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T Study Guide 2021 - 2022

1. Operating Systems
What is an Operating System?
An Operating System is a suite of programs that manages the operations of the computer. It is the channel that allows
the interaction between the computer’s hardware (hard drive, printer) and the application or other system software.
Functions of the Operating System
- Facilitates communication between the computer system and the people who use it.
- Provides a user interface
- Manages the sharing of internal memory
- Decides on the order in which tasks are performed.
- Monitors the number of files stored on a disk, the way they are organized and facilitates their retrieval (i.e.
Performs file management).
- Provides security for the computer system.
Characteristics of Operating Systems
- Portability - refers to its ability to work efficiently on any computer in spite of its design or manufacturer.
- Multiprocessing - use of multiple processors to process user’s tasks
- Multitasking - Processing of multiple tasks simultaneously
- Multi-user - allowing more than one user to run programs at the same time.
- Multithreading - the ability of an application to execute in two or more tasks in a program using multiple threads.
Features of Operating Systems
- Command is the instruction given to an operating system or application program.
- Command line is the location where the command is typed, in a program.
- Active window is the window of a program that is currently running and allows for interaction with the
- Task is the basic unit of work for a processor
- Thread is a process within another process that uses the resources of the process it’s in.
- Throughout is the amount of data that is processed within a given period of time

Types of Operating Systems

Unix OS Linux OS Mac OS Windows ce OS Windows me OS

Windows 3.X OS Windows 95 OS Windows 98 OS

Windows 2000 OS Windows ne OS
Windows xp OS

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I.T Study Guide 2021 - 2022
User Friendliness
A user-friendly program is a program that is created for easy use by persons who lack the technical competence or
knowledge of computers.

Features of User Friendly – Programs What is a WIMP?

- Easy for new users to start using the program a set of software features
- Should be able to adjust to different levels of expertise and hardware devices (such
- Should have tour guide programs that acquaint new users to the program. as windows, icons, mice, and
- Limits the need to use help manuals pull-down menus) designed to
- Limited information and effort required to complete a task simplify or demystify
- Should have troubleshooting programs. computing operations for the
- Possess help menus that gives the user a list of available choices user.

2. User Interfaces
A User Interface is the part of the computer (hardware or software) that interacts with the user. The user interface is
sometimes more formally called the Human Computer Interface (HCI). The user-friendlier an HCI, the easier it is for
a user to use. We will now take a look at the different types of HCI as it relates to software.

Types of User Interfaces

There are three types of User Interfaces:
- Command Driven User Interface
- Menu Driven User Interface
- Graphical User Interface

A. Command Driven User Interface

This is the oldest type of user interface and
perhaps the least user friendly. It involves the use
of commands that are typed in by the user to
instruct the computer as to what task to perform.
The commands are typed in at the command line, which is usually to the right of the C prompt. A command
driven user interface requires the user to be familiar with the commands that are available, what they do and
how they should be used. It is very quick if the user knows all or most of the very important commands. It is
therefore not suited for novice users, as they will need to learn the commands before being able to be verse
in the use of the program.

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Advantages of a Command Driven User Interface
* User can quickly enter commands if they are familiar with them
* Commands are executed faster by the processor.
Disadvantages of a Command Driven User Interface
* Requires knowing the commands to work quickly and efficiently
* Not suitable for novice users
* Limited choice in input devices. Input device is usually limited to a keyboard.

B. Menu Driven User Interface

Allows the user to select an action to be initiated from a list of options that are displayed. There are different
types of menus namely Pull-down and Pop-up
menus. A Pull-down menu is one where the
items in the list to be selected drops down
when the menu is selected. Simply put another
menu is displayed below the one selected. A
Pop-up menu is one where the items in the list
"pops-up" when the menu is selected. In other
words, another menu is displayed above the one

Advantages of a Menu Driven Interface

* Commands can be entered from a variety of input devices
* User does not need to remember commands as they are selected from a list of options.

Disadvantages of a Menu Driven Interface

* To execute a command the user maybe required to go through many steps.
* Though commands do not have to be memorised users must know the menu under which the desired
command is located in order to move quickly and efficiently.

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C. Graphical User Interface
Graphical User Interface GUIS GUI pronounced 'gooey' is a HCI that uses a graphical display with a combination
of menus, buttons, icons and other graphical images to give commands. A
GUI is arguably the most user-friendly user interface. It gives the user
complete control over what he/she is doing. It is easier for a person to
remember a graphical object and what it represents than to remember
some keyword. Often the objects used symbolize exactly what they do. An
Icon is a graphical object used to represent commonly used features.

Advantages of a GUI
* The use of icons that is representative of the task being done results in less errors in the entering
of commands
* Best suited for novice users
* Reduce typing

Disadvantages of a GUI
* Uses a lot of processor resources
* Slowest interface due to the processing of colours, images, text, etc.

3. Software
Software is a series of instructions or commands that tells the computer what to do and how to do the task. This is
also called a computer program or application. Software is divided into two major categories:
o Application
o System Software

System Software
This type of software is crucial to a computer. That is, it manages system resources and act as an interface
between the hardware and the user of the computer. Some system software is essential for the functionality of the
computer and some application software. Also, some system software work in the background and are not used by the user.

Three types of system software are:

o Operating System

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o Utility Software - This type of software usually focused on analysing, managing, maintaining and controlling
a computer system. The operations of utility software are usually focused on a specific task and many utility
software's are installed with the operating system. e.g: Disk Defragmenters (My Defrag, Defraggler), Disk
Cleaners (Disk Clean-up), Antivirus Software (AVG, Avast, Norton, McAfee) or Firewall Software.

o Translators - This type of software is used to convert between two languages. For example. Converting from
a high-level language into machine language. A compiler like c++ compiler is usually used to accomplish this.

Application Software
These are programs that perform specific tasks for the users and is referred to as end-user programs. This type of
software is not essential to the computer for it to work. Users are able to use the computer to do various things such
as work, play games and play music as a result of application software. Application software falls into several

- General Purpose: Refers to computer applications that is made for everyone not designed for a specific
business, industry or department. It is also known as off-the-shelf software. General purpose software
consists of five main types. (Word Processing, Spreadsheet, Database Management, Communication and
- Custom Written: This type of software is a general-purpose software that has been modified by a programmer
to fit the needs of a user or organization. E.g: Installing adobe reader plugin/addons to read pdf files in word.
- Customized General-Purpose: This type of software is often called tailor made or bespoke which is created
specifically for a user or an organization by a programmer. It is designed to fit the specific needs of the user
or organization. This enables a company to get their software exactly how they want it. It is also known as
tailor made or bespoke software. E.g: a shoe store hiring a programmer to create a point-of-sale program to
handle their business needs.
- Specialized: This is a software that is specially designed for an individual or company's specific
needs/discipline. It does not have much use beyond those tasks, so it can be quite expensive. E.g: Peach Tree
(Used by accountants), CAD (Used by architects)
- `Integrated Software: This is a set of useful applications that are bundled together or sold together as one
package. E.g: Microsoft Office, Apple Works, Google

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4. File Management
What is a File Management?
File Management deals with the process of organizing, storing, retrieving and manipulating the files stored on a
secondary storage device.
What is a File?
A File is a collection of related records. A file in Information Technology is any sequence of similar data defined by a
name and an extension. A file can be almost anything, e.g. information on students in a class, a person's account in a
bank, information about a supermarket's stock, etc. Data is stored on a secondary storage media as a file. If you take
the information on students in a class, say their grades, then this would probably be stored on the hard disk as a MS
Excel file. There are two main categories of files:
- A Data file - is a file that stores data or information about someone, something, an organization,
etc. E.g. our grades file done in MS Excel.
- A Program file: is a file that stores commands or instructions used to operate the computer. For
example, the file that stores the code for Windows 2000.

Every file must have a name, which is used to identify and locate the file and also differentiates it from another file. A
filename therefore is the name given to a collection of related
items (file) so that it may be distinguished from another. A
filename is comprised of two parts - a name and an extension.

The name part is self-explanatory. The extension is the part of

the name that tells the operating system what software is
required to open the file and process it. Example, if the file
storing the student's grade has a filename 'grade.xls', then
grade is the name and 'xls' is the extension. The extension "xls' tells the operating system that MS Excel is required to

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open this file and display the data properly. File extensions are always preceded by a full stop and usually consist of
only three characters.

Extension Meaning
.html web page file - tells the web browser how to display
the doc in the file
.xls excel file - spreadsheet file
.txt text file – basic text file without much formatting
.exe executable file - is an example of a program file.
.ppt PowerPoint file - presentation file done using MS

5. Directories
A Directory is a logical storage area on a secondary storage media used to organize files into convenient categories for
easy reference. Directories are also called folders. You may have other directories within a directory. For example,
maybe you are organizing your files into fruits, vegetables and meats. Within the fruits directory you may further
organize your files according to the vitamins they contain, so you may have inside the VITAMIN C folder oranges.
A Subdirectory is any directory within or under
another directory. It is also referred to, as the
child directory and the directory that it is in
known as the parent directory. Therefore, using
our directory tree above, VITAMIN C is the child
of FRUITS, however, FRUITS is the parent on
subdirectories as both are located inside the
directory FOOD. Note that oranges.doc is not a
directory as it possesses a name and an extension and is therefore a file. The Root directory is the directory that is at
the first level of a directory tree but it is known as level O. A directory system is different for each secondary storage
medium and is created when the medium is formatted. Using our directory tree above, the root directory is FOOD. In
this directory system everything is contained in the root directory.
The Working Directory is the directory in which you are currently working. In order to manipulate a child directory then
the working directory must be the parent of that child. If you wanted to create a subdirectory called RED MEATS within
the directory MEATS then MEATS, which would be the parent of RED MEATS, must be the working directory. Simply put,

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RED MEATS must be created from inside MEATS. The path of a file is the hierarchy of directories (folders) where the
file is found. E.g: C:\Users\Gabrielle Numa\Desktop\Pictures\Pictures of Kedron
The Disk drive is the device that stores the secondary medium on which your files or folders are stored. The volume
label is an internal label given to a disk for internal identification. Proper procedure stipulates that the outside of
portable storage media should be labelled as well for easy identification of its contents. In class you should ensure that
all your diskettes are labelled with your name and form. Density refers to the amount of magnetic material on a disk.
The closer together the particles on the disk are the greater the disk capacity.

6. MS-DOS Commands
DOS stands for Disk Operating System. DOS can tell the computer how to handle the display, keyboard, printer, floppy
and hard disk drives, and memory (RAM). Everything that can be done with a GUI can be done with DOS.

DOS is a command driven operating system. Therefore, it is an entirely text-based system. All it provides for the user
is a prompt where the user enters commands. A prompt is a visual or audible message sent by a program to request
the user's response. The command prompt is located at the command line. It is there to let the user know that the
computer is waiting for your input, waiting for you to tell it what to do. In DOS the command prompt usually looks
something like this "C:\>" or "A:\>".
The system is entirely case insensitive (uppercase or lowercase may work), so either "FORMAT A:" or "format a:" would
have the same result on the A: drive. After you have typed a command at the prompt you have to press the enter key
(also referred to as the return key) to let the computer know that you are done telling it what to do and that it should
now act on your instructions. If you make a mistake in typing a command that does not exist, you will get an error
message and a new prompt. You will need to retype your command correctly to make the computer act.
- NOTE: With DOS comes power, and you can easily do irreparable damage to your system if you use
powerful commands in the wrong way. The commands you should be very careful of are: "FORMAT”,
“RECOVER", AND "DEL", all of which should ONLY be used when you are absolutely SURE of what you

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are doing. The "DEL" command for example, will destroy all DOS files that are necessary to boot and
operate the computer. Also, you should avoid tampering with system files, because if they are altered
or deleted could cause your machine to stop working.

The * symbol is referred to as a wildcard and stands for any character or group of characters. This is helpful when you
want to list files that start with a particular letter or group. You can also use the wildcard character * to look for a
group of files with the same extension.

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I.T Study Guide 2021 - 2022
7. Installation of Windows 7

Changing the Boot Order

Step 1 - Restart your computer
- You need to push f2 or f12 before the Windows loading screen starts
- If you already see the loading screen that you've waited too long
Step 2 - The BIOS will open
- To go to the boot sector
Step 3 - To change the order, push the negative key move down so CD drive first.
- If your hard drive boots before your you cannot boot from a disk so just make
sure that your CD-ROM drive is either the first or above the hard drive
- So, you can select by moving your arrows up and down
Step 4 - Go to the escape tab

Step 5 - Save Changes and exit or you can just push the Escape key

Installing Windows 7
Step 1 - Boot to the DVD Drive

Step 2 - Click Install Now

Step 3 - Accept the license agreement

Step 4 - Select the type of installation The two options for installing Windows are
custom which removes your current files and upgrade
Step 5 - Select the drive you wish the installation to take place and format them if
Step 6 - Click next and wait until all of the files are copied and the system restarts
several times
Step 7 - Enter your user information and time zone and restart

Step 8 - When the desktop loads up you then install all needed system updates, files
and device drivers

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I.T Study Guide 2021 - 2022
8. Database Management
A Database is an organized collection of Information. Examples of
common databases:
• Telephone book
• Mailing List
• Recipe book
• Book shelf
In Ms Access database is a set of an organized collection of related
information to a specific purpose or topic. It includes tools needed to
work with data:
• Sorting
• Extracting
• Summarizing


• Table - is a collection of related records, made of a set of rows and columns. Also called a Relation.
• Record – is a row of data, or a collection of related fields in a database. Also known as a Tuple.
• Field – is a single column in a database table that stores data. Also referred to as an attribute in a database. One
item of data such as the actual address is called a Data value.
• Byte – is a group of eight bits, usually representing a single character. An example of a byte is: 11000001 which
represents the letter “A”.
• Bit – is an acronym for binary digit. It can be a value of 1 or 0.
• Primary Key – A unique field that is used to identify each record in a database table.
• Candidate Key - a field that could possibly act as the primary key for the table.
• Composite Key - a primary key that consists of two or more fields together.
• Secondary or Alternate Key - a candidate key that has not been selected as the primary key.
• Foreign Key - a field in a table that is has been linked with the primary key field of another table.

Every field has a data type. A field's data type indicates the kind of data that the field stores, such as large amounts of text or
attached files.

A data type is a field property, but it differs from other field properties as follows:

• You set a field's data type in the table design grid, not in the Field Properties pane.
• A field's data type determines what other properties the field has.
• You must set a field's data type when you create the field.

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Data Type Description
Text Use for text or combinations of text and numbers. 255
characters maximum
Memo Memo is used for larger amounts of text. Stores up to
65,536 characters. Note: You cannot sort a memo field.
However, they are searchable.
Currency Use for currency. Holds up to 15 digits of whole dollars,
plus 4 decimal places. Tip: You can choose which
country's currency to use.
AutoNumber AutoNumber fields automatically give each record its
own number, usually starting at 1
Date/Time Use for dates and times.
Yes/No A logical field can be displayed as Yes/No, True/False,
or On/Off. In code, use the constants True and False
(equivalent to -1 and 0). Note: Null values are not
allowed in Yes/No fields
Ole Object Can store pictures, audio, video, or other BLOBs (Binary
Large Objects)
Hyperlink Contain links to other files, including web pages.
Lookup Wizard Let you type a list of options, which can then be chosen
from a drop-down list.

Number format Description

Byte Allows whole numbers from 0 to 255

Integer Allows whole numbers between -32,768 and 32,767

Long Integer Allows whole numbers between -2,147,483,648 and

Single Single precision floating-point. Will handle most
Double Double precision floating-point. Will handle most
Decimal Allows numbers from -9.999…x 1027 to 9.999… x 1027
with decimal places

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Advantages of a Computerized Database
o Can save enormous amounts of paper as well as filing space
o Data can easily be entered by keyboard or scanners
o Speed- data can be found, calculated and sorted very quickly
o Data can easily be changed and updated
o Data needs to be entered only once, yet can be represented in many different ways. A whole range of different queries
and reports can be produced
o Data can be checked/validated on entry
o Passwords can be set to allow access only to those with permission to use the database
o The data structure of a database can be changed, with new fields added, even after the database has been created. A
paper-based system would have to be restarted from scratch
o Data can be imported and exported to other programs A database file can be automatically linked to others Databases
can be shared with other users if the computer is a part of a local or wide area network. This includes the internet.

Disadvantages of a Computerized Database

o The computer(s) and peripherals required can cost a lot
o If the computer, or computer network, is not working, then the database cannot be used
o Security is very important as some people may attempt to get access to confidential information. Sometimes this may
involve illegally hacking into the program or data
o The database file can become corrupted or infected by a computer virus. This can lead to file not working properly. In
some cases, the database may not work at all. Making a backup copy of the database is therefore essential
o There is often a limit to the size of a database file
o Some databases can be complicated to use
o Data stored about people may be incorrect
o Some databases require much time to be spent on staff training, which can be costly.

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I.T Study Guide 2021 - 2022
9. Data Communication
What is Telecommunication?
Telecommunication is the process of using communication facilities such as the telephone and microwave relays to send data
over a far distance without changing it.

Data is sent on the analog phone line which is then converted to digital data on your computer via a modem (modulator

Analog VS. Discreet Data

Analog Data Discreet Data
o Analog data cannot be obtained from counting. o Data that can be obtained by counting.
o Must be measured o Often called digital data
o Example: Water in a beaker o Example: Girls in the class

What is Data Communication?

Data communication is the transmission of data from one location to the other in order to enable communication between the
Data communication is achieved through the use of computers, transmission cables, satellites and wireless technology.

What is a Network?
A network is a group of two or more computers linked together so that they can share resources (hardware, software and data)
and can communicate with one another.
LAN (Local Area Network)
A LAN is made up of two or more computers connected to each other within the
same geographical area but not necessarily within the same building. Where
LAN may be used:

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MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)
A metropolitan area network (MAN) is a network that interconnects users with
computer resources in a geographic area or region larger than that covered by
a local area network (LAN) but smaller than the area covered by a wide area
network (WAN).
Where a MAN may be used:
- University campuses
- Connecting businesses in a city

WAN (Wide Area Network)

A wide area network is a network that covers a very large geographical area.
Where a WAN may be used:
- Large companies such as banks across the island that must be linked.

What is Communication Media?

Communication media are the components on which data travels from one location to another. Communication media can be
classified under two categories:
- Wired: (Twisted pairs, Coaxial cables, Fibre optic cables)
- Wireless: (Microwave, Radio waves, Infrared)

Twisted Pairs
This is a convenient and cheap method of connecting computers and peripherals in a network. It is
normally used for home networking or on small sites where the distances between devices are small
and there is no great need for speed.

Coaxial cable
Coaxial cable is more expensive than twisted pair because its transmission capabilities are higher;
it is used to transmit voice, video, and data. It is ideal for a medium-sized network.

Fibre optic Cable

Fibre optic cables are relatively expensive. They enable large volumes of digital data to be
transmitted extremely fast and virtually error-free.
A single strand of a fibre optic cable is a hair-thin piece of glass tubing. The inside of the tube acts
as a mirror, allowing pulses of light to travel along it which carry data. A cable consists of
thousands of these hair-thin strands.

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Internet VS. Intranet
The INTERNET is a network of networks located around the world.
The INTRANET is a network that belongs to an organization and is accessible only by members of that organization.

Features of an E-mail
Email stands for electronic mail. It is similar to regular mail except
that it is digital information and it is not sent through the post
office. Electronic mail is the electronic transmission of messages
from one computer to another over ordinary telephone lines. User’s name Provider’s name
Electronic mail does not take place in real time but is much faster
than -normal mail.
Inbox and outbox: These are folders on the email provider's server where your incoming and outgoing messages are
- Junk mail: Messages sent to your inbox, from unknown or unauthorised are stored in this folder.
- Draft folder: Messages that are incomplete in that they weren't sent to anyone may be stored here for later editing.
- Ability to send the same email to several persons in a single effort
- Security features allowing only authorised persons to view particular emails.
- Send features (TO, FROM, Subject, CC, BCC)

Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

This is a method of naming documents or places on the Internet A web page has a unique s called a Uniform Resource Locator
(URL). A web browser retrieves a web page using its URL, also called web address. The URL is the most frequently used method
on the World Wide Web for retrieving web pages. The URL is case sensitive this means that you must type in the address, capital
letters and all correctly to access the correct web site.
page using its URL. The URL gives very important information to the web browser so it is able to access the correct web page.
The URL tells the name of the file you wish to access, the computer where the file is located and the directories and subdirectories
where the file is stored.

Parts of a URL
The anatomy of the URL The URL like the email is divided into different sections or categories. - .com - commercial
There are no spaces in the URL and the information must be typed in correctly for the correct web - .edu - education
site to be accessed. The sections are: - .gov - government
The Scheme - this tells the web browser how to retrieve the document on the Internet. - .org - organization
The Hostname – the hostname tells the browser the computer on which the file is located. - .mil - military
All hostnames end with an extension; some of the common extensions are listed to the - .net - network
Directories - this tells browser the directory or subdirectories on the computer where the file is stored.
Document name - this tells the name of the file to be displayed.

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Scheme Domain Directories File

10. Jobs in Computing

o Network Engineer - Network Engineers primarily handle installing, configuring, and supporting firewalls to ensure
network security. They are also responsible for procuring equipment like routers or switches, which provides the
best possible efficiency in an office's IT infrastructure.
o Software Engineer - Software engineers focus on applying the principles of engineering to software development.
Their role includes analyzing and modifying existing software as well as designing, constructing and testing end-
user applications that meet user needs — all through software programming languages.
o Cryptographer - A cryptographer is someone who writes (or cracks) the encryption code used for data security.
Computer-encrypted data uses exceptionally long, advanced encryption algorithms that are incredibly hard and
time-consuming for people to break.
o System Administrator - System Administrators organize, install and support an organization's computer systems.
These include local area networks (LAN), wide area networks (WAN) and other data communication systems such as
intranets or internet cafes within their company.
o Web Designer - Web designers plan, create and code internet sites and web pages, many of which combine text with
sounds, pictures, graphics and video clips. A web designer is responsible for creating the design and layout of a
website or web pages.
o Computer Security Administrator - A security administrator is the point person for a cybersecurity team. They
are typically responsible for installing, administering and troubleshooting an organization's security solutions.
They also write up security policies and training documents about security procedures for colleagues.

11. Problem Solving

Solving a problem on a computer involves the following activities:
- Definition of the problem – State what the problem is and what needs to be done
- Analyze the problem - Understand the problem and determine the requirements.
- Propose and evaluate possible solutions
- Choose and develop the most appropriate algorithm (a method) for solving the problem.
- Test and validate the algorithm. Check for errors in the algorithm
- Implement the algorithm (ie Writing the program for the algorithm)
- Test and Debug (check for errors in the program)
- Document and maintain the program. (Write an explanation on how the program works)

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A pseudocode is an imitation computer program written using mathematical notations and English-like statements to describe
the logics to solve a problem or carry out a procedure.
Pseudocode is made up of several statements:
- Output Statements
- Input Statements
- Assignment statements

When writing pseudocodes, we use two key words BEGIN and END or START and STOP to state that we are starting our process and
stopping the process, however, please note that these words does not affect the process.
The word BEGIN is placed before all the statements in the pseudocode and END is placed at the end of all the statements within
the pseudocode. See example below:






Output Statements
The output statement is a statement used to get information to the programmer or computer user. The key words used for
output statements are PRINT or OUTPUT; however, we will be using PRINT.

NB. The information that we want to print to the screen must be placed between quotation marks “ “.

E.g. If I want to print “Campion students are the best” to my screen, my output statement will be written as:

Campion students are the best
PRINT “Campion students are the best”


Print statements are used to either request information from the user (prompt)
or to give results of certain processes in the pseudocode to the user.

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Input Statements
The input statement is used to get data from outside the computer via some input device into a variable for manipulation by the
pseudocode. The two key words used for input statements are READ and INPUT, however we will be using READ.

Before we explore input statements further, we must understand a few terms.

Constant: This provides locations for storing data which do not change value during execution of a program. E.g. Pi.
Identifier: This is the name invented by a programmer for a data item. An identifier can be the name of a variable or a constant.
E.g. Num or Pi.
Variable: In math a variable is a symbol, word or letter used to represent an unknown value. When we write programs, we don’t
know the value of which the user will enter into the program. E.g. I could ask a user to enter two numbers and that user enters
20 and 10 another could enter 5 and 15 and so on. These values are unknown to me (the programmer). So, it is therefore necessary
to use variables for unknown values. A variable is a named location in memory, the value of which may change during execution
of a program.


Num1 Num2 Fname Lname

Observe the diagram above depicting variables in memory. The small boxes are the actual space (variable) in memory where the
data will be stored. Of which the data can be changed during the execution of the program based on the definition of a variable.
However, these spaces must be labeled or be identified. Programmers use what are called identifiers/variable names (Num1,
Num2, Fname, Lname) to identify what is being stored in a variable.

Rules in writing variable names:

1. They must be ONE word in other words they should not contain any space. (If you have two or more words simple join
them together or join them using and underscore)
2. They should reflect what is being stored in them
3. They should NOT begin with a number
4. They should not be more than 64 characters
5. They should not be a reserved word. E.g. PRINT

Created by: Donii Brown

I.T Study Guide 2021 - 2022
Write a pseudocode algorithm to read two numbers into variables A and B.
Please enter two numbers
PRINT “Please enter two numbers”




Based on the pseudocode “please enter two numbers” will be printed to the screen. Then the user can enter the two ‘unknown’
numbers which will be stored in variables A and B displayed in memory.

We use the print statement before the read statement to ask the user to enter the two numbers; in this case the print
statement is acting as a ‘prompt’. We could also use the print statement where it is used to give back results of a process. See
example below

Assignment Statement
Assignment statements are used to give initial value to variables and to change the value assigned to a variable.

The assignment statement has two parts, the Lvalue and the Rvalue. The Lvalue refers to the variable as the storage location
where the Rvalue will be stored. The Rvalue refers to a value, which may be the result of an expression or the content of
another variable. The arrow (←) or = is used as the assignment operator.

Consider the following Assignment statement:

Days ← 28

Rate ← 500

This can be interpreted as follows, store the value 28 in the variable days and 500 in the variable rate.

Consider the following assignment statement:

Salary ← Days * Rate

The Lvalue is “salary” on the left and the Rvalue is the expression on the right, “days*rate”. The assignment can be interpreted
as, multiply the value in the variable days by the value in the variable rate and store the result in variable salary.

Created by: Donii Brown

I.T Study Guide 2021 - 2022
IPO Table
Write a pseudocode algorithm to accept three numbers and find and print their sum.

We can analyze this question by finding out the Input, process and output, creating what is called an IPO (Input, process,
Output) table.

IPO Table has three columns and is used to analyse a problem. The three columns are:

- Input – What is need from the user (what is needed from the person using the algorithm)
- Process – What is done by the program (ask yourself the following question. “What do I have to do with the inputs in
order to produce the desired output)
- Output – What is given to the user from the computer (the end result that is stated in the problem)


Num1 Prompt to enter numbers. Sum


Num3 Calculate Sum OR


Display Sum


PRINT “Please enter three numbers” Please enter three numbers

READ Num1 _
READ Num2 The 1st number you’ve entered is ____
READ Num3 The 2nd number you’ve entered is ____
PRINT “The 1st number you’ve entered is”, Num1 The 3rd number you’ve entered is____
PRINT “The 2nd number you’ve entered is”, Num2

PRINT “The 3rd number you’ve entered is”, Num3


Created by: Donii Brown

I.T Study Guide 2021 - 2022
Trace table
This is a technique used to test algorithms to make sure that no logical errors occur during the processing of the algorithm.

Write a pseudocode algorithm to accept three numbers and find and print their sum.


PRINT “Please Enter First Number”


PRINT “Please Enter Second Number”


PRINT “Please Enter Third Number”


SUM ← Num1 + Num2 + Num3

PRINT “The Sum is, Sum”


Line Num1 Num2 Num3 Sum

1 - - - -
2 20 - - -
3 20 - - -
4 20 40 - -
5 20 40 - -
6 20 40 60 -
7 20 40 60 120
8 20 40 60 120

Created by: Donii Brown

I.T Study Guide 2021 - 2022

Description Symbol
The oval is used as a terminal point which shows where the
algorithm starts and stops.

The square or rectangle is used to represent processing. This

symbol is for all calculations or assignments.

The parallelogram represents Input or Output of data. This

symbol is used to allow the user to enter information or to
allow the program to send information to the user
The diamond represents decision. This symbol is used to allow
the user to make a choice between one process and another

The circle is used as a connector. This symbol allows two flow

lines to connect back to the main process after a decision has
been made

The arrow signifies a flow line. The flow line connects the
different symbols and shows the direction in which the
algorithm should flow

12. Webpage Design

Every day new websites are appearing and existing ones are being updated and modified. There are specific application programs,
such as: Microsoft FrontPage, Microsoft word and note pad that provide the tools for you to design and create your own web pages
and to edit exiting ones.

HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is a universal language that all web browsers can interpret. The most common browsers are
Microsoft Internet Explorer and Firefox. Browsers let you view HTML files, but not create them.

Created by: Donii Brown

I.T Study Guide 2021 - 2022
The use of HTML helps in two major ways:

➢ To share documents – HTML was created to help users share documents on the Internet, so that a browser can read a
basic HTML document.
➢ To link to other documents - Hyperlinks use an Internet address for the related document s in the HTML code for the
page. Clicking on the hyperlink either downloads the related material or views the document.

Planning your web pages

Your first task is to decide what you are going to put on your web pages. This task will be easier if you spend some time planning
your website. You should consider the following features that make a good web page.

The messages of your website should be presented in a manner to capture the attention of those who visit it. The initial screens
should attract visitors’ interest so that they want to browse the site. The main screens and connecting web pages should supply
enough information and maintain a visitors’ interest enough to encourage repeat visits. The use of one or more combinations of
colour, images, sound, video and tone of language can capture or lose the a visitor’s attention.

Web pages should be well organized, with information arranged in categories and subcategories. This helps the user to browse
through information in a sequential and logical manner, so that interesting sub-topics can be selected for further reading.

Navigational links can include pull-down and pop-up menus or links to other pages or documents. Any visitor to a website should
be able to move through the main categories or pages in a logical manner or go directly to an area of interest. Many websites
also use breadcrumbs. These are navigational links that are seen in a single line below the page header (breadcrumbs show the
path that a visitor has taken to access the current page). Breadcrumbs show the path a visitor would have to access the current
page. An example of a breadcrumb is:

Home > Furniture > Chairs > Leather Chairs

The visitor should be able to go directly back to the opening screen or main web page from the current web page. This can be
done by clicking on the Home link or on the breadcrumbs. Also, it is useful to provide the option for users to see other web pages
that are related to your web page content.

Created by: Donii Brown

I.T Study Guide 2021 - 2022
You should be aware of the number of web pages a visitor must view before seeing the page of interest. Also, not all users have
the same Internet connection so modem speeds for dial-up customers may increase the time taken to view a page that has many
images or video.

A website should have ample security features to assure confidence if users are providing sensitive data, such as credit card or
personal information. These security features should include measures to prevent hackers and viruses from compromising the
integrity of data, information, and hardware.

Useful information on web pages:

Tags are used to label headings, paragraphs, numbered lists, quotations, tables, hyperlinks, forms and frames. Some tags simply
give important information to the browser – that is, these tags do not make any visible changes that you can see in your browser.

There are many pairs of tags. The beginning tag has brackets < > around the letter or word, while the ending tag contains a
forward slash in it such as </ >. These codes around a tag indicate that it is not normal text but an instruction that needs to be
executed. You therefore do not see these codes on web page. The beginning tag tells your browser to execute the code, while the
end tag tells the browser to stop executing the code. You can write tags in upper case, lower case, or both.

HTML Skeleton:
<HTML> Tags Explanation
HTML tags Usually found at the beginning and end of your document
<Head> <HTML> </HTML>
Head tags Instructions that will not be printed directly on your web page.
<Title> </Title>
<Head> </Head>
</Head> Title tags Belong within the HEAD tags. Any text typed between these
<Title> </Title> tags is shown at the top of the browser. Note that this text
<Body> does not name your web page but serves as a guide to the
purpose of the web page
</Body> Body tags Most of the HTML code is written between these tags. It is this
<Body> </Body> content that we see on a web page.

Created by: Donii Brown

I.T Study Guide 2021 - 2022
Tag Example Explanation
Heading <h1>text</h1> Identifies major headings and subheadings. H1 is a major heading,
while h2 and h3 are subheadings

Paragraph <p>text</p> Identifies normal text in the web page

Bold <b>text</b> Makes the text between the tags bold

Underline <u>text</u> Underlines the text between the tags

Italic <i>text</i> Italicises the text between the tags.

Visitors to a website use hyperlinks to move from web page to web page. A hyperlink can be an icon, image, or word that
automatically opens another file or document for viewing. You should therefore have a table of contents or home area to allow
visitors to select specific areas of interest. Be sure to create a link from each page that will return the user to that home page.
You click on a hyperlink to:

- Be directed to the other web page, file or document

- Be directed to another position within the web page
- Send an e-mail message using contact details given on the website.

Naming your Home page

You should save each document as a web page, but it is important to save your home page as “index.html” since this name denotes
the first page on any website. Also, try to keep your files, images and documents organized by creating a folder just for your
web pages.

Created by: Donii Brown

I.T Study Guide 2021 - 2022
Purpose Codes
Headings <h1>Text </h1> (largest heading)

<h2> Text </h2>

<h3> Text </h3>

<h4> Text </h4>

<h5> Text </h5>

<h6> Text </h6> (Smallest heading)

Paragraph <p> This is a paragraph </p>

Line break <br /> or <br> Text </br>

Styles style="background-color:yellow"



Link <a href="url"> Link text </a>

Open link in a new <a href=""

window target="_blank">Visit W3Schools!</a>

Image <img src="url" />

Unordered List <ul>


Ordered List <ol> to change the order of listing use (type=”A” or “a” or “i” or “I”)

Created by: Donii Brown

I.T Study Guide 2021 - 2022
Definition List <dl> (Defnition list)
<dt>Coffee</dt> (dt- definition term)
<dd>Black hot drink</dd> (dd- definition description)
<dd>White cold drink</dd>

Table <table border="1">

Tr – Table row
Th – Table heading <th>Tableheader</th>
Td – Table data

Created by: Donii Brown

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