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Sushma Yadav
• A Report is a written composition or, in other words, we can say it is a prepa
talk about a particular subject. It is a vivid expression of a personal
experience on account of something heard, seen, done, studied etc.
meant to be published or broadcasted. The most common example is
the news reports we read in the newspapers, everyday. Reports can
be of many types, such as
• A newspaper report
• A report about an event or function at school/institute/ organisation
• A report about an accident/happening that you have witnessed
• A report about an enquiry or survey
• Format
• Headline
• Date and Place
• Byline (Name of the reporter)
• Opening paragraph
• Details (Next two paragraphs)
• Conclusive statement(It can either be a summary of the whole situation, a
conclusion, condemnation, appeal or warning)
• Marking Scheme
• Format 1 Mark
Headline, byline, date and place.
Content 5’Marks
What, when, where, who, how the incident happened.
Expression, language, spellings and grammar 4 Marks
Logical and relevant details without grammatical or spelling errors.
• While Writing a Report
• be factual and do not add any information on your own that may seen
• write in indirect speech and preferably in passive voice.
• write in third person form and avoid using pronouns like I, me or you.
• avoid imposing your personal opinions and do not make any
• answer the questions to ‘when’, ‘where’, ‘why’, ‘what’, ‘who’ and
Some Newspaper Reports :
Some School Magazine Reports-
Our school recently celebrated ‘Literary Week’ in which well-known author Vikram Seth
spoke to the students about the relegation of reading as a hobby and for knowledge, to the
backseat by agents such as cable TV, Internet etc.
Reading as a hobby is much underrated both by parents and children today. Apart from
offering a good way of passing time, books offer pleasure and knowledge together. Children
can explore the dream world of fantasy through books such as ‘The Hobbit’ by J.R.R.
Tolkien, the stories of Narnia as told by his dear friend C.S.Lewis, along with books by Enid
Blyton, available in abundance in any book store. Adults, on the other hand, can get thrill
and excitement from
adventure fiction by writers like Tom Clancy and Jack Higgins, such asks rarely offered by
TV programmes. These latter seem nothing more than one hour commercials for soft drinks
or futile tests to prove the adventurer's virility, encouraging the viewers to do the same and
should certainly not be allowed to consume all our leisure time. More serious people can
explore the works of great philosophers and literature lovers can explore the works of a
Keats or a Samuel
Seek and you shall find! Yes, the variety available to the reader is
infinite. The books on display during the Literary Week bear testimony
to this fact. So what are we waiting for? Let’s pick up the book of
our choice and get started right away!
• Reported by- ABC
• Lights! Camera! Action!
On the 25th of September, an inter-school drama festival was organized
by our school in which 20 schools of Delhi participated. This festival
was organized in order to celebrate the birth centenary year of our
Founder, St. Claudine Thevenet.
Each school was given a different topic to enact a play on. Some plays
were hilarious and some musical but each one had a moral in the end.
The audience enjoyed each and every play and had a lot to learn from
them. The best play prize was bagged by Convent of Jesus and Mary.
Their play was on the topic ‘No to Crackers this Diwali’. It was
indeed a very inspiring play and persuaded students not to buy
crackers this season. The award for the Best Actor and Best Actress
went to Nishit Gupta of Gyan Barti School and Nicloe Juneja of Convent
of Jesus and Mary respectively.
For us as hosts, it was a memorable experience and we look forward to
the next years’ event with enthusiasm and a determination to bag the
prizes too.
Suman Bahttacaharya
Cultural Secretary
GNPS Rajouri Garden Celebrated World Environment Day
by Ravi Sharma
New Delhi, 2nd July, 20XX : Students of Guru Nanak Public School, Rajouri
Garden participated in a function to celebrate World Environment Day on 5th
June at Vigyan Bhavan. It was also the 30th anniversary of National Museum
of Natural History. President of India, Pranab Mukherjee was the Chief Guest.
The other guests included Narain Meena, Minister of State for Environment,S
Raghupathy, Minister of State (Forests and Wildlife), Meena Gupta, Secretary,
Ministry of Environment and Forests and Sudhir Mittal, Joint Secretary,
Ministry of Environment and Forests.
The students presented ‘Prakriti Vandana’ a song and dance. An effective skit
‘Kahan gaya wo dharti ka swarg’ was also presented, wherein experts from
National Museum of Natural History including Dr Naaz Rizvi and school
teachers Jyoti Cheema and Rajvindra Kaur directed the students. The song
presentation prepared under the able guidance of Bhupinder Kaur, Inderjeet
Kaur and S Amritpal Singh forced the audience to introspect.
The School chairman, S Inder Singh and vice chairman, S Singh Ratra were
also present.
The vote of thanks was proposed by the Director, National Museum of Natural
History, Dr Venugopal.
• Workshop on Personality Development Beneficial
by Rajesh, Class Xll-C

Six students of our school were sponsored to attend the recent two-day
Personality Development Workshop conducted by M/s Creative Solutions
Consultants at Sarabhai Seminar Hall in the city. This workshop was also attended
by students of Class XII of other schools so that the total number of participants
were 35.
This workshop featured presentations by eminent personalities on various topics
like Communication Skills, Presentation Skills, Time Management, Team Building
and others.
Each presentation was followed by a one-hour discussion on the concerned topic,
which was the most beneficial part of the workshop. The presentations were
conducted by Rajat Puri, Communications specialist, Sarvesh Mittal, NDTV
Presenter, Sudhir Das, Independent Consultant and others.
Such an eminent gathering of professionals generated the necessary enthusiasm
among the students so they asked the maximum question. No doubt, the
workshop was highly beneficial in developing our personalities.
Silver jubilee Celebrations
by Saurabh Singh, XIIB
Subhash Public School, Gorakhpur recently completed its twenty-five years of
establishment on 5th February, 20XX. The management and staff of the school
organised a grand function to celebrate the same. Mr Prabhat Gupta, the DM
of Gorakhpur, graced the occasion as the chief guest. The school premises was
attractively decorated for the celebrations and the chief guest was received by
the Director and the Principal of the school at the main gate. After the
Saraswati Vandana and welcome song, Mr Praveen Nangia, the school
Principal, gave a brief speech highlighting the meritorious services of the
school to the cause of education for the past 25 years.
The chief guest acknowledged the same in his speech thereafter. He honoured
six teachers for their dedicated services in the field of education. The students
who were the allrounders of each class were awarded medals by the DM.
Students of the three houses presented a musical extravaganza which was the
special feature of the show.

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