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STUDENT REPORT 30 October 2023 Exam Code: 3198084

Saranya Peddireddi

Roll No. 5403
Class 6 Section D
• Fun With Magnets
• Components of Food
Sanghamitra School
• Getting to Know Plants
• Sorting Materials into Groups
• Motion and Measurement od Distance

Class Test

Score Gauge
Your overall score on the test is given below. This section also shows how you have performed on questions
testing Procedure/Knowledge and Understanding/Application. The scores are rounded to the nearest 0.5.

0 100 %
9.0/1 87%
0 8 7% %
7. 64

Overall Score Procedure/Knowledge Understanding/Application

9.5 is the section highest ■ You ■ Section

Topics Assessed
You were assessed on the following topics. Your performance and the section performance on each of
these topics are given in the chart below.

Getting to Know Plants

⚑ Sorting Materials Into Groups

Components of Food

Motion and Measurement of Distance

Fun with Magnets

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

% Score

■ You ■ Section D ⚑ Best Performed Area ! Areas of Improvement

S 6D Roll No. 5403 30 October 2023 Test # 2

Sc Sanghamitra School

Test Summary
You attempted version 4 of this test. The details of your responses on the multiple-choice questions are
given in the table below.

Sl. No. Concept Area Q. No. Q. type Your Response Correct Response Result
1 U 1 4 ✘
2 U 2 2 ✓
1 Getting to Know Plants 3 P 2 2 ✓
4 P 3 3 ✓
5 U 3 3 ✓
6 U 1 1 ✓
⚑ 2 Sorting Materials Into Groups 7 P 2 2 ✓
8 U 3 3 ✓
9 U 2 2 ✓
10 U 3 3 ✓
3 Components of Food 11 U 4 4 ✓
12 U 4 2 ✘
13 U 2 2 ✓
14 U 3 3 ✓
4 Motion and Measurement of Distance 15 U 3 3 ✓
16 P 2 2 ✓
17 U 2 2 ✓
18 U 4 4 ✓
5 Fun with Magnets 19 U 1 1 ✓
20 P 1 1 ✓
Correct Answers 18/20

⚑ Best Performed Area ! Areas of Improvement Type: P – Procedure/Knowledge U – Understanding/Application

S 6D Roll No. 5403 30 October 2023 Test # 2

Sc Sanghamitra School

Practice Section
This section tells you how you have performed against questions where most students in your class
performed poorly. These questions focus on critical concepts and hence it is important that you practice
and understand these well. Some of the questions you answered incorrectly are also shown. Go through
the questions and try answering them again. Explain and verify your answer with the correct answers and
the rubrics given at the end.
You can ask your teachers, parents or us (email ID - cares@ei-india.com) if you have doubts.

Keep practising, Saranya Peddireddi!

Out of the 1 question(s) found critical in your class, you have answered 0 question(s) correctly!

✘ Q1
✓ Correct Response ✘ Incorrect Response

Q Three friends were talking about plants. Here is what each of them said -
1 Priyanka: Coconut tree is not a plant because it is a tree and plants are always
small in size.
Manoj: Grass is not a plant because though it is green it doesn't have leaves.
Irfan: Cactus is not a plant because it is found in the desert.

Who among them is/are correct?

1 only Priyanka 2 only Manoj
3 only Priyanka and Irfan 4 (none of them)

Your answer was 1. If you wish to change it, write it down here ______.

Why do you think so?

S 6D Roll No. 5403 30 October 2023 Test # 2

Sc Sanghamitra School

Answers and Explanations

Q Correct Option: 4

Answer and Distracter Explanation:

Some students might think that plants and trees differ from each other in terms of size. They would
go for option 1 or 3. Some might think that all plants and trees have leaves. Those which do not have
leaves are grasses. They would go for option 2.

Suggested Remedial Action:

To answer this question, students need to understand the difference and similarities between herbs,
shrubs and trees. When we go for a walk with students and see different types of plants we could talk
to them about how a few are very similar in how they look. For example, we could see how all
climbers have a flexible stem that curls and flexes very easily, how all trees have a big strong trunk
and roots so deep to hold hundreds of branches up in the air! This will help them take an interest in
observing the different variety of flora they have around them. There are many differences between
herbs and shrubs, one being - Shrubs have many stems and it is known as a woody plant whereas
herbs have a single stem. The branches of the shrubs arise from a single base whereas there is just
one permanent stem present in the herb, which is referred to as rootstock. We should encourage
children to start identifying these outside the books and relating to them. Trees have woody trunks
and single stem (trunk) with branches on it. Trees and shrubs are plants that have woody growth.

End of Report

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