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INTRODUCTION TO not be signed by the government,

PHILOSOPHY then we will have no recourse

but to go to the war.”

OPINIONS – are statements that go  APPEAL TO EMOTION –

beyond providing facts using emotions such as pity or
CONCLUSION – a judgement based on
ex. “all these charges are
certain facts
baseless; this is just plain
BELIEFS – are statements that expresses harassment- can’t you see how
convictions that are not easily and clearly this is affecting my family?”
explained by facts.
EXPLANATIONS – are statements that – the idea is presented as
assume the claim to be true and provide acceptable because a lot of
reasons why the statement is true people accept it.
ex. “every boy your age already
ARGUMENTS – are a series of
has a girlfriend. You should go
statements that provide reasons to
find one!”
convince the reader or listener that a claim
or opinion is truthful.
FALLACIES – are arguments based on the idea is acceptable because it
faulty reasoning. has been true for a long time.
ex. “marriage should be between
BIAS – a disproportionate weight in favor a man and a woman. It has been
of or against an idea or thing, usually in a so for a long time in this
way that is close-minded, prejudicial or country; it should remain so
unfair. today and in the future”


FALLACY, CHARACTERISTICS AND – assuming the thing or idea to
EXAMPLES be proven is true; also known as
circular argument.
 AD HOMINEM – attacking the ex. “I have the right to free
person presenting the argument speech, therefore you cannot
instead of the argument itself. stop me from talking.”
ex. “of course, he believes that
the government is flawed, he is a  CAUSE-AND-EFFECT –
rebel and a communist!” assuming ‘cause-and-effect’
relationship between unrelated
 APPEAL TO FORCE – using events.
the threat or force or an ex. ”ever since you bought that
undesirable event to advance an sweater, everything has been
argument. going wrong in your life. You
ex. “if this peace agreement will should get rid of it.”
cause of the plane crash, but
 FALLACY OF investigators are currently
COMPOSITION – assuming focusing on the possibility of
that what is true for the whole pilot error”
ex. “these cases of robbery in
this district have convinced me  HINDSIGHT – the tendency to
that the city has become a den of see past events as predictable, or
thieves and criminals.” to ascribe a pattern to historical
 FALLACY OF DIVISION – ex.” Magellan’s assault on
assuming that what is true for the Mactan island was a foolhardy
whole is true for its parts. venture, made by an
ex. “you come from a family of overconfident, careless man who
doctors and intellectuals! Surely underestimated the valor of the
you can do better in this course!” native Filipinos.”


EXAMPLES person or group is connected to
or has a vested interest in the
issue being discussed.
 CORRESPONDENCE BIAS Ex. “as the daughter of the
OR ATTRIBUTION EFFECT accused, I believe I have the
– tendency to judge a person’s right to express my opinion on
personally by his or her actions, the issue of his alleged corrupted
without regard for the external practices.”
factors or influence.
ex. “these soldiers who fought in  CULTURAL BIAS – analyzing
the war are all bloodthirsty an event or issue based on one’s
murderers!” cultural standards.
ex. “ I do not agree with this
 CONFIRMATION BIAS – Western practice of placing aged
tendency to look for and readily parents in retirement homes. We
accept information which fits Filipinos take care of our family
one’s own beliefs or views and members.”
to reject ideas or views that go
against it.
ex.”how can I accept his view There are four methods of philosophizing,
that there is no God? I’m a these are:
 Logic
 FRAMING – focusing on a  Existentialism
certain aspect of a problem while  Analytic tradition
ignoring other aspects.  Phenomenology
ex. “preliminary evidence has
still not pointed out the actual
LOGIC – it is a truth which is based on their life, follows through or does not
reasoning and critical thinking. It is the follow through on that decision and begins
analysis and construction of argument and to create their essence. The idea of
serves as the path to freedom from half existentialism is a person will create their
truths and deception. essence over their lifetime and will be
finished or fully formed in existentialism.
Logic is also one of the major branches of In existentialism, the existence comes first
philosophy which increases one’s ability to and the essence comes second.
reason correctly and distinguish rational


philosophy was founded by Gottlob Frege
TWO TYPES OF REASONING in the late 19th century. It is said that the
Philosophy should apply logical
techniques to attain conceptual clarity.
(from conclusion to
Analytic philosophy is also called
introduction) – in this type of
linguistic philosophy, a related set of
reasoning, conclusion comes
approaches to philosophical problems.
first followed by main points,
and the last will be the This philosophy means the using common
supporting data, facts, examples experience and ordinary language to
and evidences. General idea analyze concepts and language in
comes first before the specific or philosophy. Example o analytic philosophy
particular area. is The Star Strek’s Mr. Spock. Gene
Roddenberry, the creator of the original
2. INDUCTIVE REASONING show was famous for his intense interest in
(from introduction to philosophy and religion and he was
conclusion) – in this type of probably aware of the developments in
reasoning, supporting data, facts, analytic philosophy during the 1960’s
examples and evidences come when Star Trek was first made.
first followed by the main points
and conclusion will be the last
part. This is the opposite of PHENOMENOLOGY – a broad
deductive reasoning because a discipline and methods of inquiry in
particular idea comes first before philosophy which is based on the premise
the general idea. that reality consists of objects and events
(“phenomena”) as they are perceived or
understood in human consciousness and
EXISTENSIALISM – it is a philosophy not of anything independent of human
that emphasizes the importance of free consciousness. It is the study of structures
individual choice, regardless of the power
of other people to influence and coerce our
desires, beliefs and decisions.

An example of existentialism would be

when a person makes a decision about
of consciousness as experienced from the For St. Thomas, the total vision of man
first point of view. This philosophy was would be the embodied spirit.
founded by Edmund Husserl who worked
copiously to establish it as a rigorous
Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs LIMITS AND POSSIBILITIES

SOCRATIC METHOD – an  Mental and emotional

argumentative dialogue between disorders (e.g. anxiety,
individuals, based on asking and intellectual disability)
answering questions.  Disabilities (e.g. amputated leg,
 Diseased and illness (3.g.
OCCAM’S RAZOR – it is a problem- hypertension, cough)
solving device used by the philosophers in  Failures and experiences (e.g.
analyzing possible explanations regarding failing a subject)
a phenomenon.  Location of neighborhood (e.g.
armed, disorganized, or violent

PYTHAGORAS – a Greek philosopher,

from the Greek island of Samos. A mystic,
mathematician, and founder of SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL
Pythagorean theorem. LIMITATIONS

 Abusive relationships (e.g.

emotional abuse)
THE HUMAN PERSON AS AN  Negative influence (e.g. drug
EMBODIED SPIRIT abuse, smoking)


“Happiness is the meaning and the
purpose of life, the whole aim and end of
human existence.” – Aristotle HUMAN PERSON

 A human person is a living being

that contains real and existing to
direct its own development
toward fulfilment through
perfect, unconditional and
infinite, truth, love, goodness,
beauty, and unity, and will do so
if all the proper conditions are
met (Spitzer 1999)

 It is the sum total of all

surroundings o a living
organism, including natural DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENTAL
forces and other living things, THEORIES
which provide conditions for
development and growth as well
as of danger and damage
(Endriga 2017)
 This means that as a human
person we interact not only with
our fellow human beings, but DEEP ECOLOGY – for this theory,
also with other living and non- ecological crisis is an outcome of
living elements in our anthropocentrism, which is already
environment. Like other discussed. The controlling attitude of
sciences, philosophy also seeks humankind is extended to nature, when in
to explore the relationship fact, humanity is part of nature. Deep
between humanity and the ecologists encourage humanity to shift
environmental philosophy or away from anthropocentrism to
environmental ethics. ecocentrism.


OR ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS ecological crisis results from authoritarian
social structures. Destroying nature is a
 As defined by Abella (2016), reflection wherein few people overpower
environmental philosophy or others while exploiting the environment
environmental ethics is the for profit or self interest.
discipline that studies the moral
relationship of human beings Social ecologists call for small scale
with the environment and its societies which recognize that humanity is
non-human contents. linked with the well being of the natural
 He also described environmental world in which human life depends.
philosophers as philosophers
who tackle issues that is related
to humanity’s role in the natural ECOFEMINISM – male traits as in the
world, the interaction between anthropocentric model are superior as
nature and human activities, and opposed to female traits as in the
humanity’s response to ecocentric model.
environmental challenges. And
that environmental philosophers
have radical views which argue
that a paradigm shift or cultural
revolution is what will save all
from ecological crisis.
PRUDENCE – is defined as the ability to
have a good judgment that allows
avoidance of dangers and risks.

FRUGALITY – is the act of using money

or other resources wisely and practically.

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