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Under Mentorship of
Test Code: T1202-01 UPSC Mains Attempt No.

i I Candidate Name: GtUN.:JlTA A'9RAWAL..

.. I Cc 11trc 0 f Exa-m~--'-I

[~I~SCRoll No. : Total Marks /250 Total Time! ~ HI'S'


Please read each of the following instructions Q.No. Page No. Max. Marks Obtained Marks
carefully before attempting questions:
l. There are Five Questions divided in two Sections.
2. Candidate has to attempt All Questions.
3. Questions No.1 and 4 are compulsory to
4. The number of marks carried by a question/ part
is indicated against it.
5. Word limit in questions, wherever specified,
should beadhered to.
6. Attempts of Questions shall be counted in
chronological order. Unless struck off, attempt of
a question shall be counted even if attempted
partly, Any page or portion of the page left blank in
the answer book must be clearly struck off.
Total Ma r kx
START. ~.:..':t~
.."f.':\.: END J~.!.9.9..I:-.~ .
Note: Please take half an hour extra time for highlighting and making Signature of Examiner LI __

blocks of concepts, theories and facts (examples).

Call or Whatsapp 7303203981

For Evaluation & Discussion Inquiry
Overall Remarks:-



Evaluative Indicators:

Excellent Good Satifactory Average

(i) Introduction D D D D
(ii) Content D D D D
(iii) Alignment- Articulation D D D D
(iv) Contextual Justification D D D D
(v) Novelty-Correlation & Application D D D D
(vi) Language Competency D D D D
(vii) Legibility of Concepts, Theories & Facts D D D D
(viii) Conclusion D D D D
__________ ~., ~ !L_ .----'

Have a glance of syllabus before you write the answer.

PAPER I : FUNDAMENTALS OF SOCIOLOGY Unit·9 : Systems of Kinship: (vi) Religion and Society:
1-~:~~·1~-S~CiOI09y • The Discipline: Famrly, household, marriage Religious communities in India.
Modernity and social changes In Europe and emergence of sociology. Types and forms of family. Problems of religious minorities.
I Uneage and descent. Unit·13 : Social Changes in India:
I Unit.:~~:~~~:;y;::;::~:e:~::arison with other social sciences. Patriarchy and sexual division of labour. (i) Visions of Social Change in India:
Contemporary trends. Idea of development planning and mixed economy.
SCience, scientific method and critique. Unit·10 : Social Change in Modern Society: Constitution, law and social change.
Major theoretical strands of research methodology Sociological theories of social change. Education and social change.
Positivism and its critique. Devetopment and dependency. (ii) Rural and Agrarian transformation in India:
Fact value and objectivity. Agents of social change. Programmes of rural development, Community Development
Non- positivist methodologies. Education and social change. Programme, cooperatives, poverty alleviation schemes.
Unit-S : Research Methods and Analysis: Green revolution and social change.
Science, technolo~~ and social chan~e.
Qualitative and quantitative methods. iMU4jiiiili.lffl}M·tgi;.Wj'4";lilj1tili.i4ihI134 Changing
modes of production
of rural labour, bondage,
in Indian agriculture.
Techniques of data collection. Unit·11 : Introducing Indian Society:
Variables, samplrng, hypothesis, reliability and validity. (iii) Industrialization and Urbanisation in India:
(i) Perspectives on the study of Indian society:
Evolution of modern industry in India.
Unit·4 : Sociological Thinkers: Indology (GS. Ghurye).
Growth of urban settlements in India.
Kar I Marx- Historical materialism, mode of production, alienation. class Structural functionalism (M N Srinivas).
struggle. Working class: structure, growth, class mobilization.
Marxist sociology (A R Desai).
Emile Durkheim- Division of labour, social fact. suicide. religion and society. Informal sector, child labour.
(ii) Impact of colonial rule on Indian society:
Max Weber- Social action. Ideal types. author i ty. bureaucracy. protestant ethi, Slums and deprivation in urban areas.
SOCial background of Indian nationalism.
and the spirit of capitalism (iv) Politics and Society:
Modernization of Indian tradition.
Talcott Parsons- Social system, pattern variables. Nation. democracy and citizenship.
Protests and movements during the colonial perrod.
Robert K. Merton- Latent and manifest functions. conformity and deviance. Political parties, pressure groups, social and political elite.
SOCial reforms.
reference groups. Regionalism and decentralization of power.
Unit·12 : Social Structure:
Mead - Self and identity Secularization
(i) Rural and Agrarian Social Structure:
Unit-S : Stratification and Mobility: (v) Social Movements in Modern India:
The Idea of Indian village and village studies. Peasants and farmers movements.
Concepts- equality, Inequality, hierarchy. exclusion, poverty and deprivation.
Agrarian social structure - evolution of land tenure system. land Women's movement.
Theories of social stratification- Structural functionalist theory. Marxist theory.
Weberian theory. Backward classes & Dalit movement.
Drrnensmns - Social stratification of class, status groups, gender. ethrucity an (ii) Caste System:
Environmental movements.
race. Perspectives on the study of caste systems: GS Ghurye, M N
Ethnicity and Identity movements.
Srinivas, Louis Dumont, Andre Beteille.
Social mobility- open and closed systems, types of rnolnlity, sources and caus s (vi) Population Dynamics:
of mobility. Features of caste system.
Population size, growth, composition and distribution.
Unit·6 : Works and Economic Life: Untouchability - forms and perspectives.
Components of population growth: birth, death, migration.
(iii) Tribal communities in India:
Social organization of work In different types of society- slave society, feudal Population policy and famrly planning.
society, industrral /capitalist society. Definitional problems.
Emerging issues: ageing, sex ratios, child and infant mortality, reproducti e
Formal and informal organization of work. Geographical spread.
Labour and society.
Colonial policies and tribes.
(vii) Challenges of Social Transformation:
Issues of integration & autonomy.
Unit-? : Politics and Society: Crisis of development: displacement, environmental problems anc
(iv) Social Classes in India:
Sociological theories of power. sustainability.
Agrarian class structure.
Power elite, bureaucracy, pressure groups. and political parties. Poverty, deprivation and inequalities.
Industrial class structure.
Nation, state, citizenship, democracy, civil society, ideology. Violence against women.
Middle classes in India.
Protest, agitation. social movements, collective action, revolution. Caste conflicts.
(v) Systems of Kinship in India:
Urut-B : Religion and Society: Ethnic conflicts, communalism, religious revivalism.
Uneage and descent in India.
SOCiological theories of religion. Illiteracy and disparities in education.
Types of kinship systems.
Types of religious practices: animism, monism, pluralism. sects, cults.
Family and marrrage in India.
Religion in modern society: religion and science, secularization, religious
Household dimensions of the family.
revivalism. fundamentalism
Patriarchy and sexual division of labor

• c:. 7840888102, 7678628820

Demystify "Words" in UPSC Question Papers before you write
... Vikash Ranjan
• A Candidate is advised to read the 'wording' of the Question carefully and must try to write the
answer in accordance with the terms specifically mentioned in the given question such as-
Account for: Give reasons.
Account of: Focus on description.
Assess: Establish the strengths and weaknesses of the features mentioned.
Comment: Write your view point or description based on your observations.
Compare: Present the similarities and differences between the features mentioned.
Discuss: Present a thorough analysis of the question by examining all sides of the arguments.
Distinguish between: Draw clear distinctions between the features mentioned.
Elucidate: Clarify/explain probably what is obscure or different.
Evaluate/Critically evaluate/Review: Present-a judgement as to the relative value of the
features mentioned.
Examine/Critically examine: State clearly the pros and cons of the issue raised. Your final
decision must be supported by evidence and the reasons-why you have rejected alternatives
Explain: Give reasons.
Highlight: Focus on important features/ points.
Interpret: Present an explanation of the facts. Facts are mere inputs & can be comprehended
differently. And marks depend on how differently you comprehend.
Role: Focus on the contribution and conclude with your analytical view point.
Significance/importance: Focus on the :importance, contribution & consequences with greater
focus on positive aspects.
To what extent: Weigh up the arguments and state the relative importance of the feature
Trace: An outline of what has been asked in the given question with focus on its evolution.

_I I
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Do not write write in
in this space this space

Section -A
Ql. Write short answer of the following questions in about 150 words each.:
(lOx 5 =50)
Ql(a) How did the intellectual forces lead to emergence of sociology? Discuss.

I) (Ii) 4;

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® Triumph lAS
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Ql(b) Discuss subject matter of sociology according to Emile Durkheim.

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, @ Triumph lAS
Do not
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Do not write
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U· ~
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In certain societies" what ethical and religious ideas produces ca piitaliIsm


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e vance of scientific method in stud y 0f social

. facts.



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Ql.(e) What are the major criticism offered by interpretative sociology to positivism?

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(20 Marks/250 Words)

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Q2(b) Write about Merton's theory of latent and manifest functions with examples. What
are the major internal criticisms of functionalism given by Merton?]
(20 MarksJ250 Words)

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Q2(c) "Sociology without history is rootless and history without sociology is fruitless"
Elaborate. (10 Marks/150 Words) .

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Q3(a) What is social system? What are the various functional imperatives according
to Ta]cott Parson. (20 Marks/250 Words)

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(20 Marksj250 Words)

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Q3(c) Comment on problem of objectivity and value neutrality in sociology.

(10 Marks/150 Words)

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Section -B
Q4. Write short answer of the following questions in about 150 words each.
(10 x 5 = 50)
Q4(a) How different is~arx approach to division of labour from that of Emile
Durkheim? J

, @Triumph lAS
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® Triumph lAS
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Do not write write in
in this space this space

Q4(b) Religion plays functional role

Durkheirn's theory of rel~ig;i(iolnn~.

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@Trlumph lAS
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Q4(c) Weber consider bureaucrac as purest type to exercise legal rational authori!Y. In
light of this statement discuss ideal type on bureaucracy.

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Q4(d) Self can only develop i individual can get outside of himself in such a wa as to
become an object to himself. In light of this statement{explain Mead's theory on
[development of seU. p

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Q4( e) Discuss Karl Marx's theory of alienation.

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Q5(b) According to Durkheim.(Suicide is s Durkheim's the to

describe various s of suicides s (20 Marks/250 Words)


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® Triumph lAS
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Q5(c) What is the relationshi_p betweenli0cial structure and deviancelaccording to RK

Merton? (10 Marks/ISO Words) ::l-

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® Triumph lAS
Triurneh lAS

10(IOlO'Y Personal Mentorship

UPsc - CSE Mains 2022-23
Under Personal Guidance of

Test-l: Question Paper

i Section-A J
Q1. Write short answer of the following questions in about 150 words each.: (lOx 5 =50)
(a) How did the intellectual forces lead to emergence of sociology? Discuss.
(b) Discuss subject matter of sociology according to Emile Durkheim.
( c) Using Max Weber's idea, discuss what ethical and religious ideas produces capitalism in certain societies and
(d) Discuss the relevance of scientific method in study of social facts.
(e) What are the major criticism offered by interpretative sociology to positivism?
Q2.( a) According tu Marx history of the existing sucieties is the history of class struggle. Discuss the statement with
suitable examples from contemporary times. (20 marks/250 words)
(b) Write about Merton's theory of latent and manifest functions with examples. What are the major internal
criticisms of functionalism given by Merton? (20 marks/2S0 words)
( c) "Sociology without history is rootless and history without sociology is fruitless". Elaborate.
(10 marks z l Su words]

Q3.(a) What is social system? What are the various functional imperatives according to Talcott Parson.
(20 marks/250 words)
(b) Individual while becoming more autonomous depend more upon society. With regard to this statement, discuss
Durkheirn's theory of Division of Labour. (20 marks/250 words)

(c) Comment on problem of objectivity and value neutrality in sociology. (10 marksy l Stl words)


Q4. Write short answer of the following questions in about 150 words each.: (lOx 5 =50)
(a) How different is Marx approach to division of labour from that of Emile Durkheim?
(b) Religion plays functional role to individual and society. Discuss with respect to Durkheim's theory of religion.
(c) Weber consider bureaucracy as purest type to exercise legal rational authority. In light of this statement discuss
ideal type on bureaucracy.
(d) Self can only develop if individual can get outside of himself in such a way as to become an object to himself. In
light of this statement explain Mead's theory on development of self.
(e) Discuss Karl Marx's theory of alienation.

QS.(<J) What is the subject matter of sociology according to Max Weber? Which major method did he suggest tor SOCi,ll
science research') Illustrate your answer with his sociological contributions.
(b) According to Durkhcim. Suicide is social fact. Discuss. Use Durkheim's theory to describe various types of suiCides
seen in Indian society.
If:) What is the relationship between social structure and deviance according to RK Merton?

23·8, 3rd Floor Pusa Road, Metro E® t 7840888102

Pillor No. 115 Old Rajender Nagar,
New Delhi.110060
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Previous year Mains Credentials
for Mentorship by Vikash Ranjan Sir

No. of Attempt (UPSC)

If written Mains
Optional Subject

Marks in optional sub. Paper-l Paper-2

Marks in Essay
Marks in GS GS-l GS-2 GS-3 GS-4
Interview Appear Yes D No. D
Selected Yes D No. D

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