and linked to real- • Podcasts • Google Classroom
• Social Media Platform
life situations and context • Youtube • Google Meet
• Teacher needs to be updated on the current trends, developments and issues

Characteristics Of 21st Teacher

1. Multi-Literate
− know how to use various technologies in teaching

2. Multi-Specialist
− Not only knowledgeable in the course subject they teach but also in other areas so that
they can help the learner build up what they gain in he classroom and outside the
school and make senses of what was learned

3. Multi-Skilled
− Teachers cope with the demand for widening learning opportunities by being skillful
not just in teaching but also in facilitating and organizing groups and activities.

4. Self-Directed
− Teachers are responsible for various aspects of school life and know how to initiate
action to realize the learning goals of the students and the educational goals of the

5. Life-long Learner
− Teachers embrace the idea that learning never ends; teachers must constantly be
updated on the latest information related to their subject and pedagogic trends.

6. Flexible
− Teachers are able to adapt to various learning styles and needs of the learners.

7. Creative Problem Solver

− Teachers create innovative ideas and effective solutions to the arising problems in the
field, be it in the classroom in the school or the profession as a whole.

8. Critical Thinker
− Teachers are critical thinkers as they encourage students to reflect on what they have
learned, and rekindle in them the desire to ask questions, reason out, probe, and
establish their own knowledge and belief.

9. Has Passion for Excellent Teaching

− Teachers possess passion in the teaching profession to ensure that students are
motivated to learn under their guidance and care

✓ The P21 Framework for 21st Century Learning was developed with input from educators, Today’s students need to develop thinking skills, content knowledge, and social and emotional
education experts, and business leaders to define and illustrate the skills, knowledge, competencies to navigate complex life and work environments. P21’s essential Life and Career
expertise, and support systems that students need to succeed in work, life, and citizenship. Skills include:
• Flexibility and Adaptability
✓ The Framework continues to be used by thousands of educators and hundreds of schools in • Initiative and Self-Direction
the U.S. and abroad to put 21st century skills at the center of learning. All elements of the • Social and Cross-Cultural Skills
Framework are critical to ensure 21st century readiness for every student. • Productivity and Accountability
• Leadership and Responsibility
✓ When a school, district, or state builds on this foundation, combining knowledge and skills
with the necessary support systems of standards, assessments, curriculum and instruction, 21ST CENTURY SUPPORT SYSTEMS
professional development, and learning environments - students are more engaged in the
learning process and graduate better prepared to thrive in today’s digitally and globally 21st century learning requires an innovative support system to engage learners through
interconnected world. applicable skills and knowledge, appropriate technologies, and real-world connections to make
learning relevant, personalized, and engaging.

Key Subjects and 21st Century Themes P21 has identified five critical support systems to ensure all students receive the kinds of
learning experiences that build 21st century competency:
Mastery of key subjects and 21st century themes is essential to student success. Key subjects • 21st Century Standards
include English, reading or language arts, world languages, arts, mathematics, economics, • Assessments of 21st Century Skills
science, geography, history, government, and civics. • 21st Century Curriculum and Instruction
• 21st Century Professional Development
In addition, schools must promote an understanding of academic content at much higher levels • 21st Century Learning Environments
by weaving 21st century interdisciplinary themes into key subjects:
• Global Awareness
• Financial, Economic, Business and Entrepreneurial Literacy
• Health Literacy
• Environmental Literacy To help practitioners integrate skills into the teaching of key academic subjects, the Partnership
has developed a unified, collective vision for learning known as the Framework for 21st Century
Learning and Innovation Skills
This Framework describes the skills, knowledge and expertise students must master to succeed
Learning and innovation skills are what separate students who are prepared for increasingly in work and life; it is a blend of content knowledge, specific skills, expertise and literacies.
complex life and work environments in today’s world and those who are not. They include: Every 21st century skills implementation requires the development of key academic subject
• Creativity and Innovation knowledge and understanding among all students. Those who can think critically and
• Critical Thinking and Problem Solving communicate effectively must build on a base of key academic subject knowledge.
• Communication
• Collaboration Within the context of key knowledge instruction, students must also learn the essential skills
for success in today’s world, such as critical thinking, problem solving, communication
and collaboration.
Information, Media, and Technology Skills
When a school or district builds on this foundation, combining the entire Framework with the
Today, we live in a technology and media-driven environment, marked by access to an necessary support systems—standards, assessments, curriculum and instruction, professional
abundance of information, rapid changes in technology tools and the ability to collaborate and development and learning environments—students are more engaged in the learning process
make individual contributions on an unprecedented scale. Effective citizens and workers must and graduate better prepared to thrive in today’s global economy.
be able to exhibit a range of functional and critical thinking skills, such as:
• Information Literacy While the graphic represents each element distinctly for descriptive purposes, the
• Media Literacy Partnership views all the components as fully interconnected in the process of 21st century
• ICT (Information, Communications and Technology) Literacy teaching and learning.
In addition to these subjects, we believe schools must move to include not only a focus on
mastery of key subjects, but also promote understanding of academic content at much higher
levels by weaving 21st century interdisciplinary themes into key subjects:

Global Awareness
➢ Using 21st century skills to understand and address global issues.
➢ Learning from and working collaboratively with individuals representing diverse
cultures, religions and lifestyles in a spirit of mutual respect and open dialogue in
personal, work and community contexts.
➢ Understanding other nations and cultures, including the use of non-English languages

Financial, Economic, Business and Entrepreneurial Literacy

➢ Knowing how to make appropriate personal economic choices.
➢ Understanding the role of the economy in society
➢ Using entrepreneurial skills to enhance workplace productivity and career options.

Civic Literacy
➢ Participating effectively in civic life through knowing how to stay informed and
understanding governmental processes.
➢ Exercising the rights and obligations of citizenship at local, state, national and global
➢ Understanding the local and global implications of civic decisions

Health Literacy
21st CENTURY STUDENT OUTCOMES ➢ Obtaining, interpreting and understanding basic health information and services and
using such information and services in ways that enhance health.
➢ Understanding preventive physical and mental health measures, including proper diet,
The elements described in this section as “21st century student outcomes” (represented by the
nutrition, exercise, risk avoidance and stress reduction
rainbow) are the knowledge, skills and expertise students should master to succeed in work and
➢ Using available information to make appropriate health-related decisions.
life in the 21st century.
➢ Establishing and monitoring personal and family health goals
➢ Understanding national and international public health and safety issues
Environmental Literacy
Mastery of key subjects and 21st century themes is essential for all students in the 21st century.
➢ Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the environment and the circumstances
Key subjects include:
and conditions affecting it, particularly as relates to air, climate, land, food, energy, water
• Arts
and ecosystems.
• Economics ➢ Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of society’s impact on the natural world
• English, reading or language arts (e.g., population growth, population development, resource consumption rate, etc.)
• Geography ➢ Investigate and analyze environmental issues and make accurate conclusions about
• Government and Civics effective solutions.
• History ➢ Take individual and collective action towards addressing environmental challenges (e.g.,
• Mathematics participating in global actions, designing solutions that inspire action on environmental
• Science issues)
• World languages


➢ Learning and innovation skills increasingly are being recognized as those that separate
students who are prepared for a more and more complex life and work environments in
the 21st century, and those who are not. A focus on creativity, critical thinking,
communication, and collaboration is essential to prepare students for the future.
1. CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION • Use communication for a range of purposes (e.g. to inform, instruct, motivate and
Think Creatively • Utilize multiple media and technologies and know how to judge their effectiveness a priori
• Use a wide range of idea creation techniques (such as brainstorming) as well as assess their impact.
• Create new and worthwhile ideas (both incremental and radical concepts) • Communicate effectively in diverse environments (including multi-lingual)
• Elaborate, refine, analyze, and evaluate their own ideas in order to improve and maximize
creative efforts.
Collaborate with Others
Work Creatively with Others • Demonstrate ability to work effectively and respectfully with diverse teams.
• Develop, implement, and communicate new ideas to others effectively. • Exercise flexibility and willingness to be helpful in making necessary compromises to
• Be open and responsive to new and diverse perspectives; incorporate group input and accomplish a common goal.
feedback into the work. • Assume shared responsibility for collaborative work, and value the individual.
• Demonstrate originality and inventiveness in work and understand the real-world limits to contributions made by each team member.
adopting new ideas.
• View failure as an opportunity to learn; understand that creativity and innovation is a long-
term, cyclical process of small successes and frequent mistakes.


• Act on creative ideas to make a tangible and useful contribution to the field in which the ➢ People in the 21st century live in a technology and media-driven environment, marked
innovation will occur. by various characteristics, including:
1) access to an abundance of information,
2) rapid changes in technology tools, and
2. CRITICAL THINKING AND PROBLEM SOLVING 3) the ability to collaborate and make individual contributions on an
unprecedented scale.
Reason Effectively ➢ Effective citizens and workers of the 21st century must be able to exhibit a range of
• Use various types of reasoning (inductive, deductive, etc.) as appropriate to the situation. functional and critical thinking skills related to information, media, and technology.
• Use Systems Thinking
• Analyze how parts of a whole interact with each other to produce overall outcomes in
complex systems. 1. INFORMATION LITERACY

Make Judgments and Decisions Access and Evaluate Information

• Effectively analyze and evaluate evidence, arguments, claims, and beliefs • Access information efficiently (time) and effectively (sources)
• Analyze and evaluate major alternative points of view. • Evaluate information critically and competently.
• Synthesize and make connections between information and arguments.
• Interpret information and draw conclusions based on the best analysis. Use and Manage Information
• Reflect critically on learning experiences and processes. • Use information accurately and creatively for the issue or problem at hand.
• Manage the flow of information from a wide variety of sources.
Solve Problems • Apply a fundamental understanding of the ethical/legal issues surrounding the access and
• Solve different kinds of non-familiar problems in both conventional and innovative ways. use of information.
• Identify and ask significant questions that clarify various points of view and lead to better


• Understand both how and why media messages are constructed, and for what purposes.
Communicate Clearly • Examine how individuals interpret messages differently, how values and points of view are
• Articulate thoughts and ideas effectively using oral, written, and nonverbal communication included or excluded, and how media can influence beliefs and behaviors.
skills in a variety of forms and contexts. • Apply a fundamental understanding of the ethical/legal issues surrounding the access and
• Listen effectively to decipher meaning, including knowledge, values, attitudes and use of media.
Create Media Products
• Understand and utilize the most appropriate media creation tools, characteristics, and Manage Goals and Time
conventions. • Set goals with tangible and intangible success criteria.
• Understand and effectively utilize the most appropriate expressions and interpretations in • Balance tactical (short-term) and strategic (long-term) goals
diverse, multi-cultural environments. • Utilize time and manage workload efficiently.

Work Independently
3. ICT (Information, Communications and Technology) LITERACY • Monitor, define, prioritize, and complete tasks without direct oversight.

Apply Technology Effectively Be Self-directed Learners

• Use technology as a tool to research, organize, evaluate and communicate information. • Go beyond basic mastery of skills and/or curriculum to explore and expand one’s own
• Use digital technologies (computers, PDAs, media players, GPS, etc.), learning and opportunities to gain expertise.
communication/networking tools and social networks appropriately to access, manage, • Demonstrate initiative to advance skill levels towards a professional level.
integrate, evaluate and create information to successfully function in a knowledge • Demonstrate commitment to learning as a lifelong process.
economy. • Reflect critically on past experiences in order to inform future progress.
• Apply a fundamental understanding of the ethical/legal issues surrounding the access
and use of information technologies.

• Use digital technologies (computers, PDAs, media players, GPS, etc.), 3. SOCIAL AND CROSS-CULTURAL SKILLS
communication/networking tools and social networks appropriately to access, manage,
integrate, evaluate, and create information to successfully function in a knowledge Interact Effectively with Others
economy. • Know when it is appropriate to listen and when to speak.
• Apply a fundamental understanding of the ethical/legal issues surrounding the access and • Conduct themselves in a respectable, professional manner.
use of information technologies.
Work Effectively in Diverse Teams
• Respect cultural differences and work effectively with people from a range of social and
cultural backgrounds.
LIFE AND CAREER SKILLS • Respond open-mindedly to different ideas and values.
➢ Today’s life and work environments require far more than thinking skills and content • Leverage social and cultural differences to create new ideas and increase both innovation
knowledge. The ability to navigate the complex life and work environments in the and quality of work.
globally competitive information age requires students to pay rigorous attention to
developing adequate life and career skills.


Manage Projects
Adapt to Change • Set and meet goals, even in the face of obstacles and competing pressures.
• Adapt to varied roles, jobs responsibilities, schedules, and contexts. • Prioritize, plan, and manage work to achieve the intended result.
• Work effectively in a climate of ambiguity and changing priorities.
Produce Results
Be Flexible • Demonstrate additional attributes associated with producing high quality products
• Incorporate feedback effectively. including the abilities to:
• Deal positively with praise, setbacks, and criticism. - Work positively and ethically
• Understand, negotiate, and balance diverse views and beliefs to reach workable. - Manage time and projects effectively
• solutions, particularly in multi-cultural environments - Multitask
- Participate actively, as well as be reliable and punctual
- Present oneself professionally and with proper etiquette
- Collaborate and cooperate effectively with teams
- Respect and appreciate team diversity
- Be accountable for results
• Enables innovative learning methods that integrate the use of supportive technologies,
5. LEADERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITY inquiry- and problem-based approaches and higher order thinking skills.
• Encourages the integration of community resources beyond school walls.
Guide and Lead Others
• Use interpersonal and problem-solving skills to influence and guide others toward a goal.
• Leverage strengths of others to accomplish a common goal. 21st Century Professional Development
• Inspire others to reach their very best via example and selflessness. • Highlights ways teachers can seize opportunities for integrating 21st century skills, tools
• Demonstrate integrity and ethical behavior in using influence and power. and teaching strategies into their classroom practice — and help them identify what
activities they can replace/de-emphasize.
Be Responsible to Others • Balances direct instruction with project-oriented teaching methods
• Act responsibly with the interests of the larger community in mind. • Illustrates how a deeper understanding of subject matter can actually enhance problem-
solving, critical thinking, and other 21st century skills.
• Enables 21st century professional learning communities for teachers that model the
kinds of classroom learning that best promotes 21st century skills for students.
21st CENTURY SUPPORT SYSTEMS • Cultivates teachers’ ability to identify students’ particular learning styles, intelligences,
strengths, and weaknesses.
The elements described below are the critical systems necessary to ensure student mastery of • Helps teachers develop their abilities to use various strategies (such as formative
21st century skills. 21st century standards, assessments, curriculum, instruction, professional assessments) to reach diverse students and create environments that support
development and learning environments must be aligned to produce a support system that differentiated teaching and learning.
produces 21st century outcomes for today’s students. • Supports the continuous evaluation of students’ 21st century skills development.
• Encourages knowledge sharing among communities of practitioners, using face-to-face,
21st Century Standards virtual and blended communications.
• Focus on 21st century skills, content knowledge and expertise. • Uses a scalable and sustainable model of professional development.
• Build understanding across and among key subjects as well as 21st century
interdisciplinary themes.
• Emphasize deep understanding rather than shallow knowledge. 21st Century Learning Environments
• Engage students with the real-world data, tools and experts they will encounter in • Create learning practices, human support and physical environments that will support
college, on the job, and in life; students learn best when actively engaged in solving the teaching and learning of 21st century skill outcomes.
meaningful problems. • Support professional learning communities that enable educators to collaborate, share
• Allow for multiple measures of mastery. best practices and integrate 21st century skills into classroom practice.
• Enable students to learn in relevant, real world 21st century contexts (e.g., through
project-based or other applied work)
Assessment of 21st Century Skills • Allow equitable access to quality learning tools, technologies and resources.
• Supports a balance of assessments, including high-quality standardized testing along • Provide 21st century architectural and interior designs for group, team and individual
with effective formative and summative classroom assessments. learning.
• Emphasizes useful feedback on student performance that is embedded into everyday • Support expanded community and international involvement in learning, both face-to-
learning. face and online
• Requires a balance of technology-enhanced, formative, and summative assessments that
measure student mastery of 21st century skills.
• Enables development of portfolios of student work that demonstrate mastery of 21st
century skills to educators and prospective employers. ABOUT THE PARTNERSHIP FOR 21ST CENTURY LEARNING
• Enables a balanced portfolio of measures to assess the educational system’s
effectiveness in reaching high levels of student competency in 21st century skills. The Partnership for 21st Century Learning recognizes that all learners need educational
experiences in school and beyond, from cradle to career, to build knowledge and skills for
success in a globally and digitally interconnected world. Representing over 5 million members
21st Century Curriculum and Instruction of the global workforce, P21 unites business, government and education leaders from the U.S.
• Teaches 21st century skills discretely in the context of key subjects and 21st century and abroad to advance evidence-based education policy and practice and to make innovative
interdisciplinary themes. teaching and learning a reality for all. P21 and member organizations provide tools and
• Focuses on providing opportunities for applying 21st century skills across content areas resources that help facilitate and drive this necessary change.
and for a competency-based approach to learning.
Media Literacy Information Literacy Skills
• The ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media (Firestone,1993). Information literacy refers to the specific set
• Means helping students develop an informed and critical understanding of the nature of of skills that one needs to find information,
mass media, the techniques used and their impact (The Ontario Ministry of Education, review, and verify the information, and
1989) properly use the information. It encompasses
• It aims to enhance students’ understanding and appreciation how media work, how they how one engages with the digital world, how
produce meaning, and how they construct reality. It also provides the ability to create media they assign meaning to the discovered
product. ( information, and the ethical use of that
• Media Literacy, therefore, is the ability to identify different types of media from a wide information.
array of sources and understand the messages they bring (Hobbs, 1997).

6 Roles of Media Literacy • The information literate person engages independent, self-directed learning.
1. Learn to think critically. • The information literate person implements information processes.
2. Become a smart consumer of products and information. • The information literate person uses a variety of information technologies and systems.
3. Recognize point of view. • The information literate person has internalized values which promote information use
4. Create Media Responsibly. • The information literate person has a sound knowledge of the world of information.
5. Identify the role of media in our culture. • The information literate person approaches information critically.
6. Understanding the author’s goal. • The information literate person has a personal information style which facilitates his or
her interaction with the world of information.
• The information literate person is a lifelong learner.


1. Critical Thinkers 1. Embedding Information Literacy in Lessons
2. Creative 2. Interactive Information Literacy Workshops
3. Well Informed 3. Using Big 6 Models (task definition, information seeking strategies, location access, use of
4. Responsible Creators information, synthesis, evaluation)

5 Ways to Integrate Media Literacy into the Classroom (Lynch, 2018)

1.Teach Students to Evaluate Media
2.Show Students where to find Digital Resources and Databases. Technology Literacy
3.Compare/Contrast various Media Sources - the use of technology as a tool to research, organize, evaluate and communicate information.
4.Discuss how the Media Edits and Alters.
5.Examining the “truth” in Advertisements
• Basic Technology Skills
• Digital Communication Skills
1. Create Media Projects “creating a podcast or planning a social media
campaign” • Cybersecurity Awareness
2. Role-Playing Scenarios “students take on different roles, such as ajournalist, advertiser, • Adaptability
or social media influencer, to understand howdifferent perspectives shape media • Creativity and Innovation
content” • Lifelong Learning Mindset
3. Critical Viewing Activities “analyze media content as a class,discussing elements like
bias, stereotypes, and persuasive techniques” 5 teaching Strategies (Priyanka Gupta 2016)
1. Use of Multimedia
2. Utilization of social Media
3. Use of Variety of Resources
4. Making most games and perks of Gamifications
5. Use of technology to empower students and reach out

Flexibility and Adaptability Leadership

• Visionary: Sets clear goals and inspires others with a compelling vision.
Flexibility • Effective Communicator: Conveys ideas clearly, listens actively, and fosters open
- Able to incorporate feedback effectively. communication.
- Understand, negotiate, and balance diverse views and beliefs to reach workable solutions, • Decisive: Makes informed decisions promptly, considering the team's well-being.
particularly in multicultural environments. • Adaptable: Navigates change with resilience and adjusts strategies as needed.
• Empathetic: Understands and considers others' perspectives, fostering a supportive
Characteristic environment.
• Dynamic and versatile in their thinking • Strategic Thinker: Plans and executes strategies to achieve long-term objectives.
• Capable of dealing with unexpected stressors • Accountable: Takes responsibility for actions and outcomes, instilling a sense of
• Likely to suggest creative solutions to problems accountability in the team.
• Willing to try new experiences • Inspirational: Motivates and encourages team members to reach their full potential.
• Open to new ideas and ways of doing things • Integrity: Acts with honesty, ethics, and consistency, building trust within the team.
• Mindful of others’ thoughts and feelings • Collaborative: Promotes teamwork, values diverse opinions, and encourages
- Adapt to varied roles, job responsibilities, schedules, and contexts Responsibility
- Work effectively in a climate of ambiguity and changing priorities • Reliable: Consistently meets commitments and follows through on tasks.
• Accountable: Takes ownership of mistakes and learns from them.
• Dependable: Can be counted on to fulfill obligations and duties.
Characteristic • Proactive: Anticipates needs and takes initiative without constant supervision.
• Become a Curious Learner • Organized: Manages time and resources efficiently to meet deadlines.
• Be Fluid and Flexible • Honest: Communicates transparently, admitting when challenges arise.
• Just Do It • Adaptable: Responds well to changes and adjusts plans accordingly.
• Celebrate Failure • Trustworthy: Builds and maintains trust through consistent actions and integrity.
Exploration of Different Genres and Styles: Expose students to a variety of literary genres METHOD/ACTIVITY/STRATEGY
and styles to encourage flexibility in their analysis and writing
Activity: • Role-playing Exercises:
Collaborative Projects: Assign group projects to analyze texts from different angles,
• Classroom Discussions:
promoting adaptability in teamwork and perspective-taking.
• Project-Based Learning:
Strategy: • Guest Speakers and Case Studies:
Incorporate technology tools and platforms into classroom activities to familiarize students • Peer Leadership Opportunities:
with digital literacy skills and adapt to new modes of communication and expression. • Reflective Journals:
• Leadership Workshops:

Leadership is the ability to guide, inspire, and influence others towards a common goal. It • Setting Clear Expectations
involves making decisions, providing direction, and fostering a positive environment. • Goal Setting
• Regular Check-Ins
Responsibility is the obligation to fulfill one's duties and be accountable for one's actions. It • Accountability Partnership
includes taking ownership of tasks, being reliable, and considering the consequences of one's • Reflective Journals
Productivity and Accountability

Initiative and Self-Direction Productivity

− According to simplilearn, productivity is a process that can be defined as the
INITIATIVE efficiency with which goods and services are.
• Refer to your ability to assess a situation and act without direction from someone else. − Also it is the amount of time. Greater productivity means you complete more with
• Self-management skills, and purposeful self- management can help you set goals less time or effort. That you can measure accomplishments by the quality of the
independently and direct the trajectory of your career. work, the number of tasks finished or the amount of product created.

• It shows how efficiently you are using your resources to achieve your goals.
SELF-DIRECTION • Also it achieves the goals using these skills:
• An ability and tendency to act without being told what to do. • The setting and meeting deadlines, it prioritizes the needs, managing time, working
• Sometimes called Consumer-direction or Participant-direction, gives you the freedom ethically, collaborating, and cooperating with others.
to choose the services and supports you need to live independently, in your own home. • It maintains efficiency in an age of distractions.

Characteristics Reflection
• Confident Strategy
• Self-Management Boldness
• Decisiveness Compassion
• Problem-Solving Inquisitiveness
Self-Directed should:
• Take initiative. Accountability
• Comfortable with independence - Accountability as a 21st century skill is demonstrating efficient time management,
appropriate resource allocation, personal integrity, and self-monitoring to meet the demands of
• Persistence
productivity. Thus, individuals and teams recognize the interconnectedness of their actions at
• Accepts responsibility.
all levels.
• View problems as challenges
1. An accountable person is responsible for the success or failure of their projects. As a result,
they can’t just float under the radar. They have to step up and take action to ensure they are
Strategies and Implementation successful.
• Tie Lessons to Language Goals 2.Failure happens to everyone. But only a small number of people will own up to their
• Connect Language Learning to Real World Context personal failures. These are the people who hold themselves accountable.
• Support Proactive Language Learning 3. An accountable person is more likely to take proactive action rather than simply react to
• Incorporate Group Work for Language Skills problems. This is because they know that they will be accountable for failure.
4. Accountability is also about being receptive to feedback.
Tools: 5. Accountability may mean you need to speak up when necessary, even if it means you are a
• Summative Measures of Social-Emotional Learning whistleblower. If you see something unethical, you might feel accountable to your peers and
• Evidence-Centered Design (ECD) community, and feel the need to report it.
• Authentic, Performance-Based Tasks
• Formative Assessment Tools Student Self-Reflections/Evaluations A. Manage Projects
B. Produce Results



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