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Customer Relationship Management (CRM) (Hoa Sen University)

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I. MULTIPLE CHOICE SECTION (6.0 points/30 questions, each question 0.2 points)

Question 1: There are many definitions of CRM (Customer Relationship Management), definitions
Which of the following is consistent with customer orientation combined with business
a. CRM is an information industry term that uses methods, software and often
Internet capabilities to help businesses manage customer relationships in an
organized manner.
b. CRM is the process of managing all aspects of a company's interactions with
its customers, including prospecting, sales, and service. CRM applications strive
to provide insight and improve the company/customer relationship by
combining all of these perspectives on customer interactions into one picture.

c. CRM is an integrated approach to identifying, attracting and retaining customers. By

allowing organizations to manage and coordinate customer interactions across channels,
departments, lines of business and geographies, CRM helps organizations maximize the
value of every interaction with customers and drive outstanding company performance.
d. CRM is a business strategy that maximizes profits, revenue, and customer
satisfaction by organizing around customer segments, driving customer
satisfaction behaviors, and implementing customer-centric.

Question 2: Which of the following describes Operational CRM?

a. A CRM strategy is a customer-centric business strategy that aims to win,
grow, and retain customers profitably.
b. Operational CRM focuses on integrating and automating customer-facing processes
such as sales, marketing, and customer service.
c. The process by which organizations transform customer-related data into
actionable insight for strategic use.
d. No sentence correctly
Question 3: The IDIC Model was developed by Don Peppers and Martha Rogers, according to Model
IDIC suggests that companies should take four actions to build closer direct
relationships with customers. The letter D represents the action _____.
a. Differentiate: differentiate customers to determine which customers are most valuable today
and which customers provide the most value in the future.

b. Develope: Develop relationships from low levels to higher relationship levels.

c. Defense: defending against competitors using methods to entice customers to switch

to alternative products.
d. Data-mining: data mining is the process of classifying and arranging large data sets to
identify characteristic patterns and establish relationships to solve problems through data

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Question 4: Which of the following statements is consistent with the characteristics of commitment in
a. Commitment arises from trust, shared values and the belief that partners will be difficult
to replace.
b. Commitment means that partners give up short-term alternatives in favor of more stable,
long-term interests associated with existing partners.
c. The commitment is maintained by a mutually beneficial assessment

d. Only (a) and (b)

Question 5: Customer lifetime value is defined as follows:
a. CLV is the present value of all net profits earned from a relationship with a
customer, customer segment, or customer group.
b. CLV is the past, present and future value of customer relationships
c. CLV is the total value a business gets from customers
d. CLV is the total cost a business spends to gain profits from customers
Question 6: According to Reichheld and Sasser's research, profit margins tend to have trends
increase rapidly over time. This comes from the cause ______.
a. Revenue increases over time as customers buy more.
b. Higher customer service costs for loyal customer groups
c. Satisfied customers can create added value for their suppliers through
referral behavior to other customers.
d. Both (a) and (c)

Question 7: Which of the following promotional activities is highly effective in attracting and building?
Potential business customers (B2B)
a. Email campaigns
b. Conference

c. Industrial exhibitions and displays

d. Trade fair
Question 8: Which of the following promotional activities is suitable for the goals of low cost and reach?
high and the ability to attract potential consumer customers (B2C)?

a. Promotions and discounts

b. Social media communication

c. Loyalty program
d. Marketing through celebrities (KOLs)

Question 9: Important indicators to measure customer retention include:

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a. Raw customer retention rate, Sales-adjusted retention rate, Cost-adjusted
retention rate )

b. Raw customer retention rate, Sales-adjusted retention rate, Profit-adjusted

retention rate )

c. Raw customer retention rate, Cost-adjusted retention rate, Profit-adjusted

retention rate

d. Raw customer retention rate, distribution-adjusted retention rate, cost-

adjusted retention rate )

Question 10: Which of the following strategies is consistent with the direction of increasing customer retention?
a. Building customer interaction campaigns, understanding and meeting customer
expectations through satisfaction levels, increasing customer experience value.
b. Build customer interaction campaigns, build customer loyalty programs,
increase customer experience value.
c. Build customer interaction campaigns, understand and meet customer value
expectations through satisfaction levels, and establish customer communities.
d. Build customer interaction campaigns, build customer loyalty programs, and
establish customer communities.
Question 11: Which of the following is NOT a basic principle of portfolio management
customer (CPM)?
a. Market segmentation

b. Revenue forecast
c. Activity-based costing
d. Level of commitment

Question 12: Which of the following is an appropriate definition of activity-based costing?

costing) in customer portfolio management activities?
a. Each operating cost is calculated for each different customer.
b. Operating costs are based on each customer's characteristics.

c. Costs vary from client to client. Some customers are expensive to acquire and
serve, others are not.
d. The total cost for each customer is different.
Question 13: Hoang Hiep Enterprise needs to spend a lot of time and money to conduct these calls
Call from sales staff and follow up on social media to increase conversions from
leads to first-time customers

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company products. Which type of cost is this appropriate for in the activity-
based costing process?
a. Switching cost
b. Customer service cost
c. Customer acquisition cost
d. Advertising cost (Advertising cost)
Question 14: Customer _________ is the cognitive and emotional result of customer contact
contact or interact with the company's people, processes, technology, products, services, and
other outputs.

a. Customer experience
b. Customer awareness
c. Customer care
d. Customer feedback
Question 15: At each of Hadilao's restaurants, there is a welcoming staff to greet customers
Additional services include nail care, free snacks, and paper folding while customers
wait. Which of the following types of experiences are these consistent with?
a. Positive experience compared to the norm

b. Planned versus unplanned experiences

c. Common experiences versus unique experiences
d. Core experiences versus value-added experiences
Question 16: Marketing automation allows marketers
Implement closed-loop marketing. Closed-cycle marketing is based on a 4-step
loop____ .
a. Plan – Do – Check – Act (Plan – Do – Check – Act)
b. Plan – Do – Measure – Learn (Plan – Do – Measure – Learn)
c. Plan – Develop – Implement – Check (Plan – Develop – Execute – Check)
d. Learn – Plan – Do – Measure (Learn – Plan – Do – Measure)
Question 17: Marketing automation software provides functions
Basic capabilities include:____ .

a. Control communication activities and change advertising content yourself.

b. Sales Automation and Service Automation

c. Campaign management, Online - Digital Marketing, other strategic marketing

d. Automatically plan campaign implementation and approve budget spending.

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Question 18: _____ gives salespeople and sales managers a complete perspective
about the customer relationship including contacts, contact history, completed
transactions, current orders, shipments, inquiries, service history, opportunities and
quotes. This allows salespeople and managers to track all of their obligations for every
customer account they are responsible for, from closed opportunities, orders, or service
a. Activity management
b. Contact management
c. Contract management
d. Account management
Question 19: _______ activities allow companies to identify, evaluate, approach, and care for
and follow up with leads.
a. Event management
b. Lead management
c. Contract management
d. Opportunity management
Question 20: Queen Spa beauty care service has a team of highly skilled and knowledgeable staff
Cosmetic consultation and facial care skills are two factors that make customers
satisfied. That's the factor_____ of service quality.
a. technical
b. functional
c. reputation (reputational)
d. behavioral
Question 21: ____________ allows customer service staff to predict reactions
customers' possible reactions and assist them in resolving arising situations, as well as
connecting customers with specialized people.
a. Scripting
b. Case management
c. Email response management systems
d. Escalation
Question 22: ______ are phone call recording data, MP3 audio files, and image files
JPEG, FLASH image files or multimedia messages.
a. Structure data
b. Pre-defined data
c. Textual data
d. Non-textual data

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Question 23: Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a data warehouse (data

a. Integrated from data from many different departments in the company (integrated)

b. Screening raw data (unstructured data)

c. Updated at different times (time-variant)
d. Subject-oriented
Question 24: _____ is a scaled-down version or a customized, subset of_____
for use in a particular department or business function.
a. Big data/Data mart

b. Database/Data warehouse

c. Data mart/data warehouse

d. Data warehouse/data mart

Question 25: The _______ scale is for qualitative data but has elements of regularity and order
on one's own. The encoded mean calculated with this type of data is not statistically
significant at all.
a. interval
b. ordinal
c. ratio
d. nominal
Question 26: In banking, computer systems to process customer transactions, ATMs,
app on mobile devices is a ______ database.
a. OLTP (On-line Transactional Processing)
b. OLAP (On-line Analytical Processing)
c. OTP (One Time Password)
d. IVR (Interactive Voice Response)
Question 27: Which statement is relatively correct about Key Account Management (KAM)?

a. Key trends toward key account management include revenue-driven, profit-driven,

and cost-driven account management.
b. KAM is a complex structure that is not conducive to CRM implementation at the business
unit level.
c. There are 5 ways to implement KAM

d. Key trends towards key account management include country account management, regional
account management and global account management.

Question 28: According to the category, brand or product structure, _____ is the person in charge
responsible for developing marketing strategies for their products.

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a. Brand Mangers/CEO (Brand Director/Executive Director)
b. Brand managers/Product managers (Brand manager/Product manager)
c. Product Managers/Marketing Mangers (Product Manager/Marketing Director)
d. Brand managers/Marketing Managers (Brand Director/Marketing Director)
Question 29: In John Kotter's buy-in matrix, _____ is the group of people
understand the changes being introduced and feel comfortable with organizational change.

a. Bystanders (Witnesses)
b. Weak links (Weak links)
c. Champions
d. Loose cannons (Loose cannons)
Question 30: The CRM project planning and design process has 5 steps. Which of the following steps is NOT?
Is there a process?

a. Develop CRM Strategy (Develop CRM Strategy)

b. Build CRM project foundations (Build CRM project foundations)
c. Project implementation
d. Marketing evaluation


Question 1: (1.0 points)

According to Ritter and Andersen's 6 pack model on customer portfolio management

including 3 variables Profitability, Commitment, and Growth potential, please draw and
analyze the 6 types. customers and propose optional strategies for each type of
customer above?

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Thomas Ritter and Henrik Andersen's model also takes a broader view of customer
value, by incorporating not only customer profitability but also their growth potential
and engagement level, using data as well. Customer data and reviews from account
managers. (Andersen & Ritter, 2014)
The above model creates a portfolio of six different customer groups, two of which do
not generate profit or growth potential: “Time bandits” and “Cowboys”, but “Time
bandits” have a higher brand commitment than “Cowboys”, if we can maintain and
increase relationships with “Time bandits” we can increase the company's word of
mouth with potential customers, in addition to Identify “Skeptics” and “Potential” as the
two categories that need the most attention and increase the experience of these two
categories to increase the commitment level of “Skeptics” and promote cross-selling
and upselling ( Up-selling) of these 2 categories. As for "True Loyalist", we should build a
customer retention strategy, because these are real customers for the company, they
buy everything our company provides so they should keep it to ensure profit.

Question 2: (3.0 points)

In the current year, the company invested 900,000,000 VND and attracted 600 customers. In the first year,
the company maintains 60% of customers, in the second year the company maintains 65% of customers, in
the third year it maintains 75% of customers, in the fourth year it maintains 80% of customers, in the fifth
year maintain 85% of customers, 10% of customers are lost in the sixth year. Contribution value of each
customer for each given year.

a/ Write the formula and calculate the net present value of the customer who offers an 18% discount? (1.5

b/ What is the customer retention rate each year and the number of customers each year?
(0.5 points)

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c/ How much is the profit each year? After how many years can the company
recover profits from this group of customers? (1.0 points)
Table 1. Value of a set of customers
Retention rate Total benefit
Year Profit comes from Present value at guest
client constant profit
each customer 18% discount row
0 ? ? ?
first 1,200,000 ? ? ? ?
2 1,300,000 ? ? ? ?
3 1,500,000 ? ? ? ?
4 1,800,000 ? ? ? ?
5 1,900,000 ? ? ? ?
6 2,100,000 ? ? ? ?

(Run out of)

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Question 1: There are many definitions of CRM (Customer Relationship Management),

Which of the following definitions is consistent with customer orientation combined
with business resources?
a. CRM is an information industry term that uses methods, software and often
Internet capabilities to help businesses manage customer relationships in an
organized manner.
b. CRM is the process of managing all aspects of a company's interactions with
its customers, including prospecting, sales, and service. CRM applications strive
to provide insight and improve the company/customer relationship by
combining all of these perspectives on customer interactions into one picture.

c. CRM is an integrated approach to identifying, attracting and retaining customers.

By allowing organizations to manage and coordinate customer interactions across
channels, departments, lines of business and geographies, CRM helps organizations
maximize the value of every interaction with customers and drive outstanding
company performance.
d. CRM is a business strategy that maximizes profits, revenue, and customer
satisfaction by organizing around customer segments, driving customer
satisfaction behaviors, and implementing customer-centric.

Question 2: Which of the following describes Operational CRM?

a. A CRM strategy is a customer-centric business strategy that aims to win,
grow, and retain customers profitably.
b. Operational CRM focuses on integrating and automating customer-facing
processes such as sales, marketing, and customer service.
c. The process by which organizations transform customer-related data into
actionable insight for strategic use.
d. No sentence correctly
Question 3: The IDIC Model was developed by Don Peppers and Martha Rogers, according to Model
IDIC suggests that companies should take four actions to build closer direct
relationships with customers. The letter D represents the action _____.
a. Differentiate: differentiate customers to determine which customers are most valuable
today and which customers provide the most value in the future.

b. Develope: Develop relationships from low levels to higher relationship levels.

c. Defense: defending against competitors using methods to entice customers to switch

to alternative products.

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d. Data-mining: data mining is the process of classifying and arranging large data sets to
identify characteristic patterns and establish relationships to solve problems through data
Question 4: Which of the following statements is consistent with the characteristics of commitment in
a. Commitment arises from trust, shared values and the belief that partners will be difficult
to replace.
b. Commitment means that partners give up short-term alternatives in favor of more stable,
long-term interests associated with existing partners.
c. The commitment is maintained by a mutually beneficial assessment

d. Only (a) and (b)

Question 5: Customer lifetime value is defined as follows:
a. CLV is the present value of all net profits earned from a relationship with a
customer, customer segment, or customer group.
b. CLV is the past, present and future value of customer relationships
c. CLV is the total value a business gets from customers
d. CLV is the total cost a business spends to gain profits from customers
Question 6: According to Reichheld and Sasser's research, profit margins tend to have trends
increase rapidly over time. This comes from the cause ______.
a. Revenue increases over time as customers buy more.
b. Higher customer service costs for loyal customer groups
c. Satisfied customers can create added value for their suppliers through
referral behavior to other customers.
d. Both (a) and (c)

Question 7: Which of the following promotional activities is highly effective in attracting and building?
Potential business customers (B2B)
a. Email campaigns
b. Conference

c. Industrial exhibitions and displays

d. Trade fair
Question 8: Which of the following promotional activities is suitable for the goals of low cost and reach?
high and the ability to attract potential consumer customers (B2C)?

a. Promotions and discounts

b. Social media communication

c. Loyalty program
d. Marketing through celebrities (KOLs)

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Question 9: Important indicators to measure customer retention include:
a. Raw customer retention rate, Sales-adjusted retention rate, Cost-adjusted
retention rate )

b. Raw customer retention rate, Sales-adjusted retention rate, Profit-

adjusted retention rate )

c. Raw customer retention rate, Cost-adjusted retention rate, Profit-adjusted

retention rate

d. Raw customer retention rate, distribution-adjusted retention rate, cost-

adjusted retention rate )

Question 10: Which of the following strategies is consistent with the direction of increasing customer retention?
a. Building customer interaction campaigns, understanding and meeting
customer expectations through satisfaction levels, increasing customer
experience value.
b. Build customer interaction campaigns, build customer loyalty programs,
increase customer experience value.
c. Build customer interaction campaigns, understand and meet customer value
expectations through satisfaction levels, and establish customer communities.
d. Build customer interaction campaigns, build customer loyalty programs, and
establish customer communities.
Question 11: Which of the following is NOT a basic principle of portfolio management
customer (CPM)?
a. Market segmentation

b. Revenue forecast
c. Activity-based costing
d. Level of commitment

Question 12: Which of the following is an appropriate definition of activity-based costing?

costing) in customer portfolio management activities?
a. Each operating cost is calculated for each different customer.
b. Operating costs are based on each customer's characteristics.

c. Costs vary from client to client. Some customers are expensive to acquire
and serve, others are not.
d. The total cost for each customer is different.

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Question 13: Hoang Hiep Enterprise needs to spend a lot of time and money to conduct these calls
call from salespeople and follow up with customers on social media to increase
conversions from leads to first-time customers of the company's products.
Which type of cost is this appropriate for in the activity-based costing process?

a. Switching cost
b. Customer service cost
c. Customer acquisition cost
d. Advertising cost (Advertising cost)
Question 14: Customer _________ is the cognitive and emotional result of customer contact
contact or interact with the company's people, processes, technology, products, services, and
other outputs.

a.Customer experience
b. Customer awareness
c. Customer care
d. Customer feedback
Question 15: At each of Hadilao's restaurants, there is a welcoming staff to greet customers
Additional services include nail care, free snacks, and paper folding while customers
wait. Which of the following types of experiences are these consistent with?
a. Positive experience compared to the norm

b. Planned versus unplanned experiences

c. Common experiences versus unique experiences
d. Core experiences versus value-added experiences
Question 16: Marketing automation allows marketers
Implement closed-loop marketing. Closed-cycle marketing is based on a 4-step
loop____ .
a. Plan – Do – Check – Act (Plan – Do – Check – Act)
b. Plan – Do – Measure – Learn (Plan – Do – Measure – Learn)
c. Plan – Develop – Implement – Check (Plan – Develop – Execute – Check)
d. Learn – Plan – Do – Measure (Learn – Plan – Do – Measure)
Question 17: Marketing automation software provides functions
Basic capabilities include:____ .

a. Control communication activities and change advertising content yourself.

b. Sales Automation and Service Automation

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c. Campaign management, Online - Digital Marketing, other strategic marketing tools.

d. Automatically plan campaign implementation and approve budget spending.

Question 18: _____ gives salespeople and sales managers a complete perspective
about the customer relationship including contacts, contact history, completed
transactions, current orders, shipments, inquiries, service history, opportunities and
quotes. This allows salespeople and managers to track all of their obligations for every
customer account they are responsible for, from closed opportunities, orders, or service
a. Activity management
b. Contact management
c. Contract management
d. Account management
Question 19: _______ activities allow companies to identify, evaluate, approach, and care for
and follow up with leads.
a. Event management
b. Lead management
c. Contract management
d. Opportunity management
Question 20: Queen Spa beauty care service has a team of highly skilled and knowledgeable staff
Cosmetic consultation and facial care skills are two factors that make customers
satisfied. That's the factor_____ of service quality.
a. technical
b. functional
c. reputation (reputational)
d. behavioral
Question 21: ____________ allows customer service staff to predict reactions
customers' possible reactions and assist them in resolving arising situations, as well as
connecting customers with specialized people.
a. Scripting
b. Case management
c. Email response management systems
d. Escalation
Question 22: ______ are phone call recording data, MP3 audio files, and image files
JPEG, FLASH image files or multimedia messages.
a. Structure data

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b. Pre-defined data
c. Textual data
d. Non-textual data
Question 23: Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a data warehouse (data

a. Integrated from data from many different departments in the company (integrated)

b. Screening raw data (unstructured data)

c. Updated at different times (time-variant)
d. Subject-oriented
Question 24: _____ is a scaled-down version or a customized, subset of_____
for use in a particular department or business function.
a. Big data/Data mart

b. Database/Data warehouse

c. Data mart/data warehouse

d. Data warehouse/data mart

Question 25: The _______ scale is for qualitative data but has elements of regularity and order
on one's own. The encoded mean calculated with this type of data is not statistically
significant at all.
a. interval
b. ordinal
c. ratio
d. nominal
Question 26: In banking, computer systems to process customer transactions, ATMs,
app on mobile devices is a ______ database.
a. OLTP (On-line Transactional Processing)
b. OLAP (On-line Analytical Processing)
c. OTP (One Time Password)
d. IVR (Interactive Voice Response)
Question 27: Which statement is relatively correct about Key Account Management (KAM)?

a. Key trends toward key account management include revenue-driven, profit-driven,

and cost-driven account management.
b. KAM is a complex structure that is not conducive to CRM implementation at the business
unit level.
c. There are 5 ways to implement KAM

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d. Key trends towards key account management include country account
management, regional account management and global account management.
Question 28: According to the category, brand or product structure, _____ is the person in charge
responsible for developing marketing strategies for their products.

a. Brand Mangers/CEO (Brand Director/Executive Director)

b.Brand managers/Product managers (Brand manager/Product manager)
c. Product Managers/Marketing Mangers (Product Manager/Marketing Director)
d. Brand managers/Marketing Managers (Brand Director/Marketing Director)
Question 29: In John Kotter's buy-in matrix, _____ is the group of people
understand the changes being introduced and feel comfortable with organizational change.

a. Bystanders (Witnesses)
b. Weak links (Weak links)
c. Champions
d. Loose cannons (Loose cannons)
Question 30: The CRM project planning and design process has 5 steps. Which of the following steps is NOT?
Is there a process?

a. Develop CRM Strategy (Develop CRM Strategy)

b. Build CRM project foundations (Build CRM project foundations)
c. Project implementation
d. Marketing evaluation

Question 3: (3.0 points)

In the current year, the company invested 900,000,000 VND and attracted 600 customers. In the first year,
the company maintains 60% of customers, in the second year the company maintains 65% of customers, in
the third year it maintains 75% of customers, in the fourth year it maintains 80% of customers, in the fifth
year maintain 85% of customers, 10% of customers are lost in the sixth year. Contribution value of each
customer for each given year.

a/ Write the formula and calculate the net present value of the customer who offers an 18% discount? (1.5

b/ What is the customer retention rate each year and the number of customers each year?
(0.5 points)

c/ How much is the profit each year? After how many years can the company
recover profits from this group of customers?(1.0 points)
Table 1. Value of a set of customers
Year VND VND Retention rate Quantity VND

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Total benefit
Profit comes from Present value at guest
client constant profit
each customer 18% discount row
0 ? ? ?
first 1,200,000 ? ? ? ?
2 1,300,000 ? ? ? ?
3 1,500,000 ? ? ? ?
4 1,800,000 ? ? ? ?
5 1,900,000 ? ? ? ?
6 2,100,000 ? ? ? ?

Retention rate Total benefit
Year Profit comes from Present value at guest
client constant profit
each customer 18% discount row
0 - 1,500,000 600 - 900,000,000
first 1,200,000 1,016,949 60% 360 366,101,695
2 1,300,000 933,640 65% 234 218,471,704
3 1,500,000 912,946 75% 175.5 160,222,077
4 1,800,000 928,420 80% 140.4 130,350,165
5 1,900,000 830,508 85% 119.34 99,112,766
6 2,100,000 777,906 90% 107,406 83,551,797

a/ Formula to calculate net present value of a customer:

Net present customer value = m / (1+i)t

m: profit contributed by customers each year

i: discount rate
t: time period
Can write formulas and explain quantities0.5 points
Calculate the Customer's Present Value column at the 18% discount rate1.0 points b/ Fill

in the customer retention rate column correctly0.25 points

Fill in the correct column for the number of customers0.25 points

c/ Correctly calculate customer profits each year0.5 points

After about 5 years, the company can recover profits from this group of customers with a total
amount of 974,258,407 VND.(0.5 points)

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