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B.Tech. IV Semester End Examinations MR-22

(Common to CSE, IT, CSB & CSD)
(Model Question Paper)

Subject Title: Business Economics and Financial Analysis Subject Code: MS401HS
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks : 60
Note: Answer ALL Questions
Part-A (10 x 1 = 10 Marks)
Q. No. Stem of the Question M L CO PO
1. a) Define Business Economics 1 1 1 1
1. b) What is meant by National Income? 1 1 1 7
1. c) Describe Cross Elasticity of Demand 1 2 2 12
1. d) What are the Determinants of supply? 1 1 2 7
1. e) Explain Monopolistic Competition 1 2 3 7
1. f) What is meant by Marginal Cost? 1 1 3 11
1. g) Describe Accounting Equation 1 2 4 11
1. h) What is meant by Materiality Convention? 1 1 4 8
1. i) Explain Liquidity 1 2 5 11
1. j) List Profitability ratios 1 1 5 11

Part-B (5 x 10=50 Marks)

Q. No. Stem of the Question M L CO PO
2. a) Explain different sources of capital. 5 2 1 1
2. b) Describe the advantages and disadvantages of sole trading business. 5 2 1 7
2. c) Explain the nature of Business Economics. 5 2 1 7
2. d) Differentiate between Private Limited Companies and Public Limited 5 4 1 7
3. a) Describe Law of Demand 5 2 2 11
3. b) Explain the Determinants of Supply. 5 2 2 7
3. c) Compute Elasticity of demand. The quantity demand for the product X 5 3 2 2
is 30 units, when the price is Rs.15. The quantity demanded increased
to 40 units, as price decreased to Rs. 10. Calculate arc elasticity of
3. d) Explain different methods of Demand Forecasting 5 2 2 12
4. a) How can a producer determine the least-cost combination of inputs? 5 1 3 3
4. b) Differentiate between perfect competition and monopoly competition. 5 4 3 8
4. c) Explain Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns. 5 2 3 7
4. d) Describe various Pricing strategies used by modern business 5 2 3 5

Page 1 of 3
5. a) Classify the following accounts into various (Personal, Real or 5 2 4 11
Nominal) types of accounts.
i) Salary account
ii) Outstanding wages account
iii) Rent account
iv) Bank account
v) Insurance prepaid
vi) Drawings account
vii) Bad debts account
viii) Machinery account
ix) Furniture account
x) Patents account
5. b) Journalise the following transactions: 5 3 4 11
Jan 1, 2021 Commenced with Cash Rs. 8,00,000
Jan 3, 2021 Purchased Goods worth Rs. 1,50,000
Jan 8, 2021 Sold Goods to Mr. Ramu Rs. 1,10,000
Jan 30, 2021 Salaries paid Rs. 40,000
Jan 30, 2021 Rent paid Rs. 20,000
5. c) Explain Double Entry System and its advantages. 5 2 4 11
5. d) Prepare Trading and Profit and Loss account from the following 5 3 4 11
Trial Balance as on 31.03.2021
Particulars Debit(₹) Credit(₹)
Capital 1,00,000
Purchases 40,000
Furniture 30,000
Interest received 3,000
Cash 15,000
Debtors 27,000
Office Stationery 3,000
Machinery 70,000
Bank Loan 5,000
Bills Payable 2,000
Opening Stock 10,000
Sales 90,000
Wages paid 600
Salaries paid 2,500
Electricity charges 1,200
Insurance paid 700
Total 2,00,000 2,00,000
i) Closing Stock ₹ 12,000
ii) Depreciate Machinery @10% p.a.
iii) Salaries outstanding ₹ 500

6. a) How accounting ratios are useful in the inter-firm comparison. 5 1 5 10
6. b) From the given Balance Sheet calculate: 5 3 5 10
a) Debt-equity ratio
b) Liquidity ratio
c) Fixed assets to current assets ratio and
d) Fixed assets to Net worth ratio.
Page 2 of 3
Balance Sheet
Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Share Capital 1,00,000 Goodwill 60,000
Retained 10,000 Machinery 1.00,000
Profit and loss 40,000 Stock 30,000
Secured loans 80,000 Debtors 70,000
Creditors 40,000 Furniture 10,000
Provision for 30,000 Cash 30,000
3,00,000 3,00,000

6. c) Differentiate Liquidity ratios and leverage ratios. 5 4 5 11
6. d) The Balance Sheet of ABC Limited as on 31‐03‐2018 was as follows: 5 3 5 11
Liabilities Amount (₹) Assets Amount
Equity Share Capital 1,40,000 Plant and Machinery 1,24,000
Reserves and 1,28,000 Land and Buildings 1,30,000
Surplus 1,32,000 Furniture & Fixtures 26,000
Debentures 26,000 Stock 2,000
Creditors 4,000 Debtors 22,000
Bank overdraft 6,000 Investments (Short‐ 4,000
Provision for 2,000 term) 12,000
Taxation: 2,000 Cash 65,000
Outstanding Cash at Bank 55,000
Expenses 440,000 440,000
Bills payable

From the above, compute and interpret

a) Current Ratio b) Quick Ratio c) Absolute Liquid Ratio
d) Debt‐Equity Ratio e) Proprietary Ratio.

M: Marks; L: Bloom’s Taxonomy Level; CO: Course Outcome; PO: Programme Outcome

Page 3 of 3
(Autonomous) MR-22
B.Tech. IV Semester End Examinations
(Common to: CSD &CSB)
(Model Question Paper)
Subject Title: Computer Oriented Statistical methods Subject Code:MA402BS
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks : 60
Note: Answer ALL Questions
Part-A (10 x 1 = 10 Marks)
Q. No. Stem of the Question M L CO PO
A pair of fair dice is tossed, find the probability that maximum of the two numbers
1. a) 1 1 1 1
is greater than 4.
Probability density function of a random variable is given below
1. b) 𝑘𝑥 𝑖𝑓 1 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 3 1 1 1 2
𝑓(𝑥) = { , then find 𝑘.
0 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑒
1. c) If X is a Poisson variate with mean 2, then find𝑃(𝑋 = 3). 1 1 2 1
1. d) Find the probability of getting four heads in six tosses of a fair coin. 1 1 2 2
If the maximum error with 99% confidence is 0.25 and the sample size is 400, then
1. e) 1 1 3 1
find the standard deviation 𝜎.
If the maximum error with a probability 0.95 is 1.2 and standard deviation of the
1. f) 1 1 3 2
population is 10, then find the sample size.
1. g) Explain Null Hypothesis .and Alternative Hypothesis. 1 3 4 2
1. h) Write the test statistic for two Proportions. 1 1 4 1
1. i) Write the relation between the correlation coefficient and regression coefficients 1 1 5 1
1. j) Find the regression equation Y on X is if 𝑋̅ = 15, 𝑌̅ = 25, 𝑏𝑦𝑥 = 3.42. 1 1 5 2
Part-B (5 x 10 = 50 Marks)
Note: 1. Please specify marks for each sub-question separately
2. Wherever applicable, one sub-question must be theory based and another problem based in a given question.
Q. No. Stem of the Question M L CO PO
A random variable X has the following probability function:
x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2. a) 5 3 1 2
P(x) 0 k 2k 2k 3k 𝑘2 2𝑘 2 7𝑘 2 +k
i)Determine k ii)P(x≤ 6) iii)P(0<x<5) iv) Mean v) Variance
If X is the continuous random variable whose density function is
2. b) 2 5 1 1 2
f(x) = {𝑘(3𝑥 − 1) − 1 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 2 Find 𝑖)𝑘 𝑖𝑖)𝑃(−1 < 𝑥 < 0)
0 𝑂𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑒
A player tosses 2 fair coins. He wins Rs.100 if head appear, Rs.200 if 2 heads
2. c) appear. On the other hand, he loses Rs.500 if no head appears. Determine the 5 3 1 2
expected value E of the game favourable to the player.
The daily consumption of electric power(in millons of Kw-hours) is a random
variable having the probability density function f(𝑥) = {9 𝑥𝑒 𝑖𝑓 𝑥 > 0 If the total
2. d) 5 1 1 2
0 𝑥<0
production is 12 millon Kw-hours, find the probability that there is power cut
(shortage) on any day.
3. a) Show that mean deviation of the mean for normal distribution is equal to 𝜎. 5 1 2 2
Suppose 300 misprints are distributed randomly throughout a book of 500 pages. Find
3. b) the probability that a given page contains (i) exactly two misprints (ii) two or more 5 1 2 2
A manufacturer of cotter pins knows that 5% of his product is defective. Pins are sold
3. c) in boxes of 100. He guarantees that not more than 10 pins will be defective. What is 5 1 2 2
the probability that a box will fail to meet the guaranteed quality.
1000 students have written an examination the mean of test is 35 and standard deviation
3. d) is 5. Assuming the distribution to be normal, find the number of students scoring 5 1 2 2
(i) between 25 and 40 marks (ii) more than 40 marks (iii) below 20 marks

A sample of size 10 was taken from a population and S. D of a sample is 0.03.
4. a) 5 6 3 1
Construct a 99% confidence interval.

A sample of 10 cam shafts intended for a use in gasoline engines has an average
4. b) eccentricity of 1.02 and a standard deviation of 0.044 inch. Assuming the data may be 5 1 3 1
treated a random sample from a normal population, determined a 95% confidence
interval for the actual mean eccentricity of the cam shaft?
A population consists of 2, 3, 6, 8 and 11. Consider all possible samples of size two
which can be drawn without replacement from the population. Find
a) The mean of the population
4. c) 5 1 3 1
b) The standard deviation of the population
c) The mean of the sampling distribution of means
d)The standard deviation of sampling distribution of means
A random sample of size 100 is taken from a population with 𝜎 =5.1. Given that the
4. d) 5 6 3 1
sample mean 𝑥̅ =21.6. Construct 95% confidence interval for the population mean𝜇.
In a Survey of AC Machines produced by Company A, it was found that 19 machines
were defective in a random sample of 200. While for Company B, 5 were defective out
5. a) of 100. At 0.05 level of significance is there a reason to believe that 5 4 4 2
products of B are superior to product of A.

A group of 5 patients treated with medicine a weighs 42,39,48,60 and 41 kgs. Second
group of 7 patients from the same hospital treated with medicine B weighs 38, 42, 56,
5. b) 5 3 4 2
64, 68, 69 and 62 kgs. Do you agree With the claim that medicine B increases the
weight significantly?
A random sample of 40 geysers produced by a company A have a mean lifetime of 647
hours of continuous use with a sd of 27 hours, while a sample of 40 produced by
5. c) another company B have 638 hours with sd 31 hours . Does this substantiate the claim 5 4 4 2
of company A that their geysers are superior to those produced by company B at 0.05
Experience shows that affixed dose of a certain drug causes an average increase of
pulse rate of 10 beats per minute with a standard deviation of 4. A group of 9 patients
5. d) given the same dose showed the following increase as 13, 15, 14, 10, 8, 12, 16, 9 and 5 6 4 2
20. Test at 5% level of significance whether this group is different in
response to the drug.
Fit a parabola of the form 𝑦 = 𝑎 𝑥 2 + 𝑏𝑥 + 𝑐 to the following data taking 𝑥 as
independent variable
6. a) 5 1 5 1
x 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
y 11 13 16 20 27 34 41
Find Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation for the following data
6. b) X 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 5 1 5 2
Y 84 78 70 75 66 67 62 58 60
Find regression lines and for the following data
6. c) X 5 7 8 10 11 13 16 5 1 5 2
Y 33 30 28 20 18 16 9
Compute spearman’s rank correlation coefficient for the following data
6. d) X 65 63 67 64 68 62 70 66 68 67 69 71 5 2 5 2
Y 68 66 68 65 69 66 68 65 71 67 68 70
M: Marks; L: Bloom’s Taxonomy Level; CO: Course Outcome; PO: Programme Outcome
B.Tech. IV Semester End Examinations MR-22
(Common to CSE, IT, CSB & CSD)
(Model Question Paper)
Subject Title: Operating Systems Subject Code: CS402PC
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks : 60
Note: Answer ALL Questions
Part-A (10 x 1 = 10 Marks)
Q. No. Stem of the Question M L CO PO
1. a) Define Operating Systems. 1 1 1 1,2
1. b) Discuss about Context switching. 1 2 1 1,2
1. c) Write the necessary conditions for deadlock. 1 1 2 1,2
1. d) Demonstrate wait() and exec() System calls. 1 3 2 1,2
1. e) What is a critical section? Give example. 1 1 3 1,2
1. f) Describe set and test conditions. 1 2 3 1,2
1. g) What is thrashing? 1 1 4 1,2
1. h) Define virtual memory. 1 1 4 1,2
1. i) List any four file operations. 1 2 5 1,2
1. j) Explain ioctl() and stat() System call. 1 3 5 1,2
Part-B (5 x 10 = 50 Marks)

Q. No. Stem of the Question M L CO PO

Explain the following: (i) Time Shared Systems (ii) Distributed
2. a) 5 1 1 1,2
What is a System call? Discuss major System calls of Operating
2. b) 5 2 1 1,2
2. c) Illustrate PCB with a neat Diagram. 5 2 1 1,2
2. d) Differentiate types of schedulers. 5 3 1 1,2
Consider the following set of processes with arrival time and CPU
burst time given in (ms). Find the average waiting time and turnaround
time using FCFS scheduling algorithm.
| Process | AT | Burst Time (ms)
3. a) 5 5 2 1,2
P1 0 8
P2 2 4
P3 4 6
P4 6 2
3. b) Write a Program for Process creation using fork() system call. 5 4 2 1,2
3. c) Explain Bankers algorithm with relevant example. 5 2 2 1,2
Describe resource allocation graph. Explain how resource allocation
3. d) 5 3 2 1,2
graph can be used for deadlock detection.
What is a semaphore? Explain how producer-consumer problem is
4. a) 5 2 3 1,2
solved using semaphores with example pseudo code.
Explain hardware based solution for critical section problem and
4. b) justify how mutual exclusion, progress and bounded waiting are 5 2 3 1,2

4. c) Write about IPC between processes on different systems using pipes. 5 1 3 1,2
4. d) Explain interprocess communication using shared memory. 5 2 3 1,2
5. a) Briefly explain Paging concept with neat diagram. 5 2 4 1,2
Discuss how LRU and FIFO page replacement algorithms can be
implemented on the following reference string when the numbers of
5. b) 5 5 4 1,2
frames are 3. Also, calculate the number of page faults. 3, 2, 1, 0, 2, 2,
1, 7, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 0, 3, 0, 4, 1, 5, 4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 7, 2, 4, 2, 7, 3.
What is virtual memory? Discuss the benefits of virtual memory
5. c) 5 1 4 1,2
Explain about the linear list and hash table data structures to implement
5. d) 5 2 4 1,2
a directory.
Explain the following with relevant diagrams:
6. a) a) Single level directory structure. b) Tree-structured directory 5 1 5 1,2
6. b) Write about Protection Mechanism in File Management. 5 3 5 1,2
6. c) Explain in detail about free space management. 5 1 5 1,2
Discuss about the following System calls a) lseek() b) ioctl c)close()
6. d) 5 2 5 1,2
M: Marks; L: Bloom’s Taxonomy Level; CO: Course Outcome; PO: Programme Outcome
B.Tech. IV Semester End Examinations MR-22
(Common to CSE, IT, CSB, CSM & CSD)
(Model Question Paper)

Subject Title: Database Management Systems Subject Code: CS404PC

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 60
Note: Answer ALL Questions
Part-A (10 x 1 = 10 Marks)
Q. No. Stem of the Question M L CO PO
What is the primary difference between file systems and a Database
1. a) 1 1 1 1,2
Management System
1. b) What is an ER diagram, and how is it used in database design? 1 2 1 1,2
What is logical database design, and why is it important in relational
1. c) 1 2 2 1,2
What is relational algebra, and how does it relate to the relational
1. d) 1 2 2 1,2
1. e) Describe the concept of nested queries in SQL and provide an example. 1 2 3 1,2,3,12
1. f) Define the Third Normal Form (3NF) 1 2 3 1,2,3,12
1. g) Define a transaction in the context of database management systems. 1 4 4 1,2,3,12
Define log-based recovery and its role in restoring database consistency 1,2,3
1. h) 1 2 4
after system failures.
Discuss the importance of external storage in database management
1. i) 1 2 5 1,2
Compare primary and secondary indexes in terms of their roles and
1. j) 1 3 5 1,2
functionalities within a database system.

Part-B (5 x 10 = 50 Marks)
Q. No. Stem of the Question M L CO PO
Describe the various levels of abstraction in a DBMS, and illustrate
2. a) 5 2 1 1,2
their significance in facilitating data management and manipulation.
Discuss the process of conceptual design using the Entity-
2. b) Relationship (ER) model, highlighting its importance in designing a
5 3 1 1,2
database schema.
Explain the key components of a typical database architecture and
2. c) 5 2 1 1,2
their roles in managing and accessing data.
Design an ER diagram for a university database system that includes
2. d) entities such as students, courses, professors, and departments.
5 3 1 1,2
Specify the relationships between these entities and their attributes.
Describe the concept of views in relational databases. Discuss their
advantages and potential use cases in database management. Provide
3. a) 5 3 2 1,2,3,12
examples to illustrate how views can be created, modified, and
utilized in querying relational data.

Page 1 of 3
Compare and contrast relational algebra, tuple relational calculus,
3. b) and domain relational calculus as query languages for relational 5 4 2 1,2
Investigate the role of constraints in maintaining data integrity
within a relational database. Discuss common types of constraints,
3. c) such as primary key constraints, foreign key constraints, and check 5 3 2 1,2,3,12
constraints, and their significance in ensuring data quality and
Write the given queries in Relational Algebra
Project(pid, name, budget,did)
a. Select all employees who work in the 'IT' department.
3. d) b. Find the names of all projects with a budget greater thanRs1, 5 3 2 1,2,3,12
00, 00,000.
c. Retrieve the names of employees who manage at least one
d. Get the names of employees who do not work on any project.
e. Select all employees who work with the project id-A101.
What are triggers in the context of SQL databases, provide examples
4. a) 5 3,5 3 1,2,3
to illustrate the use of triggers in real-world database applications
Analyze the challenges associated with schema refinement and
decomposition in relational databases. Propose a decomposition
4. b) strategy to achieve Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF), ensuring 5 3,5 3 1,2,3,12
that the resulting relations preserve functional dependencies while
Minimizing redundancy.
Student(sid (Primary Key),name,age,gender,department_id )
Enroll(enroll_id,sid,cid,grade) Write
SQL queries:
1. Retrieve the names of all students who are enrolled in the
'CS' department.
4. c) 2. Develop an SQL query to calculate the total number of 5 5 3 1,2,3,12
credits taken by each student.
3. Write an SQL query to retrieve the names of courses with
more than 3 credits.
4. Write an SQL query to retrieve the names of students who
are enrolled in more than 3 courses.
5. Write an SQL query to retrieve the names of students whose
name starts with the letter ‘A’.
Consider the following set of functional dependencies (FDs) on a
relation R:
4. d) 5 3 3 1,2,3,12
Find the minimal cover for the given set of FDs.
Describe the different states of a transaction and discuss the
5. a) transition between these states. Explain the role of these states in 5 3 4 1,2,3
Ensuring transaction correctness and recovery.

Page 2 of 3
Analyze the challenges and strategies involved in recovering from
5. b) system failures in the presence of concurrent transactions. Discuss 5 3 4 1,2,3
about different techniques involved.
Describe the process of testing for serializability in concurrent
5. c) transactions with examples. 5 4 4 1,2,3,12

Describe the principles of lock-based concurrency control protocols,

and discuss the advantages and limitations of using locks for
managing concurrency in database systems. Provide examples to
5. d) 5 4 4 1,2,3,12
illustrate the use of lock-based protocols in preventing data
inconsistencies and deadlocks.

Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of different file organizations
6. a) used in database systems, such as sequential, indexed sequential, and 5 3 5 1,2,3
hashed files.
Explain how Indexed Sequential Access Methods (ISAM) blend
6. b) sequential and indexed access for efficient data retrieval in database 5 3 5 1,2,3
Explain the relationship between file organization and indexing and
6. c) 5 2 5 1,2,3
how they contribute to efficient data retrieval in database systems.
Discuss the advantages of using a B+ tree index over other indexing
6. d) 5 3 5 1,2,3,12
structures, such as hash-based indexing or binary search trees.
M: Marks; L: Bloom’s Taxonomy Level; CO: Course Outcome; PO: Programme Outcome

Page 3 of 3
B. Tech. IV Semester End Examinations MR-22
(Common to CSE, CSB & CSD)
(Model Question Paper)
Subject Title: Software Engineering Subject Code: CS405PC
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks : 60
Note: Answer ALL Questions
Part-A (10 x 1 = 10 Marks)
Q. No. Stem of the Question M L CO PO
1. a) How has the nature of software changed over time? 1 1 1 1
1. b) What are the key principles of Agile methodology? 1 1 1 2
1. c) Define non-functional requirements and provide examples. 1 2 2 1
How are requirements elicited and analyzed in the software
1. d) 1 1 2 2
development process?
1. e) What are some fundamental design concepts in software engineering? 1 1 3 1
Provide examples of architectural styles and patterns commonly used
1. f) 1 2 3 2
in software design.
1. g) Differentiate between black-box and white-box testing techniques. 1 3 4 1
How do metrics contribute to improving software development
1. h) 1 1 4 2
1. i) What is risk projection, and how is it used in risk management? 1 2 5 1
What are formal technical reviews, and how do they contribute to
1. j) 1 2 5 2
software quality assurance?

Part-B (5 x 10 = 50 Marks).
Q. No. Stem of the Question M L CO PO
2. a) Summarize the Changing nature of Software Engineering. 5 1 1 1
2. b) Explain the Capability maturity model integration (CMMI). 5 1 1 2
Explain how the waterfall model ensures quality throughout the
2. c) 5 2 1 1
software development lifecycle.
How does the layered technology model help in understanding the
2. d) 5 2 1 2
complexity of software systems?
Write a short note on requirement validation and requirement
3. a) 5 2 2 1
What are system requirements, and how do they influence software
3. b) 5 2 2 2
design and development?
Explain the importance of feasibility studies in the requirements
3. c) 5 2 2 1
engineering process.
What is a software requirements document (SRS), and why is it
3. d) 5 2 2 2
important in software development?
Explain the design model in software engineering and its role in
4. a) 5 3 3 1
translating requirements into a tangible solution.
Discuss common challenges faced during the design process and
4. b) 5 3 3 2
strategies for overcoming them

Provide examples of design patterns and their application in software
4. c) 5 4 3 1
Create a sequence diagram to illustrate the interactions between the
4. d) student and the university's online portal during the course registration 5 6 3 2
How does a strategic approach to software testing contribute to the
5. a) success of software projects in terms of reliability, functionality, and 5 2 4 1
customer satisfaction?
What are some challenges associated with validation testing, and how
5. b) 5 2 4 2
can they be addressed?
What is the art of debugging, and why is it considered a crucial skill
5. c) 5 3 4 1
for software developers?
Explain the concept of software quality metrics and their importance in
5. d) 5 4 4 2
evaluating the overall quality of software products.
What is risk refinement, and how does it contribute to effective risk
6. a) 5 1 5 1
management in software projects?
Discuss common metrics and techniques used to measure and improve
6. b) 5 1 5 2
software reliability.
Compare between reactive and proactive risk management strategies in
6. c) 5 4 5 1
software development?
Describe the statistical techniques and methodologies used in statistical
6. d) 5 4 5 2
software quality assurance processes.
M: Marks; L: Bloom’s Taxonomy Level; CO: Course Outcome; PO: Programme Outcome

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