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5/18/24, 11:02 PM Blog – Loud Generation

Loud Generation

H. E. L. L (Hotels Experience Lubricated Love)

March 9, 2018 Luthando Tevin

High heels had him holding hips. Eyes examine excellence. Lust Luminate love. Love legalize lies
Leaving ladies lonely. Thighs temp thugs. Hello helped him hug her. He held her hand happily. No one
will make it to hell because everyone makes it to heaven. Just know Hell is like the sun up in the sky
always bright and heaven is the moon less harmful. The stars are the true definition of an angels and the
clouds are demons. The clouds are unpredictable of its changes same as the devil is. Angels shine at
night and while the devil disappears. I studied the week to figure out why men are labeled as weak. I
took a few letters out of everyday not just to prove who’s gay. I figured out that mon from Monday is
actually suppose to be Man. Tues from Tuesday is suppose to be queues. Wendnes from Wednesday is
actually suppose to be when’s. Thurs from Thursday is suppose to be obviously thirst. Fri from Friday is
suppose cry. Satur from Saturday is suppose to be scatter. Sun from Sunday remains as sun. And those
are the seven day’s of the week, but I say those are seven ways we live. Man Queue When there’s Thirst
and then after let the women Cry as they Scatter just to claim his importance as the Sun. Let’s go to the
months and take every first letter of each month and I’m sure you’ll end up with JFMAMJJASOND. now
let me break it down for you. Jay ef mam J Jason D. So what that means is, Jay who is Jason D ef(fucked)
Mam J. So now let’s find out when did they fuck, F happens to be February the month of love. So what
makes the month then short that’s only because of his age that makes up the month and that was the first
time they fucked, the first round is normally short. They say it takes 12 months to make up a year but
they are lying, it only means it took them 12 months to find yeah as an answer from one witness. The
question was Jay ef(Fucked) Mam J?, Jason D?! (JFMAMJJASOND?!). Yeah (year) came out as an answer.
Now understand the word decade refers to 10 years, Dec is shortern for declare and aide (ade) refers to
an assistant. So 9 more aides (ade) made it clean that the answer is indeed yeah (year). So they had all 10
yeah (years) and came up with the term decade. The case was then sent to the jury (Sent +Jury = century)
back by Jay’s lawyers after he has served 90 years in prison since he slept with an older woman who is
Mam J and they called it rape and he was the first to have slept with an elderly woman at that time. The
reason they call her Mam J by the way, it’s because she is Jay’s Mother. Men were then called devils and
women became known as angels that’s why women are so easily deceived by men. In case you might be
asking were heaven and hell is just know heaven is a woman’s heart and hell is the mind of a man. The
Loud Generation Hotels Experience Lubricated Love. And you just got yourself fucked up by love since
you love pour wet tree.

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5/18/24, 11:02 PM Blog – Loud Generation

The Journey Begins

March 9, 2018March 9, 2018 Luthando Tevin

Thanks for joining me!

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton

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5/18/24, 11:02 PM Blog – Loud Generation


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