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A study on drinking water quality at public utilities in Visakhapatnam, India

Article · January 2015

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5 authors, including:

K. V Ramesh
Andhra University


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Global J. of Engg. & Appl. Sciences, 2015: 5 (1)

Research Paper: Sanjay Singh et al., 2015: Pp:1-2.


Sanjay Singh, R., Sireesha, S., Premalatha, M., Gouru Naidu+, K and K.V. Ramesh 1,*

Department of Chemical Engineering, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam-530003, India.

+Department of Engineering Chemistry, GMRIT, Rajam-532127, India.
* Corresponding author:

Visakhapatnam is a fastest growing city in India/Asia. Water samples in six locations which were visited by a
large number of people were analyzed for any possible microbial contamination. Analysis of these samples
was carried out using standard methods and instruments. Four samples were found to be contaminated by E.
coli and among them three are highly contaminated. Two more samples, although not contaminated by E. coli
but exhibited high value of pH. Therefore all samples were found to be not suitable for drinking purpose.
Keywords: Drinking water, water quality, E. coli, contamination, Visakhapatnam.

INTRODUCTION to ensure that the sample represents the ground

Recently it came to public notice that the internal water. For biological water quality the samples
assessment of drinking water quality by northern were collected in sterilized bottles ensuring that
railway showed that all samples tested were the water is not exposed to air.
contaminated with E. coli
Centre for Public Interest Litigation filed a PIL in
Delhi High Court seeking improvement of drinking The samples were analyzed for PH, total dissolved
water quality (The Times of India, 2014). It is solids (TDS), chlorides and E. coli count. The
indeed shocking to know that even at Delhi results were compiled in Table 2 along with the
railway stations are also no exception. In this desirable and permissible limits of these
connection, it is felt to look into the biological parameters as specified by BIS 105000. A close
water quality in Visakhapatnam because examination of the data in Table 2 revealed that
Visakhapatnam is one of the fastest growing cities certain parameters were lower than the desired
in India/Asia. Thus the authors selected 6 limit, some values fell between the desirable and
locations where several thousands of people visit permissible limits and some quantities exceeded
these places in a day. Table 1 presents the details the permissible limit. These observations were
of these places along with the approximate compiled in Table 3. An inspection of the data
average number of visitors in a day. Since the from Table 3 reveals that all samples reported
Visakhapatnam is a coastal city which lies on the chlorides below the desirable limit thus being safe
coast of Bay of Bengal, it is thought of testing the from this aspect. Five of the samples showed TDS
waters for chlorides. If chlorides were in excessive below the desirable limit and only one sample
quantities then it can be thought that the waters exceeded the desirable limit and however fell
contained seeped sea water. Also the primary within the permissible limit. Hence the five
indicators are PH and TDS and hence these two samples are acceptable for potable purposes from
were also measured. For biological quality of TDS point of view however, for sample number 4
water, measurements were carried out for E. coli that had shown more TDS content; a RO plant is
form. more likely to solve the problem. All the samples
have exceeded the PH limit however, samples 1
MATERIALS AND METHODS and 2 close to the upper limit and sample 6 is
quite away from the upper limit. However, from
Standard procedures were adapted for estimation the biological quality side, samples 5 and 6 did not
of various physical and chemical parameters in contain any E. coli contamination. The remaining
the present investigation (Gouru Naidu, 1993 and samples contained E. coli contamination and
Clesceri et al., 1999). The samples were collected especially samples 1, 2 and 3 are not at all
in clean polythene bottles after rinsing the bottles recommended for potable purpose.
thoroughly with the water sample to be collected.
While collecting the samples, the containers were CONCLUSIONS
filled completely without leaving any space. When
sample is collected from a bore well, sufficient Six water samples from highly dense public
water is pumped out before collecting the sample facilities have been collected in the

1 ISSN 2249-2631(online): 2249-2623(Print) - Rising Research Journal Publication

Global J. of Engg. & Appl. Sciences, 2015: 5 (1)

Visakhapatnam City. These samples were tested 20IMPROVE%20WATER%20SUPPLY%20

for general drinking water quality. The values of ON%20NORTHERN%20RAILWAY%20(2)
pH, TDS, chlorides and E. coli count were obtained .pdf (16-09-2014)
using standard methods and high quality 2. The Times of India, 2014. Delhi HC notice
instruments. It is observed that the first three on railway water quality, The Times of
samples were very highly contaminated with E. India, 04-04-2014.
coli and should not be used for potable purpose. 3. Clesceri, C.L., Greenberg, A.E and A.D.
Sample number four is also contaminated with E. Eaton. 1999. Standard methods for the
coli whereas the samples 5 and 6 did not exhibit examination of water and waste water,
any E. coli contamination. However, it is to be 20ed, American Public Health Association,
noted that even the waters of samples 5 and 6 are USA.
also of poor quality. 4. Gouru Naidu, K. 1993. Studies on the
systematic assessment of quality of
REFERENCES drinking water in Visakhapatnam, Ph.D
thesis, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam
1. (1993).

Table 1. Locations chosen for samples collection

Sample Daily no. of Water purifier is

Location Source of water
No. visitors (approx.) there or not
1 A University Hostel 2500 Ground water Yes
2 A University Canteen 600 Ground water No
3 Visakhapatnam Railway 1500 Ground water No
4 Visakhapatnam RTC Complex 700 Ground water Yes
5 A Govt. Degree College 1000 Municipal water No
6 A food parlour 3000 Municipal water Yes

Table 2. Water analysis

Sample No. Location Chlorides PH TDS Ecoli

Units  mg/l mg/lit Number/100 ml
Desirable limit  250 6.5-8.5 500 0
Permissible limit  1000 6.5-8.5 2000 0
1 A University Hostels 92 8.6 491 500
2 A University Canteen 49 8.7 305 >16000
Visakhapatnam Railway
3 Station 47 9.3 342 230
Visakhapatnam RTC
4 Complex 181 9.8 745 20
5 A Govt. Degree College 23 9.9 132 Nil
6 A food parlour 21 10.1 135 Nil

Table 3. Percentage of samples exceeding desirable and permissible limits.

Parameter Percentage of samples Percentage of samples Percentage of samples exceeding

below desirable limit below permissible limit permissible limit
PH 0 0 100
Chlorides 100 0 0
TDS 83 17 0
E. coli 33 0 67

2 ISSN 2249-2631(online): 2249-2623(Print) - Rising Research Journal Publication

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