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NAME: ________________________ DATE: ________________________

 Complete these sixteen sentences to score your knowledge of SOME and ANY.

1. I want to put … sugar into my 9. My sister went to a movie theater

coffee. with … friends.
a) some a) some
b) any b) any
c) a c) a
2. … people are waiting outside the 10. There are … cookies on the table.
movie theater. Let’s have ….
a) Some a) some / some
b) Any b) any / any
c) A c) a / a
3. There is … white car next to the 11. I need … minute to finish my work,
truck. and then I can leave.
a) some a) some
b) any b) any
c) a c) a
4. Are there … supermarkets in your 12. Stewart bought … dozen eggs and
neighborhood? … tomatoes.
a) some a) some / a
b) any b) any / some
c) a c) a / some
5. There aren’t … supermarkets in my 13. Do you have … pets, like cats or
neighborhood. dogs?
a) some a) some
b) any b) any
c) a c) a
6. I don’t have … tests on Monday, but 14. Many programs on TV are quite
I have … test on Wednesday. boring, but … programs are okay.
a) some / any a) some
b) any / a b) any
c) a / some c) a
7. (A) Are there … birds in the tree? 15. I have … really good friend. Her
(B) No, there aren’t …. name is Cathy.
a) some / some a) some
b) any / any b) any
c) a / a c) a
8. Thomas needs … box of colored 16. Wait! We can’t go shopping. We
pencils to finish his picture. have to bring … money with us.
a) some a) some
b) any b) any
c) a c) a

15 – 16 = Excellent 13 – 14 = Good 12 or Less = Study More!

Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. ©

Grammar Focus Quantifiers: ‘some’ and ‘any’

Level Intermediate


1. A 9. A
2. A 10. A
3. C 11. C
4. B 12. C
5. B 13. B
6. B 14. A
7. B 15. C
8. C 16. A

Grades as
16 / 16 = 100%
15 / 16 = 94
14 / 16 = 88
13 / 16 = 81
12 / 16 = 75
11 / 16 = 69
10 / 18 = 63
9 / 16 = 56
8 / 16 = 50
7 / 16 = 44
6 / 16 = 38
5 / 16 = 31
4 / 16 = 25
3 / 16 = 19
2 / 16 = 13
1 / 16 = 6
0 / 16 = 0%

Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. ©

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