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Giving Forgiveness (Visualize the person in front of you)

Atma …………… Namaste.
I salute the divinity within you. We are all children of God.
Children of the Supreme Being. We all make mistakes.
I forgive you for your mistakes.
I forgive you for the hurt and pain caused by you. You are forgiven
and the matter is forgotten. May the Supreme Being bless you with
divine forgiveness. May peace be with you and me.
Om shanti shanti shanti Om.
Asking Forgiveness (Visualize the person in front of you)
Atma ……………. Namaste.
I salute the divinity within you.
We are all children of God.
Children of the Supreme Being.
We all make mistakes.
I sincerely apologize for my mistakes.
I am truly sorry for the hurt and pain caused by me. Please forgive
me and let go of the matter.
May the Supreme Being bless me with divine forgiveness. May peace
be with me and you.
Om shanti shanti shanti Om.

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