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NFS Server


# rpm -qa nfs*

# mkdir /read
# mkdir /write
# chmod 777 /write

# vim /etc/exports
/read *(ro,sync)
/write *(rw,async)


# systemctl restart nfs-server

# systtemctl enable nfs-server
# firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=nfs
and reload as well

# exportfs -v

# exportfs -r
# showmount -e
# showmount -e 192.168.0.x

NFS Client Configuration:-

To access nfs shared folder
create mount point and then mount
# mount 192.168.0.x:/read /ro
# mount 192.168.0.x:/write /rw
# df -TH (to check)
to mount permanent
# vim /etc/fstab
192.168.0.x:/read /ro nfs defaults 00
192.168.0.x:/write /rw nfs defaults 00
# mount -a

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