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a) Write your Name, Index, Admission number and stream in the spaces provided
b) Sign and write the examination date on the spaces provided above. c) Answer three
questions only
Question one and two are compulsory. e) In question three choose only one of the optional
texts you have prepared on.
f) Where the candidate presents work on more than one optional text, only the first one to
appear will be marked.
g) Each of your essays must not exceed more than 450 words.
h) Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are printed
and that no questions are missing.
i) Candidates should answer the questions in English. Page 2 of 7 1. Imaginative
composition (Compulsory) (20 marks)
Either a) Write a composition ending with the sentence: “I knew for sure that good
upbringing is all that a child needs.” Or
a) Write a story to illustrate the saying: “Misfortunes never come singly” NOTE O1 –
O5 D – No/Minimal communication 06 – 10 – C - Communication with difficulty 11 – 15
– B – Fluent/Competent 16 – 20 – A – Excellent/Captivating Ensure relevance. If no
relevance deduct 4 marks AD 2.
The compulsory Set Text (20 marks) Resian is determined to achieve her dream of going
to the university and nothing will stop her, She goes against traditions and her father
to achieve this goal, Minik ene Nkoitoi is determined to help girls no matter the trouble
she encounters.
Resian is determined to go to the university no matter what it takes. She wants to be
like heroine Mini ene Nkoitoi, the Emakererei. She keeps asking Taiyo to ask their
father about when they will join university. In fact, when Oloisudori shows interest in
her, she resists him as she is determined to reach her goal.
While Taiyo shows interest in Parmuat, she is more focused on her studies and is
always reading a book.
When Oloisudori comes to tell her that she is going to be his wife, she tells him that it
would only happen 'over her dead body'. She runs away from him to find solace in her
father only for him to confirm that he had agreed to marry her off. She resolves to run
away. Luckily, Olarinkoi saves her.
Ironically, Olarinkoi saves her only for him to almost rape her. She fights him and
almost bites off his thumb. She is determined not to be a victim and she is nursed back
to health. Nabaru helps her escape a second time and she is rescued
Oloisudori is determined to impress Ole Kaelo to give him his daughter for marriage. He
takes Kaelo and Mama Milanoi to his many homes and to Milimani where he is
building a home for Resian. He succeeds as Kaelo and Mama Milanoi agree on how
Oloisudori will make Resian his wife.
The Emakererei is determined to rescue girls in trouble and she sets up a center to
rescue them. She has a scholarship system that pays for the girls' fees. When
Oloisudori and his men attack her farm, she is prepared to defend the girls and her
men clash with Oloisudori's men and his vehicles are burnt.
Resian refuses to accept anything that would block her path to her dream of getting
to the university. In the end, she succeeds and in the process, she meets her role
model Minik ene Nkoitoi.

3.) The Optional Set Texts (20 marks) Either a) The Short Story

Action speaks louder than words. Discuss the truth of this saying using
illustrations from Leonard Kibera's A Silent Song. (20 marks)
 The character of an individual tells more than what they actually say. Mbane's
brother, Ezekiel, preaches water and takes wine. He is so devoted to God as a
preacher, but neglects Mbane, to agonize in the streets for a long time until he
almost dies. When he brings Mbane to his hut claiming to rescue him from the
barbaric city in order that he can see the light of God, the blind beggar starts to
feelmore lonely and miserable in the desolate environment. The desolate hut is not a
habitable place for him as it has a flea-ridden floor. One wonders why he cannot live
with his own brother in his own house! This action tells that the preacher does not
love his brother.

 It ironical for Ezekiel to keep preaching to his blind brother abou Christ and salvation
instead of first saving him from the harsh street beggary. Ezekiel seems tohave
already judged him as a sinner and that "Christ" will come down from heaven to do th
good to him. Mbane dies miserably without much help from his brother. This is least
expected from a man of God who should have preached to his brother through actions
of care and concern.

 Ezekiel portrays religious hypocrisy since Christians would not throw insults and
abuses to God's people when they don't agree with them on some issue, or when
they do not show that they believe in Jesus Christ. When Mbane shows no interestin
Christ, his brother tells him he is worse than a Judas. This lack of patience for a
Christian, especially a preacher, is not morally acceptable.

 Another action that tells of the preacher's action is the meaning in his silence lateras
Mbane nears his death. Christians, good men and women on a Christmas morning
also display pretence in the way they curse and call him names instead of bringing
the good knowledge of Christ to him. They claim, in his hearing, that he is an able-
bodied person, only crippled more daily by the idleness of leisurely begging. He could
only yearn impotently beyond the reach of darkness and lameness. At times self-pity
overcomes him. To him, the God of the Gospel and religion are comforts beyond his
reach as a cripple. His God is his only hope of deliverance from pain, destitution and
despair. lie people's actions discourage him about Christianity which they profess
but not practice.

 In conclusion, the true gospel is the action of an individual because it is

morepractical than mere words. Actions work and satisfy the heart more
than proclaiming the word of God.
b) Drama 3.
(b) Drawing illustrations from Mulwa’s Inheritance, write a composition on how what
causes misery in leadership in Africa is those who are close to ruler. Introduction Our
actions, whether premeditated or not, may have far reaching effects,not only on
ourselves but also on those around us. In Inheritance, the actions of those with the
reins of power have painful ramifications on the welfare of the citizens of Kutula I.
Foreigners (through Bishop Menninger)assist Lacuna to eliminate his father, King
Kutula XV, and to have him installed as the King with a promise for funding from the
foreigners to modernise and to fast track the development of Kutula. When this is
finally executed, Lacuna presides over wanton pilferage of the loans advanced to his
country with his cronies while the citizens remain in abject poverty and depravity. P.
15, 29, 63, 65-66, 69, 83. II. The loan negotiators (Daniel and Robert) from foreign
countries destroy the economy of Kutula. Lacuna fails to take charge of the Page 5 of 7
situation in his government and allows his cronies the latitude to loot and plunder
Kutula’s young economy. The loans are borrowed in the name of the citizens ostensibly
to better their lot but this doesn’t happen at all. There are no tangible projects to show
for the colossal amounts that had come into the country. Conversely, Lacuna
shamelessly negotiates for further funding to repay interest accruing on an outstanding
loan which is also due. P.69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76. III. Lacuna agrees to restrictive
and punitive policies imposed by the donors if only to secure funding to rescuing from
the financial mess he finds himself in. He is misled by his advisors (Chipande and
Malipoa) and believes that the cure for his quagmire lies in more borrowing.This further
deepens his financial woes. As a result, he agrees to the privatisation of public entities,
lowering of wages, withdrawal of subsidies, expansion of the economy to allow for
foreign investment, the removal of control on prices among other punitive measures. It
is the citizens that bear the brunt of this act of carelessness. P 772-73,75, 76- 77, 78
IV. Lulu’s confinement (Meshack the commander) at the palace is done against her will
or knowledge and on very flimsy grounds of National rebirth. A lot of public resources
are channelled towards making her feel comfortable while there. Her many
protestations go unheeded causing her untold agony. Her mother is also bribed to buy
her silence and agreement.Lulu want to be released from the detention from the camp
to go back to her family and to attend her father’s second memorial. She also says that
she is a subject of public ridicule over her ‘stay’ at the palace. P93-94, 118-121. V.
Without consulting the residents, Lacuna accents to the plan to evacuate the residents
(Chipande) of Bukelenge Valley to Samuka plains to create room for the construction of
an inland lake to irrigate the vast basin feed the whole Africa. This was one of the
preconditions for further funding in order to salvage the dwindling economic fortunes
inKutula. It did not matter to Lacuna what effect this would haveon the lives of the
populace at Biukelenge Valley. P74, 75, 76, 77, 79, 83, 84-85 Conclusion It is indeed
true that actions borne out of carelessness and reckless decisions by leaders have
profound impact on the welfare of the citizenry. Page 6 of 7
The novel
"Political turmoil leads ….. validate this statement.
 Over the course of Ono's life, Japan goes through a great deal of political turmoil.

 As a young man, Ono embraces Japanese military power and comes tobelieve that his
country should be a worldwide imperial power.

 It is somewhat unclear what motivates these political views.

 He is upset by the injustice and poverty he sees in his city, and decides that Japan
can improve the lot of its citizens through nationalistic militarization, though he never
explains the relationship between these things.

 It seems that he feels a need for action, and that military power is the most obvious
route, if not the most helpful. Since Japan loses the war, it actually ends up on the
receiving end of American imperialism.

 Ono finds this humiliating, but it also drives a wedge between the older and younger
generations, since the older ones are generally unhappy about thisgeopolitical
situation and the younger ones are used to it or even enthusiastic about it. Ishiguro
focuses less on the political results of imperialism and more on the personal factors
that lead to it.

 In this book, a desire for purpose and meaning, without a proper outlet, leadto war
and violence, in a neverending cycle.

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