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Islamiyat Practice Paper - C

Cambridge Ordinary Level

Paper 2 May/June 2024
1 hour 30 minutes
Candidates answer on the Question Paper.
No Additional Materials are required.

● Answer four questions in total:
Answer Question 1.
Answer Question 2.
Answer two other questions.
● Use a black or dark blue pen.
● Write your name, centre number and candidate number in the boxes at the top of the page.
● Write your answer to each question in the space provided.
● Do not use an erasable pen or correction fluid.
● Do not write on any bar codes.

● The total mark for this paper is 50.
● The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].

For Examiner’s Use


This document consists of 16 printed pages.


You must answer Question 1, Question 2 and two other questions.

1 Choose any two of the following Hadiths, and:

(a) describe their teachings about what Muslims believe.
(b) explain how Muslims can put these teachings into action.

(i) It was said: O Messenger of Allah, who is the most excellent of men? The Messenger of Allah
(may Allah bless him and give him peace) said: ‘The believer who strives hard in the way of
Allah with his person and his property.’

(ii) No one eats better food than that which he eats out of the work of his hand.

(iii) He who studies the Qur’an is like the owner of tethered camels. If he attends to them, he will
keep hold of them, but if he lets them loose, they will go away.

(iv) God does not regard your appearances and your possessions, but He regards your hearts
and your actions.










May/June 2024 Practice Paper - C





























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May/June 2024 Practice Paper - C

2 (a) Write an account of how the Hadiths of the Prophet (PBUH) stress upon the unity of the Islamic
community. Use at least four set Hadiths from the syllabus to develop your answer. [10]

(b) Why is the example of the Prophet (PBUH) important for Muslims today? [4]


























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3 (a) Give an account of the steps taken by Hazrat Abu Bakr (RZ) to establish his caliphate. [10]

(b) Why Hazrat Abu Bakr (RZ) is called ‘the savior of Islam?’ [4]



























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May/June 2024 Practice Paper - C


4 (a) List the Six Articles of Faith and give accounts of belief in the Allah and revealed Books. [10]

(b) Explain the significance of any one of the articles you described in part (a). [4]


























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5 (a) Write an account of almsgiving (zakat) and say who is liable to pay it and who it can be paid
to. [10]

(b) Who do you think benefits more from the payment of zakat and why, the giver or the
receiver? [4]

























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May/June 2024 Practice Paper - C

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