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This full-text paper was peer-reviewed and accepted to be presented at the IEEE WiSPNET 2016 conference.

Earthquake Early Warning System by IOT using

Wireless Sensor Networks

Alphonsa A., Ravi G.,

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Sona College of Technology, Salem. Sona College of Technology, Salem.
alphonsalexis@gmail.com raviraj.govind@gmail.com

Abstract— The Wireless sensor network (WSN) is spatially future where every day and everywhere physical objects will
distributed sensors in an autonomous manner to monitor be connected to the internet and can be able to identify
physical environmental conditions. The Internet of things (IOT) themselves to other devices. IOT is the technique or network
is the network of computed physical objects which enables these used in this paper to send the accurate alert message to the
things to connect, collect and exchange data. In this paper, we public with more accuracy. The IOT is the network it connects
propose an earthquake early warning system by means of an IOT
the internet connected objects to form a network and hence the
in WSN. The sensors are placed in the surface of the earth. When
an earthquake occurs, both compression P wave and transverse S alert massage is send to the public is more accurate way by
wave radiates outward the epicenter of the earth. The P wave, IOT.
which travels fastest, trips the sensors, placed in the landscape. It
causes early alert signals to be transfer ahead, giving humans and II. RELATED WORKS
automated electronic system a warning to take precautionary The core type of data driven IOT system used for
actions. So that before the damage begins with the arrival of the environment disaster risk mainly for tsunami. It helps prevent
slower but stronger S waves, the public are warned earlier. The loss of life and reduces economic and material impact of
signal from each sensor which senses the P wave and which has disaster monitoring and warning by means of relevant
Zigbee transmitter transfers the alert signal to the gateway. The
gateway which has the Zigbee receiver and acts as an IOT
parameters used for forecasts to generate accurate and timely
transfers the warning to smart phones. Thus early alert message warning. In the coastal regions the system is deployed, this
is received by the people in terms of location, time and other sensor data is then transmitted upstream to either an onsite or
parameters. Eventually, many of the human lives can be saved. remote, data processing centre, or to both when federated.
The software used here is LABVIEW where the three angle axis These data centers run the downstream routine operational
of the sensor can be sensed and detected when the sensors are event detection. The techniques include are GIS (geographical
interfaced with this software. information system) to capture, store, analyze and support for
information alerts. It was deployed for tsunami detection and
Index Terms— Earthquake, Wireless Sensor Network, IOT, IOT for accurate and timely warning and dissemination and
ZIGBEE, Warning signal. communication of risk information and warning to those at
risk [1].
An overview of the development of technology based on
Earthquake is commonly said to be a natural disaster which the IOT, WSN and gaining significant importance in
is also known as tremor or temblor. The sudden shake in the communication. Next the IOT end to end architecture is
surface of the earth, which shutters down the buildings and designed and evolved in this paper. The flow begins from the
kills thousands of human lives. Thereby by predicting the wireless sensor devices where the sensors are placed and
surfaces shake earlier by means of sensors that may warn formed a network with the main gateway in that network and
public earlier. By the theory that the S waves are the first the communication protocol is initiated to facilitate. Then the
attack wave from the surface and then the P waves attack the second flow is the data connectivity where the Ethernet is
surface latter that brings the strongest shake then the S wave. commonly deployed for the communication purpose where the
Hence the public is warned earlier in few minutes or seconds big data analytics are undergoing and finally the flow ends up
before. The wireless sensor network is the network where the in the management protocol, hereby the smart phones and the
sensors are spatially distributed to monitor the physical and other electronic communication devices are hit by the
environment conditions normally.WSN is used in many fields communicated information. Hereby the architecture and the
due to its low cost, easy maintenance and robustness. The protocols are being explained in this paper [2].
wireless sensor network is connection of several sensors that An IOT middleware solution that can work on resource
are connected to each other to perform the same functionality constrained mobile devices that allow the sensors easily to
to monitor the environment scenario. The term “IOT” is collect and process data. In future IOT will rule the world that
commonly abbreviated as “INTERNET OF THINGS”. The will connect billons of internet connected things. Collecting
IOT is a said to be of computing concept that describes a

978-1-4673-9338-6/16/$31.00 2016
c IEEE 1201
This full-text paper was peer-reviewed and accepted to be presented at the IEEE WiSPNET 2016 conference.

data from each individual objects is a significant task as it arrive the respected location .Even a few seconds or minutes
mainly allows software systems to understand the environment of early warning may allow the people to take actions to
in a better way. Many different hardware devices might protect their lives and move to safer positions.
involve in the process of collecting and updating sensor data to
the cloud where complicated processing also occur. On
process, we cannot accept all these things to be connected to
the cloud computers due to technical and economical reasons. ACCELERO
Hence, we should be able to use resource constrained devices METER 1
to collect data from these IOT. They conclude by saying the
process is capable of collecting data from multiple different ACCELERO
sensors and process them together. This platform can be used METER 2
in future to the public [3].
Proposed work on the landslides based upon the wireless
sensor networks.WSN is the most promising emerging METER 3
technologies. It provides the real time monitoring of
geographical regions that are prone to the disasters. This paper
is focused on the landslide detection for that the system of 50 Fig. 1 Block diagram of Transmitter
sensors and 20 wireless sensor nodes was deployed in the
idukki, a district in the Kerala state, India. The wireless sensor A. Transmitter
system have been past few years yet the condition of the
sensors are in good condition beyond monitoring the various The vibration sensors are designed to measure the
parameters such as moisture, pressure, movement and other acceleration of the physical object. In this paper this sensor
geological soil properties. Hence this paper shows algorithms helps in detecting the earth ground shakes. The environmental
for the power constraints and the sensor type and properties requirements are also taken into the account in terms of
along with the wireless sensor network architecture and the temperature range, humidity, atmosphere conditions too. The
software modules. This paper has been implemented and sensors senses earlier in the sense that the earthquake produces
succeeded [4]. the waves normally classified as P or S waves. The P wave is
A new approach for earthquake early warning systems they the one which arrives first and attacks the sensors immediately
have used wireless, self organizing mesh sensor networks which makes to senses earlier. Due to the reason that the P
model. They have followed a model-driven system waves are faster wave and produces less shake to the surface
development paradigm. The paper has coupled in specific whereas the S wave is the strongest wave and it produces the
geographic regions with the wave signal analyzing algorithms, greatest shake to the surface of the earth and more damage is
alarming system, convenient visualizations and earthquake also produced. Thus the sensors sense the P wave first which
data bases. This paper is solely based on the Self-Organizing initially attacks the surface and then after few seconds or
Seismic Early Warning Information Networks (SOSEWIN) minutes, the S wave latter hits the surface. Hereby sensors
[5- 11]. sensing the P wave earlier send the alert message earlier to the
public immediately.
III. METHODOLOGY Thus the accelerometer does it works by sensing the ground
The main purpose of this paper is to detect the earthquake shakes and sending the alert signal to the microcontroller
and to alert the public earlier. It can be done by sending where decision is taken according to the programmed feature.
warning message by means of IOT, the more accurate and Thus the major initial part in the transmitter side of the paper
smart way for transferring message to the public. Thereby the is determined. The next is about the PIC microcontroller is
smart phones are hinted with the alert message by IOT and designed or programmed in such a way that the alert signal is
thus the human are aware. Fig. 1 shows the various blocks in transferred to the public until the ground wave hits certain
transmitter. magnitude level. For example, the microcontroller is
The following are the components for designing, programmed to be 2 magnitudes, thus the waves which is with
x Vibration sensors (Accelerometer) 2 magnitudes and above then only the warning signal is
x PIC(Peripheral Interface Controllers) delivered to the public. These are the process that is done in
x ZIGBEE technique the transmitter side. Well, then the communication technique
x LCD display has to be followed to deliver the earlier warning signal from
x RS232 cable the microcontroller to the PC where it acts as an IOT.
The public who are free from smart phones can also be
warned by GSM module technique, where the alert message to The communication technique used is the ZIGBEE
send to the nearby base station and from there the authorized protocol, where the sensors that are randomly distributed in
numbers can be alerted. The earthquake early warning systems the ground senses and microcontroller decides and sends the
monitors to alert the human and devices when the shaking alert signal by the zigbee technique.
waves that are generated by the earthquake are expected to Normally, the ZIGBEE protocol is preferred due to the low
power consumption, smaller in size, easier to interface

This full-text paper was peer-reviewed and accepted to be presented at the IEEE WiSPNET 2016 conference.

between the devices and there is no need for modulation also.

The range of the ZIGBEE is about 30 feet. Thus the ZIGBEE
receiver is connected to the PC, which acts as an IOT by
means of RS 232 serial communication cable.

B. Receiver
Fig. 2 shows the block diagram of receiver. In the receiver
side, the PC gets the earlier warning alert signal by the zigbee
receiver at this side.

RS232 PC
Computer) Fig. 3 (a) Displaying the numerical values

Fig. (b) describes about the error and the status indicates that
Fig. 2 Block diagram of Receiver the process is good by green tick mark, if the process is not
Here the IOT is deployed, where the objects are connected to good then it indicates by red tick mark. More over the code
the internet and connects to the other things or objects without and the source tab gives details about the error out.
human initialization it works and communicates more
accurately and time efficiently by using internet cloud for
delivering the message in more wise way. Commonly IOT
connects and form of network of internet connected objects.
Eventually by means of an IOT, the warning or alert message
is passed to the public in more effective way to the smart
phone. Even the another way to those who are not using smart
phones then by using the GSM module the alert message can
be sent to the nearby base station and from there the early alert
signal of earthquake is to the authorized numbers and thus
they are warned earlier.
Fig. 3 (b) Displaying the error out
IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Fig. 4 shows the graphical output result for the x, y, z axis as
shown below in the front panel window of the lab view
For the detection of the earth waves it is done by the software in the graphical tab,
sensors where as the data that the sensor senses is sent to the
user’s knowledge by using the database, where the sensor
sensed values are connected to the database by the LABVIEW
software. More over the IOT environment where the alert
signal is sent can be achieved by this software; thereby the
IOT is instrumented by this software. Here in this result
section, earth waves are sensed and transfer the data to the
database where the users are aware of the wave’s condition.
The LABVIEW comprises of two windows,
1) Front panel window
2) Block diagram window
Fig. 3 (a) describes about the details in the front panel window
of the lab view software. The below screenshot shows the
numeric tab that enlightens about the time, date, database of
the earthquake occurring event and the x, y, z axis are the
angles that are sensed by sensors in terms of degree unit is Fig. 4 Graphical view of the x, y and z axis.
shown below, Fig. 4 shows the schematic diagram by which the numerical
and the graphical tab in the front panel window of the lab view
software was created. The below shown is the screen shot of

This full-text paper was peer-reviewed and accepted to be presented at the IEEE WiSPNET 2016 conference.

the schematic diagram where the blocks are connected to form The remaining output is that the alert message is delivered to
the front panel parameters. the public by SMTP where by mail the warning can be sent to
the public by means of IOT. For the people those who are out
of smart phones can also get the warning message by the GSM
module. The detailed explanation is that the sensors detect the
earth shakes and then the alert signal is passed to the nearby
base station. From the base station to the authorized numbers
the warning signal can be passed to the public.
The proposed concept for the early earthquake warning
system by using the smart way for transferring the alert signal
to smart phones is accomplished by the trending buzz term
IOT. The hardware portion plays the role of detecting and
reading the signal successfully. Thereby the software portion
is to deliver the alert signal to the human which is done by the
trending and most reliable term IOT. The LABVIEW software
helps greatly to interface the hardware kit and to control and
monitor the reading by this software. Thus the each sensors
connected to the others are ended up connected to the gateway
where it is interfaced to the LABVIEW software. The platform
is created in such a way that the sensor reading is monitored in
terms of numerical and graphical representation. And the earth
vibrated reading values can be viewed in the database which
Fig. 5 Schematic diagram of the output the software does for the reference of the user. It creates a
platform to provide a link between the IOT cloud and the
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and the three axis x, y, z angles which the sensor senses in the early warning signal reaches the public. Eventually for the
terms of degree. It provides a database that it can be viewed by non smart phones users by GSM module the alert messages
the user and can be referenced for every time being and stored can be reached.
for future reference also. If the degree of angle shaking is
more, then the alert message is sent to the public to save REFERENCES
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