Final (Academic Performance Analysis) (3) (1)

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Submitted by

SANJEY KANNAA V (921320104175)

SAJITH ROSHAN K (921320104173)
NIDHISH KANNA R (921320104149)
VINOTH KUMAR M (921320104312)

in partial fulfilment for the award of the degree




(An Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai)
DINDIGUL – 624 622
MAY 2024

(An Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai)
DINDIGUL – 624 622


Certified that this project report “ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE

ANALYSIS” is the bonafide work of “SANJEY KANNAA V
(921320104175), SAJITH ROSHAN K (921320104173), NIDHISH
KANNA R (921320104149), VINOTH KUMAR M (921320104312)”
who carried out the project work under my supervision.



Professor and Head, Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science and Department of Computer Science
Engineering, and Engineering,
PSNA College of Engineering and PSNA College of Engineering
Technology, and Technology,
Dindigul-624622. Dindigul-624622.

Submitted for viva voce examination held on................................... 2024

Internal Examiner External Examiner


With warm hearts and immense pleasure, I thank the Almighty for
his grace and blessings which drove me to the successful completion of
the project. I would like to express my gratitude towards my parents for
their kind cooperation and encouragement which help me in completion
of this project.

I take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to the respected

Chairperson Tmt.K.DHANALAKSHMI AMMAL, who is the guiding
light for all the activities in my college. I would like to express my deep
gratitude to our Pro Chairman Rtn.MPHF.R.S.K RAGURAAM for his
continuous support towards the development of the students.

I would like to thank our Principal Dr.D.VASUDEVAN M.E.,

Ph.D., for being a beacon in guiding every one of us and infusing us with
the strength and enthusiasm to work over successfully.

I express my sincere thanks and heartfelt gratitude to

Dr.D.SHANTHI M.E., Ph.D., Professor and Head, Department of
Computer Science and Engineering for her valuable suggestions and
continuous encouragement in the completion of the project work.

This project would not have been possible without the motivation
and guidance of our project coordinator Dr.J.BENADICT RAJA M.E,
Ph.D., Associate Professor and project guide Mr. M.KAMARAJAN,
Assistant Professor of the Department of Computer Science and


The Academic Performance Analysis is an innovative web-based

application designed to revolutionize the generation of performance

reports for students and faculty members within educational institutions.

Traditionally, this process has been difficult and time consuming process

in most colleges. However, this project aims to address these challenges

head-on by introducing a streamlined approach to report generation,

ultimately saving significant time and effort for educational institutions.

The proposed application surpasses the limitations of the existing system

by catering to the needs of both students and faculty. It offers

comprehensive solutions, allowing users to access valuable insights such

as subject-specific grades, performance trends, and semester-wise

progress effortlessly. Department heads and principals can visually track

pass rates using charts and graphs, examining subject distributions,

section performance, and individual student outcomes. This holistic view

facilitates informed decision-making and proactive intervention

strategies. The primary technology employed in this system is PDOs, a

reliable framework for database access in PHP. Additionally, to address

security concerns, the system utilizes the BCRYPT algorithm, ensuring

passwords are securely hashed and stored.



1.4 SCOPE 8
3.1.1 Advantages Of Proposed System 17
Functional and Non-Functional
3.2.1 Requirements 21

3.2.2 Feasibility Study 23 Technical Feasibility 25 Economical Feasibility 27 Social Feasibility
3.2.3 Functional Description 29
3.2.4 SYSTEM SPECIFICATION 31 Hardware Requirements 31 Software Requirements 34

3.3.1 Module Description
4 37
4.2.1 Functional Testing 40
4.2.2 Unit Testing 42
5 50
APPENDIX 1: Source Code 56
APPENDIX 2: Screenshots 61
APPENDIX 3: Conference Certificates 65



3.1 Structure of proposed system 20
3.2 Use Case Diagram 27
3.3 Activity Diagram 29
3.4 Class Diagram 31
3.5 Sequence Diagram 33
4.1 Admin Login 39
4.2 Dashboard 39
4.3 Subject Creation 40
4.4 Student Admission 40
4.5 Student Login 42
4.6 Student Report 42
4.7 Faculty Login 43
4.8 Faculty Report 44
4.9 Class Database 45
4.10 Admin Database 45
A1 Subject Admission 61
A2 Student Creation 61
A3 Create Class 62
A4 Dashboard 62
A5 Declare Result 63
A6 Faculty Creation 63
A7 Semester Result 64
A8 Admin Change Password 64




LMS Learning Management System

MEAT Measurement and evaluation Achievement Test

EDM Educational Data Mining

PHP Hypertext Preprocessor

HTML Hyper Text Markup Language

CSS Cascading Style Sheet

JS Java Script

SRMS Student Result Management System

UML Unified Modeling Language

PDO PHP Data Objects




In educational institutions, the process of generating performance
reports for students based on various criteria such as year, branch,
section, and subject can be arduous and time-consuming. Recognizing
this challenge, we present a solution that streamlines the generation of
these reports, saving valuable time and effort for both students and
faculty members.
Unlike existing systems that solely focus on student-centric report
generation, our proposed system offers a comprehensive approach. It
empowers both students and faculty members to access their academic
performance data with ease, providing valuable insights into subject-
specific, year-wise, or semester-wise progress.
Department heads and the Principal gain convenient access to pass
percentages, presented through intuitive graphical representations. These
insights are categorized by subjects, sections, overall branch
performance, or even individual student results, facilitating informed
decision-making and enhancing overall institutional effectiveness.
Invigorating the traditional report card system, our proposed
solution transcends mere report generation. It empowers users at every
level with a robust feature set designed to unlock the potential of data-
driven decision making. Students can perform granular analyses,
wielding detailed reports that compare their performance against
historical benchmarks or pinpoint areas requiring focused attention.
Faculty are equipped to tailor reports for specific purposes, like
parent-teacher conferences, while simultaneously analysing trends across

sections to identify topics demanding instructional refinement.
Recognizing the importance of data security, the system prioritizes
student privacy through rigorous access controls.
Furthermore, seamless integration with existing student
information systems or learning management platforms eliminates the
tedium of duplicate data entry. Crucially, these reports transcend mere
information; they translate into actionable insights. Students can leverage
progress data to identify areas where tutoring would be beneficial, while
faculty can proactively support struggling students by adjusting teaching
methods. The system's potential extends even further, with future
iterations envisioned to offer predictive analytics and personalized
learning recommendations.
The benefits cascade beyond streamlined report generation. By
reclaiming valuable time for both students and faculty, the system
empowers them to dedicate their focus to the heart of education: learning
and teaching. Easy access to performance data fosters improved
communication, paving the way for collaborative discussions about
progress and goal setting. This data becomes the cornerstone of data-
driven decision making, enabling the institution to optimize curriculum
content, strategically allocate resources, and pinpoint areas for
improvement. Students, empowered to take ownership of their learning
journey through active progress monitoring, experience a surge in
engagement and a demonstrably stronger academic performance.
Ultimately, this comprehensive educational performance reporting
system transforms into a cornerstone for a more successful and efficient
learning environment, empowering all stakeholders to achieve their full

The motivation behind academic performance analysis projects can
stem from various angles:
1. Understanding Student Progress: These projects aim to provide
insights into how students are performing academically over time. By
analyzing academic data, educators can identify patterns, strengths,
and areas needing improvement among students.
2. Personalized Learning: Analyzing academic performance can help
tailor educational approaches to individual student needs. By
understanding where students excel and where they struggle,
educators can personalize learning experiences to maximize student
3. Curriculum Evaluation: Academic performance analysis can shed
light on the effectiveness of curriculum and teaching methods. It
allows educators to assess whether the curriculum is adequately
preparing students for academic challenges and real-world
4. Early Intervention: Identifying struggling students early allows for
timely intervention and support. Academic performance analysis can
help educators identify students who may need additional assistance
or resources before they fall behind.
5. Predictive Analytics: By analyzing past academic performance,
predictive models can be developed to forecast future performance
trends. This can help educators allocate resources more effectively
and implement targeted interventions.
6. Policy Making: Academic performance analysis can inform
educational policies at various levels, from school to district to
national. It provides data-driven insights that policymakers can use to
make informed decisions about resource allocation, curriculum

development, and educational reform.
7. Parental Engagement: Analyzing academic performance data can
facilitate communication between educators and parents. By providing
parents with insights into their child's academic progress, educators
can foster greater parental involvement in their child's education.
Overall, academic performance analysis projects aim to improve
educational outcomes by leveraging data to understand student needs,
inform decision-making, and drive continuous improvement in teaching
and learning practices.

The objectives of an academic performance analysis project typically
revolve around gaining insights into student performance, identifying
factors influencing academic success, and informing strategies to enhance
learning outcomes. Here are some specific objectives commonly pursued
in such projects:
1. Evaluate Student Performance: Assess the academic performance of
students across various subjects, courses, or grade levels.
2. Identify Patterns and Trends: Analyze data to identify patterns,
trends, and correlations in academic performance, such as
performance variations across different demographics or time periods.
3. Detect Underperforming Students: Identify students who are
struggling academically or at risk of falling behind in their studies.
4. Determine Factors Influencing Performance: Investigate factors
that may influence academic performance, such as attendance,
socioeconomic status, study habits, or teacher effectiveness.
5. Predict Future Performance: Develop predictive models to forecast
future academic performance based on historical data and student

6. Evaluate Interventions: Assess the effectiveness of interventions or
educational programs aimed at improving academic performance,
such as tutoring, mentoring, or curriculum changes.
7. Support Decision-Making: Provide actionable insights to educators,
administrators, and policymakers to support decision-making related
to curriculum development, resource allocation, and student support
8. Enhance Personalization: Tailor educational approaches to
individual student needs by understanding their strengths, weaknesses,
and learning preferences.
9. Improve Accountability: Enhance accountability by monitoring and
reporting on academic performance metrics, such as graduation rates,
standardized test scores, and course completion rates.
10. Facilitate Communication: Foster communication and collaboration
among stakeholders, including educators, parents, and students, by
sharing insights and recommendations derived from academic
performance analysis.
By achieving these objectives, academic performance analysis
projects aim to foster a data-driven approach to education that supports
student success and continuous improvement in teaching and learning

Academic performance analysis offers numerous scopes for
students, educators, administrators, and educational institutions as a
whole. Some of the key scopes include:
1. Personalized Learning: Analysis equips students with a deeper
understanding of their academic strengths and weaknesses. This
allows educators to tailor learning plans that cater to individual needs.

Students can focus on honing their strengths while receiving targeted
support in areas requiring improvement. Imagine a student excelling
in math but struggling with reading. Performance analysis pinpoints
this, enabling educators to recommend focused reading programs or
personalized tutoring.
2. Differentiated Instruction: Data analysis becomes a powerful tool
for educators to differentiate instruction. They can identify diverse
learning styles and preferences within their classrooms. This allows
for a shift from a "one-size-fits-all" approach to a more dynamic one.
Educators can incorporate activities, assessments, and teaching
methods that cater to different learning styles, maximizing the
effectiveness of instruction for all students.
3. Targeted Program Development: Insights from performance
analysis can guide the development of new programs and initiatives.
Administrators can identify areas of specific student need and use the
data to design targeted programs that address those needs effectively.
4. Enhanced Collaboration: Data analysis provides a common
language for educators, administrators, and parents to discuss student
progress. By sharing data insights, all stakeholders can work together
to develop comprehensive support systems for students, ensuring
better communication and collaboration across the board.
5. Self-Reflection: Data empowers students to gain valuable insights
into their own learning styles and preferences. By analyzing their
performance across different subjects and learning activities, students
can identify what works best for them. This fosters self-reflection and
a sense of ownership over their learning journey. Students become
active participants in their own education, taking responsibility for
their progress.
6. Teacher Development: Performance analysis data can inform

professional development programs for educators. By analyzing
patterns and trends in student learning, educators can identify areas
where they can refine their teaching skills and strategies. This data-
driven approach to professional development empowers educators to
continuously improve their practice and become even more effective
in the classroom.



This literature survey aims to synthesize existing research on

academic performance analysis, illuminating the myriad factors
influencing students' scholastic achievements. By examining studies on
individual traits like cognitive abilities and motivation, as well as
external influences such as socio-economic background and educational
policies, this survey seeks to provide a comprehensive overview.
Moreover, it identifies gaps and trends in current research, offering
insights for future investigations.

Existing Systems:
Student’ Performance Prediction Using Machine Learning
Educational Data Mining plays a critical role in advancing the
learning environment by contributing state-of-the-art methods,
techniques, and applications. The recent development provides valuable
tools for understanding the student learning environment by exploring
and utilizing educational data using machine learning and data mining
techniques. Modern academic institutions operate in a highly competitive
and complex environment. Analysing performance, providing high-
quality education, strategies for evaluating the students’ performance,
and future actions are among the prevailing challenges universities face.
Student intervention plans must be implemented in these universities to
overcome problems experienced by the students during their studies. In
this systematic review, the relevant EDM literature related to identifying
student dropouts and students at risk from 2009 to 2021 is reviewed. The
review results indicated that various Machine Learning (ML) techniques
are used to understand and overcome the underlying challenges;
predicting students at risk and students drop out prediction. Moreover,
most studies use two types of datasets: data from student
colleges/university databases and online learning platforms. ML methods
were confirmed to play essential roles in predicting students at risk and
dropout rates, thus improving the students’ performance [7].
Student Result Management System
The Student Result Management System is a web-based program
that was created to keep track of students' grades. The server side
language in this program is PHP, the back-end design is MySQL and
PHP, and the front-end tools are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Since
SRMS is a computerized examination results management system for
tertiary students' examination records, the project intends to automate
semester result management. It will simplify and speed up the result
preparation, management process, and tasks as a tool for eliminating
manual work, dispensing us with maximum optimization that prevents
both students and administrators from accessing the results. The goal of
the project is to communicate the exam results to the student in a
straightforward manner. It is practical for students and institutions to
obtain outcomes in a straightforward manner. As a result, analyst, you
may let students look at the outcomes by providing subject status and
grades. Students can utilize the system with privileges to read and
execute their results by providing user names and passwords for a secure
login. The registration system is ready for use in the case of a new
student, and the guest user has simply the ability to read [12].

Student Result Analysis and Performance Report Generator

The Student result analysis and Performance report generator used
in generating the performance report of students according to year,
branch, section and subject wise which is quite difficult and time-

consuming process in every college. The Student Result Analysis and
performance Report Generator helps the teacher to analyze the result and
generates its report by just one clicks and it also allows the students to
see their academic performance subject, year or semester wise by just
only uploading there result PDF file. This Project is designed for colleges
that need to manage results across multiple branches and students that
need to track, manage and report results. This application can run on any
kind of operating system. At a time, we can see all the years result in a
single sheet and we can see the individual candidate’s results separately,
The Project can read the Result in PDF format and generating the report.
Report generated is in the form of excel sheets and pie chart. Student
Result Analysis and Performance Report Generator is a web application
which designed using JSP technology and MySQL used for database.
This application used for the analyzing the student results according to
the user requirements and generate the performance report of student,
subject or branch. It also allows the student to see their individual
performance in semester. this will help the college management to take
the appropriate actions to improve the quality of education and helps in
improving the performance of students. And it also solves the data
management problem as all the data is centralized and if any change is
made in data then everyone who is using this application can see it [18].
Student’s performance in educational measurement and evaluation
This study determined the effect of Learning Management system
(LMS) on students performance in educational measurement and
evaluation course. A non-equivalent group quasi experimental research
design was adopted for the study, using a population of all the
undergraduate students in Imo State University, Nigeria. A sample of 232
students was purposively selected comprising of 109 males and 123
females. An instrument titled “Measurement and evaluation Achievement

Test (MEAT)” was used for data collection. The internal consistency
reliability of the items of the MEAT was estimated to be 0.88 using
Kuder-Richardson formula (K-R20) method, while the estimated
temporal stability was obtained to be 0.89 using Pearson Product-moment
correlation. The Data collected were analyzed using mean and standard
deviation to answer the research questions while analysis of co-variance
(ANCOVA) was used to test the null hypotheses. The findings of the
study revealed that students taught using LMS (Moodle) performed better
than those exposed to the CAI4ME Package. It was equally revealed that
female students performed better than the males in both the two
approaches although the male students recorded a higher gain score.
Based on the findings, the researchers recommend that, LMS Packages
such as Moodle should be learnt and used by lecturers of Educational
Measurement and Evaluation [17].
Student Result Management System (SRMS)
Student Result Management System (SRMS) is a website designed
to store student results at the institution. On this website, HTML, CSS,
and JavaScript are used as advanced tools. The project aims to automate
semester results management as it is a system for the management of
computerized test results of student examination records. It will simplify
and accelerate outcomes planning, management processes, and activities
such as a craft reduction tool, providing us with advanced preparation for
both students and administrative authorities to achieve results. The
project aims to provide student test results in an effortless way. It works
for students and institutions to get results in an uncomplicated way.
Being a result analysis that reflects the nature of the subjects and grades
helps students to look at the results. A program designed for students
whose rights have been granted to students to read and practice their
results by providing usernames and passwords for secure access. In the

case of new students, the registration system is ready for use, and the
guest user has the right to read only. The full results system (SRMS) will
be under the control of the administrator or admin and the administrator
or admin has full access to write, read, and show the result. The guide or
admin also grants Teacher and students access and guest user access
rights. The reader can share or publish his or her result. The main
purpose / objective of this study is to develop and automate the
management and publication of student results using a computer system.
This document aims to define the overall software requirements for the
Student Outcomes Management System (SRMS) and, tries to define
conditions to be more robust and accurate. This decision document
describes the capabilities set by the System Outcomes Management
System (SRMS) software. Find the various issues that the system will
comply with. This diagram supplies detailed information on current
student results and previous semester. It covers the full details of the
students' studies and includes the student's registered number, marks,
amount, and rating. It can be accessed by principals who can use the
portfolio to analyze results. This portal can also be useful for readers to
view their current status [8].

Disadvantages of The Existing System:

1. Learning Management System (LMS) Dependency: While LMS

platforms like Moodle can enhance learning experiences, relying
solely on them may create a dependency. If technical issues arise or if
students become overly accustomed to a specific LMS, transitioning
to different platforms or traditional teaching methods could become
2. Machine Learning Bias: In the context of student performance

prediction using machine learning techniques, there's a risk of bias in
algorithms. If the datasets used for training ML models are biased or
incomplete, the predictions made regarding student outcomes could be
inaccurate or unfairly discriminatory.
3. Technical Issues in Student Result Management Systems: Web-
based systems for managing student results may encounter technical
issues such as server downtime, data loss, or security vulnerabilities.
Reliance on these systems without robust backup and security
measures could lead to disruptions in result management and
compromise sensitive student data.
4. Limited Flexibility in Result Analysis: Automated result analysis
systems may offer convenience, but they might lack the flexibility for
nuanced analysis that human educators can provide. Over-reliance on
automated analysis tools may overlook contextual factors influencing
student performance, such as personal challenges or learning styles.
5. Accessibility and Equity Concerns: Depending solely on digital
systems for result management and performance analysis could
inadvertently disadvantage students with limited access to technology
or digital literacy skills. It's important to ensure that such systems are
accessible to all students.
6. Privacy and Data Security: Storing and managing student data,
especially sensitive information related to academic performance,
raises concerns about privacy and data security.
7. Dependency on Specific Technologies: Some of the described
systems rely heavily on specific technologies (e.g., PHP, MySQL,
LMS platforms). Over time, these technologies may become outdated
or unsupported, posing challenges for system maintenance, updates,
and compatibility with newer standards or platforms.




The proposed system for academic performance analysis offers a
sophisticated solution to the complex challenge of understanding and
improving student outcomes within educational institutions. By
seamlessly integrating data collection, preprocessing, analysis, and
visualization modules, the system provides educators and administrators
with invaluable insights into student performance trends and factors
influencing academic success. Through meticulous data collection from
various sources such as student information systems and learning
management platforms, the system ensures a comprehensive dataset that
underpins accurate and meaningful analysis.

Figure 3.1. Structure of proposed system

Once collected, the data undergoes rigorous pre-processing to
address anomalies and inconsistencies, ensuring that subsequent analysis
is built upon a foundation of reliable information. Leveraging advanced
analytical techniques including exploratory data analysis and predictive
modeling, the system uncovers actionable insights from the academic
data. These insights are then presented to stakeholders through intuitive
visualizations and comprehensive reports, empowering educators,
administrators, and policymakers to make informed decisions and
implement targeted interventions to support student achievement.
Furthermore, the system is designed for seamless integration with
existing educational infrastructure, allowing for efficient deployment and
interoperability with other platforms. Whether deployed on-premises or
on cloud infrastructure, the system prioritizes scalability, flexibility, and
compliance with data privacy regulations. Continuous improvement
mechanisms, such as feedback loops and ongoing monitoring of system
performance, ensure that the system remains adaptive and responsive to
evolving needs and emerging best practices in academic performance
3.1.1 Advantages of Proposed System
1. Performance Reports Generation:
 Develop a robust report generation module that can fetch and
analyze data from the database based on user-specified criteria
(year, branch, section, subject).
 Include options for generating various types of reports, such as
grade reports, attendance reports, course completion reports,
and comparative analysis reports.
2. Customizable Report Filters:
 Provide users with a user-friendly interface to apply custom
filters to their reports. This could include dropdown menus,

checkboxes, date pickers, and search functionalities.
 Allow users to save their preferred report configurations as
templates for quick access in the future.
3. Graphical Data Representation:
 Integrate data visualization tools such as charts (bar charts, pie
charts, line graphs), histograms, and heatmaps to represent
academic performance data.
 Use color coding and legends to highlight key performance
indicators and trends.
4. Interactive Dashboards:
 Design intuitive dashboards that display summary information
and key metrics at a glance.
 Allow users to customize their dashboards by rearranging
widgets, adding new widgets, and adjusting dashboard layouts.
5. Real-time Data Updates:
 Provide options for manual data refresh and automatic
scheduled updates to ensure data accuracy and timeliness.
 Display timestamps or indicators to show the last updated data
to users.
6. Data Security and Privacy:
 Implement encryption protocols (e.g., SSL/TLS) to secure data
transmission between clients and servers.
 Utilize role-based access control (RBAC) to enforce data
privacy and prevent unauthorized access to sensitive
 Regularly audit and update security measures to address
potential vulnerabilities.

The Academic Performance Analysis system is a sophisticated
web-based application developed to address the intricate task of
generating comprehensive performance reports for students and faculty
members within educational institutions. This innovative system
represents a significant departure from the cumbersome and time-
consuming processes typically associated with performance analysis in
colleges and universities.
At its core, the system offers a user-friendly interface that allows
stakeholders to effortlessly navigate and utilize its functionalities. The
dashboard serves as a central hub where users can access various tools
and features, including the report generation interface. This interface is
designed to gather input parameters such as the academic year, branch of
study, specific section, and subject, enabling users to tailor their reports
to specific criteria.
Administrative stakeholders, including department heads and the
principal, benefit from the system's robust reporting capabilities.
Graphical representations, such as charts and graphs, provide a visual
depiction of performance metrics categorized by subjects, sections,
overall branch performance, or individual student results. These
visualizations not only simplify data interpretation but also enable
stakeholders to identify patterns, trends, and areas for improvement with
greater clarity.
In essence, the Academic Performance Analysis system represents
a paradigm shift in education management, leveraging technology to
streamline processes, enhance transparency, and facilitate informed
decision-making. By saving time and effort in report generation,
providing actionable insights, and promoting data-driven strategies, this

system contributes significantly to the advancement of educational
institutions towards excellence and student success.
3.2.1 Functional and Non-Functional requirements
Certainly! Here are examples of functional and non-functional
requirements for an academic performance analysis system:
Functional Requirements:
1. Data Collection:
 The system shall collect academic data from various sources
including student information systems, learning management
systems, and assessment records.
 It should support automated data retrieval and manual data entry
 It must ensure data accuracy, completeness, and security during the
collection process.
2. Data Preprocessing:
 The system shall preprocess the collected data to handle missing
values, outliers, and inconsistencies.
 It should support data cleansing, transformation, and normalization
 It must provide options for feature extraction and engineering to
enhance analysis capabilities.
3. Analysis and Modeling:
 The system shall perform exploratory data analysis to uncover
patterns, trends, and correlations in the data.
 It should develop predictive models using machine learning
algorithms to forecast academic performance.
 It must evaluate model performance using appropriate metrics and
4. Visualization and Reporting:

 The system shall visualize analysis results through interactive
charts, graphs, and dashboards.
 It should generate comprehensive reports summarizing academic
performance trends and insights.
 It must provide user-friendly interfaces for stakeholders to explore
data and customize visualizations.
5. Integration and Deployment:
 The system shall integrate with existing educational platforms and
systems seamlessly.
 It should support deployment on both cloud infrastructure and on-
premises servers.
 It must ensure scalability, reliability, and performance to handle
large volumes of data and concurrent user requests.
Non-Functional Requirements:
1. Performance:
 The system should provide real-time or near-real-time performance
for data retrieval, processing, and analysis.
 It must handle a large volume of concurrent users without
significant degradation in performance.
2. Scalability:
 The system should scale horizontally or vertically to accommodate
increasing data volumes and user loads.
 It must support distributed computing architectures for efficient
resource utilization.
3. Security:
 The system should ensure data security and privacy compliance
with relevant regulations such as GDPR and FERPA.
 It must implement role-based access control mechanisms to restrict
data access based on user roles and permissions.

4. Usability:
 The system should have an intuitive and user-friendly interface for
easy navigation and interaction.
 It must provide comprehensive documentation and training
materials for users.
5. Reliability:
 The system should be highly available, with minimal downtime for
maintenance and updates.
 It must implement fault-tolerance mechanisms to recover from
system failures gracefully.
6. Maintainability:
 The system should be modular and well-structured, facilitating
ease of maintenance and updates.
 It must adhere to coding standards and best practices for code
readability and maintainability.
7. Interoperability:
 The system should support interoperability with a wide range of
data formats and standards.
 It must adhere to open standards and APIs for seamless integration
with external systems and services.
3.2.2 Feasibility study
Three key considerations involved in the feasibility analysis are:
1. Technical Feasibility
2. Economical Feasibility
3. Social Feasibility Technical Feasibility
The Technical feasibility study of the system is quite promising
given its web-based nature and the clear delineation of functionalities
outlined in the project description. The system's capability to generate
performance reports based on various parameters such as year, branch,
section, and subject suggests a robust database structure capable of
handling complex queries efficiently. The streamlined report generation
process indicates a user-friendly interface and well-designed algorithms
for data processing and presentation. The integration of graphical
representations for monitoring pass percentages adds a layer of data
visualization, potentially leveraging modern web technologies for
interactive and insightful analytics. Overall, the Academic Performance
Analysis system appears technically feasible with its emphasis on
scalability, usability, and data security. Economical Feasibility
The economic feasibility of academic performance analysis entails
a holistic evaluation of costs and benefits. This evaluation begins with
considering the expenses associated with data collection and
management, including the resources required for gathering and
organizing academic data, such as grades and attendance records. On the
benefits side, academic performance analysis offers the potential to
identify at-risk students, enhance teaching methodologies, and improve
overall student outcomes. Evaluating these benefits in monetary terms
allows for a comparison with the costs, aiding in determining the return
on investment (ROI). Long-term sustainability considerations involve
assessing whether the benefits justify the ongoing costs and if the system
can adapt to changes over time. Exploring alternative solutions and
identifying potential risks, such as data inaccuracies and implementation
challenges, further informs the decision-making process. By carefully
analyzing these factors, educational institutions can make informed
decisions regarding resource allocation and investment in academic
performance analysis, ensuring the efficient use of resources while
maximizing student success.

21 Social Feasibility
Analyzing academic performance within a social context involves
assessing the practicality, acceptability, and desirability of such
endeavors within a given community or society. Here's a detailed
description of the social feasibility aspects related to academic
performance analysis. Community Engagement can initiating academic
performance analysis, it's vital to engage with the community affected by
the analysis, including students, parents, teachers, administrators, and

Understanding their perspectives, needs, and concerns regarding

academic performance can inform the design and implementation of the
analysis. Collaborating with key stakeholders, such as educational
institutions, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and
community groups, is essential for gaining support and access to
necessary resources. Academic performance analysis must be sensitive to
cultural norms, values, and practices within the community. Recognizing
diversity and respecting cultural differences ensures that analysis
methods and findings are relevant and acceptable to all stakeholders.

3.2.3 Functional Description

Academic performance analysis encompasses a multifaceted
process aimed at understanding and improving student achievement
within educational settings. At its core, this analysis involves the
collection, cleaning, and analysis of diverse data sources, including
student grades, test scores, attendance records, and demographic
information. Once data are prepared, a variety of statistical and analytical
techniques are employed to uncover patterns, trends, and relationships
relevant to academic performance. Performance metrics and indicators
serve as quantitative measures of student success, allowing for

benchmarking and comparison across different cohorts and contexts.
Predictive modeling techniques further enable the identification of at-risk
students and the anticipation of future performance trends. Visualizations
and reporting tools are utilized to communicate analysis results
effectively to stakeholders, facilitating informed decision-making and
action. Interpretation of analysis findings yields insights and
recommendations for improving educational practices and policies,
which are continually refined through stakeholder feedback and iterative
refinement. Continuous monitoring and evaluation ensure that analysis
efforts remain responsive to evolving needs and contribute to ongoing
efforts to enhance educational outcomes and promote student success.
Through this comprehensive approach, academic performance analysis
serves as a valuable tool for driving evidence-based improvements in
education and fostering student achievement.
Use Case Diagram

Figure 3.2. Use Case Diagram

A use case diagram (Figure 3.2) for academic performance
analysis would depict the various actors and their interactions with the
system to achieve specific goals related to analyzing academic
performance. Here's a description of the main components:
1. Actors:
 Student: The primary actor who interacts with the system to
access their academic performance data and receive feedback.
 Teacher: Another actor who may interact with the system to
input performance data or access reports on student
 Administrator: An actor responsible for managing the
academic performance analysis system, including user accounts,
data management, and system configuration.
2. Use Cases:
 View Performance Data: The ability for students to view their
academic performance data, including grades, test scores,
attendance records, etc.
 Analyze Performance Trends: The capability for students,
teachers, or administrators to analyze performance trends over
time, identify areas of improvement, and make data-driven
 Generate Reports: The functionality to generate reports
summarizing academic performance metrics for individual
students, classes, or the entire institution.
 Input Performance Data: The feature for teachers or
administrators to input performance data, such as grades, test
scores, and attendance records, into the system.
 Manage User Accounts: The functionality for administrators to
manage user accounts, including creating, updating, or deleting

student and teacher accounts.
 Configure System Settings: The capability for administrators to
configure system settings, such as data retention policies, access
controls, and notification preferences.
3. Relationships:
 Actor-Use Case Relationships: Each actor is associated with
the relevant use cases they interact with. For example, the
student actor interacts with "View Performance Data" and
"Analyze Performance Trends" use cases.
 Includes/Extends Relationships: Use cases may include or
extend other use cases. For instance, the "Generate Reports" use
case may include the "View Performance Data" and "Analyze
Performance Trends" use cases.
Activity Diagram
An activity diagram for academic performance analysis would
depict the various processes involved in analyzing and managing
academic performance data.
Figure 3.3 shows the working flow of academic reports generated
by the administrator and the details for student, faculty and department is
viewed in detail. Here's a description of the main components you might
1. Start: The diagram begins with a start node, indicating the initiation
of the academic performance analysis process.
2. Data Collection: The first activity could involve gathering data
related to academic performance. This might include grades, test
scores, attendance records, and any other relevant metrics. This
process could involve input from teachers, administrators, and
automated systems.

Figure 3.3. Activity Diagram
3.Data Processing: Once the data is collected, it needs to be processed
for analysis. This could involve cleaning the data, formatting it, and
aggregating it into a usable format. This process ensures that the data
is accurate and ready for analysis.
4. Analysis: The processed data is then analyzed to gain insights into
academic performance. This might include identifying trends,
patterns, and correlations in the data. Various analytical techniques
such as statistical analysis, trend analysis, and predictive modeling
may be used in this step.
5. Identification of Factors: Based on the analysis, factors influencing
academic performance are identified. This could include factors such
as study habits, attendance, socioeconomic status, and teacher
6. Performance Metrics: Once the factors are identified, performance
metrics are defined to measure academic performance. These metrics
could include GPA, standardized test scores, class rankings, and other

indicators of academic success.
7. Evaluation: The performance metrics are then evaluated to assess the
overall academic performance of individuals or groups. This
evaluation helps in identifying areas of improvement and making
data-driven decisions to enhance academic performance.
8. Feedback Loop: Feedback loops are established to provide feedback
to stakeholders such as students, teachers, and parents based on the
analysis and evaluation of academic performance. This feedback
could include recommendations for improvement, interventions, and
recognition of achievements.
9. End: The diagram concludes with an end node, indicating the
completion of the academic performance analysis process.
Class Diagram
A class diagram for academic performance analysis would
illustrate the various classes and their relationships involved in managing
and analyzing academic performance data. Here's a description of the
main classes and their relationships:
1. Student Class
 Attributes: StudentID, Name, Grade, Age, ContactInfo
 Relationships:
 Association with PerformanceData class: A student has
performance data associated with them.
 Association with ClassEnrollment class: A student
enrolls in multiple classes.
2. Faculty Class:
 Attributes: FacultyID, Name, Subject Specialization,
 Relationships:
 Association with Class Enrollment class: A teacher

teaches multiple classes.
 Association with Performance Data class: A teacher's
performance data might be tracked, e.g., through student

Figure 3.4. Class Diagram

3. DepartmentHead Class:
 Attributes: HOD ID, HOD Name, HOD Schedule, Maximum
 Relationships:
 Association with Teacher class: A class is taught by a
single teacher.
 Association with Class Enrollment class: Multiple
students enroll in a class.
4. PerformanceData Class:
 Attributes: PerformanceID, StudentID, ClassID, Grade,
TestScores, Attendance, Date

 Relationships:
 Association with Student class: Performance data is
associated with a specific student.
 Association with Class class: Performance data is
associated with a specific class.
5. ClassEnrollment Class:
 Attributes: EnrollmentID, StudentID, ClassID,
 Relationships:
 Association with Student class: A student enrolls in
multiple classes.
 Association with Class class: Multiple students enroll in
a class.
6. Administrator Class:
 Attributes: AdminID, Name, Role, ContactInfo
 Relationships:
 Association with Class class: Administrators oversee
class management and may have access to performance.
This class diagram provides a structural overview of the key
entities involved in academic performance analysis and their
relationships. Depending on the specific requirements and scope of the
system, you may further refine and expand upon this diagram.
Sequence Diagram
A sequence diagram (Figure 3.5) for academic performance
analysis would illustrate the interactions and messages exchanged
between various objects or components involved in the analysis process.

Figure 3.5. Sequence Diagram
 Initiates the request for performance analysis.
1. Academic Performance Analysis System:
 Receives the request from the student.
2. Controller/Analyzer:
 Determines the appropriate action based on the request.
 Initiates the sequence of actions for performance

3. Data Access Layer:
 Retrieves performance data from the database.
4. Performance Analyzer:
 Analyzes the retrieved performance data to identify
trends, patterns, and correlations.
 Calculates performance metrics such as GPA, test scores,
5. Feedback Generator:
 Generates feedback based on the analysis results.
 Formulates recommendations for improvement or
highlights areas of strength.
This section contains the hardware and software requirements that
are needed for developing and using this application. Hardware Requirements
Processor : 2.6GHz or Faster Processor, QuadCore or Higher
RAM : 4GB or Higher
Hard Disk : 10GB or Higher

The hardware requirements for academic performance analysis can

vary depending on factors such as the size of the educational institution,

the volume of data being analyzed, the complexity of the analysis

algorithms, and the desired level of performance. Software Requirements

Operating System : Windows 7/8/10

Languages : HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, MYSQL


HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and MySQL are fundamental
technologies used in web development to create interactive, dynamic, and
visually appealing web pages and web applications. They each serve
different roles in the development process, with HTML providing the
structure, CSS styling the presentation, JavaScript adding interactivity,
PHP handling server-side logic, and MySQL managing the database


Designing a system for academic performance analysis involves
planning and organizing the architecture, components, and functionalities
to effectively collect, process, analyze, and visualize academic data.
Here's a high-level overview of the system design related to academic
performance analysis:
1. Requirements Gathering:
 Identify stakeholders' needs and requirements, including educators,
administrators, policymakers, and analysts.
 Define the objectives, scope, and constraints of the academic
performance analysis system.
2. Data Collection and Integration:
 Design mechanisms to collect academic data from various sources,
such as student information systems, standardized tests, surveys,
and external datasets.
 Implement data integration pipelines to clean, transform, and
preprocess raw data for analysis.
 Ensure data quality and consistency through validation and error
handling mechanisms.
3. Storage and Management:
 Select appropriate data storage solutions, such as relational

databases, data warehouses, or NoSQL databases, to store
academic data securely and efficiently.
 Design data schemas and structures to optimize data retrieval,
querying, and analytics.
 Implement data management processes, including backup,
recovery, and version control, to maintain data integrity and
4. Analysis and Processing:
 Develop algorithms and models for analyzing academic
performance metrics, such as grades, attendance, test scores, and
demographic information.
 Implement statistical analysis techniques, machine learning
algorithms, and predictive models to uncover patterns, trends, and
insights in academic data.
5. Visualization and Reporting:
 Design user-friendly interfaces and dashboards for visualizing
analysis results, such as charts, graphs, heatmaps, and interactive
 Implement reporting tools to generate comprehensive reports
summarizing key findings, trends, and recommendations.
6. Security and Privacy:
 Incorporate security measures to protect sensitive academic data
and user information from unauthorized access, manipulation, or
 Implement authentication and authorization mechanisms to control
access to data and functionalities based on user roles and
7. Scalability and Performance:
 Design the system architecture to be scalable and resilient, capable

of handling increasing data volumes and user loads over time.
 Implement caching, load balancing, and distributed computing
techniques to optimize system performance and resource
3.3.1 Module Description:
1. Student Module:
The Student Results Module is an integral component of educational
management systems, designed to streamline the process of
recording, managing, and analyzing student academic performance.
This module provides a centralized platform where educators can
input and update student grades, assignments, and examination
results. It supports various grading systems, allowing for
customization to fit the institution's specific requirements. Through
an intuitive user interface, teachers can quickly access individual
student records, monitor progress, and identify areas needing
improvement. Additionally, the module facilitates the generation of
comprehensive reports, offering insights into class performance
trends and individual student achievements.
2. Faculty Module:
The Faculty Results Module is a comprehensive tool designed to
streamline the process of managing, analyzing, and presenting
academic results within a faculty. This module facilitates the
aggregation of student performance data, ensuring accuracy and
consistency in the recording of grades and assessments. Faculty
members can easily input grades, generate reports, and monitor
student progress through an intuitive interface. The module supports
various grading systems and scales, accommodating the diverse needs
of different academic programs. Its integration with existing
university databases ensures real-time updates and seamless data

transfer, reducing administrative workload and enhancing the overall
efficiency of academic management.
In addition to its robust data management capabilities, the Faculty
Results Module offers powerful analytical tools that enable faculty to
gain deeper insights into student performance trends. Faculty
members can utilize these analytics to identify areas where students
may need additional support, tailor instructional strategies, and
improve overall educational outcomes. The module also supports
transparent communication with students by providing a secure
platform where they can access their results and feedback. By
leveraging the Faculty Results Module, educational institutions can
foster a more organized, data-driven approach to academic
administration, ultimately contributing to higher standards of
academic excellence and student satisfaction.
3. Admin Module:
The Admin Module in the Academic Result Management System is a
comprehensive tool designed to streamline administrative tasks and
enhance operational efficiency. This module serves as the central hub
for administrators, offering functionalities to manage user accounts,
including students, faculty, and other administrative staff.
Administrators can create, update, and delete accounts, ensuring that
only authorized personnel have access to the system. Additionally,
the module supports role-based access control, allowing
administrators to assign specific permissions based on user roles, thus
maintaining data security and integrity.
By providing these critical functions in a user-friendly interface,
the Admin Module ensures that the institution's administrative
processes are both efficient and transparent, ultimately contributing to
improved educational outcomes.

1. Load student data:
 Description: Loads student academic performance data from
external sources, such as student information systems or databases.
 Parameters: None
 Returns: A structured representation of the loaded student data,
such as a DataFrame or dictionary.
2. Calculate student metrics:
 Description: Computes various academic performance metrics for
students, such as average grades, attendance rates, and exam
 Parameters: Cleaned student academic data
 Returns: Calculated metrics for each student.
3. Analyze student results:
 Description: Analyzes student academic results to identify trends,
patterns, and areas for improvement.
 Parameters: Calculated student metrics and analysis settings
 Returns: Analysis results and visualizations representing student
4. Identify at risk students:
 Description: Identifies students at risk of academic
underperformance based on predefined criteria, such as low grades
or attendance.
 Parameters: Calculated student metrics and analysis results
 Returns: A list of student IDs identified as at-risk.
5. Load faculty data:
 Description: Loads faculty performance data from external
sources, such as performance evaluation systems or HR databases.
 Parameters: None

 Returns: A structured representation of the loaded faculty data,
such as a Data Frame or dictionary.
6. Analyze faculty performance:
 Description: Analyzes faculty performance based on academic
outcomes, teaching evaluations, research productivity, and other
relevant metrics.
 Parameters: Cleaned faculty performance data and analysis settings
 Returns: Evaluation scores and visualizations representing faculty
7. Generate recommendations:
 Description: Generates recommendations for faculty members and
students to improve academic outcomes and performance.
 Parameters: Identified at-risk students, faculty evaluation scores,
and analysis results
 Returns: Tailored recommendations for improvement.
1. Initialize the Academic Performance Analysis module.
2. Load student academic performance data using the load student data
3. Calculate student metrics and perform analysis using the calculate
student metrics function.
4. Analyze student results and identify at-risk students with the analyze
student results and identify at risk students functions.
5. Load faculty performance data using the load faculty data function.
6. Analyze faculty performance using the analyze faculty performance




To implement academic performance analysis, begin by defining
clear objectives and gathering relevant data such as student
demographics, grades, attendance records, and socioeconomic
information. Clean and prepare the data, then conduct exploratory data
analysis to uncover patterns and insights. Visualize findings and prepare
a comprehensive report with actionable insights and recommendations
for improvement.
Admin Interface
An academic performance analysis admin login interface provides
authorized administrators with secure access to tools and systems for
managing and analyzing academic performance data within an
educational institution.

Figure 4.1. Admin Login

Figure 4.1 shows the admin login. Once logged in, they are
presented with a dashboard summarizing key metrics and insights,
including visualizations of performance trends and student indicators.

Administrators can manage academic data, such as student records and
assessment information, and generate reports for detailed analysis and
decision-making. Overall, the admin login interface serves as a central
platform for administrators to leverage data-driven insights to enhance
educational outcomes.
User Passwor Updation
ID Full Name Phno
Name d Date
Shan_ja Sanjey12 2023-06-
35 Sanjey Kannaa V 8765432112
y11 @ 22
Nidhish Nidhish 2020-08-
36 Nidhish Kanna R 9876543567
19 @2 25
37 Sajith Roshan K Rose12 9567890998 Rose@12
Vinoth1 Vinoth@ 2024-05-
38 Vinoth Kumar M 6489907680
7 17 02

Figure 4.2. Dashboard

Figure 4.2 shows a comprehensive overview of student
performance metrics, facilitating informed decision-making by educators
and administrators. It encompasses key indicators such as grades,
attendance rates, test scores, and demographic information, allowing
stakeholders to identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement.
Additionally, the dashboard may include visualizations such as charts,
graphs, and heatmaps to illustrate data insights effectively.
Figure 4.3 involves determining assessment methods, including
exams, assignments, and projects, to measure student mastery of the
subject matter. Additionally, subjects may be categorized by discipline,
grade level, or academic department to facilitate organization and

Figure 4.3. Subject Creation

Figure 4.4. Student Admission
Figure 4.4 shows the Subject admission for academic performance
analysis involves the enrollment process for students to access and
participate in specific academic subjects or courses within an educational
institution. This process typically begins with students selecting their
desired subjects based on their academic interests, program requirements,
and availability.
The academic performance analysis faculty login interface
provides faculty members with secure access to tools and resources for
managing academic data and insights within an educational institution.
Upon logging in using their unique credentials, faculty are greeted with a
dashboard offering an overview of key metrics such as student grades,
attendance, and assessment scores. Through the interface, faculty can
manage their courses by uploading materials, setting assignments, and
tracking student enrollment. They have access to a digital gradebook for
inputting and monitoring student grades, as well as data analysis tools to
identify performance trends and areas for improvement. Communication
features enable faculty to interact with students, send announcements,
and provide feedback on assignments. Additionally, the interface
prioritizes the privacy and security of student data, ensuring compliance
with regulations. Overall, the faculty login interface empowers
instructors to make data-informed decisions and enhance educational
outcomes within their courses and across the institution.
Student Interface
An academic performance analysis student login interface offers
students secure access to their academic performance data and related
resources within an educational institution. Through this interface,
students authenticate themselves using unique credentials, such as
usernames and passwords. Once logged in, they are greeted with a
personalized dashboard showcasing key metrics like grades, attendance
records, and assessment scores. Visualizations and charts provide an
overview of their performance trends and progress towards learning
objectives. Additionally, students can access course information,
including syllabus and assignment details, and communicate with
instructors and peers to receive feedback and support. Overall, the
student login interface serves as a centralized platform for students to
track their academic journey, receive support, and strive for continuous
Student Roll Class Registered Updation
Student Name Status
Id Id Id Date Date
121 Sanjey Kannaa V 12 4 2021-11-23 2023-04-25 0
122 Nidhish Kanna R 13 5 2014-05-02 2024-01-01 1
123 Sajith Roshan K 14 6 2023-06-02 2025-07-08 2
124 Vinoth Kumar M 15 7 2023-06-02 2024-07-07 1

Figure 4.5 represents student login portal for academic

performance analysis serves as a secure gateway for students to access

personalized academic information and insights tailored to their
individual progress and performance. Through this portal, students can
log in using their unique credentials to view their grades, attendance
records, test scores, and other relevant academic data.

Figure 4.5. Student Login

Figure 4.6 shows student reports in academic performance analysis

offer comprehensive insights into individual student's academic progress,
providing a detailed overview of their achievements, strengths, and areas
for improvement. These reports typically include information such as
grades, attendance records, test scores, and feedback from teachers.
Student Class Subject Posting Updation
ID Grade
Id Id Id Date Date
121 31 12 4 A 2021-11-23 2023-04-25
122 32 13 5 B+ 2014-05-02 2024-01-01
123 33 14 6 O 2023-06-02 2025-07-08
124 34 15 7 A+ 2023-06-02 2024-07-07

Figure 4.6. Student Reports
Faculty Interface
Creation Updation
ID Class Id Subject Id Status
Date Date
221 12 4 0 2014-07-12 2024-07-07
222 13 5 1 2023-06-22 2024-01-01
223 17 4 1 2020-08-25 2022-05-02
224 21 1 2 2022-11-23 2023-04-25
225 23 4 1 2024-05-02 2025-07-08

The academic performance analysis faculty login interface

provides faculty members with secure access to tools and resources for
managing academic data and insights within an educational institution.
Upon logging in using their unique credentials, faculty are greeted with a
dashboard offering an overview of key metrics such as student grades,
attendance, and assessment scores.

Figure 4.7. Faculty Login

Figure 4.7 is a faculty login interface provides faculty members

with secure access to tools and resources for managing academic data
and insights within an educational institution. Upon logging in using their
unique credentials, faculty are greeted with a dashboard offering an
overview of key metrics such as student grades, attendance, and
assessment scores.

Figure 4.8. Faculty Reports

Figure 4.8 represents the faculty reports, they can manage their
courses by uploading materials, setting assignments, and tracking student
enrollment. Communication features enable faculty to interact with
students, send announcements, and provide feedback on assignments.
ID Department Year Section Creation Date Updation Date
001 CSE 3 C 2014-05-02 2024-07-07
002 IT 2 D 2023-06-02 2024-01-01
003 MECH 4 A 2020-12-25 2022-05-02
004 ECE 1 B 2021-11-23 2023-04-25
005 CSE 4 C 2024-05-02 2025-07-08

Database Interface
The database module designed for academic performance analysis
is a robust system tailored to efficiently store, manage, and analyze
educational data critical for assessing student progress. Employing a
relational data model, this module organizes a wide array of information
including student demographics, enrollment details, course specifics,
assessment outcomes, and learning objectives.
Subject Creation Updation
ID Subject Name
Code Date Date
141 Engineering Mathematics MA8151 2021-11-23 2023-04-25
142 Engineering Physics PH8151 2014-05-02 2024-01-01
143 Engineering Chemistry CY8151 2023-06-02 2025-07-08
144 Engineering Graphics GE8152 2023-06-02 2024-07-07

Figure 4.9. Class Database
Figure 4.9 shows class database and It has its functionalities
encompass automated data acquisition from various sources, seamless
integration of disparate data formats, and scalable storage infrastructure
ensuring data integrity and security.
Furthermore, the module offers advanced processing capabilities
for data transformation, intuitive querying interfaces, and customizable
reporting tools. By facilitating descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and
prescriptive analyses, it empowers stakeholders to extract actionable
insights, identify performance trends, and make informed decisions to
optimize student learning experiences.
Figure 4.10 depicts the admin database, it serves as a centralized
repository of comprehensive academic data, encompassing information
on students, faculty, courses, assessments, and institutional policies. It
stores student demographic details, enrollment records, grades,
attendance data, and disciplinary actions, allowing administrators to track
student progress, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions.

Figure 4.10. Admin Database


In the context of academic performance analysis, system testing
encompasses both functional and unit testing to ensure the reliability and
accuracy of the system's components and functionalities. Here's how
functional and unit testing can be applied:
4.2.1 Functional Testing
Functional testing for academic performance analysis involves
validating that the system or software used for analysis performs its
intended functions correctly. Here's an outline of functional testing
scenarios for academic performance analysis:
1. Data Input Validation:
 Verify that the system properly handles various data formats and
types (e.g., numerical grades, categorical variables).
 Test data input boundaries to ensure the system can handle extreme
values (e.g., minimum and maximum grades).
 Validate that the system detects and handles missing or invalid

data appropriately.
2. Calculation Accuracy:
 Confirm that calculations for metrics such as average grades,
attendance rates, and performance indicators are accurate.
 Test calculation algorithms with known input values to validate
expected output results.
 Verify that calculations consider all relevant data points and
3. Benchmarking and Comparison:
 Validate that benchmarking and comparison functions correctly
compare performance metrics across different cohorts, groups, or
time periods.
 Test against known benchmarks or simulated datasets to ensure
accurate comparisons.
4. Predictive Modeling:
 Validate predictive modeling algorithms by comparing predicted
outcomes with actual historical data.
 Test the system's ability to identify at-risk students accurately
based on predictive models.
 Verify that predictive models are updated and recalibrated as new
data become available.
5. Visualization and Reporting:
 Test the generation of visualizations (e.g., charts, graphs,
dashboards) to ensure they accurately represent analysis results.
 Validate that reporting tools produce comprehensive and
understandable reports with relevant insights and
 Verify that visualizations and reports are accessible and compatible
across different devices and platforms.

6. Interpretation and Insights:
 Validate that the system interprets analysis results correctly and
provides meaningful insights and recommendations.
 Test the system's ability to identify patterns, trends, and
correlations within the data.
 Verify that insights provided align with educational best practices
and address identified needs and challenges.
7. User Interface and Usability:
 Validate the user interface for ease of use, intuitiveness, and
 Test navigation and interaction with the system, including
inputting data, configuring analysis settings, and accessing results.
 Verify that error messages and notifications are clear and
8. Integration and Compatibility:
 Test integration with external data sources (e.g., student
information systems, databases) to ensure seamless data transfer
and synchronization.
 Validate compatibility with other software tools or platforms
commonly used in educational settings.
 Verify that the system operates effectively within the existing
infrastructure and technology environment.
 By conducting thorough functional testing across these scenarios,
developers and stakeholders can ensure that academic performance
analysis systems meet quality standards, provide accurate insights,
and support informed decision-making in educational contexts.
Test Case: Importing the bulk file for the student details
 Objective: To ensure the file upload into the database and
display it for n number of students.

Sample Input:

 Input: The input (Figure 4.11) shows the choosing of the

exact matching excel file to import into the database.
Sample output:

 Output: The output (figure 4.12) shows that successfully
file is imported. In the manage students(Figure 4.13) tab the
admin can view the newly added students.
4.2.2 Unit Testing
Unit testing for academic performance analysis involves testing
individual components or units of the system to ensure they function
correctly in isolation. Here are some key aspects of unit testing related to
academic performance analysis:

1. Calculation Algorithms:
 Test individual calculation algorithms used to compute metrics
such as average grades, attendance rates, and performance
 Validate that the algorithms produce the expected results for
various input scenarios, including normal, boundary, and edge
 Example: Test the calculation of average grades using different
sets of student grades, including cases with missing or invalid

2. Data Input Validation:
 Verify that the system properly handles various types and formats
of input data, such as numerical grades, categorical variables, and
textual information.
 Test data input boundaries to ensure the system can handle extreme
values and edge cases.
 Example: Test the system's response to input data containing out-
of-range grades or non-numeric characters.
3. Integration with External Systems:
 Test integration points with external systems, such as student
information systems or databases, to ensure seamless data
 Validate data retrieval, synchronization, and compatibility with
external data sources.
 Example: Test the integration of the academic performance
analysis system with a student information system to retrieve
student data for analysis.
4. Error Handling and Exception Handling:
 Verify that the system handles errors and exceptions gracefully,
providing informative error messages and logging relevant details
for troubleshooting.
 Test error scenarios, such as invalid input data or unexpected
system failures, to ensure the system responds appropriately.
 Example: Test the system's response to an invalid data format
provided as input, ensuring it raises an appropriate error message.
Test Case : Generate student result
 Objective: To generate one individual student result for
every semester and download it.
Sample Input:

 Input: The input contains validation of student’s login
credentials (fig 4.14).
Sample output:

Output: The output shows (fig 4.15) the exact result providence for that
particular student without ambiguity.

On clicking the view button to see individual semester (fig 4.16):

 Click on download to storing it in our device(fig 4.17 and

By conducting comprehensive unit testing for academic performance
analysis, developers can identify and address issues at an early stage,
ensuring the reliability, accuracy, and robustness of the system's
individual components.



In conclusion, the Academic Performance Analysis application
represents a ground breaking advancement in educational management,
poised to transform the way performance reports are generated and
utilized within educational institutions. By addressing the longstanding
challenges of traditional report generation processes, this innovative web-
based solution offers a streamlined approach that saves significant time
and effort for colleges and universities.
Unlike existing systems that often prioritize student-centric report
generation, the proposed application provides a comprehensive solution
that caters to the needs of both students and faculty members. Leveraging
advanced technology, users can effortlessly access their academic
performance data, enabling them to review subject-specific grades, track
performance trends over time, and analyze semester-wise progress with
unprecedented ease.
Moreover, the application empowers department heads and
principals to monitor pass percentages and performance metrics through
intuitive graphical representations, facilitating informed decision-making
and proactive intervention strategies. From subject-wise breakdowns to
section-specific performance analyses and individual student results, the
application offers a comprehensive overview that drives continuous
improvement and enhances educational outcomes.
In essence, the Academic Performance Analysis application marks a
significant step forward in educational management, ushering in a new
era of data-driven decision-making, transparency, and accountability. By
embracing this innovative solution, educational institutions can optimize

resources, support student success, and foster a culture of excellence in
teaching and learning.


The future work of the project aims to act on the suggestions that
provide to overcome migrations and limitations of the work being done
such as conducting more experiments, collecting more data, using
different methods, or exploring new hypotheses:
1. Results for the Internal Examinations: The addon in the system for
providence of the results of the student’s internal assessments. These
include results of the pass percentage given by the individual student,
faculty and the class.
2. Integration of Predictive Analytics: Enhance the application by
integrating predictive analytics algorithms that can forecast student
performance based on historical data, helping educators identify at-
risk students early and implement targeted interventions.
3. Real-time Notifications: Develop a feature that sends real-time
notifications to students, faculty, and parents/guardians about
important academic updates, such as upcoming exams, and
performance alerts.
4. Customizable Dashboards: Allow users to customize their
dashboards based on their specific roles and preferences, enabling a
personalized experience and quick access to relevant performance
metrics and insights.
5. Collaborative Feedback Mechanisms: Implement collaborative
feedback mechanisms where students can receive feedback from
multiple stakeholders, including peers, teachers, and mentors,
fostering a culture of continuous improvement and support.
6. Data Visualization Enhancements: Enhance data visualization

capabilities with interactive and dynamic visualizations, such as
heatmaps, trend lines, and comparative analysis tools, to facilitate
deeper understanding and interpretation of performance data.
These future work content ideas aim to further innovate and
expand the functionalities of the Academic Performance Analysis
application, enhancing its value proposition and impact within
educational institutions.


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<div class="wrapper">
$username = $_POST['username'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$phno = $_POST['phno'];
$password = $_POST['password'];
$confirmpassword = $_POST['confirmpassword'];
$verify_queryemail=mysqli_query($con,"SELECT email FROM
admindata WHERE email='$email'");

$verify_queryusername=mysqli_query($con,"SELECT username FROM
admindata WHERE username='$username'");
$verify_queryphno=mysqli_query($con,"SELECT phno FROM
admindata WHERE phno='$phno'");
echo"<div class='message'>
<p>This email is already used,Try Another One Please!</p>
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echo"<p>Password Mismatch</p><br>";
echo"<a href='javascript:self.history.back()'><button
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else if(mysqli_num_rows($verify_queryusername)!=0)
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<p>This username is already used,Try Another One
echo"<a href='javascript:self.history.back()'><button
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else if(mysqli_num_rows($verify_queryphno)!=0)

echo"<div class='message'>
<p>This phno is already used,Try Another One Please!</p>
echo"<a href='javascript:self.history.back()'><button
class='btn'>Go Back</button>";
mysqli_query($con,"INSERT INTO admindata(fullname,
username,email,phno,password,confirmpassword) VALUES('$fullname',
'$username', '$email','$phno','$password','$confirmpassword')") or
die("Error Occured");
alert('Registration successful');
<form action="" method="post">
<div class="input-box">
<div class="input-field">
<input type="text" name="fullname" placeholder="Full
Name" required>
<i class='bx bxs-user'></i>

<div class="input-field">
<input type="text" name="username"
placeholder="UserName" required>
<i class='bx bxs-user'></i>
<div class="input-box">
<div class="input-field">
<input type="email" name="email"placeholder="Email Id"
<i class='bx bxs-envelope'></i>
<div class="input-field">
<input type="number" name="phno" placeholder= "Phno"
<i class='bx bxs-phone'></i>
<div class="input-box">
<div class="input-field">
<input type="password" name="password"
placeholder="Password" required>
<i class='bx bxs-lock-alt' ></i>
<div class="input-field">
<input type="password" name="confirmpassword"
placeholder="Confirm Password" required>
<i class='bx bxs-lock-alt' ></i>

<input type="checkbox" required>I hereby declare that the
information provided is true and correct.
<button type="submit" class="btn" name="submit"> Register</button>
<div class="register-link">
<p>Already have an account?
<a href="adminlogin.php">Login</a>
<?php } ?>


Figure A1. Student Admission

Figure A2. Subject Creation

Figure A3. Create Class

Figure A4. Dashboard

Figure A5. Declare Result

Figure A6. Faculty Creation

Figure A7. Semester Result

Figure A8. Admin Change password




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