ICT Lounge - Section 8.2 - E-Safety

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IGCSE ICT - E-Safety https://www.ictlounge.com/html/esafety.


The ICT Lounge

Section 8.2:
E-safety is all about knowing how to use the internet safely and
responsibly. Key Concepts of this section:

This sections looks at some of the ways you can avoid potential # Understand what is meant by E-safety.
dangers when communicating over the internet. # Know the dangers of posting personal data online.
# Be able to describe some precautions you can take in order
to use the internet safely.

Dangers of online communication Key Words:

Communicate, Dangers,
Using the internet to communicate Misuse, Anonymity.

# The internet provides us with lots of different ways in which we can communicate with
each other. Some of these ways include: Examples:

Instant messaging - (WhatsApp, Viber, Kik etc.)

Social networking - (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.)
Bloggs - (Huffington Post, Mashable, Life Hacker etc.)
VoIP services - (Skype, Viber etc.)
Chatting in online games.

# When used responsibly, all of these communication tools can make it extremely easy for Social media make it easy for online predators to
us to keep in contact with friends and family. communicate with poten al vic ms.

For example:
If you have family who live in a different country, you can easily send a message over
WhatsApp and as soon as they are online they will receive it and respond.

Before the internet, we would have had to use a standard telephone, arrange a time
for the call to be made and incur a large phone bill.

# However, the internet can also be misused and abused which can make using it
dangerous. Unfortunately hur ul messages can be sent anonymously

What are the dangers of communicating over the internet?

# You have to be careful how, and with who, you communicate online.

# The internet is full of potential dangers including:

Cyber predators - (e.g. pedophiles)

Cyber bullies - (e.g. nasty messages being sent over Facebook)
Data theft - (e.g. online con artists stealing our bank details)
Adult content - (pornography, uncensored videos etc.). The internet is full of online scammers trying to get hold
of people's financial details.

Internet anonymity The Deep Web

# When people communicate over the internet, they do so whilst being largely anonymous. The deep web refers to all of the web
sites that are not accessible through
search engines like Google.
Anonymous means 'unidentified'.
Web sites that you can find through
search engines are known as 'The
# If people are using the internet anonymously, it can be difficult to trace them if they surface web'. The surface web makes
choose to misuse communication tools like social media or instant messaging etc. up only about 4% of all web sites.

# This makes it more likely that some people might do things they wouldn't normally The deep web contains the other 96%.
because they don't have the fear of getting caught.
Users and web sites on the deep web
are completely anonymous which
For example: can make this section of the internet
Internet 'trolls' are people who use the internet to post comments that are even more dangerous.
deliberately hurtful, inflammatory or racist.
Click the image below for more
They would be less likely to make such comments on the street or in public because information about the deep web:
they know they would probably face consequences.

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IGCSE ICT - E-Safety https://www.ictlounge.com/html/esafety.htm

# The problem of anonymity is even greater on the deep web.

See the yellow box to the right for more information about the deep web.

Some videos:
# Here are some links to videos that contain more information about dangers found on the


Personal data and the internet Key Words:

Personal data , Identify,
What is personal data? Private.

# Personal data is anything that can be used to identify a person.

# Examples of personal data include:

Phone number
Bank details.

Why you should keep personal data private whilst online: You should never give out personal data online.

# Bearing in mind the potential dangers of using the internet, it is very important to keep
personal data private for many reasons.

Some of these are described in the table below:

Prevent identity Identity theft is where someone gets hold of your personal
theft information and then pretends to be you.

They could then go on to commit cyber crimes (like fraud)

while posing as you.

Prevent theft of If online criminals obtain your bank details or credit card
your money number, they can use that information to withdraw your Iden ty the allows cyber criminals to pretend to be
cash or make online purchases at your expense. you.

Prevent burglary It has been known that people have been burgled as a
of your home result of Facebook status posts.

Publicly posting dates and times when you are on holiday

can let burglars know your house is empty and an easy
target. It's almost like saying 'Please rob me!'

Prevent physical Unfortunately, the internet is sometimes used by people who

harm to yourself can only be described as 'online predators'.

This can include pedophiles who deliberately look for and If a cyber criminal obtains your bank details, they can
target children. steal your money.

Posting personal data online such as your age or an image

of yourself in a school uniform can attract online

Stay safe and don't do this!

Some videos:
# Here are some links to videos that contain more information about data protection:


Facebook status posts can be read by the wrong people

Understanding e-safety

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IGCSE ICT - E-Safety https://www.ictlounge.com/html/esafety.htm

Key Words:
Personal data , Identify,
What is e-safety and why is it needed? Private.

# E-safety is all about knowing how to use the internet safely.

# This includes keeping your personal information private in chat rooms, social media,
emails and when playing online games.

# Understanding e-safety can help protect us from online dangers.

How can you use the internet safely?

# As we discussed above, the internet is full of potential dangers but fortunately these are
easy to avoid by taking certain precautions.

Precautions you should take when using the internet are listed below:

Never reveal personal information - including name, home address, phone

number and photograph
Only use web sites recommended by teachers or parents
Use search engines and web sites with filters so that inappropriate content
can be filtered out
Only open emails from people you know
Only open email attachments from people you know
Only accept social media friend requests from people you know Never post personal informa on or images which can
Use the privacy controls on social media - this will minimise the number of be used to iden fy you.
people who can read your posts
Never arrange to face-to-face meet people that you have met online - if you
do, then take an adult with you and meet in a public place
Make sure that your parents know what you are doing online - this includes
using social media and chat rooms
Know how to block people on social media and in chat rooms - block people
who send unwanted messages/content
Report unwanted users - contact the owners of a chat room or social media site if
you receive inappropriate attention from other users
Never post or email pictures of yourself in school uniform
Never give out the name of your school. Online filters can block inappropriate web sites.

How can you play games on the internet safely?

# Playing computer games over the internet has become very popular in recent years.

Playing games over the internet is known as 'online gaming'.

# There are literally millions of online gamers and most games allow them to
communicate with each other in game.

# This can lead to similar dangers as in chat rooms, social media sites and emails.
Only accept friend requests from people you know.
# Precautions you should take when playing online games are listed below:

Never reveal personal information - including real name, home address and
phone number
Use a nickname as your game name - instead of using your real name in the
game, use a made up one
Play online games that use anti-virus/anti-spyware software - this helps
prevent identity theft
Know how to block people in the game - many online games allow you to block Report inappropriate messages or abuse.
other users who send inappropriate messages
Report unwanted users - many online games have facilities for you to report
abusive gamers. This can lead to them being banned from the game.

Some videos:
# Here are some links to videos that contain more information about practicing e-safety:


Activity! Use a nickname when playing online games.

E-safety - Research Sheet

Click the above task and answer the questions about E-safety.

Previous - Physical Safety Next - Security of Data

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