CST294 JULY 2021

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Reg No.:
Fourtlr Semester B.Tech (Hons) Degree Examination July 2021 (2019

Course Code: CST294

Course Name: Computational Fundamentals for Machine tearning
Max. Marks: 100 Duration:3 Hours
\ (Answer aII qaestions; each question conies 3 marks) Marks
Show that the mapping T: (a,b) + (a*2, b+3) of V2(R) into iself is not a linear a

transformation. Here R is field of real numbers.

Find a basis for row space, column space and nullspace of the matrix given 3


lo o ol
Find the characteristic equation, Eigen values and Eigen spaces for the
following matrix.

| 2 7-20 I
t10 0l I

Compute the distance between *:

t1l, : [-11 3'
l2l V l-11 using
t3l t 0t
(a) <x,y>: xry . (b) <x,y>
Find the partialderivative and gradient ofthe function f(x,y,z) : *t"uly. J

Find the maximum and minimum values of the following function J

f(x,y)=r3+y3 -3x- l2y +20.

A continuous random variable X follows the probability law f(x) : ax2, 0 < x S

L Determine the value of a, and find the probability that x lies between tA and

Write note on Bayes' theorem. J

Consider the following convex optimization problem 3

Page 1 9f4

min :ro'trr
u'€$lrt 2
sutrject to urTr ) 1

Derive the I-agrangian dual by introducing the Lagrange multiplier 1,.

l0 Findthemaximumandminimumvaluesoff(x,y):y'-4x2subjectto 3
(Answer onelall questionfroa each rnodule, each qtmtion carries I1 martrs)

(. Module -l
I I a) Find the inverse of the followirrg rnatrix using Gaussian elimination method. 7
Show all the steps.

lo z rzl
b) Find all solutions to the following system of linear equations 7
xq+x2+11:l Q

12 a) (i) Let U: {(ab,c,d) / a+c+d=0, b+c+d:l } be a subspace of Ra. Find the 4
dimension and basis of fhe subspace.
(ii) Check the mapping: R2)C Q(xfr<l+ix2 lineartransformation.
is a 4
'| b) Are the vectors Xl, . . . , x4 € Rn linearly independent? 6
Xt:bt -2h+ br-ba
x2:-4b1 -2b2+4b4
i xl :2b1 * 3bz - b: - 3br
x4: lTbr - lOb+ llbs+br
Module -2
13 a) Find SingularValue Decomposition (SVD) of the following matrix. o
l0 1l
[r ol
b) Obtain an orthonormal basis with respect to standard inner space for the 8
subspace ofR3 generated by (1,0,1), (1,0,-l), and (0,3,4).
t4 a) Diagonalise the following matrix. g

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b) Rotate the vector,.,:[3]

^:['t' | il -6
, r:[_orl by 30..

Module -3
15 a) Expand the function f (x, y) :x2y+ 3y-2in power of (x_l) anil (y+2) using g

_ Tailor's theorem.
' b) ComputetheTaylorseriesexpansionoff(x,y):x2 +Zxy+f at 6
(xo, yo): (1, l).
(. 16 a) Compute the derivatives df /dx of the following functions by using the chain
rule. Provide the dimensions of every single partial derivative. Describe your
steps in detail.

f (rj:tcg{l +:}, , = *T *. c € EID


f(z) :sin{z), z:Ac+b. A€B.ri"D,*e R.p,be RE

where sin(-) is applied to every eleme nt of z.
b) Show the forward pass structure'in a multi-layer neural network to compute the 7
loss function- Also show the backward pass to compute the gradients of the loss

function. Explain the steps in detail.

Module -4
l7 a) A random variable X has the following probability distribution. g

x,-) -l 0 l 2 J

f(x) lltO lsF t/5 2k 3/10 3k

(a) P(x<2) (b) P(-2<x<z) (c) p(xsz / x>0) (d) Mean and variance of X
b) Express the Binomial distribution as an expqnential famity distribution. Also 6
express the Beta distribution is an exponential family distribution

18 a) Consider the following bivariate distribution p(x,y) of two discrete random g

variables X and Y.

Page 3 of4

.gr 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.1 0.1

1' llz 0.05 o.l 0.05 o.o7 0.2

llt 0.1 0.05 0.03 0.05 0.04

it1 fZ 33 :[-!

Compute: (a) The marginal distributions p(x) and p(V). (b) The conditional
distributions p(xlY: yl) and p(ylx: x3).
b) In a large consignment of electric bulbs l0% are known to be defective. A
q. random sample of 20 is taken for inspection. Find the probability that
(i) all are good bulbs
(ii) exactly 3 are defective bulbs
Module -5
19 a) Indicate on a graph paper, the region satisffing the following restraints.
x > 0, y > 0, 2x+y 320,x+2y <20
Under the above conditions maximize the function x+3y.
b) Derive the dual linear program usinglagrange duality for the following;

- lll' [:l
srrbjee* to
i] r',i .
20 a) A manufacturer of fumiture makes two products, chairs and tables. Processing
of these products is done on two machines A and B. A chair requires 2 hours on
machine A and 6 hours on machine B. A table requires 5 hours of machine A
and no timri on machine B. There are 16 hours of time per day available on
machine A and 30 hours on machine B. Profit gained by the manufacturer from
a chair is Re. 1 and from a table is Rs. 5 respectively. Formulate the problem
into L. P. P. in order to maximize the total profit.
b) Solve the following Linear Programming (LP) problem using Simplex method.
Max 3x1+212+J;t
Snbjectto x1*2x2+1, <430,3x1+21t <46fi,xr*4xz <420, xr,Xu,Xl 20
* rt*:F*

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