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MBA 2nd Semester IT SKILLS LAB-2 KMBN251

1. How to create a pivot table ?

2. How to create a pivot chart ?
3. How to analyzing data using goal seek and solver in pivot table ?
4. How to create a summary report in pivot table ?
5. How to create a Scenarios Create named scenarios. Show, edit, delete scenarios ?
6. How to create a Creating a scenario summary report ?
7. How to validating and auditing data in pivot table ?
8. How to set, edit validation criteria for data entry in a cell range like: whole number, decimal,
data, time ?
9. How to create application in spreadsheet and macros ?
a. What Are Excel Macros ?
b. Why Use Excel Macros ?
c. How to Build Your First Excel Macro ?
d. How to Record an Excel Macro ?
e. How to Code Your Own Excel Macros ?
f. Add a Button to Run Your Macro ?
10. How to create a column chart ?
11. How to create a bar chart ?
12. How to create a line chart ?
13. How to create a pie chart ?
14. How to create a XY Scatter chart ?
15. How to create a area chart ?
16. How to create a bubble chart ?
17. How to create a pie chart ?
14. How to create a combined chart like: column and line, column and area ?
15. How to create following in excel…..
a. Change the Chart Type for a Defined Data Series
b. Add or Delete a Data Series in a Chart
c. Re-position Chart Title, Legend, and Data Labels
d. Change Scale of Value Axis: Minimum, Maximum Number to Display, Major
e. Change display units on value axis without changing data source: hundreds,
thousands, millions
16. How to display an image in Format columns, bars, pie slices, plot area,, chart area ?

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