Generative AI - Report on Legal Industry 2024

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Everyone is still talking about Generative 95% of respondents had either not
AI. carried out an assessment on applications
of LLMs for legal, or had only performed a
Generative AI has undoubtedly light touch assessment of capabilities.
revolutionised the way businesses interact
with technology. With ChatGPT alone This indicates a considerable opportunity
receiving a colossal 60 million visits per for GCs to convert awareness about
day, it's evident that generative AI has potential applications to a formal
become an integral part of our digital understanding of how this new
landscape. technology might help their legal teams.
Understandably, there’s a lot of confusion
In our previous white paper, we introduced about where generative AI can add value
a generative AI overview and sought to to the legal sector. That’s why we want to
identify the obstacles and opportunities support legal teams to make high quality
within the legal industry. At Robin AI, we assessments about the effective
understand the hurdles faced by legal application generative AI for their
teams in adopting this groundbreaking businesses.
technology and continue to explore new
applications for legal teams that drive To achieve this, we’re seeking to unpick
efficiency and productivity. the types of challenges that legal teams
have, and where generative AI can or
Despite the rapidly developing capabilities can’t help with those challenges.
of AI capturing global attention in 2023, In this white paper, we shine a spotlight
our recent survey found that the on some of the key challenges we see
overwhelming majority of GCs have yet to within the legal space - including finding
explore the potential and tracking obligations and clauses and
applications for large language models third-party paper contract reviews.
(LLMs) and generative AI to solve their
day-to-day challenges.

View our 2023 GC Report here

Generative AI GC Report 02
What is Generative AI?
Generative AI refers to a diverse range of These progressive AI tools find relevance
artificial intelligence technologies capable in various legal applications, including
of creating fresh content, including text, enabling translation of clauses and
images, videos, and beyond. contracts and developing intelligent
There’s also LLMs, a distinct type of chatbots for fast answers to questions
generative AI that’s extensively trained on about documents.
vast text datasets. Although part of the Analysts are generally optimistic about
generative AI family, generative AI itself the impact of AI, foreseeing enhanced
includes a wider range of models and decision-making, increased efficiencies,
algorithms for generating different types of and innovation widely spanning
data. The focus of LLMs is on generating industries.
human-like text, and to do this in a coherent
and contextually relevant way, LLMs Whilst AI carries huge potential across
leverage the structures and patterns different industries, it's important to
present in the training data. understand the capabilities to the full
extent; especially considerations related
Because LLMs, such as Anthropic’s Claude, to hallucinations and privacy.
are designed to understand and generate That’s why companies like Anthropic
human language, they are highly adaptable continue to innovate to ensure AI is as
in the law space. Existing AI applications safe as possible, and in addition, the UK
included tools for legal research, document government has recently launched an AI
review, e-discovery, due diligence, Taskforce to assess the risks and
predictive analytics, compliance opportunities associated with generative
monitoring, and intellectual property AI.
management. Some of the reasons why generative AI
To continually streamline processes, has captured global attention is
improve efficiency, and enhance legal attributed to its versatility, innovation,
services, technology advancements have efficiency, and personalisation
driven forward the capabilities of AI. capabilities. Advancements in
technology, accessible tools, and creative
These involve more sophisticated natural applications have propelled its
language processing that enable AI systems widespread adoption. Media coverage
to understand, query and generate complex and public fascination have further
legal documents. contributed to its rapid rise, making it a
One significant change is that machine transformative force across a wealth of
learning models have become more precise industries.
in understanding and labelling contracts,
and analysing contracts for potential risks.

Generative AI GC Report 03
Impact on legal Impact on wider
Challenge Process
teams business

Promotes a clear
Natural language
Avoids wearing out understanding of
Identifying querying of a
control + F buttons. risks, terms, and
information buried contract repository
Identify data in 10 obligations to
in contracts. to find specific terms
seconds, not 5 hours. accelerate decision-
and clauses.

Completing deals,
Consistent and winning new
Using a contract
Significant time accurate approach - business, and
copilot to suggest
spent on routine over 80% faster. No securing new
edits for your
contract reviews. backlog of contracts suppliers. Enabling
sitting in inboxes. the business to
move faster.

Better company
No late nights in the culture, better
Facilitating the team
office and no errors approach to
to have a healthier
due to extreme resource
work / life balance
Low team morale. tiredness. More management, and
by removing some
engagement at work better employee
pressure with AI
with the ability to experience. All
work strategically. whilst getting more
business done.

Generative AI GC Report 04
Impact on legal Impact on wider
Challenge Process
teams business

Everyone is getting
LLMs identify the Finding answers to the information that
exact clauses in questions in they need, and
questions about
contracts that can seconds, not hours - quickly. Removes
contracts from
answer the resulting in fewer the blockers from
across the business.
questions. distractions. operations across
the team.

Keeps executives on
top of contract risks
and opportunities.
Executives feel that
the legal team can
LLMs can read and
move at a fast pace,
understand the
Reducing the time it and that they are
contract and
Summarising takes to produce kept in the loop on
highlight the
contracts for summaries to the key points in
executives. minutes. contracts.
obligations or other
Eliminates lengthy
key information in
document reading
and encourages
quick decisions
based on key

Generative AI GC Report 05

Impact on legal Impact on wider

Challenge Process
teams business

Lawyers are freed Keeps operational

up to focus on the overheads level
strategic, during tricky
Overstretched legal AI contract copilot
substantive, and economic periods
teams with no enables simple tasks
complex work that and enables the legal
budget for extra completed in
requires time and team to be more
resources. minutes.
focus. Workloads productive and a
are managed more better partner to the
effectively. business.

Quickly identify any

changes made to
Eliminates side by Faster contract
contracts that may
side document review and
not have been
comparisons to negotiation can help
included in track
Understanding check that the to get new revenue
changes. Compare
version history and counterparty hasn’t in the door quickly.
the latest version of
comparing versions. removed or added Accelerate new
the contract against
anything that could supplier onboarding
the original or any
pose a risk to or new hires.
other version to see
additions, deletions,
and amendments.

Generative AI GC Report 06

There are clearly plenty of applications

for introducing generative AI to
enhance the productivity and efficiency
of legal teams.

To gain a true understanding of how to

apply generative AI to prevalent legal
challenges, it’s important to note that
these challenges are overcome by
combining the power of AI with the
expertise of your legal team.
Bringing humans and AI together means
we can get the best of both worlds,
where lawyers and AI apply their
respective skills to the areas where they
truly excel.

We’re not entering a world of robot

lawyers, but a partnership between
best-in-class legal talent and generative
AI to produce effective and efficient
business outcomes.
At Robin AI, we harness the power of
our partner Anthropic’s LLM, which we
have configured to seamlessly work
alongside our AI-native modular
contract software to ensure that its
many applications are best suited to
supporting legal teams.

Generative AI GC Report 07
Challenges in extracting contract data
A more in-depth look at the issue of extracting legal contract
data identifies the following challenges:

01. Keeping track of 03. Event-based triggers and

obligations alerts
Contracts often involve numerous Necessitating timely responses. Missing
obligations and deadlines, making it these triggers could have significant
challenging to ensure compliance and business consequences.
avoid penalties.

04. Addressing enquiries

02. Setting reminders about from different teams
key contract clauses
Frequent legal assistance to identify
Important clauses, such as termination or relevant contracts and extract specific
renewal terms, require vigilant tracking to information requires rapid and accurate
prevent oversight and missed responses.

For example, say a legal team fails to

notify a client about the expiration of a 05. Dealing with
cumbersome paperwork
confidentiality clause in a business
partner contract. If the client Traditional methods involve sifting
inadvertently shares sensitive information through mountains of paper, demanding
after the expiration, this can lead to exhaustive manual effort and time. The
several problems - a breach of results of physically searching for critical
confidentiality, potential legal disputes, details can lead to inefficiencies and
reputational damage, and financial errors.

Generative AI GC Report 08
Challenges in extracting contract data
When managing a repository of contracts, your legal teams will
be in of the following stages:

01. No repository
Contracts are scattered across various platforms, owned by
different individuals, and stored in disparate locations. This
disorganisation not only hampers accessibility but also
poses significant risks due to lack of version control and

02. Contracts are stored in Sharepoint or

Google Drive
Lawyers rely on manual searches, spending valuable time
and effort locating specific contracts. This method is time-
consuming, inefficient, and prone to human error.

03. Contracts are stored in a

CLM-type system
Purely enabling grouping and searching through different
types of contracts. While these systems represent an
improvement, they often lack the ability to
comprehensively extract insights from contracts. This limits
their potential in providing actionable data for decision-

Generative AI GC Report 09
Here is how generative AI can
enhance contract data management:

Asking questions in natural language

Your team might be unfamiliar with the type of

information and clauses in signed contracts.
Complex filtering takes a long time and could
result in missed answers. Generative AI can
categorise extracted clauses, such as force
majeure or indemnity clauses, which helps legal
teams to identify commonalities across
Natural language makes it intuitive for everyone
to be able to interrogate the contract data
effectively. This puts you in control of your
contracts, your understanding of them, and your
Exercising control over data and being able to
query it in a user-friendly manner serves as a
robust tool for your legal teams as well as the
wider business.
Missing opportunities to negotiate better
commercial positions, or to cancel unneeded
subscriptions or contracts is a powerful way to
make sure that the finances of your business are
running effectively.

Generative AI GC Report 10
Here is how generative AI can
enhance contract data management:

Contract intelligence

Achieving contract intelligence demands a

comprehensive understanding of contract
specifics - such as various clauses and terms and
effective management strategies. This
understanding is your key to identifying
potential cost optimisation areas and
negotiating better terms.

Relying on clunky sheets won't suffice; managing

complex contracts requires a more sophisticated
approach. LLMs allow you to keep track of auto-
renewal clauses, termination dates, and the
diverse types of contracts with various

With LLMs, you no longer need to grapple with

manual data entry or administrative tasks. By
embracing automated contract intelligence, you
can streamline processes, enhance efficiency,
and ultimately simplify everyone's workload.
Ensuring important opportunities are never
missed helps your business remain agile and
financially sound.

Generative AI GC Report 11

Our 2023 GC report revealed that

the majority of legal teams spend 31-
40% of their time on routine contract
review - a sizable portion of the day-
to-day work in legal teams.

A typical third party paper contract

review involves several intricate steps,
each of which can be cumbersome and
prone to errors:

01. Decoding language 02. Lengthy documents

Contracts, especially those from external Contracts are notorious for their length,
sources, might employ industry jargon, often spanning hundreds of pages. Sifting
convoluted syntax, or even legal terms in a through this extensive content manually
foreign language. Interpreting these not only consumes valuable time but also
nuances accurately is essential for a increases the likelihood of overlooking
comprehensive understanding. critical details.

03. Detecting discrepancies 04. Contextual comprehension

Identifying inconsistencies between the Understanding the context in which

third party’s contract and the company's specific clauses operate within the larger
standard positions is a daunting task. Even framework of the contract is crucial.
minor deviations can have significant legal Misinterpretation can lead to misguided
implications, making meticulous scrutiny revisions and compromise the integrity of
imperative. the agreement.

Generative AI GC Report 12
Generative AI solutions to third party paper contract reviews
In contrast, leveraging the power of generative AI for accelerated
review looks like this:

02. AI suggested edits

are provided that align
01. Upload a contract with instructions in 03. AI suggested edits
for LLM to read and custom playbooks. are optimised to
understand minimise redline to
(including finding accelerate negotiation
clauses that are missing,
or clauses that need to
be deleted)

04. Lawyer reviews AI

suggestions and can
simply accept or reject 05. Clean version of the
06. Contract is sent to
suggestions and make contract is created in a the counterparty
any necessary click

08. Lawyer uses LLM to

07. The counterparty compare versions and
check changes to 09. LLMs check defined
sends back markups terms and flags any
clauses without having issues to lawyers
to comb through the
contract line by line

10. Lawyer checks these,accepts

or rejects any changes, and a new 11. Contract is ready
clean version of the contract is for signature
produced in a click

Generative AI GC Report 13
Whilst lawyers are undertaking
contract reviews, they might also have
to answer business questions and
check terms and clauses - all of which
can be made quicker and easier with an
AI contract copilot.

Here are some other scenarios where LLMs enhance routine legal work:

Task: Summarisation

Example: You need to draft an email to the

CEO summarising the key obligations in a

How it works: LLMs can swiftly extract and

summarise key points in a complex contract
and enable you to draft a concise, clear email
within minutes.

Impact: Significant time saved to enable

focus on other tasks.

Task: Explain complex

clauses and jargon

Example: The Head of HR wants to

understand the non-solicitation clauses in
plain English.

How it works: Use LLMs to break down the

legal jargon, provide plain English
explanations, and allow HR to comprehend
the nuances and make informed decisions.

Impact: Less back and forth between

departments and faster resolutions.

Generative AI GC Report 14
A few more scenarios where LLMs enhance routine legal work:

Task: Identifying key


Example: The CIO wants to understand what

falls under the definition of confidential
information in an NDA.

How it works: LLMs can dissect the clauses,

clarify what falls under confidential
information, and facilitate the CIO’s
understanding and strategic planning.

Impact: Strategic planning is quicker which

positively impacts the business as a whole.

Task: Pinpointing
specific terms

Example: The Finance Director wants to

understand terms and provisions around

How it works: LLMs can meticulously analyse

the provisions to ensure the Finance Director
comprehensively understands the
implications, which successfully enables
strategic financial planning.

Impact: The company is confident in its

financial position and is able to make rapid
and accurate data-backed decisions.

This collaborative approach between LLMs and lawyers ensures accurate, timely, and insightful
outcomes, marking a significant leap forward in productivity in legal teams, and how strategic
relationships with the wider business are managed.

Generative AI GC Report 15
What would an assessment into generative AI look like in your team?
People, Process and Technology work together to deliver best
outcomes. When you’re thinking about how generative AI can solve
your daily challenges, remember that effective solutions require
thoughtful consideration of all three elements working together.
We’ve put together a list of things to explore:

Where is most of the time in your team spent?

Are there repetitive tasks that your team is doing every day?
Where can you identify resource constraints?
Are other areas of the business making requests? Do sales want
you to turn around contracts faster? Does the finance team want
more visibility on supplier agreements?
What options do you have to test and understand this type of
technology for yourself?
Do any members of your team have views on how you might
leverage this technology?
Has the executive team in your business asked you about how
you might leverage AI?
Do any of the challenges outlined in the table in this paper
resonate with you?
Can you create a process diagram to understand where there are
bottlenecks? Can you identify what causes those bottlenecks?

Generative AI GC Report 16
Embracing innovation is a fundamental step toward empowering
legal teams. At Robin AI, we recognize the crucial need to stay at
the forefront of progressive solutions to move forward with
confidence and efficiency. To get your hands on technology that
enables you to experiment with these tools in a safe and
responsible way, we recommend:

01. Engaging with legal AI 02. Staying informed and

experts competitive
Consulting experts in legal AI (like Robin Check out how your competitors are
AI!) helps you to identify areas where you integrating similar technologies. Being
can overcome bottlenecks within your aware of industry trends can help you stay
team. Specialist expertise can provide innovative and up to date in your market.
valuable insights and solutions that
generative AI can assist you with.

03. Running Pilot Projects 04. Consulting with legal tech

Running pilot projects
Implement pilot projects to address Speak to your legal technology provider
specific challenges within your legal about the processes in your team and
processes. Test these solutions and where you need help. Keep abreast of
measure the results against human efforts product developments from specific
to assess their effectiveness. providers - the technology is evolving at
Some ideas include: pace!
Requesting summaries from lengthy
legal documents into concise and
comprehensible text.
Searching for information in large
volumes of electronic data to identify
relevant information for legal cases. Remember to ask your team to try
Creating emails summarising Robin AI too as it’s free to create an
contracts and extract key information account - it’s important that they can
- such as provisions and obligations. see for themselves the benefits and
Automatic contract analysis with a challenges to build company-wide
view to identifying potential risk and buy-in and comprehensive adoption.
compliance issues.

Generative AI GC Report 17
Robin AI are a team of legal, AI and machine learning experts
that combine the knowledge of human lawyers and the
power of LLMs to enable legal teams to fly through their

How do we do it?
Anthropic launch partner
Anthropic is best suited to the requirements of the legal industry. One of the main advantages
of Anthropic’s LLM is that it provides a much larger context window - this means that Robin can
understand large documents, and provide answers based on a whole legal contract (even
something that is 100 pages or more!). Robin AI has a significant amount of proprietary contract
data - this is critical to have when building products that are designed for lawyers.

Legal and AI experts

Our AI contract copilot is powered by fine-tuned LLMs that can suggest edits based on bespoke
playbooks of a company’s preferred positions and provisions. What is typically a complex
markup process of third-party paper becomes much more efficient for legal teams.
Our tools have been fine-tuned to the requirements of lawyers and help legal teams cut
negotiation times by over 80%. Superior AI functionality, such as automated editing to minimise
redline and pre-defined fallback positions enable consistent, fast negotiation.

Best-in-class security
Anthropic is best suited to the requirements of the legal industry. One of the main
advantages of Anthropic’s LLM is that it provides a much larger context window - this
means that Robin can understand large documents, and provide answers based on a whole
legal contract (even something that is 100 pages or more!). Robin AI has a significant
amount of proprietary contract data - this is critical to have when building products that are
designed for lawyers.

Generative AI GC Report 18

As the legal landscape undergoes radical changes, understanding generative AI's

intricate applications is essential. As we’ve demonstrated, many of the day-to-
day challenges legal teams face are incredibly well-suited to be solved using new
technology - from accelerating routine contract review to locating important data
buried in contracts.

A multidisciplinary approach is key. By this we mean four elements must play a

part for successful applications of generative AI: Lawyers, machine learning,
contract data, and LLMs.

Lawyers understand the nuances, context, and legal intricacies that AI needs to
grasp for accurate document interpretation.

Machine learning algorithms help the AI model learn patterns and improve its
performance over time. They are crucial to work alongside LLMs to deliver even
great efficiencies and accuracy.

Access to a diverse and extensive dataset of legal contract data allows the AI
model to learn from real-world examples and understand different legal
terminologies and structures.

LLMs capable of understanding complex language structures to make them ideal

for tasks like legal document analysis.

At Robin AI, we provide access to our AI contract copilot for free, allowing legal
teams to experience firsthand the multitude of benefits that generative AI can
offer in their everyday work. Our objective is to ensure the responsible and
secure usage of generative AI. We understand that lawyers require assurance
that this technology is safe and risk-averse.

We advocate a combination of vigilance and hopefulness. Come with us on the

journey where knowledge meets innovation, paving the way for a future where
generative AI reshapes the very fabric of legal practice.

Generative AI GC Report 19
So what’s next? You’ve read all the information, and you’re keen to get
your hands on the technology that enables you to experiment - where
do you go from here?

1. Create an experiment that you want to run, such as a test to see if

you can review an NDA 50% faster with Robin AI.

2. Create a free account with Robin AI.

3. Use the contracts in the account to try AI contract copilot.

4. See how the suggested edits can be applied to contract review.

5. Understand how AI contract copilot can carry out other legal tasks -
such as summarising or explaining clauses.

6. Track the results from your experiment.

7. Get your wider team involved to increase the amount of feedback.

8. Speak to Robin AI experts to identify top areas of opportunity to save

time and money.

Generative AI GC Report 20
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