OM 14 June, 2024 1987 & 1992 IDA pay scales, revised IDA rate

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F . No.W-02 I ooo|\ I 20 1 4-t)t>E(WC)-(il.

-xt I 2024
()ovcrnmcnt of India
Ministry of lrinance
I)cpartmcnt of Public llntcrpriscs

I)ublic I,)ntcrpriscs Ilhawan

Illock 14, CGO Complcx,
Lodi Road, Ncw Delhi- 1 10003
I)ated: the l4th .Junc, 2024

Subject:- Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executives and
non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in Central Public
Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) on L987 and L992 basis.
Thc undcrsigncd is dircctcd to rcfcr to I)ara No.4 of this I)cpartmcnt's
O.M. No. 2(50)/86-T)l)l'l(Wc) datcd 19.O7.1995 whcrein thc ratcs of I)A payablc
to thc cxccutivcs holding Iloard lcvcl post havc bccn indicatcd. In accordancc
wjth t-hc I)A schcmc spcll. ou1. in Anncxurc-lll of thc said O.M, thc installmcnts
t>f I)A bccomc payablc from 1st .Ianuary, l"t April, l"t .Iuly and 1st Octobcr, cvcry
ycar bascd on thc pricc incrcasc ab<>vc quartcrly Indcx avcragc of 1099
(1960- I 00).
2. In continuation of this I)cpartmcnt's O.M. of cvcn No. datcd 11.01 .2024,
thc ratcs ol I)A payablc 1.o thc cxccutivcs of CPSI,ls holding lloard lcvcl post,
bclow l]oard lcvcl p<>sl. and Non lJnionizcd Supervis<>rs following Il)A patl.crn of
1992 pay scalcs may bc modificd as follows:-
Date from which payable: Ot.O4.2O24
Average AICPI (196Q=1OO) for the quarter December, 2ol23 to
February, 2o24 is 9135. The increase over the link point in percentage
[(9135-l099ll 1O99*1OO] is 73L.2o/". DA Rates for various Pay Ranges w.e.f.
DA Rates for various Pay Ranges:

Basic Pay per Month DA Rates

Upl.o lts.3500 731 .2o/o of pay subject to m n mum of Rs. 160721 -
Abovc 11s.3500 and Upto 548.4o/o of pay subject to minimum of Rs.25592/-
Abovc Its.6500 and Upl.o 438.7o/o of pay subject to minimum of Rs.35646/ -
Abovc I1s.9500 ?!>5.6% of pay subjecl to minimum of ns.+tOZZ I -

3. 'lhc paymcnt on account of dcarncss allowancc involving fractions of 50

paise and abovc may bc roundcd off 1.o the next highcr rupcc and thc fractions
of lcss than 50 paisc may bc ignorcd.
4 'l'he quantum of IDA payablc from O1.O4.2O24 at the old system of
neutrahzatron @ Rs.2.00 per point shifl for increase of 4l points, may bc
I{s.82 l- and atAICPI 9135, DA payablc may bc Rs. 16859.75to the cxecutivcs
holding I3oard levcl post, below lloard lcvcl post and non-unionizcd supcrvisors
following IDA pattcrn in the Cl'}Slrs of 1987 pay scalcs.
5. All administrativc Ministries/Dcpartmr:nts of Govcrnment of India arc
requested to bring the foregoing to thc: notice of the CPSlfs under thcir
administrative control for necessary action at their cnd.
6. 'l'his issucs with thc approval of thc Compctent Authority.
/9 -'
(Dr. P.K. Sinha)
Deputy Secr<:tary to the Government of India

All administrative Ministries/l)epartmcnts of thc Govcrnment of India.

Copy to:

1.I'he Chicf Ilxecutivcs of Central })ublic Sector Ilnterprise s.

2. Financial Adviscrs in the Administrative Ministrics/l)cpartmcnts.
3. Department of F)xpenditure, Il-ll llranch, North ]llock, New l)clhi.
4. The Comptroller & Auditor General of India, 9 I)ee n l)ayal Upadhayay
Marg, New l)elhi.
5. NIC, Dl']lJ with thc rcquest to upload this OM <>n thc l)l'I,l wcbsitc.

(Dr. l'.K. Sinha)
Deputy Secr<:tary to the Government of India

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