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Using Emotional and Social Factors to Predict

Student Success
Mary E. Pritchard Gregory S. Wilson

College academic success and retention have 1995), high school rank (Haviland, Shaw, &
traditionally been predicted using demo- Haviland, 1984), and ACT/SAT scores
graphic and academic variables. This study (Brooks & DuBois, 1995; Foster, 1998;
moved beyond traditional predictors. A Sanders) have been associated with college
survey of 218 undergraduate students from retention rates.
a private Midwestern university revealed However, these variables clearly do not
that emotional and social factors (e.g., account for all of the variation in academic
stress, frequency of alcohol consumption) success. Szulecka, Springett, and de Pauw
related to GPA and emotional factors (e.g., (1987) have suggested that the major causes
self-esteem, fatigue) related to attrition. of attrition in first-year college students are
emotional rather than academic factors.
The successful completion of a college Furthermore, Leafgran (1989) has suggested
degree in today’s society is perceived as that students who are emotionally and
paramount to individual achievement. socially healthy have a greater chance to
However, a study conducted by Tinto (1987) succeed in college. However, little research
General Background reported that approximately 57% of college has addressed the relationship of college
and Literature Review students would leave their first college students’ emotional and social well-being to
choice without receiving a degree. More retention and academic success.
surprisingly, this same study revealed that Many psychological variables impact
43% of college students would drop out college GPA and retention. Brooks and
altogether, never completing their degree. DuBois (1995) found that emotional vari-
Although some students leave for reasons ables exerted a strong influence on how well
beyond the control of the institution, most students adjusted to their first year of
attrition is preventable (Levitz & Noel, college, which is a strong predictor of
1989). As a result, factors that influence a academic success (Van Heyningen, 1997).
Beginning of details of
student’s ability to successfully complete It has further been reported that the pos-
research supporting
college have received increased attention in session of high self-confidence (Boyer &
recent years, and a number of academic Sedlacek, 1988; Foster, 1998), self-control
factors have been examined in attempts to (Wolfe & Johnson, 1995), and having an
identify those students most likely to achieve achievement-oriented personality (Foster)
success in college. Hence, qualitative are associated with a higher academic
variables such as gender (Sanders, 1998), the performance. In addition, students who are
educational level of the parent (Ting & adaptive perfectionists tend to adjust better
Robinson, 1998), high school GPA (Ting & to college and as a result, have higher rates
Robinson; Tobey, 1997; Wolfe & Johnson, of retention (Rice & Mirzadeh, 2000). It has

Mary E. Pritchard is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of Evansville. Gregory S.

Wilson is an Assistant Professor of Human Kinetics and Sports Studies at University of Evansville.

18 Journal of College Student Development

Predicting Student Success

been suggested that personality variables support. Specifically, Tinto (1987) has stated
may be useful predictors of future college “incongruence with one’s student peers
performance and attrition (Tross, Harper, proves to be a particularly important element
Osher, & Kneidinger, 2000). in voluntary departure” (p. 57). Students
On the other hand, emotional health may with good support from friends and family
also negatively influence academic per- (Tobey, 1997) and favorable impressions of
formance and retention. For example, other students (McGrath & Braunstein,
students who are depressed have been found 1997) have higher retention rates. Hence, it
to have lower GPAs when compared to is important to examine the kinds and degree
students who are not (Fazio & Palm, 1998), of support students receive from peers.
whereas students who are anxious are more Student involvement in campus organi-
likely to drop out than their less-anxious zations can affect their satisfaction with
peers (Tobey, 1997). We examined the college (Cooper, Healy, & Simpson, 1994),
impact of emotional state (e.g., depression, drive to achieve, confidence in academic
fatigue) on GPA and retention. ability (House, 2000), academic performance Fourth premise/
Finally, previous research has shown a (Hartnett, 1965), and decisions to leave area of research
dramatic increase in the levels of stress (Okun & Finch, 1998). However, there
experienced by college students over the past appears to be some variation in how different
30 years (Sax, 1997). This is important types of college organizations might affect
because stress can influence academic students’ academic success. Studies have
Next premise/area performance. Recent investigations have shown that membership in Greek organi-
of investigation found that GPA is predicted by stress, daily zations is related to GPA (Schrager, 1986).
hassles, and adjustment to college (Van It has also been found that religiosity affects
Heyningen, 1997). In addition, anxiety levels adjustment to college and retention (Low &
relating to academic issues (Tobey, 1997) Handal, 1995). However, religiosity itself
and daily hassles (Brooks & DuBois, 1995) has not been found to significantly impact
affect adjustment to college and retention. student GPA (Zern, 1987, 1989). Finally,
Because of the impact of stress on academic although members of Honors programs or
success, it is important to examine how the organizations might have a more impressive
college experience affects students’ psycho- academic background than their peers, they
logical well-being and adjustment. are no more likely to stay in school, because
Another factor that may impact student they often lack the social support they need;
success is student social health. Some as a result they may have low self-esteem
researchers have suggested that the most and consequently drop out (Day, 1989).
important element to success and retention Integrally tied to social support is
in the first year is student involvement extraversion (Rehulkova, Blatny, & Osecka,
Third premise/area of
(Astin, 1984). The development of inter- 1995). There are conflicting results with
personal relationships with peers is critically regard to the influence of extraversion and
important for student success (Upcraft, 1982, introversion on GPA and retention. Some Fifth premise/area of
1985). In fact, studies have found that both studies have found that students who are research
GPA (Boyer & Sedlacek, 1988; Brooks & extraverts tend to adjust better to college life
DuBois, 1995) and retention (Upcraft & (Searle & Ward, 1990), possess a better sense
Gardner, 1989) are predicted by social of well-being (Demakis & McAdams, 1994),


Pritchard & Wilson

and have higher academic performance version, alcohol use) impact student
(Eysenck & Cookson, 1969; Irfani, 1978). GPA and retention?
However, other studies have found that
introverts have the highest retention rates METHOD
(Spann, Newman, & Matthews, 1991).
One highly social behavior that increases Participants
during the college years is alcohol con- The participants (n = 218) in this study were
sumption, which has been identified as a female (n = 126) and male (n = 92) under-
significant negative health behavior directly graduate (108 freshmen; 39 sophomores; 36
Sixth premise/area affecting student academic performance juniors; 35 seniors) students at a private
of research (Fergusson & Bonshek, 1996; Musgrave- Midwestern university. Eighty-eight percent
Marquart, Bromley, & Dalley, 1997; Pullen, of the participants were White American, 5%
1994; Wood, Sher, & McGowan, 2000) and African American, 2% White European, 2%
overall educational attainment (Wood et al.). Latino, 1% Asian American, 1% Arab, and
In fact, some studies have found that students 1% other. The participants ranged in age
that drink believing that it will allow them from 18 to 30 years, with a mean age of
to better cope with their problems have been 19.67 (SD = 2.09). Participants were re-
found to drink more often when compared cruited from Introductory Psychology and
to those who do not (Kassel, Jackson, & Introductory Health and Wellness courses.
Unrod, 2000; MacLean & Lecci, 2000). As these courses are required for most
Thus, we examined not only the affect of students, we were able to recruit a variety
alcohol use on student success and retention, of majors. Each participant read and com-
but also the affect of student drinking pleted an informed consent form prior to this
motives on GPA and retention. study and were informed that their responses
This study was designed to add to the would be confidential. The University
extant literature on college student academic Subcommittee for the Protection of Research
performance and retention. Previous studies Subjects had approved procedures for this
have generally concentrated on demographic investigation prior to our initiating the study.
Summary of
Introduction and areas and academic factors or selected variables
dealing with psychological adjustment in Measures
of research
predicting academic success and retention. Demographic variables and intent to drop
This study in particular was designed to out. Students were asked to indicate their
identify the relationship between student current GPA, high school GPA, SAT or ACT
emotional and social health and academic score, their current classification (freshman,
success and retention. To address these sophomore, junior, senior), and whether their
issues we sought to examine the following parents attended college. To assess intent to
questions: drop out, students were asked to respond to
1. Does student emotional health (e.g., the following statement: “I doubt I will still
depression, stress, perfectionism) impact be in college next year.” Students responded
student GPA and retention? on a scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to
4 (strongly agree).
2. Does student social health (e.g., mem-
Emotional health. Stress was assessed
bership in campus organizations, extra-
utilizing questions adopted from Kohn,

20 Journal of College Student Development

Predicting Student Success

Lafreniere, and Gurevich (1990). Parti- 2000; Pritchard & McIntosh, in press), and
cipants were asked to respond to how the measure has been validated and shown
frequently 55 different stressors (e.g., to be reliable on several populations (Carver;
conflicts with professors, dissatisfaction with Perczek et al.).
school) had occurred over the past month on Affective States were measured using
a 4-point scale ranging from 1 (not at all part the 30-item version of the Profile of Mood
of my life) to 4 (very much part of my life). States (POMS) (McNair, Lorr, & Drop-
The reliability of this questionnaire was high pleman, 1981). The POMS is a Likert-type
(α = .91). questionnaire that assesses the mood states
Perfectionism was assessed using a of tension, depression, anger, vigor, fatigue
subscale of the Eating Disorders Inventory and confusion. In addition to computing an
(Garner, Olmstead, & Polivy, 1983). Stu- overall mood score, we also used the
dents were asked to respond to statements depression scale and fatigue scale as separate
about their performance levels in activities variables. This measure has also been tested
such as school and the influence of the on several populations and has shown to be
expectations of others (e.g., family, teachers, reliable and valid (Gibson, 1997; Shin &
parents), such as, “Only outstanding per- Colling, 2000).
formance is good enough in my family.” Optimism was assessed via the Defen-
Responses indicated the participant’s agree- sive Pessimism Scale (DPS) (Norem &
ment based on a 6-point scale ranging from Cantor, 1986). Participants completed the
1 (never) to 6 (always) and were summed DPS and indicated the degree to which each
(α = .83). of 11 statements describing characteristics
Self-Esteem was measured using the of either optimism or pessimism was repre-
Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (1965). This sentative of their thoughts and behavior in
scale employs a series of questions address- academic situations. Based on each indi-
ing personal feelings about oneself as well vidual’s response, participants were grouped
as positive and negative emotions (e.g., “I into one of three attributional styles: opti-
feel I have a number of good qualities”). mist, defensive pessimist, or real pessimist.
Students responded on a 4-point scale The Defensive Pessimism Questionnaire has
ranging from 1 (strongly agree) to 4 (strong- been shown to be reliable and valid (Norem
ly disagree). Responses were summed to & Illingworth, 1993; Sanna, 1998). Previous
create a scale score (α = .88). studies utilizing this questionnaire have
Coping Tactics were measured via the found this scale to have good predictive
Brief COPE (Carver, 1997). The Brief COPE utility (Sanna; Cantor & Norem, 1989;
is a 28-item Likert-type questionnaire that Norem & Cantor).
contains 14 tactics (e.g., use of alcohol/drugs Social health. Introversion/extraversion
to cope, seeking emotional support, giving was measured utilizing a scale adopted from
up, etc.). Students responded to how they Goldberg (1992). Participants were asked to
would deal with a stressful event on a 4-point choose which of 7 polar opposite traits best
scale ranging from 1 (I wouldn’t do this at described them (e.g., timid vs. bold) on a
all) to 4 (I would do this a lot). This measure 9-point scale. Responses were summed
has been tested on a variety of populations (α = .89). In addition, students were asked
(Perczek, Carver, Price, & Pozo-Kaderman, whether or not they were involved in a


Pritchard & Wilson

Summary of Regression Analyses for Data collection occurred in the fall semester,
Demographic Variables Predicting GPA thus all analyses involving predicting GPA
and Intent to Drop Out excluded all freshman participants. To ensure
that there were no differences between
Variable Β SE Β β sophomores, juniors, and seniors in our
factors, we ran a MANOVA to test for
Current GPA
differences. The multivariate effect of
HS GPAa .10 .05 .18 classification was nonsignificant, Λ = .02.
SAT .00 .00 .06 All analyses involving predicting retention
ACT .01 .01 .09
excluded seniors. Again we wanted to ensure
that there were no differences between
Parent edb –.21 .10 –.19*
freshmen, sophomores, and juniors in these
Age –.03 .02 –.11 analyses. A MANOVA revealed no multi-
Gender –.12 .09 –.12 variate effect of classification, Λ = .06.
Classification .21 .06 .35***
Demographic Variables
Intent to Drop Out
Before assessing the influence of emotional
HS GPAa .00 .01 .06 and social health on student GPA and
SAT .00 .00 .03 retention, we wanted to investigate the
ACT .01 .01 .08
influence of demographic variables tradi-
tionally investigated (e.g., gender, age, high
Parent ed –.02 .08 –.02
school GPA, SAT/ACT scores, classification,
Age –.01 .02 –.05 and parents’ educational background). To
Gender –.10 .08 –.10 this end, we ran multiple regressions to
Classification .03 .05 .06 assess the influence of demographic vari-
ables on GPA and intent to drop out of
High school grade point average. college. The combined influence of all of our
Parental education. demographic variables had a significant
*p < .05. *** p < .001. effect on GPA, F(7, 109) = 4.17, p < .001,
R 2 = .22. However, as shown in Table 1, only
classification and parents’ educational
background made a significant contribution.
romantic relationship, where they lived Thus, we will control for these variables in
(dorm, apartment, at home, etc.) and about all data analyses involving GPA. The
their membership in various campus combined influence of all of our demo-
organizations. graphic variables had no effect on intent to
Alcohol behaviors were assessed with 2 drop out, F(7, 182) < 1.00, R 2 = .02, p = .80.
items from Cooper, Russell, Skinner and
Windle (1992). Participants were asked to Using Emotional Health Variables to
indicate the frequency of drinking (e.g., once Predict GPA and Retention
a week, once a month) and how much they Students were asked to report stress levels,
drink per drinking occasion. depressive symptomatology, mood, fatigue,

22 Journal of College Student Development

Predicting Student Success

TABLE 2. stress and perfectionism made a significant

Summary of Regression Analyses for contribution. Students were also asked to
Emotional Health Variables Predicting report their coping tactics. After accounting
GPA for the influence of classification and
parents’ educational background in the first
Variable Β SE Β β step, F(2, 100) = 7.92, p < .001, R 2 = .14,
coping tactics did not have a significant
Step 1 effect on GPA, F(30, 100) = 1.62, R 2 = .41,
Classification .20 .06 .32*** p = .06.
a We also assessed the influence of emo-
Parent ed –.21 .11 –.18
tional health on intent to drop out. The
Step 2
combined influence of emotional health had
Classification .13 .06 .20* a significant effect on intent to drop out,
Parent ed a
–.17 .11 –.15 F(7, 174) = 6.13, p < .001, R 2 = .21. As
Stress –.01 .00 –.23*
shown in Table 3, self-esteem and fatigue
made a significant contribution. There was
Perfectionism .02 .01 .20*
also a significant combined influence
Self–esteem .02 .02 .13 of coping tactics on intent to drop out,
Optimism –.01 .00 –.13 F(28, 177) = 3.17, p < .001, R 2 = .37.
Fatigue .03 .02 .24
Concentrating efforts, giving up, accepting
reality, and finding comfort in religion were
Depression .00 .02 –.01
significant predictors (see Table 4).
Mood .01 .01 .13
Using Social Health Variables to
Parental education.
*p < .05. *** p < .001.

self-esteem, perfectionism, and optimism. Summary of Regression Analyses for
Multiple regressions were run to assess the Emotional Health Variables Predicting
effect of emotional health on GPA and Intent to Drop Out
retention. Because classification and parents’
educational background related to GPA, a Variable Β SE Β β
stepwise regression was conducted. Classi-
fication and parents’ educational background Stress –.01 .00 –.34
were entered in the first step and the Perfectionism .01 .01 .11
predictor variables were entered in the Self–esteem .03 .01 .27**
second step. After accounting for the
Optimism –.01 .00 –.05
influence of classification and parents’
educational background in the first step, Fatigue .02 .01 .25*
F(2, 100) = 7.95, p < .001, R 2 = .14, the Depression –.01 .02 –.09
combined influence of emotional health had Mood .00 .01 .07
a significant effect on GPA, F(9, 100) = 4.23,
p < .001, R 2 = .30. As shown in Table 2, *p < .05. **p < .01.


Pritchard & Wilson

TABLE 4. Predict GPA and Retention

Summary of Regression Analyses for The affect of social health on GPA and
Coping Tactics Predicting Intent to retention was assessed by asking students to
Drop Out report their levels of extraversion/intro-
version, membership in campus organi-
Variable Β SE Β β zations, alcohol consumption, and whether
or not they were involved in a romantic
Turn to work .01 .04 .13
relationship. Multiple regressions were run
Concentrate efforts –.12 .05 –.20* to assess the effect of social health on GPA
Say “This isn’t real” .01 .06 .02 and retention. Once again, classification and
Alcohol to feel better a
–.06 .08 –.09 parents’ educational background were
Get emotional support .05 .05 .10 entered in the first step and the predictor
Give up trying –.11 .05 –.18*
variables were entered in the second step.
After accounting for the influence of classi-
Take action –.05 .06 –.10
fication and parents’ educational background
Refuse to believe it .04 .06 .06
in the first step, F(2, 99) = 6.79, p < .01,
Let my feelings out –.07 .05 –.13 R 2 = .12, the combined influence of social
Get advice –.05 .06 –.09 health had a significant effect on GPA,
Alcohol to get through b
–.11 .09 –.15 F(11, 99) = 4.31, p < .001, R 2 = .35. As
Different light c
.03 .05 .05 shown in Table 5, membership in an aca-
Criticize myself .02 .04 .05 demic honors organization and frequency of
Strategyd .09 .06 .14
alcohol consumption made a significant
contribution. We also assessed the influence
Get comfort .08 .06 .16
of social health on intent to drop out. The
Give up coping –.06 .06 –.08
combined influence of social health did not
Look for good .06 .06 .12 have a significant effect on intent to drop
Make jokes .04 .05 .07 out, F(9, 178) = 1.63, R 2 = .08, p = .11.
Do something else –.06 .04 –.11
Accept the reality –.12 .05 –.20* DISCUSSION
Express my feelings –.04 .05 –.08 Recent studies have proposed that non-
Turn to religion –.14 .06 –.31* academic factors may significantly influence
Get help from others .03 .06 .07 college performance and retention (Szulecka,
Learn to live with it .01 .05 .01
Springett, & de Pauw, 1987). In fact, it has
been suggested that students who are
Think hard about it .08 .06 .15
emotionally and socially healthy are more
Blame myself .03 .05 .05
likely to succeed in college (Leafgran, 1989).
Pray or meditate .09 .05 .22 The purpose of the present study was to
Make fun of it –.04 .05 –.08 investigate the impact of student emotional
health and social health on college student
Use alcohol to feel better.
GPA and retention. We found that both
Use alcohol to get through.
See it in a different light.
emotional and social health factors related
Come up with a strategy. to student performance and retention.
*p < .05.

24 Journal of College Student Development

Predicting Student Success

TABLE 5. students (Sax, 1997; see also Brooks &

Summary of Regression Analyses for DuBois, 1995; Tobey, 1997; Van Heyningen,
Social Health Variables Predicting GPA 1997).
In addition, an individual’s emotional
Variable Β SE Β β health related to one’s intention to drop out
of college. Students who indicated their
Step 1 intent to drop out reported more fatigue and
Classification .19 .06 .31** had lower self-esteem than their peers.
a Conversely, students who intended to stay
Parent Ed –.19 .11 –.16
in college used more positive coping skills
Step 2 than those intending to drop out (e.g.,
Classification .13 .06 .20* concentrating their efforts, turning to
Parent Ed –.19 .11 –.16 religion), and were more likely to accept
when they could not change the stressor
Introversion –.01 .01 –.18
(e.g., give up, accept reality). Hence, based
Greek Org .12 .11 .10 on the results of this sample, the ability to
Honor Org .59 .14 .39*** deal successfully with the multitude of
Religious Org b
–.01 .16 –.00 emotional stresses encountered in college life
appeared to be an important factor in student
Professional Orgb .08 .12 .06
Residence Org –.23 .13 –.16
Frequency c
–.11 .05 –.25* Social Health
Quantity of Alcohol .03 .02 .18 Social health factors in this sample did not
Involved d
.04 .10 .03
predict intent to drop out and they had less
of an impact than did emotional health on
Parental Education. student performance. Not surprisingly,
Member of organization. members of student academic honors organi-
Frequency of alcohol intake. zations had higher GPAs than those not in
Romantically involved. an academic honors organization. However,
*p < .05. **p < .01. *** p < .001.
contrary to previous studies (Schrager,
1986), we found that in this sample mem-
Emotional Health bership in Greek-letter organizations did not
Findings from this study indicated that a impact negatively upon student academic
student’s emotional health was significantly success. This may be due to these organi-
related to GPA regardless of gender. Similar zations’ emphasis on academic achievement
to previous studies (Foster, 1998; Rice & at this university and the nature of the
Mirzadeh, 2000; Tross et al., 2000), we university itself, a selective private liberal
found that perfectionists were more likely arts institution. Finally, similar to previous
to have a high GPA, whereas students studies (Fergusson & Bonshek, 1996;
reporting high stress levels were more likely Musgrave-Marquart et al., 1997; Pullen,
to have a lower GPA. This is not surprising 1994; Wood et al., 2000), we found that
given the recent concern over the increase frequency of alcohol intake had a negative
in the amount of stress reported by college impact on students’ GPAs.


Pritchard & Wilson

One interesting outcome of this study rates. Many factors may go into actual
was the lack of a relationship between decisions to leave the university rather than
traditional demographic and academic intentions. Despite these limitations, the
factors and GPA and retention. Similar to present findings offer important implications
previous studies (Ting & Robinson, 1998), to college administrators.
we did find that parents’ educational back- Results from this study indicate that
ground was significantly related to students’ there is no single factor or set of factors (e.g.,
college GPA, and that classification (e.g., demographic, academic, social, emotional)
year in school) related to GPA; however, that predict individual student success or
unlike previous investigations, no rela- retention. Rather, it appears that there are a
tionship was found between other common multitude of factors that influence the way
demographic and academic predictors and students adjust to college. Given the number
college performance or retention. Hence, the of social and emotional factors relating to
use of demographic and academic variables GPA and retention, institutions might benefit
alone did not fully explain the variation in by addressing some of these problems with
academic success of college students in this their student populations. College student
sample. personnel professionals need to address
specific institutional concerns relating to
IMPLICATIONS student success and retention. Intervention
strategies need to then be based on such
Several limitations of this study should be institution-specific variables, and programs
noted. First, our sample was selected from should be offered to address these concerns.
a small private Midwestern university. For example, student services personnel
Hence, this study is institution specific, and could give talks about stress management
the possible generalizability of these findings and alcohol consumption to incoming
to other institutions may be limited. Second, freshmen.
due to the cross-sectional design of this
study, these findings do not indicate causal
Correspondence concerning this article should be
relationships. Future studies should examine
addressed to Mary E. Pritchard, University of
how these factors relate to GPA and retention Evansville, Department of Psychology, 1800
over time. Finally, we assessed only student Lincoln Ave., Evansville, IN 47722; mp43 @
intent to drop out and not actual attrition

So, what could you use this article for? What can it support or suggest for current practice, future
endeavors, or the theories of the field?

26 Journal of College Student Development

Predicting Student Success

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28 Journal of College Student Development

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