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YİDE6003 The Philosophy of Educational Research

Ders Kodu Ders Adı Teorik Uygulama Laboratuvar Yerel Kredi AKTS
YİDE6003 The Philosophy of Educational Research 3,00 0,00 0,00 3,00 6,00

Ders Detayı
Dersin Dili : İngilizce
Dersin Seviyesi : Doktora
Ön Koşullar : Yok
Dersin Amacı : This course aims at enabling the students to have philosophical perspectives in educational research and analyse the conceptual and philosophical problems
the ELT research.
Dersin İçeriği : The course gives a presentation of the philosophical and methodological problems in educational research. The focus is on two themes: the structure-actor
problem in the human sciences with special focus on its relevance for educational research and the problem of evidence in educational research and the role it
plays in relation to educational practice. The relation between an understanding of the human sciences based on a conception of the subject as a thinking,
willing, feeling and acting entity and a conception based on a determination or shaping of the subject and its actions by formal or social structures that exist
before or independently of human actions and thoughts – this relation that often takes the form of an opposition – has been extremely significant in the last
hundred years. Similarly we find an important dimension in our understanding of the educational sciences in relation to the types of evidence involved and thus
a discussion of the empirical basis or import and the way empirically founded results can influence or justify certain educational practices.
Dersin Kitabı / Malzemesi / : Pring, R. (2004). Philosophy of Educational Research (2nd ed), London: Continuum. Curren Randall (2007). Philosophy of Education: Anhology, Oxford:
Önerilen Kaynaklar Blackwell Publishing Standish, P. (2007) Philosophy as Educational Enquiry and Critique. London: TLRP. Online at
educational-enquiry-and-critique/ Review of Educational Research American Educational Research Journal European Educational Research Journal
Planlanan Öğrenme Etkinlikleri : Anlatım, Tartışma, Araştırma, Okuma
ve Öğretme Yöntemleri
Ders İçin Önerilen Diğer : None
Dersi Veren Öğretim Elemanları : Prof. Dr. Dinçay Köksal
Dersi Veren Öğretim Elemanı : None
Dersin Verilişi : Yüzyüze

Ders Öğrenme Çıktıları

Bu dersi tamamladığında öğrenci :

1 Upon the completion of this course the students will be able to to analyze the different philosophical underpinnings of each paradigm

2 They will be able to define the operational definitions of ontology, epistemology and paradigm

3 They will be able to apply the knowledge of paradigms into ELT research

4 They will be able to analyze the reseach in ELT from the philosophical perpectives

5 They will be able to assess the research papers from the philosophical perspective.

6 They will be able to recogmise the ethical ,issues in educational research.

Ön Koşullar

Ders Kodu Ders Adı Teorik Uygulama Laboratuvar Yerel Kredi AKTS

Haftalık Konular ve Hazırlıklar

Teorik Uygulama Laboratuvar Hazırlık Bilgileri Öğretim Metodları

1.Hafta *Philosophy, Methodology and
Educational Research: Introduction
to the history of educational
research and its central
philosophical and methodological
2.Hafta *Concept of Education, Key
Concepts in Education,
Researching Educational Practice
(Readings: Plato, Isocrates, John
Locke, Jean- Jacques Rousseau,
John Dewey, R.S.Peters)
3.Hafta *Philosophical foundations of
educational research: variety of
educational research and ‘False-
Dualism’(Qualitative and
Quantitative research): Readings: A
View from Somewhere: Explaining
the Paradigms of Educational
Research Hanan A. Alexander:(In
David Bridges and Richard Smith
(eds) 2007, pp.117-132)
4.Hafta *The disciplines and the discipline
of educational research:(David
Bridges and Richard Smith (eds)
2007, p.61-74
Teorik Uygulama Laboratuvar Hazırlık Bilgileri Öğretim Metodları
5.Hafta *Structure-actor as a theme in
relation to fundamental questions in
the philosophy of the human
sciences: meaning, intention,
interpretation and rationality, holism
versus individualism
6.Hafta *Examples of research projects and
their relation to philosophical and
methodological problems
(presentations by participants)
7.Hafta *Epistemological concerns in
research - Readings:
Epistemological Issues in
Phenomcnological Research: How
Authoritative are People's Accounts
of their own Perceptions? Bas
8.Hafta *Ethical dimensions to educational
9.Hafta *Presentations
10.Hafta *Presenatation A philosophical and
methodological map of educational
research – education, pedagogy
and educational research in relation
to philosophical and methodological
challenges; interdisciplinarity,
problem-based research,
transdisciplinarity, research
methods and research forms –
Mode 1 and Mode 2 (brief overview
lectures, presentations by
participants, group work, plenary
session with discussion).
11.Hafta *Action research and practitioner
research Readings: Philosophy,
Methodology and Action Research
Wilfred Carr:(In David Bridges and
Richard Smith (eds) 2007, pp.117-
132) Philosophical Research and
Educational Action Research
Marianna Papastephanou
12.Hafta *Realism – instrumentalism,
relativism – foundationalism: on
empirical research and its
foundation (lecture by Søren
Harnow Klausen).
13.Hafta *Postmodernism and educational
research Reading:'A Demented
Form of the Familiar':
Postmodernism and Educational
Research Maggie MacLure
14.Hafta *The concept of evidence and
empirical research in the light of the
multiplicity of research methods:
qualitative, quantitative, observing,
participating, interactive, active

Değerlendirme Sistemi %

2 Sunum/Seminer : 20,000

3 Araştırma Yapma - Proje : 20,000

4 Final : 60,000

AKTS İş Yükü

Aktiviteler Sayı Süresi(Saat) Toplam İş Yükü

Ödev 2 10,00 20,00
Final 1 2,00 2,00
Derse Katılım 14 3,00 42,00
Ders Öncesi Biresysel Çalışma 14 2,00 28,00
Ders Sonrası Biresysel Çalışma 14 2,00 28,00
Final Sınavı Hazırlık 1 10,00 10,00
Araştırma Sunumu 1 15,00 15,00
Sunum/Seminer 1 10,00 10,00
Ders Dışı Çalışma 14 2,00 28,00
Araştırma Yapma - Proje 1 20,00 20,00
Aktiviteler Sayı Süresi(Saat) Toplam İş Yükü
Okuma 10 2,00 20,00
Rapor Yazma 1 10,00 10,00
Toplam : 233,00
Toplam İş Yükü / 30 ( Saat ) : 8
AKTS : 6,00

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