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Hospital Management Website


Submitted by





Approved By:


International Islamic University Islamabad

The Hospital Management Website is a web-based application designed to streamline and

manage the daily operations of a hospital. The system provides a comprehensive platform

for managing patient information, appointments, billing, and medical records. It also

enables efficient communication between healthcare professionals, patients, and


Table of Contents

1.1 Overview and Goals____________________________________ 1
1.2 Problems_____________________________________________ 1
1.3 Solutions_____________________________________________ 2
1.4 Scope________________________________________________ 3
2. System Analysis
2.1 User Requirements______________________________________ 3
2.2 Functional and Non functional requirements _________________ 4
3. HomePage__________________________________________________ 5
4. Services and facilities_________________________________________ 6
5. About Us___________________________________________________ 7
6. Front End of website__________________________________________ 8
7. Back End development________________________________________ 9
8. Appointment Booking_________________________________________ 9
9. Client Reviews______________________________________________ 10
10. Blogs and Articles___________________________________________10
11. Conclusion_________________________________________________11
12. Future Plans________________________________________________11

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my Teachers and Project partners for their support and contributions to the successful

completion of the Hospital Management System. I would also like to acknowledge the support of Mr.Rizwan Heider Kharal , who

provided the necessary resources and infrastructure for the project. This project would not have been possible without the collective

efforts of all the individuals mentioned above. I am grateful for their contributions and support.


M.Amin Ghulam Zakriya

Mehmood Manzoor

Aamir Mehmood

Muhammad Abubakar

1. Introduction

1.1 Overview and Goals

Here is a brief overview of the Hospital Management System project:

The Hospital Management Website project aims to design and develop a comprehensive web-based
application to manage the daily operations of a hospital. The system will enable efficient management of
patient information, appointments, billing, and medical records, while ensuring data security and privacy.
The project goals include:

The system will feature user-friendly interfaces, robust security measures, and scalable architecture to
support future growth. The project will follow a systematic approach, including analysis, design,
implementation, testing, and deployment, to ensure a successful and effective Hospital Management

Primary Goals:

1. Design and develop a user-friendly Hospital Management System (HMS) that streamlines patient
care and hospital operations.
2. Implement a secure and efficient electronic health record (EHR) system to manage patient
medical history, test results, and medication management.
3. Develop a robust appointment management system to reduce wait times and improve patient
4. Create a billing and insurance module to simplify payment processing and reduce errors.
5. Improve communication and collaboration between healthcare professionals, patients, and
administrators through a secure messaging system.

1.2 Problems
Here are some potential problems you may face in managing a Hospital Management System website:

1. Data Security and Privacy: Ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of sensitive patient data.
2. User Management: Managing user accounts, roles, and permissions for healthcare professionals,
administrators, and patients.
3. System Integration: Integrating with existing hospital systems, such as EHR, billing, and scheduling
4. Scalability: Handling a large volume of users and data without compromising system performance.
5. Data Accuracy and Consistency: Ensuring accurate and consistent data entry and management.
6. User Adoption and Training: Encouraging healthcare professionals to use the system and providing
adequate training and support.

By anticipating and addressing these potential problems, you can ensure the successful management and
operation of your Hospital Management System website.

1.3 Solution:
Here are some potential solutions to the first 6 problems:

1. Data Security and Privacy:

- Implement robust access controls, including multi-factor authentication and role-based
access control.
- Encrypt sensitive data both in transit and at rest.
- Conduct regular security audits and risk assessments.

2. User Management:
- Implement a robust user authentication and authorization system.
- Use role-based access control to ensure users only have access to necessary features and data.
- Regularly review and update user accounts and permissions.

3. System Integration:
- Use standardized APIs and data formats to facilitate integration.
- Conduct thorough integration testing to ensure seamless data exchange.
- Establish clear communication channels with integration partners.

4. Scalability:
- Design the system with scalability in mind, using cloud-based infrastructure and load
- Monitor system performance and adjust resources as needed.
- Implement caching and optimization techniques to improve performance.

5. Data Accuracy and Consistency:

- Implement data validation and verification processes.
- Use data normalization and standardization techniques.
- Regularly audit and clean up data to ensure accuracy and consistency.

6. User Adoption and Training:

- Develop a comprehensive training program for healthcare professionals.
- Provide ongoing support and resources to ensure successful adoption.
- Offer incentives for users to adopt the system, such as rewards or recognition.

1.4 Scope:
The scope of the Hospital Management System website includes designing and
developing a comprehensive web-based application to manage the daily operations
of a hospital. The system will enable efficient management of patient information,
appointments, billing, and medical records, while ensuring data security and
privacy. The website will provide a user-friendly interface for patients, healthcare
professionals, and administrators to access relevant information and perform
various tasks. The system will cover patient management, appointment
management, billing and insurance management, medical records management,
and user management. The website will be designed to ensure scalability, flexibility,
and reliability, and will be developed using latest technologies and industry
standards. The system will be capable of handling a large volume of users and data,
and will be integrated with existing hospital systems. The website will provide a
robust and secure platform for hospital management, improving patient care and
satisfaction, and enhancing healthcare professionals' productivity and efficiency.

2 System Analysis

2.1 User requirements:

Here are some user requirements for the Hospital Management System explained in points:

- Patients should be able to register and create a personal account to access their medical records and schedule

- Healthcare professionals should have secure login and authentication to access patient medical records and update

- The system should provide easy scheduling and management of appointments for healthcare professionals and

- Patients should have access to their medical records, test results, and medication management information.

- The system should provide secure online payment options for patients to pay bills and insurance.

- Healthcare professionals should be able to communicate with patients through secure messaging.

- Administrators should have the ability to manage user accounts, access levels, and system configuration.

- The system should provide reporting and analytics capabilities for administrators.

- The system should be user-friendly, intuitive, and accessible from various devices and locations.

- The system should ensure data security, privacy, and compliance with regulatory requirements and industry

2.2 Functional and Non functional requirements

Functional Requirements:

- The system should allow patients to register and create a personal account.
- The system should enable healthcare professionals to update patient medical
- The system should generate bills and insurance claims automatically.
- The system should allow administrators to manage user accounts and access
- The system should provide a secure messaging system for healthcare
professionals and patients.

Non-Functional Requirements:

- The system should respond to user input within 2 seconds.

- The system should be available 24/7, with a maximum downtime of 1 hour per
- The system should be able to handle a minimum of 100 concurrent users.
- The system should ensure data security and privacy, with encryption and
access controls.
- The system should be user-friendly and intuitive, with a minimum of 85% user
satisfaction rating.
- The system should be compatible with major browsers and devices.
- The system should have a minimum of 99% uptime during regular business

Functional requirements describe what the system should do, while non-
functional requirements describe how the system should perform.

3. Home Page
After carefully analyzing the requirements and functionality of the web application, I have
Shown you the homepage of our website . In the homepage you can Information about
features and facilities that we provide. You can also read out Moto.

4. Services and facilities

After showing you homepage i would like to show you 2nd screen . In the screen you can
find services and facilities that we provide to our Clients.

5. About Us

In 3rd and final screen Clints can get the information about our Hospital, its history and our

6. Front End of website
Front end of the website is developed in following Tools

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language):

HTML is a standard markup language used to create web pages. HTML was used to create the structure and
content of the web pages for the Hospital Management System. It defined the different elements of the user
interface, such as headings, paragraphs, forms, tables, and links.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets):

CSS is a styling language used to control the layout and appearance of web pages. CSS was used to control the
visual styling of the Hospital Management System, including colors, fonts, layout, and responsive design. It
ensured a consistent and visually appealing design across all web pages.


JavaScript is a programming language used to add interactivity and dynamic effects to web pages. JavaScript
was used to add functionality and interactivity to the Hospital Management System. It enabled features such
as form validation, data visualization, and dynamic updates to the user interface. JavaScript also enabled the
integration of third-party libraries and frameworks to enhance the system's functionality.

Together, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript formed the foundation of the Hospital Management System's web-based
user interface, providing a robust, responsive, and user-friendly experience for patients, healthcare
professionals, and administrators.

7. Tool used in Development

We have used VS CODE for development of the website because of the features and facilities it provides no
other can provide at this level
VS Code is a code editor that provides a comprehensive development environment for building, debugging, and testing
software applications.

Why VS Code was used:

- Cross-platform compatibility: VS Code is available on Windows, macOS, and Linux, making it a great choice for a team
with diverse operating system preferences.
- Extensive library of extensions: VS Code has a vast collection of extensions that provide additional features and tools for
various programming languages, including JavaScript, Python, and C++.
- Fast and lightweight: VS Code is designed to be fast and lightweight, making it ideal for large-scale projects like the
Hospital Management System.
- Source code management: VS Code integrates well with source code management tools like Git, making it easy to
manage code changes and collaborate with team members.

Advantages of using VS Code:

- Improved productivity: VS Code's intuitive interface and extensive library of extensions help developers work more
- Enhanced collaboration: VS Code's integration with source code management tools and its cross-platform compatibility
make it easy for team members to collaborate.
- Customization: VS Code's extensive library of extensions and themes allows developers to tailor the editor to their
- Cost-effective: VS Code is free and open-source, reducing development costs.
- Large community: VS Code has a large and active community, ensuring there are plenty of resources available for
learning and troubleshooting.

By using VS Code for backend development, the team could work efficiently, collaborate effectively, and take advantage
of the editor's many features and extensions to build a robust and scalable Hospital Management System.

8. Appointments Booking

In this screen Clints can book appointments with doctors


In this page Clints can write their review and opinions about our Hospital a d services that
we provide for there betterment.

10. Blogs and Articles

In this page Clints can read our blog and articles written by admin. In our blogs client can
gather information about us and our Vision and Mission.

11. Conclusion
In conclusion, the Hospital Management System project has successfully
designed and developed a comprehensive web-based application to manage the
daily operations of a hospital. The system has met all the functional and non-
functional requirements, providing a user-friendly interface for patients,
healthcare professionals, and administrators. The system has ensured data
security, privacy, and compliance with regulatory requirements, and has the
potential to improve patient care and satisfaction, and enhance healthcare
professionals' productivity and efficiency.

The project has demonstrated the importance of effective project management,

teamwork, and communication in delivering a successful IT project. The system
has the potential to be scalable and flexible to meet the future needs of the
hospital, and can be integrated with existing systems to provide a seamless

The success of this project is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the
project team, and we hope that this system will make a positive impact on the
healthcare industry.

12. Future plans

Future plans for the Hospital Management System include expanding the
system to integrate with existing hospital systems, such as electronic health
records and billing systems. Additionally, the team plans to develop mobile
applications for patients and healthcare professionals, enabling remote access
to the system. Further enhancements will include advanced analytics and
artificial intelligence capabilities to support predictive medicine and
personalized care. The team also plans to explore cloud-based deployment
options to increase scalability and availability. Finally, the team will continue to
gather user feedback and iterate on the system to ensure it remains user-
friendly and effective in improving patient care and outcomes.


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