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Internship Report

Digital Marketing on

Committed Corporate Ltd.

Supervised By:

Md.Azmir Hossain

Associate Professor

Dept. Of Business Administration

Dhaka International University

Submitted By: Md.Tofael Ahmed.

Program: EMBA, Batch-49th B (MKT)

Reg. No: BS-M2-49B-21-117673

Session: 2022-23; Roll-02

Dept. Of Business Administration.

Dhaka International University.


Committed Student Consultancy, a sister concern of Committed Corporate Ltd. is a distinguished

subsidiary of business, dedicated to shaping the academic aspirations of students in Bangladesh and
guiding them towards a world-class education abroad. At Committed Student Consultancy, they
understand the significance of international education in fostering personal and professional growth. As
a trusted name in the realm of education consultancy, they take pride in their commitment to helping
students embark on transformative journeys towards a brighter future.
Letter of Transmittal

Md. Azmir Hossain.

Associate professor Department of Business Administration.

Dhaka International University.

Subject: Submission of internship report on Digital Marketing

Dear Sir,

It is a great pleasure to submit my project report on "Digital Marketing" of Committed Corporate Ltd.
with due gratefulness and admiration. I am fortunate enough that I have got the opportunity to have the
excellent working teams of Committed Student Consultancy where I have learned the knowledge of
their digital marketing process and selling procedures effectively. I tried to my level best to make this
report with practical experience and discussion with Digital Marketing Department during the time of
working there. I would like to assure you that I will remain on standby for any clarification, an
explanation as and when required.

Thank you in advance for your kind assistance.

Yours faithfully

Md. Tofael Ahmed.

Program: EMBA, Batch-49th B

Reg. No: BS-M2-49B-21-117673

Session: 2022-23; Roll-02

Department of Business Administration.

Dhaka International University.

Student's Declaration

I the undersigned, do hereby declare that this report titled Digital Marketing of Committed Corporate
Ltd. has been written by me under the valuable guidance of Md. Azmir Hossain, Associate professor,
Department of Business Administration, Dhaka International University, for the partial fulfilment of the
requirements of EMBA. I am also declaring that I have not submitted this report for any degree, diploma
and titled recognition before.

Yours faithfully

Md. Tofael Ahmed.

Program: EMBA, Batch-49th B

Reg. No: BS-M2-49B-21-117673

Session: 2022-23; Roll-02

Department of Business Administration.

Dhaka International University.

Clarification of Supervisor
This is to clarify that Md.Tofael Ahmed is a student of EMBA, Department of Business Administration,
Dhaka International University, Reg. No: BS-M2-49B-21-117673, Batch-49 th B, has prepared the project
report on Digital Marketing at Committed Corporate Ltd. for the partial fulfilments of the requirements
of EMBA. He has completed the Internship report according to my supervision and guidance. He has
tried his best to do this successfully. So the report has been accepted for submission. I think this report
will help him in the future to build up his career. I wish his success and prosperity.

Comment: Report quality is good indeed.

Md. Azmir Hossain.

Associate professor Department of Business Administration.

Dhaka International University.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Md Siddique Alam Khan, for his
invaluable guidance, unwavering support, and expert insights throughout the entire process of
creating this project report. As the culmination of my efforts, this report would not have been possible
without his exceptional mentorship

SA khan, played a pivotal role in the success of this project, providing meticulous attention to detail,
constructive feedback, and a wealth of knowledge that significantly enhanced the quality of the
report. Their dedication to excellence and commitment to fostering my professional growth have left
an indelible mark on this work.

I am particularly grateful for SA Khan's expertise in project design, which greatly influenced the
structure and coherence of this report. His keen eye for detail and ability to provide insightful
suggestions have been instrumental in shaping the project into its final form.

Moreover, I appreciate the patience and encouragement SA Khan demonstrated throughout the
entire process. Their approachability and willingness to address my queries and concerns have created
a positive and conducive working relationship, making the project journey both educational and

In conclusion, I am deeply grateful to SA Khan for his outstanding supervision, mentorship, and
support. His guidance has been a cornerstone in the completion of this project, and I am privileged to
have had the opportunity to work under his expert leadership.

Thank you for your time, dedication, and the invaluable lessons that will undoubtedly shape my
future endeavours.


Md. Tofael Ahmed.

Program: EMBA, Batch-49th B

Reg. No: BS-M2-49B-21-117673

Session: 2022-23; Roll-02

Department of Business Administration.

Dhaka International University.

Table of Contents

CHAPTER-01 Executive Summary

Company History

Mission and Vision




Products and Services


Target Audience








Market Positioning


CHAPTER-02 Industry analysis





Overview of the Study Abroad Industry

Trends and Challenges

Competitive Landscape






CHAPTER-03 Digital Marketing Landscape

Importance of Digital Marketing




CHAPTER-04 Digital Marketing Objectives



Increase Brand Awareness



Key Digital Marketing Channels



Lead Generation



Improving Conversion Rate



Enhancing Customer Engagement




Target Audience & Buyer's personas



Target Audience

Buyer's personas




CHAPTER-06 Measurement & Analytics






Enrolment Rates & Others

Tools & Platforms for Analytics, Reporting & Analysis


CHAPTER-07 Budget & Resource Allocation






Budget Planning

Resource Allocation

CHAPTER-08 Risk Analysis






Budget Planning

Resource Allocation

In this report I will discuss about Digital Marketing. Digital marketing in Bangladesh has witnessed
significant growth, driven by increasing internet accessibility and the widespread use of mobile devices.
Social media platforms, particularly Facebook and YouTube, are dominant channels for communication
and advertising. The rise of e-commerce has further fuelled the demand for digital marketing strategies,
and businesses are increasingly investing in mobile marketing search engine optimization (SEO), content
marketing, and digital advertising. While the sector continues to expand challenges such as digital
literacy gaps and infrastructure limitations persist, requiring ongoing efforts to overcome.

Origin of the report

The origin of a report on Digital Marketing in Bangladesh can vary depending on the context and
purpose of the report. Typically, such reports are generated by research firms, marketing agencies, or
government organizations seeking to provide insights into the digital marketing landscape in the country
Research conducted by academic institutions or business schools may contribute to the understanding
of digital marketing trends in Bangladesh. Universities often engage in studies that provide insights into
the industry's dynamics and its impact on businesses. Management and consulting firms frequently
produce reports as part of their services, offering strategic recommendations, market analysis, and
business insights to clients.
Executive Summary
Executive Summary

Committed Student Consultancy, established in 2019 as a proud subsidiary of Committed Corporate Ltd,
has swiftly emerged as a pioneering force in the realm of education consultancy in Bangladesh.
Specializing in facilitating study abroad programs, the consultancy has been dedicated to guiding
aspiring students from Bangladesh towards prestigious academic institutions worldwide. As a sister
concern of Committed Corporate Ltd, a name synonymous with excellence and reliability, Committed
Student Consultancy inherits a legacy that transcends mere transactions. Our commitment to providing
comprehensive and personalized services has allowed us to carve a niche in the competitive landscape
of education consultancy. Committed Student Consultancy has been driven by a mission to empower the
educational aspirations of Bangladeshi students. Our vision is to act as a transformative force,
connecting students with global opportunities and fostering an environment where education knows no
1.1 Company History PAGE 01

Committed Student Consultancy embarked on its journey in 2019, born as a visionary initiative under
the umbrella of Committed Corporate Ltd., a distinguished entity with a legacy of excellence in various
sectors. The foundation was laid with a clear mission to serve as a guiding force for students in
Bangladesh, facilitating their aspirations of pursuing higher education on an international stage. From
the outset, Committed Student Consultancy was grounded in principles of integrity transparency, and a
commitment to personalized service. Recognizing the transformative power of global education, the
company set out to create a platform that would not only simplify the process of studying abroad but
also enrich the academic experiences of every student it served. The initial years were marked by
meticulous planning, strategic partnerships, and a dedicated team assembling under the banner of
Committed Student Consultancy With a focus on understanding the unique needs of Bangladeshi
students, the consultancy rapidly gained traction by offering a suite of services that included educational
counselling, admission assistance, visa support, and pre-departure orientation.
1.2 Mission & Vision PAGE 02

At Committed Student Consultancy, the company mission is to empower the educational aspirations of
students in Bangladesh, transcending borders and providing seamless access to global academic
opportunities. They are committed to offering personalized, transparent, and innovative services that
guide students towards successful study abroad experiences. Through our expertise and dedication,
company aims to be the catalyst that transforms dreams into tangible realities. fostering a culture of
lifelong learning without boundaries.

Vision at Committed Student Consultancy is to be the leading force in shaping the future of international
education for Bangladeshi students. The company envision a world where every ambitious learner has
the resources, guidance, and support needed to embark on a transformative academic journey abroad.
By cultivating a global perspective, fostering strategic partnerships, and embracing innovation, the
company aspire to redefine the study abroad experience, creating pathways that unlock the full
potential of individuals and contribute to a more interconnected, knowledgeable, and empowered
global community.
1.3 Products & Services PAGE:03

1. Educational Counseling:
Professional guidance from experienced counsellors to help students make informed decisions about
their academic future.

Tailored counseling sessions to align academic goals with suitable study programs and institutions

2. Admission Assistance:
Streamlined application processes for universities worldwide, ensuring accurate and compelling

Personalized assistance to enhance the quality of applications, increasing the likelihood of


3 Visa Support Services:

Comprehensive support in navigating the intricacies of the visa application process.

Guidance on documentation and interview preparation to facilitate a smooth and successful visa

4. Pre-departure Orientation:
Thorough sessions to prepare students for the cultural, academic, and practical aspects of living and
studying abroad.

Practical advice on adjusting to a new environment, managing finances, and making the most of the
international academic experience.

5. University Selection and Application Strategy:

* In-depth analysis of students academic backgrounds, preferences, and career goals to recommend
suitable universities.

Customized application strategies to maximize the chances of admission to preferred institutions.

6. Test Preparation Assistance:

Guidance and resources for standardized tests such as IELTS, TOEFL, GRE, and GMAT.

Access to test preparation materials, practice exams, and expert advice to help students achieve their
target scores.

7. Scholarship and Financial Aid Assistance:

Research and guidance on available scholarships, grants, and financial aid opportunities.
Assistance in preparing scholarship applications, enhancing affordability for deserving students.

8. Document Verification and Application Review:

* Thorough review of academic and application documents to ensure accuracy and completeness.
1.4 Target Audience PAGE 04

1. Prospective Students:

High School Graduates: Individuals who have completed their high school education and are looking
to pursue undergraduate studies abroad

Graduate Aspirants: Those who have completed their undergraduate studies and wish to pursue
masters or doctoral programs internationally

2. Parents and Guardians:

Parents and guardians who play a significant role in the decision-making process, seeking reliable
guidance for their children's academic future

Working Professionals: 3.

Individuals already in the workforce who aspire to enhance their skills, knowledge, and career
prospects through international education

4. Educational Institutions in Bangladesh:

Schools, colleges, and universities in Bangladesh seeking partnerships or guidance to facilitate study
abroad programs for their students.

5 Corporate Partners:

Companies and organizations interested in providing educational opportunities for their employees
through study abroad programs.

6. Educational Professionals:

Teachers, counsellors, and educational professionals seeking collaboration for educational initiatives
and programs.

7 Government and Non-Governmental Organizations.

Entities interested in promoting and facilitating international education as part of their initiatives.

8. Professionals Seeking Career Development:

* Individuals looking to enhance their skills or switch careers through specialized international

9. International Educational Institutions:

Universities and educational institutions worldwide looking to attract and enrol students from

10. Community Leaders and Influencers:

Leaders and influencers within the community who may guide and influence educational decisions.

1.5 Market Positioning PAGE 05

1. Expertise and Experience:

Positioning Statement: Committed Student Consultancy with the solid backing of Committed
Corporate Ltd, leverages its extensive experience since 2019 to provide unparalleled expertise in the
field of study abroad programs.

Key Points: A well-established presence in the market signifies a wealth of knowledge, ensuring that
clients receive guidance from seasoned professionals with a proven track record.

2. Personalized Approach:

Positioning Statement: Committed Student Consultancy distinguishes itself by offering a personalized

approach to each student, recognizing their unique aspirations, academic background, and career

Key Points: Tailored services and individualized attention foster a sense of trust and reliability setting
the consultancy apart in the market.

3. Comprehensive Services:

Positioning Statement: As a one-stop solution, Committed Student Consultancy provides end-to-end

services, encompassing educational counseling, admission assistance, visa support, and post-landing

Key Points. The breadth and depth of services cater to all aspects of the study abroad journey, offering
convenience and peace of mind for clients.

4. Global Network and Partnerships:

Positioning Statement: Committed Student Consultancy has curated a vast global network, forming
strategic partnerships with renowned international institutions, providing students with access to
diverse academic opportunities.

Key Points. The expansive network enhances the consultancy's credibility, ensuring that clients have a
myriad of choices for their academic pursuits.

5. Client-Centric Focus:

Positioning Statement: Placing clients at the forefront, Committed Student Consultancy is committed
to providing transparent, ethical, and client-centric services that prioritize the needs and goals of each

Key Points: A commitment to exceptional customer service builds trust and long- term relationships,
creating a positive reputation in the market.

6. Innovation in Education Consulting:

Positioning Statement: Committed Student Consultancy stands as an innovator in the education

consulting sector, constantly adapting to industry trends, technological advancements, and the
evolving needs of students.

Key Points: Embracing innovation demonstrates the consultancy's forward-thinking approach,

ensuring it remains a dynamic and relevant player in the market.

7. Reputation for Success:

Positioning Statement: Committed Student Consultancy has earned a reputation for success, with a
track record of guiding students to successful academic journeys abroad since its establishment in

Key Points. Success stories and positive testimonials contribute to the consultancy's credibility,
making it a trusted choice for prospective students and their families.

8. Accessibility and Inclusivity:

Positioning Statement: Committed Student Consultancy is committed to making study abroad

opportunities accessible to a diverse audience, fostering inclusivity and ensuring that every student's
dream is within reach.

Key Points: A commitment to accessibility aligns with societal values and positions the consultancy as
an advocate for equal educational opportunities.
Industry Analysis
2.1 Overview of the Study Abroad Industry page 07

Introduction: The study abroad industry has witnessed significant growth and transformation in
recent years, driven by a global demand for quality education, cultural diversity, and enhanced career
opportunities. Committed Student Consultancy, established in 2019 as a sister concern of Committed
Corporate Ltd. has been an integral player in this dynamic industry, facilitating study abroad programs
for students in Bangladesh. Here's an overview of the key aspects of the study abroad industry and
the role played by Committed Student Consultancy:

1. Market Trends and Growth:

Global Demand: The study abroad industry has experienced a surge in demand as students seek
international exposure, quality education, and a competitive edge in the global job market

Diversification of Destinations: Students are increasingly exploring diverse study destinations, beyond
traditional choices, driven by factors such as the quality of education, cultural experience, and post-
graduation opportunities.

2. Industry Dynamics and Challenges:

Regulatory Changes Evolving visa regulations, immigration policies, and changing geopolitical
scenarios impact the dynamics of the study abroad industry, requiring constant adaptation

COVID-19 Impact: The industry faced challenges due to the global pandemic, leading to disruptions in
travel, changes in teaching methodologies, and increased reliance on digital solutions

3. Services and Offerings:

Educational Counseling Educational consultants play a pivotal role in guiding students through the
complex process of choosing suitable study programs and institutions

Admission Assistance with university applications, ensuring adherence to admission requirements,

and crafting compelling applications to enhance acceptance.

Visa Support Services. Navigating visa procedures, documentation, and interviews to facilitate smooth
transitions for students.

4. Technology Integration:

Digital Platforms. The industry has witnessed a shift towards digital platforms for virtual campus
tours, online application submissions, and remote counseling. providing convenience and accessibility

Data Analytics. Integration of data analytics and Al in the industry for personalized student
recommendations, enhancing the efficiency of educational counseling services.

5. Global Partnerships and Collaborations:

International Collaborations. Educational institutions worldwide are actively seeking collaborations

with study abroad agencies to attract a diverse student population. Corporate Collaborations.
Partnerships with corporations and employers to enhance post-graduation opportunities for students,
bridging the gap between academia and industry

6. Student Demographics:

Diverse Student Base. The industry serves a diverse demographic of students, including recent high
school graduates, working professionals, and those seeking career advancement through specialized

Increasing Parental Involvement: Parents are playing a more active role in the decision-making
process, seeking reputable consultants to ensure the best outcomes

for their children.

7. Future Outlook:

Hybrid Learning Models. The industry is adapting to hybrid learning models, incorporating online and
in-person elements to cater to diverse student preferences.

Sustainable Education, Increasing awareness of environmental issues has led to a growing demand for
sustainable education practices, influencing study abroad choices.

Role of Committed Student Consultancy: Committed Student Consultancy, as a key player in the study
abroad industry since 2019, has navigated these industry dynamics by providing comprehensive
services, adapting to technological.
PAGE: 09

advancements, and fostering global partnerships. Its commitment to personalized guidance,

transparency, and innovation positions the consultancy as a trusted advisor for students in
Bangladesh seeking international educational opportunities. As the industry continues to evolve,
Committed Student Consultancy remains dedicated to shaping the future of study abroad experiences
for aspiring students.

2.2 Trends & Challenges

1 Digital Transformation:

Trend: Increasing reliance on digital platforms for virtual tours, online application submissions, and
remote counseling

Impact on Committed Student Consultancy Integration of advanced

technology to enhance virtual counseling sessions, provide real-time updates,

and offer a seamless online experience for students.

2 Hybrid Learning Models:

Trend: Emergence of hybrid learning models, combining online and in-person elements.

Impact on Committed Student Consultancy Adaptation of services to cater to students exploring

flexible and hybrid education options, ensuring they are well-informed about the evolving educational

3. Sustainability in Education:

Trend: Growing emphasis on sustainable education practices and environmentally conscious choices.

Impact on Committed Student Consultancy Consideration of sustainability factors in advising students

on study destinations, institutions, and programs aligned with eco-friendly practices.

4. Remote Work and Learning:

Trend. Increased acceptance of remote work and online learning, providing students with more

Impact on Committed Student Consultancy: Guidance on the feasibility of remote learning options,
facilitating students in making informed decisions about online programs and virtual classrooms

5. Global Partnerships:

Trend Rising importance of international collaborations between educational institutions for diverse
academic opportunities Impact or Committed Student Consultancy: Strengthening global partnerships

to provide students with a broader range of choices and exclusive

opportunities for academic advancement


1. Changing Visa Regulations:

Challenge Evolving visa regulations and immigration policies impacting the mobility of students.

Response by Committed Student Consultancy: Continuous monitoring of visa updates, providing up-
to-date information, and offering comprehensive visa support services to navigate changing

2. Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic:

Challenge Disruptions caused by the global pandemic affecting travel, on- campus learning, and
student mobility.

Response by Committed Student Consultancy: Implementation of flexible solutions, such as virtual

counseling, addressing health and safety concerns. and adapting to changes in academic delivery

3. Competitive Market Dynamics:

Challenge: Increasing competition in the study abroad consultancy sector

Response by Committed Student Consultancy: Differentiation through personalized services, building

a strong reputation for reliability, and continuously enhancing service offerings to meet evolving
student needs.

4. Parental Concerns and Expectations:

Challenge: Rising expectations and involvement of parents in the decision- making process.

* Response by Committed Student Consultancy. Ensuring effective communication with parents,

providing detailed information, and addressing concerns to build trust and confidence in the
consultancy's services.

5. Economic Factors:

Challenge: Economic uncertainties affecting affordability and financial considerations for studying

Response by Committed Student Consultancy Researching and promoting scholarship opportunities,

providing financial guidance, and offering support in navigating economic challenges.

2.3 Competitive Landscapes

1. Key Competitors:

Identified Competitors. Competing with other established study abroad consultancies in Bangladesh
and globally

Differentiators. Committed Student Consultancy distinguishes itself through its strong backing by
Committed Corporate Ltd., a robust global network, and a commitment to personalized, transparent

2. Strengths:

Established Parent Company Being a sister concern of Committed Corporate Ltd.

lends credibility and financial stability Global Network. Extensive partnerships with universities and
institutions worldwide provide a diverse range of academic opportunities.

Experience and Expertise Operating since 2019, the consultancy has accumulated

experience and expertise in navigating the study abroad industry

3. Unique Selling Proposition (USP):

Personalized Approach. A USP is the consultancy's commitment to providing personalized guidance,

tailoring services to individual student needs.

Global Perspective: Fostering a global perspective for students, offering a comprehensive range of
services from counseling to post landing support

4. Strategic Alliances:

Educational Institutions. Strategic partnerships with renowned international institutions provide

exclusive opportunities for students.

Corporate Collaborations: Collaborating with corporations to enhance post- graduation prospects for

5. Technology Integration:

Digital Platforms Incorporating advanced technology for virtual counseling online application
processes, and enhancing the overall customer experience

Data Analytics. Utilizing data analytics for personalized recommendations and continuous
improvement in service delivery

6. Customer Feedback and Reputation:

Positive Testimonials. Earning positive feedback from satisfied students and their families enhances
the consultancy's reputation.

Online Presence Maintaining a strong online presence through testimonials, reviews, and social media

7 Market Adaptability:

Adaptation to Trends. The consultancy demonstrates adaptability to industry trends such as hybrid
learning models, sustainability and remote work. Innovation. Ongoing innovation in service offerings
to align with the changing needs and expectations of students.

8. Challenges Mitigation:

Visa Changes. Monitoring and promptly responding to changes in visa regulations to minimize
disruptions for clients.

Economic Factors. Proactively addressing economic uncertainties by researching and promoting

scholarship opportunities and providing financial guidance.

9. Client-Centric Approach:

Transparent Communication: A strong emphasis on transparent communication. ensuring clients are

well-informed at every step.

Customer Support Offering continuous support, addressing queries, and providing guidance
throughout the entire study abroad journey.

10. Future Initiatives:

Innovation in Services: Anticipating future trends and proactively incorporating innovative solutions
and services.

Expansion and Growth: Exploring opportunities for geographical expansion and further establishing
the consultancy's presence in emerging study abroad markets.
Digital Marketing Landscape
3.1 Importance of Digital Marketing PAGE: 14

1Global Reach and Visibility:

Targeting International Audience: Digital marketing allows Committed Student Consultancy to reach
potential students not only in Bangladesh but globally, increasing visibility among the international
student community

2. Online Presence and Credibility:

Website and Social Media: Maintaining an active online presence through a well-designed website
and engaging social media channels builds credibility and trust among prospective clients, including
students and parents.

3. Targeted Advertising:

Precise Targeting Digital marketing platforms enable Committed Student Consultancy to target
specific demographics, ensuring that promotional efforts reach the most relevant audierice interested
in study abroad programs.

4. Content Marketing:

Educational Content: Utilizing content marketing to create and share informative content about study
abroad opportunities, application processes, and destination guides establishes the consultancy as an
authority in the field.

5. Lead Generation:

Forms and Landing Pages: Digital marketing tools such as lead generation forms and landing pages
facilitate the collection of inquiries, allowing the consultancy to build a database of potential clients
for follow-up

6. Data Analytics and Insights:

Performance Tracking: Digital marketing platforms provide valuable insights and analytics, allowing
Committed Student Consultancy to track the performance of campaigns, identify trends, and make
data-driven decisions for continuous improvement.

7. Online Advertising Campaigns:

Google Ads and Social Media Ads: Running targeted online advertising campaigns on platforms like
Google and social media channels helps Committed Student Consultancy reach a wider audience and
drive traffic to its services.

8. Engagement and Interaction:

* Social Media Engagement: Engaging with the audience through social media platforms fosters a
sense of community, allows for direct interaction, and builds relationships with potential clients.
9. Mobile Optimization:

PAGE: 15

Responsive Design: Ensuring that the website and digital content are optimized for mobile devices
caters to the preferences of the mobile-savvy demographic, making information accessible on various

10. Competitive Edge:

* Staying Ahead in a Digital World: Embracing digital marketing strategies positions Committed
Student Consultancy ahead of competitors, especially in an industry where prospective students
heavily rely on online resources and information.

11. Cost-Effective Marketing:

ROI-Focused Campaigns: Digital marketing offers cost-effective options, allowing Committed Student
Consultancy to optimize its budget and focus on campaigns that provide the best return on

12. Adapting to Industry Trends:

Incorporating Trends Staying abreast of industry trends and technological advancements in digital
marketing ensures that the consultancy remains relevant and effectively reaches its target audience.

In summary, digital marketing is integral for Committed Student Consultancy in establishing a global
presence, engaging with the audience, and maintaining a competitive edge in the shady abroad
consultancy sector. It serves as a powerful tool for reaching, educating, and converting potential
clients into successful study abroad program participants.

Digital Marketing Objectives

4.1 Increasing Brand Awareness PAGE 16

Increasing brand awareness for Committed Student Consultancy involves a strategic approach that
leverages various channels and tactics. Here's a comprehensive plan to enhance brand visibility and

1. Optimize Online Presence:

Ensure the website is user-friendly, informative, and optimized for search engines (SEO)

Utilize captivating visuals, including high-quality images and engaging videos showcasing successful
study abroad stories.

Implement responsive design to ensure a seamless experience across devices.

2. Social Media Engagement:

Establish and maintain active profiles on key social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn,

Regularly share relevant content, including study abroad tips, success stories, and updates.

Encourage audience engagement through comments, shares, and participation in discussions.

3. Content Marketing:

Develop a content strategy that includes blog posts, articles, and educational content related to study
abroad programs.

Share valuable insights, destination guides, and updates on educational trends.

Collaborate with influencers or thought leaders in the education sector for guest posts or joint

4. Online Advertising:

Invest in targeted online advertising campaigns using platforms like Google Ads and social media ads.

Create visually appealing ads highlighting key services, success stories, or upcoming events.

Utilize retargeting strategies to reach users who have previously visited the website

5. Partnerships and Collaborations:

Form strategic partnerships with educational institutions, both domestically and internationally

Collaborate with other businesses, influencers, or organizations in the education sector to expand
* Participate in or sponsor relevant events and conferences.

PAGE: 17

Testimonials and Success Stories:

Showcase client testimonials and success stories on the website and marketing materials.

Encourage satisfied clients to share their experiences on review platforms and social media.

Create video testimonials for a more impactful presentation.

Educational Webinars and Workshops:

Host webinars and workshops on study abroad topics, inviting experts and industry professionals.
Promote these events through social media, email newsletters, and partnerships.

Provide valuable insights and information during the sessions.

8. Community Engagement:

* Actively participate in online forums, discussion groups, and communities related to education and
study abroad.

Respond to queries, share expertise, and establish the consultancy as a valuable resource.

Engage with local communities through sponsorship of educational events or scholarships.

9. Email Marketing:

Build and nurture an email subscriber list for regular communication.

Send newsletters with updates, success stories, and relevant content.

• Implement targeted email campaigns for specific promotions or events.

10. Innovative Campaigns:

Develop creative and innovative campaigns that resonate with the target audience.

Utilize hashtags and challenges on social media to encourage user participation.

* Explore interactive campaigns, quizzes, or contests.

11. Local Media Coverage:

Reach out to local media outlets for coverage on educational achievements, partnerships, or unique

Publish press releases and articles to share noteworthy milestones.

Leverage both online and traditional media channels.

12. Consistent Branding:

Maintain a consistent brand image across all platforms, including logo, colors, and messaging.

Implement a brand style guide to ensure uniformity in visual and written communication.

Engage in corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives to enhance the brand's positive image.

4.2 Key Digital Marketing Channels PAGE 18

1 Website Optimization:

Ensure the website is visually appealing, user-friendly, and optimized for search engines (SEO)

Feature clear calls-to-action (CTAs) for inquiries, consultations, and information requests.

Regularly update content, including success stories, blog posts, and study abroad resources.

2. Social Media Marketing:

Establish and maintain active profiles on key social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram,
LinkedIn, and Twitter

Share engaging content, including success stories, testimonials, and relevant industry news.

Utilize paid advertising to reach a wider audience, targeting specific demographics and interests.

3. Content Marketing:

Develop a content strategy that includes blog posts, articles, and guides related to study abroad

Create informative and shareable content that addresses the needs and concerns of the target

Use content to showcase the consultancy's expertise, values, and commitment to student success.

4. Email Marketing:

Build and segment an email subscriber list for targeted communication.

Send regular newsletters with updates, educational content, and success stories.

Implement personalized email campaigns for specific promotions, events, or service offerings.

5. Search Engine Marketing (SEM):

Run targeted paid advertising campaigns on search engines using Google Ads.

Utilize relevant keywords related to study abroad, educational consulting, and destination-specific

Monitor and optimize ad performance for maximum visibility and conversions.


6. Video Marketing:

Create compelling video content, including testimonials, virtual campus tours, and informational

Share videos on social media platforms and the website to enhance engagement.

Utilize live streaming or webinars to connect with the audience in real-time

Influencer Collaborations:

Identify and collaborate with influencers, educators, or alumni in the education sector

Partner on sponsored content, Instagram takeovers, or joint campaigns to reach a broader audience.

Leverage influencer credibility to enhance brand trust and awareness

8. Online Events and Webinars:

Host webinars and virtual events on study abroad topics, featuring industry experts and professionals.

Promote these events through social media, email newsletters, and partnerships.

Incorporate interactive elements to engage participants and gather valuable insights.

Online Reviews and Testimonials:

Encourage satisfied clients to leave positive reviews on platforms like Google Facebook, and industry-
specific review sites.

Showcase testimonials on the website and in marketing materials to build trust.

* Respond to reviews to demonstrate a commitment to customer satisfaction.

10. Mobile Marketing:

Optimize digital content, including the website and emails, for mobile devices.

Utilize SMS marketing for timely updates, reminders, and promotions.

Ensure a seamless and positive experience for mobile users.

11 Social Media Advertising (Facebook and Instagram):

Objective: Reach a specific demographic, engage with the audience, and drive inquiries.

Key Strategies:

* Develop visually striking ad creatives featuring students, destinations, and study abroad
Utilize detailed targeting options to reach users based on demographics, interests, and behaviors.


Incorporate compelling ad copy and strong calls-to-action (CTAs) to encourage interaction

4.3 Lead Generation

Increasing leads for Committed Student Consultancy involves a strategic approach to attract and
convert potential students interested in study abroad programs. Here's a comprehensive plan to
boost lead generation:

Optimize Website for Conversions:

Ensure a user-friendly and intuitive website design.

Implement clear and prominent calls-to-action (CTAs) on key pages.

Create dedicated landing pages for specific study programs or destinations.

2. Compelling Content Offers:

Develop valuable content offers such as e-books, guides, or webinars related to study abroad.

Gate this content behind lead capture forms to collect contact information.

Promote content through various channels, including social media and email marketing

3. Social Media Engagement:

Utilize social media platforms to engage with the audience.

Host Q&A sessions, polls, and contests to encourage interaction.

Direct social media followers to dedicated landing pages with lead capture forms

4 Strategic Paid Advertising:

Run targeted paid advertising campaigns on platforms like Google Ads and social media.

Develop ad creatives with compelling messaging and clear CTAs.

Utilize specific targeting parameters to reach the intended audience.

5. Educational Webinars and Workshops:

Host webinars and virtual workshops on study abroad topics.

Promote these events through email marketing, social media, and website banners.

Use registration forms to capture attendee information.

4.4 Improving Conversion Rate PAGE: 21

1. User-Friendly Website Design:

Ensure a clean, intuitive, and mobile-responsive website design.

Optimize navigation to make it easy for users to find information.

Implement clear calls-to-action (CTAs) on every page, guiding visitors towards conversion points.

2. Clear Value Proposition:

Clearly communicate the unique value proposition of Committed Student Consultancy

Highlight key benefits, such as personalized guidance, global network, and success stories.

Use concise and compelling language to capture the attention of visitors.

3. Optimized Landing Pages:

Create dedicated landing pages for specific study programs or destinations.

Ensure landing pages align with corresponding ad campaigns for consistency

Use persuasive headlines, engaging visuals, and a focused message to encourage conversions.

4. Streamlined Inquiry Forms:

Simplify and streamline the inquiry and contact forms on the website.

Ask for essential information without overwhelming the user

* Provide clear instructions and set expectations regarding the inquiry process.

5. Compelling Content:

Develop high-quality, informative, and engaging content.

Showcase success stories, testimonials, and case studies.

Use storytelling to illustrate the positive impact of studying abroad through the consultancy

6. Live Chat Support:

Implement a live chat feature for real-time assistance

* Engage with website visitors, answering queries and providing immediate support

Direct users to relevant resources or encourage them to initiate the inquiry process.

7. Transparency and Trust-Building:

Build trust by displaying accreditations, partnerships, and industry affiliations Clearly communicate
the consultancy's experience, expertise, and commitment to student success.

Include trust elements such as security badges, certifications, and client testimonials.

4.5 Enhancing Customer Engagement PAGE 22

Enhancing customer engagement for Committed Student Consultancy involves building strong
connections with potential and existing clients throughout their journey. Here's a comprehensive plan
to improve customer engagement:

1 Personalized Communication:

Collect and leverage customer data to personalize communication.

Address clients by name in emails and messages.

Tailor content and recommendations based on individual preferences and needs.

2. Interactive Content:

Create interactive content such as quizzes, polls, and surveys.

Encourage clients to share their opinions and preferences.

* Use interactive elements in emails, on the website, and on social media.

3. Regular Email Communication:

Develop a consistent and valuable email newsletter Share updates, success stories, and relevant
industry news.

Include exclusive offers, tips, and resources for studying abroad.

4. Social Media Engagement:

* Foster a vibrant community on social media platforms.

Encourage discussions, comments, and shares.

Respond promptly to comments and direct messages.

5. Live Q&A Sessions:

Host live Q&A sessions on social media or through webinars.

Address common questions and concerns.

Engage directly with clients in real-time.

Target Audience & Buyers Personas
5.1 Target Audience PAGE: 23

Defining the target audience for Committed Student Consultancy involves identifying the specific
demographic, psychographic, and behavioural characteristics of individuals who are most likely to
benefit from and engage with the services offered.

Here's a detailed definition of the target audience:

1 Demographic Characteristics:

Age: Primarily individuals aged 18 to 30, including recent high school graduates and young
professionals seeking further education.

Location: Residents of Bangladesh who are interested in studying abroad • Education Level: High
school graduates and undergraduate students looking for higher education opportunities.

Income Level: Typically middle to upper-middle-class families with the financial capacity for
international education.

2. Psychographic Characteristics:

Educational Aspirations: Individuals with a strong desire for international exposure and a commitment
to pursuing higher education for personal and career development.

Cultural Openness: Those who value cultural diversity and are open to experiencing different cultures
and lifestyles.

Career Ambitions: Students aspiring to enhance their career prospects through internationally
recognized degrees and global networking opportunities.

Behavioral Characteristics: 3.

Information-Seekers: Individuals actively researching study abroad options, exploring universities, and
seeking information on application processes.

Decision-Makers: Often involves both the student and their parents or guardians in the decision-
making process. • Responsive to Guidance: Willing to engage with educational consultants for
personalized guidance on study programs, application procedures, and visa processes.

Tech-Savvy: Comfortable using online platforms, social media, and digital tools for communication
and information gathering.

4. Motivations and Goals:

Educational Excellence: Aspiring for quality education from reputable international institutions.

Career Advancement: Seeking opportunities for career growth and global networking
Cultural Exposure: Desire to experience new cultures and broaden perspectives.

5.2 Buyers Personas PAGE:24

Persona 1: Aspiring Undergraduate

Name: Aisha Rahman


Age: 19

Location: Dhaka, Bangladesh

Education: High school graduate

Income: Middle-class family


Educational Aspirations: Aisha is enthusiastic about pursuing her undergraduate studies abroad to
gain a global perspective on her chosen field of study

Career Goals: She sees studying abroad as a pathway to enhance her career

prospects and gain a competitive edge in the job market. Challenges: Aisha is uncertain about the
application process, scholarship

opportunities, and the cultural transition she may experience.

Information-Seeker Aisha actively searches online for study programs,


university rankings, and testimonials from students who have studied abroad. Responsive to
Guidance: She values personalized guidance from educational consultants and seeks support in
understanding the application requirements and deadlines.

Digital Engagement: Aisha uses social media platforms and online forums to gather information and
connect with peers who share similar aspirations.


Quality Education: Aisha prioritizes universities with a strong reputation for academic excellence and
rigorous undergraduate programs.

Cultural Exposure: She is excited about the prospect of experiencing a new culture, meeting diverse
people, and expanding her worldview. Language Proficiency Aisha aims to improve her language skills
through immersion in an English-speaking environment.

Goals and Preferences:

Goal: Successfully enroll in an undergraduate program at a reputable international university
Preferences: Aisha prefers a consultancy that provides step-by-step guidance, offers insights into
cultural adaptation, and has a proven track record of placing students in top universities.

Persona 2: Career-Driven Professional PAGE 25

Name: Imran Khan


Age: 26

Location: Chittagong, Bangladesh

Education: Bachelor's degree holder

Income: Upper-middle-class salary


Educational Aspirations: Imran is considering pursuing a master's degree or professional certification

abroad to advance his career in finance

Career Goals: He sees international education as a strategic move to access global career
opportunities and networks.

Challenges: Imran is concerned about the financial aspects, visa processes, and


and collaborates with educational consultants to ensure alignment with his

the relevance of his degree in an international context. Decision-Maker: Imran is an active participant
in the decision-making process career goals.

Tech-Savvy: He uses digital platforms to research potential study destinations, program rankings, and
admission requirements.

* Professional Networks: Imran engages with industry professionals and alumni networks to gain
insights into the career benefits of international education


* Career Advancement: Imran aims to gain a competitive edge in his industry and broaden his
professional network through international education.

Financial Success: He is willing to invest in education as a means to secure higher-paying job

opportunities in the future.

Cross-Cultural Networking: Imran values the opportunity to build connections with professionals from
diverse backgrounds.

Goals and Preferences:

Goal: Successfully enroll in a master's program or professional certification that aligns with his career

* Preferences. Imran seeks a consultancy that can provide financial guidance, assistance with visa
processes, and insights into the career relevance of different study programs.

Measurement & Analytics
Measurement & Analytics PAGE-26


1 Enrollment Rate:

To Measure the percentage of students who successfully enrol in study abroad programs.

2. Application Conversion Rate:

To track the percentage of completed applications that result in enrolment.

3. Student Satisfaction:

To gather feedback from students to assess their satisfaction with the application process, support
services, and overall experience

4. Retention Rate:

To measure the percentage of students who continue and complete their study abroad programs.

5. Return on Investment (ROI):

To assess the financial performance of study abroad programs by comparing

the revenue generated to the costs incurred.

6. Geographic Reach:

To evaluate the expansion of services to different countries and regions.

7. Marketing Effectiveness:

To analyze the performance of marketing campaigns in attracting potential students

8. Visa Success Rate:

To monitor the percentage of students who successfully obtain visas for their chosen study

9. Employability of Graduates:

To track the success of students in finding employment post-graduation

6.2 Tools and Platforms for Analytics, Reporting, and Analysis:

1. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System:

To manage student interactions, track applications, and monitor communication with prospective and
enrolled students.2. Google Analytics:
To analyze website traffic, user behavior, and the effectiveness of online marketing efforts

Social Media Analytics: PAGE 27

To utilize platform-specific analytics tools (e.g., Facebook Insights. Twitter Analytics) to measure the
impact of social media campaigns.

4. Survey Tools:

To conduct surveys to gather feedback from students and assess satisfaction levels.

5. Data Visualization Tools:

To use tools like Tableau or Power BI to create visually appealing and informative reports for

6. Learning Management System (LMS):

To track student progress and engagement in online courses.

7 Financial Management Software:

To manage financial data and assess the financial health of study abroad programs

8. Custom Analytics Dashboards:

To build custom dashboards that consolidate data from various sources for a comprehensive view of

9. Email Marketing Analytics:

To track the effectiveness of email campaigns in engaging prospective students and encouraging

10. CRM Integration with Marketing Automation:

To streamline communication and marketing efforts based on CRM data.

It's crucial for Committed Student Consultancy to regularly review and update their KPIs based on
evolving business goals and industry trends. Additionally, data privacy and security should be
prioritized when handling sensitive student information.

Budget & Allocation

Budget & Resource allocation PAGE: 28

Creating a budget and allocating resources for a company like Committed Student Consultancy
involves careful planning and consideration of various factors. Below are key points for budget
planning and resource allocation:

7.1 Budget Planning:

1 Revenue Forecasting:

Estimate the expected revenue from study abroad programs, taking into account enrollment
projections, program fees, and any other income sources.

2. Expense Categories:

* Identify and categorize expenses, including but not limited to:

Marketing and advertising.

Employee salaries and benefits.

Office rent and utilities.

Travel and accommodation for staff

Technology and software subscriptions.

Training and development.

Visa application and processing fees.

3. Historical Data Analysis:

Analyze past financial data and performance to identify trends and make informed budgetary

4. Contingency Fund:

Allocate a portion of the budget for unforeseen expenses or emergencies.

5. Compliance and Legal Costs:

Include funds for compliance with regulations and any legal or licensing requirements related to the
operation of study abroad programs.

6. Technology Investments:

Budget for the implementation and maintenance of technology tools and platforms, such as CRM
systems, analytics tools, and communication platforms.

7. Marketing and Outreach:

Allocate a budget for marketing campaigns, including digital marketing, events, and promotional

8. Training and Development:

Set aside funds for staff training, professional development, and certifications to ensure a skilled and
knowledgeable workforce.

7.2 Resource Allocation: PAGE 29


Allocate human resources based on the workload and requirements of different departments,
including admissions, marketing, finance, and customer support

Technology and Infrastructure:

Allocate resources for technology infrastructure, including hardware, software, and network
resources, to support efficient operations.

1 Marketing and Outreach:

Allocate resources for marketing initiatives, both online and offline, to attract a steady flow of
prospective students.

4. Travel and Accommodation:

Allocate funds for staff travel to attend educational fairs, meet with partner institutions, and facilitate
in-person interactions with prospective students

5. Training Programs:

Allocate resources for ongoing training programs to enhance the skills and knowledge of staff

6. Customer Support:

Allocate resources to ensure excellent customer support services, including dedicated staff and
appropriate communication channels.

7. Compliance and Legal:

Allocate resources to ensure compliance with relevant regulations and cover any legal or licensing

8. Contingency Planning:

Maintain a contingency fund to address unforeseen circumstances or sudden changes in the business

9. Performance Monitoring:
Allocate resources for systems and processes to monitor and evaluate the performance of study
abroad programs and overall business operations.

10. Flexibility:

Maintain flexibility in resource allocation to adapt to changing market conditions and business needs.


Risk Analysis
Risk Analysis PAGE 30

Risk analysis is crucial for a company like Committed Student Consultancy, especially in the dynamic
field of study abroad programs. Below are potential risks and mitigation strategies

8.1 Potential Risks:

1. Regulatory Changes:

Risk: Changes in visa regulations, international student policies, or government regulations in the
countries of operation.

Mitigation: Regularly monitor regulatory updates, maintain compliance, and establish strong
relationships with relevant authorities.

2. Political and Economic Instability:

Risk: Political unrest or economic downturns in Bangladesh or destination countries affecting student

Mitigation: Diversify target markets, regularly assess geopolitical situations, and have contingency
plans for sudden economic changes.

3. Global Health Crises:

Risk: Pandemics or health crises affecting international travel and enrollment.

Mitigation: Develop a robust crisis management plan, provide alternative study options, and maintain
open communication with students and stakeholders.

4. Market Competition:

Risk: Increased competition from other study abroad agencies or online platforms.

Mitigation: Differentiate services, enhance marketing efforts, and continuously assess and improve
the value proposition

5. Currency Exchange Rate Fluctuations:

Risk: Currency exchange rate variations impacting financial transactions.

Mitigation: Hedge against currency risks when possible, maintain diversified financial holdings, and
stay informed about currency market trends.

6. Cyber-security Threats:

Risk: Data breaches, cyber-attacks, or disruptions in online operations.

Mitigation: Implement robust cyber-security measures, regularly update systems, and educate staff
on cyber-security best practices.

Partner Institution Issues: PAGE 31

Risk: Problems with partner universities or institutions, such as changes in accreditation or quality

Mitigation: Establish strong partnerships, conduct regular quality assessments, and have contingency
plans for unforeseen issues.

8. Student Safety Concerns:

Risk: Safety and security concerns for students studying abroad.

Mitigation: Provide thorough pre-departure orientations, establish emergency response protocols,

and maintain communication channels with students and their families.

9. Reputation Damage:

Risk: Negative reviews, misinformation, or public relations issues affecting the company's reputation.

Mitigation: Proactively manage online reputation, address concerns promptly, and emphasize
transparency and quality in services.

10. Natural Disasters:

Risk: Natural disasters impacting study destinations or operations.

Mitigation: Have contingency plans for natural disasters, communicate with affected students
promptly, and consider diversifying study destinations.

8.2 Mitigation Strategies:

1. Comprehensive Insurance:

Ensure the company and students have adequate insurance coverage for various risks, including
health, travel, and business continuity

2. Diversification:

Diversify target markets, study destinations, and partnerships to reduce dependency on a single

3. Continuous Monitoring:

Regularly monitor geopolitical, economic, and regulatory changes to proactively address potential

4. Legal Counsel:
Engage legal professionals to stay informed about and compliant with changing regulations and to
address legal issues promptly

5. Emergency Response Plan:

Develop and regularly update a comprehensive emergency response plan, including communication
strategies and evacuation procedures.

6. Training and Awareness:

Provide training to staff on risk management, cyber security, and crisis response to enhance

Quality Assurance: PAGE 32

Implement rigorous quality assurance processes for partner institutions, accommodation, and other
services provided to students.

Transparent Communication:

Communicate transparently with students, parents, and stakeholders about any challenges, changes,
or risks, maintaining trust and credibility.

Scenario Planning:

* Conduct scenario planning exercises to identify potential risks and test the effectiveness of
mitigation strategies

Customer Feedback and Satisfaction:

Regularly collect and analyze customer feedback to identify areas for Improvement and address
concerns promptly, thereby maintaining high satisfaction levels.
Findings, Recommendations & Conclusion
9.1 Findings:
Increased Interest in Study Abroad. The study may find a growing interest among Bangladeshi
students in pursuing higher education abroad, driven by factors such as the desire for quality
education, global exposure, and enhanced career prospects.

Digital Platforms as Information Hubs: Findings may highlight that digital platforms, including
university websites, social media, and educational portals, serve as primary sources of information for
students exploring study abroad options.

Importance of Online Research: The study may reveal that prospective students heavily rely on online
research, including reviews, rankings, and testimonials, to make informed decisions about choosing a
study destination and institution.

Role of Social Media Influencers. Findings may indicate the influence of social media influencers or
education consultants on students' decision-making processes, as they provide insights, advice, and
testimonials on various study abroad options.

9.2 Recommendations:
Strategic Content Marketing: Recommendations may include the development of strategic content
marketing campaigns that provide valuable information about study abroad opportunities,
application processes, and student experiences

Engagement on Social Media. Given the significance of social media, recommendations may focus on
active engagement on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Linkedin to connect with the target
audience, address queries, and showcase the benefits of studying abroad.

User-Friendly Websites: Institutions and agencies involved in study abroad services are recommended
to ensure their websites are user-friendly, informative, and optimized for search engines to enhance
online visibility

Collaboration with Influencers: Collaborating with influencers, including alumni and education
consultants, could be recommended to leverage their credibility and reach a wider audience.
9.3 Conclusion:
In conclusion, the study abroad industry in Bangladesh is undergoing a transformative shift, largely
influenced by the dynamic landscape of digital marketing. The findings underscore a surge in interest
among Bangladeshi students to pursue higher education abroad, with digital platforms serving as
crucial information hubs in their decision-making process. Digital marketing, particularly through
strategic content creation, social media engagement and collaboration with influencers, emerges as
pivotal in reaching and resonating with the target audience. The significance of online research,
including reviews and testimonials, emphasizes the need for institutions and agencies to cultivate a
positive online presence. The study suggests that a user-friendly online experience, optimized
websites, and active social media presence are paramount in meeting the evolving expectations of
prospective Students. Collaborating with influencers, including alumni and education consultants
presents an opportunity to enhance credibility and widen the reach within the digital landscape. As
the study abroad industry in Bangladesh continues to evolve, the conclusion points to the critical role
of adaptive digital marketing strategies. Institutions and agencies must navigate this landscape with
agility, staying attuned to the preferences and behaviors of students, while leveraging digital channels
to showcase the benefits of international education. Ultimately, the conclusion underscores the
transformative potential of digital marketing in shaping the future of the study abroad industry in
Bangladesh, fostering Connections between aspiring students and educational opportunities on a
global scale. For the most accurate and current insights, it is recommended to refer to the latest
reports and studies specific to the digital marketing dynamics of the study abroad sector in

I express my sincere appreciation to the dedicated efforts of the project to my team, the support of
senior management, and the adaptability of our entire staff during this transformative journey. The
success of this project is a testament to the Commitment and professionalism of the entire Committed
Student Consultancy team.

As I conclude this phase of the project, I look forward to the continued growth and success of
Committed Student Consultancy in delivering unparalleled services to students seeking international
education opportunities,

This conclusion provides a balanced overview of the project's achievements, challenges faced, and
recommendations for future growth, emphasizing the company's commitment to excellence and
continuous improvement.

Syed Ahmed Sohel (CEO, Committed Corporate Ltd.)

Mahabubur Rahman (Head of API & Products, Flyhub Bangladesh)

Mohtazul Haque Khan (Corporate Officer, Dhaka Bank Ltd.)

Md Habibiur Rahman (Senior Counselor, BD Finance)

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