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1. What are two major functions of a router?

Once a packet has been accepted, a router consults its forwarding table to identify the

proper exit interface depending on the default gateway. The packet is then forwarded by the router

from that interface.

The two major functions of a router are:

• packet forwarding

• path selection

2. What is a computer network? How information from one computer in a network to another

computer in a different network reach?

A network device is a setup that joins two or more computers together to share and

transport data. These gadgets can be wireless or linked by physical connections like fiber

optic cables.

The rules and protocols that specify how to communicate and receive electronic

information across the connections are followed by nodes in a functioning computer

network. These both physical and logical components' designs are determined by the

computer network architecture. It offers the standards for the physical elements,

operational structure, protocols, and practices of the network.

3. List at least 3 network documentations you will need to review before installing routers

a. Network topology

Your network's topology is represented by a physical or logical map. It enables you to see the connections

between the services in your network. Knowing your network's topology enables you to decide where new

gear may be installed.

b. Cloud architecture diagram

These diagrams show the parts of your cloud infrastructure, whether your company uses AWS or GCP.

When describing the present condition of your infrastructure, designing a possible future, troubleshooting,

and proving compliance, cloud technology diagrams can be useful.

c. Hardware directory

The hardware components of your network should be described in this directory, which also has to have

registration number and details of physical setups. You may use this information to find and resolve

hardware issues as they arise.

4. Determine which type of cable should be used to make connectivity between below devices:

a. A Router to switch: Straight through cable should be used to make connectivity

b. A Switch to a PC: Straight through cable should be used to make connectivity

c. A router to a router: Cross-over cable should be used to make connectivity

d. A PC to a PC: Ethernet cable should be used to make connectivity

e. A cisco router’s console port to a PC: RJ-45 serial cable should be used to make connectivity
5. Find below component of the network

a) Network address:

b) First usable host address:

c) Last usable host address:

d) Broadcast address:

e) Subnet mask:

6. Explain the router command line interface (CLI) configuration.

When enter is pushed after inputting a command, the CLI, a text or text-based interface that allows

command parsing, is used to setup or monitor the supported device. IOS analyzes the command

and arguments you entered and verifies that the syntax is accurate. There are several ways to access

the IOS CLI, including through interface, auxiliary, telnet, web browser, and an SNMP

management station, although the console is the most popular method.

7. Provide the command in a cisco router to achieve below tasks:

a) View running configuration->#show running-config

b) View all saved configuration ->#

c) Enable password -> #SW (config)#enable password *****(password text)

d) View hardware parameters-> #show version

e) Save all changes-> #copy run start

8. Outline the following classless routing protocols in 100 – 150 words:

a) Open shortest path first (OSPF)

The Shortest Path First (SPF) algorithm serves as the foundation for the link-state routing protocol

known as Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), which was created for IP networks. An inside gateway

protocol is OSPF (IGP).

In an OSPF network, each router or system maintains a link-state database that is identical and

contains information on the topology of the area. Link-state advertisements (LSAs), which each

router or system in the area gets from every other router or system in the same area as well as LSAs

it makes on its own, are used to create each system's link-state database. A packet known as an

LSA provides data on neighbors and path expenses. Each router or system computes a shortest-

path spanning tree with itself as the root using information from the link-state database.

OSPF has the following key advantages:

• Why OSPF is more suited for handling vast, diverse internetworks as compared to distance-

vector routing protocols much like Routing Information Protocol (RIP). The routes may be

quickly recalculated by OSPF so when network topology changes.

• You may use OSPF to partition any Autonomous System (AS) across areas and maintain distinct

area topologies to reduce OSPF routing congestion and the size of each area's link-state database.

b) Routing information protocol (RIPv2)

A dynamic routing technology called Routing Information Protocol (RIP) employs hop count as a

routing statistic to determine the optimum route between a source network and a destination

network. It is a distance-vector routing that operates at the Networking layer of the OSI model and

has an AD value of 120. The 520 port is used by RIP. When using the distance-vector protocol,
routers update their neighbors with the entire or a fraction of their routing tables using routing-

update messages.

Features of RIP

1. The network exchanges updates on a regular basis.

2. Routing information updates are disseminated continuously.

3. Updates include full routing tables.

4. Routers consistently trust routing data obtained from nearby routers. It's sometimes referred to

as "routing on rumors."

9. What is debugging in cisco router? How does it help in a troubleshooting process?

The debug command shows details about the produced or received traffic, error messages, and how

the Cisco device is operating. Up until the user turns off programming or even the device is reset,

the information is delivered in real-time.

Debug commands aid in identifying and fixing protocol and configuration issues. The debug ip

protocol command provides details on packets that the router does not quickly switch.

10. Explain internet protocol version 4 (IPv4).

The fourth version of the Internet Protocol, known as IPv4, is a widely used protocol for data

transmission over a variety of networks. With Ethernet and other packet-switched layer networks,

IPv4 is a protocol suite. By giving identity for each device, it creates the logical relationship

between network devices. Depending on the network type, there are several setup options for IPv4

with various devices, including manual and automated settings.

11. Explain the purpose and basic operation of protocols in the open system interconnection (OSI) and

transmission control protocol, or internet protocol (TCP/IP) models.

All methods in the OSI and TCP models are designed primarily to eliminate redundancy of effort,

control mistakes, manage data flow, manage connections, encapsulate data, and manage transmissions.

Let's get a fundamental understanding of how protocols work at each layer of the TCP and OSI models.

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