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Group No: 21





Index No. Name

MM/20/0501 M.V.B. YASAS

Supervised by
This report was submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Institute of
Engineering Technology, Katunayake in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Diploma in
Engineering Science

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Institute of Engineering Technology
Sri Lank
This report contains no material which has been accepted for the award of any other academic
qualification in any high education institution in Sri Lanka or abroad, and that to the best of our
knowledge and belief, contains no material previously published or written by any other person,
except where due reference is made in the text of this report.
I carried out the work described in this Dissertation under the supervision of Mr. D.S.S. SILVA.

Name Date Signature


Name of advisor Date Signature


This literary survey report on common filtration systems explores the significance and effectiveness
of filtration technologies in various applications. Filtration systems are instrumental in ensuring
clean substances, protecting human health, and maintaining efficient industrial processes.

The report begins with an introduction highlighting the global importance of filtration in
environmental preservation and sustainable practices. It emphasizes the role of filtration in
delivering purified substances crucial for human well-being and industrial operations.

The working principal section delves into the mechanisms of filtration, including mechanical
filtration, chemical adsorption, membrane separation, and biological processes. Each method's
distinct approach to removing impurities is discussed.

The report examines various filtration systems, such as water, air, industrial, and oil filtration
systems. Water filtration systems, including activated carbon filters and reverse osmosis, are
analysed for their effectiveness in removing specific contaminants. Air filtration systems, like
HEPA filters, are explored for their impact on indoor air quality. Industrial and oil filtration systems
are discussed for their role in maintaining product quality and machinery performance. Biological
filtration systems for wastewater treatment are also examined.

Materials used in filtration systems, such as activated carbon and synthetic membranes, are explored
for their contributions to efficient filtration.

The report analyses the cost effectiveness of filtration systems, considering initial investment,
maintenance, and long-term benefits. It highlights the importance of investing in efficient
technologies for economic and environmental reasons.

In conclusion, the report underscores the significance of filtration systems in various sectors. It
emphasizes the importance of clean substances in preserving human health and the environment.
The survey provides insights into the ongoing advancements and emerging trends in filtration
technologies, contributing to a sustainable future.


I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all those who have contributed to the successful completion of
this literary survey report. A special acknowledgment goes to Mr. D.S.S Silva, our Final Year
Project Supervisor, for providing invaluable guidance, stimulating suggestions, and continuous
encouragement throughout the coordination of this literary survey and the writing of this report.

I would also like to express my sincere appreciation to the Mechanical Department of IET and Mr.
K.H.N Fernando, Deputy Principal (Academic), for granting me the opportunity to conduct this
research and for their constant support and guidance throughout the entire process.

Additionally, I am grateful to Mr. Ashoka Tennakoon, HOD-Marine Engineering, for his guidance
and encouragement, which were instrumental in the successful execution of this project work.


Summary……………………………………………………………………………… ii
Acknowledgement……………………………………………………………………. iii

Chapter 01: Introduction…………………………………………………………….1

Chapter 02: Working Principle of Filtration System……………………………....2

2.1: Types of Common Filtration Systems………………………………………3

2.2: Materials Used………………………………………………………………5

2.3. Cost Effectiveness…………………………………………………………...7



List of Figures

Figure:2.1.0 Chemical adsorption

Figure:2.1.1 Water filtering system

Figure:2.1.2 HEPA system

Figure:2.1.3 HVAC system

Figure:2.1.3 Biological filter

Figure:2.1.4 Cartridge filters

Figure:2.1.5 Biological filter

Figure:2.2.1 Active carbon

Figure:2.2.2 Ceramic Filters

Chapter 01: Introduction

Filtration systems play a crucial role in numerous aspects of modern life, from providing clean and
safe drinking water to maintaining air quality in indoor environments and optimizing industrial
processes. As concerns over environmental pollution and health hazards continue to escalate, the
significance of efficient and reliable filtration technologies becomes increasingly apparent. This
literary survey report delves into the world of common filtration systems, examining their working
principles, types, materials, and cost effectiveness across various applications.
In today's rapidly changing world, ensuring access to clean and filtered substances has become a
paramount concern. Clean water is essential for human well-being, and air quality is vital for
promoting respiratory health. In industries, effective filtration is indispensable to maintaining
product quality and optimizing production processes. Filtration systems also play a critical role in
environmental protection by removing pollutants and preserving ecosystems.
This literary survey aims to explore the diversity of filtration systems utilized in different
applications, providing a comprehensive understanding of their functions and significance. The
report delves into the working principles behind filtration technologies, unveiling the ingenious
methods used to separate and remove contaminants from various substances. By understanding the
working principles, we can appreciate the engineering behind these systems and how they cater to
specific filtration needs.
Moreover, the report examines a range of filtration systems commonly used in everyday life and
industrial settings. Water filtration systems, air purifiers, industrial filters, oil filtration, and
biological treatment methods are among the technologies explored. Each system is analysed for its
unique features, effectiveness, and limitations, giving us insights into their practical applications.
In addition to system types, the report sheds light on the materials employed in filtration
technologies. Understanding the materials utilized in filters and membranes is crucial to grasping
the factors that influence filtration efficiency and sustainability.
The cost effectiveness of filtration systems is also evaluated in this report. A comprehensive
analysis of initial investment, maintenance, and long-term benefits provides valuable insights for
decision-makers in selecting the most appropriate filtration solution for specific applications.
As we embark on this literary survey journey, we aim to unveil the significance of filtration systems
in ensuring human health, environmental preservation, and industrial efficiency. By exploring the
latest advancements and emerging trends, this survey seeks to contribute to a sustainable future by
advocating for the adoption of effective and eco-friendly filtration technologies.

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Chapter 02: Working Principle of filtration system
Explore the general working principles of filtration systems in greater detail:

• Mechanical Filtration: Describe the process of passing a substance through a physical barrier,
such as a mesh or porous material. Explain how this mechanism effectively captures and
removes larger particles, sediments, and contaminants, ensuring cleaner and clearer fluids.

• Chemical Adsorption: Delve into the process of chemical filters using materials like activated
carbon. Explain how activated carbon's large surface area attracts and retains certain
substances through adsorption, effectively removing impurities like chlorine, volatile organic
compounds (VOCs), and various organic contaminants.

Figure: 2.1.0 Chemical adsorption

• Membrane Separation: Provide a comprehensive explanation of membrane filtration systems.

Discuss the different types of membranes, including microfiltration, ultrafiltration,
nanofiltration, and reverse osmosis membranes. Explain how membrane filters work based
on pore size and molecular weight, enabling precise separation of particles and solutes.

• Biological Processes: Explore the intricacies of biological filtration systems and their use of
living organisms or microorganisms to degrade or remove organic matter and pollutants from
air or water. Discuss how these environmentally friendly processes are applied in wastewater
treatment, bioremediation, and biofiltration.

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2.1. Types of Common Filtration Systems

In-depth exploration of the various filtration systems commonly used in different applications:

• Water Filtration Systems: Provide comprehensive insights into residential water filters,
activated carbon filters, reverse osmosis systems, and UV purification technologies. Discuss
the effectiveness of each system in removing specific contaminants, highlighting their
individual strengths and limitations. Include real-world case studies and research data on
water quality improvement using these filtration systems.

Figure:2.1.1 Water filtering system

• Air Filtration Systems: Examine HVAC filters, high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters,
electrostatic precipitators, and other air purifiers used to enhance indoor air quality. Discuss
the significance of these systems in reducing airborne pollutants, allergens, and particulate
matter to promote a healthier living environment.

Figure:2.1.2 HEPA system

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Figure:2.1.3 HVAC system

• Industrial Filtration Systems: Cover a wide range of industrial filtration technologies,

including bag filters, cartridge filters, and various types of membrane filters. Discuss their
applications in different industries, such as pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, chemicals,
and oil and gas. Include examples of how these filters contribute to product quality, process
efficiency, and regulatory compliance.

Figure:2.1.4 Cartridge filters

• Oil Filtration Systems: Explore oil filters used in automotive engines, hydraulic systems, and
industrial machinery. Discuss the importance of oil cleanliness in maintaining engine
performance and machinery reliability. Explain how oil filtration extends equipment life and
reduces maintenance costs.

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• Biological Filtration Systems: Provide detailed examples of biofilters used in wastewater
treatment plants and environmental remediation projects. Discuss the microbial processes
involved in breaking down organic matter and pollutants. Highlight the role of biofilters in
achieving sustainable water treatment solutions.

Figure:2.1.5 Biological filter

2.2. Materials Used

Filtration systems rely on a diverse range of materials, each selected for its unique properties and
capabilities in achieving effective separation and purification. This section explores the theoretical
and physical aspects of key materials commonly used in filtration systems.

1. Activated Carbon:
Activated carbon, known for its exceptional adsorption properties, is a widely employed material
in filtration systems. The high surface area of activated carbon, created through a process of
activation, allows it to attract and retain a broad spectrum of contaminants. The porous structure
of activated carbon enables efficient adsorption of organic compounds, chlorine, volatile organic
compounds (VOCs), and other impurities found in air and water. The process of adsorption
occurs due to the attractive forces between the carbon surface and the molecules of the pollutants,
effectively removing them from the fluid.

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Figure:2.2.1 Active carbon

2. Synthetic Membranes:
Synthetic membranes are integral to membrane filtration systems, offering precise separation of
particles based on pore size and molecular weight. These membranes are typically made from
materials like polymeric polymers or ceramic compounds. Ultrafiltration membranes, for
example, are engineered with precise pore sizes that can effectively filter out macromolecules
and particles, leaving behind purified water or air. Nanofiltration membranes bridge the gap
between ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis, selectively removing divalent ions and organic
matter while permitting the passage of monovalent ions. Synthetic membranes operate based on
principles of sieving, diffusion, and electrostatic forces, making them invaluable for achieving
high-quality filtration outcomes.

3. Filter Media:
Different types of filter media are used in mechanical filtration systems, each with its specific
application. For example, polypropylene filter media is well-suited for removing sediments and
larger particles due to its dense and uniform structure. Pleated filter media significantly increases
the surface area available for filtration, enhancing the system's efficiency. Glass fibre filter media
can efficiently trap smaller particles, including submicron-sized contaminants. Theoretical
considerations, such as particle size distribution and flow rates, determine the appropriate filter
media to be used for specific filtration needs.

4. Ceramic Filters:
Ceramic materials are widely employed in various filtration systems, especially in gravity-fed
water filters and industrial applications. Ceramic filters are known for their fine pores that act as

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a physical barrier, effectively removing bacteria, cysts, and sediment from water. The
mechanism of ceramic filtration involves the entrapment of contaminants within the ceramic
matrix, allowing purified water to pass through. The physical properties of ceramics, such as
porosity and surface area, determine their filtration efficiency and longevity.

Figure:2.2.2 Ceramic Filters

2.3. Cost Effectiveness

In the ever-evolving landscape of filtration technologies, one of the most critical considerations for
both consumers and industries is the cost effectiveness of filtration systems. This section delves
into a comprehensive analysis of the economic aspects of common filtration technologies, taking
into account initial investment costs, ongoing maintenance expenses, long-term benefits, and return
on investment.

1. Initial Investment Costs:

The initial investment required for implementing filtration systems can vary significantly based
on the type of system, its capacity, and the specific application. Water filtration systems designed
for residential use, such as activated carbon filters and reverse osmosis systems, generally have
relatively lower upfront costs compared to larger industrial or municipal water treatment
systems. Air filtration systems used in homes and offices, like HVAC filters and air purifiers,
are also cost-effective options. On the other hand, industrial filtration systems, especially those

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designed for large-scale applications and specialized processes, may entail higher initial
investments due to their complexity and customization.

2. Ongoing Maintenance Expenses:

The ongoing maintenance of filtration systems is an essential factor to consider when evaluating
their cost effectiveness. Regular maintenance ensures optimal performance and prolongs the
system's lifespan. For instance, in water filtration systems, periodic replacement of filter
cartridges and membranes is necessary to maintain filtration efficiency. Additionally, cleaning
and servicing mechanical filters are essential to prevent clogging and maintain consistent flow
rates. The frequency and complexity of maintenance tasks can influence the overall operational
costs of filtration systems.

3. Long-Term Benefits:
While initial investment and maintenance costs are important considerations, long-term benefits
are equally crucial in determining the cost effectiveness of filtration systems. Filtration
technologies that consistently deliver high-quality purified substances, such as clean drinking
water or improved air quality, can lead to substantial long-term benefits. For example, in the case
of residential water filtration systems, the removal of contaminants like chlorine, lead, and
harmful microorganisms results in improved taste and health benefits. Reduced exposure to
airborne pollutants through air filtration systems can lead to better respiratory health and overall

4. Energy Efficiency:
Energy consumption is another factor impacting the cost effectiveness of filtration systems,
particularly in large-scale industrial applications. Reverse osmosis systems, for instance, may
require significant energy inputs to generate the necessary pressure for water purification.
Evaluating the energy efficiency of filtration technologies and considering energy-saving
features can lead to reduced operational costs over time.

5. Return on Investment (ROI):

Determining the ROI of filtration systems is essential for assessing their economic viability. ROI
is calculated by comparing the system's benefits, including improved product quality, reduced
health risks, and decreased environmental impact, against the total investment made over its
operational life. High-performing filtration systems with relatively lower operating costs and
long-lasting components generally offer a positive ROI, making them economically attractive

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In conclusion, the cost effectiveness of filtration systems is a multi-faceted consideration that
encompasses initial investment, ongoing maintenance, long-term benefits, energy efficiency, and
return on investment. It is essential to weigh these economic factors against the specific filtration
needs and goals of each application. By making informed decisions about filtration technologies,
consumers and industries can achieve cost-efficient solutions that not only provide purified
substances but also contribute to improved health, environmental sustainability, and overall
economic benefits.

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In conclusion, filtration systems play a vital role in ensuring the safety, quality, and sustainability
of our environment and our lives. By understanding the working principles, types, materials, and
cost effectiveness of filtration systems, we can make informed decisions about which systems are
best suited for our specific needs.

The literary survey report has explored the diversity of filtration systems utilized in different
applications, providing a comprehensive understanding of their functions and significance. The
report has also examined the latest advancements and emerging trends in filtration technologies,
highlighting the potential of these technologies to address the challenges of environmental
pollution and resource scarcity.

The report concludes by emphasizing the importance of filtration systems in ensuring human
health, environmental preservation, and industrial efficiency. By advocating for the adoption of
effective and eco-friendly filtration technologies, the report seeks to contribute to a sustainable

Here are some additional points that you may want to consider including in your conclusion:

The importance of filtration systems in protecting public health and the environment.
The latest trends in filtration technology, such as the development of new materials and
The cost-effectiveness of filtration systems and the potential for these systems to save money in
the long run.
The need for further research and development in filtration technology.

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• "Filtration Systems: A Review of Principles, Types, Materials, and Cost Effectiveness" by

Bardia Asadi, Amirhossein Ebrahimi, and Saeed Sedighi.

• Hassan, M.L., & Tantawy, A.H. (2019). Air Filtration. Intech Open

• Impact of Air-Conditioning Filters on Microbial Growth and Indoor Air Pollution

WRITTEN BY:Amira Hassan Al-abdalall, Sarah Abdullah Al-dakheel and Hmidah
Abdulhadi Al-Abkari

• Filters and Filtration Handbook (Sixth Edition). (2016)

• Filtration Systems and Applications:

Title: Filtration: Principles and Practices (2nd Edition)
Authors: Michael J. Matteson, Clyde Orr
Publisher: CRC Press
Year: 2012

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