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W-02l 0002 / 201 4-DPI 1(WCl) -Gr,-V III / 2024

Clovcrnrncnt of India
Ministry of Iiinance
I)cpartnr t-.n t of P:]:1 ic lJnterprises

Publ ic lrntt:rprisc.s Ilhawan

Illock 14, CGO Complcx,
Locli Roacl, New I)elhi-110003
I)atcd: the 13th June,2024
Subject:- Iloard levcl and below Iloard lcvel posts including Non-unionised
supervisors in Ccntral Public Sector Entcrprises (CPSEs)- Rcvision of scales of pay
w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of Il)A at rcviscd rates-regarding.

'['hc uncler:signecl is c'lircctec'l t. ;; to the para 6anc.l Annexure-ll (]l) of

I)T)Ii's OM datecl 26.11.2008 whr:rcirr thc rates of DA payablc to the lSoarcl lc'vel and
below lJoarc'l lcvel executivcs ancl non-unionizcc'l supcrvisors of (lPSIis have been 'l'he ratc of I)A payable to the c.xccutivcs ancl nc'm-unionizt:cl
sup-rr-.rr.,isoLs of CPSI'ls w.c.f 0'l .04.2024 f or 2007 pay scales is 216.80/o.

2. '['hc above ratc of I)A i.t:. 216.8% wou]d be applicable in thc case of IDA
crnpl<ryecs who havc bccn allowr-'rl rcvisecl pay scales (2007) as pcr i)Pli OMs datccl
26.71 .2008, 09.02.2009 & 02.04.2009.

3. All adrnir-ristrativc Ministrit-.s/I)cpartments of the Governmcnt of India arc

rc.quc.stccl to br:ing tl'rc for:r:goir.rg to the notice. of the (IPSI:,s undcr thcir
aclrninistrativc contr:ol for nr-'r:cssary action at thcir encl.
4. 'l'l-ris issucs witl'r thc appnx,al of thc'Cornpetent Authority.

(Dr. P.K. Sinha)
I)eputy Secretary to the Clovernment of Tnclia
All administrativc Ministr:ics/l)cpartments of thc Govcrnmcnt of India.

(-opv to:

.1. ''l'hc
Chief Iixccutivr-'s ol'(lcntral I'ublic Sector Iinterprises.
2. Irinancial Adviscrs in the Arlrninistrativc Ministries/ I)epartments.
3. I)r:partment of Iixpenditun:, Ii-II llranch, North BIock, New I)elhi.
4. 'l'l-rc Cornptrollcr & Aurlitor'(lcr-rcral of India, 9 I)ccn [)ayal Upadhayay Marg,
New I)ell-ri.
5. NIC, DPII with thc rt:qucst to uploac.l this OM on thc I)[']iwebsite.

(r)r.'Pk. Sinha)
Deputy Secretary to the Govcrntnent of Inclia

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