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1st year residency exam (December2020)

1) Fungi select one:

*Cell wall contain ergosterol



*Secrete keratinase

*Are multicellular

2) regarding vaginitis, which is not true:

*Trichomonas vaginalis is the most common non viral STD

*Bacterial vaginitis is usually polymicrobial

*Vaginitis increase the likelihood of HIV aquisition and spread

Candida vaginitis is the most common cause of infectious vaginitis*

*Atrophic vaginitis is usually seen in menopausal women

3) levator ani muscle insertion is all except:

* Perineal body

*Anal sphincter


*Median fibrous raphe

Sacrotuberous or sacrospinous ligament*

4) regarding uterine immune system cells, which is most common:

*T cells

*B cells

NK cells*


*Dendritic cells

5) which of the following is RNA virus


6) Congenital Rubella syndrome, not true:



*Sensorineural hearing loss

*Hemolytic anemia

Limb defects*

7) Gardnella vaginiti, which true:

Gram variable *


8) all occur with extensive blood transfusions except:





9) which of the following resemble simple hyperplasia:

*Secretory endometrium

Proliferative endometrium*


10) all in lichen sclerosis except:

*Epidermal atrophy

*Hydropic degeneration of the basal layer

*Dermal inflammation

*Sclerotic stroma


11) not tocolytic:



*Atosiban *Salbutamol

12) cyclophosphamide:

Alkylating agent*



*Topoisomerase inhibitor

13) menopause not true:

Increase lipido**

14) adrenaline do all except:

*Ureter contraction

*GIT Muscles relaxation



15) bifurcation of the aorta:





16) trisomy 18

Edwards' syndrome*
17) Gartner's duct:

Mesonephric duct*

*Paramesonephric duct

18) anti D in the first trimester given in all except:

Complete abortion*

*Ectopic pregnancy

*Medically induced termination

19) the most important contributer in plasma osmolality:





20) at which HCG level you can see viable pregnancy on transvaginal probe:




21) which muscle not inserted into perineal body:

Ischiocavernosus muscle*

22) One of the following is a relative indication for CS:



23) spermatogenesis, not true:

Under the influence of LH hormone**

24) wernicke's-korsakof syndrome:

B1 thiamine deficiency*

25) clue cells:

Epithelial cells*

26) the smallest chromosome:






(*The smallest chromosome ever 21, 2nd smallest 22)

27) not of Vitamin B:






28) not of killed vaccines:




Hep A*

29) what's you expect to see in your blood after Hep B vaccine:

*Antib s ab


30) which of the following is gram +ve:


31) hydralazine:

Direct acting smooth muscle relaxant**

32) all occur with prolactinemia except:



Homonomys hemianopia*

(What occurs is bilateral temporal hemianopia)

33) preeclampsia, the most significant indicator:

* Systolic BP above 140

*Diastolic BP above 90


Uteroplacental dysfunction* (not sure)

34) direct regulatory hormone to plasma volume:


35) amniotic fluid, largest quantity:

*10 wks

*20 wks

*30 wks

35 wks*

*38 wks

36) platelets contain all except:



Factor 9 +2

37) all used in treatment of group B strep except:

*Benzyl penicillin





38) which immunoglobulin bind to mast cells and eosinophils:




39) Glucose transmission through placenta:




40) Glucagon: Gluconeogenesis

41) HELLP syndrome:

*Occur in 20% of severe pre-eclampsia

*Mortility rate 10%

Risk of preeclampsia in future pregnancy is 25% ** (it's 75%)

42) all have a role In bone development except:


*Thyroid hormones



43) muscle pass through lesser sciatic foramen:

Obturator internus*

*Obturator externus

44) last thing to occur in puberty in females:




45) Nerve pass immediately medial to anterior superior iliac spine:

*Lateral femoral cutaneous Nerve

46) ectopic pregnancy in fallopian tube, most common site:




47) lymphatics of lower half of anal canal:

Inguinal nodes*

*External iliac

*Internal iliac


48) glucocorticoids cause all except:

*Decease lymphocytes

increase NA + water reabsorption*

49) not one of physiological changes in pregnancy:

*Increase renal blood flow

*Increse GFR

increase Filtration fraction (GFR/RPF)*

rawan shams

‫بالتوفيق للجميع‬

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