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David Murray Acute normovolemic hemodilution

Abstract Patients and physicians the conclusion of the operation, the

continue to be motivated to find stored autologous blood is restored
methods to reduce the use of allo- to the patient. If operative blood loss
geneic blood. Even though donor is not excessive, the replacement of
screening has increased the safety of autologous blood may provide an ac-
donated blood products, autologous ceptable red cell mass. In addition to
blood is the most desirable source of surgical blood loss, some of the key
red cells during the perioperative pe- factors in determining how effective
riod. The methods commonly used to acute normovolemic hemodilution
obtain autologous blood during the will be in limiting allogeneic transfu-
perioperative period can be initiated sion are: the patient’s initial hemat-
prior to the operative procedure ocrit and blood volume; the volume
(autologous preoperative donation, of autologous blood removed prior to
acute normovolemic hemodilution) the operation; the effectiveness of
or during surgery (cell scavenging). the hemodilution; and the timing of
D. Murray (✉) Acute normovolemic hemodilution autologous blood replacement. In
Department of Anesthesiology, (ANH) involves a controlled removal contrast to autologous pre-donation,
Washington University School
of Medicine, of whole blood immediately prior to autologous blood removed during
Division of Pediatric Anesthesia, the operation. The patient’s intravas- acute normovolemic hemodilution is
Saint Louis Children’s Hospital, cular volume is maintained with so- usually stored and re-infused in the
660 S Euclid, Box 8054, lutions that contain non-red cells. operating room.
St Louis, MO 63110, USA
Tel.: +1-314-454-6215, The operative procedure is con-
Fax: +1-314-454-2296, ducted with a normal blood volume, Keywords Acute normovolemic
e-mail: but with a reduced red cell mass. At hemodilution · Surgery · Blood loss

blood loss include: deliberate hypotension; the injection

Introduction of local vasoconstrictive agents at the operative site;
and systemic pharmacologic agents for reducing blood
Strategies to reduce requirements for transfusion during loss, such as aprotinin, aminocaproic acid, tranexamic
surgery continue to be a high priority in clinical care. The acid and desmopressin. Autologous red cells can be
long-term sequelae of blood transfusion such as latent vi- obtained either prior to the operation or during the opera-
ral or transfusion-transmitted infectious disease continue tion. Autologous preoperative donation via a blood bank
to be a source of concern to patients and physicians. or acute normovolemic hemodilution are two techniques
Acute normovolemic hemodilution is one of the strategies that are used prior to the operation to obtain autologous
used to reduce the need for blood transfusion. blood. Cell scavenging provides autologous red cells
The current approach to reducing blood transfusion by scavenging blood from the operative field. These
during major surgery can be broadly divided into methods strategies may be used in combination during the opera-
that decrease operative blood loss and methods that tion to reduce or eliminate the need for allogeneic transfu-
provide autologous red cells. The methods that reduce sion.

Acute normovolemic hemodilution (ANH) reduces red output. This higher cardiac output leads to increased myo-
cells lost during the operation by decreasing the patient’s cardial work and heightened myocardial oxygen require-
red cell mass immediately prior to operation [6, 9, 11, 13]. ments. The increased cardiac energy expenditure puts ad-
The first step in ANH is the acute, controlled removal of ditional demands on myocardial oxygen reserve at a time
whole blood. The patient’s intravascular volume is main- when oxygen supply is limited due to anemia. At hemat-
tained with non-red-cell-containing solutions during the ocrits less than 20%, myocardial metabolism may be
phlebotomy. The operative procedure is conducted in a compromised by the decreased supply and heightened
hemodiluted patient. During the operation, fewer red cells oxygen demand. Subendocardial ischemia and myocardial
(as well as formed elements) are lost because the patient’s infarction can occur in healthy patients with normal coro-
hematocrit is lower throughout the procedure. The autolo- nary arteries when hematocrits are less than 15%. These
gous blood is reinfused at the conclusion of the operation. changes are often manifested by EKG changes with ST
If the volume of red cells stored prior to operation is ade- segment elevation. In the liver and kidneys, centrilobular
quate and the operative blood loss does not result in pro- hepatic necrosis and acute renal failure may occur when
found red cell losses, then an acceptable hematocrit may hematocrits are sustained at hematocrit levels less than
be achieved without the use of allogeneic transfusion. 15%.
While the amount of surgical blood loss is not appreciably Hemodilution to relatively low hematocrits may be bet-
changed by the use of hemodilution, fewer red cells will ter tolerated, because the period of anemia is brief and
be lost due to the patient’s acute anemia. oxygen requirements are reduced by anesthesia. For this
reason, hematocrit values of less than 20% are often recorded
in a hemodiluted patient during the intraoperative period.
Critical red cell mass If blood loss is replaced with crystalloid and replacement
is withheld until a hematocrit of 20% is observed, then
One of the key concepts in applying hemodilution is to more than one-half of a patient’s blood volume could be
define a patient’s “safe” lower limit for hematocrit [3, 10]. removed by a combination of hemodilution and operative
Healthy patients have a considerable usual reserve of red blood loss prior to replacing red cells.
cells. This reserve is the principle reason that the acute re-
moval of blood in the preoperative period is a viable ther-
Factors determining efficacy of hemodilution:
apeutic option. In ANH, patients experience two sources
of red cell loss, the blood loss associated with hemodilu- 1. Red cell mass. Patients with greater red cell masses
tion and operative blood loss. For this reason, a relatively can donate more blood. Red cell mass is based on
profound anemia is expected during the operative proce- hematocrit and blood volume
dure. Although the acute anemia associated with hemodi- a) Initial hematocrit: Patient’s with higher hematocrits
lution is considerably different from anemia observed in are able to provide more red cells for storage prior
clinical practice, the lowest safe red cell mass defined for to the operation. The patient’s beginning hematocrit
anemic patients can be applied to guide acute normo- and blood volume are key factors in estimating the
volemic hemodilution. An abundance of case reports indi- amount of blood that should be removed prior to
cate patients can survive with extremely low hematocrits, surgery
but these anecdotal case reports are unlikely to provide a b) Blood volume. Blood volume increases with weight.
consistent “safe” lower limit of hematocrit [15]. The “ideal” 70-kg male has approximately a 5-l
The safe lower limit of hematocrit continues to be de- blood volume. Females have a slightly lower blood
bated, yet an appreciation of the factors that define the volume on a weight basis. For example, a 55-kg,
lower limit of safety for red cell mass is an important con- adolescent female’s blood volume would be ap-
sideration in implementing a hemodilution program. Crit- proximately 3,500 ml (55 kg × 60–65 ml/kg)
ical red cell mass is the lower limit of hemoglobin associ- 2. Magnitude of hemodilution. When lower hematocrits
ated with effective oxygen delivery. When cardiorespira- are achieved following hemodilution, less red cell loss
tory compensatory mechanisms can no longer maintain will occur as a result of surgical blood loss. For this rea-
effective oxygen delivery, a critical red cell mass exists. son, the more blood removed prior to the operation the
Anaerobic metabolism and/or tissue ischemia will occur greater potential efficacy in reducing red cell losses.
when the red cell mass remains below this critical level. However, at the same time, this hemodilution leads to
The critical red cell mass is reached first in tissue groups more profound hemodynamic consequences. If more
such as the myocardium and central nervous system, be- blood is removed, the operative hematocrit will be
cause a greater proportion of oxygen extraction occurs in lower, and, consequently, fewer red cells will be lost
the coronary or cerebral circulation under normal circum- during surgical dissection. For example, a profound
stances. The myocardium is particularly sensitive to de- hemodilution (four units of whole blood in a 70-kg
creased oxygen availability, because systemic compen- healthy patient) requires the administration of large
satory responses to reduced red cell mass increase cardiac volumes of non-red-cell-containing solutions to main-

Table 1 Theoretical hematocrit changes expected prior to, during experience 1,500 ml of blood loss during the operation and another
and following operation in three groups of patients. The patients 500 ml of blood loss in the post-operative period
are assumed to be 70 kg with a starting hematocrit of 40%. Patients’

Treament groups Pre- Op Hemodilution Postoperative Hemodilution 500 ml postoperative

(withdrawal) (1,500 ml blood loss) (replace) blood loss
No treatment 40% – 30% 26%
Hemodiluted (2 units ) 40% 32% 24% 32% 30%
Autologous (2 units) 36%* – 26% 32%*
*Autologous donors have lower hematocrit prior to surgery. Timing of blood replacement for autologous donors is in the period follow-
ing operation (after intraoperative and postoperative blood loss)

tain normovolemia. A more moderate degree of hemo- with hemodilution and operative blood loss. For this rea-
dilution (two units) may be more safely used, but may son, larger volumes of crystalloid or colloid solutions will
not be as effective in reducing red cell losses. This bal- be required during the intraoperative period [6, 11, 13].
ance between the magnitude of hemodilution em- These changes in intravascular volume may need to be
ployed and theoretic red cell losses can be calculated more closely monitored during the procedure to assure in-
by predicting changes in red cell mass with different travascular volume is maintained throughout the operation.
levels of hemodilution (Table 1) [4, 8] If the patient is hypovolemic (i.e., hemoconcentrated),
If a 70-kg patient with a hematocrit of 40% has four more red cells will be lost and hemodilution will be less
units of blood removed prior to operation, the operation effective in achieving a higher postoperative hematocrit.
begins after normovolemia is reestablished in a patient Postoperative edema is a frequent consequence of the need
who has a hematocrit approximately 25%. If the opera- to maintain normovolemia with crystalloid and colloid so-
tive blood loss is 1,500 ml, then intraoperative hemat- lutions.
ocrit reaches a nadir of less than 20%. Following re- Intraoperative hematocrits of less than 20% are often en-
placement of the four units of stored blood, hematocrit countered during hemodilution (Table 1). The lower hemat-
is restored to a hematocrit of 34%. If the same patient ocrits observed during the operation may demand addi-
had only two units stored, then hematocrit following tional cardiovascular monitoring. This monitoring pro-
operative blood loss of 1,500 milliliters would reach a vides a means to assess the impact of the lower hematocrit
lower limit of approximately 24%. Following replace- on systemic function. Invasive hemodynamic monitoring
ment of the two units, then hematocrit would be re- also establishes vascular access to frequently measure
stored to 31%. In contrast, if no hemodilution were blood chemistry and pH. Serial hematocrits and arterial
used during the procedure, then the hematocrit follow- blood gases help confirm blood loss estimates, evaluate
ing operative blood loss would be approximately 28% fluid replacement and provide information about ade-
3. Intraoperative blood loss. The most obvious main de- quacy of oxygen delivery. Persistent tachycardia and elec-
terminant of red cell loss is blood loss during the oper- trocardiogram changes suggestive of myocardial ischemia
ation are often the first signs of inadequate oxygen delivery as a
4. Intraoperative management. If normovolemia is not ef- result of anemia. The decreased blood viscosity associated
fectively reestablished and maintained following re- with hemodilution often decreases blood pressure. Conse-
moval of the autologous blood, then the procedure of- quently, profound hemodilution probably should not be
fers no benefit in terms of reducing red cell losses. In combined with other techniques such as deliberate hypo-
the absence of hemodilution, operative blood loss would tension that also decrease tissue oxygen delivery.
occur at the higher preoperative hematocrit level. The
timing of red cell replacement is another factor that in-
fluences the effectiveness of ANH. When the stored Comparison of hemodilution, autologous donation
blood is replaced after the operative blood loss, then and red cell scavenging
the patient will experience the least red cell losses.
From a safety perspective, occasionally, blood re- Autologous pre-donation of blood and intraoperative red
moved prior to operation may need to be transfused to cell scavenging are two techniques frequently compared
treat severe anemia during the operation to acute normovolemic hemodilution. These techniques
share a common strategy of providing autologous blood
source during the perioperative period. A theoretical com-
Special considerations for hemodilution parison of autologous donation, ANH and no replacement
is provided in Table 1.
From a clinical management perspective, patients experi- Autologous donation was enthusiastically endorsed
ence two sources of blood loss, the blood loss associated 20 years ago, but the decreasing risk of allogeneic blood

has led to a reevaluation of this approach to reducing allo- operative method to return autologous blood, pre-donated
geneic blood transfusion. A variety of studies have con- autologous blood can usually be stored until later in the
cluded autologous donation may not be a cost-effective postoperative period. On the other hand, the use of a
strategy, primarily because of the reduced infectious risk blood bank exposes autologous donors to the numerous
of the current volunteer donor blood pool. The main limi- sources of iatrogenic errors that are associated with col-
tations of autologous donation relate to efficacy, cost-effi- lecting, labeling, storing and checking a patient’s autolo-
cacy and patient preference. In surgical patients, the fac- gous blood. These clerical errors are the most common se-
tors that influence the efficacy of autologous donation in- rious complications associated with the use of a blood
clude: the frequency of patient participation, whether au- bank.
tologous donors avoid allogeneic blood use, and the pro- Red cell scavenging from the operative site is also an
portion of autologous blood that is reinfused used during effective method to preserve red cells [14]. The yield of
the perioperative period [1, 2, 7, 13]. red cells from blood lost during an operation is dependant
Autologous donation does offer some advantages to ANH, on factors such as the amount of damage that occurs dur-
because the blood donation occurs in the weeks prior to ing the process of scavenging. In orthopedic procedures, a
operation. Unlike ANH, autologous donors will not re- considerable proportion of red cells may be damaged dur-
quire the larger volumes of crystalloid or colloid intravas- ing the collection and washing of the red cells.
cular volume replacement to reestablish normovolemia. In summary, acute normovolemic hemodilution allows
The delay between collections of autologous blood may patients to tolerate moderate degrees of blood loss with-
effectively replace some of the autologous red cells re- out the requirement for allogeneic blood. The technique
moved preoperatively, but most autologous donors are un- is an effective method to store autologous red cells prior
able to effectively restore a pre-donation hematocrit [5, to the operation and return the blood at a time when
12]. An additional advantage of pre-deposit autologous surgical blood loss has abated. The main advantage of
blood is that the units can be reinfused at any time during ANH is that the technique can be used intraoperatively,
the perioperative period (Table 1). The primary reason that without the need for long-term blood storage and test-
blood replacement is necessary is the postoperative loss of ing. In order for hemodilution to reduce red cell losses,
red cells into drains or the surgical wound. Unlike ANH normovolemia must be maintained throughout the intra-
or cell scavenging techniques that are primarily an intra- operative period.

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