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Sawm (fasting) is one of the ‘five pillars of faith’. It was made compulsory in 2nd year AH in the
month of Ramadan which is the 9th month of lunar calendar
Fasting is an exercise that enables Muslims to realize the hunger, thirst of deprivation and
poverty. It develops a broader understanding of the problems of the underfed, under-clothed
and shelter-less people and arouse empathy for their suffering. Sawm (fasting) is also a spiritual
discipline. A new consciousness of higher life, a life above that maintained by eating and
drinking is awakened.
Imam Ghazali states ‘ Fast does not mean only to control on food and water but it means to
control oneself from evil thinking, evil looking, evil listening and evil talking.’

Lexicology: (Sawm means to abstain)

Importance of fasting in Quran

“O ye who believe, fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed before you, that ye may
ward of evil. For a certain number of days; but whoever among you is sick or on a journey,
then (he shall fast) a like number of other days; and those and those who are not able to do it
may effect a redemption by feeding a poor man; and whoever does good spontaneously it is
better for him; and that you fast is better for you if you know.”

Importance of fasting in Hadith

“Fasting is a shield for you as it saves from sins in this world and would protect you from hell
in the Hereafter.”
“When anyone of you is observing the fast, he should neither use indecent language nor
speak aloud. If someone kicks up a row and abuses him, he should tell him that he is
observing fast.”
“Fasting iss pure until a breach is made in it. By lies and speaking evil of anyone.”
Upon whom fasting is Compulsory
Fasting is compulsory for a person if he/she fulfills five conditions:

 He or She is a Muslim.
 He or She is accountable (Past the age of puberty).
 He or She is able to fast.
 He or She is settled (not travelling).
 There are no impediments to fasting such as sickness, extreme pain from injury,
breastfeeding or pregnancy.

Philosophy and Objectives of Saum

1) Empathy
2) Restraint
3) Sacrifice
4) Physical
Individual Impacts
Spiritual Impacts
1) Attainment of piety:
The basic meaning of piety is observance of God’s commands and prohibitions out of a
feeling of being answerable to God. As it is in the nature of this act of worship that no
one can tell if someone is fasting or not, this develops a sense in the Muslims that God is
watching them which encourages him to do good and abhor evil.
God says fasting is prescribed: “Haply so you will be God-fearing.”

2) Obedience to God/ Closeness to God:

When a person is following the commandments of Allah, he becomes close to Allah. He knows
that whatever he spends, God will double the reward for it. Hence, by having such faith in God
makes the person closer to his Creator.

3) Fasting renews faith:

Monotony and trials and tribulations of life might weaken the faith of a believer and
undermine his willpower. The month of Ramadan acts as a great reminder where the
physical fast reestablishes link between the believer and his soul. A believer is more
conscious about reciting Quran and fulfilling his prayer obligations to earn as much good
deeds as possible.

4) Reward in Hereafter:
Hadith-e-Qudsi “He who leaves his food and drink for My sake and fasts for Me, I will
reward him for it”
Prophet once said “Fasting is a shield, a protection against the fire of Hell.”

“Whoever in Ramadan provides a person wo is keeping fast with iftar, this act will
become a source of forgiveness for his sins and safety from Hellfire and he will get as
much reward as will the keeper of fast get without any reduction in the recompense
of the latter.” (Hadith)

5) Fasting protects the soul from vice/ Self-purification of Soul

A Muslim who is fasting abstains from obscene language and exercises self-retraint
when faced with the foolishness of others because he know that this act of worship is
not just comprised of abstinence from food and drink. Rater, it consists of abstinence
from anything that will violate the fast or is inconsistent with this spiritual exercise.
Prophet (PBUH) said:
“He who does not give up uttering falsehood and acting accordingly, God has no need
of his giving up his food and drink.”
“Many a fasting person derives nothing from his fast save hunger.”

Purifying the Muslim’s soul is linked to the purification of the souls of the poor as it
engenders in him a sensitivity to their sufferings. This healthy mentality teaches the one
fasting that all the wealth of God which he gives in almsgiving and helping the hungry is
a way of showing gratitude to God which He may reciprocate in this world and
Hereafter. “If you give thanks, I will give you more.” (Al Hashr 59:9)

Moral Impacts

1) Develops willpower:
When a Muslim has the clear intent and makes the conscious decision to fast in
Ramadan, the strength of his willpower is manifested in his abstinence from food,
drink and sexual relations. His decision confirms that man and his spirit is stronger
than his bodily desires.
Similarly, those following specific diet or those addicted to smoking are helped in
Ramadan as this act of fasting breaks their habit. If he cn abstain for part of the day
then he can do so for the entirety of the day.

2) Attainment of moral uplift:

When Muslim becomes accustomed to this sense that God is watching for him, he
develops an alert moral conscience and actively tries to avoid sins and evil actions. In
this way, the whole of daily life benefits from his moral probity.

3) Fasting and time consciousness

The first and last day of the month of Ramadan are figured out on the basis of
astronomical calculations or sighting of the moon. Similarly, the Sehr and Iftaar are
associated to the break of dawn and sunset respectively.
The awareness of time that is required to fulfill the acts of worship is a lesson which
is beneficial for Muslims. It develops in him an awareness of the need to perform his
duties on time and a sensitivity to the value of time.
4) Empathy for the poor

Physical impacts:
1) Improves a person’s health:
 Helps in weight loss
Another benefit to fasting is that it helps reducing weight. When a believer fast, he is not
consuming anythirng for the whole day, which in return makes him slim and lose weight.
 Improves the eating pattern of a man
Another scientifically proven fact is that fasting improves the eating pattern of a man. It
makes him eat in a fix period which also helps in the immune system of the observer of
fasting. His digestive system starts to function better as the body starts adjusting to a proper
time when it consumes food. This makes his metabolism more active and in return, the
person becomes more active and healthy, and fit.
 Improves the brain function of a man
Science has recently proved that fasting is a great mental therapy. It helps the mind to
become strong and resilient to face any adverse circumstance.
 Helps in quitting addictive bad habits
 Mental satisfaction/ Prevents despair

Social impacts
1) Brotherhood and Empathy:
Fasting teaches us to live in harmony and encourages the spirit of Muslim brotherhood. It
encourages inviting a fellow brother for the breaking of fast (iftaar) and proclaims that anyone
who invites a Muslim brother to break his fast would get the same reward as the visitor who
came to break his fast.
The Prophet said: “He who sleeps while his neighbor sleeps empty-stomach is not one of us.”

2) Social congregation and unity:

During the month of Ramadan, all Muslims, rich and poor, gather in the mosques at the
time of iftar and additionally for Tarawih prayer at night.

3) Socio-economic benefits:
During the month of Ramadan, the rich spend very generously on the poor to win the
pleasure of God. Their generosity and charity ensure that the poor section of the
community receive enough funds to meet their needs. Generally as well the spending is
increased in Ramadan which boosts the economic growth.
This followed by Eid-ul-fitr before wheich it is compulsory on every Muslim male or
female to pay fitrana before the celebration of Eid-ul-FItr.

4) Social harmony and tolerance:

Fasting also helps in the elimination of bad habits and is also a big source of elimination of social
evil from the society. A person who is fasting is not allowed to fight and is enjoined on doing
good and avoid quarrels. This leads to social harmony and tolerance in the society.

5) Instills the spirit of community welfare:

Privileged class helping the poor during the month of Ramadan has a far reaching
impact even when Ramadan has passed. It encourages a year round effort for
community welfare and helping the fellow man fulfill his needs.

6) Sensitizes the world about the hunger of poor in the society

7) Fasting Leads To A Healthy Society/ Social purification:

Fasting doesn’t just bring dieting to a society; it also brings tolerance, love, care, and harmony in
a society. A society becomes more healthy and cooperative when the rich and poor starts to
develop an understanding and a feeling of mutual trust. Love and care starts to develop
between the masses as people avoid getting into feuds as they try to follow the commandments
of Allah with more will and desire. This makes the society more healthy and compact.

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