Unit 3 Lesson A - Group G2

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 Coming-of-age: Sự trưởng thành
Ex: Her coming-of-age experience was marked by challenges and self-discovery.

 Childhood: Tuổi thơ, thời thơ ấu

Ex: His childhood memories are filled with stories of adventures with his siblings.

 Adulthood: Trưởng thành

Ex: Adulthood is a stage of life where you continue to grow, learn, and adapt to new

 Credit card: Thẻ tín dụng

Ex: She used her credit card to pay for the online purchase.

 Date: Cuộc hẹn

Ex: She asked him if he was free on Friday night for a movie date.

 Election: Lựa chọn, bầu cử

Ex: Ensuring fair and free elections is crucial for a functioning democracy.

 Entrance exam: Kì thi tuyển sinh

Ex: The entrance exam is known to be very challenging, requiring thorough preparation.

 Job: Công việc

Ex: Her job requires her to travel frequently, which she loves.

 Test: Bài kiểm tra, sự khảo thí

Ex: He passed the driving test on his first attempt.

 Weekend: Ngày cuối tuần

Ex: He enjoys sleeping in on weekends after a busy week at work.

 Accent: Giọng nói

Ex: He could tell she was from the South by her accent.
 Bravery: Sự dũng cảm
Ex: Bravery is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.

 Muscles: Cơ bắp
Ex: He goes to the gym every day to build his muscles and stay fit.

II. GRAMMAR: Future forms

Future forms
Will Be going to Present simple
Predictions (we think Predictions Timetabled events
something will happen) (we see present evidence)
Ex: The train leaves at 4
Ex:He will a good doctor. Ex: Slow down! We’re going to o’clock.
Ex:I believe they will win have an accident! Ex: The exams start next
this match. Ex: Look at the clouds. It’s week.
going to rain.
Instant decisions Future time clauses
(taken while speaking) Decisions (taken before now- (when/as soon as/until,etc.)
Ex: Ex: i’ll retire when i am 70
A: “We don’t have sugar” Ex: Are you going to watch the (Not when i’ll be 70)
B: “I’ll buy some then” movie tonight? Ex: call me as soon as you
Promises and refusals
Present continuous May/Might
Ex: I will help you but i
Plans Use may or might to talk
won’t lend you any money.
(arrangements have been made) about future possibility
Ex: i’m flying to New York Ex: I might go to the party
tomorrow morning. tomorrow, i’m not sure.
Ex: I’ll carry your bag.
Ex: I’m seeing the dentist at 6. Ex: Temperatures might go
/Shall i carry your bag?
Ex: We are getting married next up next week

Ex: Shall we eat out today?


Ex: Will you open the door

1. Complete the coming-of-age events with a word or phrase from the box.
Then circle the ones that you have done.

Credit card Date Election Entrance exam Job Test Weekend

1. apply for a _________

2. get a part-time__________
3. pass a driving _________
4. vote in an_________
5. go on a first___________
6. take an______________
7. go away for the_____________without your family

2. Unscramble the sentences.

1. during/was/Voter turnout/high/this year./ the presidential election

2. his calendar/ to/He/ the/important date/their anniversary./on marked/ remember
3. applied /a new credit card/that/for /cashback rewards/offers/He
4. You/ muscles/ to/need/heavy weights./strong/ lift
5. a tech company/She/at/ a new job/started/last month
6. during/She/hiking trails/to explore/likes/new/the weekend.
7. perfected/ the role/accent/ his French/for/ in the movie./The actor/
3. Choose the most suitable future forms for the gaps below.
1. What time ______ work on Monday?
A. do you finish
B. will you finish
C. are you going to finish

2. ______ this weekend?

A. are you going out
B. will you go out
C. do you go out

3. I'm sorry I made you so angry. I ______ it again

A. won’t do
B. am not going to do
C. am not doing

4. It's really hot. ______ the window, please?

A. Are you going to open
B. Will you open
C. Do you open

5. I don't think I ______ come tomorrow.

A. am being able to
B. am able to
C. will be able to
 Speaking Strategy

Talking about plants Talking about needs

Planning + infinitive I’m planning to retake the driving test. Need + infinitive I need to pack my bags

Going to + base form I’m going to vote in the next election.

Thinking about + gerund I’m thinking about going to prom.

 Tell a partner what you plan to do and when. What do you need to do to make it

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