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Advanced Writing skills

e swa ra n
.K a ba l rincipa l
E P -2
Vice a bu ra gi
Article & Speech Writing

Background Information

Construction/Building of Theoretical
Conceptual Knowledge

R.Chakravarthy Principal
E.Kabaleeswaran Vice Principal
JNV North Sikkim
An Article?

R.Chakravarthy Principal
E.Kabaleeswaran Vice Principal
JNV North Sikkim
Simple General Idea/Definition

A Piece of Writing about/on a

Particular Subject , usually
published/for publication in
Newspapers and Magazines.
A reflection of one’s thought on an
issue/subject matter expressed logically and
coherently, written in meaningful paragraphs.

R.Chakravarthy Principal
E.Kabaleeswaran Vice Principal
JNV North Sikkim

 Title
 Right Below  Author/Writer’s Detail
 Content in 4 to 5 Paragraphs in
Running/Descriptive /Essay Form
R.Chakravarthy Principal
E.Kabaleeswaran Vice Principal
JNV North Sikkim
Things to Learn & Remember

 Use maximum 4 to 5 Words
 Catchy & Crispy (Attention
Drawing& Hooking)
 Fully Informative on the Whole
Subject Matter/Illustration of
Central Theme.
 Position Top Middle/Center
R.Chakravarthy Principal
E.Kabaleeswaran Vice Principal
JNV North Sikkim
Things to Learn & Remember

1 Para:
 Comprehensive Introduction of
the Subject Matter, Purpose of
the Article. Present Status of
the Issue….
 Begin with a Striking Opening
Sentence addressing the reader
to get them involved &R.Chakravarthy Principal

interested in the Topic.

E.Kabaleeswaran Vice Principal
JNV North Sikkim
2nd , 3rd & 4th Paragraphs

Subject Matter in Detail 

 Presentation of Topic/Strong Arguments/

Deliberation/Review/Analysis/ Supporting
Ideas with Evidences and Elaborations.

 Plus & Minus / Merits and Demerits of the

Subject Matter.

 Establishment of the Context & Grounds. Types.

R.Chakravarthy Principal
E.Kabaleeswaran Vice Principal
JNV North Sikkim
2nd , 3rd & 4th Paragraphs …….

 Rhetorical Question with Startling Facts.

 Statistics / Quotes.

 Expositions, Interpretations & Extrapolations :

Cause & Effects.

 Implications (Social/Environmental/

R.Chakravarthy Principal
E.Kabaleeswaran Vice Principal
JNV North Sikkim
5th Paragraph:
Winding Up.

Giving Opinions, Comments, Remarks,

Criticism, Recommendations , Suggestions

Conclusion with a Hope/Warning/An Appeal/

Calling for Action /Predictions/Reminders etc.,
(As Applicable)

R.Chakravarthy Principal
E.Kabaleeswaran Vice Principal
JNV North Sikkim
 Use Appropriate Linking Devices.

Introduce a New Point (Topic/Key Sentence) at the beginning

of each paragraph to strengthen the ideas presented.

Develop the idea ensuring reader’s interest and attention with


 Conclude with the Strongest Point.

Use Passive Voice, Humor, Emotive Language, Rhetorical

Questions and produce desired effect.

R.Chakravarthy Principal
E.Kabaleeswaran Vice Principal
JNV North Sikkim
Language ……

Specify & Delimit Your Topic.

Choice of Vocabulary : Relevant, Suitable with

Meaningful Variety.

Proper Punctuation – Change of/Shift in Idea then

Change of Paragraph.

Use of Subheadings to Paragraphs is Not a Taboo.

R.Chakravarthy Principal
E.Kabaleeswaran Vice Principal
JNV North Sikkim
Drafting/Writing [CODER Formula] For A Beginner & A

Set Your Thinking Machine in Forward Motion……


Within the Thinking Machine (Internal)

C :: Collection of Ideas
O :: Organization of Ideas for Presentation Logical Planning
D :: Drafting (Rough Work) [Physical & External)
E :: Editing (With Revisions/ Improvements/ Additions &
Deletions/ Modifications & Amendments, Corrections, Shuffling
R :: Rewriting (Fair Version) R.Chakravarthy Principal
E.Kabaleeswaran Vice Principal
JNV North Sikkim
Planning the Article
 Planning of the Article Could be Easier if the Outline Sketch is
Drawn in Advance [Using the Old System of Fixing/Providing
the Subheadings in Advance]

 The subheadings planned & fixed in advance would form the

base/border and framework , prevent over digressions and
deviations from the main track/line/topic .

 If *Subheadings are Taboo in Examination/Elsewhere after

the Completion of the Entire Article they Can be Erased.
[Hence may be written using Pencil in Exam. Hall)

R.Chakravarthy Principal
E.Kabaleeswaran Vice Principal
JNV North Sikkim
(Ma. Vikrant XII Sc.)
It is a pity that in a country where women are said to be
worshipped, there is a widespread discrimination of them even
before they are born and injustice is meted out to them in
such a male chauvinistic world in very many degrees.

Certain brutal practices like the female feticide throw light on

our attitude. The girl child is considered to be a liability and
doesn’t enjoy the privileges of a boy. She is denied the
advantage of proper education. The dowry system haunts
parents and the harassment she is subjected to at the in-laws
often forces her to commit suicide. Even in enlightened
homes, woman has to live her life under surveillance, if not in
strict ‘purdah’.
Working women are physically and verbally abused, denied
opportunities of growth and subjected to discrimination. The social
evils like dowry system, honour killing, human trafficking, societal
dogmas etc. take great toll on women, be it daughter, mother, sister,
wife, grandmother..

Education and economic independence only can empower

women to fight for their rights. It is also the responsibility of the
educated society to work for the cause of women. Proper law
making and execution, spreading awareness , exemplary
punishment for the predators etc. surely will bring positive

Let she not be worshipped but let her live a wholesome life. Let
us live, let her live and let us help her live for a better developed
bat e
& De
eec h
S p

R.Chakravarthy Principal
E.Kabaleeswaran Vice Principal
JNV North Sikkim
A Speech  What is It all About ?

 A Formal Talk that a Person

Delivers to an Audience.
 Also Called Address : Key Note
Address, Inaugural Address,
Valedictory Address, Presidential

Please Note :

 It begins with a formal address to

R.Chakravarthy Principal
the Onlookers/Dignitaries On the
E.Kabaleeswaran Vice Principal
JNV North Sikkim
 To be Written in Conversational Tone.

 Pause Questions, interactive expressions

like I think you will agree with me, don’t you
think that, I’m sure that you will have the
same notion, does anyone have the
opinion that….etc.,…

 Begin with brief, catchy introduction –

supported by anecdote, quotation, striking
expressions which decide the fate of the
speech, statistical provoking questions.
 Include adequate supporting data to make it
credible and interesting.

 Be clear about the purpose of the speech

and the target audience.

 Have originality (in ideas) , use powerful

language, add humor to emphasize or focus
/hold the listener’s attention.

 Similar to introduction , conclusion should

be brief, catchy, striking.

 The Written Speech (Text) should consist of

Delivery /
 Use Effects Style
…raising voice,(Voice Modulation)
giving stress on certain words, pausing for a short
while (for the ideas to sink in the minds of the

 To create such effects in Written Speech (the

above can be represented) … by increasing the
size of such words (letters) in the sentence/
writing in italics / using all capitals for
emphasizing/ leaving a few dots(….) after a
question to indicate a pause etc., etc.,
R.Chakravarthy Principal
 Say/Write “ Thank You “ at the end of your speech.
E.Kabaleeswaran Vice Principal
JNV North Sikkim
Written Speech : Format & Methodology

(Position) At the Top Middle/Centre.

(Right below in brackets Speaker’s Particulars)

(Speech by : Miss ABC School Secretary /Speaker : Miss
ABC School Secretary)

1st Para
Begin with “Addressing/Greeting/Wishing the Onlookers
on the dais, fellow speakers and the audience)
e.g. [Good morning to all of you, today I am here to express
my views on the topic…..” ] / Use your own style…

R.Chakravarthy Principal
E.Kabaleeswaran Vice Principal
JNV North Sikkim
Written Speech : Format & Methodology….

Introduce the Topic and explain clearly the whole

Purpose of the Speech.

2nd 3rd & 4th Paras :

Subject matter in detail (as in Article Writing) in running

descriptive form. (Be firm on one particular Perspective/
Approach and Point of View) (No Wavering At All)

5th Para :

A fitting Conclusion .
R.Chakravarthy Principal
E.Kabaleeswaran Vice Principal
JNV North Sikkim
Please Note !

Everything remains all the same as

that of an Article only, but, the only
difference is the addition before/in
the 1st Para itself which begins/
opens with a formal note of
address to the onlookers on the
dais and the audience ….
You are a student volunteer of National Literacy Mission (NLM)
wing of your school involved in the Adult Literacy Campaign: “Each
one, Teach One”. Write out the speech you would be delivering at
each place of your visit. Do not exceed 200 words.
Dear Friends,
Good morning to You All !
We all have assembled here for a noble cause—a mission to
eradicate illiteracy. It is the dream of the National Literacy
Mission to educate all the Indians. We would work together for an
India where EACH PERSON IS LITERATE. Most of the learners are
adults who have a rich experience of life.

Therefore, the learning strategies that will be adopted in our

program will be exploratory and interactive. We have to teach as well
as learn. We must keep in mind certain important factors………
their experience, wisdom and maturity while discussing any topic.

We should always keep in mind the OBJECTIVES set for the

adult illiterates. We have to make them literates. Inculcate in them
a love for reading, writing and arithmetic. Let them do simple
calculations and exult at the right calculations. Health awareness
and job related Problems are the next in order.


that we would be able to create in them awareness about civil
rights, duties, privileges and obligations. When they become
confident of their powers, we must create in them social
awareness. Issues like environmental pollution, population
control and employment generation can then be discussed…..In
short let’s all resolve to make sincere efforts to achieve these
Deb a te

 A Speech in Argumentative Style with Logical

Reasoning and Justification

 Requires minimum two speakers (For & Against)

 Expressions Used :

 For the Motion/Topic, Against the Motion/Topic

 Debaters , Polemics
Points to Learn and Remember:
 (Physical Format & Main Contents) :

 Same as that of Speech Writing Only.

 Changes :

 Very Important :

 In the first paragraph after formal address/greetings/

wishes to the onlookers/judges on the dais and the
audience, in addition to introducing the Topic of Dispute/
Argument /Controversy Clearly Say / Write Whether you
are speaking In Favour of the Topic/Motion (For/Supporter)
or Against the Motion/Topic (Opponent).
Points to Learn and Remember:

 Mention “ the motion tabled before the house is…..” and

state whether you’re speaking ‘Strongly In Favour Of’ or
‘Firmly Against…’ the Issue..

 Begin with Honourable Judges and my dear friends, I stand

before you to express/put forth/put forward my views for/
against the motion/topic. .

 “Respected Chair Person, Members of the Jury and Dear


 OR Simple “ Good Morning Ladies & Gentlemen”

2nd , 3rd and 4th Paragraphs :
 Present your argument by way of total agreement or
disagreement with the topic/subject matter as the case
may be which are in your favour. Express them forcefully
and clearly.

 Begin with a Quotation/Question/Interesting Statistics…

 Develop 3-4 points in support of your stand and negate at

least two points of your opponent.

 Then and there refer to the Opponent’s Views and Refute

them strongly & issue challenges.

 Back & Bank Up your arguments with relevant examples,

supportive facts, information, statistical data etc.,
Use Powerful expressions like:
 I’d like to argue, In my Opinion, May I ask you one thing
dear audience/my dear friend(opponent), may I enlighten
my dear friend (opponent)
 Very Important : Stick to your view point till end either in
favour or against…
 Last Paragraph : Once again just sum up in a line your
views and claim/justify/declare you yourself that you are
Right and request/appeal to the Honourable Judges to
deliver the judgement in favour of your views and topic.

 Conclude with your Strongest Point and Reiterate your

Stand Once Again..

 At the end say/write(At the bottom middle of the page)

Thank You One & All !
ple S
You are Bhuvan/Bhoomika, You have to speak in a debate
against the motion, ‘We do not need Mathematics’. Prepare a
speech of about 150–200 words.

Respected Chairperson, Members of the Jury and Dear Friends,

I, Bhuvan/Bhoomika, strongly oppose the motion that ‘We do

not need Mathematics’. Does my knowledgeable opponent
believe that Mathematics means only working on complex
mathematical models? Or that it is an activity indulged in only by
those with a lot of time on their hands? Or that it is of no use to
those who, apparently, have better things to do?
On the contrary, Mathematics has always been—and will
remain—a part of our lives. I should like to draw attention to the
fact that almost everything we do— from buying a bar of
chocolate to reaching the movie hall on time—involves
Mathematics. At a cricket or a football match, what is score-
keeping but the arithmetical form of Mathematics? While building
a house, right from the planning stage, we need Mathematics in
its various forms, such as arithmetic, algebra, geometry and
trigonometry. We need Mathematics to keep track of our day-to-
day expenses too. I therefore firmly reject the view that we do not
need Mathematics.

In my opinion Mathematics is an important field of study in

modern life.

Thank You One And All !

On the National Debate Forum, the topic given to the students is
‘should college students or even Class XII students be given unlimited
freedom?’ Write a speech for or against the topic in about 200–250

Good Morning, Ladies and Gentlemen !

Teenage proclaims itself near adulthood. So shouldn’t a teenager be

allowed to probe the mysteries of the world all on his/her own? The
modern environment and educational facilities surely enable that.
However, I strongly feel that some kind of guidance is necessary for their
young and impressionable minds.
It is true that the modern world offers a variety of opportunities for all
age groups in all the fields of knowledge, and everything is accessible at
the click of a button. But, with one click on the wrong button, one could
get access to harmful knowledge. Therefore, there needs to be some
kind of control over the kind of freedom a teenager enjoys.
One could argue that aren’t teenagers capable of deciphering
the good from the bad as they are on the threshold of adulthood? I
agree with this thought but too much curiosity can lead to added
confusion, and even chaos. Some kind of parental guidance should be
exercised on teenagers regarding the kind of movies to be watched,
the books to be read, friends to have, etc. Some of us may strongly
protest as to why can’t we be on our own and enjoy life.

But the truth is that the world consists of both good and bad things
and teenagers are not in a position to differentiate between the grey
areas amidst good and bad. So the parents’ guidance to a certain
extent is essential.

Therefore, I think that while creative urges and the inquisitiveness

of teenagers about the goings-on in the world should not be
suppressed with too much parental interference, teenagers, on their
part should not insist on complete freedom to make their choices in
Board Exam Question -1

1. You saw a stray dog beaten to death

by a group of boys. Their act
infuriated you and you scolded them
for their cruel act. You decided to
write an article on cruelty to animals.
Write the article in 125-150 words.
You are Nikhil/Naina. (AISSCE-
Board Exam Question -2

2. You are Ajay/Anu, Head Boy/Girl of

Kendriya Vidyalaya, Kanpur. You have seen
some students of junior classes littering the
school compound and verandahs with tiffin
left-overs. It makes the school look unclean
and untidy. Write a speech in 150-200 words
to be delivered in the morning assembly,
advising such students to keep the school
neat and clean.
(AISSCE March 2012)
Board Exam Question -3

3. You are Hemanth/Hema a class XII

student of TVS School, Madhurai. You
interacted with your friends for knowing their
views on shopping Malls which have come
up in every corner of the city. You found that
around half the total number of your friends
love to go to Malls, while the other half hate
them. Write a Debate in 150-200 words in
favour of or against the topic Mall Culture in

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