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p lll

1he Sc|ence of M|nd

A Comp|ete Course of Lessons |n the Sc|ence of M|nd and Sp|r|t
by Lrnest Shurt|eff no|mes
New ork k M Mc8r|de Company
nC1lCL Cl A118l8u1lCn
roofed and formaLLed aL sacredLexLscom 1hls LexL ls ln Lhe publlc domaln ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes
because lLs copyrlghL was noL renewed as requlred by law aL Lhe Llme 1hese flles may be used for any
noncommerclal purpose provlded Lhls noLlce of aLLrlbuLlon ls lefL lnLacL

Cllck Lo enlarge
1lLle age
p lv

Cllck Lo enlarge
p v
1bese lessoos
ote JeJlcoteJ to tbot 1totb
wblcb ftees moo ftom blmself
ooJ sets blm oo tbe potbwoy of o oew expetleoce
wblcb eoobles blm to see tbtooqb tbe mlst
to tbe tetool ooJ cbooqeless keollty

eace be unLo Lhee sLranger enLer and be noL afrald
l have lefL Lhe gaLe open and Lhou arL welcome Lo my home
1here ls room ln my house for all
l have swepL Lhe hearLh and llghLed Lhe flre
1he room ls warm and cheerful and you wlll flnd comforL and resL wlLhln
1he Lable ls lald and Lhe frulLs of Llfe are spread before Lhee
1he wlne ls here also lL sparkles ln Lhe llghL
l have seL a chalr for you where Lhe sunbeams dance Lhrough Lhe shade
SlL and resL and refresh your soul
LaL of Lhe frulL and drlnk Lhe wlne
All all ls yours and you are welcome

p vll
ln presenLlng Lhese lessons on MenLal Sclence l do noL clalm Lo have dlscovered any new 1ruLh 1he
1ruLh has been known ln every age by a few buL Lhe greaL mass of people has never even dreamed LhaL
we llve ln a menLal and splrlLual world 1oday however Lhere ls a greaL lnqulry lnLo Lhe deeper
meanlng of llfe because Lhe race has reached a sLaLe of unfoldmenL where a broader scope ls posslble
1hese lessons are an aLLempL Lo puL lnLo Lhe spoken word and lnLo prlnL some of Lhose greaL LruLhs
known Lo Lhe enllghLened of all ages
1o suppose LhaL Lhe CreaLlve lnLelllgence of Lhe world would creaLe man ln bondage and leave hlm
bound would be Lo dlshonor LhaL CreaLlve ower whlch we call Cod Cn Lhe oLher hand Lo suppose LhaL
Cod could make man as an lndlvldual wlLhouL leavlng hlm Lo dlscover hlmself would be Lo suppose an
lmposslblllLy lndlvlduallLy musL be sponLaneous and can never be auLomaLlc 1he seed of freedom musL
be hld wlLhln Lhe shell of Lhe human 8uL llke Lhe rodlgal of old man musL make Lhe greaL dlscovery
for hlmself AlLhough Lhe [ourney may aL Llmes seem hard and Lhe burden Loo greaL Lo bear man sLlll
feels wlLhln a subLle sense a mysLlcal presence a dlvlne 8eallLy 1hus Lhe lnherenL naLure of hlmself ls
forever seeklng Lo express lLself ln Lerms of freedom We wlll do well Lo llsLen Lo Lhls lnner volce for lL
Lells us of a llfe wonderful ln lLs scope of a love beyond our fondesL dreams of a freedom whlch Lhe
soul craves
8uL Lhe greaL love of Lhe unlverse musL be one wlLh Lhe greaL law of lLs own 8elng and we musL
approach love Lhrough Lhe law
1hls Lhen ls Lhe Leachlng Love and Law As Lhe love of Cod ls perfecL so Lhe law of Cod ls also perfecL
We musL
p vlll
undersLand boLh Who haLh ears Lo hear leL hlm hear
l wlsh Lo express my appreclaLlon Lo Lhe auLhors whose names are menLloned followlng Lhe dlfferenL
lessons ln Lhls course of lnsLrucLlon as well as Lo many oLhers whose names are noL menLloned 1he
1ruLh comes Lo us from all sources and our undersLandlng of lL ls Lhe resulL of Lhe Llme LhoughL and
efforL of Lhousands of people who have glven Lhelr llves Lo lLs sLudy
l wlsh Lo express speclal appreclaLlon Lo Mlss Anne Shlpman of 8osLon Mass wlLhouL whose unLlrlng
efforLs lL ls noL probable LhaL Lhese manuscrlpLs would have ever been goLLen ln shape for publlcaLlon
and Lo my moLher whose greaL falLh ln Lhese Leachlngs has lnsplred me wlLh Lhe hope and Lhe bellef
LhaL Lhey may be of beneflL Lo Lhose who sLudy Lhem

LACL 8L un1C 1PLL S18AnCL8 vl
lC8LWC8u vll
?Cu8SLLl 26

9ott l 1PL LvCLu1lCn Cl MAnS 1PCuCP1
lnsLlncLlve Man 27
naLure WalLs on Mans SelfrecognlLlon 27
1he llrsL CreaL ulscovery 28
1he lnner Sense Awakens 29
1he CreaL CuesLlon Why 29
1he CreaLesL ulscovery of All 1lmeMlnu 30
1he 8raln uoes noL 1hlnk 30
We uo noL See Lhe 1hlnker 31
1he 8ody unconsclous WlLhouL Lhe 1hlnker 31
1he Consclous and Lhe unconsclous 1houghL 32
A new 8asls of 1houghL 33
1he Law of Mlnd 33
unconsclous Mlnd aL Work 34
AnoLher CreaL ulscovery1houghL 8eached CLhers 34
1he ulscovery of 8ace1houghL 33
A unlversal Medlum Whlch All MusL Come Lo 8elleve ln 33
AnoLher CuesLlon Comes upWhy Are eople oor? 36
Man 8eglns Lo 8eallze 1haL Pls CondlLlons Are ConLrolled by 1houghL 36
8eallzes 1haL Pe MusL 1hlnk CorrecLly 37
p x

9ott ll 1PL LLSSCnS
LLSSCn CnL ln18CuuC1lCn 38
Sclence 38
Pow Laws Are ulscovered 38
roof of Mlnd 39
Where Cur 1houghLs Co 39
SuggesLlon 8ecomes Memory 40
MenLal Medlum 1hrough All 40
8eadlng 1houghL 41
MenLal Law 42
1he Word of Cod as Law 42
1hreefold naLure of Cod 42
1rlnlLy of 8elng 43
Consclous Mlnd ln Cod and Man 43
unlLy 44
Worshlp of Cod 44
Many Cods 43
8ellef ln uuallLylLs 8esulLs 43
uuallLy ln 1heology 43
uuallLy ln hllosophy 46
uuallLy and Sclence 47
An Awakenlng 47
hllosophy Leads Mans 1houghL 47
A ueep lnqulry 48
1he CreaL ulfflculLy 48
1he volce of Cod ln CreaLlon 48
1he Word of Cod 49
SplrlL knows lLself 49
Law ServanL of Lhe Word 49
lorms of SplrlL or CreaLlon 30
Meanlng of CreaLlon 31
1he Word Alone ls Consclous 31
1he 1houghL of Cod 31
LLernal CreaLlon 32
1he unlverse ls Allve 32
Concluslon 33
p xl


LLSSCn CnL ML1AP?SlCAL MLAnlnC Cl WC8uS uSLu ln unlvL8SAL CPA81 34
upper SecLlon 34
Mlddle SecLlon 64
LowesL SecLlon 67

LLSSCn CnL 1PL nA1u8L Cl 8LlnC 70
SplrlL 70
Soul 70
1wo Ways of 8easonlng 71
8ody 72
1he Changeless 72
Cause and LffecL 73
unlLy and MulLlpllclLy 73
lmmorLallLy 74
lorms 74
Allness of 1ruLh 73
vollLlon 73
Cnly Cne Mlnd 77
lndlvlduallLy 78

LLSSCn CnL 8LCAl1uLA1lCn 79

LLSSCn 1WC ln18CuuC1lCn 82
1he World Pas Learned All lL Can 1hrough Sufferlng 82
WhaL lndlvlduallLy 8eally Means 82
1he Meanlng of lreedom 83
Sln and unlshmenL 8lghLeousness and 8eward 83
1he lncarnaLlon of SplrlL 84
ulfferenL vlewpolnLs 83
1he Lesson of naLures Laws 86
1he 8elaLlon of Man Lo Lhe unlverse of SplrlL 86
Mans Lxperlence 87
naLure WalLs on Man 87
MenLal and SplrlLual Laws 88
Cod and Man 88
Man 8eenacLs Lhe naLure of Cod 88
p xll
1he 1wo Ways Lo 8eason 89
noLhlng Pappens by Chance 89
Many Are Waklng up Lo Lhe lacLs 90
1he 1lme Pas Come Lo know Lhe 1ruLh 90
A Wonderful LxperlmenL 90
WhaL sychology 1eaches AbouL Mans naLure 91
1he Selfknowlng Mlnd 91
Mans unlLy wlLh Lhe Whole 92
Man a CenLer of CodConsclousness 92
unlLy wlLh Law 92
1he Sub[ecLlve Cbeys Lhe Cb[ecLlve 93
1he 8ody 94
LasL SLages of MaLLer 94
1he unlLy of All 8ody 93
1he lormless and Lhe lormed 93
lndlvlduallLy Means SelfCholce 96
1he CreaLesL ulscovery Lver Made 96
A CompleLe unlLy 96


LLSSCn 1WC ML1AP?SlCAL CPA81 nC ll8 101

LLSSCn 1WC ML1AP?SlCAL MLAnlnC Cl WC8uS uSLu ln lnulvluuAL CPA81 nC ll8 97
upper SecLlon 97
Mlddle SecLlon 98
LowesL SecLlon 100

LLSSCn 1WC 1PL nA1u8L Cl MAn 103
SplrlL 104
Soul 103
8ody 103
LlmlLless Medlum 106
ChrlsL and AnLlchrlsL 108
Man ls ldenLlfled ln Mlnd 109
p xlll
1reaLmenL 110
1he Alm of LvoluLlon 110
MeLhods of 1reaLmenL 112
Sub[ecLlve Law 113
1houghL and Lhe CreaLlve Medlum 116
Lach ls Lhe Loglcal 8esulL of Pls Cwn 1hlnklng 116
A Law of 8ellef 117
We Are ueallng wlLh Law 117
1he Cycle of necesslLy and karmlc Law 118
1he Law of AcLlon and 8eacLlon 118
We Argue ln Mlnd 119
Wrong use of Mlnd 119
Sub[ecLlve 8uL noL unconsclous 120
Pow PablLs Are lormed 120
Law ls Mlnd ln AcLlon 120
We Are 8ound by Cur Cwn lreedom 121
Cneness wlLh All Law 121
uemonsLraLlon 122
karmlc Law 123
1houghL lorce 123
Chooslng 1houghL 124
lnduclng 1houghL 123
lace no LlmlL on rlnclple 126

LLSSCn 1WC 8LCAl1uLA1lCn 128

LLSSCn 1P8LL ln18CuuC1lCn 130
Peallng 130
WhaL We undersLand AbouL Peallng 132
1houghLs Are 1hlngs 132

LLSSCn 1P8LL ML1AP?SlCAL CPA81 nC lll 133

LLSSCn 1P8LL ML1AP?SlCAL MLAnlnC Cl WC8uS uSLu ln CPA81 nC lll 134

lndlvlduallLy 137
Man 8eenacLs Cod 138
p xlv
noL LlmlLed by rlnclple 139
MenLal 1reaLmenL ls 8eal 140
Man Comes 1hrough Sub[ecLlvlLy 141
8orn erfecL 141
8aceSuggesLlon 142
ulsease ls lmpersonal 142
Pow Lo Peal 143
Mlnd ls Lhe AcLor 143
ulsease ls noL Always uue Lo Consclous 1houghL 144
We ueal wlLh ldeas 143
Pave no uoubLs 143
1hlnklng ln 1reaLmenL 146
uo noL 1ry Lo Co 8eyond ?our undersLandlng 146
WhaL a racLlLloner MusL know 147
Peallng ls Clear 1hlnklng 147
Cnly Cne Law 148
no SensaLlon ln 1reaLmenLs 149
Pow Lo 8emove uoubL 149
1he 1ruLh uemonsLraLes lLself 130
ulsease ls MenLal 130
1he Medlum of Peallng 130
uepend on rlnclple 131
ueflnlLe Work ln Peallng 132
8epeaLlng 1reaLmenLs 132
8emove Lhe Complex 132
Peallng aln 133
Peadache 133
WhaL 8lghL 1houghL uoes 134
Pow PablLs Are Pealed 134
1he Seed of 1houghL 133
WhaL Can 8e Pealed 136
Why eople CeL 1lred 136
1he ldea MusL 1ake lorm 137
8esolve 1hlngs lnLo 1houghLs 138
Peallng lnsanlLy 138
WhaL a racLlLloner uoes 138
8ack of Lhe Appearance ls Lhe 8eallLy 139
p xv
Seelng erfecLlon 139
Peallng Lung 1rouble 160
We uo noL Send CuL 1houghLs 161
vlslon 162
Peallng ConsLlpaLlon 163
ulsease noL an LnLlLy 163
1hroaL 1rouble 164
CongesLlon 164
aralysls 164
CrowLhs 164
1reaLlng Chlldren 163
ower of Lhe Word 163
no Age 166
Memory 166
Culdance ln 1reaLlng 166
Pow Lo Peal 166
8emove uoubL 167
no lear 168
sychoanalysls 169
ueal Cnly wlLh 1houghLs 170
nervousness 170
SLammerlng 170
ArgumenL ln 1reaLmenL 170

LLSSCn 1P8LL 8LCAl1uLA1lCn 172

LLSSCn lCu8 ln18CuuC1lCn 173
1he Law ls lnflnlLe 173
1he osslblllLles of Lhe Law 176
SplrlL and MenLal Law 176
uemonsLraLlon or 8rlnglng 1hlngs Lo ass 177
Cur arL 178
1reaLmenL 178
Medlum 8eLween Man and Pls ManlfesLaLlon 179

LLSSCn lCu8 ML1AP?SlCAL CPA81 nC lv 181
p xvl

LLSSCn lCu8 1PL CCn18CL Cl CCnul1lCnS 180
Law of 8eflecLlon 182
ALLracLlng lrlends 183
1he rlnclple of rosperlLy 183
We ueal wlLh AbsoluLeness 184
rayer ls lLs Cwn Answer 184
lf ?ou know 183
no ersonal 8esponslblllLy 186
Pelplng an lnvenLor 186
Look Cnly aL WhaL ?ou WanL 186
ueflnlLe lan 187
ALLracLlon 188
Pow Lo uemonsLraLe a Pome 189
8eslsL noL 189
Peallng a MlsundersLandlng 190
laLe 190
ALLracLlon of ersonallLy 191
See Llfe Lxpressed 191
Look Lo Lhe ulLlmaLe 192
no MlsLakes 193
Causes and CondlLlons 194
erfecL AcLlon 193
MenLal LqulvalenLs 196
1reaLlng for AcLlvlLy 197
8ecelvlng lnformaLlon 197
no lallures 198
CpporLunlLy 198
no MlsLakes 199
uemonsLraLlon by roof 200
Pandllng a Schoolroom 200
1he Law of Correspondence 200
LLSSCn lCu8 8LCAl1uLA1lCn

LLSSCn llvL ln18CuuC1lCn 206
1rue MysLlclsm and Lhe sychlc Sense 207
WhaL Lhe MysLlcs Pave 1aughL 208
no ulLlmaLe Lvll 209
p xvll
ulLlmaLe SalvaLlon of All 209
lreedom from 8urden 209
unlLy of All 210
8eallzaLlon of lndlvlduallLy 210
normalcy 210
1he CreaL LlghL 211
WhaL Lhe MysLlcs Pave 1aughL AbouL Lhe lndlvldual 212
lnsLlncL and lnLulLlon 212
lllumlnaLlon and Cosmlc Consclousness 213
1he PlghesL racLlce 214
1he ower of !esus 214
1urnlng WlLhln 213

LLSSCn llvL ML1AP?SlCAL CPA81 nC v 217

LLSSCn llvL 1PL L8lLC1 WPCLL 216
lndlvlduallLy 218
lurLher LvoluLlon 218
1he 1ruLh ls known 219
1he Answer ls ln Man 220
CodlnflnlLe ersonallLy 221
unlLy 222
Pold Lo Lhe Cood 223
1he lnflnlLe ls ersonal Lo All 224
1he ChrlsL 224
8eallzaLlon 223
MedlLaLlon 226

LLSSCn Slx 1PL LAW Cl S?CPlC PLnCMLnAln18CuuC1lCn 229
sychlc henomena and lmmorLallLy 229
no Apologles 230

LLSSCn Slx ML1AP?SlCAL CPA81 nC vl 232

LLSSCn Slx ML1AP?SlCAL MLAnlnC Cl WC8uS uSLu ln CPA81 nC vl 231
p xvlll

1he Sub[ecLlve Mlnd 233
SeaL of Memory 233
SuggesLlon and Sub[ecLlvlLy 234
Sub[ecLlve CommunlcaLlon 234
Sub[ecLlve Mlnd and lnsplraLlon 233
MenLal ALmospheres 236
Pow Lo CreaLe ersonal Charm 237
1he ALmosphere of laces 237
1he 8aceMlnd 239
1he Mlnd of PlsLory 239
1elepaLhy 240
1unlng ln on 1houghL 243
MenLal lcLures 243
CondlLlons necessary for Lhe 8esL 8esulLs 242
ueep 1elepaLhlc Messages 243
8eadlng Lhe PlsLory of Lhe lndlvldual 243
ersonal 8eadlngs 244
SLreams of Consclousness 244
no CbsLrucLlons Lo 1houghL 243
LnLerlng Lhe SLream of 1houghL 243
1he vlbraLlon of a 8ook 246
Why SalnLs Pave Seen !esus 246
Many MenLal lcLures 246
1he Puman Aura 247
Palo 247
unpleasanL ALmospheres 247
PablL 247
Manla 248
Cbsesslon 249
ersonal lnfluence and Cbsesslon 249
Cbsesslon of ulscarnaLe SplrlLs 249
Ceneral 1heory of Cbsesslon and MenLal lnfluence 230
lnsanlLy 230
1he sychlc ower MusL 8e ConLrolled 230
normal SLaLe 233
1he Alm of LvoluLlon 233
1he SLaLe of 1rance 232
p xlx
normal sychlc CapaclLles 232
Abnormal sychlc owers 232
Clalrvoyance 232
sychomeLry 233
Clalraudlence 233
lndependenL volces 233
ApparlLlons 234
ChosLs and hanLasms of Lhe uead 234
ChosLs SomeLlmes Can Speak 233
ro[ecLlng Lhe MenLallLy 233
CrysLal Cazlng 233
8lack Maglc 236
1he Modern Curse 236
AuLomaLlc WrlLlng 237
lndependenL WrlLlng 237
Pudsons 1heory 237
Smelllng Where 1here ls noLhlng Lo Smell 238
Crasplng Cb[ecLs WlLhouL Lhe Pand 238
1eleklneLlc Lnergy 238
1able 1lpplng 239
8applngs 239
1heory of LcLoplasm 239
LevlLaLlon 239
lnLeresLlng 1houghLs 260
WhaL ls Lhe Cause? 260
Cause for 1houghL 260
1lme Wlll rove All 1hlngs 260
1he SplrlL of rophecy 263
A Lesson ln Sub[ecLlvlLy 263
LxplanaLlon 262
Summary 263

LLSSCn Slx S?CPlC PLnCMLnA Anu lMMC81ALl1? 266
1he Meanlng of lmmorLallLy 266
Where uld Man Come from and Why? 266
p xx
Man Awakes wlLh a 8ody 267
WhaL ls Lhe 8ody 267
MaLLer 268
1he LLher of Sclence 268
1he 8esurrecLlon 8ody 269
Concluslve lacLs 269
ln WhaL MenLal SLaLe uo We Co CuL? 269
WhaL Causes sychlc ManlfesLaLlons? 270
1elepaLhy uoes noL Lxplaln LveryLhlng 271
SplrlL CommunlcaLlon 271
CommunlcaLlon MusL 8e MenLal 272
We uo noL ConLrol SplrlLs 273
1he sychlc ower Should noL 8e lorced 273

LLSSCn Slx 8LCAl1uLA1lCn 276
lmmorLallLy 279

9ott lll SLClAL A81lCLLS
A8SCLu1LnLSS Anu 8LLA1lvl1? 281
1PL 8C8LLM Cl LvlL 282
1PL MLAnlnC Cl 1PL lALL 283
1PL CA8uLn Cl LuLn 284
SALvA1lCn Anu C8ACL 284
1PL L8lLC1 unlvL8SL 283
lMAClnA1lCn Anu WlLL 286
PCW 1C vlSuALlZL 287
1PL SLCuLnCL Cl 1PL C8LA1lvL C8uL8 289
MAnS C8LA1lvL CWL8 MA8vLLCuS 289
CCnCLn18A1lCn 289
1PL Ml88C8 Cl 1PL Su8!LC1lvL 291
L8SCnALl1? 293
lacLors necessary for a uynamlc ersonallLy 293
p xxl
8L8LSSlCn Anu Su8LlMA1lCn 299
1he SplrlL of Sex 299
ueslre 299
1he SplrlL ls Lxpressed 299
Man 8eenacLs Lhe ulvlne naLure 300
CongesLed LmoLlons 301
lrrlLaLlon AglLaLlon and lear 301
lf We Were Lxpressed 301
LmoLlon and lnLellecL 302
1he ConfllcL of ueslre 302
1he LmoLlon of Sex 303
1he 1rue Meanlng of Love 303
Sex noL necessary Lo Lhe Lxpresslon of Love 303
When Sex 8ecomes uesLrucLlve 304
Male and lemale 304
1he SoluLlon 303
sychoanalysls 306
Selfanalysls 307
MeLaphyslcs 307

1PL A1CnLMLn1 307
Mans Whole 1rouble 309
Careful reparaLlon 309
1he vlcarlous ALonemenL 310
1he Clvlngness of SplrlL 31l
1he World Pas Learned All 1haL lL Should 1hrough Sufferlng 311
Cur arL ln Lhe ALonemenL 312
1PL L8SCnALl1? Cl CCu 312
!LSuS AS A SAvlCu8 313
SLLlLxlS1Ln1 LllL 313
1PL Su8LML Alll8MA1lCn 314
CP8lS1 Anu An1lCP8lS1 313
LvCLu1lCn 313
p xxll

9ott lv uAlL? MLul1A1lCnS lC8 SLLlPLL Anu PLALlnC

8CulL? L8lLC1lCn 318
Come and LeL Me Peal ?ou 318
Pe ls MlghLy WlLhln Me Lo Peal 319
l uo noL lnherlL ulsease 319
no CongesLlon 320
no lalse CrowLh 320
no Wearlness 320
erfecL Pearlng 321
erfecL vlslon 321
1he Allseelng Lye 322
1he Peallng of Lhe llesh 322
1here ls no aln 322

Papplness and CompleLlon 323
Pere and now 323
Ma[esLlc Calm 323
no Loss 324
Ch for a 1ongue Lo Lxpress 324
C Soul of Mlne Look CuL and See 324
Seelng Lhe erfecL 323
1he Clrcle ls CompleLe 323
1he 1hlngs 1haL Are 326

ulvlnL CCMAnlCnSPl 326
A Song of Pope 326
8e SLlll and know 327
CasL Aslde All uoubL 327
ulvlne Companlonshlp 327
Pls Lye ls on Lhe Sparrow 328
Pope CannoL ule 328
l Am noL Alone 328
l WenL lnLo a MounLaln 329
1he !oy of Lhe Soul 329
p xxlll

l8LLuCM 330
lreedom 330
lreedom from Sln 330
lree from SenslLlveness 331
l keep Lhe romlse 331
Love Cleams 1hrough Lhe MlsL 331
no 8ondage 332
no CondemnaLlon 332
no lalse PablL 333
no PypnoLlsm nor lalse SuggesLlon 333
no MlsLakes 333
1here Are no 8esponslblllLles 334
1he 1lme Pas Come 334
WlLhln 1hy Law ls lreedom 333

PA8MCn? Cl LllL 333
8eauLy 333
lrlendshlp of Lhe SplrlL and of Man 333
Pe Wllls Me Lo 8e 336
l Serve 336
l Shall noL uoubL nor lear 336
l Was 1old Lo Llve 337
Law 337
Love 337
Love ulssolves All lear 337
My Affalrs 338
My 8uslness 338
My rofesslon 339
no uelays 339
no MlsrepresenLaLlons 339
no CbsLrucLlons 340
no CveracLlon nor lnacLlon 340
Cne wlLh erfecL AcLlon 340
eace olse and ower 343
SLlllness and 8ecepLlvlLy 341
1hanksglvlng and ralse 341
1he ulvlne romlses Are kepL 342
1he lnner LlghL 342
p xxlv
1he nlghL ls lllled wlLh eace 342
1he Seal of Approval 343
1he SecreL Way 343
1he Shlnlng aLh 343
1he 1hlngs l need Come Lo Me 344
1he Way ls Made Clear 8efore Me 344

lMMAnLn1 CWL8 344
As Love LnLers lear ueparLs 344
Pe Wlll keep 1hee 343
lnflnlLe Llfe WlLhln 343
My leeL Shall noL lalLer 343
no Parm Shall 8efall 1hee 346
ower Lo Llve 346
1he Clrcle of Love 346
1he Clrcle of roLecLlon 347
1he ower WlLhln 8lesses All 347
1he Culck Answer 347

lnSl8A1lCn 348
A Song of !oy 348
8orn of LLernal uay 348
l Arlse and Co lorLh 349
lnsplraLlon 349
1he uawn Pas Come 349
l Am CompleLe ln 1hee 330

A Marvelous Sense 331
CompleLe Confldence 331
urawlng Lhe Cood 332
l lear no Lvll 332
l Pave known Always 332
l MeeL My Cood 333
My ALmosphere 333
My Cood ls CompleLe 333
My Cwn Shall Come Lo Me 334
p xxv
My Cwn Shall llnd Me 334
My Soul 8eflecLs 1hy Llfe 334
CuL of Lhe uepLhs of Llfe 333
Sorrow llees from Me 333
SubsLance and Supply 333
1he Lver and Lhe All 336
1he Pouse of Love 336

Sl8l1 Cl CCu Wl1Pln 337
Arlse My SplrlL 337
8lrLhless and ueaLhless 337
Command My Soul 337
uespalr Clves Way Lo !oy 338
lree SplrlL WlLhln Me 338
lulness of LlghL 338
Pe Who lnhablLs LLernlLy 339
l LlsLen 339
!oy Pas Come Lo Llve wlLh Me 339
knowledge and Wlsdom 360
My 1houghL ls ln 1hee 360
C Love ulvlne 360
eace SLeals 1hrough Lhe Soul 361
SLand lorLh and Speak 361
SubLle Lssence of SplrlL WlLhln Me 361
1he ChrlsL WlLhln 362
1he LverlasLlng Arms 362
1he ManLle of Love 362
1he volce of 1ruLh 363
1he WlLness of 1ruLh 363
1hrough Lhe Long nlghL WaLches 363
1hy SLrengLh ls SufflclenL 364
WalLlng on 1hee 364
Whose 8lghL lL ls Lo Come 363

1PL CWL8 Cl 1PL WC8u 363
l ConLrol My MenLal Pousehold and Conquer All lear and uoubL 363
p xxvl
My Word Comes 8ack Lo Me 366
My Word Shall 8ear lrulL 366
noLhlng Can Plnder 366
C Man Speak lorLh 1hy Word 367
1he ower of Lhe Word 367
1he Word of ower 368
1he unassallable 1ruLh and Lhe lrreslsLlble Word 368
l 8ehold ln 1hee Pls lmage 369

unl1? 369
l See no Lvll 369
l Shall never ule 369
Love Lo Lhe World 370
My Llfe ls Cne wlLh Cod 370
no MlsundersLandlngs 371
1he ulvlne lan for Me 371
1he ersonallLy of Cod 371
1he 8adlaLlon of Llfe 372
unlLy 372
WlLhln 1hee ls lulness of Llfe 373

CLCSSA8? 374

1PL CALL 387

lnuLx 389

p 23
p 26
Ch weary hearL laden wlLh earLhs welghL and care
Ch feeL sLumbllng on Lhe way bleedlng and bare
Ch arms ouLsLreLched and hands upheld ln prayer
Ch back whlch so ofL has felL Lhe lash and rod
Ch soul whlch crles aloud for Lhe llvlng Cod
Ch llfe sLruggllng Lo free lLself from Lhe clod
know Lhls Lhere ls no power from wlLhouL
?ourself musL answer every fear and meeL all doubL
WlLh some dlvlne lndwelllng power
Whlch you yourself upon yourself shall shower
And glvlng Lake and Laklng glve
unLo LhaL llfe whlch you yourself shall llve

p 27
Port l 1he Lvo|ut|on of Mans 1hought
lf we Lraced mans hlsLory back lnLo Lhe dlm pasL we should come Lo a place where he dld noL
consclously know hlmself We should come Lo a place where lnsLlncLlve Man alone exlsLed for Lhe self
consclous man had noL yeL evolved
noLhlng can be more apparenL Lhan LhaL man as he now appears ls Lhe resulL of growLh and
unfoldmenL 8uL ln order Lo unfold he had Lo have someLhlng from whlch Lo unfold and slnce he ls
lnLelllgenL he musL have unfolded from an lnLelllgenL cause
lnsLlncLlve Man Lhen means LhaL lnner SomeLhlng or Llfe whlch we do noL see buL whlch ls of course
Lhere We mlghL say LhaL lnsLlncLlve Llfe ls Cod ln man or Lhe ldea of Cod worklng Lhrough man 8uL lf
lnsLlncLlve Man ls an ldea of Cod why ls he noL perfecL? 1he answer ls LhaL he ls perfecL buL LhaL as
soon as lndlvlduallLy ls evolved he musL be lefL alone Lo dlscover hlmself Lven Cod could noL make a
mechanlcal lndlvlduallLy lf man ls creaLed wlLh Lhe aLLrlbuLes of selfcholce and free wlll he musL be leL
alone Lo make Lhe greaL dlscovery for hlmself
We noLe LhaL from Lhe day when lnsLlncLlve Llfe broughL man Lo Lhe polnL of selfcholce lL leL hlm
alone and from LhaL day lnsLlncLlve Llfe has walLed on mans unfoldmenL lL ls Lrue LhaL durlng all Lhls
Llme lL has carrled on Lhe auLomaLlc funcLlons of Lhe body and has even sllenLly Lold man whaL Lo
p 28
do buL lL has leL hlm alone ln all oLher ways lL may and musL hold man as a perfecL belng buL lL also
musL leL hlm dlscover Lhls facL for hlmself uurlng all of Lhls Llme however lnsLlncLlve Llfe or Cod musL
be sllenLly walLlng for Lhe greaL dlscovery Lo be made and musL always be ready Lo respond Lo mans
advancemenL We noLe Lhls Lo be Lrue along Lhe llne of mans progress lor lnsLance conslder Lhe
dlscovery of any of naLures forces we know LhaL Lhey musL have always exlsLed buL so far as man ls
concerned Lhey exlsL Lo hlm only afLer he has dlscovered and learned how Lo make use of Lhem
LlecLrlclLy was a reallLy ln Lhe unlverse when Moses led Lhe Chlldren of lsrael from Lhe land of LgypL buL
nelLher Moses nor any of hls followers knew anyLhlng abouL lL and so Lhey dld noL recelve any beneflLs
from lLs use 1hls ls Lrue of any and all of Lhe naLural laws Lhey always exlsLed and as soon as
undersLood may be used ln Lhls way lnsLlncLlve Llfe walLs upon mans dlscovery of Lhe naLural laws and
hls dlscovery of hlmself and hls relaLlonshlp Lo Lhe greaL Whole
lf Lhls ls so evldenLly Lrue of all Lhe forces ln Lhe naLural world we musL expecL Lo flnd Lhe same Lhlng Lo
be Lrue of Lhose lnner and flner forces wlLhln man 1he unfoldmenL of Lhese lnner and flner forces
Lhrough man ls whaL we call hls evoluLlon
1he flrsL greaL dlscovery LhaL man made was LhaL he could Lhlnk 1hls was Lhe day when he rose from
Lhe ground and sald l AM 1hls marked Lhe flrsL greaL day of personal aLLalnmenL and from LhaL day
man became an lndlvldual and had Lo make all furLher progress hlmself any compulsory evoluLlon
sLopped when man became an lndlvldual and from LhaL day he had Lo work ln consclous unlon wlLh
naLure and Per forces buL he dld noL have Lo work alone for lnsLlncLlve Llfe has always been wlLh hlm
and wlll never deparL from hlm lnsLlncLlve Llfe deslres LhaL man shall express more and yeL more of lLs
own llmlLless posslblllLles
Man ls evolvlng from an lnflnlLe basls behlnd hlm ls Lhe greaL unknown buL noL Lhe greaL unknowable
for Lhe unknown
p 29
becomes known Lhrough man and whaLever more lnsLlncLlve Llfe ls Lo do for hlm musL be done Lhrough
hlm naLure musL work Lhrough man ln order Lo work for hlm 1hls ls Lrue all along Lhe llne of llfe and
1he flrsL greaL dlscovery of man was LhaL he could Lhlnk plan and execuLe As Lhe resulL of Lhls dlscovery
he has bullL up a greaL clvlllzaLlon and all LhaL goes wlLh lL Pe has harnessed elecLrlclLy Lo hls lnvenLlons
Lled sLeam and compelled lL Lo do hls blddlng Pe has lald wasLe foresLs bullL clLles made Lhe deserL Lo
bloom and has Lhrown Lhe llnes of hls commerce around Lhe globe lndeed he has seemed Lo possess
Lhe earLh
8uL wlLh all of mans powers he has sLlll felL a vague sense of someLhlng more someLhlng greaLer
someLhlng furLher along a sorL of mysLlcal lnner sense of Lhlngs an lnsLlncLlve urge a bllnd groplng
afLer a greaLer llghL ulsregardlng all of hls apparenL power man has sLlll been unhappy slck lonely and
afrald 1he clLles whlch he bullL have crumbled lnLo dusL Lhe naLlons whlch he fosLered have one by
one fallen lnLo ruln and hlsLory alone remalns Lo Lell Lhe Lale of mosL of hls endeavors
ln splLe of mans apparenL power he has suffered greaLly and deaLh has crowned hls llfe and work wlLh
a pall of darkness and uncerLalnLy
1he greaL quesLlon Why has forever been upon hls llps lew lndeed have been able Lo answer Lhls
quesLlon and Lhese few have been passed by unheeded ln Lhe sLruggle for exlsLence
Man has sLruggled along Lhe weary road wlLh a heavy hearL and bleedlng feeL only Lo be meL by Lhe
grave 1he lack of a sense of compleLlon has beseL hls every paLhway and ln hls bllnd groplng he has
held up hls hands ln speechless angulsh
p 30
and hls broken crles have renL Lhe alr wlLh suppllcaLlons Lo an apparenLly unheedlng uelLy
Why Lhe sufferlng Lhe sorrow Lhe sln Lhe slckness and a llfeLlme of Lrouble only Lo be meL aL lasL by
Lhe grlm and slnlsLer Lomb?
Why why why? Man has soughL Lhe wlse only Lo dlscover Lhelr foollshness he has soughL Lhe learned
only Lo flnd a lack of wlsdom Why why why? Pls cry has appeared Lo go forLh lnLo an empLy
noLhlngness 8uL hark! from somewhere a vague answer has come some subLle lnner sense of Lhlngs
some unknown presence has glven answer and a sLlll small volce has sald Lo hlm Man know Lhyself
1he lnsLlncLlve Man has agaln spoken and Lold hlm Lo search more deeply lnLo hls own naLure Lo look
deep wlLhln hlmself for Lhe answer Lo llfe 1he hour has sLruck ln Lhe evoluLlon of man when he can
undersLand Lhls volce and do lLs blddlng
Mans response Lo Lhls lnner lnsLlncLlve volce has caused hlm Lo sLarL on Lhe greaLesL advenLure of hls
career Lhe dlscovery of Mlnd
Mans flrsL dlscovery of hls ablllLy Lo Lhlnk was seL aslde as belng Loo evldenL Lo Lake any noLlce of he
could Lhlnk buL whaL of lL! Cf course lL was a proof LhaL he was buL LhaL was all he had always been
able Lo Lhlnk Lhls slmply gave hlm Lhe ablllLy Lo know hls needs and Lry Lo supply Lhem 1hls he had
always done
1he ablllLy Lo Lhlnk seemed Lo be an auLomaLlc Lhlng lL came wlLh hlm and would doubLless dle when he
dled Lhe braln seemed Lo be Lhe organ of LhoughL and of course when deaLh sLllled Lhe braln lL would
no longer operaLeLhls was selfevldenL
1nL 8kAIN DCLS NC1 1nINk
8uL Lhe day came when some wlse man sald LhaL lL ls noL Lhe braln LhaL Lhlnks aL all for lf Lhe braln of
lLself could Lhlnk Lhen one could cuL lL ouL and lL would keep rlghL on Lhlnklng
p 31
paragraph conLlnues no Lhe braln of lLself could noL Lhlnk and yeL wlLhouL a braln man could noL
Lhlnk whlch slmply means LhaL man needs a braln whlle here buL LhaL Lhe braln of lLself does noL
Lhlnk 1he braln does noL Lhlnk and yeL man Lhlnks so behlnd Lhe braln Lhere musL be a Lhlnker 8uL
where ls Lhls Lhlnker? We do noL see hlm Pave we a rlghL Lo say LhaL Lhere ls a Lhlnker when no one has
ever seen hlm? ?es for can we name a slngle force of naLure LhaL we can see? Pave we ever seen
elecLrlclLy or any of Lhe oLher forces of naLure? no and Lhe only evldence we have of Lhelr exlsLence ls
LhaL we see whaL Lhey do We have llghL and moLlve power so we have a rlghL Lo suppose LhaL Lhere ls a
force whlch we call elecLrlclLy 1hls ls Lrue all along Lhe llne for we see effecLs and noL causes
8uL Lo reLurn Lo Lhe Lhlnker we do noL see hlm buL Lhe proof of hls reallLy ls ln Lhe evldence of hls
works We know LhaL Lhe legs do noL walk for lf severed from Lhe body Lhey could noL carry any one
very far CuL off Lhe hand and see lf lL could sLlll hold anyLhlng ln lLs grasp! luck ouL Lhe eye and lL
cannoL see and so lL ls wlLh all Lhe organs of Lhe body 1here ls a Lhlnker and doer back of Lhe organlsm
who ls uslng lL for a consclous purpose
1hls ls a greaL dlscovery for lL means LhaL Lhe body wlLhouL Lhe Lhlnker could nelLher be slck nor suffer
for wlLhouL Lhe Lhlnker Lhere could be no movemenL of Lhe body Why Lhen are we slck? 1hls lnqulry wlll
noL be answered unLll every form of dlsease ls swepL from Lhe face of Lhe earLh and numbered wlLh Lhe
Lhlngs LhaL were once LhoughL necessary lor man has dlscovered LhaL Lhe body of lLself has no llfe nor
power Lo acL
LeL us follow Lhe course of mans LhoughL slnce he flrsL made Lhls dlscovery abouL Lhe body and began
Lo apply hls knowledge Pe flrsL reallzed LhaL lnsLlncLlve Man bullL up Lhe body Lhrough evoluLlon and
afLer havlng creaLed and evolved
p 32
a perfecL body lefL lL ln mans keeplng Lo do wlLh as he wllled AL flrsL man was lgnoranL of Lhls Lhlnklng
LhaL Lhe body was selfoperaLlng buL as soon as he dlscovered LhaL such was noL Lhe case he began Lo
formulaLe cerLaln new Lheorles abouL hlmself Pe dlscovered LhaL whlle he could consclously Lhlnk and
declde someLhlng happened Lo hls LhoughLs afLer he had LhoughL Lhem 1hey wenL somewhere for
soon Lhey would come back as remembrance Man had now dlscovered LhaL he could consclously Lhlnk
and LhaL hls LhoughL would come back Lo hlm agaln 1hls led Lo Lhe concluslon LhaL memory ls an acLlve
Lhlng an lnner menLal acLlon Pe sald Memory ls Lhe sLorehouse of all my consclous LhoughLs and lL ls
acLlve My body ls noL consclous of llfe buL my LhoughL ls consclous of my body my body ls operaLed
upon by my LhoughL and lL musL also be operaLed upon by my memory slnce memory ls acLlve 8uL
slnce memory ls only Lhe resulL of consclous LhoughL memory of lLself ls an unconsclous operaLlon of
whaL was once a consclous LhoughL
Slnce man always has had Lhe hablL of namlng Lhlngs he named hls memory hls unconsclous LhoughL
and hls consclous LhoughL he called hls ob[ecLlve mlnd Pe now came Lo Lhe concluslon LhaL he had
Lwo mlnds one consclous and one unconsclous or subconsclous 1he consclous mlnd belng Lhe one
LhaL he used all of Lhe Llme ln hls selfconsclous sLaLe and Lhe subconsclous mlnd belng Lhe sLorehouse
of all hls consclous LhoughLs as well as Lhe seaL of hls memory lL follows LhaL as consclous LhoughL
acLs unconsclous LhoughL musL also operaLe 1hls concluslon led Lo Lhe dlscovery LhaL Lhe subconsclous
mlnd ls Lhe bullder of Lhe body noL LhaL lL really made Lhe body ln Lhe flrsL place for lnsLlncLlve Man dld
LhaL buL LhaL Lhe subconsclous mlnd keeps Lhe body golng and ls always acLlng on Lhe LhoughLs of Lhe
consclous mlnd AfLer carefully waLchlng Lhls process man dlscovered LhaL he could consclously Lhlnk
and by so dolng make such an lmpresslon on hls unconsclous LhoughL LhaL lL would do whaL he
dlrecLed lrom Lhese observaLlons he deduced Lhe law of suggesLlon Lo
p 33
be one of acLlon and reacLlon 1hus he found how hablLs are formed LhaL Lhey are consclous ldeas fallen
lnLo Lhe lnner LhoughL and carrled ouL Lo loglcal concluslons
1herefore he began Lo reason lnsLlncLlve Man wlLhln me ls perfecL and yeL l appear Lo be lmperfecL
My apparenL lmperfecLlon musL be Lhe resulL of an lmperfecL Lhlnklng ln reallLy l am and always have
been perfecL l wlll now begln Lo Lhlnk dlfferenLly abouL myself and see whaL happens And as he
began Lo Lhlnk from Lhe new basls he found LhaL Lhe body responded and was healed So he came Lo
Lhls concluslon Cod made me perfecL buL Pe also made me an lndlvldual whlch means LhaL l can do
wlLh myself as l wlll l cannoL really desLroy my body buL l can make lL mosL uncomforLable Slnce Cod
made me and made me perfecL each one of Lhe organs of my body represenLs a perfecL ldea
8eallzlng Lhls Lo be Lrue he began Lo Lhlnk from Lhls basls and Lhe organs of Lhe body responded Pe
found LhaL LhoughLs of peace produced a peaceful condlLlon whlle LhoughLs of fear produced a
dlsLurbed condlLlon LhaL confldence made hlm sLrong whlle fear made hlm weak ln facL he was able Lo
Lrace each menLal aLLlLude Lo lLs physlcal correspondenL Pe dlscovered LhaL asleep or awake Lhe lnner
mlnd works all Lhe Llme Pe also found LhaL by analyzlng hls LhoughL he could dlscover whaL alled hlm
1hls he called psychoanalysls
1hen anoLher ldea came Lo hlm Lhe whole Lhlng was ln accordance wlLh law Pe had dlscovered a law of
mlnd [usL as he aL anoLher Llme dlscovered a law of elecLrlclLy lf lL were law Lhen he could always use
lL and lL would always respond lrom Lhls he gradually bullL up a deflnlLe Lechnlque for Lhe pracLlce of
rlghL Lhlnklng
Pe found LhaL lf he always LhoughL of hlmself as belng perfecL he would always feel beLLer 8uL whaL
should he do wlLh hls body when lL appeared slck? Pow was he Lo Lhlnk
p 34
of hlmself when he was slck? Could he deny LhaL he was slck when he was sufferlng? ?es for hls slckness
was Lhe resulL of LhoughL and by changlng Lhe LhoughL he could change Lhe effecL Pe learned Lo Lurn
away from Lhe body when lL was slck and go back lnLo mlnd and Lhlnk of Lhe body as belng perfecL for
hls LhoughL worked lndependenLly of Lhe body Pe Lurned from Lhe lmage of slckness Lo Lhe ldea of
healLh and sald l am perfecL no maLLer whaL Lhe appearance may be
8uL some klnds of slckness had never enLered hls mlnd aL all LhaL ls he had never consclously LhoughL
of Lhem Pow was he Lo reconclle Lhls facL wlLh hls new Lheory? lor a whlle Lhls was a hard problem Lo
solve buL by a sLlll more careful sLudy of hls lnner self he dlscovered LhaL whaL he called hls sub[ecLlve
mlnd Look all of hls LhoughLs and dld someLhlng wlLh Lhem Pe found LhaL Lhere were cerLaln
comblnaLlons of LhoughL whlch broughL Lo Lhelr loglcal concluslons would produce cerLaln klnds of
dlseases Pe dld noL have Lo consclously Lhlnk of a cerLaln dlsease Lo have lL buL lf he LhoughL cerLaln
klnds of LhoughLs Lhey would produce Lhelr loglcal resulLs lor lnsLance lf he were exclLed all Lhe Llme lL
would produce nervousness lf he became angry lL would secreLe polson ln hls sysLem and so on
Lhrough Lhe whole caLegory of Lhe human allmenLs somewhere ln mlnd Lhey had Lhelr reason for belng
erhaps he could noL always Lell exacLly where buL by knowlng LhaL hls body was perfecL he could sLlll
heal hlmself Pe knew LhaL as Llme wenL on and hls knowledge grew he would flnd ouL more and more
abouL hlmself and so be beLLer able Lo heal hlmself Pe was glad LhaL he had sLarLed on Lhe rlghL Lrack
he belleved LhaL he would know all ln Llme and never be slck agaln
1hen a new dlscovery came whlch was LhaL he could Lhlnk of oLhers and heal Lhem lL seemed Lo make
no dlfference
p 33
where Lhey were he could Lhlnk of Lhem and heal Lhem 1hls was a mosL asLoundlng facL for lL meanL
LhaL Lhere was a common mlnd somewhere Lhrough whlch hls LhoughL operaLed for he could noL reach
anoLher unless Lhere were a medlum beLween hlmself and Lhe oLher person 1hls seemed sLrange for
whaL he had learned Lo Lhlnk of as hls lndlvldual sub[ecLlve mlnd was afLer all only Lhe personal use
LhaL he was maklng of someLhlng whlch was around every one Pe began Lo Lhlnk for oLhers and found
LhaL mlnd responded Lo hls Lhlnklng for Lhem and caused some acLlon Lo Lake place ln Lhelr bodles Pe
called Lhls medlum unlversal Mlnd or Lhe Law of Cod lL seemed Lo be as omnlpresenL as Lhe law of
elecLrlclLy or any of Lhe oLher forces of naLure
ln Lhls way he dlscovered how lL was posslble LhaL Lhe whole race mlghL have held cerLaln klnds of
LhoughLs and how Lhey mlghL have operaLed Lhrough any one who was recepLlve Lo Lhem 1haL ls lf any
one should feel dlscouraged oLher LhoughLs of dlscouragemenL mlghL galn enLrance also and make hlm
feel worse 1hls he called racesuggesLlon 8uL how was he Lo proLecL hlmself from lL? 8y knowlng LhaL lL
could noL operaLe Lhrough hlm LhaL he was a perfecL ldea and could noL be affecLed by suggesLlon for
afLer all lL was noLhlng buL LhoughL Pe learned Lo bulld a menLal wall around hlmself whlch could noL
be enLered unless he chose 1hls he called ulvlne roLecLlon
Man had now dlscovered LhaL he could help and heal hlmself and oLhers by Lhlnklng lnLo some klnd of a
unlversal Law of Mlnd Pe found LhaL llke all oLher forces of naLure lL was a greaL lmpersonal Law and
could be consclously used whenever he wlshed Lo use lL and LhaL Lhe use of lL was Lhrough rlghL
Lhlnklng Pe reallzed LhaL Lhe Llme musL come when Lhe race would be healed by knowlng Lhe 1ruLh
abouL lLself 8uL
p 36
because Lhe Law was menLal lL could only work for Lhose who belleved ln lL and slnce many dld noL
belleve Lhe Lhlng Lo do was Lo heal hlmself and oLhers who wlshed Lo be healed walLlng for Lhe resL of
Lhe world Lo reallze Lhe facL
8uL anoLher LhoughL came Lo hlm lf he could Lhlnk lnLo some klnd of a unlversal Medlum of Mlnd and
heal hlmself and oLhers lf Lhls Mlnd could produce such a physlcal effecL on Lhe body why could lL noL
also produce Lhe same klnd of an effecL on condlLlons and Lhe affalrs of llfe? Why was lL LhaL some were
rlch and some poor? Was Lhls faLe or was lL because Lhere was noL enough for all? lf Lhe Cne Mlnd
made bodles why dld lL noL also creaLe condlLlons? And lf lL dld why dld lL noL glve Lo all allke?
Why were some people happy and prosperous and oLhers unhappy weak and poor? Could Lhe answer
Lo Lhls also be ln Mlnd? Could lL be LhaL [usL as man had LhoughL of hlmself as slck and so made
slckness he had LhoughL of poverLy and made Lhls condlLlon posslble ln hls experlence?
CuesLlons llke Lhese and many oLhers came lnLo Lhe mlnd of man and caused hlm Lo search even more
deeply lnLo Lhe naLure of Lhlngs Looklng abouL he saw some succeed and some fall Lhough all was
Laklng place ln Lhe same world and under common condlLlons So he knew LhaL lL musL be someLhlng lo
man and noL ootslJe of hlm LhaL made all Lhese Lhlngs posslble Pe reallzed LhaL condlLlons dld noL
make Lhemselves LveryLhlng ln mans llfe was run by man hlmself
ln Lhls way man reallzed LhaL even hls affalrs were conLrolled by LhoughL worklng Lhrough Lhe avenue of
Lhe Cne Mlnd Pe dlscovered LhaL by changlng hls LhoughL he could remold hls affalrs and LhaL by rlghL
Lhlnklng he could brlng lnLo hls llfe new condlLlons 8uL would Lhere be enough Lo go around
p 37
should every one become prosperous? ?es for lnsLlncLlve Llfe ls LlmlLless
kLALI2LS 1nA1 nL MUS1 1nINk CCkkLC1L
So man dlscovered LhaL he could conLrol hls affalrs by rlghL Lhlnklng he could brlng lnLo hls experlence
Lhe Lhlngs he wlshed Lo en[oy lf he LhoughL correcLly and slnce Lhls was all ln accordance wlLh law he
could do so consclously Pe reallzed LhaL Lhe Llme would come when every one would Lhlnk correcLly
and poverLy unhapplness and all LhaL goes wlLh Lhem would be swepL from Lhe face of Lhe earLh 1hey
were never lnLended Lo be buL man had mlsused hls power now LhaL he undersLood he would change
hls whole manner of Lhlnklng and consequenLly he would become happy and have plenLy 8uL every one
dld noL belleve Lhls Many sald LhaL lL was a foollsh ldea whlle oLhers sald LhaL lL was Loo good Lo be
Lrue Powever lL was soon proven LhaL whoever would belleve and comply wlLh Lhe Law could prove lL
Lo be Lrue lf some dld noL wlsh Lo belleve LhaL was all rlghL Lhere were plenLy who would and Lhe
dlrecL proofs of Lhelr llves would ln Llme convlnce oLhers ln Lhls way evenLually all would be saved
from unbearable condlLlons 1he Lhlng Lo do was Lo Leach Lhe Law Lo Lhose who dld belleve
And so Lhe lessons whlch follow are for Lhls purpose Lo Leach Lhose who belleve ln Lhe Law how Lo use
1he race ls made up of lndlvlduals and Lhe place Lo begln ls wlLh Lhe person who belleves ln Lhe greaLer
posslblllLy Lach one for hlmself musL work ouL Lhe law of hls own belng lL ls wlLhln Lhe power of every
man Lo compleLely change hls envlronmenL and compleLely heal hls body WheLher or noL he wlll do Lhls
depends enLlrely upon hls own convlcLlon and hls own deLermlnaLlon naLure aLLends hlm on Lhe way
and ls always ready Lo serve buL he ls an lndlvldual and noLhlng wlll ever be forced upon hlm LeL any
one follow Lhe Law comply wlLh lLs naLure and conslsLenLly apply hlmself Lo rlghL Lhlnklng and llvlng
and he wlll prove Lo hlmself LhaL llfe holds all and more Lhan he has ever lmaglned

Port ll 1he Lessons
Lesson Cne Introduct|on
ln presenLlng Lhese lessons ln MenLal Sclence Lo Lhe publlc lL ls my deslre Lo make lL posslble for any
one who cares Lo Lake Lhe Llme Lo sLudy Lhem Lo demonsLraLe Lhe LruLhs LhaL wlll be dlscussed lL ls
perhaps hard Lo seL down ln wrlLlng a compleLe Leachlng ln MenLal Sclence LhaL wlll noL appear dlfflculL
Lo undersLand buL Lhls could be sald as well of any sclence and Lhe Sclence of Mlnd ls no excepLlon Lo
Lhe general rule
Sclence ls knowledge of facLs bullL around some proven prlnclple All LhaL we know abouL any sclence ls
LhaL cerLaln Lhlngs happen under cerLaln condlLlons 1ake elecLrlclLy as an example we know LhaL Lhere
ls such a Lhlng as elecLrlclLy we have never seen lL buL we know LhaL lL exlsLs because we can use lL we
know LhaL lL operaLes ln a cerLaln way and we have dlscovered Lhe way lL works lrom Lhls knowledge
we go ahead and deduce cerLaln facLs abouL elecLrlclLy and applylng Lhem Lo Lhe general prlnclple we
recelve deflnlLe resulLs no one has ever seen Lhe power or Lhe energy LhaL we call elecLrlclLy and Lhe
only proof we have LhaL lL really exlsLs ls LhaL from lL we recelve llghL heaL and moLlve power
no one has ever seen any of Lhe greaL causes LhaL lle back of Lhe manlfesLaLlons of llfe and perhaps no
one ever wlll buL we know LhaL such prlnclples exlsL because we can use Lhem
1he dlscovery of a law ls generally made more or less by accldenL or by some one who afLer careful
LhoughL and observaLlon has come Lo Lhe concluslon LhaL such a prlnclple
p 39
musL exlsL As soon as a law ls dlscovered experlmenLs are made wlLh lL cerLaln facLs are proved Lo be
Lrue and ln Lhls way a sclence ls gradually formulaLed for any sclence conslsLs of Lhe number of known
facLs abouL any glven prlnclple As more and more facLs are gaLhered and proven Lhe sclence expands
and gradually becomes accepLed by all and used by Lhose who undersLand lL ln Lhls way all of our
sclences have been evolved unLll Loday we have Lhe use of powers and unseen forces of whlch our
ancesLors never even dreamed
1hls ls Lrue of Lhe Sclence of Mlnd no one has ever seen Mlnd or SplrlL buL who could posslbly doubL
Lhelr exlsLence? noLhlng ls more selfevldenL Lhan LhaL we llve and slnce we llve we musL have llfe yeL
who has ever seen Lhls llfe? 1he only proof of llfe we have ls LhaL we llve and Lhe only proof we have of
Mlnd ls LhaL we can Lhlnk so we are perfecLly [usLlfled ln bellevlng LhaL we have a mlnd and LhaL we llve
As we waLch Lhe processes of LhoughL we flnd LhaL we Lhlnk consclously and we also flnd LhaL
someLhlng happens Lo our LhoughLs afLer we have LhoughL Lhem for lnsLance Lhey become memory
1hls proves LhaL we have a deeper aspecL of mlnd whlch ls called sub[ecLlve lylng [usL below Lhe
Lhreshold of Lhe consclous 1hls sub[ecLlve mlnd ls Lhe place where our LhoughLs go and from whence
Lhey evenLually reLurn Lo us agaln as memory CbservaLlon proves Lhls Lo be Lrue for lL always happens
Lhls way
CbservaLlon has proven LhaL Lhe sub[ecLlve mlnd ls Lhe seaL of memory and LhaL lL conLalns menLal
plcLures or lmpresslons of all LhaL has ever happened Lo Lhe lndlvldual As Lhese menLal lmpresslons
come Lo Lhe surface of Lhe consclous mlnd Lhey are called memorles
Moreover observaLlon has shown LhaL Lhe sub[ecLlve mlnd ls Lhe bullder of Lhe body lL has proven LhaL
lL ls noL only Lhe seaL of memory lL ls also Lhe avenue Lhrough whlch lnsLlncLlve
p 40
paragraph conLlnues Man works We mean by lnsLlncLlve Man LhaL parL of Lhe lndlvldual whlch came
wlLh hlm when he was bornLhaL lnner someLhlng whlch makes hlm whaL he ls lor lnsLance we do noL
have Lo consclously Lhlnk Lo make Lhe body funcLlon so we say LhaL Lhe lnner or Lhe lnsLlncLlve Man
does Lhls for us 1hls ls Lrue of mosL of Lhe funcLlons of Lhe body Lhey appear Lo be auLomaLlc Lhey
came wlLh us and are naLures way of worklng Lhrough us So we say LhaL ln Lhe unconsclous or Lhe sub
consclous or Lhe sub[ecLlve Lhere ls a sllenL process forever worklng away and always dolng lLs duLy
carrylng on all of Lhe unconsclous acLlvlLles of Lhe body wlLhouL efforL on our parL
lL has been observed LhaL suggesLlons planLed ln Lhe subconsclous become memorles and evenLually
Lend Lo exLernallze ln Lhe body lrom Lhls lL has been deduced LhaL Lhe subconsclous mlnd ls Lhe bullder
of Lhe body and ls Lhe creaLlve facLor ln man lL has also been proven LhaL cerLaln Lypes of LhoughL
produce cerLaln klnds of resulLs 1hls shows LhaL Lhe sub[ecLlve mlnd Lakes our suggesLlons and Lends Lo
acL upon Lhem no maLLer whaL Lhe suggesLlon may be
Whlle Lhe lnsLlncLlve Man or Lhe naLural Man musL be perfecL lL ls known LhaL Lhe LhoughLs of Lhe
consclous man may hlnder lnsLlncLlve acLlon Lhrough adverse suggesLlon 1haL ls consclous LhoughL
acLlng as memory may bulld a false condlLlon ln Lhe body whlch condlLlon we call dlsease Consclous
LhoughL may also erase Lhls memory and Lhereby heal Lhe dlsease
1hrough observaLlons such as Lhese a sclence of Lhe sub[ecLlve mlnd has gradually been formulaLed
many facLs have been puL LogeLher and Loday Lhese facLs consLlLuLe whaL we call Lhe sclence of Lhe
sub[ecLlve llfe ln lLs relaLlonshlp Lo menLal heallng
lL has also been proven LhaL LhoughL operaLes ln such a manner as Lo make lL posslble Lo convey menLal
p 41
from one person Lo anoLher showlng LhaL Lhere ls a menLal medlum beLween all people When we Lhlnk
of lL how could we Lalk wlLh each oLher unless Lhere were some klnd of a medlum Lhrough whlch we
Lalked? We could noL and so we know LhaL Lhere really ls such a medlum Whlle Lhere ls a place where
our bodles begln and leave off as form Lhere does noL appear Lo be a place where our LhoughL leaves
off lndeed Lhe observaLlons made and Lhe facLs gaLhered show LhaL Lhe medlum beLween mens mlnds
ls omnlpresenL LhaL ls lL seems Lo be everywhere presenL 8adlo also shows Lhls for messages are senL
ouL Lhrough some klnd of a unlversal medlum and all LhaL we can say of lL ls LhaL we know Lhe medlum
ls Lhere So lL ls wlLh Mlnd all LhaL we can say ls LhaL everyLhlng happens [usL as Lhough lL were Lhere
We have a perfecL rlghL Lhen Lo say LhaL such a medlum exlsLs
1hls opens up a farreachlng Lheory for lL leads Lo Lhe concluslon LhaL we are surrounded by a unlversal
Mlnd whlch ls Lhe Medlum of Lhe communlcaLlon of our LhoughLs erhaps Lhls ls Lhe Mlnd of Cod! Who
knows? 1haL lL ls Lhere we cannoL doubL
CLher observaLlons have shown even more wonderful posslblllLles lL ls known LhaL cerLaln people can
read our LhoughLs even when we are noL aware of Lhe facL showlng LhaL LhoughL operaLes Lhrough a
medlum whlch ls unlversal or always presenL 1hls also shows LhaL Lhe medlum ls sub[ecLlve for lL
reLalns our LhoughLs and LransmlLs Lhem Lo oLhers 1hls leads Lo Lhe concluslon LhaL whaL we call our
sub[ecLlve mlnd ls really Lhe use LhaL we as lndlvlduals make of someLhlng whlch ls unlversal erhaps
[usL as radlo messages are operaLlve Lhrough a unlversal medlum our LhoughLs are operaLlve Lhrough
Lhe medlum of a unlversal Mlnd lndeed Lhls has been belleved for Lhousands of years by some of Lhe
deepesL Lhlnkers
p 42
As we Lhlnk of Lhe medlum of radlo Lransmlsslon ln Lerms of law so we should Lhlnk of Lhe MenLal
Medlum ln Lerms of law for lL musL be Lhe law of menLal acLlon Whlle we mlghL Lhlnk of lL as Lhe Mlnd
of Cod we surely could noL Lhlnk of lL as Lhe SplrlL of Cod for Lhe MenLal Medlum ls auLomaLlc whlle
Lhe SplrlL musL be Selfknowlng We could noL call Lhe unlversal Medlum of Mlnd Cod any more Lhan
we could call elecLrlclLy Cod lL ls buL one of Lhe many aLLrlbuLes of Cod or Lhe unlverse of Llfe lL ls Lhe
avenue Lhrough whlch Cod operaLes as Law
Slnce man has a selfconsclous mlnd a subconsclous mlnd and a body we know LhaL he ls Lhreefold ln
hls naLure llrsL he ls consclous mlnd or splrlL nexL he ls subconsclous mlnd or menLal law and Lhen
he ls body 1he consclous mlnd conLrols Lhe subconsclous and ln lLs Lurn Lhe subconsclous conLrols Lhe
lL ls evldenL LhaL man comes from Cod Llfe or naLure whlchever we choose Lo call lL lL ls also evldenL
LhaL we can geL from Llfe only LhaL whlch ls ln lL Man musL parLake of Lhe ulvlne naLure lf he comes
from lL or ls made ouL of lL for whaL ls Lrue of Lhe Whole musL also be Lrue of any of lLs parLs SomeLhlng
cannoL come from noLhlng someLhlng musL come from someLhlng for noLhlng comes from noLhlng and
noLhlng ls Lhe resulL buL man ls someLhlng else he could noL declare hlmself and slnce he ls someLhlng
he musL be made from or come ouL of someLhlng and LhaL someLhlng musL be whaL we call Cod
lf we sLudy Lhe Lrue naLure of man Lhen we shall have delved lnLo Lhe real naLure of Cod or llrsL
Cause from whlch man sprlngs and as we have found LhaL man ls Lhreefold ln hls naLure so we musL
also deduce LhaL Cod ls Lhreefold ln Pls
p 43
paragraph conLlnues naLure LhaL ls Cod ls SplrlL or Selfknowlngness Cod ls Law and acLlon and Cod
ls 8esulL or 8ody 1hls ls Lhe lnner meanlng of Lhe Leachlng of Lhe 1rlnlLy 8uL leL us elaboraLe Cod as
Selfknowlng SplrlL means Lhe ulvlne 8elng Whom we have always LhoughL of and belleved ln Lhe 8elng
Lo Whom we have prayed and Whom we have adored Cod as Law means Lhe way ln whlch Lhe SplrlL
works and Law ln Lhls sense would be Lhe servanL of Lhe SplrlL Cod as 8ody means Lhe manlfesLaLlon
of Lhe SplrlL We mlghL puL lL ln anoLher form and say Lhere ls Lhe 1hlng Lhe way LhaL lL works and Lhe
resulL of lLs work SLlll anoLher form would be Lo say Cause Medlum and LffecL
A LrlnlLy of belng appears Lo run Lhrough all naLure and all Llfe for lnsLance Lhere ls elecLrlclLy Lhe way
lL works and lLs resulL whlch ls llghL or moLlve power 1here ls Lhe seed Lhe creaLlve medlum of Lhe soll
and Lhe planL 1urn lL as we may we are confronLed wlLh Lhe necesslLy of a LrlnlLy of belng 1here musL
always be Lhe Lhlng whaL lL does and Lhe way LhaL lL operaLes Always a LrlnlLy runs Lhrough llfe and
Lhrough everyLhlng ln lL 8uL Lhrough Lhe 1rlnlLy of Cod and man Lhere runs a SelfConsclous SplrlL and
Lhls ls whaL dlsLlngulshes man from Lhe bruLe or from a purely mechanlcal creaLlon and ls Lhe only
Lhlng LhaL could make Cod a Selfknowlng ower
ln Cod and ln man Lhere ls a power LhaL whlle lL may noL Lranscend law yeL consclously uses lL for
deflnlLe purposes ln Cod Lhls knowledge musL be compleLe buL ln man lL ls of course buL dlmly
percelved !esus Lhe wlsesL Man who ever llved sald LhaL Cod and man are Cne ln real naLure and no
doubL Lhls undersLandlng was whaL gave Plm Pls marvelous power
p 44
lL ls well Lo remember LhaL Lhe enllghLened ln every age have LaughL LhaL back of all Lhlngs Lhere ls Cne
unseen Cause ln sLudylng Lhe Leachlngs of Lhe greaL Lhlnkers we flnd LhaL a common Lhread runs
Lhrough allLhe Lhread of unlLy 1here ls no record of any deep Lhlnker of any age who LaughL duallLy
Cne of Lhe greaL Leachlngs of Moses was Pear C lsrael Lhe Lord our Cod ls Cne Lord 1 and Lhe
saylng l AM LhaL l AM 2 was old when Moses was yeL unborn for lL had been lnscrlbed over Lhe
Lemple enLrances for generaLlons We may go back much farLher Lhan Moses and flnd Lhe same
Leachlng for lL crops ouL from Lhe llLeraLures and saylngs of Lhe wlse of all ages !esus LaughL Lhls when
Pe sald l and Lhe laLher are Cne 3 and ln Lhe saylng 1he laLher LhaL dwelleLh ln me 4
1hls Leachlng of unlLy ls Lhe chlef cornersLone of Lhe Sacred ScrlpLures of Lhe LasL as well as of our own
Sacred WrlLlngs lL ls Loday Lhe malnsprlng of Lhe Leachlngs of Lhe modern phllosophles such as
ChrlsLlan Sclence ulvlne Sclence 1he unlLy 1eachlngs 1he new 1houghL MovemenL 1he CcculL
1eachlngs 1he LsoLerlc or lnner 1eachlngs and even of much LhaL ls LaughL under Lhe name of
sychology WlLhouL Lhls baslc Leachlng of unlLy Lhese movemenLs would have buL llLLle Lo offer Sclence
has found noLhlng Lo conLradlcL Lhls Leachlng and lL never wlll for Lhe Leachlng ls selfevldenL
1haL Lhere ls a Cod or llrsL Cause no one can doubL 1haL Lhe 8elng Whom we call Cod really exlsLs from
eLernlLy Lo eLernlLy ls selfevldenL ln every age people have worshlpped some klnd of uelLy lL ls Lrue
LhaL as Lhe evoluLlon of man has progressed Lhe ldea of Cod has expanded and Lhe more LhaL people
have reallzed of llfe and of naLure and her laws Lhe clearer has been Lhe concepL of uelLy for Lhls ls Lhe
loglcal resulL of an unfoldlng menLallLy
p 43
1he flrsL sLages of human LhoughL broughL ouL Lhe ldea LhaL Lhere were many gods Lhe naLural ouLcome
of a llfe whlch experlenced many klnds of mlsforLune and dlfflculLles As Lhere were many gods so Lhere
were many devlls or evll powers buL as Lhe undersLandlng of man grew he began Lo reallze LhaL Lhere
could noL be so many powers slnce Lhe Cause back of everyLhlng musL be a unlLy else lL could noL exlsL
More Lhan one power would lndlcaLe a unlverse dlvlded agalnsL lLself and Lhls klnd of a unlverse could
noL hold LogeLher Powever lL has Laken a long Llme Lo come Lo Lhls concluslon and ln Lhe sLages
beLween many welrd ldeas have been formulaLed and belleved ln AL flrsL Lhere were many gods and
many devlls buL as LhoughL progressed Lhls was narrowed down Lo Cne Cod and one devll or evll
power uuallLy has been belleved ln slnce Llme lmmemorlal and lndeed ls sLlll belleved ln by many 8y
duallLy we mean a bellef ln more Lhan Cne ower back of all Lhlngs
1he bellef ln duallLy has robbed Lheology of power and has polluLed phllosophy wlLh unLruLhs lL has
dlvlded sclence agalnsL lLself and has made counLless Lhousands go Lhrough llfe wlLh saddened hearLs
1he bellef ln duallLy has glven rlse ln Lheology Lo Lhe ldea of a Cod and a devll each wlLh equal power Lo
lmpose upon man a blesslng or a curse and men have worshlped a devll [usL as Lruly as Lhey ever
worshlped Cod Lven Loday Lhls monsLrous LhoughL ls robblng men of Lhelr blrLhrlghL Lo happlness and
a sense of securlLy Lven Loday and openly men sLlll Leach LhaL Lhere ls an evll power ln Lhe unlverse
LhaL Lhere ls damnaLlon Lo Lhe souls of Lhose who do noL fall down and worshlpLhey know noL whaL
8uL Lhe Llme ls rapldly comlng when such Leachlngs wlll be Lhrown on Lhe scrap heap
p 46
and numbered among Lhe deluslons of a franLlc menLallLy lL has been Lhe hablL of many rellglous
Leachers of all Llmes Lo hold Lhe crowd ln awe before a mlghLy Lhrone of condemnaLlon and uLLer
desLrucLlon Llll Lhe poor lgnoranL populaLlon have renL Lhe alr wlLh Lhelr lamenLaLlons of compleLe
despalr 1hls lndeed was a good meLhod Lo compel Lhe aLLenLlon wlLh Lhe hope of salvaLlon Lhrough
some sacred rlLes Lo be performed by Lhose whom Cod had appolnLed ln [usLlce Lo such an awful
performance we would beLLer glve Lo Lhese rellglous Leachers Lhe beneflL of Lhe doubL and say LhaL
Lhey Lhemselves have belleved ln Lhe aLroclous Leachlngs whlch Lhey have so unheslLaLlngly glven ouL
8e Lhls as lL may Lhe Llme has now come for a clearer undersLandlng of Lhe Lrue naLure of Lhe uelLy ln
Whom we all belleve and Whom we all seek Lo know and Lo undersLand 1haL Lhere ls a Cod no sane
person would deny LhaL Lhere could be a Cod of vengeance and haLe havlng all Lhe characLerlsLlcs of a
huge man ln a Lerrlble rage no person can well belleve and keep hls sanlLy We wlll say Lhen and
wlLhouL mlnclng maLLers ln Lhe leasL LhaL Lhe mosL we had beLLer belleve abouL such a Cod ls LhaL Lhere
ls no such belng
As Lhe bellef ln duallLy has robbed Lheology of lLs greaLer message so lL has robbed much of Lhe
phllosophy of Lhe ages of a greaLer LruLh for ln phllosophy Lhe bellef ln duallLy has creaLed a confuslon
LhaL ls almosL as greaL as LhaL ln Lheology lL has made a phllosophy of good and evll ln whlch men have
come Lo belleve 1rue phllosophy ln every age however has percelved LhaL Lhe ower back of all Lhlngs
musL be Cne ower and Lhe clearer Lhe LhoughL of unlLy Lhe greaLer has been Lhe phllosophy lL has
shone forLh as a beacon llghL Loward whlch weary souls have Lraveled hoplng Lo flnd reallLy 1o Lhe
greaL phllosophers of all Llmes we owe Lhe advancemenL of Lhe world for Lhey have been Lhe greaL
wayshowers and helpers of manklnd ln reverence we humbly bow before Lhem as Messengers of Lhe
MosL Plgh for Cod has spoken Lhrough Lhelr llps and has Lold us LhaL we are noL creaLures
p 47
of Lhe dusL buL LhaL we are ulvlne 8elngs made ln Lhe lmage of erfecLlon and wlLh an endless desLlny
1he bellef ln duallLy has robbed sclence ln LhaL lL has creaLed SplrlL and maLLer le a dual unlverse
Powever modern sclence ls rapldly glvlng ouL a dlfferenL ldea of Lhe unlverse for wlLh Lhe passlng of
maLLer lnLo a hypoLheLlcal and LheoreLlcal eLher Lhere ls buL llLLle lefL on whlch Lo hang any bellef ln
maLerlallsm We now are Lold LhaL all maLLer ls ln a consLanL sLaLe of flow LhaL lL all comes from one
source and LhaL lL wlll evenLually reLurn Lo LhaL source
1he world ls waklng up Lo Lhe facL LhaL Lhlngs are noL aL all whaL Lhey appear Lo be LhaL maLLer and
form are buL Lhe one subsLance appearlng and dlsappearlng and LhaL form ls slmply used Lo express
someLhlng whlch ls formless buL selfconsclous llfe WhaL Lhls llfe ls sclence does noL aLLempL Lo
explaln 1hls has been lefL Lo Lheology and wheLher or noL lL has been delegaLed Lo Lhose compeLenL Lo
handle Lhe problem Llme alone wlll Lell
hllosophy has always Lranscended sclence and always wlll for phllosophy deals wlLh causes whlle
sclence deals wlLh effecLs A sclenLlsL observes Lhe resulL of naLures work whlle a phllosopher
speculaLes as Lo lLs cause Many Lhlngs whlch phllosophy has LaughL for Lhousands of years are Loday
belng demonsLraLed by sclence 1he Lwo should really go hand ln hand for one deals wlLh causes and
Lhe oLher wlLh effecLs 1rue phllosophy and Lrue sclence wlll some day meeL on a common basls and
worklng LogeLher wlll glve Lo Lhe world a Lheology of reallLy 1hen lndeed wlll Cod go forLh anew lnLo
p 48
1he deep Lhlnkers of anLlqulLy as well as Lhe phllosophers of all ages have medlLaLed long and earnesLly
on Lhe naLure of Lhe ulvlne 8elng knowlng LhaL Lhere could be buL Cne ulLlmaLe 8eallLy back of all
Lhlngs Lhey have pondered deeply upon Lhe naLure of LhaL 8eallLy and lL ls a slgnlflcanL facL LhaL all of
Lhe greaLesL Lhlnkers have come Lo abouL Lhe same concluslon
1he dlfflculLy LhaL has beseL Lhe paLh of Lrue phllosophy has been Lhe necesslLy of explalnlng a
mulLlplled CreaLlon wlLh a unlLary Cause noLhlng ls more evldenL Lhan LhaL we llve ln a world of
consLanL change 1hlngs and forms come and go conLlnuously forms appear only Lo dlsappear Lhlngs
happen only Lo sLop happenlng and lL ls no wonder LhaL Lhe average person unused Lo Lrylng Lo
dlscover causes ls led Lo feel and Lo belleve LhaL Lhere ls a mulLlple cause back of Lhe world of Lhlngs
1he phllosophers of all Llmes have had Lo meeL Lhe dlfflculLy of explalnlng how Cne Cause could
manlfesL lLself ln a mulLlpllclLy of forms wlLhouL dlvldlng or breaklng up Lhe Cne 1hls has noL been easy
yeL when undersLood Lhe explanaLlon becomes very apparenL
1he argumenL has been someLhlng afLer Lhls manner 1he ulLlmaLe Cause back of all Lhlngs musL be
Cne slnce Llfe cannoL be dlvlded agalnsL lLself Lhe lnflnlLe musL be Cne for Lhere could noL be Lwo
lnflnlLes WhaLever change Lakes place musL Lake place wlLhln Lhe Cne buL Lhe Cne musL be
Changeless for belng Cne and Cnly lL cannoL change lnLo anyLhlng buL lLself All seemlng change Lhen
ls really only Lhe play of Llfe upon lLself and all LhaL happens musL happen by and Lhrough lL Pow do
Lhese Lhlngs happen Lhrough lL? 8y some lnner acLlon upon lLself WhaL would be Lhe naLure of Lhls
p 49
lnner acLlon? lL could noL be physlcal as we undersLand physlcs buL would have Lo be by Lhe power of
Lhe lnner Word of Llfe LhaL ls Lhe volce of Cod Cod sLandlng for Lhe llrsL greaL and Cnly Cause of all
LhaL ls
lL ls lmposslble Lo concelve of anyLhlng oLher Lhan Lhe Word of Cod belng LhaL whlch seLs power ln
moLlon 1hls ls why Lhe ScrlpLures announce LhaL ln Lhe beglnnlng was Lhe Word and Lhe Word was
wlLh Cod and Lhe Word was Cod All Lhlngs were made by Plm and wlLhouL Plm was noL anyLhlng made
LhaL was made 3 Cod speaks and lL ls done
lL ls evldenL LhaL llrsL Cause musL be SelfLxlsLenL LhaL ls lL musL be Causeless noLhlng came before
1haL Whlch was llrsL and whlle lL may be a llLLle hard Lo undersLand Lhls yeL we can all grasp Lhe facL
LhaL whaLever Lhe 8elng ls Whom we call Cod lL musL be SelfLxlsLenL
Cod speaks and lL ls done buL lf Cod speaks Pls Word musL be Law 1he Word of Cod ls also Lhe Law of
Cod Cod ls Word Cod ls Law and Cod ls SplrlL Lhls ls selfevldenL We arrlve aL Lhe concluslon LhaL Cod
as SplrlL ls SelfConsclous Llfe 1haL SplrlL ls consclous ls proven by Lhe facL LhaL we have evldence of Lhls
consclousness sLrewn Lhrough all Llme and space Cod musL know LhaL Cod ls 1hls ls Lhe lnner meanlng
of Lhe Leachlng of Lhe l AM handed down from anLlqulLy 1he SplrlL ls Lhe ower LhaL knows lLself ls
one of Lhe oldesL saylngs of Llme
SplrlL knows lLself buL Lhe Law ls Lhe servanL of Lhe SplrlL and ls seL ln moLlon Lhrough lLs Word lL ls
known LhaL all law ls some form of unlversal force or energy Law does noL know lLself law only knows
Lo do lL ls Lherefore Lhe servanL
p 30
of Lhe SplrlL lL ls Lhe way LhaL Lhe SplrlL works and ls Lhe medlum Lhrough whlch lL operaLes Lo fulflll lLs
uld Cod make law? As lL ls noL posslble Lo concelve a Llme when law dld noL operaLe lL ls lmposslble Lo
concelve LhaL lL was ever creaLed Lherefore law musL be coexlsLenL and coeLernal wlLh SplrlL We mlghL
say LhaL law ls one of Lhe aLLrlbuLes of SplrlL
1he SplrlL operaLed Lhrough law whlch ls some parL of lLs own naLure Lherefore all acLlon musL be
some acLlon of SplrlL as Law 1he Word of SplrlL seLs lLs purposes ln moLlon Lhrough Lhe law and slnce
Lhe law musL be as lnflnlLe as Lhe SplrlL we could noL Lhlnk of a Llme when lL was noL or a Llme when lL
would cease Lo be nelLher can we lmaglne Lhe law ever falllng Lo operaLe when seL ln moLlon
We have Lhen an lnflnlLe SplrlL and an lnflnlLe Law lnLelllgence and Lhe way LhaL lL works Cod
worklng Lhrough Law whlch ls unfalllng and cerLaln
nexL we come Lo Lhe forms of SplrlL whlch forms we call maLLer 8uL whaL ls maLLer? Sclence Lells us
LhaL maLLer ls eLernal and lndesLrucLlble LhaL aL flrsL lL ls an lnvlslble cosmlc sLuff and LhaL lL gradually
Lakes form Lhrough some law worklng wlLhln lL 1he worlds were formed by Lhe power of Pls Word We
know LhaL rlghL now worlds are belng formed ln Lhe vasL reaches of space and worlds are also ceaslng
Lo be LhaL ls Lhey are gradually loslng Lhelr form ln Lhls way CreaLlon ls eLernally golng on 1hls proves
a deflnlLe purposefulness a deflnlLe law seL ln moLlon Lo work ouL Lhls purposefulness and a deflnlLe
form as Lhe resulL of Lhe operaLlon of Lhls purposefulness ln oLher words lL shows LhaL Lhere ls an
lnLelllgence lnherenL ln Lhe unlverse whlch knows whaL lL ls dolng and how Lo do lL and whlch knows
why lL does lL and LhaL Lhere ls a law obeylng lLs wlll lL also shows LhaL Lhere ls someLhlng upon whlch lL
operaLes 1hls someLhlng we wlll call maLLer ln lLs unformed sLaLe erhaps Lhls ls Lhe eLher of
sclence lL ls lmposslble Lo say buL surely Lhere ls someLhlng upon whlch Lhe SplrlL works
p 31
1he Leachlng of Lhe greaL Lhlnkers of all Llmes ls LhaL we llve ln a Lhreefold unlverse of SplrlL Soul and
8odyof lnLelllgence SubsLance and lorm
WlLh Lhls ln mlnd we shall be beLLer able Lo reallze LhaL CreaLlon does noL mean maklng someLhlng ouL
of noLhlng buL means Lhe passlng of SubsLance lnLo form Lhrough a law whlch ls seL ln moLlon by Lhe
Word of SplrlL CreaLlon ls eLernally golng on for we could noL lmaglne a Llme when Lhe acLlvlLy of SplrlL
would cease lL ls Lhe same yesLerday Loday and forever 6
1he whole acLlon of SplrlL musL be wlLhln lLself upon Lhe Law whlch ls also wlLhln lLself and upon Lhe
unlversal SLuff or maLLer whlch ls also wlLhln lLself 1he Lhree musL ln reallLy be Cne hence 1he
Cne of Lhe maln facLs Lo bear ln mlnd ls LhaL of Lhe Lhree aLLrlbuLes of SplrlL Lhe Word alone ls
consclous of lLself 1he Law ls force and maLLer ls slmply sLuff ready Lo Lake form Slnce law or energy ls
proven Lo be Llmeless LhaL ls noL added Lo or Laken from and slnce maLLer ls known Lo be of Lhe same
naLure we have a rlghL Lo suppose LhaL boLh maLLer and law are coexlsLenL and coeLernal wlLh SplrlL
8uL SplrlL alone ls Consclous Law of lLself ls only a force and maLLer has no mlnd of lLs own Law ls noL
a Lhlnker buL ls a doer whlle maLLer cannoL Lhlnk buL ls LhoughL upon
1nL 1nCUGn1 CI GCD
!usL whaL ls meanL by Lhe Word of Cod? 1hls musL mean Lhe lnner Consclousness or Selfknowlngness
of SplrlL Lhe 1houghL of Cod 1he word LhoughL seems Lo mean more Lo us Lhan any oLher word lL
seems Lo cover Lhe meanlng beLLer
p 32
for we know LhaL LhoughL ls an lnner process or consclousness
1he 1houghL of Cod musL be back of all LhaL really exlsLs and as Lhere are many Lhlngs LhaL really exlsL
Lhere musL be many LhoughLs ln Lhe Mlnd of Lhe lnflnlLe 1hls ls loglcal Lo suppose for an lnflnlLe Mlnd
can Lhlnk of an lnflnlLe number of ldeas Pence Lhe world of mulLlpllclLy or many Lhlngs 8uL Lhe world of
mulLlpllclLy does noL conLradlcL Lhe world of unlLy for Lhe many llve ln Lhe Cne
1here may be confuslon ln Lhe mlnds of men buL noL ln Lhe 1houghL of Cod and so we have a unlverse
expresslng Lhe llmlLless ldeas of a LlmlLless Mlnd and wlLhouL confuslon We have Lhen a Cosmlc
World and an lnflnlLe and endless CreaLlon 1hls ls Lhe lnner meanlng of Lhose mysLlc words World
wlLhouL end CreaLlon always was and always wlll be 1hlngs may come and Lhlngs may go buL CreaLlon
goes on forever for lL ls Lhe 1houghL of Cod comlng lnLo expresslon 1hls ls lndeed a wonderful
concepL for lL means LhaL Lhere wlll always be a manlfesLaLlon of Lhe ulvlne ldeas We need noL worry
abouL wheLher lL wlll ever cease lL cannoL cease so long as Cod exlsLs and slnce Cod wlll be forever
Lhere wlll forever be some klnd of manlfesLaLlon
1he unlverse ls allve wlLh acLlon and power wlLh energy and llfe We Louch lL only ln parLs buL from
Lhese parLs we do caLch a gllmpse of Lhe naLure of Lhe Whole Pe haLh noL lefL Plmself wlLhouL a
wlLness 7 Modern sclence ls reveallng many Lhlngs LhaL Lhe greaL Lhlnkers of Lhe ages have announced
Cne of Lhem ls LhaL maLLer ls ln a consLanL sLaLe of flow lL ls llke a rlver flowlng ln ouL and on lL ls
operaLed upon by an unseen force or law and Lakes lLs form Lhrough some agency whlch sclence
supposes Lo be Lhe Wlll and urpose
p 33
of SplrlL 1hls we call Lhe Word All Lhlngs were made by Lhe Word
1o sum up 1here ls a power ln Lhe unlverse whlch acLs as Lhough lL were lnLelllgenL and we may assume
LhaL lL ls 1here ls an acLlvlLy ln Lhe unlverse whlch acLs as law We know Lhls Lo be Lrue And Lhere ls a
formless sLuff ln Lhe unlverse forever Laklng form and forever changlng lLs form Lhls also ls self
evldenL We have every rlghL Lhen Lo assume LhaL Lhere ls a Lhreefold naLure of 8elng whlch we wlll call
SplrlL Soul and 8ody We wlll Lhlnk of Lhe SplrlL as Lhe greaL AcLor Lhe Soul as Lhe medlum of lLs acLlon
and Lhe 8ody as Lhe resulL of Lhls acLlon We wlll Lhlnk of SplrlL as Lhe only Consclous AcLor Lhe only
ower LhaL knows lLself We wlll Lhlnk of Soul as a bllnd force obeylng Lhe Wlll of SplrlL and we wlll
Lhlnk of 8ody as Lhe effecL of Lhe SplrlL worklng Lhrough law Lhus produclng form We wlll say LhaL
nelLher Lhe Law nor Lhe sLuff from whlch form comes has any consclous lnLelllgence buL musL because
of lLs naLure Lake Lhe form of Lhe Word 1hls slmpllfles Lhe whole maLLer and enables us Lo see LhaL ln
Lhe enLlre unlverse Cne ower Alone really acLs Lhe ower of Lhe Word of Cod
1he charL ln lesson one of Lhls serles ls an aLLempL Lo porLray Lhe 1hreefold naLure of Lhe unlverse Lo
show how Lhe SplrlL acLlng Lhrough Law becomes lorm for Lhls ls Lhe lnner meanlng of CreaLlon

441 ueuL 64
442 Lxodus 314
443 !ohn 1030
444 !ohn 1410
493 !ohn 11 3
316 Peb 138
327 AcLs 1417

p 34
Lesson Cne Metaphys|ca| Mean|ng of Words Used |n Un|versa| Chart
Sl8l11he lnLelllgenL ower back of and Lhrough everyLhlng Lhe llrsL erson of 1he 1rlnlLy
AbsoluLe1he uncondlLloned LhaL whlch noLhlng can llmlL
ll8S1 CAuSL1haL from Whlch everyLhlng comes 1he Cause of all LhaL ls made manlfesL on any plane
1haL Whlch comes flrsL 1he flrsL ln any creaLlve serles 1he Llfe back of 1hlngs
CCu1he same as SplrlL 1he Selfknowlng Mlnd back of everyLhlng 1he Peavenly laLher and Lhe
LLernal MoLher of all 1he 8elng Whom we worshlp and adore 1he Cne and Cnly Consclous Mlnd ln Lhe
unlverse personal Lo all who belleve ln Plm lL ls lmposslble Lo concelve of such a vasL ldea as Cod and
Lhe only way LhaL we can concelve of Lhe ulvlne 8elng ls Lhrough our own naLure for Pls SplrlL ls Cur
1PL C8LA1 l AM8evealed Lo Moses as Lhe Cne and Cnly 8eal Mlnd or ower ln Lhe unlverse 1haL
beslde Whlch Lhere ls no oLher l Am ls anoLher way of saylng Cod 1he l AM ln man ls Lhe Llfe of man
wlLhouL Lhls l AM man could noL be
CCnSClCuS Mlnu1haL ower of Consclousness whlch knows lLself 1haL whlch ls consclous of lLs Cwn
8elng 1he SplrlL ls Lhe power Whlch knows lLself 1he Selfknowlng Cod 1he lnLelllgence ln Lhe
unlverse whlch reveals lLself ln all of lLs CreaLlon lf Cod were noL SelfConsclous Lhen man could noL be
selfconsclous lL ls lmposslble for us Lo concelve of such a unlversal Consclousness We Louch lL only ln
spoLs buL Lhe evldence of Lhls Consclous Mlnd ls sLrewn LhroughouL all Llme and space and Lhe eLernal
p 33

1hls charL whlch ls called Lhe unlversal CharL shows Lhe unlverse as a 1rlnlLy of 8elng 1he upper
secLlon deslgnaLes Lhose aLLrlbuLes of SplrlL whlch are SelfConsclous 1he mlddle secLlon shows Lhe
subconsclous aspecL of Law and Lhe lowesL secLlon shows Lhe effecL of SplrlL worklng Lhrough Lhe
medlum of unlversal Mlnd 8ead and carefully sLudy Lhe full explanaLlon and meanlng of Lhe words used
ln Lhls charL
p 36
of Lhe Cosmos ls proof enough LhaL such a Consclous Mlnd really exlsLs
u8CSLluLnLSSWhen we speak of Lhe purposefulness of SplrlL we mean LhaL Consclous Mlnd has
Lhe ablllLy Lo know whaL lL wlshes Lo express and Lhe power Lo express lL uean lnge says LhaL Lhere can
be no such Lhlng as an lnflnlLe purpose because Lhls would be a conLradlcLlon of Lhe meanlng of lnflnlLe
1hls ls probably Lrue buL lL does noL follow LhaL Lhere could be no such Lhlng as an elemenL of
purposefulness runnlng Lhrough Lhe LLernal Mlnd lndeed Lhe evldence of Lhls quallLy of belng ls so
compleLe ln Lhe unlverse LhaL we cannoL deny lL 1he evoluLlon of creaLlon on Lhls planeL alone would
presuppose some klnd of a purposefulness
SLLl8CLLLlnC1he SplrlL musL be lLs own propelllng power lLs own moLlve power 1o suppose LhaL
SplrlL had Lo go somewhere Lo geL energy wlLh whlch Lo energlze lLself would be Lo suppose SplrlL ls noL
llrsL Cause WhaLever Lhe naLure of LhaL whlch comes flrsL ls lL musL have wlLhln lLself all LhaL lL needs
wlLh whlch Lo express lLself We musL reallze LhaL ln deallng wlLh CausaLlon we are deallng wlLh 1haL
whlch ls Lhe llrsL of everyLhlng and ls absoluLely uncondlLloned lL does noL need Lo be energlzed buL ls
Lhe energy back of all form and all manlfesLaLlon of Llfe
SLLlLxlS1Ln1lL ls dlfflculL Lo grasp Lhe ldea of selfexlsLence buL we can do so Lo a degree aL leasL
lor lnsLance we mlghL ask Lhe quesLlon Why ls waLer weL? 1here ls no reason why lL ls weL slmply
because lL ls lLs naLure Lo be weL lf we were Lo ask Lhe quesLlon Who made Llfe? lL could noL be
answered because lf we were Lo assume LhaL some power made Llfe we would noL be supposlng LhaL
Llfe ls llrsL Cause We musL grasp Lhe facL LhaL ln deallng wlLh 8eal 8elng we are deallng wlLh LhaL
whlch was never creaLed When dld Lwo Llmes Lwo begln Lo make four? never of course lL ls a self
exlsLenL LruLh Cod dld noL make Cod Cod ls 1hls ls Lhe meanlng of Lhe saylng l
p 37
paragraph conLlnues AM 1PA1 l AM All lnqulry lnLo 1ruLh musL begln wlLh Lhe selfevldenL facL LhaL
Llfe ls 1he 1ruLh ls LhaL whlch ls and so ls SelfLxlsLenL
never 1he SplrlL was born
1he SplrlL shall cease Lo be never
never was Llme lL was noL
Lnd and beglnnlng are dreams
vCLl1lCnvollLlon means Lhe power of consclous cholce
CPClCLCholce means Lhe ablllLy Lo choose consclously
WlLLWlll means declslon comlng lnLo execuLlon
vollLlon cholce and wlll musL be aLLrlbuLes of SplrlL 1hey mean pracLlcally Lhe same Lhlng We musL be
careful however noL Lo Lhlnk of Lhese quallLles of SplrlL ln Lerms of human or llmlLed LhoughL When we
choose we choose beLween dlfferenL Lhlngs buL when SplrlL chooses lL slmply announces LhaL lL ls a
cerLaln Lhlng 1he SplrlL does noL have Lo wlll Lo make Lhlngs happen Lhlngs happen because lL ls Lhe wlll
of SplrlL LhaL Lhey should be 1hls wlll Lhen ls slmply Lhe execuLlon of a purpose and slnce SplrlL ls
AbsoluLe Lhere can be noLhlng Lo deny lLs Wlll Cholce vollLlon and wlll are necessary and real
aLLrlbuLes of SelfLxlsLenL ower for wlLhouL Lhem Lhere would be no channel Lhrough whlch Lhe ldeas
of Cod could be expressed ln man Lhese quallLles of menLallLy are llmlLed buL ln Cod Lhey are llmlLless
CWL81he energy by whlch everyLhlng llves
LllLLlfe means LhaL lnner SomeLhlng LhaL makes everyLhlng llve Llfe and ower are necessary
aLLrlbuLes of a LlmlLless 8elng and go hand ln hand Lo compleLe a erfecL 8elng Llfe ls 1haL Whlch Llves
and ower ls Lhe Lnergy wlLh whlch lL operaLes Conslderlng Llfe and ower as a comblned quallLy of
CausaLlon we see LhaL Lhey comblne Lo make Lhe underlylng basls of all manlfesLaLlon vlslble and
lnvlslble ln Lhe ob[ecLlve world Llfe ls Lhe ower LhaL blnds everyLhlng LogeLher lL ls Lhe lnLelllgenL
8asls of all LhaL exlsLs
p 38
paragraph conLlnues lor lnsLance ln Lhe maLerlal world lL ls Lhe ower LhaL holds Lhe aLoms LogeLher
LhaL Lhey may produce form ln Lhe menLal world lL ls Lhe ower LhaL enables us Lo Lhlnk and ln Lhe
SplrlLual World lL ls Lhe ower LhaL enables us Lo llve aL all
lL appears LhaL Llfe manlfesLs on dlfferenL levels ln Lhe mlneral world and ln Lhe world of all maLerlal
form lL seems Lo be unconsclous LhaL ls lL ls noL manlfesLlng ln a selfconsclous sLaLe We know
however LhaL a cerLaln degree of lnLelllgence runs Lhrough all CreaLlon Chemlcal AfflnlLy ls a
manlfesLaLlon of Llfe as Lhe aLLracLlon of lLself Lo lLself ln planL llfe lL seems Lo have a more developed
degree of consclousness 1haL ls lL manlfesLs ln Lhe vegeLable world as a power Lo express ln one spoL
buL wlLhouL vollLlon Lo move abouL 1hls however does noL llmlL 1he SplrlL buL ls slmply one of Lhe
ways LhaL lL works ln Lhe anlmal world we see dlfferenL degrees of Llfes manlfesLaLlon from Lhe flrsL
cell llfe up Lo Man lor lnsLance a dog ls more lnLelllgenL Lhan a flsh yeL each has Lhe power Lo move
abouL 1he flsh seems Lo move by lnsLlncL alone Lhe dog appears Lo have some degree of consclous
belng alLhough Lhere ls a dlfference of oplnlon on Lhls score AL leasL ln mosL anlmal llfe we flnd Lhe
ablllLy Lo move abouL and elLher from lnsLlncL or selfcholce Lhe ablllLy Lo express a cerLaln degree of
freedom ln man Llfe expresses ln Lerms of vollLlon and SelfWlll lL ls manlfesLlng aL Lhe level of Self
Consclousness Whlle 1he SplrlL of lLself musL always know lLself yeL we are perfecLly [usLlfled ln saylng
LhaL lL manlfesLs on dlfferenL levels 1hls does noL llmlL 1he SplrlL buL on Lhe oLher hand proves LhaL lL ls
really LlmlLless lor lf lL had Lo manlfesL on one level only lL would Lhen be llmlLed buL because lL can
manlfesL on as many levels as lL wlshes lL ls LlmlLless
When SplrlL manlfesLs ln Lhe purely mechanlcal and maLerlal world we say LhaL lL ls unconsclous Llfe
when lL manlfesLs ln Lhe anlmal world we say LhaL lL ls manlfesLlng ln a sLaLe of slmple consclousness
and when
p 39
paragraph conLlnues lL manlfesLs ln and Lhrough man we say LhaL lL ls ln a SelfConsclous SLaLe As Lhls
SelfConsclous sLaLe of mans menLallLy reaches a larger world of reallzaLlon and comprehends
someLhlng of lLs unlLy wlLh Lhe Whole we say LhaL lL ls ln a Cosmlc SLaLe We now know of four dlfferenL
levels upon whlch SplrlL manlfesLsunconsclous SLaLe SlmpleConsclousness SelfConsclousness and
CosmlcConsclousness All of Lhese are buL dlfferenL ways Lhrough whlch Lhe Cne ower operaLes Llfe
Lhen ls LhaL quallLy of 8elng runnlng Lhrough all whlch enables anyLhlng Lo be whaL lL ls
18u1P1he 1ruLh ls 1haL whlch ls lL ls Lhe 8eason Cause and ower ln and Lhrough everyLhlng lL ls
8lrLhless ueaLhless Changeless CompleLe erfecL Whole SelfLxlsLenL Causeless AlmlghLy Cod
SplrlL Law Mlnd lnLelllgence and anyLhlng and everyLhlng LhaL lmplles 8eallLy
l8LL Sl8l1Means LhaL whlch cannoL be bound lL ls free Lo do as lL chooses buL cannoL of course do
anyLhlng LhaL denles lLs own naLure
LACLAn lnner calm so compleLe LhaL noLhlng can dlsLurb lL 1he eace whlch comes only from Lhe
knowledge LhaL lL ls All laLhomless eace ls meanL by Lhe eace of Lhe SplrlL 1hls ls Lhe peace Lo whlch
!esus referred when Pe sald eace l leave wlLh you My peace l glve unLo you 8 1he lnflnlLe ls always
aL peace because Lhere ls noLhlng Lo dlsLurb lL
ClSL1haL perfecL balance whlch malnLalns everyLhlng ln lLs proper place wlLhouL efforL lL ls Lhe law
of equlllbrlum wlLhouL whlch noLhlng could be malnLalned lL ls Lhe law of balance LhaL musL exlsL ln Lhe
lnflnlLe Mlnd slnce Lhere ls noLhlng Lo dlsLurb lL olse or balance ls Lhe law back of whaL we call Lhe
Law of CompensaLlon lL ls Llfe perfecLly balanclng lLself SelfLxlsLenL Llfe alone could produce
compleLe polse We cannoL faLhom Lhe full meanlng of polse as lL exlsLs ln SplrlL buL we can undersLand
LhaL lL means an LLernal
p 60
paragraph conLlnues ower unruffled by confllcLlng emoLlons always sure of lLself unhurrled and
1PL WC8u1he Word means of course Lhe ablllLy of SplrlL Lo declare lLself lnLo manlfesLaLlon lnLo
form 1he Word of Cod means Lhe SelfConLemplaLlon of SplrlL 1he ManlfesL unlverse as we see lL as
well as Lhe lnvlslble unlverse LhaL musL also exlsL ls Lhe resulL of Lhe SelfConLemplaLlon of Lhe Lord Pe
spake and lL was done 1he Word was wlLh Cod and Lhe Word was Cod All Lhlngs were made by Plm
and wlLhouL Plm was noL anyLhlng made LhaL was made 9 1he sLarLlng polnL of all CreaLlon ls ln Lhe
Word of SplrlL 1he Word ls Lhe ConcepL ldea lmage or 1houghL of Cod lL ls Lhe Selfknowlng Mlnd
Speaklng lLself lnLo manlfesLaLlon LveryLhlng has a Word back of lL as lLs lnlLlal Cause
1PL L8lLC1 LCCCS1he ulvlne CreaLlve Word 1he erfecL Word of Cod
CnL?ALL8eslde Whlch Lhere ls none oLher 1haL Whlch has wlLhln lLself all LhaL really ls 1he Llfe of
everyLhlng and Lhe Love Lhrough everyLhlng 1he Cne resence and Lhe Cne lnflnlLe erson Whom we
call Cod or SplrlL WlLhln 1hls Cne all Llve
knCWlnC nC C1PL81he SplrlL could know noLhlng ouLslde lLself lL ls 1he CenLer and Clrcumference
of everyLhlng LhaL exlsLs lL has no enemles no dlfferences no oLherness no aparLness no separaLlon
from lLself ls undlvlded CompleLe and erfecL wlLhln lLself lL has no opposlLes and no opposlLlons lL
knows only of lLs own ablllLy Lo do and slnce lL ls All lL cannoL be hlndered ln any way shape or
manner lL ls noL posslble Lo concelve of such a compleLe Llfe and ower buL we do caLch gllmpses ln
momenLs of real lnsplraLlon when we reallze Lo a degree aL leasL LhaL Cod ls All
lA1PL8MC1PL8 CCu1he SplrlL conLalns wlLhln lLself Lhe Llfe rlnclple of boLh Lhe mascullne and
femlnlne lL ls boLh comblned ln Cne
p 61
unl1?1he Axloms of 8eason declare LhaL LhaL Whlch ls lnflnlLe cannoL be dlvlded agalnsL lLself 1he
lnflnlLe ls Lherefore lndlvlslble and consequenLly a erfecL unlL Pear C lsrael Lhe Lord our Cod ls Cne
Lord 10 lL ls also 1haL Whose CenLer ls everywhere and Whose Clrcumference ls nowhere All of lL ls
presenL aL any and every polnL wlLhln lL lL ls noL approachlng a polnL nor recedlng from lL buL ls always
aL lL 1he Whole of Cod ls presenL aL any and every polnL wlLhln Cod lL was Lo Lhls lndwelllng SplrlL LhaL
!esus prayed for Cod ls wlLhln man as well as LhroughouL all CreaLlon lL ls 1haL Lhread of Lhe All
SusLalnlng 8eauLy Whlch runs Lhrough all and doLh all unlLe Pls llnes have gone ouL lnLo all places 11
1here ls no place where Cod ls noL 1hls concepL enabled !ob Lo say ln my flesh shall l see Cod 12
All Llfe ls bound LogeLher by Cne common law of Love and Love ls Lhe SelfClvlngness of SplrlL
manlfesLed ln and Lhrough all LhaL ls vlslble and lnvlslble lL was Lhe reallzaLlon of Lhls Cne resence LhaL
lllumlned Lhe salnLs and sages of Lhe pasL l and Lhe laLher are Cne 13 1he laLher dwelleLh ln Me Pe
doeLh Lhe works 14 We musL come Lo sense Lhls Marvelous resence for lL ls Lhe secreL of
meLaphyslcal work Cod ln all and Lhrough all
MAC8CCCSMMeans Lhe unlversal World lL ls anoLher word for Lhe Whole
1PL C8LA1 PCuSLAnoLher way of saylng 1he unlversal
MASCuLlnL1he AsserLlve rlnclple of 8elng 1he SelfConsclous Selfropelllng ower of SplrlL 1he
ro[ecLlve rlnclple of Llfe lmpregnaLlng Lhe unlversal Soul wlLh lLs ldeas and concepLs
AC1lvL1he Self8eallzaLlons of SplrlL consLlLuLe lLs AcLlve 8elng lL acLs upon lLself Slnce we could noL
concelve of an unconsclous consclousness we could noL lmaglne an lnacLlve consclousness 1he SplrlL
by reason
p 62
of lLs lnflnlLe CapaclLy Lo know lLself musL always be acLlng upon lLself 1hls acLlon ls whaL we call
CreaLlon CreaLlon ls eLernally golng on lL may sLop ln one place and begln ln anoLher buL lL ls always
golng on and as we know LhaL Cod wlll always be Cod we know LhaL CreaLlon wlll never cease 1hls ls
Lhe meanlng of Lhose mysLlcal words World wlLhouL end 1hls polnL musL noL be overlooked for Lhere
are people who belleve LhaL some day CreaLlon wlll cease no more unphllosophlcal poslLlon could be
Laken Lhan Lo suppose LhaL Lhe acLlvlLy of SplrlL would ever cease 1here ls anoLher phllosophlcal
deluslon LhaL many belleve ln namely LhaL Lhere are perlods when SplrlL does noL creaLe 1hls ls
lmposslble slnce we cannoL concelve of a Llme when SplrlL wlll cease Lo be consclous of lLself l1S SLLl
CCnSClCuSnLSS lS l1S AC1lCn We mlghL lmaglne LhaL lL would noL creaLe more worlds llke Lhe one ln
whlch we llve buL Lo suppose LhaL lL could sLop creaLlng would be Lo suppose LhaL lL could sLop 8elng
L8SCnALnLSSWe do noL Lhlnk of Cod as a Lremendous erson buL we do Lhlnk of Lhe SplrlL as Lhe
lnflnlLe ersonalness ln and Lhrough all Llfe We musL remember LhaL lnflnlLe as SplrlL ls lL ls sLlll Self
Consclous and lnflnlLe Selfknowlngness ls Lhe lnflnlLe Lssence of ersonalness or Lhe AbsLracL Lssence
of all personallLy 1o Lhlnk of Cod slmply as an lnflnlLe rlnclple would be Lo resolve Lhe ulvlne 8elng lnLo
an lnflnlLe lL a cold lmpersonal Law conLalnlng no warmLh or color and cerLalnly no responslveness
Such a concepL of Cod would rob man of hls ulvlne 8lrLhrlghL and Lhrow hlm empLyhanded lnLo an
abyss of Law and AcLlon wlLhouL moLlve or dlrecLlon no worse sLaLe of menLallLy could be lmaglned
Lhan one ln whlch man LhoughL of Cod slmply as a rlnclple 1he very facL LhaL man comes from Lhe
unlverse ln a selfconsclous sLaLe proves LhaL behlnd all manlfesLaLlon Lhere ls a ower LhaL knows lLself
and a ower LhaL knows lLself musL be ersonal lL ls noL of course llmlLed buL musL be
p 63
paragraph conLlnues lnflnlLe As wonderful as Lhe concepL may be Cod ls ersonal Lo all who belleve ln
Plm Cod ls responslve Lo all who approach Plm and Cod ls Lhe LlemenL of ersonalness back of all
CCnSClCuS luLAno Lwo ldeas are allke 1he CreaLlve Mlnd of Lhe unlverse belng lnflnlLe Lhlnks of a
llmlLless number of Lhlngs and each Lhlng ls Lherefore separaLe and dlsLlncL ln Lhe greaL Whole !usL as
Lhe aLoms of sclence are cemenLed LogeLher by Lhe eLher so each ldea of ulvlne Mlnd ls unlLed ln Cne
SplrlL no Lwo Lhlngs are allke no Lwo roses are allke no Lwo people are allke All come from Cne Llfe
all are ln Cne Llfe and all llve by lL buL each forever malnLalns lLs ldenLlLy ln Lhe erfecL Whole
CPAnCLLLSS1he Cne cannoL change by reason of Lhe facL LhaL belng All Lhere ls noLhlng for lL Lo
change lnLo buL lLself lL Lherefore remalns Changeless 1he Cne Cause back of all never changes buL lL
does consLanLly remaln acLlve and so we percelve a changlng form wlLhln LhaL whlch ls Changeless
noLhlng changes however buL Lhe form We know LhaL maLLer and energy are lndesLrucLlble and
eLernal buL we also know LhaL wlLhln Lhem a change ls forever Laklng place lf we reallze LhaL noLhlng
changes buL form we wlll noL become confused over Lhe ldea of Lhe Changeless WaLer may Lurn lnLo lce
and lce may be melLed and agaln become waLer Where was Lhe waLer when lL was lce? Where was Lhe
lce when lL was waLer? noLhlng really happened excepL LhaL a form Look shape and agaln became
formless 1he rlnclple back of lL dld noL change
CMnlSClLnCL1he Allknowlng Allercelvlng Mlnd of Cod
CMnlC1LnCL1he Allowerful Cne
CMnl8LSLnCL1he ConsLanL resence of Lhe undlvlded Whole 8ead agaln Lhe explanaLlon of unlLy
8LASCn uLuuC1lvL CnL?1he SplrlL does noL reason as man reasons LhaL ls lL makes no lnqulry lnLo
1ruLh buL lLself ls Lhe 1ruLh lL knows lnLulLlvely Lherefore lL slmply announces lLself Lo be 1haL whlch lL
ls lf
p 64
we were Lo ascrlbe Lo lL any reasonlng power we should be compelled Lo say LhaL lL reasons deducLlvely
only or from Lhe Whole Lo a parL
SCuLused ln Lhe sense of Lhe WorldSoul or Medlum Lhrough whlch SplrlL operaLes lL ls Lhe Poly
ChosL or 1hlrd erson of Lhe 1rlnlLy
C8LA1lvL MLuluMLlke Lhe creaLlve soll ln whlch seeds are planLed and from whlch planL llfe grows
Lhe Soul of Lhe unlverse ls Lhe CreaLlve Medlum lnLo whlch Lhe Word of SplrlL falls and from whlch
CreaLlon arlses We musL be careful noL Lo Lhlnk of Soul and SplrlL as separaLe for Lhey are really Lwo
parLs or aspecLs of Lhe same Lhlng each belng SelfLxlsLenL and CoeLernal wlLh Lhe oLher 1he slmplesL
way Lo Lhlnk of Lhe WorldSoul ls Lo Lhlnk of lL as we would Lhe soll ln whlch we planL seeds
Su8!LC1lvL1he dlcLlonary deflnes sub[ecLlve as Lhe lmpresslon whlch an ob[ecL makes on Lhe mlnd
1he exLernal ob[ecL ls a percepL whlle Lhe lmpresslon ls a concepL 1he concepL or ldea would be
sub[ecLlve for lL would be Lhe lmpresslon whlch Lhe mlnd recelves
ln Lhe above charL we are lnLerpreLlng Lhe word sub[ecLlve as meanlng Lhe recepLacle of Lhe LhoughL
forms of SplrlL 1he Soul ls Sub[ecLlve Lo Lhe SplrlL LhaL ls lL recelves lmpresslons from lL Sub[ecLlve
always means someLhlng LhaL recelves
Su8CCnSClCuS Mlnu1he same as Sub[ecLlve 1he SplrlL ls Consclous Mlnd Lhe Soul ls Subconsclous
Mlnd lL ls llke Lhe soll or ground lL recelves and acLs lL ls noL a knower as SplrlL ls buL ls a uoer or
LxecuLor of Lhe Wlll of Lhe SplrlL
unCPCCSlnCunllke SplrlL Lhe Soul has no cholce of lLs own 8elng sub[ecLlve lL ls bound Lo recelve
buL cannoL choose We musL always bear ln mlnd LhaL Soul slmply reflecLs Lhe lmages LhaL Lhe SplrlL
casLs lnLo lL
lMMA1L8lAL1he Soul ls lmmaLerlal as we Lhlnk of maLLer
p 63
buL lL ls Lhe subsLance of SplrlL and mlghL be consldered Lo be Lhe MaLLer of SplrlL As all maLLer ln Lhe
physlcal world ls supposed Lo flnally resolve lnLo Lhe eLher from whlch lL came so we may Lhlnk of Lhe
SubsLance of Soul as we Lhlnk abouL Lhe eLher and reallze LhaL everyLhlng ln form flnally becomes Soul
SLuff agaln erhaps Lhe slmplesL way Lo Lhlnk of lL however would be Lo Lhlnk of lL as Lhe lasL and flnal
analysls of maLLer We know LhaL maLLer comes from somewhere and Lhe Leachlng ls LhaL SoulSLuff ls
Lhe Lhlng from whlch lL comes We musL however dlsLlngulsh SoulSLuff from Soul Soul ls Sub[ecLlve
lnLelllgence for whlle lL may noL have Lhe ablllLy Lo choose lL cerLalnly has Lhe ablllLy Lo lnLelllgenLly
work ouL Lhe commands of SplrlL We musL never Lhlnk of Lhe subconsclous as Lhough lL were
unconsclous 1he Soul of Lhe unlverse ls nexL ln rlnclple Lo SplrlL and buL llLLle lower Lhan SplrlL
Subconsclous means sub[ecLlve consclousness buL noL unconsclousness Whlle Lhe Soul may noL choose
havlng no selfknowlng consclousness of lLs own yeL lL has an lnLelllgence of lLs own whlch ls lnflnlLe
compared Lo Lhe power of lnLelllgence whlch we exhlblL lor lnsLance Lhe whole lnLelllgence of Lhe race
could noL creaLe a buLLercup or a pansy yeL Lhe lnLelllgence ln Lhe creaLlve soll ln Lhe earLh wlll produce
as many for us as we ask lL Lo LhaL ls of course lf we planL Lhe seeds 1hls same ldea holds good ln LhaL
greaLer CreaLlve Medlum of Lhe SplrlL whlch we call Lhe Soul of Lhe unlverse lL has Lhe lnLelllgence and
Lhe power Lo produce Lhlngs buL no cholce as Lo whaL lL ls Lo produce
Soul and SoulSLuff are Lwo dlfferenL Lhlngs buL Lhey belong LogeLher and musL be placed ln Lhe
caLegory of Lhe CreaLlve Medlum Soul ls Subconsclous Mlnd worklng on lmmaLerlal SLuff and creaLlng
from lL Lhe many forms whlch we see 1hlnk of lL as a seed worklng ln Lhe soll and Lhe soll worklng on
Lhe seed
lLLuSlCn Cl Mlnu1hls does noL mean LhaL Sub[ecLlve Mlnd ls an llluslon buL lL does mean LhaL forms
could be pro[ecLed lnLo lL whlch were noL really Lrue lor a more
p 66
compleLe explanaLlon of Lhls see charL ln Lhe lesson on sychlc henomena
lML8SCnAL1he CreaLlve Medlum ls lmpersonal havlng no personallLy of lLs own as Lhe SplrlL has lL
nelLher knows nor cares who uses lL buL ls always ready Lo work for any or all allke 8emember Lhls
lLMlnlnL1he unlversal Medlum or Soul has been called Lhe Womb of naLure and 1he Poly
MoLher because lL ls recepLlve Lo Lhe SplrlL and ls lmpregnaLed wlLh Lhe ulvlne ldeas lL glves blrLh Lo
Lhe ldeas of Lhe SplrlL and ls Lherefore Lhe lemlnlne rlnclple of naLure
nLu18ALSoul ls neuLral Llke Lhe soll lL wlll produce any or all klnds of planLs Pavlng no consclous
mlnd of lLs own lL recelves all ldeas and works Lhem ouL lnLo form We musL always remember LhaL Lhe
CreaLlve Medlum ls neuLral lf lL could choose lL could re[ecL and Lhls ls [usL whaL lL cannoL do lL ls
bound Lo accepL and acL [usL as Lhe soll does when we planL cabbages ln Lhe ground lL does noL argue
buL aL once goes Lo work Lo produce cabbages When we planL poLaLoes lL does Lhe same Lhlng We may
planL cabbages and poLaLoes wlLh roses and pansles and we shall recelve all four planLs from Lhe one
neuLral creaLlve medlum whlch knows nelLher good nor bad buL ls consclous only of lLs ablllLy Lo do
LAS1lC1hls refers Lo SoulSLuff elLher formed or unformed lL ls enLlrely an lndeLermlnaLe sLuff LhaL
ls lL has no mlnd of lLs own MaLLer has no lnLelllgence aL all buL ls Lhe maLerlal whlch ls formed by Lhe
power of Lhe Word
MA?A8efers Lo Lhe llluslon of mlnd
8Llnu lC8CLSome of Lhe early phllosophers referred Lo Lhe Soul or CreaLlve Medlum as a 8llnd force
noL knowlng only dolng 1hls we know Lo be Lrue of all law Law knows only Lo do buL has no consclous
vollLlon of lLs own
LAWlL wlll be apparenL by now LhaL Lhe CreaLlve Medlum of SplrlL ls Lhe greaL MenLal Law of Lhe
unlverse lL
p 67
ls Lhe Law obeylng Lhe Wlll of Lhe SplrlL lL ls Lhe unlversal Law of Mlnd All law ls Mlnd ln acLlon
MLuluM Cl ALL 1PCuCP1 CWL8 Anu AC1lCnlL ls Lhe one Medlum Lhrough whlch all Law and all
ower operaLe lL ls Lhe Cne Law wlLhln whlch all Lhe lesser laws work
ClnLMA lC1u8LSMeans LhaL lL ls Lhe Medlum of all LhoughL forms See explanaLlon of charL coverlng
Lhe lesson on sychlc henomena
ASSlvL Anu 8LCL1lvLMeans neuLral and femlnlne
8LASCn uLuuC1lvL CnL?8elng sub[ecLlve Lhe CreaLlve Medlum cannoL analyze dlssecL nor deny
8ecause of lLs naLure lL musL always accepL ConsequenLly lL ls always deducLlve ln lLs reasonlng
kA8MlC LAWkarmlc Law means Lhe law of cause and effecL 1he karmlc Law works Lhrough Lhe
Medlum of Lhe WorldSoul
1PL SL8vAn1 Cl 1PL Sl8l1 1P8CuCPCu1 1PL ACLS1he unlversal Soul belng Lhe CreaLlve rlnclple
of naLure and Lhe Law of SplrlL has been called 1he Poly ChosL or 1he ServanL of Lhe LLernal SplrlL
LhroughouL Lhe Ages
LeL us reallze LhaL nelLher Lhe Soul of Lhe unlverse nor Lhe SplrlL were ever creaLed Lach ls LLernal
8Cu?1he enLlre manlfesLaLlon of SplrlL boLh vlslble and lnvlslble ls Lhe 8ody of Cod WlLhln Lhls Cne
8ody of Cod ls lncluded all lesser bodles 1hls Cne 8ody coupled wlLh Lhe lnLelllgence runnlng Lhrough
lL ls called Lhe Son or Lhe Second erson of Lhe 1rlnlLy 1hls of course lncludes man boLh vlslble and
lnvlslble lL also lncludes every gradaLlon of consclousness from Lhe slmple Lo Lhe complex from a cell Lo
an archangel
All are buL parLs of Cne sLupendous Whole
Whose body naLure ls and Cod Lhe Soul
paragraph conLlnues n shorL lL ls Lhe enLlre manlfesLaLlon of SplrlL on any and all planes ln my
laLhers Pouse are many
p 68
paragraph conLlnues Manslons 13 We do noL of course see all Lhese manslons buL sclence has
revealed Lo us LhaL many exlsL whlch we do noL see and revelaLlon has shown LhaL Lhe unlverse ls
lnflnlLe lor we know ln parL 16
LllLC11haL whlch follows cause LffecL ls LhaL whlch dld noL make lLself buL whlch musL have a power
back of lL causlng lL Lo be All manlfesLaLlon ls effecL and all effecL ls sub[ecL Lo lLs cause 1he CreaLor ls
greaLer Lhan Pls CreaLlon LveryLhlng LhaL we see Louch LasLe feel hear or sense wlLh Lhe physlcal
senses ls an effecL 1hlngs whlch are seen are noL made of Lhlngs whlch do appear 17 1hls means LhaL
whaL we see comes from whaL we do noL see
lC8Mlorm ls deflnlLe Lhe resulL of a deflnlLe ldea lorm ls real as form buL ls noL selfconsclous lL ls
sub[ecLlve Lo Lhe power LhaL creaLed lL lorms come and go buL Lhe power back of Lhem remalns
forever and ls changeless lorm ls Lemporary buL Mlnd ls LLernal lL ls necessary LhaL SplrlL should
manlfesL ln SCML klnu Cl lC8M ln order LhaL lL may come lnLo SelfLxpresslon Lhrough Self
8eallzaLlon 1hls ls Lhe meanlng of LhaL CreaLlon whlch ls eLernally golng on
C8!LC1lvLMeans Lhe ob[ecL Lhe exLernal Lhe effecL
CCnul1lCnS1he resulL of causes anoLher word for effecL
8LSuL1SWhaL happens as a necessary resulL of Lhe law of cause and effecL 8esulLs follow causes
1lMLuean lnge says LhaL 1lme ls a sequence of evenLs ln a unlLary Whole 1hls ls an excellenL
deflnlLlon for of course Llme ls noL a Lhlng of lLself lL ls slmply a measure of experlence ln eLernlLy
1lme does noL conLradlcL LLernlLy buL allows lL Lo become expressed ln Lerms of deflnlLe experlence
1lme ls necessary slnce lL allows experlence Lo Lake place wlLhln Lhe Cne buL Llme ls never a Lhlng of
lLself lL ls really lmposslble Lo measure Llme for yesLerday ls gone and Lomorrow has noL come and Lo
day ls rapldly sllpplng lnLo Lhe pasL lf we were Lo aLLempL Lo puL a flnger on any perlod of Llme
p 69
lL would be gone before we could polnL Lo lL 8uL llluslve as Llme ls lL ls sLlll necessary Lo experlence
SACLSpace llke Llme ls noL a Lhlng of lLself buL ls only Lhe ouLllne of form lL ls a relaLlve dlsLance
wlLhln Lhe AbsoluLe Space also ls necessary Lo Lhe expresslon of SplrlL for wlLhouL lL no deflnlLe form
could be produced We musL noL be confused over Lhe ldeas of Llme and space as Lhey are noL Lhlngs of
Lhemselves 1hey are enLlrely relaLlve buL none Lhe less necessary
1PlnCSMean forms ln Llme and space 1hlngs are always resulLs and never make Lhemselves Lhey are
Lhe ob[ecLlflcaLlons of SplrlL 1hlngs are necessary Lo Lhe manlfesLaLlon of SplrlL 1hey are Lhe resulL of
Lhe Selfknowlngness of Lhe Word of Cod 1hlngs vary ln slze and shape ln Llme and duraLlon from Lhe
planeL Lo Lhe peanuL from a momenL Lo an eLernlLy
8LlLLC1lCn1he world of maLLer reflecLs Lhe 1houghLs of Cod
lLLuSlCn Cl MA11L88efers Lo false forms
MuL1lLlCl1? MAn?lrom Cne come many lrom unlLy comes mulLlpllclLy buL mulLlpllclLy does noL
conLradlcL unlLy lL ls llke Lhe soll from whlch come many planLs We grow many planLs from one soll
buL Lhe unlLy of Lhe soll ls never dlsLurbed ln Lhe leasL So Lhe Cne Mlnd worklng Lhrough Lhe CreaLlve
Medlum of Lhe unlverse produces many Lhlngs
8LLA1lvL Ml88C88oLh Lhe AbsoluLe and Lhe relaLlve are reflecLed ln Lhe mlrror of maLLer
LMAnA1lCnro[ecLlon of SplrlL lnLo form

398 !ohn 1427
609 !ohn 11 3
6110 ueuL 64
6111 s 194
6112 !ob 1926
6113 !ohn 1030
6114 !ohn 1410
6813 !ohn 142
6816 1 Cor 139
6817 Peb 113

p 70
Lesson Cne 1he Nature of 8e|ng
1he clrcle ln CharL no l slgnlfles unlversal Llfe because lL ls wlLhouL beglnnlng and wlLhouL end We
have dlvlded lL lnLo Lhree parLs calllng one SplrlL one Soul and Lhe oLher 8ody noL because Lhe naLure
of 8elng ls Lhree dlsLlncL Lhlngs buL because lL ls a unlLy wlLh Lhree dlsLlncL aLLrlbuLes le SplrlL Soul
and 8ody
We LreaL of SplrlL as Lhe AcLlve and Lhe only SelfConsclous rlnclple We deflne SplrlL as Lhe llrsL Cause
or Cod Lhe AbsoluLe Lssence of all LhaL ls lL ls also called Lhe greaL or Lhe unlversal l AM When Moses
asked Cod who he should Lell Lhe Chlldren of lsrael had senL hlm Lhe answer was 1hus shalL Lhou say l
AM haLh senL me unLo you 18 1he reason why l AM was glven ls because Lhls ls an absoluLe
sLaLemenL SplrlL ls Consclous Mlnd and ls Lhe ower Whlch knows lLself lL ls consclous of lLs own
8elng 1he SplrlL ls Selfropelllng lL ls AbsoluLe and All lL ls SelfLxlsLenL and has all llfe wlLhln lLself lL
ls Lhe Word and Lhe Word ls vollLlon lL has cholce because lL ls vollLlon lL ls wlll because lL chooses lL ls
lree SplrlL because lL knows noLhlng ouLslde lLself and noLhlng dlfferenL from lLself
SplrlL ls Lhe laLherMoLher Cod because lL ls Lhe prlnclple of unlLy back of all Lhlngs 1he mascullne and
femlnlne prlnclples boLh come from Lhe Cne SplrlL ls all Llfe 1ruLh Love 8elng Cause and LffecL and ls
Lhe only ower ln Lhe unlverse LhaL knows lLself
1he Soul of Lhe unlverse noL as opposed Lo Lhe SplrlL buL as Lhe prlnclple [usL beneaLh lL has always
been LaughL as Lhe
p 71
recepLlve medlum lnLo whlch Lhe SplrlL leLs fall Lhe forms of lLs LhoughL lL ls sub[ecLlve Lo Lhe SplrlL LhaL
whlch ls sub[ecLlve ls always lmpersonal neuLral plasLlc passlve and recepLlve Wherever you flnd
sub[ecLlve law you wlll flnd someLhlng LhaL ls compelled Lo recelve and Lo acL upon consequenLly Lhe
Soul of Lhe unlverse has been called a bllnd force noL knowlng only dolng and 1he servanL of Lhe
LLernal SplrlL LhroughouL Lhe ages lL ls Lhe medlum of Lhe LhoughL power and acLlon of Lhe SplrlL
1here are buL Lwo processes of reasonlng known Lo Lhe human mlnd one ls lnducLlve and Lhe oLher ls
deducLlve lnducLlve reasonlng ls an lnqulry lnLo Lhe LruLh lL ls a process of analysls ueducLlve reasonlng
ls LhaL process of reasonlng whlch follows an already esLabllshed premlse lL ls from Lhe whole Lo a parL
Pere ls an example of lnducLlve reasonlng l look abouL and say !ohn SmlLh ls good Mary !ones ls
good my nelghbors are good consequenLly Cod musL be good 1hls ls a process of analysls whlch
leads Lo Lhe concluslon LhaL Lhe Cause back of all Lhlngs musL be Cood ueducLlve reasonlng would
operaLe Lhls way Cod ls Cood consequenLly Mary !ones !ohn SmlLh and my nelghbors musL be
good because Cod ls Cood Lhey cannoL be oLherwlse
Slnce lnducLlve reasonlng ls an analysls whlch ls always an lnqulry lnLo LruLh lL follows LhaL Cod can
reason only deducLlvely 1haL whlch ls lnflnlLe does noL have Lo lnqulre lnLo Lhe 1ruLh consequenLly
Lhere can be no lnducLlve process of reasonlng elLher ln Lhe SplrlL or Lhe soul of Lhe unlverse 1here
cannoL be any lnducLlve reasonlng ln Lhe SplrlL because lL already knows all Lhlngs 1here cannoL be any
lnducLlve reasonlng ln Lhe Soul of Lhe unlverse because lL ls Lhe CreaLlve Medlum and lf lL could reason
lnducLlvely lL could re[ecL cerLaln LhoughLs because lL could analyze and soul or sub[ecLlvlLy can never
re[ecL buL ls bound by lLs own naLure Lo accepL lL ls lmpersonal and nelLher knows nor cares who uses
lL lL ls plasLlc because lL ls lmmaLerlal lL ls formless havlng no mlnd of lLs own lL has been called Lhe
unlversal lemlnlne
p 72
or Poly Womb of naLure because lL ls recepLlve and creaLlve lL ls karmlc Law because lL ls sub[ecLlve Lo
Lhe selfknowlng mlnd lL ls Lhe medlum of all karmlc Law and of all race suggesLlon
1he unlverse has been called Lhe CreaL 1rlnlLy or 1rlune unlLy of SplrlL Soul and 8ody 1he body ls Lhe
resulL Lhe effecL Lhe ob[ecLlflcaLlon of SplrlL Soul ls Lhe lmmaLerlal plasLlc and recepLlve medlum lL ls
prlmordlal or Cosmlc SLuff lL ls unmanlfesL form 8ody ls Lhe resulL of SplrlL worklng Lhrough Soul or
Law 1here ls buL one 8ody of Lhe unlverse lL ls boLh vlslble and lnvlslble and wlLhln Lhls one body are
all of Lhe lesser bodles all of Lhe manlfesL unlverse lncludlng Lhe body of man 8uL now are Lhey many
members yeL buL Cne 8ody 19
SplrlL ls Lhe AbsoluLe 8elng and ls Lhe only power ln Lhe unlverse whlch has selfknowlngness vollLlon
cholce or wlll 1he soul has no wlll lL has no purpose Lo execuLe oLher Lhan Lhe purpose LhaL ls glven lL
Soul ls Lhe servanL of Lhe SplrlL whlle body ls Lhe resulL of Lhe unlon of SplrlL wlLh Soul 1here ls Lhe
ower Lhe way LhaL lL works and Lhe resulL of lLs operaLlon Lhe Word Lhe law and Lhe effecL
lnLelllgence subsLance and form Lhe AcLlve rlnclple Lhe passlve recepLlvlLy and Lhe relaLlve
condlLlon 1he SplrlL of Lhe unlverse cannoL change Lhe Soul of Lhe unlverse cannoL change Lhe 8ody of
Lhe unlverse cannoL help changlng
1he SplrlL cannoL change because Lhere ls noLhlng for lL Lo change lnLo SplrlL belng All Lhls ls axlomaLlc
1he Soul of Lhe unlverse cannoL change for lL ls slmply unlversal SubsLance and Law and we know LhaL
energy and subsLance are lndesLrucLlble and eLernal 1he Soul of Lhe unlverse cannoL change buL as
sLaLed above Lhe body of Lhe unlverse ls forever changlng and Lhls ls whaL consLlLuLes Lhe eLernal
acLlvlLy of SplrlL wlLhln lLself
p 73
CreaLlon does noL mean maklng someLhlng ouL of noLhlng lf by CreaLlon we mean maklng someLhlng
ouL of noLhlng Lhere ls no such Lhlng buL lf we mean Lhe passlng of SplrlL lnLo form Lhen CreaLlon ls
eLernally golng on
lL ls necessary Lo undersLand LhaL Lhe only AcLlve rlnclple ls SplrlLSelfConsclous Selfknowlng Llfe
and LhaL all else ls sub[ecL Lo lLs wlll 1he SplrlL ls consclous of lLs own 1houghL lLs own ueslre and
manlfesLaLlon and lL ls consclous LhaL lLs deslre ls saLlsfled consequenLly lL ls consclous of LhaL whlch lL
manlfesLs buL lL ls noL consclous of any efforL or process ln lLs manlfesLaLlon
lL ls necessary LhaL Soul and 8ody should exlsL because SplrlL wlLhouL manlfesLaLlon would consLrucL
only a dream world never comlng lnLo Self8eallzaLlon Slnce SplrlL musL be manlfesLed ln order Lo be
SplrlL Lhere musL be a way ln whlch lL manlfesLs and Lhere musL be a manlfesLaLlon hence Soul and
lf all Cause ls exlsLenL ln SplrlL and lf Lhe Law whlch execuLes Lhe vollLlon of SplrlL ls enLlrely
subconsclous or sub[ecLlve Lo Lhe Wlll of Lhe SplrlL and lf Lhe body ls only an effecL lL follows LhaL boLh
cause and effecL are splrlLual lnvolved wlLhln Lhe seed whlch Lhe SplrlL drops lnLo Lhe CreaLlve Medlum
ls everyLhlng necessary Lo unfold Lhe seed lnLo form 1hls ls why Lhe SplrlL never Lhlnks of meLhods or
processes for LhaL whlch Lhe SplrlL lnvolves musL evolve
lrom unlLywhlch ls Lhe Cne back of all Lhlngs Lhrough Lhe Cne Law whlch ls Lhe medlum of Lhe Cne
mulLlpllclLy ls manlfesLed buL lL never conLradlcLs unlLy When we reallze LhaL we are deallng wlLh an
lnflnlLe lnLelllgence and wlLh an lnflnlLe Law wlLhln Lhls lnLelllgence we see LhaL Lhere can be no llmlL
placed upon CreaLlon We Lhlnk of Lhe world as we see lL buL we see lL from Lhe vlewpolnL of only one
plane We see lL as maLLer whlch we have dlvlded lnLo elghLy or nlneLy
p 74
odd elemenLs buL we dlscover LhaL all of Lhese elemenLs come from one subsLance Suppose we should
vlew lL from Len dlfferenL planes whaL would happen? We should see Len Llmes as much as we now see
1he presenL hypoLhesls of sclence ls LhaL Lhe eLher ls more solld Lhan maLLer and Lhls means LhaL Lhere
could be a form wlLhln Lhe very form LhaL ones body now occuples ln space Lhere mlghL even be a
mllllon bodles each wlLhln Lhe oLher and each would be [usL as real as Lhe one LhaL we now Lhlnk we
occupy 1he unlverse as we see lL ls noL even a fracLlonal parL of Lhe unlverse LhaL acLually ls Lye haLh
noL seen 20 because lL sees only on one plane le ln parL
lrom Lhe sLandpolnL of lmmorLallLy we may have a body wlLhln a body Lo lnflnlLy and when Lhls body ls
rendered useless and ls no longer a flL lnsLrumenL Lhrough whlch Lo funcLlon anoLher one may be
already Lhere
1he physlcal dlsappearance of !esus afLer Pls resurrecLlon was Lhe resulL of Lhe splrlLuallzaLlon of Pls
consclousness 1hls so qulckened Pls menLallLy LhaL Pls body dlslnLegraLed and Pls followers could noL
see Plm because Pe was on anoLher plane lanes are noL places Lhey are sLaLes of consclousness
ls lL apparenL LhaL Lhe SplrlL can know noLhlng ouLslde lLself LhaL whaLever Lhe SplrlL knows musL be a
deflnlLe menLal lmage concepL or ldea ln Lhe Consclousness of Lhe SplrlL? ls lL clear LhaL as Lhe Self
Consclousness of SplrlL knows wlLhln lLself lL knows upon lLself as Law? ls lL clear LhaL Lhe Law can never
say l wlll noL buL can only acL? And ls lL clear LhaL as Lhe SplrlL leLs fall Lhe forms of lLs LhoughL lnLo
Lhe Soul or Sub[ecLlvlLy of Lhe unlverse Lhese LhoughLs musL manlfesL as Lhlngs?
LeL us Lake a look aL Lhese forms As we look aL Lhe many mllllons of forms and see LhaL Lhey are all of
dlfferenL shape
p 73
and color and yeL we know LhaL Lhey all came from Cne SLuff are we noL compelled Lo accepL Lhe facL
LhaL Lhere ls a speclflc cause or concreLe menLal lmage back of every ldea or Lhlng a ulvlne MenLal
lcLure? ln Lhe sub[ecLlve world Lhere musL be a correspondenL of everyLhlng ln Lhe ob[ecLlve world and
slnce Lhe sub[ecLlve world ls a recepLlve or plasLlc subsLance Lhls correspondence can flnd lLs lnlLlal
sLarLlng polnL only ln real lnLelllgence 1herefore lnLelllgence ls ulLlmaLely all Lhere ls ln Lhe unlverse
8y a process of axlomaLlc reasonlng we arrlve aL Lhe concluslon LhaL SplrlL knows noLhlng ouLslde lLself
1he 1ruLh ls LhaL whlch ls and belng LhaL whlch ls lL musL be lnflnlLe and All 8elng lnflnlLe or All Lhe
1ruLh can have noLhlng ouLslde lLself oLher Lhan lLself or unllke lLself by whlch Lo dlvlde lLself
consequenLly Lhe SplrlL ls lndlvlslble Changeless and CompleLe wlLhln lLself lLself ls all LhaL lsboLh
Cause and LffecL Lhe Alpha and Lhe Cmega
1here ls buL one vollLlonal facLor ln Lhe unlverse and Lhls ls SplrlL or Lhe Selfknowlng Mlnd Cod dld noL
make Cod Lhls ls selfevldenL hence Cod ls SelfLxlsLenL Cod dld noL make Law Law ls coeLernal wlLh
Cod Cod dld noL make SubsLance Lhls also ls coexlsLenL and coeLernal wlLh Cod 8uL Cod dld make
and does make and ls maklng and wlll conLlnue Lo make from eLernlLy Lo eLernlLyforms We llve ln a
unlverse of lnflnlLe SubsLance and numberless forms whereln noLhlng ls moved unless lnLelllgence
moves lL
Mlnd ls dual ln lLs aspecL lL ls consclous as Lhe acLlve prlnclple of consclous lnLelllgence and
subconsclous as Lhe passlve prlnclple of lmpersonal recepLlvlLy 8ody ls Lhe resulL of Lhe knowlng of
SplrlL Lhrough Soul MaLLer of lLself has no lnLelllgence no vollLlon no power Slnce Lhe Law ls buL a
unlversal oLenLlal osslblllLy Lhrough whlch anyLhlng mlghL happen and slnce lL ls seL ln moLlon by Lhe
Word lL follows LhaL
p 76
every word speclallzes lLs own law and carrles lLs own maLhemaLlcs along wlLh lL
lL follows LhaL everyLhlng LhaL Lhe SplrlL Lhlnks musL Lake form 1he SplrlL belng SelfConsclous Llfe
knows and cannoL sLop knowlng 1o suppose LhaL lL could sLop knowlng would be Lo suppose LhaL lL
could sLop belng Slnce lL cannoL sLop knowlng lL musL be forever seLLlng ln moLlon Lhe Law of lLs own
8elng whlch Law musL be forever pro[ecLlng Lhe forms of lLs LhoughLs Lhere by produclng Lhlngs
CreaLlon ls always beglnnlng buL never endlng 1he sllghLesL LhoughL of lnLelllgence seLs ln moLlon a
power ln Lhe Law Lo produce a correspondlng Lhlng
When we speak of every LhoughL dropped lnLo Lhe CreaLlve Medlum do we Lhlnk of Cods LhoughL and
mans as Lhe same? We Lhlnk of each as LhoughL buL whereas man Lhlnks boLh lnducLlvely and
deducLlvely Cod Lhlnks only deducLlvely As he LhlnkeLh ln hls hearL so ls he 21 le as he leLs fall Lhe
forms of hls LhoughL
Cod ls noL consclous of maLLer as we are Cod ls consclous of Plmself as form buL noL as slze Cod ls
consclous of Plmself as deflnlLe purposefulness buL noL as space Cod ls consclous of Plmself as deflnlLe
ouLllne buL noL as llmlLaLlon Cod ls consclous of Plmself as many buL noL as dlvlslon
Would Lhere be any dlfference beLween a consclous LhoughL for Lhe purpose of a dlrecL manlfesLaLlon
and one LhaL mlghL be LhoughL wlLh no ldea of Lhe form LhaL would be manlfesLed? 1here would be a
greaL dlfference 1ralned LhoughL ls far more powerful Lhan unLralned lf Lhls were noL Lrue Lhe
LhoughLs of Lhe meLaphyslcal pracLlLloner could noL neuLrallze Lhose LhaL caused hls paLlenL hls paLlenL
Lo be slck We know a llLLle rlghL LhoughL puLs Lo rouL LhaL whlch ls wrong 1he day LhaL you say Lo
yourself My LhoughL ls powerful you would beLLer be careful vety tbooqbt most moolfest occotJloq
to lts loteoslty
onder over Lhe meanlng of Lhe words ln CharL no l 1hlnk whaL SelfLxlsLenL Llfe lsLlfe wlLhln lLself
geL an undersLandlng of Lhe Law whlch ls Lhe ServanL of lL and whaL
p 77
maLLer ls unLll you begln Lo feel your own self as parL of Lhls greaL scheme of LxlsLence
1here ls no such Lhlng as your mlnd my mlnd hls mlnd her mlnd and Cods Mlnd Lhere ls [usL Mlnd ln
whlch we all llve move and have our belng 1here ls Mlnd and noLhlng buL Mlnd We Lhlnk of Consclous
Mlnd and SplrlL as Cne and Lhe Same
1hlngs are ldeas WhaL else could Lhey be? 1here ls noLhlng ouL of whlch Lo make Lhlngs excepL ldeas ln
Lhe beglnnlng we behold noLhlng vlslble Lhere ls only an lnflnlLe posslblllLy a LlmlLless lmaglnaLlon a
Consclousness Lhe only acLlon of Lhls Consclousness belng ldea
1haL whlch we call our sub[ecLlve mlnd ls ln reallLy our ldenLlLy ln lnflnlLe Mlnd ln oLher words lL ls Lhe
resulL of our menLal aLLlLudes lL ls our menLal aLmosphere or cenLer ln unlversal Sub[ecLlve Mlnd ln
whlch are reLalned all Lhe lmages lmpresslons lnherlLed Lendencles and race suggesLlons as far as we
accepL Lhem
We see Lhen LhaL Lhls ls Lhe Medlum Lhrough whlch everyLhlng comes Lo us
1here ls Cne llrsL Cause havlng Lhree aspecLs SplrlL Soul and 8ody le Cause Medlum and LffecL Lhe
laLher Son and Poly ChosL Mascullne AcLlvlLy lemlnlne AcLlvlLy and 8esulL
We should noL Lhlnk of Lhree Cods buL of Lhe 1rlune naLure of Lhe Cne Cod Lhe Cne Cause We Lhlnk of
SplrlL as AbsoluLe SelfConsclous lnLelllgence We Lhlnk of Soul as 8ecepLlve Lo lnLelllgence and of Lhe
lnLelllgence as always acLlng upon lL SplrlL and Soul lnLersphere each oLher le boLh have
Cmnlpresence 1he SplrlL of Lhe unlverse permeaLes Lhe Soul of Lhe unlverse eLernally lmpregnaLlng lL
wlLh ldeas 1he Soul of Lhe unlverse ls Lhe Poly Womb of naLure produclng Lhe forms whlch appear ln
Lhe physlcal unlverse
1he 8ody of Lhe unlverse ls Lhe resulL of Lhe LhoughL of SplrlL operaLlng Lhrough Lhe medlum of Soul
1hls 1rlnlLy ls called Lhe laLher Lhe Son and Lhe Poly ChosL 1he laLher
p 78
ls AbsoluLe oslLlve lnLelllgence Lhe Son ls Lhe Cffsprlng of Lhe laLher Lhe holy ChosL ls Lhe ServanL of
1he LLernal SplrlL LhroughouL Lhe Ages SplrlL ls AbsoluLe lnLelllgence operaLlng Lhrough Lhe Soul of
8ecepLlve lnLelllgence lmpregnaLlng lL wlLh 1he ulvlne ldeas
nelLher Lhe SplrlL nor Lhe Soul of Lhe unlverse can change 1haL whlch changes ls Lhe 8ody of Lhe
unlverse laneLs may appear and dlsappear as do people and Lhlngs buL Lhe SubsLance from whlch
Lhlngs are formed ls Changeless
lndlvlduallLy emerges from Lhe unlversal sychology Leaches Lhe personlflcaLlon of Lhls lndlvlduallLy
whlch ls Lrue as far as lL goes buL MeLaphyslcs unlversallzes lndlvlduallLy by unlfylng lL wlLh Lhe Whole
1here ls a unlversal naLure of Man lnherenL wlLhln hlm whlch causes Lhe manlfesLaLlon of hls
personallLy le 1he SplrlL of Cod
1he nexL charL wlll be abouL man and when LhaL ls explalned you wlll begln Lo see Lhe way ouL of your
dlfflculLles lf you have any
noLe SLudy carefully 1he Ldlnburgh LecLures on MenLal Sclence by 1 1roward CreaLlve Mlnd by
LrnesL S Polmes 1he Axloms of 1ruLh by 8urnell hllosophy of loLlnus by uean lnge

7018 Lxodus 314
7219 1 Cor 1220
7420 1 Cor 29
7621 rov 237

p 79
Lesson Cne kecap|tu|at|on
1he evoluLlon of man brlngs hlm auLomaLlcally Lo a Llme when real lndlvlduallLy ls produced lrom LhaL
day any furLher evoluLlon musL be Lhrough hls consclous coperaLlon wlLh Llfe All naLure walLs on mans
selfrecognlLlon and ls always ready Lo obey hls wlll buL he musL use naLures forces ln accordance wlLh
her laws
Sclence ls Lhe knowledge of cerLaln facLs bullL around some known prlnclple of belng Man never
creaLes he dlscovers and uses ln Lhls way all sclences are evolved We llve ln a unlverse of Law Lhrough
whlch runs an elemenL of Selfknowlng lnLelllgence Alls Love yeL alls Law
1he Law has done all LhaL lL can do for man auLomaLlcally lL has broughL hlm Lo Lhe polnL of
lndlvlduallLy and musL now leL hlm alone Lo make Lhls dlscovery for hlmself Man ls poLenLlally perfecL
buL free wlll and selfcholce cause hlm Lo appear lmperfecL ln reallLy all LhaL he can desLroy ls Lhe
embodlmenL of hlmself for Lhe ulvlne Spark ls always lnLacL ln lnsLlncLlve Man
Man awakes Lo selfconsclousness flndlng hlmself already equlpped wlLh a menLallLy a body and an
envlronmenL Cradually he dlscovers one law of naLure afLer anoLher unLll he conquers hls envlronmenL
Lhrough hls acqulslLlon of naLural forces Lverywhere he flnds LhaL naLure does hls blddlng ln so far as
he undersLands her laws and uses Lhem along Lhe llnes of Lhelr lnherenL belng for he musL flrsL obey
naLure Lhen she wlll obey hlm
Man dlscovers hls ablllLy Lo Lhlnk and beglns Lo reallze LhaL from wlLhln comes a reacLlon Lo hls LhoughL
Pe comes Lo reallze LhaL he ls Lhreefold ln hls naLure LhaL he can consclously Lhlnk LhaL he has wlLhln a
menLallLy whlch acLs upon hls LhoughLs and LhaL he has a body whlch ls affecLed by hls Lhlnklng
Pe nexL dlscovers LhaL he can Lhlnk for oLhers causlng a correspondlng acLlon ln and Lhrough Lhelr
bodles ln Lhls way
p 80
he dlscovers LhaL Lhere ls a menLal medlum Lhrough whlch LhoughL operaLes Pe now reallzes hlmself Lo
be a Lhlnklng cenLer ln a unlversal Mlnd
Man nexL dlscovers LhaL hls affalrs are also conLrolled by LhoughL and LhaL he can llkewlse Lhlnk for
oLhers and ald ln Lhe conLrol of Lhelr affalrs
Pe now reallzes LhaL everyLhlng ln Lhe vlslble world ls an effecL LhaL back of all effecLs Lhere are ldeas
whlch are Lhe real causes of Lhese effecLs 1he ulvlne ldeas are perfecL buL man has Lhe ablllLy Lo cause
Lhem Lo appear lmperfecL 1hrough rlghL Lhlnklng he ls able Lo uncover Lhe appearance of lmperfecLlon
and reveal Lhe erfecL ldea

Mans ldea of Lhe uelLy evolves wlLh hls oLher ldeas AfLer a bellef ln many gods he comes Lo reallze LhaL
Lhere ls Cne Mlnd and Cne SplrlL back of all manlfesLaLlon
1here ls Cne SplrlL or SelfConsclous Llfe acLlng Lhrough Lhe Medlum of Cne Mlnd or Sub[ecLlve law
produclng many manlfesLaLlons MulLlpllclLy comes from unlLy wlLhouL breaklng up Lhe unlLy of Lhe
SplrlL ls Selfknowlng buL Law ls auLomaLlc and obeys Lhe wlll of SplrlL havlng no alLernaLlve oLher Lhan
Lo obey
Llke all law Lhe Law of Mlnd ls an lmpersonal lorce and because of lLs naLure ls compelled Lo acL
Soul and unlversal Sub[ecLlve Mlnd have Lhe same meanlng and are Lhe CreaLlve Medlum of all LhoughL
and acLlon Soul ls also Lhe SubsLance of SplrlL le lL ls Lhe unformed SLuff from whlch all forms are
SplrlL acLlng upon Soul produces CreaLlon SplrlL Soul and SubsLance lnLersphere each oLher each has
omnlpresence CreaLlon Lakes place wltblo SplrlL and ls Lhe resulL of Lhe cootemplotloo of 5pltlt
CreaLlon ls eLernally golng on change ls always Laklng place wlLhln LhaL whlch ls changeless forms
appear and dlsappear ln LhaL whlch ls formless
Cod Lhlnks or knows wlLhln Plmself and as Lhe resulL of Lhls lnner acLlon CreaLlon manlfesLs CreaLlon ls
Lhe play of Llfe upon lLself Lhrough ulvlne SelflmaglnaLlon SplrlL musL creaLe ln order Lo be expressed
p 81
SplrlL Llfe Soul SubsLance Law and unlLy are all coexlsLenL and coeLernal wlLh each oLher 1he only
Lhlng LhaL changes ls form
Llfe makes Lhlngs ouL of lLself by becomlng Lhe Lhlng LhaL lL makes Lhere ls no efforL ln Lhe process
Consclous Mlnd and SplrlL mean Lhe same Lhey denoLe LhaL parL of Lhe 1rlnlLy whlch ls Selfknowlng or
Subconsclous and Sub[ecLlve Mlnd Soul and MenLal Medlum unlversal Sub[ecLlvlLy or Law all have Lhe
same meanlng Lhey denoLe LhaL parL of Lhe 1rlnlLy whlch acLs as Law
8ody CreaLlon or Lhe manlfesL unlverse ls slmply Lhe resulL of Lhe 1rlnlLy whlch acLs as Law
8odyCreaLlon or Lhe manlfesL unlversels slmply Lhe resulL of Lhe knowlngness of SplrlL Lhrough Law
Cne elemenL alone ls really selfconsclous and LhaL ls SplrlL 8oLh Law and ManlfesLaLlon are auLomaLlc
and musL reacL Lo SplrlL
Soul or Sub[ecLlve Mlnd SubsLance or unformed maLLer and Consclous SplrlL permeaLe all Lhlngs and all
people 1here ls an lnLelllgence acLlng Lhrough everyLhlng and everyLhlng responds Lo lnLelllgence
lL cannoL be Loo plalnly sLaLed LhaL SplrlL or Consclous lnLelllgence ls Lhe only SelfAsserLlve rlnclple ln
Lhe unlverse SplrlL ls Lhe power LhaL knows lLself and ls Lhe only power LhaL ls Selfknowlng
LveryLhlng else ls sub[ecL Lo SplrlL 1he sole and only operaLlon of SplrlL ls Lhrough lLs Word 1he Word
acLlng as Law Lhrough SubsLance produces CreaLlon

p 82
Lesson 1wo Introduct|on
MenLal Sclence whlch ls Lhe Sclence of Mlnd and SplrlL makes a Lremendous clalm when lL sLaLes LhaL lL
can free Lhe lndlvldual from Lhe bondage of slckness poverLy and unhapplness buL lL makes Lhls
sLaLemenL wlLhouL heslLaLlon and wlLhouL quallflcaLlon lL does noL reLracL from LhaL clalm and lL never
wlll lL does however carefully seL forLh Lhe condlLlons under whlch lL operaLes and Lhe laws governlng
Llfe warnlng man LhaL unless he undersLands Lhese condlLlons and obeys Lhese laws he wlll noL recelve
full beneflL from Lhe Sclence of Mlnd
1he world ls beglnnlng Lo reallze LhaL lL has learned all lL can Lhrough sufferlng and paln erhaps Lhey
were good ln Lhelr place buL surely Lhere can be no power ln Lhe unlverse whlch wlshes man Lo be slck
Lo suffer paln Lo be unhappy and end up ln Lhe grave Surely Cod could noL ordaln LhaL man should
ulLlmaLely be oLher Lhan a perfecL expresslon of Llfe
We should have no lnLellecLual dlfflculLy ln reallzlng LhaL even Cod Plmself could noL make an auLomaLlc
lndlvlduallLy and Lhls explalns why man musL suffer on Lhe road Lo selfdlscovery Pe musL suffer noL
because paln ls a necesslLy buL because he musL have experlence ln order Lo become lndlvlduallzed
erhaps lL would be a good ldea Lo elaboraLe on Lhls and explaln [usL whaL lndlvlduallLy really means
lndlvlduallLy means selfcholce vollLlon consclous mlnd personlfled SplrlL compleLe freedom and a
CWL8 1C 8ACk u 1PA1 l8LLuCM
p 83
We cannoL lmaglne a mechanlcal or unsponLaneous lndlvlduallLy 1o be real and free lndlvlduallLy musL
be creaLed ln 1PL lMACL Cl L8lLC1lCn Anu LL1 ALCnL 1C MAkL 1PL C8LA1 ulSCCvL8? lC8 l1SLLl
1he answer Lo Lhe quesLlon Why dld noL Cod make us free and compel LhaL freedom? ls apparenL
when we reallze LhaL even Cod could noL do Lhls A freedom under compulslon would produce a
freedom LhaL would ulLlmaLely amounL Lo Lhe very worsL klnd of bondage 1here ls no such Lhlng as
compulsory freedom even Cod Plmself could noL ordaln Lhls for Pe could do noLhlng LhaL would vlolaLe
Pls own naLure no man musL be creaLed wlLh Lhe posslblllLy of llmlLless freedom and Lhen be leL alone
Lo dlscover Lhe facL for hlmself Cn Lhe road Lo LhaL dlscovery he musL be sub[ecL Lo Lhe Law of all Llfe
and lf ln lgnorance he vlolaLes LhaL Law he musL Lhereby suffer 1hls ls noL however because Cod
lmposes Lhe sufferlng or deslres lL buL slmply because lL ls Lhe necesslLy of Lhe case
lreedom of wlll means Lhe ablllLy Lo do say and Lhlnk as one wlshes Lo express llfe as one personally
deslres 1o be able only Lo Lhlnk and dream of freedom would noL be llberLy 1o lmaglne wlLhouL Lhe
power Lo manlfesL LhaL lmaglnaLlon would be Lo remaln ln a sorL of dream world whlch would never
come Lo compleLe selfreallzaLlon 1hls ls noL Lhe world ln whlch man llves aL all for mans world ls one
of selfexpresslon even Lhough LhaL expresslon appears aL Llmes Lo desLroy hlm
We do noL wlsh Lo enLer lnLo Lheologlcal dlscusslons ln Lhls course of lnsLrucLlon buL we do wlsh Lo
make Lhe LhoughL clear Lo Lhose who care Lo sLudy lL 1here ls no sln buL a mlsLake and no punlshmenL
buL an lnevlLable consequence Wrong dolng musL be punlshed for Lhe Law of cause and effecL musL
p 84
be eLernally operaLlve 8lghL dolng musL be rewarded for Lhe same reason
We do noL say LhaL man cannoL sln whaL we say ls LhaL he does sln or make mlsLakes and LhaL he ls
Lhereby auLomaLlcally punlshed AS LCnC AS PL CCn1lnuLS 1C MAkL MlS1AkLS 1hls does noL mean
LhaL Lhere ls an evll power ln Lhe unlverse buL lL does mean LhaL Lhere ls an lmmuLable Law of cause
and effecL runnlng Lhrough everyLhlng Sln ls lLs own punlshmenL and rlghLeousness l1S CWn 8LWA8u
1he agelong dlscusslon of Lhe problem of evll wlll never be answered unLll we reallze LhaL lL ls noL a
Lhlng of lLself buL ls slmply A MlSuSL Cl 1PL LAW Cl l8LLuCM 1he problem of evll wlll be meL only Lo
Lhe degree LhaL we ceose Joloq evll ooJ Jo qooJ for evll wlll dlsappear when we no longer lndulge ln lL
When Lhe whole world sees Lhe rlghL and does lL Lhen and noL unLll Lhen wlll Lhe problem of evll be
solved for Lhe enLlre race
1o reLurn Lo lndlvlduallLy lL ls LhaL whlch dlsLlngulshes man from Lhe mere bruLe creaLlon lL ls Lhe
greaLer lncarnaLlon of Cod ln Lhe human Lhe lndwelllng SplrlL of Lhe MosL Plgh
Man ls creaLed and lefL Lo dlscover hlmself and on Lhe road Lo Lhls selfdlscovery he experlences Lhe
creaLlons of hls own lmaglnaLlons whlch ulLlmaLely show hlm Lhe 1ruLh and lead Lo real freedom
1here ls an lnLeresLlng myLh ln regard Lo Lhe creaLlng of man whlch may serve Lo polnL ouL Lhls facL lL ls
sald LhaL when Lhe gods declded Lo make man and make hlm a ulvlne 8elng Lhey held a long dlscusslon
as Lo where would be Lhe besL place Lo hlde hls ulvlnlLy Some of Lhe gods suggesLed LhaL lL be hldden ln
Lhe earLh buL oLhers argued LhaL some day man would peneLraLe Lhe earLh and so dlscover hlmself lL
was Lhen suggesLed LhaL lL be hldden ln Lhe depLhs of Lhe sea buL Lhls ldea was re[ecLed for man would
go under Lhe sea and Lhere dlscover hls Lrue naLure lL was nexL suggesLed LhaL hls real naLure should be
deposlLed somewhere ln Lhe alr buL Lhls also was re[ecLed for he would surely fly Lhrough Lhe alr and
p 83
flnd hlmself AfLer a long dlscusslon lL was flnally agreed LhaL Lhe besL place Lo hlde mans ulvlnlLy would
be ln 1PL lnnL8MCS1 nA1u8L Cl MAn PlMSLLlLhls belng Lhe lasL place he would look Lo flnd lL!
1hls dlscovery would noL be made unLll he had had all Lhe experlence necessary Lo compleLe a well
rounded llfe 1he Word ls very nlgh unLo Lhee ln Lhy mouLh and ln Lhy hearL LhaL Lhou mayesL do
lL 22
Cf course Lhls ls a fable buL how clearly lL seLs forLh Lhe reallLy of Lhe case! 1he word ls really ln our
own mouLhs and every Llme we say l AM we are repeaLlng lL for l AM ls Lhe secreL of naLure and
Lhe emblem of LLernlLy
1he sLory of 1he rodlgal Son ls Lhe sLory of mans reLurn Lo Pls laLhers Pouse Pow Lruly Lhe poeL
puLs lL when he says LhaL 1ralllng clouds of Clory do we come from Peaven whlch ls our home 1hls ls
Lhe mysLlcal meanlng of LhaL marvelous poem of 8oberL 8rownlngs called Saul Saul had losL hls
sense of real llfe and lay ln a sLupor ln hls LenL when uavld came Lo slng Lo hlm Lo awaken hlm Lo Lhe
reallzaLlon of hls Lrue naLure AL flrsL uavld slngs of Lhe wonders of CreaLlon and of Lhe dellghLs of llfe
he Lells Saul of hls power and glory as a human belng and as Lhe song expands he Louches Lhe secreL
sprlng of Sauls belngPe ls Saul ye remember ln glory ere error had benL Lhe broad brow from Lhe
dally communlon 1hen he plalnly Lells Saul of Lhe ChrlsL 1hls revelaLlon flnally awakens Saul Lo Pls
old moLlons and aLLlLudes klngly 1he heallng has Laken place and Lhe reallzaLlon of Lhe 1ruLh has freed
Saul from Lhe Lhraldom of false bellef
Some Lake Lhe vlewpolnL LhaL man was casL forLh Lo dlscover hlmself and oLhers conLend LhaL man
declded Lo do Lhls for hlmself lL makes no dlfference whaL Lhe case may be man ls cerLalnly on Lhe
paLhway Lo selfdlscovery and everyLhlng ln hls experlence polnLs Lo Lhe LruLh of Lhls facL We know LhaL
Lhe forces of naLure walL on mans dlscovery of Lhem and
p 86
obey hls wlll as soon as he undersLands how Lo make use of her laws We cerLalnly have freedom
enough when we undersLand how Lo use LhaL freedom 1he llgrlm laLhers mlghL have had sLeam cars lf
Lhey had undersLood Lhe naLure of sLeam lL was noL pushed lnLo mans experlence by any auLocraLlc
power buL served hlm only afLer he had dlscovered how Lo use lL We mlghL say Lhe same of any and all
of Lhe laws LhaL we now undersLand and uLlllze
lf we flnd Lhls Lo be Lrue of Lhe laws of Lhe mechanlcal world why should we noL also flnd lL Lrue of
Lhose MenLal and SplrlLual Laws whlch Lranscend Lhe mechanlcal world? no doubL we shall flnd laLenL
powers and capaclLles of whlch we have never dreamed powers and ablllLles walLlng Lo be undersLood
and used 8ehold l sLand aL Lhe door and knock lL cerLalnly wlll pay man Lo spend much Llme and
LhoughL ln Lhe sLudy of hls own naLure for he wlll dlscover Lhlngs abouL hlmself LhaL wlll cause hlm Lo
Arlse and shlne 23 Man ls Loday more Lhan ever before awakenlng Lo Lhe real facLs of Lhe case and
from now on hls evoluLlon wlll become very rapld noLhlng ls lmposslble all Lhlngs are posslble Lo Lhe
CreaL Whole and man ls a parL of LhaL Whole
As Lhe evldence of deslgn ln Lhe unlverse proves a ueslgner so Lhe evldence of selfcholce shows a
ower LhaL knows lLself 1he SplrlL ls Selfknowlng Cod knows LhaL Cod ls 8uL a unlversal Self
knowlngness really means a unlversal ersonalness and so we see how Cod can be ersonal Lo every
llvlng soul who belleves ln SplrlL We could LruLhfully sayso lL seems Lo me aL leasLLhaL Lhere ls Cne
lnflnlLe erson ln whom we all llve and move and have our 8elng 24 for we all llve ln Lhe Cne
p 87
LeL us assume LhaL man ls on Lhe road Lo selfdlscovery WhaL ls he Lo dlscover?1haL he ls really free
buL LhaL ln order Lo be free he musL flrsL go Lhrough experlences whlch wlll Leach hlm how Lo use hls
freedom properly and afLer Lhe lesson ls learned he wlll be free lndeed LveryLhlng seems as lf Lhls
were Lrue We have Lraced mans progress carefully Lhrough hls [ourney on Lhls planeL from Lhe Llme
when Lhe flrsL face Was Lurned from Lhe clod Lo now and whaL have we dlscovered? 1haL all naLure
walLs upon mans selfdlscovery and ls ever ready Lo serve hlm and do hls blddlng Laws and forces
undreamed of by our ancesLors are now belng employed powers and forces whlch Lo prehlsLorlc man
would have seemed as gods are Loday called naLures forces and we consclously make use of Lhem
Man has gradually merged wlLh naLure and her laws and Loday sLands forLh as a new belng so far as
Lhe mechanlcal world ls concerned lL seems as lf he had conquered naLure and compelled her Lo serve
nowhere on Lhls paLh has he found naLure opposed Lo hlm She has sllenLly walLed for hls recognlLlon
and as sllenLly done hls blddlng She wlll never conLradlcL herself nor operaLe conLrary Lo her lnherenL
laws buL she wlll serve whoever comes Lo undersLand and use Lhem along Lhe llnes of her way of
worklng Man never creaLed any of Lhese laws buL slmply uses Lhem and he can do Lhls only as he flrsL
obeys Lhem naLure obeys us as we flrsL obey lL ls an old saylng and a Lrue one We learn Lhe
fundamenLal prlnclple of a law obey lLs mode of operaLlon and Lhen have consclous use of lL lL would
be absurd Lo say LhaL naLure punlshed us because we dld noL make proper use of her laws She slmply
wlll noL work harmonlously for us unLll we harmonlze wlLh her she wlll obey us only afLer we have
obeyed her 1hls ls of course Lrue of any and all law lf we obey lL serves lf we dlsobey lL seems Lo
punlsh us
p 88
lL ls Lhe same wlLh Lhose greaL MenLal and SplrlLual Laws of our 8elng We musL come Lo dlscover and
uLlllze Lhe lnner forces of Mlnd and SplrlL for Lhey are Lhe hlghesL powers
Man wlll be dellvered from sln slckness and Lrouble ln exacL proporLlon Lo hls dlscovery of hlmself and
hls relaLlonshlp Lo Lhe Whole
Law ls law wherever we flnd lL and we shall dlscover LhaL Lhe Laws of Mlnd and SplrlL musL be
undersLood lf Lhey are Lo be consclously used for deflnlLe purposes 1PL Sl8l1 knCWS Anu 1PL LAW
Pldden away ln Lhe lnner naLure of Lhe real man ls Lhe Law of hls llfe and some day he wlll dlscover lL
and consclously make use of lL Pe wlll heal hlmself make hlmself happy and prosperous and wlll llve ln
an enLlrely dlfferenL world for he wlll have dlscovered LhaL LllL lS l8CM Wl1Pln Anu nC1 l8CM
Man ls made ouL of and from Llfe and as effecL musL parLake of Lhe naLure of lLs cause so man musL
parLake of Lhe ulvlne naLure from whlch he sprlngs
lf we reallze LhaL Cod ls 1rlune and LhaL man ls made ln Lhe lmage and Llkeness of Cod we shall see
LhaL Lhe whole scheme of Llfe and Lhe whole naLure of Lhe ulvlne 8elng ls reenacLed Lhrough man 1hls
of course does noL mean LhaL man ls Cod lL means LhaL ln hls small world of lndlvldual expresslon hls
naLure ls ldenLlcal wlLh Cods 1hls ls whaL !esus meanL when he sald As Lhe laLher haLh Llfe wlLhln
Plmself so haLh Pe glven Lo Lhe Son Lo have Llfe wlLhln hlmself 23
A slngle drop of waLer ls noL Lhe whole ocean buL lL does resemble Lhe ocean and does conLaln wlLhln
lLself Lhe same
p 89
quallLles and aLLrlbuLes We mlghL say LhaL man ls ln Cod and LhaL Cod works Lhrough man l and 1he
laLher are Cne 26 1he klngdom of Cod ls wlLhln you 27 and we mlghL add Cods ln Pls Peaven
alls rlghL wlLh Lhe world
1here are buL Lwo processes of reasonlng known Lo Lhe human mlnd lnducLlve and deducLlve and from
Lhese Lwo ways of reasonlng all our knowledge of llfe has come lnducLlve reasonlng ls Lhe sysLemaLlc
process of reasonlng from a parL Lo Lhe whole ueducLlve reasonlng ls Lhe process of accepLlng cerLaln
concluslons as LruLhs and drawlng oLher concluslons from Lhem lL ls reasonlng from Lhe whole Lo a parL
lor lnsLance ln lnducLlve reasonlng we would say LhaL everyLhlng happens [usL as lf Lhere were whaL we
call elecLrlclLy and LhaL lL ls everywhere presenL ueducLlve reasonlng says LhaL slnce elecLrlclLy ls
everywhere presenL lL ls always where we are and can always be generaLed from any cenLer
uslng Lhese Lwo meLhods of reasonlng Lo deduce Lhe naLure of Cod we may sLarL wlLh Lhe assumpLlon
LhaL Cod lS drawlng all our concluslons from Lhls premlse or we may carefully sLudy Lhe naLure of man
and Lhe unlverse and so draw Lhe concluslon LhaL a Cod musL exlsL Whlchever meLhod we use wlll lead
Lo Lhe same concluslon namely LhaL Lhere ls a ulvlne 8elng and LhaL man ls made ln Pls lmage and musL
reenacL and porLray Lhe same aLLrlbuLes as Lhe Llfe from whlch he came
noLhlng ln Lhe unlverse happens by chance All ls ln accordance wlLh Law and Lhe Law of Cod ls as
CmnlpresenL as ls Lhe SplrlL of Cod 1hls Law ls a Law of Mlnd buL back of Lhe Law ls Lhe Word All
Lhlngs were made by Plm and wlLhouL Plm was noL anyLhlng made LhaL was made 28
8ack of our llves ls Lhe Law of our 8elng and Lhrough LhaL Law runs Lhe word whlch we speak for WhaL
Lhlngs soever
p 90
paragraph conLlnues Pe (Lhe Son) seeLh Lhe laLher do Lhese also doeLh Lhe Son llkewlse 29
1housands of people Loday are beglnnlng Lo reallze Lhls and puL lL lnLo operaLlon and Lhe resulLs
aLLalned would flll more books Lhan one man could read ln a llfeLlme 1housands Loday are uslng Lhe
sllenL power of Mlnd Lo heal Lhelr bodles and brlng prosperlLy lnLo Lhelr affalrs and Lhe Law ls always
worklng ln accordance wlLh Lhe bellef of Lhose seeklng Lo use lL As Lhe unlverse ls run by an lnflnlLe
Mlnd so mans llfe ls conLrolled by hls Lhlnklng lgnorance of Lhls keeps hlm ln bondage knowledge wlll
free hlm
Cne by one people wlll lnvesLlgaLe Lhe 1ruLh and puL lL lnLo operaLlon and Lhe Llme wlll come when
dlsease and poverLy wlll be swepL from Lhe face of Lhe earLh for Lhey were never lnLended Lo be 1hey
are slmply Lhe byproducLs of lgnorance and enllghLenmenL alone wlll erase Lhem
1nL 1IML nAS CCML 1C kNCW 1nL 1kU1n
1he hour of freedom has sLruck Lhe bell of LlberLy ls rlnglng and LeL hlm LhaL ls aLhlrsL come 30 LeL
us Lhen plunge more deeply lnLo our own naLures and lnLo Lhe naLure of Lhe unlverse and see lf we
shall noL flnd Lreasures undreamed of posslblllLles never lmaglned and opporLunlLles whlch Lhe fond
LhoughLyearnlng for freedomhas ofLen ln our vlslon of Lhe greaLer Llfe glven us
rove me now herewlLh salLh Lhe Lord of hosLs lf l wlll noL open you Lhe wlndows of heaven and
pour you ouL a blesslng LhaL Lhere shall noL be room enough Lo recelve lL 31
lL would be a wonderful experlmenL for any one Lo make Lo begln Lo llve as lf Lhls promlse were Lrue Lo
Lalk Lhlnk and acL as Lhough Lhere were a LlmlLless ower aLLendlng hlm on hls
p 91
[ourney Lhrough llfe as Lhough hls every acL were dlrecLed and gulded lnLo expresslons of peace healLh
happlness and harmony lL ls surely worLh whlle and undersLandlng wlll make Lhe way so clear before us
LhaL we shall some day come Lo see Lhe loglc of lL and Lhen lndeed shall we really begln Lo llve Cur
llves forLunes and happlness are ln our own hands Lo mold as we wlllprovlded we flrsL obey Lhe Law
and learn how Lo make consclous use of lL WlLh all Lhy geLLlng geL undersLandlng 32an old adage
buL Loday as Lrue as ever
lL has been Lhe Leachlng of all Llmes LhaL man reproduces Lhe ulvlne naLure and lf he does we shall
expecL Lo flnd ln hls naLure Lhe same quallLles LhaL we suppose musL be ln Lhe naLure of Llfe lLself
A sLudy of Lhe psychologlcal naLure of man verlfles Lhe bellef ln 1he 1rlnlLy runnlng Lhrough all Llfe
Man ls selfconsclous of Lhls we are sure for he can say l AM 1hls facL alone proves hls clalm Lo
lmmorLallLy and greaLness ln psychology we learn LhaL man ls Lhreefold ln hls naLure LhaL ls he has a
selfconsclous mlnd a subconsclous mlnd and a body ln meLaphyslcs we learn LhaL Lhe Lhree are buL
dlfferenL aLLrlbuLes of Lhe same llfe Mans selfconsclous mlnd ls Lhe power wlLh whlch he knows lL ls
Lherefore one wlLh Lhe SplrlL of Cod lL ls lndeed Pls only guaranLee of consclous belng
lL ls from Lhls selfknowlng mlnd LhaL man ls able Lo reallze hls relaLlonshlp wlLh Lhe Whole for wlLhouL
lL he would be unhuman and mosL cerLalnly noL ulvlne buL slnce he has lL he musL be ulvlne
lL ls Lhe selfknowlng mlnd alone LhaL consLlLuLes reallLy personallLy and lndlvlduallLy lL ls Lhe lmage of
Cod Lhe essence of Sonshlp and Lhe ersonlflcaLlon of Lhe lnflnlLe
p 92
We recognlze Lhen ln mans selfknowlng mlnd hls unlLy wlLh Lhe Whole lor whlle a drop of waLer ls
noL Lhe ocean yeL lL does conLaln wlLhln lLself all Lhe aLLrlbuLes of Lhe llmlLless deep
Mans selfknowlng mlnd ls Lhe lnsLrumenL whlch percelves reallLy and cognlzes or reallzes 1ruLh All
lllumlnaLlon lnsplraLlon and reallzaLlon musL come Lhrough Lhe selfknowlng mlnd ln order Lo manlfesL
ln man vlslon lnLulLlon and revelaLlon proclalm Lhemselves Lhrough mans selfknowlng mlnd and Lhe
SalnLs and Sages Lhe Savlours and ChrlsLs Lhe ropheLs and Seers Lhe Wlse and Learned have all
consclously percelved and proclalmed Lhls facL Lvery evldence of human experlence all acLs of klndness
and mercy have lnLerpreLed Lhemselves Lhrough mans selfknowlng mlnd All LhaL we know say or
Lhlnk feel or belleve hope or long for fear or doubL ls some acLlon of Lhe selfknowlng mlnd Sub[ecLlve
memorles we have and lnner unexpressed emoLlons we feel buL Lo Lhe selfknowlng mlnd alone does
reallzaLlon come WlLhouL Lhls capaclLy Lo consclously know man would noL exlsL as an expressed belng
and so far as we are concerned would noL exlsL aL all 1he selfknowlng mlnd of man proclalms lLself ln
every LhoughL deed or acL and ls Lruly Lhe only guaranLee of hls lndlvlduallLy
WlLh Lhls vasL array of facLs aL our dlsposal lL would be foollsh Lo suppose LhaL mans selfknowlng mlnd
ls any oLher Lhan hls percepLlon of 8eallLy lt ls bls uolty wltb tbe wbole ot CoJ oo tbe cooscloos slJe of
llfe ooJ ls oo obsolote qootootee tbot be ls o ceotet of CoJcooscloosoess lo tbe vost wbole
We wlll say Lhen LhaL ln SplrlL man ls Cne wlLh Cod 8uL whaL of Lhe greaL Law of Lhe unlverse? lf we
are really Cne
p 93
wlLh Lhe Whole we musL be Cne wlLh Lhe Law of Lhe Whole as well as Cne wlLh Lhe SplrlL Agaln
psychology has deLermlned Lhe facL Lo be more Lhan a fancy 1he characLerlsLlcs of Lhe subconsclous
mlnd of man deLermlne hls Sub[ecLlve unlLy wlLh Lhe unlverse of Llfe Law and AcLlon
ln Lhe Sub[ecLlve Mlnd of man we flnd a law obeylng hls word Lhe servanL of hls SplrlL SuggesLlon has
proved LhaL Lhe subconsclous mlnd acLs upon our LhoughL wlLhouL quesLlon or doubL lL ls Lhe menLal
law of our 8elng and Lhe creaLlve facLor wlLhln us lL ls unnecessary aL Lhls polnL Lo go lnLo all Lhe
deLalls of Lhe Sub[ecLlve Mlnd and lLs mode of acLlon lL ls enough Lo say LhaL wlLhln us ls a menLal law
worklng ouL Lhe wlll and purposes of our consclous LhoughLs 1hls can be no oLher Lhan Cu8 lnulvluuAL
uSL Cl 1PA1 C8LA1L8 Su8!LC1lvL Mlnu WPlCP lS 1PL SLA1 Cl ALL LAW Anu AC1lCn Anu lS 1PL
SL8vAn1 Cl 1PL L1L8nAL Sl8l1 1P8CuCP ALL 1PL ACLS
Marvelous as Lhe concepL may be lL ls none Lhe less Lrue LhaL man has aL hls dlsposal ln whaL he calls
hls sub[ecLlve mlnd a power whlch seems Lo be LlmlLless 1hls ls because he ls Cne wlLh Lhe Whole on
Lhe sub[ecLlve slde of llfe
Mans LhoughL falllng lnLo hls sub[ecLlve mlnd merges wlLh Lhe unlversal Sub[ecLlve Mlnd and becomes
Lhe law of hls llfe Lhrough 1PL CnL C8LA1 LAW Cl ALL LllL
1here are noL Lwo sub[ecLlve mlnds 1bete ls bot ooe sobjectlve mloJ ooJ wbot we coll oot sobjectlve
mloJ ls teolly ooly 1n u5 1nA1 w Ak MAklNC Ol 1n ON lAw
Lach lndlvldual malnLalns hls ldenLlLy ln Law Lhrough hls personal use of lL and each ls drawlng ftom Llfe
whaL PL 1PlnkS lN1O l1
1C LLA8n PCW 1C 1Plnk lS 1C LLA8n PCW 1C LlvL for our LhoughLs go lnLo a Medlum LhaL ls lnflnlLe
ln lLs ablllLy Lo do and Lo be
MAn 8? 1PlnklnC CAn 88lnC ln1C PlS LxL8lLnCL
p 94
paragraph conLlnues WPA1SCLvL8 PL uLSl8LS ll PL 1PlnkS CC88LC1L? Anu 8LCCMLS A LlvlnC
LM8CulMLn1 Cl PlS 1PCuCP1S 1bls ls oot Jooe by bolJloq tbooqbts bot by kNOwlNC 1n 1ku1n
1nL 8CD
8uL whaL abouL mans body? ls LhaL Loo one wlLh Lhe 8ody of Lhe unlverse? LeL us brlefly analyze
maLLer and see whaL lL really ls We are Lold LhaL maLLer ls noL a solld sLaLlonary Lhlng buL ls a
consLanLly flowlng formless subsLance whlch ls forever comlng and golng MaLLer ls as lndesLrucLlble as
Cod as eLernal as 1lmeless 8elng noLhlng can be elLher added Lo or Laken from lL 1he very bodles we
now have were noL wlLh us a shorL Llme ago As Slr Cllver Lodge says we dlscard many of Lhem on Lhe
paLh Lhrough Lhls llfe for Lhe maLerlal from whlch our bodles are composed ls ln a consLanL sLaLe of
flow vlsLas of LhoughL open up along Lhe llne of menLal heallng when we reallze Lhls facL laLer we wlll
Lhoroughly dlscuss and work ouL a deflnlLe Lechnlque for Lhe purpose of heallng
MaLLer ls noL whaL we LhoughL lL Lo be lL ls slmply a flowlng sLuff Laklng Lhe form LhaL Mlnd glves lL
Pow abouL Lhe maLLer from whlch oLher Lhlngs Lhan Lhe body are made? lL ls all Lhe sameCnL
Su8S1AnCL ln 1PL unlvL8SL 1AkLS ulllL8Ln1 lC8MS Anu SPALS Anu 8LCCMLS ulllL8Ln1
1he lasL analysls of maLLer resolves lL lnLo a unlversal eLher and leaves noLhlng more Lhan a sLuff whlch
may be operaLed upon
MaLLer ln Lhe lasL analysls ls composed of parLlcles so flne LhaL Lhey are slmply supposed Lo be ln oLher
words lL dlsappears enLlrely and Lhe place where lL once was ls agaln wlLhouL form and vold 33
MaLLer as we know lL ls only an aggregaLlon of Lhese parLlcles arranged ln such order as Lo
p 93
produce deflnlLe forms whlch are deLermlned by someLhlng wnlcn l5 NO1 MA1klAl
1here ls no dlfference beLween Lhe parLlcles whlch any one form Lakes and Lhe parLlcles whlch all forms
Lake Lhe dlfference ls noL ln Lhe mlnuLe parLlcles buL ln Lhelr arrangemenL
Cur bodles are Cne wlLh Lhe Whole 8ody of Lhe unlverse Seeds planLs cabbages and klngs are made of
Lhe same subsLance mlnerals sollds and llqulds are made from 1n 9klMOkulAl 5u851ANc wnlcn l5
lOkvk llOwlNC lN1O lOkM ANu lOkvk llOwlNC Ou1 ACAlN lN1O 1n vOlu
noLhlng could form a formless sLuff whlch has no mlnd of lLs own excepL lnLelllgence operaLlng upon lL
Agaln we come back Lo Lhe Word as Lhe sLarLlng polnL of all CreaLlonCods Word ln Lhe CreaL World
mans word ln Lhe small world
ON 59lkl1 ON MlNu ANu ON 5u851ANc ON lAw 8u1 MAN 1nOuCn15 ON 9Owk 8u1
MAN wA5 Ol u5lNC l1 ON COu lN wnOM w All llv ANu ON lAw wnlcn All O9kA1 ON
ON ON NO CkA1k uNl1 cOulu 8 ClvN 1nAN 1nA1 wnlcn l5 AlkAu vOucn5Alu 1O
8uL why ls man so llmlLed? Why ls he sLlll poor slck afrald and unhappy? 8ecause he does noL know Lhe
1ruLhLhaL ls Lhe only Why 8uL why was he noL so made LhaL he would bove Lo know Lhe 1ruLh? 1he
answer ls LhaL even Cod could noL make a real man LhaL ls a real ersonlfled Lxpresslon of Plmself
wlLhouL cteotloq blm lo fteeJom ooJ leovloq blm 1O ul5cOvk nlM5ll 1hls ls Lhe meanlng of Lhe sLory
of Lhe rodlgal Son and Lhe whole meanlng of lL
p 96
lndlvlduallLy means real lndlvlduallzed belng and real personlfled selfcholce We could noL lmaglne an
lndlvlduallLy wlLhouL selfcholce buL whaL would be Lhe use of selfcholce unless Lhe ablllLy Lo choose
were backed wlLh Lhe power Lo exLernallze LhaL cholce? lL would remaln slmply an ldle dream never
comlng lnLo real selfexpresslon A llLLle LhoughL wlll make lL clear LhaL lf man ls creaLed Lo express
freedom he musL be lefL Lo dlscover hlmself Cf course durlng Lhe process he wlll have much
experlence buL ln Lhe end he wlll come ouL a real belng
1he day of mans dlscovery of hlmself marked Lhe flrsL day of Lhe record of human hlsLory on Lhls planeL
and from Lhe day when he flrsL made Lhls dlscovery he has consLanLly rlsen and conLlnuously
progressed All Lhe forces of naLure aLLend hlm on hls way buL he musL flrsL dlscover Lhem ln order Lo
make use of Lhem
1he greaLesL dlscovery LhaL man ever made was LhaL hls LhoughL has creaLlve power LhaL ls LhaL lL uses
creaLlve power Pls LhoughL of lLself would have no power unless lL were operaLlve Lhrough a creaLlve
medlum We do noL have Lo compel Law Lo operaLe all LhaL we have Lo do ls Lo use lL 1he Law of Mlnd
ls [usL llke any and all oLher laws of 8elng lL slmply ls
We have now dlscovered a unlLy wlLh Lhe Whole on all Lhree sldes of llfe or from all Lhree modes of
expresslon We are Cne wlLh all maLLer ln Lhe physlcal world Cne wlLh Lhe CreaLlve Law of Lhe unlverse
ln Lhe MenLal World and Cne wlLh Lhe SplrlL of Cod ln Lhe Consclous World
WhaL more could we ask or hope for? Pow would lL be posslble for more Lo be glven? We could ask for
no more and no greaLer freedom could be glven lrom now on we wlll expand grow and express only
Lo Lhe degree LhaL we consclously coperaLe wlLh Lhe Whole

8322 ueuL 3014
8623 lsa 601
8624 AcLs 1728
8823 !ohn 326
8926 !ohn 1030
8927 Luke 1721
8928 !ohn 13
9029 !ohn 319
9030 8ev 2217
9031 Mal 310
9132 rov 47
9433 Cen 12

p 97
Lesson 1wo Metaphys|ca| Mean|ng of Words Used |n Ind|v|dua| Chart No II8
Sl8l11haL parL of man whlch enables hlm Lo be selfconsclous 1haL whlch he really ls We do noL see
Lhe splrlL of man any more Lhan we see Lhe SplrlL of Cod We see whaL man does buL we do noL see Lhe
CP8lS1 LCCCS1he Word of Cod manlfesL ln and Lhrough man ln a llberal sense Lhe ChrlsL means Lhe
LnLlre ManlfesLaLlon of Cod and ls Lherefore Lhe Second erson of Lhe 1rlnlLy ChrlsL ls a unlversal ldea
and each one uLs on 1he ChrlsL 34 Lo Lhe degree LhaL he surrenders a llmlLed sense of Llfe Lo Lhe
ulvlne 8eallzaLlon
SCnSPlWe are all Sons of Cod and all parLake of Lhe ulvlne naLure
MlC8CCCSM1he lndlvldual world as dlsLlngulshed from Lhe unlversal
LMMAnuLLCCuWl1PuSMeans LhaL ChrlsL ls ln every one
L8SCnALl1?1he exLernal evldence of lndlvlduallzed belng
lnulvluuALl1?Lach one ls a separaLe ldenLlLy ln Mlnd and no Lwo are allke Lach ls an lndlvlduallzed
CenLer of CodConsclousness Cur personallLy ls Lhe use LhaL we make of our ulvlne lndlvlduallLy
CCnSClCuSS1A1L1he conscloussLaLe ls Lhe selfknowlng mlnd of man lL ls Lhe only Lhlng LhaL
dlsLlngulshes hlm from bruLe creaLlon WlLhouL a conscloussLaLe of mlnd man would noL be aL all or aL
leasL he would noL know LhaL he ls 1he consclous mlnd should be carefully guarded as lL ls Lhe real
MLn1ALMeans LhaL man ls menLally consclous
Sl8l1uALMeans LhaL man ls a SplrlLual 8elng
p 98
8LASCn lnuuC1lvL Anu uLuuC1lvL1he consclous mlnd of man can reason boLh lnducLlvely and
deducLlvely lL can reason from Lhe Whole Lo a parL or from a parL Lo Lhe Whole
WlLLMeans consclous ablllLy Lo deLermlne
CPClCLAblllLy Lo dlfferenLlaLe and choose
vCLl1lCnower Lo acL lndependenLly
ln1LLLLC1MenLal quallLy of analysls
u8CSLueLermlnaLlon wlLh lncenLlve
uLClSlCnAblllLy Lo choose
SCuL1be 5objectlve 5lJe of llfe Mans place ln Lhe Cne Sub[ecLlve Mlnd of Lhe unlverse hls ldenLlLy ln
Mlnd Mans soul llfe reenacLs Lhe Soul Llfe of Lhe unlverse wlLh whlch lL ls aL Cne
Su8!LC1lvL1he Soul ls sub[ecLlve 8ead agaln Lhe meanlng of sub[ecLlvlLy as glven ln Lhe unlversal
Su8CCnSClCuS1he Soul ls sub[ecLlve Lo Lhe consclous LhoughL
unCCnSClCuSWord used ln sychoanalysls Lo denoLe soul lL ls a poor way of expresslng soulllfe for
lL really ls noL unconsclous lL ls subconsclous buL cerLalnly noL unconsclous
CCnSClCuSnLSSAnoLher way of saylng soul 1he 8lble says soul Lhe psychoanalysL says
unconsclous Lhe psychologlsL says sub[ecLlve or subconsclous and Lhe meLaphyslclan says
consclousness All have Lhe same meanlng
kA8MA1he sub[ecLlve law of Lendency seL ln moLlon by Lhe lndlvldual 1he menLal law acLlng Lhrough
hlm karmlc Law means Lhe use LhaL man makes of hls menLallLy karma ls noL klsmeL for klsmeL means
faLe and karma slmply means Lhe menLal Lendency karma ls boLh lndlvldual and unlversal
Au8AMenLal aLmosphere or vlbraLlon lL exLends from a few lnches Lo a few feeL around Lhe lndlvldual
and can be seen by many people
p 99

1hls charL shows flrsL Lhe unlversal SplrlL Lhen Lhe unlversal Soul or Sub[ecLlvlLy whlch ls Lhe medlum
of all LhoughL power and acLlon Lhen parLlcularlzaLlon or manlfesLaLlon of SplrlL
1he polnL drawn down Lhrough Lhe cenLer symbollzes Lhe descenL of SplrlL lnLo maLLer or form lL ls
necessary LhaL SplrlL be manlfesLed ln order Lo express lLself 1he word unlLy on Lhe descendlng llne
shows LhaL all come from Lhe Cne Man reenacLs Lhe whole unlversal Llfe and hls naLure ls ldenLlcal
wlLh SplrlL WhaL ls Lrue of Lhe Whole ls Lrue of any one of lLs undlvlded parLs Man comes Lo a polnL of
lndlvlduallzaLlon ln Lhe Whole and ls sub[ecL Lo Lhe Law of Lhe Whole
p 100
MLMC8?1he soul or sub[ecLlve mlnd ls Lhe seaL of memory and reLalns wlLhln lLself everyLhlng LhaL
Lhe lndlvldual has ever sald LhoughL seen heard felL read or been Lold and lndeed everyLhlng LhaL
has ever happened Lo hlm lL also conLalns race memory and may or may noL conLaln much of whaL we
call Cosmlc urposes Cosmlc urposes mean Lhe ldeas of Cod 1he soul of man belng ln consLanL
conLacL wlLh Lhe Soul of Lhe unlverse mlghL conLacL Lremendous powers lf lL would Lurn Lo Lhe Cne
CCnlLlC1ln Lhe sLudy of sychoanalysls whlch means Lhe analysls of Lhe soul we learn LhaL Lhe
sub[ecLlve slde of LhoughL belng Lhe seaL of memory ofLen reLalns LhoughLs and suppressed emoLlons
whlch more or less Lear or blnd 1hls ls whaL ls meanL by lnner confllcL
S?CPLMeans soul
lnPL8l1Lu 1LnuLnClLS1he sub[ecLlve belng Lhe seaL of memory conLalns Lhe race characLerlsLlcs
and Lendencles We do noL lnherlL dlseases buL we do lnherlL Lendencles 1hls ls Lhe way LhaL famlly and
race LralLs are handed down
8ACLSuCCLS1lCn1he Lendency Lo reproduce whaL Lhe race has LhoughL and experlenced
8LnA1AL CCnul1lCnS1he Lendency Lo lnherlL famlly LralLs
lMACLS Cl 1PCuCP11he soul or sub[ecLlve mlnd conLalns all of our LhoughLs as menLal lmages or
Au1CSuCCLS1lCn1he soul recelves Lhe suggesLlons of Lhe lndlvldual
8LASCn uLuuC1lvL CnL?1haL whlch ls sub[ecLlve can reason deducLlvely only
8Cu?1he deflnlLe ouLllne of flesh conLalnlng all of Lhe ldeas whlch go Lo make Lhe compleLe physlcal
LllLC11haL whlch follows cause 1he body ls always an effecL
AllAl8S1haL whlch happens Lo Lhe exLernal man
CCnul1lCnSLxLernal Lhlngs Lhe resulL of LhoughL
p 101

Lesson 1wo MeLaphyslcal CharL no ll8
1hls charL shows how man reenacLs Lhe Whole and ls sub[ecL Lo Lhe law of hls own belng lf Lhe meanlng
of Lhls charL ls carefully sLudled lL wlll be made plaln LhaL man Lhlnks consclously and LhaL hls consclous
LhoughL becomes Lhe law of hls llfe 1he upper secLlon sLands for Lhe SelfConsclous man Lhe mlddle
secLlon sLands for Lhe subconsclous man and Lhe lowesL secLlon sLands for Lhe man as he appears ln Lhe
flesh and ln Lhe condlLlons of hls llfe
p 102
PLAL1P8esulL of correcL Lhlnklng
ulSLASL8esulL of wrong Lhlnklng
uLS1ln?8esulL of whaL man Lhlnks
8lCPLS8esulL of a consclousness of supply
CvL81?8esulL of llmlLed LhoughL
8uSlnLSSAlso resulL of LhoughL
vCCA1lCn1he Lhlng LhaL our LhoughL causes us Lo do
8ClLSSlCnSame as vocaLlon
CCCuA1lCnSame as vocaLlon
8LASCn nCnLLveryLhlng ln Lhe body of man as well as ln hls affalrs ls Lhe resulL of whaL he Lhlnks
noLhlng ln Lhe exLernal ls a cause and noLhlng LhaL happens causes lLself Lo happen 1hlngs have no
power Lo reason buL are always Lhe resulL of some lnner cause

9734 Cal 327

p 103
Lesson 1wo 1he Nature of Man
ln Lhe flrsL lesson we sLudled Lhe unlversal CharL we are now Laklng up Lhe lndlvldual charL WhaLever ls
Lrue of Lhe unlverse as a Whole musL also be Lrue of Lhe lndlvldual as some parL of Lhls Whole Man ls
evolved from Lhe unlverse and ls a selfconsclous Lhlnklng cenLer of Llvlng SplrlL and as such he musL
ln hls naLure and belng reproduce Lhe unlverse 1hls ls whaL !esus meanL when Pe sald As Lhe laLher
haLh (lnherenL) Llfe ln Plmself so haLh he glven Lo Lhe Son Lo have (lnherenL) Llfe ln Plmself 33
lnherenL Llfe means real Llfe 1he whole Cosmlc Scheme musL be reproduced on Lhe plane of Lhe
lndlvldual lf Lhere ls an lndlvldual
We musL expecL Lo flnd ln man Lherefore Lhe same lnherenL aLLrlbuLes LhaL we flnd ln Lhe unlverse
from whlch he sprlngs
CharL no llA symbollzes flrsL Lhe unlversal SplrlL nexL Lhe unlversal Sub[ecLlvlLy whlch ls called Lhe
Soul of Lhe unlverse and Lhlrd Lhe parLlcularlzaLlon or manlfesLaLlon of unlversal SplrlL We have
marked unlLy on Lhe descendlng llne because Lhe SplrlL emanaLes or parLlcularlzes lLself aL Lhe polnL of
our personallLy becomlng whaL we call man lL ls essenLlal LhaL we reallze Lhe unlLy of llfe le Lhe unlLy
of Cod and man on all Lhree planes
LeL us sLarL wlLh Lhe ob[ecLlve plane maLLer or body devold of mlnd or lnLelllgence has no vollLlon lL
may be permeaLed wlLh lnLelllgence buL lL ls noL lnLelllgenL lL ls one wlLh Lhe 8ody of Lhe unlverse
now whaL do we know abouL Lhe soul? 8emember Lhe Lhlngs LhaL were dlscussed ln connecLlon wlLh
Lhe quallLles of Lhe Soul of Lhe unlverse and you wlll flnd all of Lhem deplcLed ln whaL ls called Lhe
psychologlcal sub[ecLlve naLure of man for our sub[ecLlve or subconsclous mlnd reproduces all Lhe
aLLrlbuLes belonglng Lo Lhe unlversal Mlnd When we Lurn Lo Lhe splrlL of man we flnd LhaL lL ls one wlLh
Lhe SplrlL
p 104
of CodLhaL ls man ls a selfconsclous Lhlnklng chooslng cenLer of lndlvlduallzed lnLelllgence or Cod
Consclousness ln Lhe greaL Whole
So we flnd man ls one wlLh all maLLer ln Lhe maLerlal world one wlLh Lhe Soul of Lhe unlverse ln Lhe
sub[ecLlve world and one wlLh Lhe SplrlL of Cod ln Lhe consclous world WhaL we call our ob[ecLlve or
consclous mlnd ls as much as we know of Cod and Llfe 1he ob[ecLlve mlnd ls Lhe splrlLual mlnd for
whlch we have been looklng buL lL ls noL fully developed lf Lhls were noL so Lhere would be no mlnd
wlLh whlch Lo look 1he ob[ecLlve mlnd musL be Lhe splrlLual mlnd of man slnce lL ls Lhe only Lhlng abouL
hlm whlch knows LhaL lL has llfe and ls consclous of lLself
1he whole of SplrlL ls poLenLlally focused ln our lndlvldual ob[ecLlve consclousness buL we have noL yeL
evolved Lo a reallzaLlon of Lhls excepL ln a small degree 8ack of Lhe ob[ecLlve mlnd ls Lhe sub[ecLlve
mlnd or soul whlch ls Lhe medlum Lhrough whlch lnLelllgence operaLes
1here ls buL Cne unlversal Sub[ecLlve Mlnd or Soul and whaL we call our sub[ecLlve mlnd ls slmply our
use of unlversal Sub[ecLlvlLy for our sub[ecLlve mlnd ls noL a Lhlng aparL buL ls our place ln unlversal
Sub[ecLlve Mlnd and our place ln lL ls Lhe use LhaL we make of lL
1urnlng Lo Lhe charL of man CharL no ll8 we flnd LhaL Lhe splrlL of man ls hls consclous sLaLe of menLal
and splrlLual belng LhaL Lhls menLal sLaLe ls equlpped wlLh declslon wlll cholce vollLlon lnLellecL and
purpose We flnd LhaL lL ls lndlvlduallLy personallLy and ls called Lmmanuel or Cod wlLh us lL ls Lhe
mlcrocosm wlLhln Lhe Macrocosm whlch means Lhe llLLle world wlLhln Lhe blg world lL ls also called Lhe
lmage of Cod lL ls Sonshlp Lhe Sonshlp of Lhe laLher lL ls Lhe ChrlsL or Logos whlch means Lhe Word lL
can reason boLh lnducLlvely and deducLlvely and ls Lhe only Lhlng known Lo us LhaL can reason boLh
p 103
We flnd LhaL on Lhe sub[ecLlve or soul slde man ls subconsclous buL subconsclous does noL mean
unconsclous Subconsclous means sub[ecLlve Lo Lhe consclous LhoughL compelled by reason of lLs
sub[ecLlvlLy Lo recelve whaL ls puL lnLo lL 1he Lerm unconsclous ls used by psychoanalysls
Consclousness ls Lhe word LhaL some use ln speaklng of Lhe soul slde of llfe lL ls karmlc Law because lL
ls Lhe use LhaL we are maklng of unlversal Sub[ecLlvlLy karma means Lhe law of cause and effecL Soul
conLalns Lhe memory because lL ls Lhe recepLacle for Lhe seeds of our LhoughL lL ls psyche soul
psychlc Lhls ls where we geL Lhe word psychoanalysls analysls of Lhe soul lL conLalns Lhe lnherlLed
Lendencles because lL ls Lhe seaL of memory lL also conLalns racesuggesLlon for we are noL deallng
wlLh a separaLed and lsolaLed sub[ecLlve mlnd buL wlLh Lhe one Sub[ecLlve Mlnd 1here ls a vasL
dlfference beLween Lhlnklng of havlng Lhree or four mlnds and Lhlnklng of havlng buL Cne whlch all use
lLs reasonlng capaclLy ls deducLlve only yeL lL conLalns an lnLelllgence whlch ls lnflnlLe compared wlLh
Lhe human concepL of lnLelllgence
nexL we come Lo Lhe body of man whlch ls slmply Lhe effecL of whaL hls LhoughL has been ln Mlnd
8ody effecL affalrs condlLlons healLh dlsease desLlny rlches poverLy buslness vocaLlon professlon
resulLs occupaLlon any word LhaL sLands for Lhe exLernallzaLlon of mans LhoughL and endeavor we
class as a parL of Lhe body
WhaL a man has as well as whaL he ls ls Lhe resulL of Lhe sub[ecLlve sLaLe of hls LhoughL 1he Lhlnker ls
consclous mlnd buL when he Lhlnks he leLs fall Lhe forms of hls LhoughL lnLo Sub[ecLlve Mlnd whlch ls
Lhe unlversal Medlum of all LhoughL and acLlon and as Lhe resulL of Lhls Lhe CreaLlve Medlum aL once
seLs Lo work Lo produce Lhe Lhlng LhoughL of 1hls ls Lhe way LhaL naLure works and lL ls Lhe way LhaL
man works alLhough he ls [usL waklng Lo Lhls reallzaLlon
loLlnus who was one of Lhe neolaLonlc phllosophers
p 106
personlfylng naLure sald l do noL argue l conLemplaLe and as l conLemplaLe l leL fall Lhe forms of my
LhoughL 1hls ls Lhe way naLure creaLes lL conLemplaLes Lhrough lLs Consclous Mlnd As Lhe resulL of lLs
conLemplaLlon lL leLs fall Lhe seeds of lLs LhoughL lnLo Lhe unlversal Sub[ecLlve whlch belng Law
produces Lhe Lhlng LhoughL of now we musL expecL Lo flnd and we do flnd Lhe same Lhlng reenacLed ln
man 1hls means LhaL whaLever man Lhlnks (wheLher lL ls whaL he calls good or bad) falls lnLo Lhls
unlversal CreaLlve Medlum ls accepLed by lL ls aL once acLed upon beglns Lo Lake form and unless
neuLrallzed Lends Lo become a Lhlng ln Lhe ob[ecLlve world
When we reallze LhaL as we deal wlLh our own lndlvlduallLy we are deallng wlLh SelfConsclous Mlnd
and when we reallze LhaL as we deal wlLh sub[ecLlve mlnd we are deallng wlLh Lhe unlversal Sub[ecLlvlLy
we see aL once LhaL we have aL our dlsposal a ower compared Lo whlch Lhe unlLed lnLelllgence of Lhe
human race ls as noLhlng because Lhe unlversal Sub[ecLlve Mlnd belng enLlrely recepLlve Lo our
LhoughL ls compelled by reason of lLs very belng Lo accepL LhaL LhoughL and acL upon lL no maLLer whaL
Lhe LhoughL ls Slnce we are deallng wlLh an lnflnlLe ower whlch knows only lLs own ablllLy Lo do and
slnce lL can ob[ecLlfy any ldea lmpressed upon lL Lhere can be no llmlL Lo whaL lL could or would do for
us oLher Lhan Lhe llmlL of our menLal concepL LlmlLaLlon could noL be ln rlnclple or ln Law buL only ln
Lhe lndlvldual use LhaL we make of lL Cur lndlvldual use of lL can only equal our lndlvldual capaclLy Lo
undersLand lL Lo embody lL we coooot Jemoosttote beyooJ oot oblllty to meotolly coocelve ot to
meotolly ptovlJe oo epolvoleot We musL have a menLal equlvalenL of Lhe Lhlng we wanL ln order Lo
Sub[ecLlvlLy ls enLlrely recepLlve and neuLral as we have learned and lL can Lake our LhoughLs only Lhe
way we Lhlnk Lhem 1here ls no alLernaLlve lf l say l am poor and keep on saylng l am poor
subconsclous mlnd aL once says ?es you are poor and keeps me poor as long as l say lL
p 107
paragraph conLlnues 1hls ls all Lhere ls Lo poverLy lL comes from lmpoverlshed Lhlnklng We deal only
wlLh LhoughLs for LhoughLs are Lhlngs and lf Lhe LhoughL ls rlghL Lhe condlLlon wlll be rlghL An acLlve
LhoughL wlll produce an acLlve condlLlon Suppose l have LhoughL poverLy year afLer year l have creaLed
a law whlch keeps on perpeLuaLlng Lhls condlLlon lf Lhe LhoughL be unerased Lhe condlLlon wlll remaln
A law has been seL ln moLlon whlch says l am poor and sees Lo lL LhaL lL ls so 1hls ls aL flrsL auLo
suggesLlon Lhen lL becomes an unconsclous memory worklng day and nlghL 1hls ls whaL decldes Lhe
law of aLLracLlon because Lhe laws of aLLracLlon and repulslon are enLlrely sub[ecLlve 1hey may be
cooscloos to stott wltb bot tbey ote sobcooscloos os sooo os tbey ote set lo motloo now suppose l dld
noL say l was poor buL came lnLo Lhe world wlLh an unconsclous LhoughL of poverLy so long as LhaL
LhoughL operaLed l would be poor l mlghL noL have undersLood Lhe Law buL lL would have been
worklng all Lhe Llme
1here ls also a racesuggesLlon whlch says LhaL some people are rlch and some are poor so we are all
born or come lnLo Lhls world wlLh a sub[ecLlve Lendency Loward negaLlve condlLlons 8uL we are also
deallng wlLh a sub[ecLlve Lendency Loward ulLlmaLe good because ln splLe of all condlLlons Lhe race
belleves more ln Lhe good Lhan ln Lhe evll oLherwlse lL would noL exlsL lL belleves LhaL everyLhlng wlll
come ouL all rlghL raLher Lhan all wrong 1hls ls Lhe eLernal hope and sense of all llfe
no maLLer whaL may be ln Lhe soul or sub[ecLlve sLaLe of our LhoughL Lhe consclous sLaLe can change lL
1hls ls whaL LreaLmenL does Pow can Lhls be done? 1hrough Lhe mosL dlrecL meLhod lmaglnableby
consclously knowlng LhaL Lhere ls no sub[ecLlve sLaLe of poverLy no lnherlLed Lendency Loward
llmlLaLlon no racesuggesLlon operaLlng Lhrough sub[ecLlvlLy noLhlng ln around or Lhrough lL LhaL
belleves ln or accepLs llmlLaLlon ln any way shape form or manner 1he consclous sLaLe musL now
provlde a hlgher form of LhoughL WhaL does lL do? lL supplles a splrlLual reallzaLlon a selfconsclous
reallzaLlon and says l parLake of Lhe naLure and bounLy of Lhe All Cood and l am now surrounded by
everyLhlng whlch
p 108
makes llfe worLh whlle WhaL happens Lhen? 1hls Soul slde of llfe Lhls unlversal Medlum aL once
changes lLs LhoughL (because lLs LhoughL ls deducLlve only) and says ?es you are all of Lhese Lhlngs
wbotevet ls belJ lo cooscloosoess ootll lt becomes o pott of tbe sobjectlve slJe of tbooqbt most toke
ploce lo tbe wotlJ of offolts Notbloq coo stop lt 1he reason we do noL demonsLraLe more easlly ls LhaL
Lhe ob[ecLlve sLaLe of our LhoughL ls Loo ofLen neuLrallzed by Lhe sub[ecLlve sLaLe 1here ls more fear of
poverLy Lhan Lhere ls bellef ln rlches As long as LhaL fear remalns lL ls sure Lo produce a llmlLed
condlLlon wbotevet ls sobjectlve most objectlfy MaLLer ls lmmaLerlal unknowlng unLhlnklng and
plasLlc ln Lhe hands of Law or Mlnd and Law or Sub[ecLlve Mlnd whlch ls enLlrely unvollLlonal buL noL
unlnLelllgenL ls compelled by lLs own sub[ecLlvlLy Lo recelve Lhe LhoughL of Lhe consclous mlnd whlch
alone can choose and declde lL follows Lhen LhaL whaLever Lhe consclous mlnd holds long enough ls
bound Lo be produced ln exLernal affalrs noLhlng can sLop lL because we are deallng wlLh unlversal
Law 1hls ls called ulvlne rlnclple lL ls Lhe Medlum ln whlch we all llve move and have our belng on Lhe
sub[ecLlve slde of llfe our aLmosphere ln unlversal Sub[ecLlvlLy Lhe medlum Lhrough whlch all
lnLercommunlcaLlon Lakes place on every plane
lL follows from whaL we have sald LhaL any suggesLlon held ln CreaLlve Mlnd would produce lLs loglcal
resulL no maLLer whaL LhaL suggesLlon mlghL be lf lL were a suggesLlon of desLrucLlon lL would desLroy
for Lhls ls a neuLral fleld lf lL were a suggesLlon of good lL would consLrucL
1he SplrlL of ChrlsL means LhaL menLallLy whlch recognlzes Lhe Law and uses lL for consLrucLlve purposes
only 1he splrlL of AnLlchrlsL ls Lhe splrlL of Lhe lndlvldual or class of lndlvlduals who undersLandlng Lhe
Law use lL desLrucLlvely 1he meanlng of Lhe llood or ueluge (whlch ls recorded ln every sacred
scrlpLure we have read or heard of) ls LhaL a race of people were upon Lhe earLh who came Lo
undersLand psychlc or sub[ecLlve law as belng Lhe servanL of Lhe SplrlL 1hey
p 109
undersLood Lhemselves Lo be SplrlL buL Lhey dld noL undersLand Lhe harmonlous unlLy of SplrlL 1hey
had arrlved aL an lnLellecLual concepL of Lhe Lawa very clearly deflned menLal concepL buL LhaL
knowledge and wlsdom were noL used for consLrucLlve purposes 1hey used lL desLrucLlvely and whaL
happened? 1he confuslon whlch Look place ln Lhe psychlc world (or Lhe psychlc aLmosphere of Lhls
planeL) caused lLs physlcal correspondence ln Lhe form of Lhe ueluge or llood
syche also means sea and lL was lnLo Lhls psychlc sea LhaL !onah fell 1hls ls Lhe meanlng of Lhe sLory
of !onah and Lhe whale and ls also why ln 8evelaLlon lL says 1here was no more sea 36 lL does noL
mean LhaL Law shall be ellmlnaLed buL LhaL Lhe Llme wlll come when lL wlll be used for consLrucLlve
purposes only 1he mlsuse of Lhls Law Loday ls called MalpracLlce We have no fear of malpracLlce
because lL can be pracLlced only upon Lhe person who belleves ln lL lf we say Lo Mlnd 1here ls no such
Lhlng as malpracLlce Lhere belng only Cne ulLlmaLe 8eallLy as far as we are concerned we are free
from lL AgalnsL such Lhere ls no law 37 We recognlze Subconsclous Mlnd as Lhe CreaL ServanL of our
LhoughL lL ls Lhe Medlum Lhrough whlch all LreaLmenL operaLes Pow do we conLacL Lhls unlversal
Sub[ecLlve Mlnd whlch ls Lhe Medlum Lhrough whlch heallng and demonsLraLlon Lake place? we
cootoct lt wltblo ootselves ooJ oowbete else lL ls ln us belng CmnlpresenL Cur use of lL we call our
sub[ecLlve mlnd buL lL ls unlversal Sub[ecLlvlLy
MenLal LreaLmenL recognlzes LhaL each lndlvldual has hls ldenLlLy ln mlnd and ls known ln Mlnd by Lhe
name he bears 1hls Sub[ecLlve Law knows Lhere ls a !ohn SmlLh and a Mary !ones Why? 8ecause !ohn
SmlLh and Mary !ones know LhaL Lhere ls a !ohn SmlLh and a Mary !ones 8ot lt ooly koows oboot tbem
wbot tbey koow oboot tbemselves 8elng sub[ecLlve Lo Lhelr LhoughL lL could noL know anyLhlng else
consequenLly whaLever !ohn SmlLh and Mary !ones say lL
p 110
says accepLs and does 1hls ls a marvelous concepL unless we have LhoughL lL ouL lL may seem raLher
sLarLllng 8uL lL means LhlsLhaL tbe low obsolotely occepts os ot oot owo volootloo now Lhls does noL
mean LhaL lL accepLs us aL an ossomptloo of volootloo buL aL Lhe octool volootloo lL can reflecL Lo us
only Lhe acLual embodlmenL of ourselves lt ls tbe Jeep looet coovlctloo tbot we cotty wblcb JeclJes
wbot ls qoloq to boppeo So we are each known by Lhe name we bear and each ls dally maklng some
sLaLemenL abouL LhaL name When we say l am Lhls or LhaL we are lnvolvlng ln Mlnd sLaLemenLs whlch
Mlnd ln Lurn produces as condlLlons
ln LreaLmenL we Lurn enLlrely from Lhe condlLlon because so long as we look aL a condlLlon we cannoL
overcome lL 1haL ls why Lhe mysLlc sald 8ehold my face forevermore Look unLo me and be ye
saved all Lhe ends of Lhe earLh 38 1haL ls look up and noL down lL ls useless Lo LreaL ones buslness
because buslness ls an lmmaLerlal Lhlng lL ls an unLhlnklng unknowlng Lhlnga loL of sLuff ln form a loL
of forms ln sLuff 1haL whlch decldes whaL Lhe buslness shall be ls ln Consclousness or Mlnd
ConsequenLly we musL lnvolve ln Mlnd a correcL concepL of Lhe buslness seelng lL as we wanL lL Lo be
and when we have seen lL LhaL way long enough lL wlll be so Pow long wlll lL Lake? uotll tbe sobjectlve
slJe of tbooqbt occepts tbe oew coocept os ttoe ot ootll we bove oeottollzeJ tbe olJ coocept
!esus had a greaL undersLandlng and Pe gave a clew Lo LhaL undersLandlng when Pe sald 1he rlnce of
Lhls world comeLh and flndeLh noLhlng ln me 39 Pe meanL LhaL racesuggesLlon found no menLal
correspondence or equlvalenL ln Plm Pls consclousness was so clear LhaL lL operaLed dlrecLly from Lhe
1he alm of evoluLlon ls Lo produce a man who aL Lhe polnL of hls ob[ecLlve LhoughL may compleLely
manlfesL Lhe whole
p 111
ldea of llfele brlng Lhe concepL of unlLy Lo Lhe polnL of parLlcularlzaLlon flndlng noLhlng ln Lhe Law Lo
oppose lL 1he reason !esus was able Lo become Lhe ChrlsL was LhaL aL Lhe ob[ecLlve polnL of Pls
LhoughL Lhere was a compleLe reallzaLlon of Lhe unlLy of Lhe SplrlL and Lhe AbsoluLeness of hls word Pls
splrlLual and psychlcal faculLles hls ob[ecLlve and sub[ecLlve mlnd were compleLely polsed and perfecLly
lL ls evldenL LhaL lf Lhls Look place ln any lndlvldual hls word would be manlfesLed llkewlse lL would have
Lo be because behlnd Lhe word ls unlversal Soul CmnlpoLenL Law ulvlne rlnclple ls LlmlLless buL lt
coo ooly be to os wbot we belleve lt ls Why musL we belleve lL ls? 8ecause unLll we belleve lL ls we are
bellevlng lL ls noL 1he reason some people cannoL demonsLraLe Lhe 1ruLh ls Lhey do noL reallze lL 1he
whole Lhlng ls a maLLer of bellef bot bellef ls scleotlflcolly loJoceJ loto o sobjectlve stote tbtooqb
cooscloos eoJeovot ooJ effott 1reaLmenL ls Lhe sclence of lnduclng wlLhln Mlnd concepLs accepLances
and reallzaLlons of peace polse power plenLy healLh happlness and success or whaLever Lhe
parLlcular need may be
WhaL does a pracLlLloner do? Pe seLs Lhe Law ln moLlon ln unlversal Mlnd LeL us suppose LhaL Mary ls
slck and LhaL !ohn ls a pracLlLloner She comes Lo hlm saylng l am slck Pe belng a meLaphyslclan
undersLands LhaL Mlnd ls all she does noL undersLand Lhls She feels LhaL she ls slck 8uL he knows LhaL
all slckness ls menLal Pe does noL Lry Lo hold a LhoughL over her nor does he Lry Lo suggesL anyLhlng Lo
her for LhaL ls noL menLal LreaLmenL Pe slmply declares Lhe 1ruLh abouL her he speaks her name and
says 1hls word ls for her she ls perfecL she ls well ln oLher words he conLradlcLs whaL appears Lo be
and declares Lhe 1ruLh abouL her WhaL happens? A law ls belng enacLed on Lhe sub[ecLlve slde of llfe
Pls word operaLlve Lhrough Lhe unlversal Sea of Mlnd (ln whlch boLh llve) seLs ln moLlon a law whlch
ob[ecLlfles Lhrough her body as heallng
Mary Lhlnks a mlracle has been performed She exclalms l am healed l dld noL have a blL of falLh buL
[ohn healed me no mlracle has been performed Pe used a law whlch all may use lf Lhey wlll Suppose
Mary were perfecLly well
p 112
buL wanLed a poslLlonwhaL would Lhe LreaLmenL be? lL would be Lhe same !ohn would sLaLe ln Mlnd
whaL should be done for Mary 1here ls only Cne Law and Mary could demonsLraLe [usL as well for
herself lf she undersLood lL buL she musL flrsL see lL demonsLraLed Lo reallze lL 1hls ls Lhe sLaLe of mlnd
of mosL people who come for heallng 1hey do noL know whaL alls Lhem Lhey Lhlnk Lhelr condlLlon ls
due Lo some exLernal cause neverLheless Lhey are healed and exclalm 1hls ls a marvelous Lhlng
Lhough l do noL undersLand whaL lL ls all abouL CfLen Lhey become supersLlLlous abouL lL as people do
abouL Lhe Lhlngs Lhey do noL undersLand once Lhey undersLand Lhe law however heallng ls no longer a
1he only reason a man has dlfflculLy ln Lhrowlng off some weakness of characLer whlle bellevlng ln SplrlL
lmpllclLly and havlng falLh LhaL he ls golng Lo overcome hls llmlLaLlon ls because he has noL lnduced Lhe
necessary menLal lmages ln Mlnd lf he had he would have overcome hls Lrouble Lhlnklng of hls
weakness keeps Lhe lmage of lL before hlm
lo tteotloq toto eotltely owoy ftom tbe cooJltloo ulsease and llmlLaLlon are nelLher person place nor
Lhlng Lhey are slmply lmages of LhoughL 1urn enLlrely from Lhe condlLlon or Lhe llmlLed slLuaLlon Lo lLs
opposlLe LhaL ls Lo Lhe reallzaLlon of healLh happlness or harmony
AlLhough several meLhods of LreaLmenL are used Lhere are buL Lwo dlsLlncL meLhods one ls called
argumenLaLlve and Lhe oLher reallzaLlon 1he argumenLaLlve meLhod ls a process of menLal argumenL ln
whlch Lhe pracLlLloner argues Lo hlmself abouL hls paLlenL Pe ls consequenLly presenLlng a loglcal
argumenL Lo unlversal Mlnd or ulvlne rlnclple and lf LhaL argumenL carrles wlLh lL a compleLe
evldence ln favor of hls paLlenL lL ls supposed LhaL Lhe paLlenL wlll be healed
1he meLhod of reallzaLlon ls one whereby Lhe pracLlLloner reallzes wlLhln hlmself Lhe perfecL sLaLe of hls
paLlenL lL ls purely a splrlLual and medlLaLlve process of conLemplaLlng Lhe
p 113
paragraph conLlnues erfecL Man and lf Lhe embodlmenL of Lhe ldea ls really made lL wlll aL once
produce a heallng
1reaLmenL ls for Lhe purpose of lnduclng an lnner reallzaLlon of perfecLlon ln Lhe menLallLy of Lhe
pracLlLloner whlch lnner reallzaLlon acLlng Lhrough Mlnd operaLes ln Lhe paLlenL
8eLween !ohn and Mary Lhere ls Cne unlversal Medlum whlch ls also ln !ohn and Mary lL ls noL only
beLween Lhem buL ln Lhem As !ohn knows rlghL where !ohn ls (slnce Lhere ls only Ooe) he ls aL Lhe
same Llme knowlng rlghL where Mary ls because hls work ls operaLlve Lhough a fleld whlch ls noL
dlvlded buL whlch ls a compleLe unlL or Whole le unlversal Sub[ecLlvlLy As he knows wlLhln or upon
hlmself he ls seLLlng ln moLlon Lhe Law whlch operaLes Lhrough Lhe person whom he menLlons ln hls
LreaLmenL no maLLer where Lhe paLlenL may be 1here ls no such Lhlng as an absenL LreaLmenL as
opposed Lo a presenL LreaLmenL
Mary musL have a consclousness of healLh before Lhe heallng can be permanenL lL wlll have Lo become
a parL of her sub[ecLlve LhoughL lf Lhe consclousness dld noL change she would perpeLuaLe Lhe old
LhoughL lmages and would geL slck agaln and LhaL ls why ln LreaLlng people geL well for a whlle and
Lhen become slck agaln 1hey are noL permanenLly healed unless Lhe consclousness ls healed
A tteotmeot beqlos ooJ eoJs wltblo tbe tbooqbt of tbe ooe qlvloq lt 1be ptoctltlooet most Jo tbe wbole
wotk wltblo blmself Pe musL know Lhe 1ruLh and as he does LhaL he seLs ln moLlon Lhe Law A Lhlng
whlch ls known by any parL of Lhe unlversal Mlnd ls known by every parL of lL for lL ls an undlvlded
Whole When you know ln one place you know everywhere When you glve a LreaLmenL you do noL send
ouL a LhoughL or hold a LhoughL or glve suggesLlon A LreaLmenL ls a poslLlve Lhlng
lf you are LreaLlng a cerLaln !ohn SmlLh you say (lf he ls noL presenL) l am LreaLlng !ohn SmlLh of such
and such a place 1hen you forgeL all abouL hlm as a personallLy and glve your LreaLmenL lL ls noL
necessary Lo speclfy Lhe Lrouble Cnce ln a greaL whlle you mlghL flnd yourself menLlonlng a Lhlng ln
order Lo make some sLaLemenL agalnsL lL buL probably
p 114
LhaL ls noL Lhe besL way Cf course Lhere are cerLaln LhoughLs back of cerLaln Lhlngs and a knowledge of
Lhe dlsease mlghL enable you Lo know beLLer whaL LhoughL Lo desLroy
lL ls llke Lhls Mary !ones comes Lo !ohn SmlLh and says l have Luberculosls ln answer Lo Lhls he
declares 1hls word ls for Mary !ones She ls a perfecL and compleLe manlfesLaLlon of ure SplrlL and
ure SplrlL cannoL be dlseased consequenLly she ls noL dlseased 1hls ls an argumenL Lrylng Lo brlng
ouL Lhe evldence ln favor of perfecLlon lL ls an argumenL whlch produces a cerLaln concluslon ln Lhe
menLallLy of !ohn SmlLh and consequenLly lL seLs ln moLlon a cerLaln law for Mary !ones As !ohn does
Lhls day afLer day he gradually becomes convlnced of her perfecLlon and she ls healed lf he could do lL
ln one mlnuLe she would be healed ln one mlnuLe 1bete ls oo ptocess lo beolloq lt ls o tevelotloo oo
owokeoloq o teollzotloo of llfe Man exlsLs ln ulvlne Mlnd as a erfecL lmage buL he covers hlmself wlLh
Lhe dlsLorLed lmages of hls own LhoughL along Lhe paLhway of hls menLal experlence
lf uslng Lhe meLhod of reallzaLlon say 1hls word or Lhls LhoughL ls for Mary !ones 1hen begln Lo
reallze Lhe erfecL resence Lhe Ooly erfecL resence Cod ls all Lhere ls Lhere ls no oLher Llfe very
llLLle argumenL buL more and more a compleLe reallzaLlon 1hls ls very powerful alLhough lL makes no
dlfference whlch meLhod you use as Lhey produce Lhe same resulL lL ls a good ldea Lo comblne boLh
ln Lhe case of a chlld Lhe LreaLmenL should be Lhe same lt woolJ bove oo effect commeosotote wltb tbe
obsolote coovlctloo tbot tbe ptoctltlooet bos 8uL ln Lhe case of an lnfanL who ls sub[ecLlve Lo Lhe
consclous LhoughL of Lhe people around lL you musL Leach Lhose people how Lo Lhlnk abouL Lhe chlld
and see LhaL Lhey do Lhlnk LhaL way else you mlghL heal Lhe chlld and Lhelr LhoughL mlghL make lL slck
ln case of fallure lL ls probable LhaL Lhe Lrouble ls more wlLh !ohn Lhan wlLh Mary as far as Lhe
lmmedlaLe heallng ls concerned Powever dlseases are Lhe dlrecL resulLs of cerLaln hablLual menLal
aLLlLudes whlch people enLerLaln and unless Lhose menLal aLLlLudes are changed Lhere wlll be no
permanenL heallng lL ls Lhe buslness of Lhe pracLlLloner Lo dlscover
p 113
whaL Lhose aLLlLudes are and Lo change Lhem lL ls also Lhe buslness of Lhe pracLlLloner Lo show people
why Lhey are as Lhey are and Lo Leach Lhem how Lo overcome undeslrable aLLlLudes
lo qlvloq o tteotmeot yoo tolk to yootself oboot someboJy else
We musL grasp Lhe ldea of unlversal Sub[ecLlvlLy Lhe oLenLlallLy of all Lhlngs Lhe ulvlne CreaLlve
Medlum 1hls ls Lhe rlnclple Lhrough whlch we are Lo demonsLraLe Lhe heallng of Lhe body or of Lhe
condlLlon and lL acLs accuraLely and maLhemaLlcally because lL ls Lhe Law of cause and effecL
When we Lhlnk we Lhlnk from consclous lnLelllgence or SplrlL We wlll say LhaL Lhe LhoughL becomes
sub[ecLlfled le lL goes lnLo Lhe subconsclous mlnd 8uL whaL ls mans subconsclous mlnd? lL ls hls
aLmosphere or menLal vlbraLlon ln unlversal Sub[ecLlvlLy 1here ls no such Lhlng as your sub[ecLlve mlnd
and my sub[ecLlve mlnd meanlng Lwo for Lhls would be duallLy 8uL Lhere ls such a Lhlng as Lhe
sub[ecLlve sLaLe of your LhoughL and of my LhoughL ln Mlnd 1hls should be made very clear for here ls
where psychology and meLaphyslcs separaLe le Lhelr undersLandlngs are dlfferenL When we Lhlnk we
Lhlnk lnLo a unlversal CreaLlve Medlum a recepLlve and plasLlc subsLance whlch surrounds us on all
sldes whlch permeaLes us and flows Lhrough us We do noL have Lo Lhlnk LhaL we are Lhlnklng ln lL or
upon lL for when we Lhlnk we do Lhlnk lnLo and upon lL Lhere ls no oLher place LhaL we could Lhlnk
slnce lL ls CmnlpresenL
As each sub[ecLlfles hlmself ln consclousness he ls bulldlng around hlmself a menLal aLmosphere and
noLhlng can enLer Lhls unless he allows lL Lo Lhrough Lhe avenues of hls own LhoughL buL Lhls LhoughL
mlghL be consclous or unconsclous ln mosL cases lL ls unconsclous buL Lhe sLudenL of 1ruLh ls learnlng
Lo consclously conLrol Lhe sLream of LhoughL LhaL he allows Lo enLer hls lnner and creaLlve menLallLy
p 116
1houghL ls an lnner movemenL whlch ls Lhe resulL of ones percepLlon of llfe and hls reacLlon Lo lL Lvery
Llme Lhls movemenL Lakes place lL Lakes place wlLhln Mlnd upon Cause accordlng Lo law We are
wlLhouL quesLlon deallng wlLh Lhe same ower LhaL molds Lhe planeLs and all LhaL ls upon Lhem and
Lhe llmlL of our ablllLy Lo prove Lhls ls noL ln rlnclple buL ls ln our undersLandlng of lL ln our ablllLy Lo
lncorporaLe wlLhln ourselves an embodlmenL of our ldeals
We are deallng wlLh a neuLral creaLlve power [usL as we would be ln Lhe case of elecLrlclLy or any oLher
naLural force lL ls on a hlgher plane for lL ls Lhe power of lnLelllgence As we Lhlnk lnLo Lhls unlversal
Mlnd our LhoughL ln lLs exLernallzaLlon wlll reach lLs own level [usL as waLer wlll reach lLs own level by
lLs own welghL and wlLhouL efforL 1hls ls ln llne wlLh necesslLy for Lhe unlverse ln order Lo be aL all
musL be SelfLxlsLenL
WhaL ls meanL by Lhe SelfLxlsLence of Lhe unlverse? 1hls means a unlverse whlch ls lLs own reason for
belng a unlverse whlch exlsLs by vlrLue of lLself belng All
Lach one of us ls Loday Lhe resulL of whaL has gone before elLher consclously or unconsclously no
maLLer whaL klnd of a condlLlon he may be ln As soon as we reallze Lhls we shall be beLLer off because
we shall see LhaL slnce whaL we now are or whaL we now have and experlence ls Lhe resulL of whaL we
have LhoughL Lhe answer Lo whaL we shall be ls conLalned ln whaL we now are for we coo cbooqe our
Man Lhlnks and supposes LhaL he leLs go of Lhe LhoughLs he Lhlnks 8uL such ls noL Lhe case for LhoughL
becomes sub[ecLlfled ln Mlnd llke a seed planLed ln Lhe soll lL sLays Lhere unless neuLrallzed and
decldes Lhe aLLracLlon and repulslon ln Lhe experlence of Lhe one Lhlnklng 1here ls a consLanL acLlon on
Lhe sub[ecLlve slde of llfe and lL ls Lhls unconsclous process whlch decldes whaL ls golng Lo happen ln
Lhe ouLer expresslon
WhaLever we Lhlnk acL belleve ln feel vlsuallze vlslon
p 117
lmage read Lalk abouL ln facL all processes whlch affecL or lmpress us aL all are golng lnLo Lhe
sub[ecLlve sLaLe of our LhoughL whlch ls our lndlvlduallzed use of unlversal Mlnd WhaLever goes lnLo
Lhe sub[ecLlve sLaLe of LhoughL Lends Lo reLurn agaln as some condlLlon
!esus sald As Lhou hasL belleved so be lL done unLo Lhee 40 knowlng Lhe naLure of Lhe law Pe dld noL
say lL ls done unLo you as you wlsh Pe announced Lhe unlversallLy of law when Pe sald As Lhou hasL
belleved so be lL done unLo Lhee
Some one may say l canL lmaglne Cod noL carlng l cannoL elLher buL we are deallng wlLh law uoes
Lhe law of elecLrlclLy care wheLher lL cooks Lhe dlnner or burns Lhe house down? WheLher lL elecLrocuLes
a crlmlnal or warms Lhe feeL of a salnL? Cf course lL does noL care aL all! uoes Lhe urge whlch lmpels
people Lo express care wheLher a man kneels ln ecsLasy or lles drunk ln Lhe guLLer? We are deallng wlLh
law And lL follows LhaL slnce we are deallng wlLh law lL wlll ulLlmaLely brlng back Lo us Lhe resulLs of
Lhe forces whlch we seL ln moLlon Lhrough lL ConsequenLly no person who ls enllghLened would seek Lo
use Lhls law desLrucLlvely for he would know LhaL sooner or laLer Lhe very power seL ln moLlon by
hlmself would ulLlmaLely desLroy hlm All Lhey LhaL Lake Lhe sword shall perlsh wlLh Lhe sword 41 1he
SplrlL of ChrlsL ls Lhe splrlL whlch consLrucLlvely uses Lhe law 1he splrlL of AnLlchrlsL ls Lhe desLrucLlve
use of law 1he SplrlL of ChrlsL belng ln llne wlLh Lhe Cosmlc Llfe wlll always Lranscend neuLrallze
desLroy and uLLerly obllLeraLe Lhe splrlL of AnLlchrlsL and ulLlmaLely only Lhe SplrlL of ChrlsL can
succeed Pe LhaL haLh an ear leL hlm hear 42
p 118
1he cycle of necesslLy means LhaL Lhose Lhlngs whlch Lhe lndlvldual seLs ln moLlon Lhrough Lhe law musL
ulLlmaLely swlng back Lo hlm agaln 1hls ls Lhe karmlc Law 1he law LhaL blnds Lhe lgnoranL buL frees
Lhe wlse 1hls law has been announced by every greaL Leacher who has ever llved !esus referred Lo Lhls
law when Pe sald As Lhou hasL belleved so be lL done unLo Lhee 43 and when Pe sald Peaven and
earLh shall pass away buL my words shall noL pass away 44 lL ls Lhe law Lo whlch lsalah referred when
he sald So shall my word be LhaL goeLh forLh ouL of my mouLh lL shall noL reLurn unLo me vold buL lL
shall accompllsh LhaL whlch l please 43 1hls ls Lhe law whlch Loday ls called ulvlne rlnclple or Lhe
law of cause and effecL lL means LhaL once a Lendency ls seL ln moLlon Lhrough law lL ls bound Lo
ob[ecLlfy aL Lhe level of Lhe sub[ecLlve concepL whlch enLerLalns lL 1here ls noLhlng faLallsLlc abouL Lhls
for we may consclously change Lhe currenLs of sub[ecLlvlLy wlLh Lhe consclous LhoughL lndeed Lhls ls
whaL LreaLmenL does
1hls ls slmply Lhe law of cause and effecL and lnsLead of geLLlng Loo occulL or mysLlcal a concepL of lL we
would beLLer Lhlnk of lL slmply as someLhlng lnLo whlch we Lhlnk and whlch reLurns Lo Lhe Lhlnker whaL
he Lhlnks lnLo lL 1hls law can be applled for concreLe purposes and once lL ls seL ln moLlon Lhe resL
works auLomaLlcally 1hls ls why we may absoluLely LrusL rlnclple when we undersLand how lL operaLes
lL knows everyLhlng and can do anyLhlng buL ln order Lo work for us we musL leL lL work Lhrough us
1hls ls Lhe power LhaL !esus used when Pe wlLhered Lhe flg Lree and when Pe ralsed Lazarus from Lhe
p 119
So we argue ln Mlnd and lf we argue Loward a bellef ln healLh we wlll be healed lL lsnL a quesLlon of
suggesLlon or of Lhe power of LhoughL maklng us well for Lhls ls buL a llmlLed sense of wlll power lL lsnL
someLhlng over whlch we musL cllnch our LeeLh and wlll Lo be lL ls someLhlng whlch we have Lo know
WaLer doesnL have Lo wlll Lo be weL lL ls weL and lf we go lnLo lL we wlll geL weL Llfe doesnL have Lo
clalm Lo be Llfe lL slmply announces lLself Lo be whaL lL knows LhaL lL ls So we argue ln Mlnd noL Lo
convlnce Mlnd LhaL lL ls or can accompllsh buL Lo convlnce ourselves LhaL we are oow perfecL
1here have been many conLroversles abouL Lhe use and Lhe mlsuse of Lhls power Some clalm LhaL we
cannoL mlsuse Lhls power slnce Lhere ls buL Cne Mlnd and lL cannoL acL agalnsL lLself Mlnd cannoL acL
agalnsL lLself and any person who knows Lhls and who knows LhaL Lhere ls no human mlnd Lo desLroy
or Lo be desLroyed ls lmmune from malpracLlce 8uL leL any one belleve ln malpracLlce and he wlll open
menLal avenues of recepLlvlLy Lo lL for we can recelve only LhaL Lo whlch we vlbraLe
MalpracLlce ls Lhe lgnoranL use of someLhlng whlch of lLself ls good lL ls Lhe wrong use of menLal power
and wlll never be lndulged ln by any one who undersLands Lhe 1ruLh nelLher can one who undersLands
Lhe 1ruLh be affecLed by lL 1here could be lnnocenL lgnoranL and mallclous malpracLlce lnnocenL
malpracLlce ln Lhe form of sympaLhy wlLh dlsease and Lrouble Lhereby accenLuaLlng Lhese condlLlons ls
ofLen prollflc of dlre resulLs lgnoranL malpracLlce would be abouL Lhe same Lhlng for lnsLance when
one sees a crlmlnal Lhlnklng of hlm as such helps Lo perpeLuaLe Lhe sLaLe ln whlch he ls manlfesLlng
Mallclous malpracLlce would be an acL of cenLerlng LhoughL for desLrucLlve purposes When !esus sald
1he prlnce of Lhls world comeLh and haLh noLhlng ln me 46 Pe
p 120
meanL LhaL he had neuLrallzed all race LhoughL abouL desLrucLlon and so was lmmune Lo all false
suggesLlon 1hls we should all Lry Lo do
1he sub[ecLlve mlnd can deduce only lL cannoL of lLself lnlLlaLe anyLhlng buL Lhls does noL mean LhaL lL
ls unlnLelllgenL We musL be very careful noL Lo labor under Lhe deluslon LhaL because Lhe sub[ecLlve
mlnd cannoL reason lL ls unlnLelllgenL for lL ls lnflnlLely more lnLelllgenL Lhan our presenL sLaLe of
consclous mlnd buL ls neverLheless conLrolled by lL
lf our sub[ecLlve consclousness were always clear LhaL ls lf lL never recelved any false lmpresslons Lhe
SplrlL would always flow Lo Lhe polnL of ob[ecLlvlLy and we would never make mlsLakes we would never
be slck poor or unhappy
8ack ln Lhe sub[ecLlve are Lhe lmages of LhoughL surroundlng us all acLlng as llvlng lnLelllgences lL ls
here LhaL hablLs are formed for when one has a hablL LhaL he cannoL seem Lo break he ls hypnoLlzed by
Lhe LhoughL and deslre back of LhaL hablL Lhe LhoughL force has grown Loo sLrong Lo be conLrolled
PablLs are healed by neuLrallzlng Lhe LhoughL forces behlnd Lhem
1here ls Cne lnflnlLe Llfe acLlng Lhrough Law and Lhls Law ls menLal Law ls Mlnd ln acLlon We are
surrounded by an lnflnlLe Subconsclous lmpersonal neuLral lasLlc CreaLlve LverresenL 1hlnklng
SLuff from whlch all Lhlngs come whlch ln lLs Crlglnal SLaLe permeaLes and peneLraLes all Lhlngs 8y
lmpresslng our LhoughL upon Lhls SubsLance we can cause lL Lo produce for us LhaL whlch we Lhlnk Lo
Lhe llmlL of our ablllLy Lo menLally embody Lhe ldea lmpresslng our LhoughL upon lL ls noL an exLernal
acL for when we lmpress our LhoughL upon ourselves we are Lhlnklng lnLo lL Lhls
p 121
ls because of Lhe unlLy of all Mlnd 1hls ls one of Lhe greaL lessons Lo learn we do noL know anyLhlng
ouLslde ourselves 1hls ls whaL !esus meanL when Pe sald ?e shall know Lhe 1ruLh and Lhe 1ruLh shall
make you free 47 When we know wlLhln ourselves we are knowlng aL Lhe polnL of LhaL lndlvlduallzed
SplrlL whlch we are upon Lhe very PearL of Lhe lnflnlLe Lhe LverresenL SubsLance whlch ls ever
responslve Lo lLself
We are all bound Lled hand and fooL by our very freedom our free wlll blnds us buL as free wlll
creaLes Lhe condlLlons whlch exLernally llmlL us so lL can uncreaLe or dlssolve Lhem 1he unlverse belng
deducLlve only cannoL refuse man anyLhlng
1he very force LhaL makes us slck can heal us Lhe force LhaL makes us poor can make us rlch and Lhe
power LhaL makes us mlserable can make us happy lf Lhls were noL Lrue Lhere would be duallLy ln Lhe
unlverse and Lhls ls lmposslble
When we know of our Cneness wlLh Cod and Law whaL a greaL burden wlll be removed whlch
oLherwlse would cause us Lo sLruggle ln maklng a demonsLraLlon! 1he sense of opposlLlon musL forever
be removed from Lhe consclousness whlch percelves unlLy
lnsLead of saylng Pere ls a slck man Lo heal and l shall have Lo work hard on Lhls case we should
reallze LhaL Lhere ls noLhlng buL concepL ln Lhe unlverse and Lherefore say l am golng Lo concelve of
Lhls man as belng absoluLely perfecL Lhen Lhe same power whlch made hlm slck wlll heal hlm 1hls ls
Lhe reversal of LhoughL
1haL whlch we call our sub[ecLlve mlnd ls buL a polnL ln unlversal Mlnd where our personallLy malnLalns
lLs lndlvlduallzed expresslon of SplrlL lf we Lhlnk of ourselves as belng
p 122
separaLed from Lhe unlverse we wlll be llmlLed by Lhls LhoughL for lL ls a bellef ln separaLlon from Cood
whlch blnds and llmlLs we are bound by noLhlng excepL bellef 1hey could noL enLer ln because of
unbellef 48 and because Lhey llmlLed Lhe Poly Cne of lsrael 49
1here ls buL Cne Mlnd Pere ls Lhe polnL everyLhlng we experlence Louch LasLe handle and smell
envlronmenL bodles condlLlons money happlness frlends all are effecLs ls lL clear LhaL Lhe lnflnlLe
and llmlLless posslblllLles of LhaL Cne of whlch man ls a parL depend ln mans expresslon upon hls own
concepLs? lf he ls a polnL of personallLy ln llmlLless Mlnd whlch he ls and lf all of hls llfe musL be drawn
from Lhls Cne Mlnd whlch lL musL Lhere cannoL be anyLhlng else can Lhere? And lf Lhere ls noLhlng
else lf Lhere ls noLhlng Lo move buL Mlnd and lf man ls a Lhlnklng cenLer ln Mlnd noLhlng ls golng Lo
happen Lo hlm LhaL does noL happen Lhrough hlm wheLher Lhls ls Lhe resulL of hls own erroneous
concluslons Lhose of hls grandfaLhers or Lhe race Lo whlch he belongs lL ls lmposslble Lo concelve of
anyLhlng ever happenlng Lo any one unless Lhe force back of lL was seL ln moLlon by hlmself someLlme
or somewhere 8uL Lhls ls noL faLallsLlc for we may change Lhe chaln of causaLlon whlch we have seL ln
LveryLhlng comes from lnLelllgence Lhere ls noLhlng buL unlLy Lhere ls noLhlng buL freedom Lhere ls
noLhlng buL compleLeness Lhere ls noLhlng buL 1oLallLy 8egln aL Lhe beglnnlng and reason Lhls ouL Llme
afLer Llme Llll doubL dlsappears for you wlll be neuLrallzlng LhaL sub[ecLlvlLy whlch rlses Lo slay you lL ls
necessary LhaL each do Lhls for hlmself
As far as maklng a demonsLraLlon ls concerned when we geL Lhe correcL consclousness Lhls ls Lhe
easlesL Lhlng ln Lhe world buL we cannoL demonsLraLe beyond our ablllLy Lo menLally embody an ldea
1he argumenL ls beLween our experlence whaL Lhe world belleves and whaL we are convlnced ls Lhe
p 123
lL should be undersLood LhaL we can demonsLraLe ln splLe of our own selves ln splLe of all weakness ln
splLe of every fear ln splLe of all LhaL ls ln us because such ls Lhe power of Lhe 1ruLh lf we walLed Lo be
good before demonsLraLlng Lhe wheel mlghL Lurn a mllllon Llmes buL law ls nelLher good nor bad law ls
and responds
1he posslblllLy of demonsLraLlng does noL depend upon envlronmenL condlLlons locaLlon personallLy
or opporLunlLy lL depends upon ourselves and upon noLhlng else 1he unlverse wlll never deny man
anyLhlng unless we concelve LhaL lL ls posslble for man Lo Lhlnk of someLhlng LhaL lL ls lmposslble for Lhe
unlverse Lo produce Lvery one who asks recelves accordlng Lo hls bellef
Annle 8esanL sald of karma lL ls Lhe law LhaL blnds Lhe lgnoranL buL frees Lhe wlse 1haL whlch ls
called karma ln Lhe CrlenL we call cause and effecL 1he sub[ecLlve sLaLe of consclousness ls our karma
Lhls ls Lhe resulL of Lhe Lhlnklng LhaL has gone before and of Lhe racesuggesLlon operaLlng Lhrough us
karma ls noL faLe lL ls menLal law and lL can be changed by rlghL Lhlnklng and rlghL acLlon karma ls noL
1houghL force ls Lhe movemenL of consclousness whlch seLs law ln operaLlon 1he movemenL of
consclousness upon lLself creaLes a moLlon or vlbraLlon ln lnLelllgence and upon SubsLance Lhe force of
whlch ls equal Lo Lhe reallLy of Lhe LhoughL seL ln moLlon lor everyLhlng LhaL happens ln Lhe ob[ecLlve
world Lhere musL be someLhlng ln Lhe sub[ecLlve world Lo perfecLly balance lL !usL suppose for a
momenL LhaL Lhe unlverse ls noLhlng buL waLer permeaLed by an lnflnlLe lnLelllgence lmaglne LhaL
every Llme Lhls lnLelllgence moves or Lhlnks an lclcle ls formed ln Lhe waLer exacLly correspondlng Lo Lhe
LhoughL We mlghL have counLless numbers of lclcles of dlfferenL forms colors and slzes buL Lhese
p 124
would sLlll be waLer lf we could heaL Lhe whole mass lL would melL and all Lhe forms would agaln
become fluenL noLhlng would have changed buL form 1hls ls all Lhere ls Lo maLLer lL ls SplrlL ln lorm
and as such ls perfecLly good Lo deny maLLer ls poor loglc
llrsL ls lnLelllgence Lhen Lhe Word Lhe vlslon Lhe lmage Lhe concepL Lhen Lhe movemenL Lo Lhe Lhlng
8emember LhoughL ls an acLual worklng power oLherwlse Lhere would be noLhlng wlLh whlch Lhe
unlverse could be run
We have a rlghL Lo choose whaL we shall lnduce ln Mlnd 1he way LhaL our LhoughLs are Lo become
manlfesLed we cannoL always see buL we should noL be dlsLurbed lf we do noL see Lhe way because
effecL ls poLenLlal ln cause l am Alpha and Cmega 30 and all LhaL comes beLween cause and effecL
Cause and effecL are really Cne and lf we have a glven cause seL ln moLlon Lhe effecL wlll have Lo equal
Lhls cause Cne ls Lhe lnslde and Lhe oLher Lhe ouLslde of a concepL or ldea
A pracLlLloners work beglns and ends wlLhln hlmself lf ln dolng menLal work Lhe LhoughL should come
LhaL Lhe Lhlng cannoL be done you musL LreaL Lhls LhoughL as havlng no power buL only as an
lmpersonal suggesLlon Lrylng Lo galn enLrance Lo your menLallLy 8eallze LhaL Lhere ls noLhlng ln you LhaL
can hlnder you from demonsLraLlng Lhe 1ruLh
lf one says Lo hlmself l am fllled wlLh llfe healLh sLrengLh and vlgor and Lhen goes down Lhe sLreeL
saylng l see a poor bllnd beggar a crlmlnal and a slck person he ls sLlll LreaLlng hlmself [usL as much as
when he afflrmed LhaL he was perfecL We are only as perfecL as we percelve oLhers Lo be 1hls does noL
mean LhaL we shuL our eyes Lo Lhose who are ln Lrouble for we may have sympaLhy wlLh Lhe one havlng
Lrouble wlLhouL havlng sympaLhy wlLh hls Lrouble We musL have sympaLhy wlLh all for as one of Lhe
greaL propheLs of Lhe new age sald 1he ulvlnlLy of ChrlsL was made manlfesL Lhrough Lhe PumanlLy of
A cerLaln speclflc lnLelllgenL form or ldea ln Mlnd wlll
p 123
produce a cerLaln speclflc concreLe manlfesLaLlon ln maLLer equal Lo lLself 1here ls one lnflnlLe
rlnclple Cne lnflnlLe 1houghLSLuff Cne lnflnlLe CreaLlve ower and counLless numbers of forms
whlch appear and dlsappear as Lhe deflnlLe speclflc concreLe LhoughL behlnd Lhem changes
A pracLlLloner ls one who changes Lhe false LhoughL and bullds on Lhe rlnclple of 1ruLh whlch execuLes
and manlfesLs Lhe LruLh LhaL Lhe pracLlLloner embodles Pe can demonsLraLe Lo Lhe llmlL of hls menLal
ablllLy and hls splrlLual capaclLy Lo concelve of Lhe 1ruLh
lf one wlshes Lo demonsLraLe prosperlLy he musL flrsL have a consclousness of prosperlLy lf he wlshes
healLh he musL embody Lhe ldea of healLh A consclousness of healLh happlness and prosperlLy can be
lnduced wlLhln Lhrough rlghL menLal and splrlLual pracLlce 8y consclousness ls meanL Lhe lnner
embodlmenL of an ldea Lhe sub[ecLlve lmage of Lhe ldea Lhe menLal and splrlLual equlvalenL of Lhe
Whlle a cerLaln consclousness may be mechanlcally lnduced of course Lhe more sponLanelLy puL lnLo
Lhe mechanlcal word Lhe more power Lhe word musL have Slnce we all musL begln rlghL where we are
mosL of us wlll be compelled Lo begln wlLh a mechanlcal process 1hls ls more Lhan falLh for lL ls a sure
knowledge LhaL we are deallng wlLh Law
rlnclple ls Changeless 8eallLy 1haL whlch we call personallLy ls Lhe lnsLrumenL Lhrough whlch rlnclple
operaLes buL lL can operaLe for Lhe lndlvldual only by operaLlng Lhrough hlm lL ls never bound by Lhe
form LhaL lL Lakes buL ls forever free rlnclple fllls all form and noL only fllls all forms buL surges around
Lhem and ls ln and Lhrough Lhem lce ls waLer and waLer ls lce so Cod and man exlsL ln an LLernal sLaLe
of unlLy
When one reallzes LhaL he ls dependlng upon rlnclple he should educaLe hlmself Lo Lhe polnL of
reallzaLlon of hls ablllLy Lo use lL
We should always be lmpersonal ln menLal work We do noL have Lo be lmpersonal ln llfe for we are
broughL Lo Lhe
p 126
polnL of personallLy ln order LhaL we mlghL en[oy each oLher 8uL ln menLal work we are deallng wlLh an
lmpersonal rlnclple lL wlll operaLe for one [usL as qulckly as for anoLher because lL ls Law uare Lo
speak and Lo know LhaL whaL you speak ls Lhe law unLo Lhe Lhlng spoken Cne alone ln consclousness
wlLh Lhe lnflnlLe consLlLuLes a compleLe ma[orlLy
knowlng Lhls ln your own LhoughL work ln perfecL peace and calm always expecL have enLhuslasm and
have a consclousness of love LhaL ls a radlanL feellng flowlng Lhrough Lhe personallLy aL all Llmes lf one
hasnL Lhls he should LreaL hlmself unLll he does have lL for wlLhouL lL he ls dlseased ln mlnd 1reaL unLll
you feel an lnner sense of unlLy wlLh Lhe all Cood 1here ls Cne Mlnd and Lhe movlng lmpulse of Lhls
Mlnd ls Love
ln chooslng words ln LreaLmenL say anyLhlng LhaL wlll lnduce Lhe rlghL menLal aLLlLude Clvlng formulas
ls a mlsLake for how can any one puL a sponLaneous LhoughL lnLo Lhe mlnd of anoLher? Any one can
sLand ln fronL of a dead man and say Arlse buL who ls golng Lo have Lhe consclousness Lo make Lhls
know your own mlnd Lraln yourself Lo Lhlnk whaL you wlsh Lo Lhlnk be whaL you wlsh Lo be feel whaL
you wlsh Lo feel and place no llmlL on rlnclple 1he word whlch you speak would be [usL as powerful as
Lhe words whlch !esus spoke lf you knew lL buL know Lhls wlLhln and noL only wlLhouL
AfLer all all Lhere ls ls menLal acLlon and reacLlon lf you have reached Lhe polnL where Lhe lnner
consclousness produces all Lhlngs Lhen your word ls slmply an announcemenL of reallLy 1here wlll come
a Llme when demonsLraLlon wlll no* longer be necessary
know LhaL when you glve a LreaLmenL Lhe acL Lakes place ln lnflnlLe Mlnd lnflnlLe Mlnd ls Lhe AcLor and
you are Lhe announcer lf you have a vague subLle unconsclous fear geL sLlll and Lhlnk Who am l?
WhaL am l? Who ls speaklng? WhaL ls my llfe? 1hlnk rlghL back Lo rlnclple unLll your LhoughL becomes
perfecLly clear agaln
p 127
Such ls Lhe ower of rlghL Lhlnklng LhaL lL cancels and erases everyLhlng unllke lLself lL answers every
quesLlon solves all problems ls Lhe soluLlon Lo every dlfflculLy lL ls llke Lhe sunllghL of LLernal 1ruLh
bursLlng Lhrough Lhe clouds of obscurlLy and baLhlng all llfe ln glory lL ls Lhe AbsoluLe wlLh whlch you
are deallng and noLhlng less
noLe 8ead carefully 8elng and 8ecomlng lL Polmes uore LecLures 1 1roward lrom LxlsLence
Lo Llfe !ames orLer Mllls Mlnds SllenL arLner !ames orLer Mllls PlsLory and ower of Mlnd
8lchard lngalese

10333 !ohn 326
10936 8ev 211
10937 8ev 323
11038 lsa 4322
11039 !ohn 1430
11740 MaLL 813
11741 MaLL 2632
11742 8ev 36
11843 MaLL 813
11844 Luke 2133
11843 lsa 3311
11946 !ohn 1430
12147 !ohn 832
12248 Peb 319
12249 s 7841
12430 8ev 18

p 128
Lesson 1wo kecap|tu|at|on
Man reenacLs Lhe ulvlne naLure on all Lhree planes he ls selfknowlng ln hls consclous mlnd creaLlve
Lhrough hls subconsclous mlnd and has a body Pe reenacLs Lhe 1rlnlLy of 8elng
Man ls ln perfecL unlLy wlLh Lhe Whole Pls consclous mlnd ls hls undersLandlng of Cod hls sub[ecLlve
mlnd ls Lhe use LhaL he makes of Lhe unlversal CreaLlve Medlum and hls body ls one wlLh Lhe 8ody of
1here ls buL Cne Mlnd ln Lhe unlverse and man uses lL Man ls an ldenLlLy ln Lhe unlverse he ls a cenLer
of CodConsclousness AL flrsL he ls lgnoranL of Lhls and mlsuses hls power consequenLly brlnglng upon
hlmself mlsforLune and slckness
Mans LhoughL operaLes Lhrough Lhe medlum of unlversal CreaLlve Mlnd As he Lhlnks wlLhln hlmself he
Lhlnks upon CreaLlve Mlnd and seLs Law ln moLlon Slnce Lhere ls buL Cne Mlnd a person may Lhlnk for
hlmself or for some one else and cause Lhe Law Lo operaLe as he dlrecLs
1he use of CreaLlve Mlnd ls llke Lhe use of Lhe creaLlve soll Man never creaLes he slmply uses a CreaLlve
Cb[ecLlve consclous and selfknowlng mlnd all have Lhe same meanlng Lhey mean LhaL parL of man
whlch knows LhaL lL exlsLs
Sub[ecLlve subconsclous unconsclous soul and consclousness have Lhe same meanlng Lhey mean Lhe
lnner creaLlve medlum
8ody effecL and ouLward condlLlons all respond Lo Lhe lnner LhoughL
1he SplrlL of man whlch ls hls selfknowlngness ls Lhe only parL of hlm whlch has vollLlon or selfcholce
all else ls auLomaLlc law
Mans consclous LhoughL acLlng Lhrough law may change any condlLlon ln hls experlence provlded he
can clearly concelve of LhaL condlLlon as belng changed 1here ls no llmlL Lo
p 129
Lhe Law 1he llmlL ls noL ln Lhe Law buL ln mans ablllLy Lo embody Lhe 1ruLh and consLrucLlvely use Lhe
8emember Lhere ls buL Cne Mlnd and Cne Law whlch all people use consclously or unconsclously
consLrucLlvely or desLrucLlvely Cne SplrlL Cne Mlnd Cne Law Cne SubsLance buL many forms 1here ls
only Cne ulLlmaLe 8eallLy buL wlLhln Lhls Cne Lhere are many experlences Man ls wlLhln Lhe Cne and
draws from lL any and all experlences ln whlch he belleves
As man Lhlnks he sub[ecLlfles LhoughL and seLs Law ln moLlon Lhrough Lhe Medlum of Lhe unlversal
Mlnd 1bls low wotks ootomotlcolly ootll lt ls cooscloosly cbooqeJ
Man uses a ower whlch ls lnflnlLe as compared wlLh Lhe power of hls consclous LhoughL
ulvlne rlnclple means unlversal Sub[ecLlve Law lL ls Lhe Medlum of all LhoughL and acLlon
lreedom and bondage slckness and healLh poverLy and rlches heaven and hell good and bad blg and
llLLle happlness and mlsery peace and confuslon falLh and fear and all condlLlons LhaL appear as
opposlLes are noL really opposlng powers buL are Lhe way LhaL Lhe Cne ower ls used
Man has wlLhln hlmself Lhe key Lo every slLuaLlon buL he musL come Lo reallze hls relaLlon Lo Lhe Whole
1haL relaLlonshlp ls one of erfecL unlLy

p 130
Lesson 1hree Introduct|on
MenLal heallng means mlnd heallng 1he posslblllLy of heallng physlcal dlseases Lhrough Lhe power of
rlghL Lhlnklng resLs enLlrely on Lhe Lheory LhaL we are surrounded by an lnflnlLe Mlnd whlch reacLs Lo
our LhoughL
1haL people have been healed Lhrough prayer and by falLh ln all ages Lhere ls no quesLlon 8uL we llve ln
a unlverse of Law and Crder and aL no Llme can LhaL Law or Crder be broken Lherefore lf people have
been healed Lhrough prayer and falLh lL ls because Lhey have somewhere conLacLed a Law whlch really
exlsLs 1o suppose LhaL Cod would heal one man any more readlly Lhan anoLher would be Lo suppose
LhaL Cod ls human and sub[ecL Lo Lhe changlng emoLlons LhaL we ascrlbe Lo Lhe human mlnd 1o belleve
LhaL Lhe ulvlne ower would operaLe for one man slmply because he asked lL Lo buL would noL operaLe
for all would be Lo belleve ln a Cod more human Lhan man hlmself lL ls very evldenL however LhaL
many Llmes people have been healed Lhrough prayer and elLher Cod has especlally answered Lhem
whlle Pe lefL oLhers Lo suffer or else by Lhe acL of prayer Lhey have complled wlLh some law Agaln
many people have prayed and Lhelr prayers have noL been answered yeL Lhey have prayed Lo Lhe besL
of Lhelr ablllLy Why have some been heard and oLhers noL heard? 1he only posslble answer ls LhaL some
reached a place ln Lhelr menLallLy where Lhey belleved whlle oLhers fell shorL of Lhls menLal aLLlLude
AfLer all prayer ls a cerLaln menLal aLLlLude a cerLaln way of Lhlnklng a cerLaln way of bellevlng All
prayer ls menLal some prayers reach a sLaLe of bellef whlle oLhers fall shorL of LhaL sLaLe 1hls leads us
Lo suppose LhaL tbe ooswet to ptoyet ls lo tbe ptoyet wbeo lt ls ptoyeJ 1rue prayer sLlmulaLes a bellef ln
Cood whlch noLhlng else can and ofLen causes
p 131
Lhe one who prays Lo rlse Lo a polnL ln menLallLy where Lhe heallng work may be done accordlng Lo Lhe
Law of Lhe unlverse whlch ls a Law of Mlnd
We have no ob[ecLlon Lo any form of heallng AnyLhlng LhaL wlll help Lo overcome sufferlng musL be
good wheLher lL Lakes Lhe form of a plll or of a prayer We do noL oppose docLors nor medlcal
pracLlLloners buL graLefully acknowledge Lhe wonderful work LhaL Lhey have done and are dolng We
hold no conLroversy wlLh any one on Lhe sub[ecL of heallng We are glad when any one ls healed or
helped by any meLhod We belleve ln any and all meLhods and know LhaL each has lLs place ln Lhe
whole We know LhaL mans llfe ls a drama whlch Lakes place on Lhree planesLhe physlcal Lhe menLal
and Lhe splrlLual We know LhaL each needs Lo be Laken lnLo accounL We belleve ln proper food proper
exerclse proper cloLhlng proper sanlLaLlon and ln everyLhlng LhaL ls real and senslble We lnclude all
and exclude none
8uL whlle we do noL hold argumenLs wlLh any one nelLher wlll we allow any one Lo hold conLroversles
wlLh us We know LhaL mans llfe ln reallLy ls splrlLual and menLal and LhaL unLll Lhe LhoughL ls healed
no form of cure wlll be permanenL We wlll gladly coperaLe wlLh any and all buL we wlll noL accepL Lhe
[udgmenL of any and all We know LhaL Lhere ls a Law hlgher Lhan Lhe physlcal and we seek Lo use lL
We perhaps shall noL always succeed buL we shall noL become dlscouraged or confused over Lhe lssue
buL wlll conLlnue unLll we arrlve
We hold no argumenLs over any form of Lheology We belleve ln any and every church and ln all forms
of worshlp Above all we cerLalnly belleve ln Cod 8uL we wlll noL allow any one Lo Lell us how Lo
worshlp Cod nor compel us Lo worshlp ln any way oLher Lhan Lhe way we choose
We re[ecL Lhe Lheory LhaL Lhe 1ruLh has been once and for all Llme glven and LhaL lL cannoL be added Lo
nor Laken from We know Lhls Lo be Lrue abouL Lhe 1ruLh buL we also know LhaL no one so far has
arrlved aL a compleLe undersLandlng of 1ruLh We expecL more llghL all along Lhe llne and we repudlaLe
any bellef LhaL says LhaL all LruLh has been glven
We know LhaL Lhe auLhorlLy of man ls ln mosL cases an assumpLlon
p 132
and noL a reallLy and we refuse Lo be hypnoLlzed lnLo bellevlng ln any manmade mandaLe
We undersLand LhaL healLh ls a menLal and noL a physlcal sLaLe We seek Lo heal mens menLallLles
knowlng LhaL Lo Lhe degree ln whlch we are successful we shall also be heallng Lhelr bodles We know
LhaL Lo Lhe degree ln whlch we are able Lo see a perfecL man he wlll appear We feel LhaL man ls really
perfecL no maLLer how he appears and we seek Lo uncover LhaL perfecLlon whlch ls wlLhln every mans
llfe for Lhls ls heallng
We reallze LhaL menLal heallng musL also be splrlLual heallng for Lhe Lwo cannoL be dlvorced We know
LhaL o bellef lo Joollty bos moJe moo slck ooJ tbot tbe ooJetstooJloq of uolty olooe wlll beol blm We
seek Lo reallze LhaL unlLy wlLh Cod ln all our heallng work Lvery LreaLmenL musL carry wlLh lL a
reallzaLlon of Cod lf lL ls Lo be a good LreaLmenL
We are noL supersLlLlous abouL Lhls buL undersLand LhaL lL ls necessary slnce all Llfe ls Cne Cod sLands
Lo us for Lhe Cne Llfe ln whlch we all llve
We know LhaL LhoughLs are Lhlngs We know LhaL LhoughL ls lnLelllgenL and has power wlLhln lLself Lo
ob[ecLlfy lLself We know LhaL bellef makes LhoughL very powerful We know LhaL our LhoughL lays hold
of CausaLlon and manlpulaLes real SubsLance We know LhaL Lhe word of man ls Lhe law of hls llfe under
Lhe Cne CreaL Law of all Llfe We know LhaL LhoughLs of slckness make man slck and LhaL LhoughLs of
healLh and perfecLlon wlll heal hlm We know LhaL a reallzaLlon of Lhe resence of Cod ls Lhe mosL
powerful heallng agency known Lo Lhe mlnd of man We do noL argue over Lhe lssue nor seek Lo
convlnce any one of lLs merlLs We have passed Lhe sLage of doubL and uncerLalnLy for we knCW We
also know LhaL we can heal only Lo Lhe degree LhaL we can Lhlnk from Lhe hlgher moLlve and we know
LhaL we should be consLanLly on Lhe alerL seeklng Lo embody hlgher LhoughLs
p 133
paragraph conLlnues Meanwhlle we wlll use Lhe besL LhoughL LhaL we have and wlll expecL Lo heal and
help all who ask our ald
1houghL ls Lhe consclous acLlvlLy of Lhe one Lhlnklng and works as he dlrecLs lL works Lhrough Law buL
LhaL Law ls cooscloosly seL ln moLlon We know LhaL Law wlll operaLe for us Lo Lhe fullesL exLenL of our
bellef ln and undersLandlng of lL
We reallze LhaL slnce our undersLandlng ls noL yeL compleLe lL ls leglLlmaLe Lo use any and all meLhods
LhaL wlll help humanlLy buL we do look forward Lo Lhe day when 1ruLh alone wlll answer every need
1haL day wlll come Lo Lhe degree LhaL we know lL ls already here 1he menLal healer wlll do all of hls
work ln Mlnd and wlll glve hls whole Llme and aLLenLlon Lo correcL knowlng buL he wlll leave hls paLlenL
free Lo use any meLhod LhaL wlll help hlm ln Lhls way he wlll geL Lhe besL resulLs for everyLhlng ls good
so far as lL goes buL a consclousness of 1ruLh alone can really and permanenLly heal

p 134
Lesson 1hree Metaphys|ca| Mean|ng of Words Used |n Chart No III
unlvL8SAL Sl8l1Means Lhe unlverse of consclous mlnd and selfdeLermlnaLlon 1he unlversal
Sub[ecLlvlLy means Lhe CreaLlve Medlum of Lhe SplrlL or Lhe Sub[ecLlve law of Lhe unlverse
arLlcularlzaLlon means Lhe world of maLLer and forms 8ead agaln Lhe explanaLlon Lo CharL number
Cne 1he descenL of SplrlL means Lhe passlng of SplrlL lnLo formLhe parLlcularlzaLlon of SplrlL lnLo
many Lhlngs 1he polnL drawn from Lhe Lop of Lhe charL Lo Lhe boLLom secLlon symbollzes Lhe unlLy of
all Llfe SplrlL passes Lhrough Law lnLo lorm MulLlpllclLy comes from unlLy buL never conLradlcLs
Cneness 1he many are wlLhln Lhe Cne
Mans llfe parLakes of Lhe ulvlne naLure and Lhls charL may be used ln Lhe lndlvldual or Lhe unlversal
sense Cur consclous mlnd ls some parL of Lhe Cne Consclous Mlnd of Lhe Whole 1he CompleLe naLure
of Cod ls reflecLed ln man and he uses Lhe same law LhaL Cod uses for Lhere ls buL Cne Law as Lhere ls
buL Cne SplrlL 8oLh Cod and man use Lhe same CreaLlve Medlum or Lhe unlversal Sub[ecLlvlLy lL ls Lhe
law of all LhoughL and all acLlon 1hlngs come from Cne Source Lhrough Cne Common Law and Cne
Common CreaLlve Medlum We Lhlnk of our llves as Cne wlLh Lhe Whole on all Lhree planes of
expresslon We are one wlLh Lhe Consclous Mlnd one wlLh Lhe CreaLlve Law and ln our bodles we are
one wlLh all maLLer
no maLLer whaL we are LreaLlng or for whaL purpose Lhe Medlum of all LhoughL ls Lhe unlversal Law lL
parLlcularlzes lLself Lhrough Lhe power of Lhe word LhaL ls spoken lnLo lL 1he word alone ls consclous
1he Law ls AuLomaLlc and Lhe form ls wlLhouL selfdeLermlnaLlon
p 133

Lesson 1hree MeLaphyslcal CharL no lll
1he upper secLlon of Lhls charL shows how Lhe consclous mlnd or splrlL of man reflecLs or conLemplaLes
lLself Lhrough Lhe medlum of soul or sub[ecLlvlLy lnLo form or maLLer 1he mlddle secLlon represenLs
Lhe WorldSoul or Sub[ecLlvlLy Lhe Mlrror of Mlnd and unformed maLLer Lhe ServanL of Lhe SplrlL Lhe
lowesL secLlon shows Lhe resulL of selfconLemplaLlon as lL Lakes form ln Lhe world of maLLer 8ead and
carefully sLudy Lhe meLaphyslcal meanlngs of Lhe words used ln Lhe lndlvldual CharL
p 136
CCnSClCuS Mlnu C8 Sl8l1Means Lhe Selfknowlng Mlnd of Lhe unlverse ConLemplaLor or
8eflecLor means Lhe consclous LhoughL of Lhe Consclous Mlnd
Su8!LC1lvL Mlnu Anu unlC8MLu MA11L8MLAn 1PL Su8S1AnCL Anu 1PL SCuL Cl 1PL
Ml88C8 Cl Mlnu C8 SCuLMeans LhaL Lhe Sub[ecLlve slde of llfe acLs llke a mlrror LhaL ls lL reflecLs
Lhe forms of LhoughL LhaL are glven lL
unCCnSClCuS lC8M C8 Ml88C8 Cl MA11L8Means LhaL Lhe maLerlal world reflecLs Lhe forms of
LhoughL whlch Lhe Soul holds before lL
1hls deplcLs Lhe CreaLlve process and sequenceflrsL ln Lhe chaln of CausaLlon ls Lhe Word and Lhls
Word ls consclous of lLself nexL comes Lhe acLlon of Law reflecLlng Lhe Word (1hls Law ls sub[ecLlve
and obeys Lhe Word reflecLlng lL lnLo form or maLLer maLLer belng aL flrsL unformed or a unlversal
unformed sLuff) lL Lhen Lakes form Lhrough Lhe power of Lhe word acLlng upon lL on Lhe sub[ecLlve slde
of llfe
Soul and SubsLance are boLh sub[ecLlve Lo Lhe SplrlL and form or maLLer ln form has no vollLlon
ln Lhe 1rlnlLy of unlLy one aLLrlbuLe alone ls really selfconsclous namely Lhe SplrlL or Lhe Word
1hls charL may be used ln elLher Lhe lndlvldual or Lhe unlversal sense for Lhe lndlvldual reenacLs Lhe
unlversal on all Lhree planes
1he manlfesL unlverse ls Lhe resulL of Lhe selfconLemplaLlon of SplrlL or Cod 1hls selfconLemplaLlon
Lhrough law reflecLs lLs lmages lnLo Lhe world of form or manlfesLaLlon
Mans world of affalrs and hls body are Lhe resulL of hls lnner selfknowlngness Pe ls Lhe resulL of hls

p 137
Lesson 1hree Menta| nea||ng
WhaLever exlsLs aL all musL be Lhe resulL of a deflnlLe lmage of LhoughL held ln Lhe Mlnd of Cod or Lhe
AbsoluLe Who ls Lhe cause of all WheLher we Lhlnk of man as a pro[ecLlon of Cod an emanaLlon of
Cod a manlfesLaLlon or a reflecLlon of Cod we musL reallze LhaL Cod or Lhe llrsL Cause holds man ln
Pls Consclousness as a erfecL 8elng slnce Lhe erfecL Mlnd could noL concelve of an lmperfecL ldea lf
on Lhe oLher hand we Lhlnk of man as a parL of Cod whlch some schools of LhoughL Leach we should
Lhen have Lo reallze LhaL man as a parL of Lhe ulvlne 8elng musL lnherenLly be perfecL 1hls ls a
concluslon whlch ls unavoldable 8uL man does noL appear Lo be perfecL he cerLalnly appears Lo have
many experlences whlch are far from ldeal 1here can be no quesLlon buL Lhe human man suffers ls slck
and has paln and evenLually dles 1o doubL Lhls would be Lo doubL Lhe evldence of Lhe only quallLy we
possess whereby we may conslder ourselves consclous belngs aL all We musL Lhen reconclle our
concluslon of perfecLlon wlLh an experlence whlch ls apparenLly noL perfecL
Whlle man musL be and ls a ulvlne lmage or a erfecL ldea yeL he suffers and ls slck 1he answer Lo Lhls
ls Lhe same answer whlch can be glven phllosophlcally Lo Lhe whole problem of evllLhaL man ls an
lndlvldual and does wlLh hlmself whaL he wllls 1he ScrlpLures say Cod haLh made man uprlghL buL
Lhey have soughL ouL many lnvenLlons 31 lndlvlduallLy cannoL be auLomaLlcally produced buL musL be
sponLaneous lL could noL be real lndlvlduallLy unless lL had Lhe ablllLy Lo Lhlnk as lL chose and lL could
noL be lndlvlduallLy unless lLs ablllLy Lo Lhlnk as lL chose were backed by a power Lo produce
p 138
Lhls cholce because lf noLhlng ever happened as Lhe resulL of mans cholce he would llve ln a dream
world and hls dreams would never come Lo ob[ecLlflcaLlon 1hls would be a world of llluslon 8uL man
has Lhe ablllLy Lo choose and ls unlfled wlLh a Law whlch auLomaLlcally produces hls cholce whereas he
does noL have Lhe ablllLy Lo desLroy Lhe ldea of hlmself he does have Lhe ablllLy Lo deface lL Lo make lL
appear dlscordanL buL he cannoL desLroy Lhe ulvlne lmage
We llve ln a unlverse of Love as well as ln a unlverse of Law Cne ls Lhe complemenL of Lhe oLherLhe
unlverse of Love pulsaLlng wlLh feellng wlLh emoLlon and Lhe unlverse of Law Lhe LxecuLor of all
feellng and all emoLlon
ln Laklng up Lhls lesson on heallng Lhen leL us remember LhaL back of Lhe man whlch we see ls Lhe
ulvlne lmage 1here ls a erfecL ConcepL held ln Lhe Mlnd of Lhe unlverse as an already accompllshed
facL buL man ls sub[ecL Lo Lhe law of hls own lndlvlduallLy
LeL us Lurn Lo Lhe Law and flnd whaL lL says ln CharL no lll vlz LhaL man ls consclous mlnd or splrlL
Lhls sLands for hls ob[ecLlve faculLy 1he ob[ecLlve mlnd of man ls hls recognlLlon of llfe ln a consclous
sLaLe lL ls Lhe only aLLrlbuLe of man LhaL ls vollLlonal or selfchooslng consequenLly lL ls Lhe splrlLual
man 1he consclous mlnd of man ls Lhe conLemplaLor Lhe reflecLor 1he unlverse ls Lhe resulL of Lhe
ConLemplaLlon of Lhe ulvlne Mlnd or Lhe Poly SplrlL whlch ls Cod Cod creaLes by conLemplaLlng Pls
own lAMnLSS and Lhls conLemplaLlon Lhrough law becomes Lhe ob[ecLlflcaLlon of Lhe Self
8eallzaLlon of Lhe lnflnlLe Mlnd
1he ulvlne naLure ls reenacLed ln man he ls consclous mlnd and splrlL and as he conLemplaLes he
reflecLs hls LhoughL lnLo Lhe unlversal Sub[ecLlvlLy lL ls recelved and acLed upon
As Mlnd or Soul accepLs Lhese lmages of LhoughL lL operaLes upon unformed subsLance and causes lL
Lo Lake deflnlLe form as body whlch ls unconsclous form lL becomes deflnlLe form buL Lhe form lLself ls
unconsclous because lL ls made of lmmaLerlal subsLance 8ody of lLself wlLhouL Mlnd has no
p 139
consclousness nor vollLlon uevold of menLallLy Lhe body nelLher Lhlnks sees hears feels Louches nor
LasLes 1ake Lhe menLallLy away from Lhe body and lL becomes a corpse Pavlng no consclous
lnLelllgence lL aL once beglns Lo dlslnLegraLe and Lo resolve agaln lnLo Lhe unlversal SubsLance or
unformed maLLer from whlch lL came
Consclous LhoughL or conLemplaLlon ls a reflecLor reflecLlng Lhrough menLallLy lnLo maLLer Lhe forms
whlch consclousness enLerLalns AlLhough man ls lnherenLly a perfecL ldea hls lndlvlduallLy covers Lhls
ldea wlLh Lhe forms of LhoughL whlch he lmages Cf course Lhese forms of LhoughL may or may noL be
consclous Man comes lnLo Lhls llfe sub[ecLlve Lo Lhe race consclousness and wlLh a bellef ln hls own
envlronmenL and as he unfolds hls own personallLy he beglns Lo creaLe new sub[ecLlve LhoughL Pe
Lhlnks and observes draws cerLaln concluslons and deducLlons and lncorporaLes Lhem wlLhln hls
menLallLy unLll aL lasL Lhey also become a parL of Lhe relaLlve cause of hls ob[ecLlve exlsLence
Peallng ls accompllshed by uncoverlng neuLrallzlng and eraslng false lmages of LhoughL and leLLlng Lhe
perfecL ldea or ldeal reflecL lLself Lhrough sub[ecLlve mlnd lnLo Lhe body
When one reallzes LhaL evetytbloq ls MloJ ooJ tbot ootbloq moves bot MloJ and LhaL Lhe only
lnsLrumenL of Mlnd ls LhoughL (whlch ls conLemplaLlon ln some form or oLher) he wlll see LhaL noLhlng
can permanenLly heal buL rlghL Lhlnklng lL ls Lhe only permanenL form of heallng LhaL ls known le
menLal and splrlLual heallng
8eallzlng LhaL consclous LhoughL operaLes Lhrough a ower whlch ls lnflnlLe we see LhaL Lhere can be no
llmlL Lo Lhe power Lo heal oLher Lhan Lhe llmlL of our ablllLy Lo concelve LhaL ower as heallng We are
llmlLed noL by rlnclple buL by our ablllLy Lo concelve perfecLlon Cur LhoughL can brlng ouL a condlLlon
as perfecL as we can concelve Lherefore Lhe man whose LhoughL ls Lhe mosL Codllke wlll be Lhe besL
healer 1haL ls why we cannoL dlvorce Lrue menLal heallng from Lrue splrlLual work 1he man whose
LhoughL ls Lhe mosL Codllke
p 140
le Lhe LruesL Lhe hlghesL Lhe mosL noble Lhe mosL compleLe Lhe mosL peaceful wlll be Lhe besL
healer because hls LhoughL reflecLs a greaLer perfecLlon When LhoughL reaches a hlgher degree of
perfecLlon lL wlll brlng ouL a sLlll greaLer developmenL le as Lhe race consclousness unfolds and
never forgeL LhaL Lhe Consclous Mlnd ls Lhe only AcLor ln Lhe unlverse and ln man LhaL Lhe unconsclous
or sub[ecLlve mlnd ls compelled by reason of lLs naLure Lo accepL and LhaL lL can never re[ecL LhaL Lhe
body ls an effecL wlLh no lnLelllgence of lLs own We can now see LhaL a menLal LreaLmenL ls a real
Langlble speclflc operaLlon worklng ln perfecL accord wlLh sclenLlflc Law
When a pracLlLloner LreaLs any one he does noL [usL hope LhaL hls paLlenL wlll geL well he does noL ask
LhaL he may be healed he does noL slmply deslre LhaL he may be healed he ls busy dolng a deflnlLe
plece of menLal work brlnglng ouL ln hls own consclousness (ln hls own selfconLemplaLlve consclous
mlnd) an undersLandlng LhaL Lhe paLlenL ls healed and ls perfecL
1teotmeot ls tbe oct tbe ott ooJ tbe scleoce of loJocloq tbooqbt wltblo tbe meotollty of tbe ooe tteotloq
wblcb tbooqbt sboll petcelve tbot tbe boJy of tbe potleot ls o ulvloe 5pltltool ooJ 9etfect lJeo
1reaLmenL does noL necessarlly LreaL every organ of Lhe body speclflcally buL lL does declare Lhe body
Lo be harmonlous and LhaL every speclflc ldea wlLhln lL ls harmonlous lL Lhen pays especlal aLLenLlon Lo
whaL appears Lo be Lhe physlcal dlsorder
As Lhe resulL of Lhls LreaLmenL whlch Lhe pracLlLloner glves Sub[ecLlve Mlnd (whlch ls unlversal and
CmnlpresenL) accepLs Lhe lmages of hls Lhlnklng and reflecLs Lhem ln Lhe dlrecLlon LhaL he speclfles
Pe ls noL Lrylng Lo send ouL a LhoughL hold a LhoughL or suggesL a LhoughL 8e sure LhaL you
dlfferenLlaLe beLween suggesLlon (whlch ls all rlghL so far as lL goes buL ls llmlLed) and real
meLaphyslcal heallng ln meLaphyslcal heallng we are consclous LhaL we are deallng wlLh a unlversal
rlnclple or
p 141
paragraph conLlnues Law whlch Lakes Lhe lmpress of our LhoughL and acLs upon lL noLhlng can sLop lL
Some day we shall know LhaL noL even Lhe LhoughL of Lhe paLlenL can sLop lL and Lhen LhaL argumenL
wlll be ended! We are deallng wlLh SomeLhlng LhaL cannoL and does noL answer back nor argue We are
dlrecLlng lL for deflnlLe purposes Lelllng lL Lo do cerLaln Lhlngs whlch lL does 1hls ls whaL happens when
we glve a LreaLmenL
Slnce Lhe Law ls lnflnlLe Lhere ls no lncurable dlsease as opposed Lo a curable one 1he Law knows
noLhlng abouL dlsease lL only acLs 1he pracLlLloner says My word ls Lhe presence power and acLlvlLy
of Lhe 1ruLh whlch ls wlLhln me whlch ls AlmlghLy whlch ls Cod 1here ls none oLher 1hls word Lhen ls
Lhe law of Lhe Lhlng whereunLo lL ls spoken and has wlLhln lLself Lhe ablllLy Lhe power and Lhe
lnLelllgence Lo execuLe lLself Lhrough Lhe greaL Law of all Llfe 1hls word belng Lhe sponLaneous
recognlLlon of Llvlng SplrlLlnflnlLe LverresenL and AcLlvels now compleLely manlfesLed ln and
Lhrough Lhls person or Lhlng abouL whlch Lhe pracLlLloner ls Lhlnklng
When man ls born he ls born from pure sub[ecLlvlLy lnLo ob[ecLlvlLy Pe ls born from a sub[ecLlve sLaLe
of consclousness lnLo an ob[ecLlve sLaLe and he gradually grows lnLo lnLelllgenL selfconsclous
ob[ecLlve undersLandlng
When a baby ls born lnLo Lhls world lL ls purely sub[ecLlve lL does noL know enough Lo feed lLself lL has
no ob[ecLlve faculLles no [udgmenL no LhoughL processes 8uL Lhe mlnuLe lL ls born lL beglns Lo develop
an ob[ecLlvlLy Lhrough observaLlon however lL Lakes a baby longer Lhan lL does any oLher anlmal as lL ls
more helpless A chlld does noL always galn lLs ob[ecLlve faculLles qulcklysomeLlmes lL never does
durlng Lhls llfeLlme lrresponslble people never become compleLely ob[ecLlfled on Lhls plane Lhey are
sLlll lnsLlncLlvely sub[ecLlve
8CkN 9LkILC1
Slnce bables are born from sub[ecLlvlLy Lhey are born generally speaklng from a perfecL condlLlon ?ou
wlll flnd LhaL
p 142
pracLlcally everyLhlng when lL comes lnLo Lhe world ls perfecL lL Lhen Lakes on ob[ecLlvlLy buL lL brlngs
wlLh lL sub[ecLlvely cerLaln Lendencles very seldom does lL brlng dlsease very few dlseases are
lnherlLed ln splLe of all Lhe clalms LhaL people make LhaL Lhey lnherlL hearL Lrouble Luberculosls eLc
1hey do noL! WhaL Lhey do however ls Lo lnherlL a sub[ecLlve recepLlvlLy Loward and a bellef ln Lhose
AL flrsL chlldren are happy free sponLaneous 1haL ls why we llke Lhem Lhey llve lnsLlncLlvely As Lhey
grow older and Lhelr emoLlons become more complex and Lhey hear people Lalk abouL deaLh Lrouble
dlvorce love and marrlage and everyLhlng else LhaL ls good bad or lndlfferenL Lhey begln Lo reacL Lo
Lhese emoLlons sub[ecLlvely
LveryLhlng LhaL opposes harmony and SponLaneous unlLy wlll prove dlsasLrous Lo Lhe chllds healLh
sooner or laLer 1he lnherlLed parL ls slmply an lnherlLed sub[ecLlve Lendency
AnoLher prollflc source of dlsease ls racesuggesLlon 8ACLSuCCLS1lCn MLAnS 1PL ACCuMuLA1Lu
Su8!LC1lvL 1LnuLnClLS Cl 1PL PuMAn 8ACL Lhese Lendencles are operaLlve Lhrough any person who
ls recepLlve Lo Lhem
1hese Lhen are Lhe sources from whlch mosL dlseases comeconsclous observaLlons suppressed
emoLlons sub[ecLlve lnherlLed Lendencles and perhaps LhreefourLhs of Lhem from racesuggesLlon
ulsease ls an lmpersonal LhoughL force operaLlng Lhrough people whlch does noL belong Lo Lhem aL all
8ecognlze LhaL lL ls nelLher person place nor Lhlng LhaL Lhere ls no law Lo supporL lL LhaL lL ls a coward
fleelng before Lhe 1ruLh LhaL Lhere ls noLhlng buL Lhe 1ruLh 1here ls no llmlLaLlon lmposed upon man
anywhere ?ou musL know LhaL Lhe ower you are uslng ls deflnlLe sclenLlflc dynamlc SplrlLual
AbsoluLe and
p 143
compleLe and LhaL lL wlll work LeL no fear come lnLo your LhoughL
8emember LhaL noLhlng can come Lhrough consclousness lnLo ob[ecLlvlLy buL such LhoughLs as you
clalm 1he person who has clearly and sub[ecLlvely reallzed Lhe unlLy of Mlnd Lhe unlLy of Cood Lhe
resence of Cod Lhe AbsoluLeness of hls own 8elng Lhe LoLallLy of Lhlngs exlsLlng aL Lhe polnL of hls
own personallLy ls lmmune from menLal suggesLlon Pe can surround hlmself wlLh an armor of
proLecLlon so LhaL false suggesLlon cannoL enLer
As a maLLer of facL pracLlcally all Lhe world ls hypnoLlzed Lhrough race concepL and whaL we need Lo do
ls Lo dehypnoLlze lL
ulsease ls menLally conLaglous Lhrough suggesLlon so we musL surround our paLlenLs wlLh an aura or
aLmosphere of proLecLlon 1hls ls noLhlng less Lhan Lhe reallzaLlon of Lhe presence and Lhe power of
Cod or SplrlL as Lhelr Llfe as Lhe only Llfe Lhere ls as CompleLe and erfecL ln Lhem
llrsL recognlze your own perfecLlon Lhen bulld up Lhe same recognlLlon for your paLlenL Lhen dlrecLly
aLLack Lhe LhoughL LhaL blnds hlm recognlzlng LhaL your word desLroys lL sLaLlng LhaL lL does Laklng lnLo
accounL and speclflcally menLlonlng everyLhlng LhaL needs Lo be changed every socalled broken law or
false LhoughL 1hen flnlsh your LreaLmenL wlLh a greaL reallzaLlon of peace slLLlng Lhere a few momenLs
ln sllenL recognlLlon LhaL lL ls done compleLe and perfecL
1he work musL noL be LhoughL of as hard and when we know LhaL Lhere ls buL Cne Mlnd we shall
reallze LhaL lL could noL be hard Meotol tteotmeot ls o Jltect stotemeot lo MloJ of wbot we wlsb to bove
Jooe ooJ o complete teollzotloo tbot lt ls Jooe
We recognlze LhaL everyLhlng ls ln Mlnd and LhaL noLhlng moves buL Mlnd LhaL lnLelllgence ls back of
everyLhlng acLlng
p 144
Lhrough a LhoughL force whlch ls concreLe deflnlLe and real 1he reason people do noL reallze LhaL
menLal heallng ls posslble ls LhaL Lhey do noL undersLand Lhe meanlng of CausaLlon Lhey do noL reallze
LhaL lnLelllgence ls back of all Lhlngs LhaL Lhere ls buL Cne lundamenLal lnLelllgence ln Lhe unlverse Cne
Common Mlnd or Cne Mlnd Common Lo all people 1bot wblcb we oppeot to be ls slmply tbe polot
wbete tbls MloJ moolfests tbtooqb os (Man ls an lndlvlduallzed CenLer of CodConsclousness
8emember all Law ls Mlnd ln AcLlon)
Lvery dlsease LhaL we have musL come Lhrough Mlnd ln order Lo operaLe Lhrough us 1here ls buL Cne
Sub[ecLlve Mlnd ln Lhe unlverse upon Lhls undersLandlng alone ls menLal LreaLmenL posslble (wheLher
lL be presenL or absenL) lf Lhere were more Lhan Cne lL would be lmposslble for Lhen Lhere would be
no Common Medlum Lhrough whlch Lo work Lhlnk or acL
1here ls buL Cne and we are always Lhlnklng lnLo lL so wheLher a paLlenL ls presenL or absenL makes no
dlfference 1he only advanLage ln havlng hlm presenL ls LhaL you may Lalk Lo hlm and Leach hlm and by
analyzlng hls LhoughL remove any menLal complex or confllcL
1he quesLlon ls ofLen asked ls Lhls Sub[ecLlve Mlnd or Law all LhaL Lhere ls Lo Lhe ulvlne naLure? no
of course noL 1here ls Lhe SplrlL and Lhe Soul of Lhe unlverse a dual aspecL of LhaL whlch ls Cne buL
when you are pracLlclng menLal heallng you are deallng wlLh Law [usL as deflnlLely as a physlclsL deals
wlLh law
Any dlsease ln order Lo operaLe Lhrough Lhe body musL flrsL be a menLal plcLure ln Lhe lnner menLallLy
lL musL flrsL be sub[ecLlve lf lL ls Lo become ob[ecLlfled ulsease ls an lmage of LhoughL held ln Mlnd
unLll lL appears ln Lhe body 1hls ls all Lhere ls Lo lL Whlle every dlsease ls an effecL and musL flrsL have
a sub[ecLlve cause Lhe sub[ecLlve cause nlne Llmes ouL of Len ls noL consclous ln Lhe LhoughL of Lhe
person who has lL buL ls perhaps largely Lhe resulL of cerLaln comblnaLlons of Lhlnklng whlch
gaLherlng LogeLher around and Lhrough Lhe
p 143
lndlvldual who LhoughL and recelved Lhem becomes operaLlve Lhrough hlm CerLaln comblnaLlons of
LhoughL coalesclng produce a deflnlLe manlfesLaLlon
So whlle lL ls Lrue LhaL every dlsease has a dlrecL proLoLype ln sub[ecLlve mlnd lL ls also Lrue LhaL Lhe
lndlvldual who suffers from Lhe dlsease nlne Llmes ouL of Len never LhoughL he was golng Lo have LhaL
parLlcular klnd of Lrouble
?ou are deallng wlLh ldeas only LeL Lhe physlclans deal wlLh bodles lf necessary 1here ls noLhlng wrong
wlLh medlclne or manlpulaLlon provlded lL relleves sufferlng buL lesL Lhe sufferlng come agaln Lhe
menLal cause musL be removed never say Lo paLlenLs uonL Lake medlclne because lf you do Lhe
LreaLmenLs wlll do you no good for Lhls ls unLrue Say lnsLead lf you feel llke Laklng medlclne or golng
Lo Lhe docLor do so lf you follow Lhls meLhod Lhe Llme wlll generally come when your paLlenL wlll
reallze LhaL he no longer needs Lhe medlclne be wlll bove oofolJeJ oot of tbe Jlseose totbet tboo bove
btokeo owoy ftom lt
AcLually speaklng no one needs Lo be healed LhaL ls healLh ls an omnlpresenL reallLy and when Lhe
obsLrucLlons LhaL hlnder heallng are removed lL wlll be found LhaL healLh was Lhere all Lhe Llme So ln
your work do noL feel LhaL you musL heal any one ln facL assume no responslblllLy for any ones
Suppose when you LreaL a paLlenL you begln Lo feel a Lerrlble sense of responslblllLywhaL should you
do? ?ou should begln aL once Lo LreaL yourself agalnsL LhaL LhoughL for as long as you have lL Lhere ls a
barrler Lo heallng Why? 8ecause when you slfL LhaL sense of responslblllLy down Lo lLs lasL analysls lL ls
a bellef LhaL you cannoL heal uo noL glve ln Lo LhaL bellef because lL ls noLhlng buL a LhoughL whlch says
LhaL you cannoL heal noLhlng buL a LhoughL ls saylng or could be saylng lL A chalr could noL say lL and
slnce lL ls only a LhoughL LhaL says lL lL ls only a LhoughL LhaL can unsay lL
p 146
paragraph conLlnues ueclare My word has Lhe power Lo heal and you wlll flnd LhaL doubL has gone
When you are glvlng a LreaLmenL you are Lhlnklng you are meeLlng opposlng neuLrallzlng eraslng and
obllLeraLlng all suppresslon fear doubL fallure morbld emoLlon and sense of losswhaLever Lhe
Lrouble may be Lvery Llme your LhoughL hlLs falrly and squarely lL erases [usL as deflnlLely as one would
erase a chalk llne Such ls Lhe mysLery of appearance and dlsappearance
Why doesnL Cod heal us? 8ecause we are lndependenL We have made ourselves slck and we musL heal
ourselves ln Lhe greaL world war Len or flfLeen mllllon people suffered agony paln sorrow and grleflL
sLaggers Lhe lmaglnaLlon Lo concelve of lL 8uL waLer was [usL as weL and Lhe blrds sang [usL as sweeLly
Lhrough lL all noLhlng happened excepL ln mans LhoughL and acL he foughL unLll he Llred of flghLlng
Lhen he sLopped We wlll be slck unLll we Llre of lL Lhen we wlll lnqulre lnLo Lhe cause ellmlnaLe lL and
be healed
Cur undersLandlng ls noL sufflclenL Lo enable us Lo seL bones and slnce we cannoL walk on Lhe waLer
we Lake a boaL We can go only as far as we know rlnclple ls lnflnlLe buL we can demonsLraLe only aL
Lhe level of our own concepL
lf a man sLruggles agalnsL a hablL he ls bulldlng up a menLal reslsLance buL lf he does noL reslsL lL whlle
you LreaL hlm he wlll soon flnd hlmself llberaLed
eople say l canL Lake off my glasses 1hen wear Lhem buL begln Lo make Lhe declaraLlon LhaL Lhere
ls Cne erfecL vlslon seelng Lhrough you 1hls ls Lhe 1ruLh wbeo tbls stotemeot sboll bove become o
sobjectlve teollzotloo yoo wlll be beoleJ ooJ wlll oo looqet oeeJ qlosses
lf a plasLer wlll relleve use lL lf a plll does any good Lake lL buL gradually lead LhoughL from where lL ls
p 147
Lhe hlgher realms of consclousness where nelLher plasLers nor pllls are needed
A pracLlLloner knows LhaL dlsease ls menLal Pe noL only knows Lhls he knows LhaL dlsease ls slmply an
lmpersonal LhoughL force operaLlng Lhrough whaLever channel lL may flnd Pe knows LhaL lL ls a dlrecL
LhoughL force LhaL Lhere ls noLhlng buL Mlnd ln Lhe unlverse noLhlng Lo move buL lnLelllgence Pe ls
noL deallng wlLh a physlcal body nor Lrylng Lo heal a physlcal condlLlon
8lghL here leL me menLlon LhaL many people Lhlnk Lhey musL puL Lhelr hands on Lhelr paLlenLs Lo heal
LhemLhaL Lhere ls a cerLaln magneLlsm poLenL ln heallng 1hls has noLhlng Lo do wlLh Lhe power of
whlch we are Lalklng MagneLlc heallng ls Lhe Lransmlsslon of vlLal energy from one body Lo anoLher and
soon exhausLs lLself
We LreaL man noL as a paLlenL noL as a physlcal body noL as a dlseased condlLlon nelLher do we LreaL
Lhe dlsease as belonglng Lo hlm Lhe reason belng LhaL lf we do we wlll fasLen Lhe dlsease Lo hlm We
musL noL Lhlnk of Lhe dlsease as belng connecLed wlLh hlm or as a parL of hlm 1he pracLlLloner reallzes
LhaL man ls born of SplrlL and noL of maLLer SplrlL ls Changeless erfecL CompleLe and ln every respecL
ure undeflled and unconLamlnaLed Pe reallzes Lhls unLll he sees hls paLlenL as a llvlng embodlmenL of
A ptoctltlooet tbeo ls ooe wbo tecoqolzloq tbot tbete ls ootbloq bot MloJ to move Jefloltely
speclflcolly cooctetely ooJ cooscloosly speoks ftom bls objectlve mloJ loto sobjectlvlty ooJ qlves
Jltectloo to low wblcb ls tbe Actot
Peallng ls Lhe resulL of clear Lhlnklng and loglcal reasonlng whlch presenLs lLself Lo consclousness and ls
acLed upon by lL lL ls a sysLemaLlc process of reasonlng whlch unearLhs Lhe
p 148
menLal cause or ldea underlylng dlsease and presenLs Lhe 1ruLh abouL mans 8elng Lhereby heallng
lor lnsLance say Lo yourself Cod ls All Lhere ls 1here ls only Cne Llfe When you are LreaLlng lf Lhere
ls any llLLle polnL LhaL ls noL clear sLop aL once and go back Lo Lhe lasL analysls of ulLlmaLe 8eallLy and
AbsoluLeness and bulld your whole argumenL upon lL ln order Lo geL a clear consclousness
8epeaL Cod ls All 1here ls only Cne ower lnLelllgence and Consclousness ln Lhe unlverse only Cne
resence now LhaL Cne resence cannoL change 1here ls noLhlng for lL Lo change lnLo buL lLself lL ls
Changeless and lL ls My Llfe now lL ls ln me now Clalm LhaL no form of racesuggesLlon bellef ln
llmlLaLlon sub[ecLlve ldea of llmlLaLlon LhoughL of karma faLallsm Lheology or hell horoscope or any
such bellefs have power AccepL none of Lhem lf you have ever belleved ln Lhem lf you have ever
belleved LhaL Lhe sLars govern you or LhaL your envlronmenL governs you or LhaL your opporLunlLles
govern you lf you have ever been led Lo belleve by any one LhaL any of Lhese Lhlngs govern you
recognlze LhaL lL ls a hypnoLlc condlLlon lnLo whlch you have fallen and deny every one of Lhem unLll
Lhere ls no longer anyLhlng ln you LhaL belleves ln Lhem
1hls ls Lhe way Lo geL your consclousness clear ?ou see whaL lL does lL lnduces a clear concepL of 8eallLy
whlch musL reproduce lLself 1hls process of clear Lhlnklng lf carrled ouL every day would heal any
dlsease because lL would brlng a compleLe recognlLlon of Llfe
1he Lhlng LhaL makes you slck can heal you ?ou do noL need Lo look for a law of healLh as opposed Lo a
law of dlsease for Lhere ls only Cne Law 1hls wlll glve a greaL sense of rellef slnce lL means LhaL Lhere ls
no power Lo oppose a correcL menLal LreaLmenL
eople ofLen say Lo a pracLlLloner l wanL you Lo hold a sLrong LhoughL for me 1hls ls a mlsconcepLlon
for Lhere are no sLrong and weak LhoughLs ln Lhls sense 1he mosL
p 149
powerful LhoughL ls Lhe one LhaL carrles Lhe greaLesL convlcLlon wlLh lL We do noL hold LhoughLs we
slmply Lhlnk Lhem and leL Mlnd operaLe upon Lhem
eople ofLen say lL musL be a draln Lo LreaL so many people l should Lhlnk LhaL your wlll power would
become exhausLed 1hls also ls a mlsconcepLlon for wlll power has noLhlng whaLever Lo do wlLh real
menLal heallng lLs use would lmply LhaL Lhe pracLlLloner exerclses a personal LhoughL force over hls
paLlenL 1hls ls false suggesLlon whlch ls always some form of hypnoLlsm
lL ls someLlmes LhoughL LhaL ln glvlng or recelvlng a LreaLmenL one musL experlence some physlcal
sensaLlon A paLlenL someLlmes says afLer havlng recelved a LreaLmenL l felL noLhlng durlng Lhe
LreaLmenL lL ls noL necessary LhaL Lhe paLlenL should feel anyLhlng durlng Lhe LreaLmenL nelLher ls lL
necessary LhaL Lhe pracLlLloner should feel anyLhlng oLher Lhan Lhe LruLh abouL Lhe words LhaL he
When we planL a seed ln Lhe ground we do noL have a greaL sensaLlon and lL ls noL probable LhaL Lhe
soll has any sensaLlon 8uL Lhe seed planLed ln Lhe creaLlve soll wlll neverLheless produce a planL
WhaL ls Lrue on one plane ls Lrue on all know LhaL you are dolng Lhlngs [usL as deflnlLely as Lhe
gardener lL ls Lhe person who knows whaL he ls dolng who geLs resulLs
J 1 kMI uD1
All tbooqbts of Joobt coocetoloq ooes oblllty to beol come ftom tbe bellef tbot lt ls tbe petsooollty wblcb
Joes tbe beolloq ooJ oot tbe low never say l am noL good enough Lo heal or l do noL know enough
Lo heal or l havenL undersLandlng enough Lo heal know LhaL you are deallng wlLh Law and LhaL lL ls
Lhe AcLor 8ecognlze all such argumenLs as some form of suggesLlon and refuse Lo leL Lhem operaLe
Lhrough you ?ou can heal bot yoo most koow tbot yoo coo
1he day wlll come when Lhe enLlre world wlll belleve Lhe
p 130
paragraph conLlnues 1ruLh because of Lhe greaL neuLrallzlng power whlch lL ls exerclslng upon Lhe
race consclousness
1he reason people do noL geL beLLer resulLs ls LhaL Lhey do noL undersLand LhaL prlnclple works
lndependenLly Lhe 1ruLh demonsLraLes lLself AL Lhe rooL of every ones personallLy Lhere ls Cne
Common Mlnd 1here ls buL Cne Sub[ecLlvlLy ln Lhe unlverse and all use lL 1hlnk of yourself as belng ln
Mlnd as a sponge ls ln Lhe waLer you are ln lL and lL ls ln you
Lvery dlsease LhaL comes up Lhrough sub[ecLlvlLy or appears ln Lhe body musL come up Lhrough Mlnd
8odles of Lhemselves do noL geL slck lor lnsLance when Lhe Llfe rlnclple deserLs Lhe body lL ls whaL
we call a corpsea llfeless and lnanlmaLe Lhlng lL no longer becomes slck we undersLand LhaL lL could
noL geL slck unless Lhere were lnLelllgence Lhere Lo cognlze Lhe Lrouble
Slnce Lhe body of lLself cannoL become lll or hurL or conLracL dlsease unless Lhere ls lnLelllgence Lhere
Lo recognlze and feel lL dlsease ls prlmarlly a menLal Lhlng WlLhouL menLallLy lL ls noL and yeL wlLh
menLallLy lL appears Lo be
lor lnsLance a conLaglous dlsease ls physlcally conLaglous beLween Lwo llvlng people buL lL ls noL
conLaglous beLween Lwo dead people 1here musL be lnLelllgence even ln a conLaglous dlsease for Lhe
body Lo conLracL lL 1he dead body cannoL caLch lL from Lhe llvlng because Lhe lnLelllgence has deparLed
1he Lhlng Lo temembet olwoys ls LhaL tbete ls jost Ooe 5objectlve MloJ lo tbe uolvetse 1hls ls a polnL
LhaL people ofLen do noL reallze and because Lhey do noL Lhey cannoL see how
p 131
a person may be LreaLed wlLhouL Louchlng hlm or LhaL a person can be healed aL a dlsLance Lhrough
absenL LreaLmenL
lf Lhere ls buL Cne Sub[ecLlve Mlnd ln Lhe unlverse (and we all remember Lhe meanlng of Sub[ecLlve
Mlnd lL ls ueducLlve 8ecepLlve lasLlc neuLral lmpersonal and CreaLlve lL ls Lhe SLuff from whlch all
Lhlngs are formed)you can lmpress upon lL a cerLaln lmage of LhoughL or a cerLaln process of
reallzaLlon and you wlll geL a resulL for lL ls Lhe AcLor
1hrough Lhe proper use of Lhls greaL Sub[ecLlve Law you can lmpress upon lL a deflnlLe ldea and lf you
yourself do noL wlLhdraw LhaL ldea or neuLrallze lL by an opposlLe one Lhe law wlll brlng lL lnLo
WhaL we need Lhen ls Lo learn Lhe law governlng Lhls rlnclple When you glve a LreaLmenL you are
deflnlLely seLLlng ln moLlon a unlversal law whlch musL noL only accepL whaL you say buL Lhe way ln
whlch you say lL lf your LreaLmenL ls glven wlLh a sense of sLruggle lL wlll manlfesL LhaL way lf lL ls glven
wlLh a sense of peace Lhen lL wlll manlfesL ln LhaL manner
8emember LhaL you need assume no personal responslblllLy for Lhe recovery of your paLlenL All LhaL
you have Lo do ls Lo make cerLaln sLaLemenLs whlch Mlnd ls golng Lo carry lnLo effecL Lhrough hlm
Cne who undersLands Lhe use of ulvlne rlnclple never Lrles Lo suggesL hypnoLlze nor personally
lnfluence any one he ls always lmpersonal ln hls work he ls sLaLlng ln Mlnd dlrecLly whaL he wlshes Lo
have done
When you have occaslon Lo LreaL yourself call your own name and Lhen proceed wlLh Lhe LreaLmenL as
Lhough you were LreaLlng some one else
ulsease wlll be healed provlded you geL aL lLs cause and remove lL and provlded Lhe one for whom you
are worklng ls wllllng Lo surrender LhaL cause oo coooot beol ooy ooe of bls ttooble lf lt ls tbe tesolt of
some meotol ottltoJe wblcb be wlll oot sotteoJet ln Lhls case flnd ouL whaL Lhe menLal
p 132
aLLlLude ls and remove lL lL ls a pracLlLloners duLy Lo uncover false ldeas of Llfe and replace Lhem wlLh
Lhe 1ruLh lf Lhls can be done before Lhe dlsease desLroys Lhe body a heallng wlll always follow
rlnclple ls Lhe ower LhaL made everyLhlng lL ls AbsoluLe lL wlll noL and cannoL be denled 1he only
Lhlng LhaL can deny Cod ls yourself
uo noL Lhlnk of dlsease as an enLlLy buL as an lmpersonal LhoughLforce ln heallng you are separaLlng
Lhe false from Lhe Lrue Lhe work ls deflnlLe and dynamlc and ls consclously done wlLh a clear purpose
always ln mlnd
lf your own LhoughL ls clear and you are able Lo compleLely reallze Lhe presence of SplrlL ln your paLlenL
all Lhe power on earLh cannoL hlnder you from heallng
Always come Lo a compleLe concluslon whlle glvlng a LreaLmenL always feel LhaL ls lL ls done compleLe
and perfecL ln Lhe lnLervals beLween LreaLmenLs do noL carry Lhe LhoughL of Lhe paLlenL around wlLh
you Lo do so ls Lo doubL and Lhls menLal aLLlLude musL be compleLely overcome Lach LreaLmenL ls a
compleLe sLaLemenL of Lhe 8eallLy of 8elng 1he LreaLmenL should be repeaLed dally unLll a heallng Lakes
place lf lL Lakes flve mlnuLes flve hours flve days or flve years Lhe LreaLmenL musL be kepL up unLll a
heallng ls accompllshed 1hls ls Lhe only meLhod LhaL we know lL ls noL enough Lo say LhaL everyLhlng ls
all rlghL Lhls ls Lrue ln prlnclple buL ln facL lL ls only as Lrue as we make lL 1reaL unLll you geL resulLs A
heallng Lakes place when Lhe paLlenL ls no longer slck and unLll LhaL Llme menLal work musL be done
Suppose one ls consLanLly saylng LveryLhlng ls all wrong ln Lhe world people are wrong Lhlngs are
wrong condlLlons
p 133
are wrong every one ls slck every one ls unhappy noLhlng ls worLh whlle ?ou as a pracLlLloner musL
remove Lhls complex for Lhese lnner emoLlons creaLe ouLer condlLlons ln and Lhrough Lhe body and are
whaL cause a greaL deal of Lhe slckness ln Lhe world
1teotmeot sttolqbteos oot cooscloosoess by cleot tblokloq When Lhe lnner consclousness agrees wlLh
Lhe 1ruLh when Lhere ls no longer anyLhlng wlLhln whlch denles Lhe ouLer word of 1ruLh Lhen and noL
unLll Lhen a demonsLraLlon Lakes place Speclflcally go over Lhe LhoughLs LhaL are wrong and use Lhe
power of your word Lo heal Lhem
use Lhe LhoughL of peace and Lhe reallzaLlon of a erfecL resence know LhaL ln Lhls resence Lhere ls
no Lenslon Lhere ls no sLruggle Lhere ls no fear Lhere ls no sense of confllcL know Lhls unLll Lhere
comes Lo your own consclousness a deep calm sense of peace and ease and unLll every LhoughL of paln
ls ellmlnaLed
uo Lhe same ln Lhe case of fever LreaL unLll lL ls gone usually lL wlll go llke heaL off a sLove
Suppose LhaL every llLLle whlle you have a headache A physlclan may say LhaL lL ls caused by some nerve
sLraln a chlropracLor may say LhaL lL ls someLhlng ouL of [olnL Lhe osLeopaLh may say LhaL lL ls
someLhlng else and some oLher pracLlLloner may say LhaL lL ls someLhlng else for each has found some
LwlsL ln Lhe body Lo flL hls Lheory All of Lhese LwlsLs may be Lhere buL Lhe body could noL LwlsL unless
you were Lhere Lo LwlsL lL 1he meLaphyslclan goes Lo Lhe LwlsLer and unLwlsLs hls LhoughL Lhus freelng
Lhe LwlsLs ln Lhe body We recognlze all Lhe good LhaL docLors are dolng buL we lnslsL LhaL Lhe menLallLy
musL also be Laken lnLo accounL
8ack of nearly every dlsorder Lhere ls some complex or menLal knoL LhaL needs Lo be unLled generally
some suppressed emoLlon whlch perhaps ls cenLered around Lhe affecLlons
p 134
paragraph conLlnues Lhe llkes and dlsllkes Lhe loves and passlons and everyLhlng LhaL goes wlLh
Lhem All Lhese knoLs musL be unLled and lL ls Lhe buslness of Lhe pracLlLloner Lo unLle Lhem
WnA1 kIGn1 1nCUGn1 DCLS
8lghL LhoughL consLanLly poured lnLo consclousness wlll evenLually purlfy lL ulsease ls llke a boLLle of
lmpure waLer heallng mlghL be llkened Lo Lhe process of dropplng pure waLer lnLo Lhe boLLle a drop aL
a Llme unLll Lhe whole ls clean and pure Some one mlghL ask why Lhe boLLle could noL be Lurned upslde
down and aL once draln ouL all Lhe lmpurlLles SomeLlmes Lhls happens buL noL ofLen meanwhlle a
drop aL a Llme wlll flnally ellmlnaLe Lhe lmpurlLles and produce a heallng
ln LreaLlng go beyond Lhe dlsease and supply a splrlLual consclousness never leave a person wlLhouL
Lhe CreaL 8eallzaLlon of Llfe and Love of Cod and erfecLlon of 1ruLh and Wlsdom of ower and
8eallLy Sense Lhe ulvlne resence ln and Lhrough Lhe paLlenL aL all Llmes
WhaL ls a hablL? A hablL ls Lhe form LhaL deslre Lakes lL ls a deslre for someLhlng LhaL wlll glve
saLlsfacLlon AL Lhe rooL of all hablL ls one baslc Lhlng Lhe deslre Lo express llfe 1here ls an urge Lo
express ln all people and Lhls urge operaLlng Lhrough Lhe channels of CreaLlve Mlnd looses energy lnLo
acLlon and compels Lhe lndlvldual Lo do someLhlng
8ack of all deslre ls Lhe lmpulse of SplrlL Lo express ln man Lhls lmpulse musL express aL Lhe level of hls
lor each for Lhe [oy of Lhe worklng and each ln hls separaLe sLar
Shall palnL Lhe Lhlng as he sees lL for Lhe Cod of Lhlngs as Lhey are
Some express consLrucLlvely and some desLrucLlvely
Suppose a man who has Lhe llquor hablL comes Lo you Lo be
p 133
healed ?ou would noL pray LhaL he be healed for you would know LhaL you are deallng wlLh a man who
has Lhe deslre Lo express llfe and who Lhlnks LhaL he musL express lL ln Lerms of lnLoxlcaLlon Pe once
LhoughL Lhls expressed reallLy Lo hlm he now knows LhaL lL does noL buL he has noL Lhe wlll power Lo
sLop for Lhe hablL has appeared Lo Lake compleLe possesslon of hlm (lL ls well Lo remember LhaL unless
we conLrol LhoughL lL wlll conLrol us)
ln glvlng Lhe LreaLmenL flrsL recognlze who and whaL he ls saylng someLhlng llke Lhls Pe ls Lhe full and
compleLe expresslon of Lhe 1ruLh and as such he ls free from any sense of llmlLaLlon Pe ls free from
any deluslon or fear of deluslon Pe knows LhaL Lhe SplrlL of 1ruLh wlLhln hlm ls compleLe and always
saLlsfled 1haL Lhlng whlch calls lLself Lhe llquor hablL has no power over hlm and cannoL operaLe
Lhrough hlm 8y Lhe power of Lhls word lL ls now compleLely desLroyed and forever obllLeraLed 1hen
see hlm free and saLlsfled WalL unLll you yourself are sure of Lhe sLaLemenLs made reallzlng LhaL Lhe
work ls done 1hls ls Lhe LreaLmenL
WheLher we say our LhoughL goes ouL or wheLher we say lL ls operaLed upon by rlnclple makes no
dlfference lL ls very evldenL LhaL unLll a LhoughL ls creaLed Lhere ls no operaLlon lor lnsLance a person
ls slck and he remalns slck unLll some one knows LhaL he ls well lL ls very evldenL Lhen LhaL as Lhe resulL
of some ones Lhlnklng he ls healed We know LhaL Lhe Lhlnklng seLs ln moLlon some law WheLher Lhe
word used heals or wheLher lL slmply seLs Lhe Law ln moLlon really makes no dlfference 1he
pracLlLloner ls ln Lhe same Mlnd ln whlch hls paLlenL llves consequenLly slnce each ls ln Cne Mlnd Lhe
paLlenL ls slck ln Lhe same Medlum and ln a cerLaln sense ln Lhe same Mlnd ln whlch Lhe pracLlLloner
llves and because Lhls Mlnd ls lndlvlslble Lhe pracLlLloner can ln hls own menLallLy reach Lhe LhoughL
whlch causes Lhe paLlenL Lo be slck WheLher we say he sends ouL a LhoughL or wheLher he slmply
Lhlnks a LhoughL makes no dlfference 1be slmplest
p 136
woy ls to soy tbot tbe ptoctltlooet teollzes wltblo blmself opoo tbe Ooe MloJ tbtooqb tbe Ooe MeJlom
lo tbe Ooe low
1he pracLlLloner reallzes a cerLaln LruLh for hls paLlenLwlLhln hlmself 1herefore he seLs Lhe Law ln
moLlon for hls paLlenL (1he operaLlon of Lhls Law may be LhoughL of as Lhe same as LhaL of Lhe law
whereby waLer reaches lLs own level by lLs own welghL) 1he pracLlLloner knows wlLhln hlmself and LhaL
selfknowlngness rlses lnLo Lhe consclousness of hls paLlenL So we do noL have Lo worry abouL sendlng
ouL LhoughLs lL ls [usL llke planLlng a seed ln Lhe ground Lhe pracLlLloner sows Lhe seed and Lhe CreaLlve
Mlnd produces Lhe planL uoes Lhe ground operaLe on Lhe seed or does Lhe seed operaLe upon Lhe soll?
We do noL know buL we do know LhaL when a seed ls puL lnLo Lhe ground someLhlng operaLes upon lL
and a planL ls produced and LhaL unless a seed ls puL lnLo Lhe ground no planL wlll be produced
WhaL should we Lry Lo heal menLally? lf we were deallng only wlLh Lhe power of our own LhoughL our
llmlLed concepL we could noL heal anyLhlng menLally buL lf we reallze LhaL we are deallng wlLh
unlversal rlnclple how can we seL any llmlL Lo lLs ower?
eople are slck because Lhey cover a perfecL ldea wlLh lmperfecL LhoughLs for slckness ls Lhe resulL of
sub[ecLlfled Lhlnklng LveryLhlng whlch Lhe ob[ecLlve mlnd has consclously LhoughL has fallen lnLo Lhe
sub[ecLlve All suggesLlons recelved have also fallen lnLo Lhe sub[ecLlve LhoughL Lhese suggesLlons may
or may noL have been consclously recelved 1hls wlll explaln why people may be Laken slck wlLh dlseases
of whlch Lhey never heard somewhere on Lhe sub[ecLlve slde of LhoughL cerLaln forces have been seL
ln moLlon whlch when ob[ecLlfled produced cerLaln condlLlons
LeL a person say Lo hlmself l have overworked and aL once Lhere wlll come up Lhrough hls
consclousness a bellef ln
p 137
wearlness eople who are consLanLly complalnlng of belng Llred are slmply hypnoLlzed lnLo Lhls bellef
Lhrough Lhe law of racesuggesLlon
Suppose one had dropped complexes lnLo hls sub[ecLlve LhoughL suppose deslres had Lorn hlm and
confllcLs had enLered lnLo hls llfe whaL would have happened? Pe would have been conLlnually
dropplng opposlng LhoughLs and concepLs lnLo hls menLallLy and as Lhe menLal acLlon Look place Lhey
mlghL produce a LwlsLed body and lf overchaoLlc Lhey mlghL produce whaL ls called nervous
prosLraLlon lL would noL however be Lhe body LhaL was slck buL would be a condlLlon broughL abouL
Lhrough wrong LhoughL
now lf sub[ecLlve LhoughL were a Lhlng aparL from us lf we dld noL have consclous access Lo lL we could
noL change lL buL belng Lhe resulL of Lhe way LhoughL has worked we coo consclously change lL lf Lhls
were noL Lrue menLal heallng would be lmposslble
Peallng Lhen Lakes place Lo Lhe degree LhaL we send down Lhe rlghL klnd of LhoughLs lnLo sub[ecLlvlLy
1hls does noL mean LhaL we musL slL around holdlng LhoughLs We do noL hold a seed ln our hand when
we wlsh Lo planL lL and lL ls Lhe same ln heallng we do noL hold Lhe LhoughL buL seek Lo reallze lL and leL
lL work 8y Lhlnklng consclously and wlLh deep feellng we lmplanL Lhe rlghL ldea ln Mlnd and Mlnd
reproduces Lhls ldea as effecL ln Lhe body We musL reallze LhaL we are uslng a power compared Lo
whlch Lhe unlLed lnLelllgence of Lhe human race ls as noLhlng 1hls should noL seem sLrange for we
know LhaL Lhe unlLed lnLelllgence of Lhe enLlre race cannoL produce a slngle rosebud yeL any gardener
may produce as many roses as he wlshes lf he goes abouL lL ln Lhe rlghL way We musL remember LhaL
whaL ls Lrue on one plane ls Lrue on all lnvoluLlon and evoluLlon are Lhe law cause and effecL 1he
pracLlLloner lnvolves an ldea ln Mlnd lL ls Law and musL operaLe
lf one wlshes Lo LreaL a paLlenL he musL flrsL LreaL hlmself as he LreaLs hlmself LhaL ls as he LreaLs hls
own menLallLy
p 138
whlch ls slmply a polnL ln Mlnd he reaches Lhe menLallLy of hls paLlenL 1he pracLlLloner cannoL erase
Lhe LhoughL ln Lhe paLlenLs menLallLy unLll he has flrsL neuLrallzed Lhe ldea ln hls own LhoughL
A LreaLmenL ls a speclflc Lhlng lf you are LreaLlng some one agalnsL Lhe bellef ln scarleL fever you are
maklng your word operaLe ln such a way as Lo neuLrallze a bellef ln Lhls dlsease Lach LreaLmenL musL
have ln lLself everyLhlng necessary Lo cover Lhe case When you LreaL resolve Lhlngs lnLo LhoughLs
bodles people ob[ecLs and all Lhlngs Pavlng resolved everyLhlng lnLo LhoughLs know LhaL dlsease ls
nelLher person place nor Lhlng lL has no locaLlon does noL belong Lo any one cannoL operaLe Lhrough
any one ls noL belleved ln by any one know LhaL lL ls a false bellef a false lmage wlLh no power know
LhaL Lhe whole Lhlng ls menLal Lhen menLally dlssolve lL
ln LreaLlng some one whose mlnd appears Lo be deranged reallze LhaL Lhere ls buL Cne Mlnd whlch
Mlnd ls Cod and ls erfecL 1hls ls Lhe only Mlnd LhaL ls lL ls Lhe Mlnd of your paLlenL lL ls your own
Mlnd 1hls Mlnd belng a CompleLe erfecL and lndlvlslble Whole cannoL labor under a deluslon
cannoL for one momenL lose lLs SelfConsclousness AfLer you have reallzed Lhls 1ruLh abouL Llfe
reallze LhaL lL ls also Lrue abouL Lhe one you are LreaLlng hls LhoughL ls perfecL lf you have Lhls
reallzaLlon ln your own menLallLy knowlng Lhere ls [usL Lhe Cne Mlnd Lhere wlll be no doubLs or
confuslons and Lhe menLallLy of Lhe paLlenL wlll cease Lo be deranged
WhaL a pracLlLloner really does ls Lo Lake hls paLlenL Lhe dlsease and everyLhlng LhaL appears Lo be
wrong rlghL lnLo hls own menLallLy and here he dlssolves all false appearances and all erroneous
concluslons Pe Lakes Lhe condlLlon noL as a reallLy buL as a bellef and rlghL aL Lhe cenLer of hls own
p 139
belng he neuLrallzes Lhe whole false LhoughL Lhus heallng Lhe condlLlon
1he more compleLely Lhe pracLlLloner ls convlnced of Lhe power of hls own word Lhe more power hls
word wlll have 1here musL be a compleLe reallzaLlon LhaL Lhe power of Lhe word operaLlng as Lhe 1ruLh
and Lhe 8eallLy of 8elng can do all Lhlngs 1herefore Lhe person whose consclousness ls Lhe clearesL
who has Lhe mosL compleLe ldea of Llfe wlll be Lhe besL healer
PLALlnC lS nC1 C8LA1lnC A L8lLC1 8Cu? C8 A L8lLC1 luLA l1 lS 8LvLALlnC An luLA WPlCP lS
AL8LAu? L8lLC1 PLALlnC lS nC1 A 8CCLSS l1 lS A 8LvLLA1lCn Lhrough Lhe LhoughL of Lhe
pracLlLloner Lo Lhe LhoughL of Lhe paLlenL 1here may be a process lo heallng buL noL a process of
heallng 1he process ln heallng ls Lhe menLal work and Lhe Llme lL Lakes Lhe pracLlLloner Lo convlnce
hlmself of Lhe perfecLness of hls paLlenL and Lhe lengLh of Llme lL Lakes Lhe paLlenL Lo reallze Lhls
lL ls necessary LhaL Lhe pracLlLloner reallze a perfecL body he cannoL reallze Lhls unless he has already
become convlnced LhaL Lhe perfecL body ls Lhere lf he has come Lo Lhls concluslon he musL noL deny lL
1here ls a perfecL hearL and a perfecL ldea of hearL Lhere ls a perfecL head and a perfecL ldea of head
perfecL lungs and a perfecL ldea of lungs 1he pracLlLloner musL reallze LhaL back of Lhe appearance ls
Lhe 8eallLy and lL ls hls buslness Lo uncover Lhls 8eallLy Pe does Lhls Lhrough a process of obllLeraLlng
false LhoughL he musL deny false concluslons brlng ouL Lhe evldence of perfecLlon and produce Lhe
heallng ulsease ls a facL buL noL a LruLh lL ls an experlence buL noL a reallLy
When !esus sald Lo Lhe man SLreLch forLh Lhlne hand 32 Pe undoubLedly saw a perfecL hand uld he
see Lhe wlLhouL
p 160
or Lhe wlLhln as belng perfecL? lf everyLhlng ls menLal and lf he saw an lmperfecL hand lnsLead of a
perfecL one no good resulL could have come Lhrough Pls seelng accordlng Lo Lhe law of cause and
effecL 1hls ls Lrue of all demonsLraLlon ln heallng A pracLlLloner does noL LreaL a slck man lf he does he
noL only wlll noL heal hlm buL he mlghL become slck hlmself 1he reason for Lhls ls slmple he wlll have
enLered lnLo Lhe vlbraLlon of Lhe paLlenLs LhoughL and wlll hlmself experlence Lhe resulLs of LhaL
vlbraLlon 1hls ls an experlence LhaL many have when Lhey flrsL begln Lo pracLlce Lhey Lake on Lhe
condlLlons of Lhelr paLlenLs So from whaL we know !esus musL have seen only Lhe perfecL hand Lven
Lhough Pe mlghL have recognlzed Lhe false condlLlon as far as Pls word of heallng was concerned lL
musL have been a recognlLlon of perfecLlon else lL could noL have healed
We musL Lhlnk of Lhe sub[ecLlve sLaLe of our LhoughL as our aLmosphere ln Lhe unlversal Mlnd for we
cannoL separaLe ourselves from Lhe unlverse 1here ls buL Cne Mlnd and we are ln lL we are ln lL as
lnLelllgence lL accepLs our LhoughL and acLs upon lL uesLrucLlve emoLlons deslres or ldeas unless Lhey
are neuLrallzed wlll grow lnLo some bodlly condlLlon and may produce dlsease ulsease ls LhoughL
manlfesLed no maLLer whaL Lhe dlsease may be We are surrounded by a 8ecepLlve lnLelllgence whlch
recelves Lhe lmpress of our LhoughL and acLs upon lL
Suppose a person comes Lo a pracLlLloner and says l am dylng of Luberculosls WhaL ls Luberculosls? lL
ls a bellef ln lung Lrouble buL lung lLself ls a unlversal ldea a perfecL ldea and noLhlng has ever
happened Lo lL lL was ls and wlll be buL man Lhrough Lhe creaLlve medlum of hls LhoughL has caused
an appearance of dlsorder and dlsease ln Lhe lung 8ack of all such Lrouble ls a consumlng passlon an
unexpressed emoLlon a sLrong deslre Peallng wlll Lake place Lo Lhe degree LhaL Lhe pracLlLloner
neuLrallzes Lhls bellef and percelves Lhe presence of a perfecL lung Pe reallzes LhaL Lhere ls a perfecL
body perfecL lung perfecL belng perfecL Cod perfecL
p 161
man perfecL expresslon he musL brlng hls own LhoughL up Lo Lhls percepLlon 1he word he speaks ls
law lL ls power lL knows lLself Lo be whaL lL ls lL ls Lhe law unLo Lhe case Pe ls now consclous LhaL Lhe
word he speaks wlll neuLrallze and enLlrely desLroy Lhe false LhoughL and condlLlon Pe says 1here ls
one body Lhls body ls Lhe 8ody of Cod and lL ls erfecL lL ls never depleLed lLs vlLallLy ls never lowered
1here ls no wasLlng away of subsLance or burnlng up of subsLance for subsLance ls eLernal changeless
and perfecL Pe goes on unLll he covers whaL ln hls own LhoughL appears Lo be Lhe cause of Lhe false
condlLlon lf he does Lhls day afLer day Lhe paLlenL beglns Lo geL beLLer Lhough Lhe pracLlLloner never
Lhlnks of hls paLlenL oLher Lhan LhaL hls word ls belng spoken for hlm and he never wonders wheLher
hls word ls Laklng effecL because he speaks lnLo lnLelllgence and leLs lL acL erhaps lf lL ls a case LhaL
requlres a greaL deal of aLLenLlon he LreaLs mornlng afLernoon and evenlng each Llme for a few
momenLs oLherwlse Len or flfLeen mlnuLes each day should be sufflclenL
never Lhlnk LhaL a slck person ls one who slmply has a slck boJy lf you do you wlll flnd yourself LreaLlng
Lhe body Why shouldnL we LreaL Lhe body? 8ecause Lhe cause of Lhe dlsease ls noL ln Lhe body 1he
body ls an effecL and noL a cause knCW 1PA1 8CulLS Anu CCnul1lCnS nLvL8 MCvL 1PL? A8L
ALWA?S MCvLu uCn A slck person ls one who has a slck LhoughL
WhaL abouL accldenLs? lL ls parL of our bellef LhaL as soon as and Lo Lhe degree LhaL our mlnds become
ad[usLed harmonlously Lo Lhe unlverse we wlll be less llkely Lo have accldenLs
ln pracLlce we do noL Lry Lo send LhoughLs Lo our paLlenLs for Lhere ls buL Cne Mlnd ln Lhe unlverse We
wlll say A represenLs a man who ls slck 8 represenLs a pracLlLloner 8 Lhlnks lnLo Mlnd and
wheLher we say he ls Lhlnklng wlLhln hlmself or somewhere else does noL maLLer he ls always Lhlnklng
lnLo Mlnd because he ls ln Mlnd 8uL one mlghL
p 162
say Lhe paLlenL Lhlnks lnLo hls own sub[ecLlve mlnd yes buL hls sub[ecLlve mlnd ls only hls
aLmosphere ln Lhe Cne Mlnd We musL geL Lhls very clearly else some day Lhere wlll be a wall beLween
our LhoughL and lLs ablllLy Lo heal some condlLlon or some person who ls aL a physlcal dlsLance
8oLh Lhe paLlenL and Lhe pracLlLloner Lhlnk lnLo Cne Common Mlnd Lherefore when a paLlenL comes Lo
a pracLlLloner for heallng Lhe pracLlLloner does noL Lry Lo hypnoLlze hlm or suggesL anyLhlng Lo hlm he
declares Lhe 1ruLh abouL hlm And Lo Lhe degree LhaL he brlngs hls own consclousness Lo a Lrue
recognlLlon of perfecLlonprovlded Lhere ls a recepLlvlLy ln Lhe LhoughL of Lhe paLlenLLhaL man wlll be
healed noLhlng can hlnder lL 1he pracLlLloner does noL Lry Lo hold a LhoughL or send ouL a LhoughL he
slmply Lrles Lo convlnce hlmself of Lhe perfecLlon of hls paLlenL Pe does noL Lry Lo make hls word
operaLe Lhrough hls paLlenL buL only aLLempLs Lo know Lhe 1ruLh of whaL he sLaLes 1he paLlenL musL be
recepLlve Lo Lhe 1ruLh and Lhen Lhe 1ruLh wlll heal hlm 1he pracLlLloner ls deallng wlLh unlversal Law
backed by CmnlpoLenL ower whlch ls ulvlne rlnclple 1hls ls whaL !esus meanL when Pe sald ?e shall
know Lhe 1ruLh and Lhe 1ruLh shall make you free 33
Lvery Llme we Lhlnk we are Lhlnklng lnLo a recepLlve plasLlc SubsLance whlch recelves Lhe lmpress of
our LhoughL When we sLop Lo reallze how subLle LhoughLs are how unconsclously we Lhlnk negaLlon
how easy lL ls Lo geL down and ouL we wlll see LhaL each ls perpeLuaLlng hls own condlLlon 1hls ls why
people go from bad Lo worse or from success Lo a greaLer success
Lye Lrouble ls a bellef ln llmlLed vlslon lL ls a bellef ln a separaLed vlslon Cod sees and Pls ls Lhe Cnly
Mlnd Lhere ls lL ls our Mlnd consequenLly man sees wheLher he knows lL or noL uo noL fear Lo clalm
Lhls because lL ls Lhe LruLh 1here ls no obsLrucLlon Lo vlslon Lhere ls no near vlslon nor far vlslon Lhere
ls no false vlslon Lhere ls no weak vlslon
p 163
nor blurred vlslon 1here ls Cne erfecL Seelng whlch ls now seelng Lhrough and ln me
ConsLlpaLlon ls due Lo a bellef ln llmlLaLlon or burden and ls healed by knowlng LhaL Lhere ls no
resLrlcLlon no lnacLlon no llmlLed acLlon no bondage no fear no congesLlon Make Lhe LhoughL reallze
LhaL Lhere ls noLhlng buL freedom LhaL all acLlon ls normal harmonlous and perfecL
very ofLen Lhe word of heallng ls spoken and does noL appear Lo operaLe because some obsLrucLlon
hlnders lL Some people are obsLlnaLe reslsLanL sLubborn and Lhey musL be healed of Lhese bellefs
1here ls no reslsLance Lo 1ruLh no LhoughL anywhere whlch can hlnder consclousness from percelvlng
Lhe 1ruLh WhaLever Lhe false condlLlon ls A88A? MLn1AL A8CuMLn1 ACAlnS1 l1 ln An CCSl1L
MAnnL8 1urn Lhe LhoughL over and over unLll elLher by reason or by chance you hlL upon Lhe Lhlng
LhaL ls wrong Any one can heal lf he wlll do Lhls [usL as any one lf he goes lnLo Lhe garden and drops
seed lnLo Lhe ground wlll cause planLs Lo grow Any one can heal who can geL away from Lhe effecL long
enough Lo percelve a dlfferenL cause
ln every LreaLmenL Lhe LhoughL of fear musL always be handled Cne should reallze LhaL Lhere ls no fear
noLhlng Lo be afrald of and LhaL fear cannoL operaLe Lhrough man
Man ls fundamenLally perfecL Lhls ls our whole premlse erfecL Cod erfecL Man erfecL 8elng Lhls ls
Lhe whole basls of Lhe argumenL Always separaLe dlsease from Lhe person sufferlng wlLh lL ueclare very
frequenLly LhaL dlsease ls nelLher person place nor Lhlng LhaL lL has no locaLlon no avenue Lhrough
whlch Lo express lLself no expresslon no one Lhrough whom Lo express never locaLe dlsease because
LhoughLs are Lhlngs and lf locaLed Lhey wlll operaLe Always separaLe Lhe bellef from Lhe bellever for
noLhlng alls Lhe real man noLhlng ever dld or ever wlll
p 164
1nkCA1 1kCU8LL
ln LreaLlng LhroaL Lrouble Lhe LhoughL Lo handle ls senslLlveness no one would ever have LhroaL Lrouble
lf hls feellngs were never hurL ?ou heal a person of senslLlveness by Leachlng hlm LhaL no one deslres Lo
hurL hlm and LhaL no one could lf he dld so deslre When one becomes really lndlvlduallzed hls feellngs
cannoL be hurL for he wlll feel compleLe wlLhln hlmself
ln colds congesLlon and llke condlLlons Lhe LhoughL Lo heal ls confuslon 1here should be a
consclousness of polse a recognlLlon of peace and when Lhls comes lnLo Lhe lndlvlduals experlence he
wlll no longer have colds
eople could be healed of all forms of paralysls Lhrough Lhe ellmlnaLlon of Lhe bellef ln bondage use Lhe
LhoughL LhaL Llfe cannoL become paralyzed or lnacLlve As ln consLlpaLlon Lhere ls a LhoughL of
resLrlcLlon back of Lhe LhoughL of paralysls and ofLen Lhere ls a very emoLlonal naLure Lo deal wlLh and
ofLen Lhough noL always a loL of sLubbornness and reslsLance Lo heal
lf Lhe LhoughL of false growLhs can be erased Lhe manlfesLaLlon can be healed ueclare Lvery planL
whlch my Peavenly laLher haLh noL planLed shall be rooLed up 1he Peavenly laLher ls Lhe 8eallLy of
Man and ls LLernal resence and erfecLlon ulssolve Lhe ldea of false growLhs by knowlng LhaL Lhere ls
noLhlng for Lhem Lo feed upon Lrase Lhe bellef ln your own menLallLy and you wlll remove lL from Lhe
menLallLy of your paLlenL and Lhereby heal hls body
p 163
ln Lhe case of chlldren remember LhaL Lhe LhoughLs of Lhe parenLs lnfluence Lhe chlld We wlll suppose
Lhe chllds moLher ls consLanLly saylng 1he poor Lhlng Lhe poor llLLle slck Lhlng! lrom Lhe human
sLandpolnL Lhls ls naLural buL lL makes Lhe chlld slck [usL Lhe same no maLLer how lovlng lL may be 1hls
ls called unconsclous or lnnocenL malpracLlce lL ls malpracLlce because lL ls Lhe wrong use of LhoughL
lnnocenL because lL ls noL lnLended Lo harm unconsclous because she doesnL know whaL she ls dolng
lgnoranL because she doesnL know Lhe resulLs of such menLal acLlon ln such a case Lhe pracLlLloner
musL reallze LhaL Lhere ls no menLal lnfluence operaLlng Lhrough Lhe chlld excepL a bellef ln perfecLlon
8e speclflc ln LreaLlng be deflnlLe and dlrecL ln your menLal work ?ou are deallng wlLh lnLelllgence so
deal wlLh lL lnLelllgenLly 1he LreaLmenL musL reallze Lhe paLlenL as perfecL musL recognlze Lhe word as
power musL know LhaL lL breaks down every manmade law and casLs lL ouL LhaL lL ls Lhe law of
harmony and Lhe recognlLlon of Lhe resence of Cood LhaL wlLhln lLself lL ls unbounded and equlpped
wlLh Lhe power Lo execuLe lLself and lL musL know LhaL lL does Lhls lL musL know LhaL Lhere ls noLhlng
LhaL can change lL LhaL Lhere ls no bellef whlch can hlnder lL LhaL lL cannoL be reversed mlslald
mlsplaced neuLrallzed or desLroyed by any opposlng force buL LhaL lL does Lhe Lhlng LhaL lL ls supposed
Lo do And lL musL know LhaL lL ls conLlnuous and wlll operaLe unLll lL does all LhaL lL ls supposed Lo do
!esus sald Peaven and earLh shall pass away buL my words shall noL pass away 34 lsalah undersLood
someLhlng of Lhls when he sald So shall my word be LhaL goeLh forLh ouL of my mouLh lL shall noL
reLurn unLo me vold 33
p 166
1here are cerLaln LhoughLs LhaL should always be handled such as LhoughLs of racesuggesLlon
lnherlLed Lendencles prenaLal condlLlons envlronmenL and menLal lnfluences and suggesLlon A
LreaLmenL musL be so formulaLed as Lo recognlze LhaL Lhere ls buL Cne Mlnd consequenLly no LhoughL
can flow Lhrough lL of depresslon fear or suggesLlon of lmperfecLlon Man ls 8lrLhless ueaLhless
Ageless SplrlL and Lhls should be Lhe consclousness of our work 1hls leaves noLhlng Lo be born maLure
decay and dle When Lhls LhoughL shall be made clear ln Lhe consclousness of Lhe race people wlll no
longer grow old Llfe cannoL grow old lL ls always Lhe same
Locke ln Puman undersLandlng deflnes memory as 1he power Lo revlve agaln ln our mlnds Lhose
ldeas whlch afLer lmprlnLlng have dlsappeared or have been as lL were lald aslde ouL of slghL
Memory ls Lhe ablllLy Lo remember Lhlngs LhaL have happened Lherefore lf someLhlng happened Lwo
years ago of whlch we are noL aL presenL Lhlnklng we can remember lL because lL ls ln our sub[ecLlve
LhoughL We say LhaL we are geLLlng absenLmlnded whlch means LhaL we cannoL recall LhoughLs A
person may be healed of Lhls bellef by knowlng LhaL Lhe Cne Mlnd never forgeLs lLself 1hls Mlnd ls our
Mlnd now
lf ln LreaLlng lL seems lmposslble Lo know [usL whaL LhoughL Lo handle lL ls well Lo be sLlll and know
LhaL lnLelllgence wlLhln wlll Lell you whaL Lo say and how Lo say lL 8y dolng Lhls some ldea wlll come and
you wlll flnd LhaL by uslng lL you wlll reach Lhe case
never say Pere ls a paLlenL whom l musL heal for lf you see hlm from Lhls angle how are you golng
Lo heal hlm?
p 167
paragraph conLlnues lf you see a slck man he wlll remaln slck so far as you are concerned you cannoL
heal whlle you see slckness ulsease ls nelLher person place nor Lhlng nobody belleves ln lL lL has no
acLlon or reacLlon lL ls nelLher cause nor effecL lL has no law Lo supporL lL and no one Lo operaLe
Lhrough Lhere ls no one Lo Lalk abouL lL or belleve ln lL
?ou have noLhlng Lo do wlLh Lhe paLlenLs LhoughL as a personallLy for as your own LhoughL clears lL wlll
heal hlm When you glve a LreaLmenL flrsL ellmlnaLe all doubL and fear from your own LhoughL 8eallze
LhaL you are a ulvlne ldea and LhaL your word ls Lhe law unLo Lhe Lhlng unLo whlch lL ls spoken 1hls ls
whaL gave !esus hls power lor he LaughL Lhem as one havlng auLhorlLy and noL as Lhe scrlbes 36
Suppose a pracLlLloner ls noL able Lo convlnce hlmself of Lhe 1ruLh of Lhe sLaLemenLs whlch he makes
how ls he golng Lo brlng hlmself Lo Lhe polnL of bellef? 8y repeaLlng Lhe afflrmaLlon dwelllng on lLs
meanlng medlLaLlng upon Lhe splrlLual slgnlflcance of lL unLll Lhe sub[ecLlve sLaLe of hls Lhlnklng
becomes clarlfled 1hls ls Lhe only reason for repeaLlng LreaLmenLs for one LreaLmenL would heal
anyLhlng lf Lhere were no doubLs 8epeaLed LreaLmenLs lnduce wlLhln consclousness a deflnlLe concepL
of an already esLabllshed facL even Lhough Lhe facL may noL already have become ob[ecLlfled Lhls ls
why menLal heallng ls a sclence 1here ls no room for doubL ln a LreaLmenL
8eallze LhaL you LreaL wlLh your undersLandlng Lhrough Lhe Law never say l am noL good enough Lo
LreaL 1here are no good beLLer and besL Lhls ls a deluslon for one ls as good as anoLher ln Lhe 1ruLh
uo noL allow yourself Lo become supersLlLlous for you are deallng wlLh a normal naLural law ln Lhe
menLal and splrlLual world 1hls law ls [usL as real as any oLher known law uonL say l am noL sure LhaL
l have enough power Lo LreaL you cannoL heal wlLh Lhls menLal aLLlLude Say As l leL fall Lhe forms of
my LhoughL Lhey are operaLed upon by rlnclples l
p 168
belleve 1hls ls Lhe Law of Cod Lhe law of man and Lhe Law of Lhe unlverse never say 1hls dlsease ls
hard Lo heal whlle anoLher ls easy lf you flnd yourself saylng Lhls aL once heal yourself 1hls comes
from a bellef LhaL we are deallng wlLh a llmlLed power
Suppose when you begln Lo LreaL a greaL surge of fear comes over you and aLLempLs Lo Lell you LhaL you
cannoL glve a good LreaLmenL 1he Lhlng Lo do ls Lo LreaL Lhls fear as a suggesLlon whlch has no power
and whlch cannoL convlnce you LhaL you lack Lhe power Lo heal Say 1here ls noLhlng ln me whlch can
doubL my ablllLy Lo heal 1hls wlll neuLrallze Lhe fear and free Lhe efforL Lo accompllsh
Pow do we know when we have LreaLed a paLlenL long enough? When he ls well he wlll need no more
LreaLmenLs unLll Lhls Llme comes LreaL every day for a reallzaLlon of perfecLlon
uoes lL make any dlfference wheLher or noL Lhe paLlenL ls Laklng medlclne? noL a blL lf Lhls form of
heallng glves hlm any rellef leL hlm have lL We all need all Lhe rellef we can geL 1he paLlenL ls healed
when he no longer needs medlclne lorgeL Lhe medlclne and heal hlm menLally and he wlll no longer
Lake pllls
Some Lhlnk LhaL Lhey dlshonor Cod when Lhey Lake a plll Cod knows noLhlng abouL pllls Lhls ls
supersLlLlon pure and slmple mosLly slmple ulscard all such LhoughLs and glve your enLlre aLLenLlon Lo
reallzlng perfecLlon for your paLlenL
Peallng ls noL accompllshed Lhrough wlll power buL by knowlng Lhe 1ruLh Lhls 1ruLh ls LhaL man ls
already erfecL no maLLer whaL Lhe appearance may be Poldlng LhoughLs has noLhlng Lo do wlLh
LreaLmenL lf you flnd when you begln Lo glve LreaLmenLs LhaL Lhe process glves you a headache know
LhaL you are dolng your work on Lhe menLal plane and noL Lhrough splrlLual reallzaLlon A LreaLmenL
should leave Lhe pracLlLloner ln a beLLer condlLlon Lhan before he gave lL oLherwlse lL ls noL a good one
Cne mlghL ask ls all dlsease a LhoughL held ln Lhe consclous
p 169
mlnd of Lhe paLlenL? no noL necessarlly lL may be a subconsclous LhoughL or lL may be Lhe resulL of
many LhoughLs whlch gaLhered LogeLher produce a deflnlLe resulL
lL may be necessary for Lhe pracLlLloner Lo dlagnose Lhe LhoughL of hls paLlenL ln facL Lhls ls one of Lhe
maln polnLs ln heallng 1hls ls psychoanalysls (from psyche or soul) sychoanalysls ls Lhe analysls of
Lhe soul or sub[ecLlve mlnd lLs Leachlng ls LhaL wlLhln Lhe soul or sub[ecLlve mlnd all Lhe seeds of our
LhoughL fall and LhaL mosL of mans physlcal Lroubles are caused by some confllcL of Lhe emoLlons and
Lhe wlll 1he consclous mlnd deslrlng cerLaln Lhlngs whlch lL cannoL have sends lnLo Lhe sub[ecLlve
LhoughL opposlng deslres whlch confllcL wlLh each oLher and menLally Lear or blnd and as Lhey
manlfesL ln Lhe body Lhey produce dlsease lL ls clalmed LhaL sevenLy percenL of all dlseases are Lhe
resulLs of suppressed emoLlons Lhese emoLlons are noL necessarlly sex emoLlons buL may be any
suppressed deslres 1hese suppressed emoLlons cause whaL are called complexes
lL ls probable LhaL when !esus forgave Lhe man hls slns Pe reallzed LhaL Lhe man had a complex of
condemnaLlon wlLhln hlmself 1he sense of condemnaLlon whlch Lhe race holds abouL lLself welghLs lL
down and lL musL be removed 1hls explalns why !esus sald 1hy slns be forglven Lhee 37 lL ls feellng
LhaL hurLs 1he Lhlnklng man Lhlnks Lhlngs ouL resolves everyLhlng lnLo lLs normal parLs and so avolds
complexes lL has been sald Llfe ls a comedy Lo hlm who Lhlnks a Lragedy Lo hlm who feels
1he pracLlLloner Lalks Lo hls paLlenL shows hlm Lhe Law of Mlnd Leaches hlm Lhe way dlagnoses hls
LhoughL polnLs ouL Lo hlm LhaL cerLaln menLal aLLlLudes produce cerLaln physlcal resulLs Leaches hlm
how Lo be harmonlous ln hls Lhlnklng how Lo be aL peace how Lo LrusL and belleve ln Lhe Cood llfLs hlm
up menLally and splrlLually and supporLs hls LhoughL unLll he can sLand alone
A pracLlLloner musL be fllled wlLh a splrlL of ulvlne Compasslon
p 170
he musL have a deep underlylng sense of unlLy and sympaLhy else he wlll do buL llLLle good buL he
musL noL have sympaLhy wlLh Lhe dlsease 1he only guaranLee of our ulvlnlLy ls ln lLs expresslon Lhrough
our PumanlLy ConsequenLly an enllghLened soul undersLands Lhe meanlng of sympaLhy and exerclses lL
buL noL morbldly
ln menLal LreaLmenL Lhe pracLlLloner deals wlLh LhoughLs and does noL LreaL bodles or condlLlons Pe
never manlpulaLes nor need he lay hls hands on hls paLlenLs Pe does noL hypnoLlze Lhem he does noL
care where Lhey are when he ls LreaLlng Lhem or whaL Lhey are dolng for Lhls would be a llmlLed
concepL 1he pracLlLloners work beglns and ends wlLhln hls own consclousness
1he LhoughLs Lo cover ln nervousness are ones of peace polse and power 1here ls no LwlLchlng of Lhe
nerves Lhere ls no sLraln or sLruggle ln Lhe unlverse 1hlngs move harmonlously quleLly and normally
and Lhls acLlon whlch ls Lhe acLlon of Llfe ls Lhe LruLh abouL Lhe one you are LreaLlng A LreaLmenL lasLs
unLll Lhe one LreaLlng ls convlnced of Lhe LruLh whlch he sLaLes lL mlghL lasL one mlnuLe or one hour or
1he LreaLmenL for sLammerlng ls one LhaL covers Lhe ldea of correcL speech Speech ls Lhe Word of Cod
and cannoL become lmpalred buL musL be a flow from LhaL Cne Llfe whlch knows lLself Lo be whaL lL ls
Speech ls perfecL
!usL a word abouL argumenL ln LreaLmenL we do noL argue Lo make prlnclple work buL Lo convlnce our
own LhoughL LhaL lL already ls operaLlng
p 171
1o sum up Lhe ldea of LreaLlng Lhenyou are consclous mlnd your paLlenL ls consclous mlnd he has
LhoughL or ls Lhlnklng or Lhere has been LhoughL Lhrough hlm consclously or unconsclously an ldea of
lmperfecLlon ?ou as consclous mlnd remove Lhls someLhlng whlch says LhaL he ls lmperfecL 1he
LreaLmenL beglns and ends wlLhln your own menLallLy lL musL cover Lhe case and leave noLhlng Lo be
slck sln or dle Lhen lL wlll be effecLlve MedlLaLlon ln LreaLmenL an upllfLed recepLlvlLy Lo SplrlL wlll
always produce good resulLs A deep lnner sense of Lhe unlLy of all llfe enables one Lo feel LhaL Lhe CreaL
Consclous Mlnd and SplrlL of Lhe unlverse flowlng Lhrough hls menLallLy ls Lhe resence and Lhe ower
of an lnflnlLe Llfe 1ruLh and Love We should sense LhaL back of Lhe word whlch we speak ls Lhe ower
of Lhe unlverse surglng Lo express lLself 1hen speak Lhe word consclously knowlng LhaL lL ls Law
noLe 8ead and carefully sLudy 1eachlng and Addresses Ldward S klmball 1he Law of Mlnd ln
AcLlon l L Polmes 1he lalLh 1haL Peals l L Polmes ChrlsLlan Peallng llllmore Lessons ln
1ruLh Cady rlmary Lessons MlllLz CuLwlLLlng Cur nerves !ackson

13731 Lccl 729
13932 MaLL 1213
16233 !ohn 832
16334 Luke 2133
16333 lsa 3311
16736 MaLL 729
16937 MaLL 92

p 172
Lesson 1hree kecap|tu|at|on
Slckness ls an experlence buL noL an ulLlmaLe 8eallLy lL ls an effecL and noL a cause 1he body devold of
menLallLy could nelLher know nor have sensaLlon lL ls enLlrely an effecL 1he body ls made of Lhe same
unLhlnklng sLuff from whlch all CreaLlon ls formed
lnsLlncLlve Man ls erfecL buL hls lndlvldual use of Llfe and Law enables hlm Lo cover a perfecL ldea wlLh
an apparenLly lmperfecL cloak
Man comes lnLo ob[ecLlvlLy wlLh Lhe Lendency of Lhe race already sub[ecLlfled wlLhln hlm Lhrough race
suggesLlon 1he race belleves ln slckness and llmlLaLlon and Lhls suggesLlon ls more or less operaLlve
Lhrough all people 1hls suggesLlon works Lhrough Lhe fleld of Lhe sub[ecLlve sLaLe of Lhe race LhoughL
and wlll operaLe Lhrough any lndlvldual who ls recepLlve Lo lL
As man becomes lndlvlduallzed he consclously Lhlnks and conLlnuously pours suggesLlons lnLo hls
sub[ecLlve LhoughL whlch ls Lhe sllenL bullder of Lhe physlcal body 1hrough Lhe fleld of sub[ecLlvlLy
LhoughL always works ouL Lo a loglcal concluslon
Man does noL necessarlly consclously Lhlnk LhaL he ls Lo have a cerLaln Lype of physlcal Lrouble buL Lhe
physlcal correspondenL ls a loglcal ouLcome of whaL he Lhlnks
ulsease of lLself ls nelLher person place nor Lhlng lL ls an lmage of LhoughL consclously or
unconsclously held somewhere ln Mlnd and wlll exLernallze wherever lL flnds an avenue of operaLlon
ulsease ls enLlrely menLal ln lLs orlgln slnce no person could be slck unless he had lnLelllgence lL ls Lhe
resulL of Lhlnklng abouL and bellevlng ln duallLy or a power aparL from Cod
ulsease can be healed Lhrough reverslng Lhe LhoughL and Lurnlng Lo Lhe SplrlLual 8eallzaLlon of Llfe lL ls
lmposslble Lo dlvorce real menLal heallng from Lrue SplrlLual 8eallzaLlon slnce Cod ls ALL
p 173
1he use of menLal argumenL ln heallng resLs upon Lhe Lheory LhaL we are surrounded by a unlversal
Mlnd whlch reacLs Lo our LhoughL
8lghL menLal pracLlce ls Lhe consLrucLlve use of Mlnd le a menLal argumenL glven for Lhe purpose of
presenLlng Lhe SplrlLual 1ruLh abouL man Wrong menLal pracLlce ls Lhe desLrucLlve use of Mlnd le a
menLal argumenL glven for Lhe purpose of presenLlng a false clalm abouL man
8lghL menLal pracLlce ls called Lhe SplrlL of ChrlsL Wrong menLal pracLlce ls called Lhe splrlL of AnLlchrlsL
lL ls malpracLlce and may or may noL be consclously used 1o Lhlnk of any one ln a negaLlve way ls some
form of malpracLlce and ls harmful MalpracLlce may be lgnoranL lnnocenL or mallclous lL ls always
some form of suggesLlon
Man ls known ln Mlnd by Lhe name he bears and any sLaLemenL made ln Mlnd abouL hls name wlll
cause some acLlon Lo Lake place Lhrough Law Lowards hlm 1hls ls Lhe basls of all menLal heallng
A pracLlLloner ls one who recognlzes Man as a splrlLual reallLy 5loce tbete ls bot Ooe MloJ tbe
ptoctltlooet Joes tbls wltblo blmself 1hrough Lhe medlum of Lhe Cne Mlnd Lhese sLaLemenLs rlse Lo
ob[ecLlve condlLlons ln hls paLlenL accordlng Lo Lhe pracLlLloners bellef and accordlng Lo Lhe ablllLy of
hls paLlenL Lo recelve Lhe 1ruLh Peallng ls accompllshed Lhrough Lhe acL of seLLlng Sub[ecLlve Law ln
moLlon 1he more SplrlLual or Codllke Lhe menLallLy of Lhe pracLlLloner Lhe more powerful Lhe
A menLal LreaLmenL beglns and ends wlLhln Lhe LhoughL of Lhe pracLlLloner because he ls ln Lhe same
Mlnd ln whlch hls paLlenL llves 1reaLmenL ls lnduclng rlghL concepLs wlLhln Lhe sub[ecLlve slde of llfe
AbsenL and presenL LreaLmenLs are Lhe same fot tbete ls oo obseoce lo tbe Ooe 9teseoce
Cne dlsease would be as easlly healed as anoLher lf Lhe LhoughL were as sure of lLself ln one case as
1here ls no personal responslblllLy ln heallng Lhe pracLlLloner dlrecLs Lhe ower and leLs lL work Cne
does noL hold LhoughLs ln menLal heallng he looses LhoughL A pracLlLloner does noL Lry Lo suggesL
hypnoLlze or menLally lnfluence he
p 174
slmply knows LhaL man ls now a splrlLual belng and holds Lo LhaL bellefno maLLer whaL Lhe appearance
may be 8lghL menLal LreaLmenL does noL Llre Lhe one glvlng lL
ersonal magneLlsm has noLhlng Lo do wlLh menLal heallng 1he whole basls of Lhe posslblllLy of menLal
heallng resLs upon Lhe premlse LhaL we all llve ln Cne CreaLlve Mlnd whlch reacLs Lo our bellef lL ls as
Lhough Lhere were a unlversal Lar llsLenlng Lo and hearlng everyLhlng LhaL we say feel or Lhlnk and
reacLlng Lo lL
Peallng ls noL a process buL a revelaLlon for Lhe reveallng of Lhe perfecL man always heals 1he process
ls Lhe Llme and LhoughL LhaL lL Lakes Lo arrlve aL Lhe correcL undersLandlng of mans perfecL sLaLe ln
Any one can heal who belleves LhaL he can and who wlll Lake Lhe Llme Lo puL LhaL bellef ln moLlon
Lhrough Lhe Law
1o dally see Lhe perfecL man and Lo dally declare for hls ob[ecLlve appearance ls correcL menLal pracLlce
and wlll heal
A LreaLmenL recognlzes LhaL all ls Mlnd and LhaL everyLhlng ls menLal lL resolves all dlsease lnLo LhoughL
neuLrallzes Lhe false LhoughL and recognlzes Lhe Lrue noLhlng can sLop lL from operaLlng excepL a lack of
falLh ln Lhe reallLy of Lhe 1ruLh and mans ablllLy Lo use lL
ln glvlng menLal LreaLmenL Lhe pracLlLloner flrsL reallzes hls own belng as splrlLual he Lhen recognlzes
Lhe perfecL sLaLe of hls paLlenLs belng Lhen he aLLacks Lhe false clalm and brlngs Lhe evldence of 1ruLh
Lo bear agalnsL lL Lhlnklng ln such a manner as Lo compleLely desLroy Lhe false clalm and Lo reallze Lhe

p 173
Lesson Iour Introduct|on
MenLal Sclence ls noL a geLrlchqulck scheme nelLher does lL promlse someLhlng for noLhlng lL does
however promlse Lhe one who wlll comply wlLh lLs Leachlng LhaL he shall be able Lo brlng lnLo hls llfe
and experlence greaLer posslblllLles and happler condlLlons
1he Sclence of Mlnd ls based enLlrely upon Lhe supposlLlon LhaL we are surrounded by a unlversal Mlnd
lnLo whlch we Lhlnk Lhls Mlnd ln lLs orlglnal sLaLe fllls all space wlLh lLs resence Slnce lL fllls all space
lL fllls Lhe space LhaL man uses ln Lhe unlverse lL ls lo man as well as ouLslde of hlm As he Lhlnks lnLo
Lhls unlversal Mlnd he seLs ln moLlon a Law whlch ls creaLlve and whlch conLalns wlLhln lLself a llmlLless
1he Law Lhrough whlch man operaLes ls lnflnlLe buL man appears Lo be flnlLe LhaL ls he has noL yeL
evolved Lo a compleLe undersLandlng of lL Pe ls unfoldlng from a llmlLless poLenLlal buL can brlng lnLo
hls experlence only LhaL whlch he can concelve 1here ls no llmlL Lo Lhe Law buL Lhere appears Lo be a
llmlL Lo mans undersLandlng of lL As hls undersLandlng unfolds hls posslblllLles of aLLalnmenL wlll
lL ls a greaL mlsLake Lo say 1ake whaL you wlsh for you can have anyLhlng you llke We do noL Lake
whaL we wlsh buL we do aLLracL Lo ourselves LhaL whlch ls llke our LhoughL MAn MuS1 8LCCML MC8L
ll PL WlSPLS 1C u8AW A C8LA1L8 CCCu ln1C PlS LllL We need noL labor under Lhe deluslon LhaL all
we have Lo do ls Lo say everyLhlng ls ours 1hls ls Lrue ln reallLy buL ln facL lL ls only as Lrue as we make
lL We provlde Lhe mold for Lhe CreaLlve Law and unless Lhe mold whlch we provlde ls lncreased Lhe
subsLance cannoL lncrease ln our experlence for MenLal Sclence cannoL hold forLh a promlse LhaL wlll
do away wlLh Lhe necesslLy of complylng wlLh law
p 176
1he Law ls a law of llberLy buL noL a law of llcense lL ls exacL and exacLlng and unless we are wllllng Lo
comply wlLh lLs naLure and work wlLh lL along Lhe llnes of lLs lnherenL belng we wlll recelve no greaL
beneflL Lvery man musL pay Lhe prlce for LhaL whlch he recelves and LhaL prlce ls pald ln menLal and
splrlLual coln An avenue musL be provlded Lhrough whlch Lhe Law may work as a law of llberLy lf lL ls Lo
free us 1hls does noL mean LhaL we musL please Lhe Law for lL ls lmpersonal and nelLher knows nor
cares who uses lL nor for whaL purpose buL because lL ls lmpersonal lL ls compelled by lLs very naLure
Lo reLurn Lo Lhe Lhlnker exacLly whaL he Lhlnks lnLo lL 1he Law of menLal equlvalenLs musL never be
overlooked for WhaLsoever a man soweLh LhaL shall he also reap 38
1he posslblllLles of Lhe Law are lnflnlLe and our posslblllLles of uslng lL are llmlLless We may and
should recelve full beneflL and we wlll Lo Lhe degree LhaL we undersLand and properly use lL
1here ls a law of unfoldmenL ln man whlch says LhaL he can advance only by golng from where he ls Lo
Lhe place where he would llke Lo be 1hls ls noL because Lhe Law ls llmlLed buL because lL ls law As man
unfolds ln hls menLallLy Lhe law auLomaLlcally reacLs Lo hlm 1he way Lo work ls Lo begln rlghL where we
are and Lhrough consLanLly applylng ourselves Lo Lhe 1ruLh Lo gradually lncrease ln wlsdom and
undersLandlng for ln Lhls way alone wlll good resulLs be obLalned lf day by day we have a greaLer
undersLandlng and a clearer concepL lf dally we are reallzlng more of 1ruLh and applylng lL ln our
acLlons Lhen we are on Lhe rlghL paLh and evenLually we wlll be made free
lL ls lmposslble Lo dlvorce splrlLual undersLandlng from Lhe proper use of menLal law 1he SplrlL wlLhln
man ls Cod and
p 177
only Lo Lhe degree LhaL we llsLen Lo and seek Lo obey LhaL SplrlL shall we really succeed 1he Law ls a
bllnd force and lesL we mlsuse lL we should be very careful Lo lCLLCW CnL? A CCnS18uC1lvL
CCu8SL 8uL Lhe Law ls AbsoluLe and we should LrusL lLs lmpersonal acLlon lmpllclLly lL can do anyLhlng
for us LhaL we can concelve of lLs dolng lL ls Lhe law of freedom Lo all who belleve ln and obey lL
1he hlghesL reallzaLlon LhaL we can have ls a recognlLlon of Lhe Cmnlpresence of SplrlL 1hls wlll seL ln
moLlon greaLer posslblllLles and wlll auLomaLlcally provlde a larger concepL of llfe We should dally Lraln
our LhoughL Lo recognlze Lhe SplrlL ln everyLhlng we do say or Lhlnk 1here ls no oLher way and Lo Lry
any oLher way would be Lo make a compleLe fallure 8ender Lo Csar Lhe Lhlngs LhaL are Csars and
Lo Cod Lhe Lhlngs LhaL are Cods 39
A consLanL reallzaLlon of Lhe resence of SplrlL wlll provlde a sense of ulvlne Companlonshlp LhaL no
oLher aLLlLude could produce Why should we noL Lake Lhe hlghesL and besL? Cod lsand we should
reallze Lhls facL and make use of lL as soon as we recognlze LhaL Cod ls we can Lurn Lo Lhe Law and Lell
lL whaL Lo do
We have no record of !esus ever asklng Cod Lo do Lhlngs for Plm Pe gave Lhanks and Lhen commanded
Lhe Law Lo work 1hls ls Lhe correcL manner of approach Lo Lhe SplrlL and Lhe Law 1hls ls noL
supersLlLlon buL Lhe facL ln Lhe case and we would beLLer reallze lL
1he Law ls sub[ecL Lo Lhe SplrlL and ls lLs servanL Man ls SplrlL buL unLll he knows Lhls he wlll be only
half uslng Lhe Law for he wlll noL have a clear undersLandlng Lo fall back upon
We hold no argumenL wlLh any one over Lhe posslblllLy of demonsLraLlng Lhe Law 1here ls such a Lhlng
as unlversal Law and Mlnd and we can use lL lf we comply wlLh lLs naLure and work as lL works We do
noL argue ask deny nor afflrm
p 178
paragraph conLlnues WL knCW 1housands are Loday provlng Lhls Law and ln Llme all wlll come Lo
reallze Lhe 1ruLh
We can demonsLraLe Lo Lhe level of our ablllLy Lo know beyond Lhls we cannoL go 8uL we wlll
consLanLly expand and lncrease ln knowledge and undersLandlng Lhereby conLlnuously growlng ln our
ablllLy Lo make use of Lhe Law ln Llme we wlll be made free Lhrough lL
lL ls a wonderful experlmenL and a greaL advenLure Lo make consclous use of Lhe Law Lo feel LhaL we
can planL an ldea ln Mlnd and see lL gradually Lake form
1he sLudenL should Lake Llme every day Lo see hls llfe as he wlshes lL Lo be Lo make a menLal plcLure of
hls ldeal Pe should pass Lhls plcLure over Lo Lhe Law and go abouL hls buslness wlLh Lhe lnner assurance
LhaL on Lhe lnvlslble slde of llfe someLhlng ls Laklng place 1here should never be any sense of hurry nor
worry abouL Lhls [usL a calm peaceful sense of reallLy LeL Lhe Law work Lhrough and express lLself ln
Lhe experlence 1here should be no ldea of compulslon we do noL have Lo make Lhe Law work lL ls lLs
naLure Lo work and all LhaL we need Lo do ls Lo make use of lL ln gladness Lhen we should make known
our deslres and ln confldence we should walL upon Lhe erfecL Law Lo manlfesL Lhrough us
CUk 9Ak1
Cur parL ls Lo be ready and wllllng Lo be gulded lnLo LruLh and llberLy lf ln Lhe maklng of a
demonsLraLlon lL becomes necessary Lo change our mode of llvlng Lhen Lhe Law wlll polnL Lhe way and
we wlll follow Cur correcL cholce wlll be parL of Lhe worklng ouL of Lhe Law All doubL and fear musL go
and ln Lhelr place musL come falLh and confldence for we shall be led by Lhe SplrlL lnLo all good
1reaLmenL ls noL for Lhe purpose of maklng Lhlngs happen lL ls Lo provlde wlLhln ourselves an avenue
Lhrough whlch Lhey may happen 1reaLmenL opens up Lhe avenues of LhoughL expands Lhe
consclousness and leLs 8eallLy Lhrough lL clarlfles
p 179
Lhe menLallLy removes Lhe obsLrucLlons of LhoughL and leLs ln Lhe LlghL We already llve ln a erfecL
unlverse buL lL needs Lo be menLally seen before lL can become a parL of our experlence 1reaLmenL
removes doubL and fear leLs ln Lhe reallzaLlon of Lhe resence of SplrlL and ls necessary whlle we are
confronLed by obsLrucLlon or obsLacles Lvery problem ls prlmarlly menLal and Lhe answer Lo all
problems wlll be found ln SplrlLual 8eallzaLlons
1he sub[ecLlve sLaLe of mans LhoughL decldes whaL ls Lo happen Lo hlm 1he sub[ecLlve sLaLe of hls
LhoughL ls Lhe sumLoLal of hls Lhlnklng and knowlng lL ls Lhe medlum beLween Lhe relaLlve and Lhe
AbsoluLe beLween Lhe LlmlLless and Lhe condlLloned WhaLever ls lnvolved ln lL wlll evolve Lherefore
LreaLmenL ls Lhe acL Lhe arL and Lhe sclence of sysLemaLlcally and consclously lnduclng such LhoughLs as
we wlsh Lo see expressed When Lhere ls no longer anyLhlng wlLhln our menLallLy LhaL denles our word
a demonsLraLlon wlll be made noLhlng can sLop lL for Lhe Law ls AbsoluLe 1he quesLlon mlghL be asked
lf Lhls ls Lrue why noL afflrm LhaL we have whaL we deslre and leL lL go aL LhaL? 1hls ls Lrue ln rlnclple
buL ln pracLlce and ln facL lL ls only as Lrue as we make lL LhaL ls we cannoL demonsLraLe beyond our
ablllLy Lo know Lhe 1ruLh We should begln Lhen wlLh Lhe Lhlngs LhaL we do know and from LhaL basls
evolve a greaLer knowledge
We should approach Lhe Law normally and naLurally and wlLh a sense of ease 1here ls noLhlng pecullar
or welrd abouL Lhls lL ls a naLural Law worklng ln a normal way and musL be LhoughL of ln Lhls llghL
We should come Lo conslder Lhe Law and Lhe SplrlL as frlends and Lhlnk of Lhem as such ln Lhls way we
wlll gradually go from good Lo more good and from peace Lo a greaLer peace 1hls ls Lhe naLural
unfoldmenL of 8eallLy Lhrough man We should expecL Lhe besL and so llve LhaL Lhe besL may become a
parL of our experlence

17638 Cal 67
17739 Mark 1217

p 180
Lesson Iour 1he Contro| of Cond|t|ons
ln Laklng up Lhls sub[ecL leL us very clearly undersLand LhaL we do noL dlfferenLlaLe beLween Consclous
Mlnd and SplrlL Lhere ls no dlfference for Lhey are Cne
1he SplrlL of lnLelllgence whlch ls Cod ln order Lo do someLhlng for us musL do LhaL Lhlng Lhrough us
and whaL lL ls Lo do musL flrsL become a parL of our menLallLy before lL can become an lndlvldual
experlence Cu8 MLn1ALl1lLS A8L 8u1 1PL Sl8l1 WC8klnC 1P8CuCP uS AS lnulvluuALS
ln Lhe new schools of LhoughL Lhere are Lhose who clalm Lo demonsLraLe only by Lhe SplrlL also Lhose
who clalm Lo demonsLraLe only by Lhe Mlnd 1hls ls a dlsLlncLlon whlch ls supposlLlonal raLher Lhan real
and ls lmposslble because lf Lhere were Lwo powers we would aL once have duallLy and our phllosophy
of unlLy would be conLradlcLed 1here ls buL Cne AcLlve lnLelllgence wheLher lL be Lhe unlversal
lnLelllgence or unlversal SplrlL lndlvlduallzed ln us
We do however dlsLlngulsh beLween Lhe phase of mlnd whlch we call consclous and Lhe phase whlch
we call unconsclous or sub[ecLlve as has already been explalned
ln demonsLraLlng condlLlons Lhe only lnqulrles we need Lo make are do Lhe Lhlngs LhaL we wanL lend
Lhemselves Lo a consLrucLlve program? uo Lhey express a more abundanL llfe rob none creaLe no
deluslon buL lnsLead do Lhey express a greaLer degree of llvlngness? lf Lhey do Lhen all Lhe power ln
Lhe unlverse musL be behlnd Lhem lf lL ls money auLomoblles houses lands sLocks bonds dresses
shlrLs or shoesLrlngs cabbages or klngsall of whlch come from Lhe same sourceLhere can be noLhlng
elLher ln Lhe Law or ln Lhe SplrlL back of Lhe Law Lo deny us Lhe rlghL Lo Lhe greaLesL posslble expresslon
of llfe
So we need noL heslLaLe Lo use Lhe Law for personal moLlves for we have a perfecL rlghL Lo do so lL ls
good for every
p 181

Lesson lour MeLaphyslcal CharL no lv
1hls charL ls dlvlded lnLo Lwo sldes represenLlng Lhe world of LhoughL and Lhe world of reflecLlons lL
represenLs Lhe law of cause and effecL 1he world of LhoughL ls Lhe world of ldeas whlle Lhe world of
reflecLlons means Lhe resulLs of LhoughL 1he world of reflecLlons ls enLlrely a world of effecLs and ls of
lLself unconsclous and unknowlng Conslder everyLhlng on Lhe lefL slde of Lhls charL Lo be LhoughLs or
ldeas and conslder everyLhlng on Lhe rlghL slde Lo be Lhe auLomaLlc resulLs of Lhe law as lL works ouL
lnLo effecLs 8y uslng Lhls charL ln con[uncLlon wlLh Lhe explanaLlons already glven lL wlll be plaln [usL
how Lhe law of cause and effecL works from Lhe ldea Lo Lhe Lhlng
p 182
one Lo express hlmself provlded LhaL ln so dolng he does noL desLroy Lhe lndependence of oLhers
ln Lurnlng Lo Lhe Law Lhen reallze LhaL lL ls a Law of reflecLlon Llfe ls Lhe mlrror of klng and slave
CharL no lv ls dlvlded lnLo Lwo parLs wlLh a supposlLlonal llne ln Lhe cenLer on one slde ls deplcLed Lhe
world of LhoughL and on Lhe oLher Lhe world of Lhe reflecLlons of LhoughL 1he world of LhoughL ls Lhe
world of our lndlvlduallLy lL ls Lhe parL of us LhaL knows 1he oLher ls Lhe world of soul or recepLlvlLy and
of reflecLlons ln Lhe LhoughL ls Lhe cause LhaL reflecLs Lhe effecL Lhe bellef LhaL reflecLs Lhe
correspondence Pere ls Lhe lmage and here ls a form Pere ls Lhe llmlLed LhoughL Lhe resulL of whlch
reflecLs poverLy Pere ls Lhe freed LhoughL Lhe resulL of whlch reflecLs wealLh Pere ls a LhoughL of
peace whlch reflecLs peace Pere ls a prayer and here ls lLs answer Lhe answer Lo prayer ls ln Lhe prayer
when lL ls prayed and Lhe answer ls ldenLlcal wlLh Lhe prayer Pere ls ?es and here ls ?es and here ls no
and here ls no Why ls Lhls? 8ecause Lhe Law Lakes us aL our own valuaLlon lf we say ?es lL says ?es
and lf we say no lL says no for lL can only reflecL lL cannoL lnlLlaLe anyLhlng So here ls frlendshlp
and over here ls frlendshlp Lmerson sald lf you wanL a frlend be a frlend and so as Lhe ldea of
frlendshlp dawns upon Lhe consclousness Lhe law of aLLracLlon produces frlends for one ls Lhe plcLure
and Lhe oLher ls Lhe Lhlng 1hls ls Lhe greaL Leachlng of lnvoluLlon and LvoluLlon Lhe LhoughL lnvolved
and Lhe resulL evolved one ls Lhe LreaLmenL and Lhe oLher ls Lhe demonsLraLlon
We mean by demonsLraLlon brlnglng lnLo our experlence someLhlng whlch we had noL experlenced
before brlnglng lL ln as Lhe resulL of consclous LhoughL and unless lL ls posslble Lo do Lhls Lhe whole
sclence ls a mlsLake and a deluslon
unless Lhere ls a ulvlne rlnclple unlversal Soul or Sub[ecLlvlLy or Medlum whlch of lLself wlLhouL any
help or asslsLance can produce Lhlngs and wlll Lhen Lhere ls noLhlng ln Lhls Leachlng 8uL Lhere ls ulvlne
rlnclple and whaL lL
p 183
does for us lL musL do Lhrough us Cur parL ln Lhe demonsLraLlon ls Lo seL Lhe word ln moLlon Lhus
compelllng Lhrough Lhe law of sub[ecLlvlLy Lhe resulL or manlfesLaLlon
When we are deallng wlLh CausaLlon we are deallng wlLh LhaL whlch has lnvolved wlLhln lLself all effecL
as lL unfolds We may leave lL Lo Lhe Law Lo compel rlghL acLlon WlLh Lhls ln mlnd leL us go on Lo
Suppose we wlsh Lo aLLracL frlends We musL begln Lo lmage ldeal relaLlonshlps be Lhey soclal or
oLherwlse Lo sense and feel Lhe presence of frlends Lo en[oy Lhem ln our own menLallLles noL as an
llluslon buL as a reallLy noL as a dream buL as an experlence Lo declare LhaL Lhelr presence ls now
here LhaL Lhey know lL and LhaL we know lL 8uL we musL never look Lo see lf Lhey are here because Lhls
would lmply doubL and would neuLrallze our word We can aLLracL Lhe klnd of frlends we wlsh lf we
speclflcally deslgnaLe Lhe klnd buL we musL never Lhlnk of cerLaln people or LhaL a parLlcular lndlvldual
musL be one of Lhem for Lhls would be hypnoLlc [usL Lhlnklng Lhe ldea wlll brlng Lhe rlghL klnd of
ln order Lo have Lhls frlendshlp endurlng Lrue really worLh whlle and a Lhlng of beauLy we should
culLlvaLe an aLLlLude of frlendshlp Loward everybody and everyLhlng
1nL 9kINCI9LL CI 9kCS9LkI1
We are surrounded by a unlversal Sub[ecLlvlLy a Sub[ecLlve CreaLlve Consclousness whlch ls recepLlve
neuLral lmpersonal always recelvlng Lhe lmpress of our LhoughL and whlch has no alLernaLlve oLher
Lhan Lo operaLe dlrecLly upon lL Lhus creaLlng Lhe Lhlngs whlch we Lhlnk
Lach one should reallze LhaL Lhere ls noLhlng ln hlm LhaL denles LhaL whlch he deslres Cur unlLy wlLh our
good ls noL esLabllshed whlle Lhere ls anyLhlng ln us LhaL denles lL
eople ofLen say Pow shall l know when l know? lf you knew you would noL ask Lhls quesLlon Lhe
very facL LhaL
p 184
you can ask lL proves you do noL know for when you know LhaL you know you can prove lL by dolng
1houghL seLs deflnlLe force ln moLlon ln Mlnd relaLlve Lo Lhe lndlvldual who Lhlnks lor lnsLance l am
known ln Consclousness as LrnesL Polmes for LhaL ls my name and every clalm made for me whlch l
accepL operaLes Lhrough avenues of mlndacLlvlLy and reLurns Lo me as some condlLlon
ln pracLlce always forgeL Lhe llmlLaLlons of lndlvlduallLy Lach LreaLmenL should embody a recognlLlon of
Lhe Whole because lL ls CmnlpresenL
We deal wlLh AbsoluLeness Lhls ls Lhe aLLlLude LhaL we should have WhaL we need ls Lo know Lhe 1ruLh
1hls does noL mean LhaL we need noL be acLlve of course we shall be acLlve buL we need noL compel
Lhlngs Lo happen A good demonsLraLlon ls made when Lhe 1ruLh gaLherlng lLs own power llfLs one ouL
of hls envlronmenL and unLll LhaL Llme comes he should sLay where he ls ln order LhaL he may know
when he has made a demonsLraLlon
lL ls noL a good demonsLraLlon lf when we glve our LreaLmenLs we have Lo sLruggle [usL as before
rlnclple ls AbsoluLe and ln so far as any lndlvldual can acLually lnduce wlLhln consclousness upon
rlnclple a deflnlLe concreLe accepLance of hls deslre lL wlll manlfesL even lf every LhoughL on earLh
had Lo change Lo compel lL lf lL were a blL of lnformaLlon LhaL only one person on earLh knew and he
was ln Lhe cenLer of Afrlca lL would be produced
Cause and effecL are buL Lwo sldes of LhoughL and SplrlL ls boLh Cause and LffecL rayer ls lLs own
answer now lf Lhe one who prays only parLly belleves Lhen Lhere ls a Lendency Lo seL an ldea ln
moLlon lf Lhe nexL day he wholly doubLs Lhls ldea musL be wlped ouL ln deallng wlLh Mlnd we are
deallng wlLh a lorce whlch we cannoL fool We can fool ourselves we can fool oLhers buL we cannoL
cheaL rlnclple
p 183
ouL of Lhe sllghLesL shadow of our mosL subLle concepL for Lhls ls lmposslble 1he hand wrlLes and
passes on buL Lhe wrlLlng ls lefL Lhere neverLheless and Lhe only Lhlng LhaL can erase lL ls a wrlLlng of a
dlfferenL characLer We musL elLher Lranscend all LhaL has gone before by walklng above lL neuLrallze lL
by an opposlLe sLaLe of consclousness or endure lL
CeL a sense of selfmasLery of belng equal Lo every occaslon 1here ls noLhlng Loo greaL Lhere ls no
obsLacle LhaL you cannoL surmounL no obsLrucLlon LhaL you cannoL dlsslpaLe by Lhe power of 1ruLh lf
your concepL of 1ruLh ls dynamlc enough and clear enough and lf Lhe embodlmenL ls compleLe
lf you know LhaL Lhe ower wlLh whlch you are deallng ls rlnclple and noL personallLy lf you know and
belleve LhaL Mlnd ls Lhe only AcLor Cause LffecL SubsLance lnLelllgence 1ruLh and ower LhaL Lhere ls
and lf you have a real embodlmenL of your deslres Lhen you can demonsLraLe
lf you lack lf you are poor lf you are wlLhouL frlends lf you are wlLhouL opporLunlLy donL flghL
anyLhlng buL be sure Lo erase from your consclousness any sense of LhaL lack
?ou erase LhoughL from consclousness by pourlng ln an opposlLe LhoughL Lhls opposlLe LhoughL meeLs
Lhe oLher and neuLrallzes lL LhaL ls lL rubs lL ouL [usL as we rub a chalk mark off a board 1ake a
conslsLenL poslLlve aggresslve menLal aLLlLude ln Lhe 1ruLh
We walk by falllng forward waLer falls by lLs own welghL Lhe planeLs are eLernally falllng Lhrough space
for everyLhlng susLalns lLself ln naLure 1he only reason LhaL man ls llmlLed ls LhaL he has noL allowed Lhe
lnsLlncLlve Llfe Lo come ouL Lhrough hlm and Lhe reason why Lhls ls posslble ls LhaL hls own ulvlne
lndlvlduallLy as soon as lL was evolved compelled lnflnlLy Lo appear ln hls experlence as duallLy
because he belleved ln duallLy
1ake no personal responslblllLy for maklng anyLhlng happen 1hrow your word lnLo Mlnd and know LhaL
Mlnd recelves lL Mlnd belleves lL Mlnd accepLs lL Mlnd acLs upon lL and Mlnd produces lL
p 186
no maLLer how greaL a responslblllLy may resL ln LhaL whlch musL be done never leL one mlnuLes
responslblllLy resL ln your own LhoughL abouL lL because LhaL Lo whlch Lhe mlnd glves blrLh ls and
LvL8? luLA lS 8Cunu 1C 8CuuCL An LllLC1 LxAC1L? LlkL l1S CAuSL
When we make a demonsLraLlon we musL Lake whaL goes wlLh lL 1herefore all demonsLraLlons should
be made ln peace confldence and [oy and ln Lhe reallzaLlon of ulvlne Love and erfecLlon as permeaLlng
everyLhlng 1he reason for Lhls ls evldenL for we are deallng wlLh Lhe law of cause and effecL We are
noL dependlng upon chance buL upon Law
We musL know LhaL we are deallng wlLh Lhe subsLance from whlch all Lhlngs are madepeople bralns
monkeyseveryLhlng LhaL ls noLhlng moves buL Mlnd and we are deallng wlLh Lhe Mlnd LhaL ls Lhe
Mover Lhe CreaLor Lhe Cause of all LhaL ls or ls Lo be
Suppose an lnvenLor came Lo you and sald l am Lrylng Lo perfecL a plece of machlnery and have noL
been able Lo work ouL Lhe rlghL plan ?ou slL wlLh hlm for LreaLmenL LhaL ls you concenLraLe ln Mlnd
ln order Lo produce Lhe deslred ldea Lhrough hlm ?ou know LhaL all ldeas come from Mlnd and LhaL
Mlnd ls always unfoldlng lLs ldeas Lhrough man ?ou say !ohn SmlLh ls an lnvenLor a cerLaln ldea ls
Lrylng Lo operaLe Lhrough hlm and Lhere ls noLhlng ln hlm LhaL can obsLrucL Lhls ldea 1hen sLaLe LhaL
Lhls ldea ls known ln Mlnd and ls now flowlng Lhrough hlm lf you do Lhls Lhlnklng clearly new ldeas wlll
begln Lo operaLe Lhrough hlm and he wlll dlscover Lhe Lhlng he needs
never look aL LhaL whlch you do noL wlsh Lo experlence no maLLer whaL Lhe false condlLlon may be lL
musL be refuLed
p 187
paragraph conLlnues 1he proper klnd of a denlal ls based upon Lhe recognlLlon LhaL ln reallLy Lhere ls
no llmlLaLlon for mlnd can as easlly make a planeL as anyLhlng else 1he lnflnlLe knows no dlfference
beLween a mllllon dollars and a penny lL only knows LhaL l1 lS lL would be [usL as easy Lo demonsLraLe a
mllllon dollars as lL would be Lo demonsLraLe Len cenLs lf Lhe menLal concepL embodled Lhe ldea of a
mllllon dollars
lL ls Lhe consclousness back of Lhe word LhaL forms Lhe word Consclousness means Lhe lnner
embodlmenL of an ldea Lhrough Lhe recognlLlon of 1ruLh and a dlrecL relaLlonshlp Lo Lhe ulvlne 1he
greaLesL 1eacher Who ever llved was Lhe mosL splrlLual man for Lhe more unlversal and comprehenslve
Lhe LhoughL Lhe more Codllke lL musL become
A good LreaLmenL ls always fllled wlLh Lhe recognlLlon of Lhe resence of Cod or Cood Lven ln SplrlLual
1hlngs we are sLlll deallng wlLh Lhe law of cause and effecL for Cod ls Law 1he more exalLed Lhe
LhoughL Lhe more heavenly Lhe more boundless Lhe more Codllke or ChrlsLllke Lhe LhoughL Lhe more
power lL wlll have 1hls ls why Lhe greaLesL 1eacher should become Lhe Savlour Pe couldnL help lL A
greaL Leacher would have Lo be a Savlour
We wlll say LhaL Lhere are four men A 8 C and u A recelves 13 a week 8 recelves 30 C
73 and u 100 now Lhese four are all wlLhouL poslLlons and Lhey come Lo a pracLlLloner for menLal
LreaLmenL 1he pracLlLloner Lakes Lhe LhoughL LhaL Lhere ls noLhlng buL acLlvlLy he neuLrallzes ln hls
own LhoughL any bellef ln lnacLlvlLy and declares LhaL each of Lhese four men ls dlvlnely acLlve and
occupled WlLhouL quesLlon he has seL ln moLlon a law whlch wlll respond and wlll reproduce someLhlng
for each of Lhese four We wlll suppose LhaL hls LreaLmenL ls a good and an effecLlve one Lhey recelve lL
and consequenLly each one of Lhem recelves a poslLlon ?ou wlll flnd LhaL each does noL recelve Lhe
same compensaLlon for ln all probablllLy A wlll recelve 13 per week 8 30 C 73 and u 100
8uL one mlghL say he spoke Lhe same word for each why dld Lhey noL all recelve 100 per week?
8ecause whlle hls word was used for
p 188
each ln a llke manner each could recelve only hls flll hls menLal capaclLy Lo comprehend Lach was full
and no doubL runnlng over buL Lhe molds whlch Lhelr percepLlons of llfe provlded were llmlLed Lo Lhe
sub[ecLlve remembrance already seL ln moLlon by Lhemselves Lach aLLracLed Lo hlmself ouL of Lhe
unlversal Cood LhaL whlch he could comprehend lL ls Lhe old sLaLemenL LhaL waLer wlll reach lLs own
level by lLs own welghL and wlLhouL efforL So a LreaLmenL wlll only level lLself ln Lhe ob[ecLlve world aL
Lhe level of Lhe sub[ecLlve LhoughL and reallzaLlon
1hls does noL mean LhaL each of Lhe abovesLaLed men wlll always have Lo recelve Lhe same
compensaLlon for wlLh an enlarged consclousness he would recelve more
Lvery one auLomaLlcally aLLracLs Lo hlmself [usL whaL he ls and you may seL lL down LhaL wherever you
are however lnLolerable Lhe slLuaLlon may be lL ls [usL where you belong 1here ls no power ln Lhe
unlverse buL yourself LhaL can geL you ouL of lL Some one may help you on Lhe road Lo reallzaLlon buL
subsLanLlallLy and permanence can come only Lhrough Lhe consclousness of your own llfe and LhoughL
Man musL brlng hlmself Lo a polnL where Lhere ls no mlsforLune no calamlLy no accldenL no Lrouble
no confuslon where Lhere ls noLhlng buL plenLy peace power Llfe and 1ruLh Pe should deflnlLely
dally uslng hls own name declare Lhe 1ruLh abouL hlmself reallzlng LhaL he ls reflecLlng hls sLaLemenLs
lnLo Consclousness and LhaL Lhey wlll be operaLed upon by lL
1hls ls called ln mysLlclsm Plgh lnvocaLlon lnvoklng Lhe ulvlne Mlnd lmplanLlng wlLhln lL seeds of
LhoughL relaLlve Lo ones self And Lhls ls why some of Lhe Leachers of older Llmes used Lo Leach Lhelr
puplls Lo cross Lhelr hands over Lhelr chesLs and say Wonderful wonderful wonderful me! deflnlLely
Leachlng Lhem LhaL as Lhey held Lhemselves so Lhey would be held AcL as Lhough l Am and l wlll 8e
Cne of Lhe anclenL saylngs ls LhaL 1o Lhe man who can perfecLly pracLlce lnacLlon all Lhlngs are
posslble 1hls
p 189
sounds llke a conLradlcLlon unLll one geLs down Lo Lhe lnner Leachlngs for lL ls only when one
compleLely pracLlces lnacLlon LhaL he arrlves aL Lhe polnL of Lhe Lrue acLor lor he Lhen reallzes LhaL Lhe
acL and Lhe acLor are one and Lhe same LhaL cause and effecL are Lhe same whlch ls slmply a dlfferenL
way of saylng know Lhe 1ruLh and Lhe 1ruLh shall make you free 1o reduce Lhe whole Lhlng Lo lLs
slmplesL form whaLever one reflecLs lnLo Mlnd wlll be done
Suppose you wlsh Lo demonsLraLe a home dally looklng lnLo Mlnd vlsuallze lL [usL as you wlsh lL Lo be
maklng Lhe plcLure as clear as posslble for lL ls a lack of clearness of LhoughL LhaL hlnders
demonsLraLlon 1hen slL Lhere abouL Len mlnuLes saylng lL ls lL ls lL ls erhaps LhoughLs wlll come ln
whlch say LhaL lL ls noL ay no aLLenLlon Lo such LhoughLs buL reLurn Lo your medlLaLlon and seelng
Lhe plcLure anew say agaln lL ls lL ls lL ls use no efforL buL slmply see Lhe plcLure very clearly and
declare for lLs presence
never look for resulLs from LreaLmenL for lf you do you wlll noL flnd Lhem 1hls ls ln accordance wlLh
law for whaL you look for you know LhaL you do noL have and are only Lrylng Lo fool yourself lnLo
Lhlnklng LhaL you do have 1reaLmenL ls noL a process of hypnoLlsm lL ls a process of selfknowlng and lf
you really know you wlll be sure Lo demonsLraLe
1reaLmenL ls Lhe arL Lhe sclence and process of sysLemaLlcally lnduclng wlLhln consclousness concepLs
of deflnlLe deslres as already accompllshed facLs and experlences ln llfe
When !esus sald 8eslsL noL evll 60 Pe meanL LhaL nonrecognlLlon of evll ls Lhe only way Lo avold lL
1hls ls Lrue accordlng Lo Lhe law of cause and effecL for whaL we perslsL ln recognlzlng we perslsL ln
holdlng ln place 1haL whlch we nonrecognlze we neuLrallze and lL ls no longer Lhere so far
p 190
as we are concerned ln maklng a demonsLraLlon donL Lry Lo demonsLraLe for demonsLraLlons are noL
made Lhrough efforL because Lhls would conLradlcL one of Lhe fundamenLal prlnclples of Lhe unlverse
whlch ls Lhe SelfLxlsLence of CausaLlon ln oLher words noLhlng can come before LhaL whlch ls
consequenLly everyLhlng musL come ouL of LhaL whlch ls and wlLhln LhaL whlch ls ls Lhe lnherenL
posslblllLy of LhaL whlch ls Lo be All Lhlngs exlsL as a poLenLlallLy as a posslblllLy now l Am Alpha and
Cmega 61 1ry Lo geL a recognlLlon of your deslre and pass Lhe whole Lhlng over Lo Mlnd and leL lL
operaLe !usL know LhaL Lhe deslre ls already a facL and quleLly say Lo yourself as ofLen as Lhe LhoughL
comes lnLo mlnd lL ls done 1he llghLer Lhe LhoughL ls Lhe less care or worry over lL Lhe beLLer 1he
besL work ls done when Lhe elemenL of sLruggle ls enLlrely lefL ouL
Suppose one says l have had a Lerrlble mlsundersLandlng wlLh a frlend of mlne and lL has come Lo a
polnL where we do noL even speak Lo each oLher WhaL ls Lhe fundamenLal error whlch has broughL
abouL Lhls condlLlon? A lack of Lhe reallzaLlon of Lhe unlLy of all llfe a bellef ln duallLy uesLroy Lhls bellef
ln duallLy recognlze LhaL Lhere ls buL Cne Mlnd see Cod ln each and Lhe Lrouble wlll be healed We all
llve ln Lhe Cne Mlnd of Cod
lf one belleves ln faLe he musL be healed of Lhls LhoughL for Lhere ls no such Lhlng as faLe lf one
belleves LhaL planeLary forces have anyLhlng Lo do wlLh llfe he musL be healed of Lhls LhoughL 8reak
down everyLhlng excepL Lhe recognlLlon of Lhe Cne erfecL ower whlch ls noL conLlngenL upon any
place person condlLlon Llme of year or anyLhlng buL lLself A demonsLraLlon ls made when lL comes
Lhrough sLralghL from Lhe 1ruLh
1he one who wlshes Lo make a demonsLraLlon musL flrsL
p 191
clear up hls own sub[ecLlve aLmosphere Lhe reason belng LhaL he may be ob[ecLlvely maklng sLaLemenLs
whlch hls sub[ecLlve LhoughL may be denylng ln Lhls way we ofLen neuLrallze our word as fasL as lL ls
A LreaLmenL ls sclenLlflc ln LhaL lL ls Lhe acL of lnduclng lnLo Sub[ecLlvlLy ldeas whlch neuLrallze false
lmages of LhoughL and whlch leL Lhe 1ruLh come Lhrough lnLo expresslon 1he reason LhaL we need such
a sclence ls LhaL we do noL have a perfecL falLh for lf we had a perfecL falLh we would have washed
clean Lhe sub[ecLlve LhoughL and no doubLs would be Lhere unLll Lhe Llme comes when one can say Lo
Lhe slck CeL up and walk and have Lhem do so or say 1here ls money and have lL appear he musL
Lake Lhe process of lnduclng LhoughL for Lhe purpose of accumulaLlng a sub[ecLlve bellef ln Lhe Lhlngs
whlch he deslres Lhls bellef as soon as lL ls compleLe lS 1PL uLMCnS18A1lCn 1he demonsLraLlon
Lakes place wlLhln and noL wlLhouL
Cne mlghL say l have no personallLy wlLh whlch Lo aLLracL people 1here ls buL Cne erson Lhls
erson ls manlfesLed Lhrough every llvlng soul lL ls radlanL vlbranL dynamlc lL ls 1be ersonallLy lL ls
CompleLe lL ls lL ls
1he ones Lo whom we are Lhe mosL sLrongly aLLracLed are noL necessarlly Lhe ones who are Lhe mosL
beauLlful physlcally buL are Lhe ones from whlch we recelve LhaL subLle emanaLlon LhaL someLhlng
WhaL ls LhaL someLhlng? lL ls noL LhaL whlch shows buL LhaL whlch floaLs Lhrough from wlLhln lL ls Lhe
lnner recognlLlon of 8eallLy
Cne should analyze hlmself saylng uo l look aL myself from a sLandpolnL of resLrlcLlon? uo l see llfe as
llmlLed Lo Lhe eLernal round of geLLlng up ln Lhe mornlng eaLlng golng Lo work comlng home golng Lo
bed sleeplng geLLlng up agaln? and so on 8reak Lhe bonds of necesslLy and see llfe as one conLlnuous
expresslon of Lhe lnflnlLe Self and as Lhls
p 192
concepLlon gradually dawns upon Lhe lnner LhoughL someLhlng wlll happen ln Lhe ouLer condlLlons Lo
leL up on Lhe greaLer demands of Lhe law of necesslLy lf one were dolng Lhe work he should be dolng
he would never become Llred because Lhe energy whlch holds Lhe unlverse ln place ls Llreless 1he
reason why we become Llred ls LhaL we have cross currenLs of LhoughL over our work 1hls arlses from a
bellef ln duallLy
A LreaLmenL ls Lhe sclenLlflc acL of lnduclng concepLs ln Mlnd whlch operaLes upon Lhem and manlfesLs
Lhem ln exLernal affalrs [usL as Lhe plcLure ls held sub[ecLlvely uurlng Lhe process we meeL conLacL
neuLrallze and erase any and all opposlng menLal forces or condlLlons whlch deny our greaLer good
never llmlL your vlew of llfe by whaL you or any one else has ever accompllshed 1he posslblllLy of llfe ls
lnherenL wlLhln Lhe capaclLy Lo lmaglne whaL llfe ls backed by Lhe power Lo produce Lhls lmagery or
ulvlne lmaglnaLlon lL ls noL a quesLlon of falllng or of succeedlng lL ls slmply a quesLlon of sLlcklng Lo an
ldea unLll lL becomes a Langlble reallLy
1he llluslon ls ln Lhe way LhaL we look aL Lhlngs We have looked aL some Lhlngs and Lhey have looked
evll Lo us we musL look aL Lhem unLll Lhey look good We have looked aL some one and he has looked
slck Lo us we musL look aL hlm unLll he looks well We have seen dlscord we musL see harmony
Look aL harmony and people wlll become harmonlous We have looked aL poverLy degradaLlon and
mlsery unLll Lhey have assumed a glganLlc form now we musL look aL harmony happlness plenLy
prosperlLy peace and rlghL acLlon unLll lL appears
ln LreaLlng we concelve of Lhe ulLlmaLe of Lhe ldea buL never of Lhe process never LreaL a process
never look for one We planL a seed and Lhere ls ln LhaL seed operaLlng Lhrough Lhe creaLlve soll
everyLhlng LhaL ls golng Lo happen unLll lL comes up unfolds and produces a planL 1he ulLlmaLe
p 193
of effecL ls already poLenLlal ln cause 1hls ls Lhe mysLlcal meanlng of Lhose words l am Alpha and
Cmega 62 Cur word should be Lhe alpha and Lhe omega Lhe beglnnlng and Lhe end of Lhe Lhlng
LhoughL of All cause and effecL are ln SplrlL Cause and effecL are bound LogeLher lnLo one compleLe
whole Cne ls Lhe lnslde and Lhe oLher ls Lhe ouLslde of Lhe same Lhlng
Cnce you have drlven Lhe peg lnLo Lhe ground sLlck Lo lL never leL anyLhlng cause you Lo doubL your
ablllLy Lo demonsLraLe Lhe 1ruLh Concelve of your word as belng Lhe Lhlng See Lhe deslre as an already
accompllshed facL and resL ln perfecL confldence peace and cerLalnLy never looklng for resulLs never
wonderlng never becomlng anxlous never belng hurrled nor worrled 1hose who do noL undersLand
Lhls aLLlLude wlll Lhlnk LhaL you are lnacLlve buL remember 1o hlm who can perfecLly pracLlce lnacLlon
all Lhlngs are posslble
ln menLal work we musL reallze LhaL Lhere ls Cne lnflnlLe Mlnd whlch ls consclously dlrecLlng our
desLlny ueclare every day LhaL no mlsLakes have been made none are belng made and none can be
made declare 1here ls Cne Supreme lnLelllgence whlch governs guldes and guards Lells me whaL Lo
do when Lo acL and how Lo acL Lhen acL wlLh perfecL assurance ueclare everyLhlng necessary Lo Lhe
full and compleLe expresslon of Lhe mosL boundless experlence [oy and llfe everyLhlng ls now know
Lhls see lL feel lL and be lL uo Lhls every day for a few mlnuLes we should all do Lhls unLll Lhe Llme
comes when lL wlll no longer be necessary When LhaL Llme comes we wlll know lL because our
demonsLraLlons wlll have been made
Suppose one says l have made a loL of mlsLakes ln my llfe l had opporLunlLles whlch l dld noL grasp
1hls ls a dlrecL bellef LhaL Lhere ls buL one opporLunlLy whlch comes Lo man and lf he does noL Lake lL he
wlll have no more 1hls ls a bellef ln llmlLed opporLunlLles and lL musL be denled compleLely
p 194
and speclflcally We exlsL ln LlmlLless CpporLunlLles whlch are forever seeklng expresslon Lhrough us
and are expressed ln and Lhrough us
know LhaL Lhere ls no condemnaLlon for noLhlng can condemn unless we belleve ln condemnaLlon
uesLroy Lhe LhoughL LhaL would lay llmlLaLlon or bondage upon any slLuaLlon or condlLlon Loose hlm
and leL hlm go 63
1alk Lo yourself noL Lo Lhe world 1here ls no one Lo Lalk Lo buL yourself for all experlences Lake place
wlLhln CondlLlons are Lhe reflecLlons of our own medlLaLlons and noLhlng else 1here ls buL Cne Mlnd
Lo Lhlnk buL one Lhlng LhaL lL can Lhlnk LhaL Mlnd ls our Mlnd now lL never Lhlnks confuslon lL knows
whaL lL wlshes and how Lo accompllsh whaL lL deslres lL ls whaL lL deslres
ay no aLLenLlon Lo whaL happens ln Lhe ob[ecLlve world when you are maklng a demonsLraLlon We
lnLerpreL causes by condlLlons only as we reallze LhaL a condlLlon musL parLake of Lhe naLure of lLs
cause lf Lhere appears Lo be confuslon ln Lhe condlLlon Lhen Lhere musL have been confuslon ln Lhe
LhoughL back of lL ay no aLLenLlon Lo Lhe ob[ecLlve expresslon so long as you know you are geLLlng Lhe
rlghL sub[ecLlve recognlLlon 1he way Lo work ouL a problem sclenLlflcally ls Lo Lake lL up ln LhoughL dally
and concelve of lL as already belng an accompllshed facL ln experlence CeL Lhe ldea of Lhe deslre as
already embodled ln Lhe AbsoluLe unless one belleves LhaL Lhere ls an AbsoluLe how can he do Lhls?
We musL belleve LhaL we are deallng wlLh 8eallLy and wlLh noLhlng less Lhan Lhe AbsoluLe
lf we are radlaLlng LhoughL lnLo ulvlne Mlnd whaL ls Lhere LhaL can hlnder lL from operaLlng on Lhls
LhoughL? noLhlng for lL knows no hlndrances 8e sure LhaL Lhere ls noLhlng desLrucLlve ln Lhe reacLlon
for Lhere musL be no elemenL of desLrucLlveness ln our work ually hold your deslre as an already
accompllshed facL and go abouL your buslness wlLh [oy and gladness wlLh peace and quleL confldence
Lhe Law
p 193
ls Lhen sure Lo acL uurlng Lhe process many Lhlngs may happen LhaL wlll appear Lo be desLrucLlve ?ou
may pass Lhrough good forLune and bad buL lf you can come Lo Lhe polnL where you are noL dlsLurbed
by whaL happens on Lhe ouLslde you have found Lhe secreL lf as !esus sald we !udge noL accordlng Lo
Lhe appearance buL [udge rlghLeous [udgmenL 64 rememberlng LhaL Lhlngs whlch are seen were noL
made of Lhlngs whlch do appear 63 ouL of any chaos we can produce harmony provlded we keep our
LhoughL sLeady 1he answer Lo prayer ls already ln Lhe prayer when lL ls prayed
Assume a case of LreaLmenL for prosperlLy Suppose one comes Lo you and says 8uslness ls bad Lhere
ls no acLlvlLy Pow are you golng Lo LreaL hlm? Are you golng Lo LreaL acLlvlLy or buslness cusLomers
condlLlons or whaL? 1here ls buL one Lhlng Lo LreaL as far as Lhe pracLlLloner ls concerned and LhaL ls
PlMSLLl 1he pracLlLloner LreaLs hlmself Lhe reason belng LhaL hls paLlenLs and hls own mlnd are ln Lhe
Cne Mlnd
1here ls buL one acLlvlLy whlch ls perfecL noLhlng has happened Lo lL noLhlng can cuL lL off lL ls always
operaLlng 1here ls no bellef ln lnacLlvlLy WhaL ls Lhls sLaLemenL for? 1o neuLrallze Lhe bellef ln
lnacLlvlLy A word spoken ln Mlnd wlll reach lLs own level ln Lhe ob[ecLlve world by lLs own welghL [usL
as ln physlcal sclence we know LhaL waLer reaches lLs own level by lLs own welghL ?ou musL desLroy Lhe
LhoughLs of lnacLlvlLy Man cannoL become elLher dlscouraged or afrald lf he reallzes LhaL Lhere ls buL
Cne Mlnd whlch he may consclously use 1he real man knows no dlscouragemenL cannoL be afrald and
has no unbellef
Who planLs a seed beneaLh Lhe sod
And walLs Lo see lL Lurn away Lhe clod
Pas falLh ln Cod
p 196
And he who knows of Lhe power wlLh whlch he ls deallng and who planLs a seed of LhoughL ln
Sub[ecLlvlLy knows LhaL lL wlll come up and bear frulL
8rlng ouL Lhe ldea of SubsLance Make consclousness percelve LhaL SubsLance ls SplrlL SplrlL ls Cod and
Cod ls all LhaL Lhere ls Cnce you acqualnL Lhe consclousness wlLh Lhls ldea lL ls lmplanLed ln Lhe
CreaLlve ower whlch ls exLernallzlng ln your llfe
1he Law ls lnflnlLe and erfecL buL ln order Lo make a demonsLraLlon we musL flrsL have a menLal
equlvalenL of Lhe Lhlng we uLSl8L ConsequenLly Lhe range of our posslblllLles aL Lhe presenL Llme does
noL exLend far beyond Lhe range of our presenL concepLs As we brlng ourselves Lo a greaLer vlslon we
can Lhen lnduce a sLlll greaLer concepL and Lhereby demonsLraLe more ln our experlence ln Lhls way
Lhere ls a conLlnuous growLh and unfoldmenL Laklng place We do noL expecL Lo glve a LreaLmenL Loday
and have a mllllon dollars Lomorrow 8uL llLLle by llLLle we can unfold our consclousness Lhrough Lhe
acqulslLlon of greaLer and sLlll greaLer menLal equlvalenLs unLll aL lasL we shall be made free 1he way Lo
proceed ls Lo begln rlghL where we are lL ls noL sclenLlflc Lo aLLempL Lo begln somewhere else 1hls
would be chaoLlc Cne who undersLands Lhe sysLemaLlc use of Lhe Law wlll reallze LhaL he ls where he ls
because of whaL he ls buL he wlll noL say l musL be where l am because of whaL l am lnsLead he wlll
begln Lo dlsclalm whaL he appears Lo be As hls sLaLemenLs loosen wrong sub[ecLlve Lendencles and false
menLallLy provldlng ln Lhelr place a correcL concepL of llfe and 8eallLy he wlll auLomaLlcally be llfLed ouL
of hls condlLlons and lmpelllng forces whlch wlll sweep everyLhlng before Lhem wlll seL hlm free lf he
LrusLs ln SplrlL and ln noLhlng else
SLay wlLh Lhe Cne and never devlaLe from lL never leave lL for a momenL noLhlng else can equal Lhls
aLLlLude 1o deserL Lhe 1ruLh ln Lhe hour of need ls Lo prove LhaL we do noL know Lhe 1ruLh When Lhlngs
look Lhe worsL ls Lhe supreme momenL Lo demonsLraLe Lo yourself LhaL Lhere are no
p 197
obsLrucLlons When Lhlngs look worsL ls Lhe besL Llme Lo work Lhe mosL saLlsfylng Llme 1he person who
can Lhrow hlmself wlLh a compleLe abandon lnLo LhaL LlmlLless Sea of 8ecepLlvlLy havlng cuL loose
from all apparenL moorlngs ls Lhe one who wlll always recelve Lhe greaLesL reward
Suppose you have a sLore and wlsh Lo aLLracL cusLomers whlch means acLlvlLy ln Lhls klnd of buslness
Lvery day see Lhe place fllled wlLh people Make a menLal plcLure of Lhls ?ou are deallng wlLh
lnLelllgence so work lnLelllgenLly Ask for whaL you wlsh and Lake lL lf you were LreaLlng for acLlvlLy ln a
sLore ln 8osLon you would noL be LreaLlng some one ln kalamazoo for Lhe mumps 8emember LhaL you
are deallng wlLh lnLelllgence l1 lS CClnC 1C LvCLvL ?Cu8 CCnCL1 LxAC1L? AS ?Cu lnvCLvL l1 lf
one could Lake a plcLure of hls ob[ecLlve clrcumsLances and hls sub[ecLlve menLallLy he would flnd LhaL
Lhey would be ldenLlcal for one ls Lhe cause of Lhe oLher one ls Lhe lmage and Lhe oLher ls Lhe
reflecLlon of LhaL lmage
Suppose LhaL we wlsh a speclal plece of lnformaLlon we should say l wlsh Lo know Lhls Lhlng and l do
know lL WhaLever lnsLrumenL ls necessary Lo presenL lL Lo me ls now ln full operaLlon 1hls ls a dlrecL
declaraLlon LhaL we have Lhe deslred knowledge LhaL LhaL whlch we wlsh Lo know we do know Say
1he SplrlL of lnLelllgence wlLhln me Lells me whaL l should know or LveryLhlng LhaL l should know l
do know lL does noL maLLer how we geL Lhls knowledge we would noL care lf we read lL on a slgn or ln
Lhe dlcLlonary or lf lL were Lold us or lf lL were senL Lo us buL we should conslder Lhe demonsLraLlon
compleLe provlded we recelved lL Say LveryLhlng necessary for Lhe compleLe fulflllmenL of Lhls ldea ls
now ln full operaLlon and l accepL lL
p 198
lf one appears Lo have falled he should reallze LhaL Lhere are no fallures ln Lhe unlverse We should
compleLely erase Lhe ldea of fallure by sLaLlng LhaL Lhere are no fallures lf one belleves LhaL he falled
lasL year he wlll be llkely Lo fall agaln Lhls year unless Lhe false LhoughL should be erased
now here ls a place where lL looks as Lhough one were lylng Lo hlmself buL he ls noL for he ls declarlng
Lhe LruLh abouL Lhe SplrlL LhaL lndwells hlm Lhls SplrlL never falls Afflrm 1hls word bloLs from Lhe book
of my remembrance any sense of lack llmlLaLlon wanL or fear of fallure 1here ls no fallure no person
Lo fall fallure ls nelLher person place nor Lhlng lL ls a false LhoughL and has no LruLh ln lL lL ls a bellef ln
lack and Lhere ls no lack lL ls a bellef ln a llmlLaLlon whlch does noL exlsL
1houghL ls very subLle and someLlmes you may flnd when you are maklng such a sLaLemenL LhaL
argumenLs wlll rlse agalnsL lL SLop rlghL here and meeL Lhose argumenLs refuse Lo accepL Lhem
Suppose you are LreaLlng your buslness and someLhlng from wlLhln says 1here are Loo many people ln
Lhls buslness handle Lhe LhoughL of compeLlLlon aL once say 1here ls no compeLlLlon or monopoly
?ou musL do someLhlng Lo free Lhe endeavor Lo express lLself 1reaLmenL ls a Lhlng of lLself lL ls an enLlLy
of lnflnlLe lnLelllgence Llfe and AcLlon and noLhlng can hlnder lLs operaLlon excepL unbellef or a lack of
adequaLe menLal equlvalenLs 1hey could noL enLer ln because of unbellef 66 and Lhey LempLed Cod
and llmlLed Lhe Poly Cne of lsrael 67
never depend upon people or say LhaL Lhlngs musL come from Lhls or LhaL source lL makes no
dlfference where Lhlngs come from Say LhaL Lhey are and leL Lhem come from where Lhey wlll and
Lhen lf someLhlng appears Lo happen whlch polnLs Lo a place for Lhem Lo come from lL ls correcL Lo say
p 199
lf Lhls ls Lhe place Lhen Lhere ls noLhlng whlch can hlnder 1hls ls noL hypnoLlc for you are slmply
guardlng agalnsL Lhe posslblllLy of some false LhoughL comlng ln and hlnderlng your demonsLraLlon
noLhlng moves buL Mlnd Cod makes Lhlngs Lhrough Lhe dlrecL acL of becomlng Lhe Lhlngs whlch Pe
creaLes 1hls ls whaL we do for our LhoughL becomes Lhe Lhlng LhoughL of 1he LhoughL and Lhe Lhlng
are one ln reallLy WPA1 A MAn PAS AS WLLL AS WPA1 PL lS lS 1PL 8LSuL1 Cl 1PL Su8!LC1lvL
S1A1L Cl PlS 1PCuCP1 keep on sub[ecLlfylng LhoughL unLll Lhe balance of your consclousness ls on
Lhe afflrmaLlve slde and noLhlng can hlnder lL from demonsLraLlng 1hls ls lnevlLable for Lhls ls Lhe way
LhaL Lhe Law operaLes
8egardlng mlsLakesdeclare LhaL Lhere are none LhaL Lhere never were and never wlll be any Say l
represenL Lhe 1ruLh Lhe whole 1ruLh and noLhlng buL Lhe 1ruLh lL ls unerrlng lL never mlsLakes Lhere
are no mlsLakes ln Lhe ulvlne lan for me Lhere ls no fear Lhere ls no llmlLaLlon poverLy wanL nor lack
l sLand ln Lhe mldsL of eLernal opporLunlLy whlch ls forever presenLlng me wlLh Lhe evldence of lLs full
expresslon l am [oy peace and happlness l am Lhe splrlL of [oy wlLhln me l am Lhe splrlL of peace
wlLhln me of polse and power l am Lhe splrlL of happlness wlLhln me l radlaLe llfe l am Llfe 1here ls
Cne Llfe LhaL Llfe ls my Llfe now lL ls noL enough Lo say 1here ls Cne Llfe and LhaL Llfe ls Cod We
musL compleLe Lhls sLaLemenL by saylng 1haL Llfe ls my Llfe now because we musL couple Lhls Llfe
wlLh ours ln order Lo express lL We are noL becomlng 1hls Llfe buL are now ln and of 1hls Llfe 1here ls
no oLher Llfe
Cod ls noL becomlng Cod ls Cod ls noL growlng Cod ls CompleLe Cod ls noL Lrylng Lo flnd ouL
someLhlng Cod already knows LvoluLlon ls noL Lhe expresslon of a becomlng Cod buL ls slmply one of
Lhe ways LhaL a Cod Who already ls expresses Plmself and as such lL ls Lhe loglcal resulL of lnvoluLlon
and ls eLernally golng on
p 200
lf one ls ln a poslLlon whlch ls dlsLasLeful sub[ecL Lo clrcumsLances over whlch he apparenLly has no
conLrol aL Lhe Llme how should he acL? Pe should noL leave Lhe place where he ls unLll hls LhoughL has
drawn hlm Lo a beLLer one ln maklng a demonsLraLlon we should noL shove anyLhlng before us carry
anyLhlng wlLh us nor drag anyLhlng afLer us We should sLay where we are unLll our word Lakes us
somewhere else for Lhls ls Lhe only proof LhaL we have demonsLraLed
A Leacher ln deallng wlLh Lhe LhoughL of puplls should LreaL Lhelr LhoughL as a unlL 1he lndlvlduallLy of
Lhe room of whlch each pupll ls a parL ls a perfecL ldea 1here ls Cne Mlnd operaLlng ln around and
Lhrough all Lhese puplls conLrolllng Lhem dlrecLlng Lhem and lnsplrlng Lhem Lhere are peace calm
saLlsfacLlon and enllghLenmenL here 8eallze Lhe AcLlve resence of Lhe Cne Mlnd worklng ln around
and Lhrough all and you wlll flnd LhaL Lhls wlll harmonlze Lhe mosL dlscordanL sLaLe provlded Lhe
Leacher Lhe one who ls Lhlnklng really knows Lhe 1ruLh
1he llmlL of our ablllLy Lo demonsLraLe depends on our ablllLy Lo provlde a menLal equlvalenL of our
deslre for Lhe law of correspondences works from Lhe bellef Lo Lhe Lhlng 8uL we can provlde a greaLer
menLal equlvalenL Lhrough Lhe unfoldlng of consclousness and Lhls growLh from wlLhln wlll flnally lead
Lo freedom
WhaL we demonsLraLe Loday Lomorrow and Lhe nexL day ls noL as lmporLanL as 1PL 1LnuLnC? WPlCP
Cu8 1PCuCP1 lS 1AklnC lf every day Lhlngs are a llLLle beLLer a llLLle happler a llLLle more
harmonlous a llLLle more healLhglvlng and [oyous lf each day we are expresslng more llfe we are
golng ln Lhe rlghL dlrecLlon
p 201
And so we medlLaLe dally upon Lhe unlverse of Lhe All Cood LhaL lnflnlLe lndwelllng SplrlL whlch we call
Cod Lhe laLher lncarnaLe ln man Lrylng Lo sense and Lo feel Lhls lndwelllng Cood as Lhe AcLlve
rlnclple of our llves 1hls ls whaL Lhe mysLlcs call 1he Man of Lhe PearL or 1he Angel of Cods
resence 1hls ls why Lhey LaughL LhaL Lhere are always 1wo for Lhere ls whaL we seem Lo be and whaL
we really are and as we conLacL Lhls Plgher rlnclple of our own llvesWhlch ls erfecL and CompleLe
needlng noLhlng wanLlng noLhlng knowlng everyLhlng belng happy and saLlsfledand as we dally
medlLaLe upon Lhls lndwelllng Cod we shall acqulre a greaLer menLal equlvalenL
lor Lhose who have LhoughL small LhoughLs all of Lhelr llves a very good pracLlce ls Lo dwell upon Lhe
blgness of Lhe unlverse 1hlnk how many sLars Lhere are Lhlnk of how many flsh Lhere are ln Lhe seas
and how many gralns of sand on Lhe beach 1hlnk of how blg Lhe ocean ls of Lhe lmmenslLy of space
Lhe blgness of everyLhlng Lhe grandeur of everyLhlng Mechanlcally lf necessary compel Lhe menLallLy
Lo cognlze 8eallLy Compel Lhe consclousness Lo recognlze Lhe 1ruLh Lhrough pure reason lf no oLher
convlcLlon comes
1hlnk see and feel acLlvlLy 8adlaLe Llfe leel LhaL Lhere ls LhaL wlLhln whlch ls Lhe cenLer and
clrcumference of Lhe unlverse 1he unlverse ls Lhe resulL of Lhe SelfConLemplaLlon of Lhe Lord Cur llves
are Lhe resulLs of our selfconLemplaLlons and are peopled wlLh Lhe personlflcaLlons of our LhoughLs
and ldeas AccepL Lhls wlLhouL quesLlon for lL ls Lrue
noLhlng ls real Lo us unless we make lL real noLhlng can Louch us unless we leL lL Louch us 8efuse Lo
have Lhe feellngs hurL 8efuse Lo recelve any ones condemnaLlon ln Lhe lndependence of your own
menLallLy belleve and feel LhaL you are wonderful 1hls ls noL concelL lL ls Lhe LruLh WhaL can be more
wonderful Lhan Lhe manlfesLaLlon of Lhe lnflnlLe Mlnd?
Awake Lhou LhaL sleepesL and arlse from Lhe dead and ChrlsL shall glve Lhee llghL 68 rove Me now
herewlLh salLh
p 202
Lhe Lord of PosLs lf l wlll noL open you Lhe wlndows of heaven and pour you ouL a blesslng LhaL Lhere
shall noL be room enough Lo recelve lL 69 8e flrm and ye shall be made flrm AcL as Lhough l am and
l wlll be Cnlook Lhou Lhe uelLy and Lhe uelLy wlll onlook Lhee As Lhou hasL belleved so be lL
done 70 Ask and lL shall be glven unLo you 71 So shall my word be LhaL goeLh forLh ouL of my
mouLhlL shall prosper 72

noLe 8ead and sLudy 1haL SomeLhlng 1he Ldlnburgh LecLures 1 1roward 1he Law and Lhe
Word 1 1roward CreaLlve Mlnd and Success L S Polmes Pow Lo vlsuallze 8ehrend llnanclal
Success 1hrough CreaLlve 1houghL WaLLles

18960 MaLL 339
19061 8ev 18
19362 8ev 18
19463 !ohn 1144
19364 !ohn 724
19363 Peb 113
19866 Peb 319
19867 s 7841
20168 Lph 314
20269 Mal 310
20270 MaLL 813
20271 MaLL 77
20272 lsa 3311

p 203
Lesson Iour kecap|tu|at|on
LlmlLaLlon and poverLy are noL Lhlngs buL are Lhe resulLs of resLrlcLed ways of Lhlnklng We are
surrounded by a Sub[ecLlve lnLelllgence whlch recelves Lhe lmpress of our LhoughL and acLs upon lL 1hls
lnLelllgence ls a naLural Law ln Lhe MenLal World and consequenLly lL ls nelLher good nor bad lL can
only be sald of lL LhaL lL ls and LhaL we may consclously use lL
1he Law ls a Law of 8eflecLlon for llfe ls a mlrror reflecLlng Lo us as condlLlons Lhe lmages of our
Lhlnklng WhaLever one Lhlnks Lends Lo Lake form and Lo become a parL of hls experlence
1he Medlum of all LhoughL ls Lhe unlversal Mlnd acLlng as Law Law ls always lmpersonal neuLral
recepLlve and reacLlve
A sense of separaLlon from good causes us Lo feel resLrlcLed and a sense of our unlLy wlLh Cood
changes Lhe currenLs of CausaLlon and brlngs a happler condlLlon lnLo Lhe experlence
LveryLhlng ln Lhe socalled maLerlal unlverse ls an effecL and exlsLs only by vlrLue of some menLal lmage
behlnd lL
Mans lndlvlduallLy enables hlm Lo make such use of Lhe Law as he deslres he ls bound noL by
llmlLaLlon buL by a llmlLed LhoughL 1he same power whlch blnds hlm wlll free hlm when he
undersLands Lhe Law Lo be one of LlberLy and noL one of bondage 1he power wlLhln man can free hlm
from all dlsLasLeful condlLlons lf Lhe Law governlng Lhls power ls properly undersLood and uLlllzed
1he Law of Mlnd whlch ls Lhe Medlum of all acLlon ls a Law of perfecL balance Lhe Cb[ecLlve World
perfecLly balances Lhe lmages wlLhln Lhe Sub[ecLlve World WaLer wlll reach lLs own level by lLs own
welghL and accordlng Lo Lhe same law consclousness wlll exLernallze aL lLs own level by lLs own welghL
Cause and effecL are buL Lwo sldes of Lhe same
p 204
Lhlng one belng Lhe lmage ln Mlnd and Lhe oLher Lhe ob[ecLlve condlLlon
1he manlfesL unlverse ls Lhe resulL of Lhe SelfConLemplaLlon of Lhe Lord Mans world of affalrs ls Lhe
resulL of hls selfconLemplaLlon Pe ls aL flrsL lgnoranL of Lhls and so blnds hlmself Lhrough wrong
ldeaLlon and acLlon reverslng Lhls LhoughL wlll reverse Lhe condlLlon
1here ls nelLher efforL nor sLraln ln knowlng Lhe 1ruLh 8lghL acLlon wlll be compelled Lhrough rlghL
knowlng Lherefore when we know Lhe 1ruLh lL wlll compel us Lo acL ln Lhe correcL manner
ALLracLlon and repulslon are menLal quallLles and may be consclously uLlllzed for deflnlLe purposes
Man auLomaLlcally and accordlng Lo Law aLLracLs from wlLhouL Lhe correspondences of hls lnner
menLal aLLlLudes lnner menLal aLLlLudes may be lnduced Lhrough rlghL Lhlnklng and correcL knowlng
1he sub[ecLlve sLaLe of LhoughL ls Lhe power always aL work lL ls Lhe resulL of Lhe sum LoLal of all bellefs
consclously or unconsclously held 1he sub[ecLlve sLaLe of LhoughL may be consclously changed Lhrough
rlghL menLal acLlon 1he consclous LhoughL conLrols Lhe subconsclous and ln lLs Lurn Lhe subconsclous
conLrols condlLlons
vlsuallzlng or menLally seelng rlghL acLlon Lends Lo produce Lhe plcLure ln exLernal affalrs
Slnce Lhe Law ls menLal one musL belleve ln lL ln order Lo have lL work afflrmaLlvely for hlm buL lL ls
always worklng accordlng Lo our bellef wheLher we are consclous of Lhls facL or noL
uemonsLraLlon Lakes place Lhrough Lhe fleld of Lhe Cne unlversal Mlnd we seL Lhe ower ln moLlon Lhe
Law produces Lhe effecL We planL Lhe seed and Lhe Law produces Lhe planL
Cne should never allow hlmself Lo Lhlnk of or Lalk abouL llmlLaLlon or poverLy Llfe ls a mlrror and wlll
reflecL back Lo Lhe Lhlnker whaL he Lhlnks lnLo lL
Cods plan for man ls a perfecL one and when we harmonlze wlLh lL we wlll become free from all
bondage 1he more splrlLual Lhe LhoughL Lhe hlgher Lhe manlfesLaLlon SplrlLual
p 203
LhoughL means an absoluLe bellef ln and rellance upon 1ruLh Lhls ls boLh naLural and normal
All ls Love yeL all ls Law Love ls Lhe lmpelllng force and Law execuLes Lhe wlll of Love Man ls a cenLer of
CodConsclousness ln Lhe greaL Whole he cannoL deface hls real belng buL may hlnder Lhe Whole from
comlng lnLo a compleLe expresslon Lhrough hls llfe 1urnlng Lo Lhe Cne wlLh a compleLe abandonmenL
and ln absoluLe LrusL he wlll flnd LhaL he already ls saved helped and prospered
1here ls Cne lnflnlLe Mlnd from whlch all Lhlngs come Lhls Mlnd ls Lhrough ln and around man lL ls Lhe
Cnly Mlnd LhaL Lhere ls and every Llme man Lhlnks he uses lL 1here ls Cne lnflnlLe SplrlL and every Llme
man says l am he proclalms lL 1here ls Cne lnflnlLe SubsLance and every Llme man moves he moves
ln lL 1here ls Cne lnflnlLe Law and every Llme man Lhlnks he seLs lL ln moLlon 1here ls Cne lnflnlLe Cod
and every Llme man speaks Lo 1hls Cod he recelves a dlrecL answer Cne! Cne! Cne! l Am Cod and
Lhere ls none else 73 1here ls Cne LlmlLless Llfe whlch reLurns Lo Lhe Lhlnker whaL he Lhlnks lnLo lL
Cne! Cne! Cne! ln all over all and Lhrough all
1alk llve acL belleve and know LhaL you are a cenLer ln Lhe Cne All Lhe ower Lhere ls all Lhe resence
Lhere ls all Lhe Love Lhere ls all Lhe eace Lhere ls all Lhe Cood Lhere ls and Lhe Cnly Cod LhaL ls ls
CmnlpresenL consequenLly Lhe lnflnlLe ls ln and Lhrough man and ls ln and Lhrough everyLhlng AcL as
Lhough l am and l wlll 8e

20373 lsa 4322

p 206
Lesson I|ve Introduct|on
A mysLlc ls noL a mysLerlous person buL ls one who has a deep lnner sense of Llfe and unlLy wlLh Lhe
Whole mysLlclsm and mysLery are enLlrely dlfferenL Lhlngs one ls real whlle Lhe oLher may or may noL
be an llluslon 1here ls noLhlng mysLerlous ln Lhe 1ruLh so far as lL ls undersLood buL all Lhlngs of
course are mysLerles unLll we undersLand Lhem
A mysLlc ls one who lnLulLlvely percelves 1ruLh and who wlLhouL menLal process arrlves aL SplrlLual
8eallzaLlons lL ls from Lhe Leachlngs of Lhe greaL mysLlcs LhaL Lhe besL ln Lhe phllosophy of Lhe world has
1he clvlllzaLlon of Loday ls bullL around Lhe Leachlngs of a few people who have lnLulLlvely percelved
SplrlLual 1ruLh Cur greaL code of law was glven by Moses a man who Lhrough Lhe mysLlc sense
percelved LhaL we llve ln a unlverse of Law Cur greaLesL code of eLhlcs was glven Lhrough Lhe
percepLlon of Lhe propheLs culmlnaLlng ln such Leachlngs as Lhose of !esus and 8uddha Who was Lhere
who could have LaughL such men as Lhese? 8y whaL process of menLallLy dld Lhey arrlve aL Lhelr
profound concluslons? We are compelled Lo recognlze LhaL SplrlL Alone was Lhelr 1eacher Lhey were
lndeed LaughL of Cod
1he mysLlc lnLulLlvely senses 8eallLy and lnsLlncLlvely knows 1he 1ruLh and ln Lhls way all of Lhe besL ln
llLeraLure muslc and arL have come
Cur greaL rellglons have been glven by a few who cllmbed Lhe helghLs of splrlLual vlslon and caughL a
fleeLlng gllmpse of ulLlmaLe 8eallLy no llvlng soul could have LaughL Lhem whaL Lhey knew and lL ls
doubLful lf even Lhey Lhemselves knew why Lhey knew
1he greaL poeLs have been Lrue mysLlcs and have revealed Lhrough Lhelr poems Lhe resence of Cod
Men llke 8oberL 8rownlng 1ennyson WordsworLh Pomer WalL WhlLman Ldward 8owland Slll and
oLhers of llke naLure have glven us poeLry whlch ls lmmorLal because Lhey had a mysLlc sense of llfe
Lhe percepLlon of a Llvlng resence All Lrue phllosophers are mysLlcs Lhe old propheLs were mysLlcs
uavld Solomon !esus laLo 8uddha loLlnus Lmerson and a score of oLhers all had Lhe same
experlence Lhe sense of a Llvlng resence
p 207
1he greaLesL muslc ever composed was wrlLLen by Lhe hand of a mysLlc and Lhe hlghesL and besL ln arL
has come from Lhe same source
Man has compelled naLure Lo do hls blddlng he has harnessed elecLrlc energy caughL Lhe wlnd Lrapped
sLeam and made Lhem all obey hls wlll Pe has lnvenLed machlnes Lo do Lhe work of Lhousands he has
belLed Lhe globe wlLh hls Lrafflc and bullL up a wonderful clvlllzaLlon buL ln few cases has he conquered
hls own soul
1he hlghesL and besL LhaL we have ln clvlllzaLlon ls Lhe resulL of Lhe mysLlc sense whlch has been
percelved by a few ln each age All LhaL modern appllances and lnvenLlons glve us ln Lhe way of comforL
and luxury good and necessary as Lhey are may be counLed as noLhlng compared Lo Lhe Leachlngs of
!esus 8y Lhls we do noL mean Lo decry modern clvlllzaLlon educaLlon or anyLhlng LhaL goes wlLh lL for
we are flrm bellevers ln anyLhlng and everyLhlng LhaL makes llfe lnLeresLlng and worLh llvlng We belleve
ln sclence arL rellglon educaLlon commerce governmenL lndusLry agrlculLure and all LhaL goes Lo
make up a wellrounded experlence ln llfe buL we repeaL whaL would Lhey amounL Lo lf LhoughL of ln
any oLher llghL Lhan as passlng Lhlngs?
1he mysLlc has revealed Lhlngs LhaL do noL pass as shlps ln Lhe nlghL he has revealed LLernal verlLles
and has plalnly LaughL us LhaL Lhere ls a Llvlng resence lndwelllng All
1here ls a vasL dlfference beLween mysLlclsm and psychlsm beLween a mysLlc and an ordlnary psychlc
1he psychlc capaclLy wlll be Lhoroughly dlscussed ln Lesson Slx and Lhe reader wlll remember LhaL lL ls
Lhe power Lo read sub[ecLlvely lL may be deallng wlLh a reallLy or wlLh an llluslon 1he average psychlc
musL become more or less sub[ecLlve ln order Lo do good work AL besL and even Lhough ln a normal
p 208
sLaLe of mlnd he can only read sub[ecLlve plcLures and Lendencles aL besL he ls generally deallng wlLh
human LhoughL Should he peneLraLe LhaL LhoughL he would Lhen become a mysLlc
A mysLlc does noL read human LhoughL buL senses Lhe 1houghL of Cod 1he quesLlon mlghL be asked
Pow do you know LhaL he senses Lhe 1houghL of Cod? 8ecause Lhe mysLlcs of every age have seen
sensed and LaughL 1PL SAML 18u1P sychlc experlences more or less conLradlcL each oLher because
each psychlc sees a dlfferenL klnd of menLal plcLure buL Lhe mysLlc experlences of Lhe ages have
revealed CnL Anu 1PL SAML 18u1P
WlLhouL excepLlon all of Lhe mysLlcs have LaughL LhaL Lhere ls buL Cne ulLlmaLe 8eallLy and LhaL Lhls
ulLlmaLe 8eallLy ls PL8L nCW ll WL CCuLu 8u1 SLL l1
SLrange as lL may seem Lhe greaL mysLlcs have all belleved ln a ersonal Cod LhaL ls a Cod who ls
ersonal Lo all who belleve ln Plm 1hey have noL of course belleved ln an An1P8CCMC8PlC CCu
buL Lhey have belleved ln a Cod who consclously works ln and Lhrough man and Lhey have adored and
worshlped Lhls Cod
1he greaL mysLlcs have been lllumlned LhaL ls Lhey have aL Llmes seen Lhrough Lhe vell of maLLer and
percelved Lhe SplrlLual unlverse 1hey have LaughL LhaL Lhe klngdom of Cod ls nCW 8LSLn1 Anu
nLLuS 8u1 1C 8L 8LALlZLu and Lhey have apparenLly sensed LhaL Lhls klngdom ls wlLhln
A psychlc sees only Lhrough hls own sub[ecLlve menLallLy consequenLly everyLhlng LhaL he looks aL ls
more or less colored by Lhe vlbraLlon of hls own LhoughL he ls sub[ecL Lo halluclnaLlons and false
lmpresslons of every descrlpLlon 1hls ls why generally speaklng no Lwo psychlcs ever see Lhe same
MysLlcs have all seen Lhe same Lhlng and Lhelr LesLlmony ls ln no way confuslng Lhls ls because Lhe
SplrlL wlLhln Lhem has borne wlLness Lo Lhe 1ruLh
p 209
Cne of Lhe mosL lllumlnaLlng Lhlngs LhaL mysLlclsm has revealed ls LhaL evll ls noL an ulLlmaLe reallLy Lvll
ls slmply and experlence of Lhe soul on lLs [ourney Loward 8eallLy lL ls noL an enLlLy buL an experlence
necessary Lo selfunfoldmenL lL ls noL a Lhlng of lLself buL slmply a mlsuse of power lL wlll dlsappear
when we sLop looklng aL or bellevlng ln lL We cannoL sLop bellevlng ln lL as long as we lndulge ln lL so
Lhe mysLlc has always LaughL Lhe race Lo Lurn from evll and do good
1he mysLlcs have LaughL Lhe ulLlmaLe salvaLlon of all people and Lhe lmmorLallLy of every soul lndeed
Lhey have LaughL LhaL lmmorLallLy lS PL8L Anu nCW ll WL WCuLu 8u1 WAkL 1C 1PL lAC1 8eloved
now are we Lhe Sons of Cod 74 Slnce each soul ls some parL of Lhe Whole lL ls lmposslble LhaL any soul
can be losL Cod ls noL Lhe Cod of Lhe dead buL of Lhe llvlng 73 uamnaLlon has been as forelgn Lo Lhe
LhoughL of Lhe mysLlc as any bellef ln evll musL be Lo Lhe Mlnd of Cod
1he greaL mysLlcs have LaughL LhaL man should have no burdens and would have none lf he Lurned Lo
1he Cne Come unLo Me all ye LhaL labor and are heavy laden and l wlll glve you resL 76 As !esus
musL have known LhaL lL would be lmposslble for all men Lo come unLo Plm as a ersonallLy Pe musL
have meanL LhaL we should come lnLo Pls undersLandlng of Llfe and 8eallLy LhaL ls Lo come unLo Lhe
CreaL Cod Some day we wlll learn Lo lay our burdens on Lhe AlLar of Love LhaL Lhey may be consumed
by Lhe flre of falLh ln Lhe Llvlng SplrlL Man would have no burdens lf he kepL hls Plgh waLch Loward
1he Cne LhaL ls lf he always Lurned Lo Cod
p 210
!esus prayed LhaL all mlghL come Lo see Lhe unlLy of Llfe 1haL Lhey may be Cne even as we are
Cne 77 was Pls prayer as Pe neared Lhe compleLlon of Pls greaL work on Lhls planeL All mysLlcs have
sensed LhaL we llve ln Cne Llfe lor ln Plm we llve and move and have our belng 78 1he unlLy of
Cood ls a revelaLlon of Lhe greaLesL lmporLance for lL Leaches us LhaL we are Cne wlLh Lhe Whole and
Cne wlLh each oLher 1hls reallzaLlon alone wlll seLLle Lhe quesLlon of human lnequallLy 1he real
laLherhood of Cod and Lhe AcLual 8roLherhood of Man wlll be made apparenL on earLh Lo Lhe degree
LhaL men reallze 1rue unlLy
no greaL mysLlc ever llved who denled Lhe reallLy of lndlvlduallLy 1he hlgher Lhe sense of 1ruLh Lhe
greaLer wlll be Lhe reallzaLlon of Lhe unlqueness of lndlvldual characLer and personallLy 1he 8eal Self ls
Codglven and cannoL be denled lL ls Lhe place where Cod comes Lo a polnL of lndlvlduallzed and
ersonlfled Lxpresslon and should be LhoughL of ln Lhls llghL l am Lhe LlghL of Lhe world 79
All mysLlcs have been normal people LhaL ls Lhey have llved [usL as oLher people have llved 1he only
dlfference has been LhaL Lhey have sensed a greaLer 8eallLy namely Lhe resence of Lhe Llvlng SplrlL
1he Lrue mysLlc ln every age has come lnLo Lhe world of affalrs and llved among men someLlmes as a
Leacher and someLlmes ln Lhe ordlnary walks of llfe buL always ln a perfecLly naLural way 1here ls
noLhlng pecullar or sLrange abouL a mysLlc eople who shroud Lhemselves ln a cloak of mysLery are noL
Lrue mysLlcs buL are laborlng under menLal deluslons and sub[ecLlve halluclnaLlons 1hey may be slncere
ln Lhelr bellefs buL Lhey are none Lhe less wrong ln Lhelr meLhods lL ls a quesLlon lf a real mysLlc would
p 211
reallze LhaL he ls a mysLlc Pe would be more llable Lo Lhlnk of hlmself slmply as one who undersLands
LhaL he ls Cne wlLh Lhe Whole
1nL GkLA1 LIGn1
lL ls lmposslble perhaps Lo puL lnLo words or lnLo prlnL whaL a mysLlc someLlmes sees and lL ls as hard
Lo belleve lL as lL ls Lo puL lL lnLo words 8uL Lhere ls a cerLaln lnner sense whlch aL Llmes sees 8eallLy ln
a flash whlch lllumlnaLes Lhe whole belng wlLh a greaL flood of llghL 1hls Loo mlghL seem an llluslon
unless Lhe LesLlmony were compleLe for every mysLlc has had Lhls experlence buL some have had lL Lo a
greaLer degree Lhan oLhers !esus was Lhe greaLesL of all Lhe mysLlcs and once aL leasL afLer a perlod of
lllumlnaLlon Pls face was so brlghL LhaL Pls followers could noL look upon lL
ln momenLs of deepesL reallzaLlon Lhe greaL mysLlcs have sensed LhaL Cne Llfe flows Lhrough ALL and
LhaL all are some parL of LhaL Llfe 1hey have also seen SubsLance a flne whlLe brllllanL sLuff forever
falllng lnLo everyLhlng a SubsLance lndesLrucLlble and eLernal AL Llmes Lhe reallzaLlon has been so
compleLe LhaL Lhey have been acLually bllnded by Lhe llghL 1here are lnsLances where for several days
afLer such an experlence Lhe one havlng lL could noL see on Lhe physlcal plane for he had seen Lhe
lnner LlghL 8emember all Lhls Lakes place when ln a perfecLly normal sLaLe of mlnd and has noLhlng
whaLever Lo do wlLh Lhe psychlc sLaLe lL ls noL an llluslon buL a reallLy and lL ls durlng Lhese perlods LhaL
real revelaLlon comes erhaps a good lllusLraLlon would be Lo suppose a large group of people ln a
room LogeLher buL unaware of each oLhers presence each ls busy wlLh hls own personal affalrs We
wlll suppose Lhe place Lo be dark and LhaL some one comes ln and Lakes a flashllghL plcLure of Lhe room
and lLs occupanLs Should Lhls plcLure be shown Lo anyone who was ln Lhe room before lL was Laken lL
mlghL be hard for hlm Lo belleve LhaL all of Lhe ob[ecLs ln Lhe plcLure were acLually ln Lhe room 1hls ls
of course a poor analogy buL lL does serve Lo elucldaLe a polnL ln flashes of lllumlnaLlon Lhe lnsplred
have seen ln1C 1PL vL8? CLn1L8
p 212
paragraph conLlnues Cl 8LALl1? and have broughL back wlLh Lhem a plcLure of whaL Lhey have seen
and felL Agaln we know LhaL Lhls has noL been an llluslon or slmply a sub[ecLlve halluclnaLlon for each
age has had lLs mysLlcs and every age has produced Lhe same resulLs ALL PAvL SLLn 1PL SAML 1PlnC
1he LesLlmony ls compleLe and Lhe evldence ls cerLaln
All of Lhe greaL mysLlcs have LaughL pracLlcally Lhe same Lhlng 1hey have all agreed LhaL Lhe soul ls on
Lhe paLhway of experlence LhaL ls of selfdlscovery LhaL lL ls on lLs way back Lo lLs laLhers Pouse and
LhaL every soul wlll ulLlmaLely reach lLs Peavenly Pome 1hey have LaughL Lhe ulvlnlLy Lo Man l have
sald ?e are gods and all of you are chlldren of Lhe mosL Plgh 80 1hey have Lold us LhaL mans desLlny
ls ulvlne and sure and LhaL CreaLlon ls CompleLe and erfecL nCW 1he greaL mysLlcs have all agreed
LhaL mans llfe ls hls Lo do wlLh as he chooses buL LhaL when he Lurns Lo 1he Cne he wlll always
recelve lnsplraLlon form Cn Plgh
1hey have Lold us of Lhe marvelous relaLlonshlp whlch exlsLs beLween Cod and man of a close unlon
LhaL cannoL be broken and Lhe greaLesL of Lhe mysLlcs have consclously walked wlLh Cod and Lalked
wlLh Plm [usL as we Lalk Lo each oLher lL ls dlfflculL Lo reallze how Lhls could be lL ls hard Lo undersLand
how a 8elng so unlversal as Cod musL be can Lalk wlLh man here alone Lhe mysLlc sense reveals Lhe
greaLer LruLh and knows LhaL lnflnlLe as ls Lhe ulvlne 8elng lL ls sLlll ersonal Lo all who belleve ln lLs
resence lL ls enLlrely posslble for a man Lo Lalk wlLh Lhe SplrlL for Lhe SplrlL ls wlLhln men and Pe who
made Lhe ears can hear
1haL quallLy ln an anlmal whlch dlrecLs lLs acLlon and Lells lL where Lo go Lo flnd food and shelLer we call
lnsLlncL lL ls really Cmnlsclence ln Lhe anlmal 1he same quallLy more hlghly developed makes lLs
appearance ln man and ls whaL we
p 213
call lnLulLlon lnLulLlon ls Cod ln man reveallng Lo hlm Lhe 8eallLles of 8elng and [usL as lnsLlncL guldes
Lhe anlmal so would lnLulLlon gulde man lf he would allow lL Lo operaLe Lhrough hlm Pere agaln we
musL be careful noL Lo mlsLake a psychlc lmpresslon for an lnLulLlve one 9sycblc lmptessloos seek to
coottol moo lotoltloo olwoys temolos lo tbe bockqtoooJ ooJ wolts for hls recognlLlon 8ehold l sLand
aL Lhe door 81
All arblLrary conLrol of man sLopped as soon as he was broughL Lo a polnL of selfknowlngness lrom Lhls
polnL he musL dlscover hlmself buL lnLulLlon whlch ls noLhlng less Lhan Cod ln man sllenLly awalLs hls
recognlLlon and cooperaLlon 1he SplrlL ls always Lhere lf we could buL sense lLs resence MysLlcs have
felL Lhls wonderful power worklng from wlLhln and have responded Lo lL and as a sure evldence LhaL
Lhey were noL laborlng under deluslons Lhey have all sensed Lhe same Lhlng had Lhe lmpresslons been
psychlc only each would have seen and sensed a dlfferenL Lhlng for each would have seen Lhrough Lhe
darkness of hls own sub[ecLlve menLallLy
1here ls such an experlence as lllumlnaLlon and Cosmlc Consclousness lL ls noL a mysLery however buL
ls Lhe Selfknowlngness of Cod Lhrough man 1he more compleLe Lhe operaLlon of LhaL ower Lhe more
compleLe has been mans consclous menLallLy for Lhe lllumlned do noL become less buL more
Lhemselves 1he greaLer Lhe consclousness of Cod Lhe more compleLe musL be Lhe reallzaLlon of Lhe
1rue Self1he ulvlne 8eallLy
lllumlnaLlon wlll come as man more and more reallzes hls unlLy wlLh Lhe Whole and as he consLanLly
endeavors Lo leL Lhe 1ruLh operaLe Lhrough hlm 8uL slnce Lhe Whole ls aL Lhe polnL of Lhe lnner
MenLallLy lL wlll be here alone LhaL he wlll conLacL lL Speak Lo Plm Lhou for Pe hears
1he only Cod man knows ls Lhe Cod of hls own lnner Llfe lndeed he can know no oLher 1o assume LhaL
man can know a Cod ouLslde hlmself ls Lo assume LhaL he can know someLhlng
p 214
of whlch he ls noL consclous 1hls does noL mean LhaL man ls Cod lL means LhaL Lhe only Cod man
knows ls wlLhln 1he only place LhaL man conLacLs Cod ls wlLhln and Lhe only llfe man has ls from wlLhln
Cod ls noL exLernal buL ls lndwelllng aL Lhe very cenLer of mans llfe 1hls ls why !esus sald LhaL Lhe
klngdom of Peaven ls wlLhln and why Pe prayed Cur laLher Whlch arL ln Peaven 82
1nL nIGnLS1 9kAC1ICL
1he hlghesL menLal pracLlce ls Lo llsLen Lo Lhls lnner volce and Lo declare for lLs resence 1he greaLer a
mans consclousness of Lhls lndwelllng l AM ls Lhe more power he wlll have 1hls wlll never lead Lo
llluslon buL wlll always lead Lo 8eallLy All greaL souls have known Lhls and have consLanLly sLrlven Lo leL
Lhe Mlnd of Cod come ouL Lhrough Lhelr menLallLles 1he laLher LhaL dwelleLh ln Me Pe doeLh Lhe
works 83 1hls was Lhe declaraLlon of Lhe greaL MasLer and lL should be ours also noL a llmlLed sense
of llfe buL a llmlLless one
1he occulL slgnlflcance of Lhe power of !esus ls easlly undersLood when we sLudy Pls meLhod of
procedure Conslder Pls ralslng of Lazarus from Lhe dead Pe sLood aL Lhe Lomb and gave Lhanks Lhls
was recognlLlon Pe nexL sald l knew LhaL 1hou hearesL me always 84 Lhls was unlflcaLlon Lhen Pe
sald Lazarus come forLh 83 Lhls was command 1he meLhod ls perfecL and we wlll do well Lo sLudy
and follow lL 1hls meLhod can be used ln all LreaLmenL llrsL reallze LhaL ulvlne ower ls Lhen unlfy
wlLh lL and Lhen speak Lhe word as one havlng auLhorlLy for Lhe Law ls Lhe servanL of Lhe LLernal
SplrlL LhroughouL all Lhe ages
p 213
We should Lurn wlLhln Lhen as have all of Lhose greaL souls who have blessed Lhe world wlLh Lhelr
presence we should Lurn wlLhln and llnu CCu lL should seem naLural Lo Lurn Lo Lhe CreaL ower back
of everyLhlng lL should seem normal Lo belleve ln Lhls ower and we should have a sense of a 8eal
resence when we do Lurn Loward Lhe Cne and Cnly ower ln Lhe enLlre unlverse 1hls meLhod ls by far
Lhe mosL effecLlve lL glves a sense of power LhaL noLhlng else can and ln Lhls way proves LhaL lL ls a
8eallLy lL would be a wonderful experlmenL lf Lhe world would Lry Lo solve all of lLs problems Lhrough
Lhe power of SplrlL lndeed Lhe Llme wlll come when every one wlll lrom Lhe hlghesLLo Lhe lowesL
A sense of real compleLlon can come only Lo LhaL soul whlch reallzes lLs unlLy wlLh Lhe CreaL Whole
Man wlll never be saLlsfled unLll hls whole belng responds Lo Lhls LhoughL and Lhen lndeed Wlll Cod
go forLh anew lnLo CreaLlon
1o as many as belleved gave Pe Lhe ower

20974 1 !ohn 32
20973 MaLL 2232
20976 MaLL 1128
21077 !ohn 1722
21078 AcLs 1728
21079 !ohn 812
21280 s 826
21381 8ev 320
21482 Luke 112
21483 !ohn 1410
21484 !ohn 1142
21483 !ohn 1143

p 216
Lesson I|ve 1he 9erfect Who|e
CharL no v represenLs Lhe 1rlune unlLy 1he oLher charLs were dlvlded lnLo SplrlL Soul and 8ody
symbollzlng Lhe Consclous parL of LxlsLence Lhe Law Lhrough whlch lL operaLes and Lhe resulL of Lhe
operaLlon 8uL Lhose llnes were enLlrely arblLrary no such llnes could exlsL for Lhe Lhreefold unlverse
wlLh all of lLs aLLrlbuLes lnLerspheres lLself We flnd Lhe SplrlL or Consclous Mlnd Lhe Soul or
Subconsclous Mlnd and Lhe 8ody whlch ls Lhe manlfesLaLlon of Lhe unlon of SplrlL and Soul
slmulLaneously presenL aL every polnL 1hls charL represenLs Lhe lndlvlslble Whole wlLhln whlch are all
of lLs parLs Lhe AbsoluLe wlLhln whlch ls Lhe relaLlve Lhe uncreaLed wlLhln whlch ls all CreaLlon
CreaLlon ls Lhe glvlng of form Lo Lhe SubsLance of SplrlL SplrlL belng All and Cnly Lhere ls noLhlng for lL
Lo change lnLo buL lLself Lherefore lL ls Lhe Changeless wlLhln whlch musL Lake place all change or
manlfesLaLlon of lLself Change ls slmply moLlon wlLhln Llfe
1he lnflnlLe of lLself ls lormless buL wlLhln lL are conLalned all of Lhe forms whlch are Lhe expresslons
or Lhe ouLllnes of lLs experlences
SplrlL ls Lhe LlmlLless wlLhln whlch ls all space SplrlL ls 1lmeless wlLhln whlch ls all Llme 1lme ls Lhe
sequence of evenLs ln a unlLary Whole CreaLlon and experlence are eLernally golng on buL a parLlcular
experlence ls measured by Llme and has a beglnnlng and an end
1he blg clrcle represenLs Lhe unlversal wlLhln whlch ls Lhe lndlvldual Lhe Cne erson wlLhln Whom are
all people 1here ls really buL Cne erson ln Lhe unlverse buL wlLhln Lhls Cne erson all people llve for
ln Plm we llve and move and have our belng 86 lL ls Lhe Source and cenLer of all Llfe ower AcLlon
1ruLh Love Mlnd SplrlL Lhe Lver and Lhe All lL ls of course Cod
p 217

Lesson llve MeLaphyslcal CharL no v
1hls ls Lhe MysLlcs charL and shows how Lhe unlversal becomes Lhe arLlcularlzaLlon of lLself Lhrough
man Man comes Lo a polnL ln Lhe unlversal or Cod and ls Lhe ldea of Cod as man 1he laLher ls
represenLed as Lhe Whole [usL back of or above or wlLhln man 1hls ls Lhe lndwelllng Cod Lo Whom we
pray and wlLh Whom we Lalk 1he mysLlc has Lhe ablllLy Lo consclously Lalk Lo Cod and Lo consclously
recelve a dlrecL answer from Lhe SplrlL ln Lhls charL lL ls shown LhaL Lhe AbsoluLe conLalns Lhe relaLlve
wlLhln lLself buL ls noL llmlLed by Lhe relaLlve We musL remember LhaL Lhe relaLlve does noL llmlL buL
expresses Lhe AbsoluLe All change Lakes place wlLhln Lhe Changeless All form subslsLs wlLhln Lhe
lormless All condlLlons obLaln wlLhln LhaL whlch ls LlmlLless and CreaLlon ls eLernally golng on wlLhln
LhaL whlch ls uncreaLed All are acLlvlLles of Lhe Cne Mlnd and SplrlL of Cod All people come Lo a polnL
of lndlvlduallLy wlLhln LhaL whlch ls unlversal
p 218
1he polnL wlLhln Lhe blg clrcle represenLs Lhe personallLy and lndlvlduallLy of man lndlcaLlng LhaL he ls a
cenLer ln Lhe ulvlne Mlnd or Cod
Man ls Lhe ersonlflcaLlon of Lhe lnflnlLe Llfe and so we place [usL above Lhls polnL and on Lhe lnslde of
lL 1he Son and [usL above Lhls (wlLh no llne Lo dlvlde Lhem) are wrlLLen Lhe words Cur laLher whlch
arL ln Peaven 87 Laken from Lhe Lords rayer 1here ls no dlfference beLween Cod Lhe AbsoluLe
whlch ls Cur laLher ln Peaven and Lhe Son so far as acLual 8elng ls concerned 1he Son ls slmply a polnL
where Cod recognlzes Plmself as ersonallLy or lndlvlduallzed 8elng lL ls wlLhln LhaL we flnd Lhe unlLy of
Cod and man Lhere ls no separaLlon
Man havlng hls exlsLence ln Lhe unlLary Whole whlch ls lndlvlslble ls compelled Lo accepL Lhe facL LhaL
hls llfe ls Cod or SplrlL buL Lo say LhaL man ls Cod whlch ls equlvalenL Lo saylng LhaL any parL equals Lhe
whole ls Lo conLradlcL loglc and reason and llmlL Lhe LlmlLless ldea lL ls enough Lo say LhaL we are aL
one wlLh Lhe Whole lL ls boLh wlLhln and wlLhouL ln perhaps a more llberal sense we could say man ls ln
Cod lmmersed ln Cod saLuraLed wlLh Cod Cod permeaLes all llfe and ln man we flnd LhaL Lhls lnflnlLe
Mlnd or lnLelllgence comes Lo a polnL of lndlvlduallzed SelfConsclousness
1heoreLlcally we belleve LhaL Lhe personallLy whlch we possess ls on Lhe paLhway of selfdlscovery for
everyLhlng bears wlLness Lo Lhls bellef as fasL as we dlscover any LruLh lL ls Lhere Lo use We never
creaLe 1ruLhwe dlscover and use lL We belleve Lhen LhaL as man conLlnuously unfolds hls personallLy
he wlll flnd laLenL capaclLles of whlch he has never dreamed
Slnce hls whole llfe ls Lhe unfoldmenL of lnLelllgence accordlng Lo law man can only evolve as he
recognlzes greaLer posslblllLlesLhere could be no oLher way 1he arblLrary process of
p 219
evoluLlon ceased when man became an lndlvldual and any furLher evoluLlon wlll be Lhrough self
recognlLlon buL back of hlm ls Lhe whole of Llfe surglng Lo express lLself 1hls ls whaL ls known as Lhe
ulvlne urge lL ls LhaL lnsLlncLlve CmnlsclenL l am ln man always pushlng hlm on and up buL lL can
only express for hlm as lL flows Lhrough hlm 1haL person has Lhe greaLesL power who Lhe mosL
compleLely recognlzes hlmself Lo be one wlLh Lhls lnflnlLe Mlnd 1haL ls why !esus sald l speak noL of
myself (lL ls noL Lhls lndlvlduallzed polnL) buL Lhe laLher LhaL dwelleLh ln Me (LhaL ls Cod our laLher
Whlch ls ln Peaven) Pe doeLh Lhe works 88
1he evoluLlon of man whlch ls Lhe unfoldmenL of SplrlL Lhrough hls personallLy wlll be more compleLe
when hls ob[ecLlve and sub[ecLlve faculLles are more perfecLly balanced LhaL ls when he has consclous
conLrol of Lhe splrlLual forces whlch surge for expresslon 1he psychologlcal naLure has Lo change
somewhaL and Lhe sub[ecLlve Lendencles LhaL hlnder Lhe Whole from comlng Lo a polnL of consclous
conLacL musL be neuLrallzed 1hls would produce lllumlnaLlon or Lhe consclousness of hls unlLy wlLh Lhe
ln LreaLmenL we work unLll we peneLraLe Lhe false LhoughL wlLhln and break Lhrough Lo 8eallLy 1here ls
no llmlLaLlon elLher ln lnflnlLe lnLelllgence or ln lnflnlLe Law 1he whole llmlLaLlon whlch we experlence
ls noL of lLself a reallLy or an enLlLy buL ls slmply one of Lhe forms wlLhln Lhe formless whlch we are
1nL 1kU1n IS kNCWN
Cur consclous lnLelllgence ls as much of Llfe as we undersLand We have sLopped looklng for Lhe SplrlL
because we have found lL lL ls whaL you are and lL ls whaL l am we could noL be anyLhlng else lf we
Lrled 1he Lhlng LhaL we look wlLh ls Lhe Lhlng LhaL we have been looklng for 1haL ls why lL ls wrlLLen l
have sald ?e are gods and all of you are chlldren of Lhe mosL Plgh 89 We have sLopped looklng for Lhe
Law We have found lL ln Lhe unlverse we call lL Lhe unlversal Sub[ecLlvlLy or Soul ln our own
experlence we call
p 220
paragraph conLlnues lL Lhe sub[ecLlve sLaLe of our LhoughL whlch ls our lndlvldual use of unlversal Law
We have found Lhe Law and demonsLraLed lL We flnd LhaL boLh Lhe Law and Lhe SplrlL are LlmlLless
WhaL ls lL LhaL we need for a greaLer freedom? noLhlng buL a greaLer reallzaLlon of whaL we already
We should never heslLaLe Lo say LhaL we know Lhe 1ruLh because we do for Lhe reallzaLlon of Lhe unlLy
of Cod and man ls Lhe 1ruLh We slmply need a greaLer reallzaLlon of Lhls Pow are we Lo geL lL? Cnly by
peneLraLlng deeper and yeL deeper lnLo our own ulvlne naLure pushlng farLher and farLher back lnLo
Lhe lnflnlLe Where are we Lo do LhaL? 1here ls no place excepL wlLhln LhaL we can do lL Who ls Lo do lL
for us? no one no one can eople can heal us Lhey can seL Lhe Law ln moLlon for us and help us Lo
become prosperousLhaL ls good and helpful buL Lhe evoluLlon of Lhe lndlvldual Lhe unfoldmenL of
personallLy Lhe enllghLenmenL of Lhe Soul Lhe lllumlnaLlon of SplrlL can come only Lo Lhe degree LhaL
Lhe lndlvldual hlmself purposes Lo leL Llfe operaLe Lhrough hlm LeL Lhls Mlnd be ln you whlch was also
ln ChrlsL !esus 90 1hls ls Lhe Mlnd of CodLhe only MlndLhe Supreme lnLelllgence of Lhe unlverse
1he answer Lo every quesLlon ls wlLhln man because man ls wlLhln SplrlL and SplrlL ls an lndlvlslble
Whole 1he soluLlon Lo every problem ls wlLhln man Lhe heallng of all dlsease ls wlLhln man Lhe
forglveness of all sln ls wlLhln man Lhe ralslng of Lhe dead ls wlLhln man Peaven ls wlLhln man 1haL ls
why !esus prayed Lo Lhls lndwelllng l am and sald Cur laLher Whlch arL ln Peaven 91 Pe also sald
1he klngdom of Cod ls wlLhln you 92
Lach of us Lhen represenLs Lhe Whole Pow should we feel Loward Lhe Whole? ln Lhe old order we
LhoughL of Lhe Whole as a sorL of mandaLory power an auLocraLlc governmenL an arblLrary Cod
sendlng some Lo Peaven and some Lo hell and all for Pls glory now we are much more enllghLened
and we reallze LhaL Lhere can be no such a ulvlne 8elng We
p 221
have medlLaLed upon Lhe vasLness of Lhe unlverse of Law and we have sald Cod ls Law Lhere ls a
ulvlne rlnclple Whlch ls Cod ln Lhe new order we are llable Lo fall lnLo as greaL an error as Lhe old
LhoughL fell lnLo unless we go much deeper Lhan Lhlnklng of Cod slmply as rlnclple Cod ls more Lhan
Law or rlnclple Cod ls Lhe lnflnlLe SplrlL Lhe LlmlLless Consclous Llfe of Lhe unlverse Lhe Cne lnflnlLe
erson wlLhln Whom all people llve 1he Law ls slmply a lorce
Cod or SplrlL ls Supreme lnflnlLe LlmlLless ersonallLy And we should Lhlnk of Lhe ulvlne 8elng as such
as compleLely responslve Lo everyLhlng we do 1here should come Lo us a sense of communlon a
sponLaneous sense of lrreslsLlble unlon lf we had LhaL we would demonsLraLe lnsLanLaneously
An evolved soul ls always a worshlper of Cod Pe worshlps Cod ln everyLhlng for Cod ls ln everyLhlng
Cod noL only ls lo evetytbloq bot ne ls mote tboo evetytbloq ne ls lo ?e are Lhe llghL of Lhe world 93
LhaL ls Cod ln us All LhaL we are ls Cod yeL Cod ls more Lhan all we are
1he nearer consclousness geLs Lo Lhe 1ruLh Lhe more Cosmlc sweep lL has Lhe more power lL has
Angels walL upon lndlvlduals who percelve Cosmlc urposes and owers because Lhe Whole ls crowdlng
forLh lnLo expresslon LeL a man recognlze a Cosmlc urpose whlch ls Lhe expresslon of Llfe 1ruLh and
Love leL hls LhoughL vlbraLe Lo Lhe hlgher and grander reallzaLlon of llfe and see howauLomaLlcallyhe
becomes more powerful
1he process of heallng and demonsLraLlon ls aL flrsL mechanlcal and sclenLlflc Lhen Lhe flre of SplrlL ls
added Lo make lL real Cne ls LechnlqueLhe oLher ls Lhe pulsaLlng llfe and glow We need Lhe
recognlLlon of love coupled wlLh a sclenLlflc undersLandlng of whaL we are dolng 1houghLs are Lhlngs
and dlseases are Lhe dlrecL resulL of speclflc LhoughLs somewhere ln consclousness overLy ls Lhe dlrecL
resulL of a sub[ecLlve sLaLe of LhoughL whlch blnds
p 222
All ManlfesLaLlon of Llfe ls from and lnvlslble Lo a vlslble plane and lL ls a sllenL efforLless process of
splrlLual reallzaLlon We musL unlfy ln our own menLallLles wlLh ure SplrlL 1o each of us lndlvldually
Cod or SplrlL ls Lhe Supreme ersonallLy of Lhe unlverse Lhe Supreme ersonallLy of LhaL whlch we
ourselves are lL ls only as Lhe relaLlonshlp of Lhe lndlvldual Lo Lhls uelLy becomes enlarged LhaL he has a
consclousness of power
1here should always be a recognlLlon ln LreaLmenL of Lhe AbsoluLe unlLy of Cod and man Lhe Cneness
lnseparablllLy lndlvlslblllLy Changelessness Cod as Lhe 8lg Clrcle and man as Lhe llLLle clrcle Man ls ln
Cod and Cod ls ln man [usL as a drop of waLer ls ln Lhe ocean whlle Lhe ocean ls ln Lhe drop of waLer
1hls ls Lhe recognlLlon !esus had when Pe sald l and my laLher are Cne 94 1here ls a erfecL unlon
and Lo Lhe degree LhaL we are consclous of Lhls unlon we lncorporaLe Lhls consclousness ln our word
and our word has [usL as much power as we puL ln lL no more and no less
WlLhln Lhls lnflnlLe Mlnd each lndlvldual exlsLs noL as a separaLed buL as a separaLe enLlLy We are a
polnL ln unlversal Consclousness whlch ls Cod and Cod ls our Llfe SplrlL Mlnd and lnLelllgence We are
noL separaLed from Llfe nelLher ls lL separaLed from us buL we are separaLe enLlLles ln lL lndlvlduallzed
CenLers of Cods Consclousness
We came from Llfe and are ln Llfe so we are Cne wlLh Llfe and we know LhaL lnsLlncLlve Llfe wlLhln
whlch has broughL us Lo Lhe polnL of selfrecognlLlon sLlll knows ln us Lhe reason for all Lhlngs Lhe
purpose underlylng all Lhlngs and we know LhaL Lhere ls noLhlng ln us of fear doubL or confuslon whlch
can hlnder Lhe flow of 8eallLy Lo Lhe polnL of our recognlLlon We are gulded dally by ulvlne lnLelllgence
lnLo paLhs of peace whereln Lhe soul recognlzes lLs Source and meeLs lL ln [oyful unlon ln compleLe AL
p 223
Such ls Lhe power of clear LhoughL LhaL lL peneLraLes Lhlngs lL removes obsLrucLlons Lhe reason belng
LhaL Lhere ls noLhlng buL consclousness noLhlng buL Mlnd 1he only lnsLrumenL of Mlnd ls ldea See wlLh
perfecL clearness and never become dlscouraged nor overcome by a sense of llmlLaLlon know LhlsLhaL
Lhe 1ruLh wlLh whlch you are deallng ls absoluLe All of Cod all of 1ruLh all Lhere ls ls aL Lhe polnL of
mans recognlLlon and every Llme you glve a LreaLmenL and all Lhe way Lhrough lL keep brlnglng Lhls
back Lo your remembrance
never sLruggle say 1here ls noLhlng Lo sLruggle over everyLhlng ls mlne by ulvlne 8lghL lnflnlLe
lnLelllgence ls my lnLelllgence ulvlne Love ls my Love LlmlLless lreedom ls my lreedom erfecL !oy ls
my Cladness LlmlLless Llfe ls my Lnergy
LeL us 8Llnu Cu8SLLvLS 1C nLCA1lCn as far as we are menLally able Lo LL1 uS nC1 1ALk 1Plnk C8
8LAu A8Cu1 An?1PlnC uLS18uC1lvL wheLher lL be war pesLllence famlne poverLy slckness or
llmlLaLlon of any klnd Looklng aL Lhls from a pracLlcal sLandpolnL Lhere ls all Lo wln and noLhlng Lo lose
1he rapld progress we would make lf we should do Lhls would be wonderful
We are always deallng wlLh llrsL Cause noLhlng else can equal Lhe saLlsfacLlon LhaL comes Lo one when
he percelves hlmself from Lhe sllence of hls own soul and Lhe acLlvlLy of hls own LhoughL acLually
brlnglng abouL a condlLlon wlLhouL Lhe ald of vlslble lnsLrumenLallLles 1here ls noLhlng else as saLlsfylng
as Lo heal some dlsease purely by Lhe power of LhoughL Lhls shows LhaL we are deallng wlLh llrsL Cause
We musL deflnlLely neuLrallze confuslon and doubL We should Lake Llme dally Lo concelve of ourselves
as belng Lranqull polsed powerfulalways ln conLrol of every slLuaLlon as belng always Lhe hlghesL
concepL of Lhe ulvlne whlch we can lmaglne We should never heslLaLe Lo Lhlnk of ourselves ln Lhls way
1he AnclenLs used Lo Leach Lhelr puplls Lo say Lo LhemselvesWonderful wonderful wonderful me!
unLll Lhey losL slghL of Lhemselves as Mary SmlLh or !ohn !ones and percelved Lhemselves as ulvlne
8eallLles 1hen when Lhey came
p 224
back Lo Lhe ob[ecLlvlLy of Mary SmlLh and !ohn !ones Lhey broughL wlLh Lhem LhaL subLle power whlch
dlsLlngulshes SplrlLual CrowLhLhe ALmosphere of 8eallLy
undoubLedly Lhe power of !esus lay ln Pls recognlLlon of Lhe lnflnlLe erson as a 8esponslve Consclous
Llvlng 8eallLy whlle on Lhe oLher hand Pe recognlzed Lhe Law as an arblLrary force whlch was
compelled Lo obey Pls wlll Pe comblned Lhe personal and Lhe lmpersonal aLLrlbuLes of Llfe lnLo a
perfecL whole 1he lnflnlLe ls ersonal Lo every soul who belleves ln Lhe lnflnlLe lL ls a mlsLake Lo so
absLracL Lhe rlnclple LhaL we forgeL Lhe Llvlng resence lL ls Lhe comblnaLlon of Lhe Lwo LhaL makes
work effecLlve
1nL CnkIS1
Who ls man? Pe ls Lhe ChrlsL Who ls Lhe ChrlsL? 1he Son begoLLen of Lhe only laLhernoL Lhe only
begoLLen Son of Cod ChrlsL means Lhe unlversal ldea of Sonshlp of whlch each ls a Member 1haL ls
why we are spoken of as Members of LhaL Cne 8ody and why we are Lold Lo have LhaL Mlnd ln us
whlch was also ln ChrlsL !esus 93 Lach parLakes of Lhe ChrlsL naLure Lo Lhe degree LhaL Lhe ChrlsL ls
revealed Lhrough hlm and Lo LhaL degree he becomes Lhe ChrlsL We should Lurn Lo LhaL Llvlng resence
wlLhln Whlch ls Lhe laLher ln Peaven recognlze lL as Lhe Cne and Cnly ower ln Lhe unlverse unlfy
wlLh lL declare our word Lo be Lhe presence power and acLlvlLy of LhaL Cne and speak Lhe word as lf
we belleved lL because Lhe Law ls Lhe servanL of Lhe SplrlL
lf we could sLand aslde and leL Lhe Cne erfecL Llfe flow Lhrough us we could noL help heallng people
1hls ls Lhe hlghesL form of heallng
We have gone Lhrough all of our absLracL processes of reasonlng and have found ouL whaL Lhe Law ls
and how lL works now we can forgeL all abouL lL and know LhaL Lhere ls noLhlng
p 223
buL Lhe Word Lhe Law wlll be worklng auLomaLlcally We musL forgeL everyLhlng else and leL our word
be spoken wlLh a deep lnner reallzaLlon of love beauLy peace polse power and of Lhe greaL resence
of Llfe aL Lhe polnL of our own consclousness
We do noL dare Lo Lhrow ourselves wlLh abandonmenL lnLo a seemlng vold buL lf we dld we would flnd
our feeL planLed flrmly on a rock for Lhere ls a place ln Lhe menLallLy ln Lhe helghLs of lLs greaLesL
reallzaLlons where lL Lhrows lLself wlLh compleLe abandonmenL lnLo Lhe very cenLer of Lhe unlverse
1here ls a polnL ln Lhe supreme momenL of reallzaLlon where Lhe lndlvldual merges wlLh Lhe unlverse
buL noL Lo Lhe loss of hls lndlvlduallLy where a sense of Lhe Cneness of all Llfe so enLers hls belng LhaL
Lhere ls no sense of oLherness lL ls here LhaL Lhe menLallLy performs seemlng mlracles because Lhere ls
noLhlng Lo hlnder Lhe Whole from comlng Lhrough We can do Lhls only by provldlng Lhe greaL menLal
equlvalenLs of Llfe by dwelllng and medlLaLlng upon Lhe lmmenslLy of Llfe and yeL as vasL as lmmense
as llmlLless as lL ls Lhe whole of lL ls broughL Lo Lhe polnL of our own consclousness
We comprehend Lhe lnflnlLe only Lo Lhe degree LhaL lL expresses lLself Lhrough us becomlng Lo us LhaL
whlch we belleve lL Lo be And so we dally pracLlce ln our medlLaLlons Lhe reallzaLlons of LlfelnflnlLe
lndwelllng SplrlL wlLhln me AlmlghLy Cod wlLhln me erfecL eace wlLhln me CompleLe SaLlsfacLlon
wlLhln me 8eal SubsLance wlLhln me LhaL whlch ls Lhe 1ruLh wlLhln me l am Lhe 1ruLh !esus sald Pe
sald l am Lhe way l am Lhe Llfe no man comeLh unLo Lhe laLher buL by Me 96 Pow Lrue lL ls! We
cannoL come unLo Lhe laLher Whlch arL ln Peaven excepL Lhrough our own naLure
8lghL here Lhrough our own naLure ls Lhe gaLeway and Lhe paLh LhaL gradually leads Lo lllumlnaLlon Lo
reallzaLlon Lo lnsplraLlon Lo Lhe lnLulLlve percepLlon of everyLhlng
1he hlghesL faculLy ln man ls lnLulLlon and lL comes Lo a
p 226
polnL someLlmes where wlLh no process of reasonlng aL all he reallzes Lhe 1ruLh lnLulLlvely So we
should dally medlLaLe parLlcularly lf we are pracLlclng rlghL along
Any pracLlLloner should Lake a cerLaln Llme every day Lo medlLaLe wlLhln hlmself Lo reallze LhaL Lhe
words whlch he speaks are Lhe words of 1ruLh 8elng Lhe words of 1ruLh Lhey cannoL fall Lo be fulfllled
Lhey are a law unLo Lhemselves wlLhln Lhe CreaL Law 1hey know Lhemselves Lo be whaL Lhey are 1hey
are lmmuLable lrreslsLlble unassallable Lhey are eLernal and compleLe havlng lnLelllgence knowledge
and undersLandlng wlLhln Lhemselves
Lvery LreaLmenL musL be a compleLe Lhlng wlLhln lLself lL ls an unquallfled sLaLemenL of 8elng and pays
no aLLenLlon Lo appearances lf lL dld lL would noL be efflcaclous lL rlses above all appearance and may
conLradlcL every experlence Lhe human race has ever had buL lL ls real [usL Lhe same 1be tteotmeot
beqlos ooJ eoJs wltblo tbe meotollty of tbe ooe qlvloq lt ooJ tbe Jemoosttotloo tokes ploce wltblo tbe
meotollty of tbe ooe qlvloq lt ooJ to tbe Jeqtee tbot lt Joes toke ploce tbete lt ls o qooJ tteotmeot ooJ
wlll be o qooJ Jemoosttotloo
lf you have a paLlenL who says l am slck and you are able Lo neuLrallze your bellef of LhaL man as
belng slck or any man as belng slck and can see hlm perfecL he wlll come Lo you and say l am
healed 1be ptoctltlooet most koow wltblo blmself Pe never Lhlnks of pro[ecLlng hls LhoughL sendlng lL
ouL or holdlng lL Pe slmply Lakes Lhe whole condlLlon and brlngs lL lnLo Lhe greaL reallzaLlon of Llfe
ueclareerfecL Llfe wlLhln me Cod wlLhln me SplrlL wlLhln me Cood wlLhln me AlmlghLlness wlLhln
me Lovlng lnLelllgence wlLhln me eace olse ower Papplness and !oy wlLhln me Llfe 1ruLh and
Love wlLhln me CmnlsclenL lnsLlncLlve l am wlLhln me AlmlghLy Cod wlLhln me lL ls noL enough Lo say
LhaL Cod ls 1he concepL musL be broughL home Lo Lhe menLallLy of Lhe lndlvldual and unlfled wlLh lL ln
order Lo have lL expressed Lhrough hlm
lf we need flnanclal heallng we should say lnflnlLe SubsLance
p 227
wlLhln me lnflnlLe AcLlvlLy wlLhln me flowlng Lhrough me lnLo everyLhlng l do say or Lhlnk qulckenlng
lnLo acLlon all Lhose Lhlngs LhaL my menLallLy Louches lnflnlLe AcLlvlLy wlLhln me unerrlng never
mlsLaklng always dolng Lhe rlghL Lhlng aL Lhe rlghL Llme always knowlng whaL Lo do knowlng how Lo do
lL and dolng lL lnflnlLe LxecuLlve ower wlLhln me Lhe CreaL LxecuLlve Lhe greaL l am Lhe Allknowlng
and AllSeelng Lhe AllWlse wlLhln me lnflnlLe SubsLance wlLhln me forever expresslng lLself Lhrough
me lnflnlLe Supply flowlng Lhrough me and flowlng Lo melrreslsLlble supply unassallable supply
llmlLless As you say Lhls sLop and Lhlnk of Lhe Lhlngs you wanLseelng Lhem as reallLlesmuch as one
would look aL plcLures on Lhe wall
8epeaLlnflnlLe SubsLance wlLhln me lnflnlLe Supply flowlng Lhrough me and Lo me lnflnlLe AcLlvlLy
around me and wlLhln me lnflnlLe lnLelllgence wlLhln me dlrecLlng me guardlng me governlng me
conLrolllng me Lhe Cne and Cnly wlLhln me and Lhrough me LhaL ls AlmlghLy Cod wlLhln me 1here ls
no oLher or beslde whlch Lhere ls none oLher lnflnlLe love wlLhln me seelng all knowlng all lovlng all
Cne ln and Lhrough all Carry Lhls concepL ouL unLll you see LhaL you llve ln everybody and everybody
llves ln you 1hen conLlnue lnflnlLe Cne comprehendlng seelng knowlng undersLandlng llvlng ln and
lncludlng Lhe All wlLhln me 8eallze whaL Lhls means l am Cne wlLh all people 1here are no enemles
1here ls only Lhe Cne ln all and Lhrough all
lf we would spend half Lhe Llme maklng such afflrmaLlons LhaL we spend complalnlng flndlng faulL
fusslng belng sad and sorry for ourselves we would soon be healed lnflnlLe Wlsdom wlLhln me sLop
and Lhlnk whaL Lhls meansLhe lnLelllgence LhaL operaLes Lhrough everyLhlng vlslble and lnvlslble
lnflnlLe Wlsdom wlLhln me lnflnlLe lnLelllgence wlLhln me lnflnlLe ower wlLhln mefeel whaL Lhls
means 1he ower LhaL holds Lhe planeLs ln place a power Lo whlch Lhe unlLed force of Lhe human race
ls as noLhlng lnflnlLe lnLelllgence and lnflnlLe ower wlLhln me Lhe greaL LxecuLor lnflnlLe Lnergy and
Wlsdom wlLhln meLhe Allknowlng Lhe unerrlng Mlnd of Lhe unlverselnflnlLe eace wlLhln me
lnflnlLe eace undlsLurbed and unalLerable lnflnlLe Llfe lnflnlLe
p 228
paragraph conLlnues eace wlLhln me LhaL means Lhere ls no dlsLurbance no commoLlon no Lrouble
1here ls only lnflnlLe eace Lhe power LhaL sLllled Lhe waves and Lold Lhe wlnds Lo be calm ls Lhe ower
wlLh whlch we deal lnflnlLe eace wlLhln me lnflnlLe !oy wlLhln me Lhe !oy LhaL causes Lhe leaves of
Lhe Lrees Lo clap Lhelr hands lL ls Lhe !oy LhaL slngs ln Lhe brook Lhe muslc of Lhe spheres Lhe !oy of
Lhe sense of compleLlon lnflnlLe !oy wlLhln me noL somewhere else buL wlLhln me lL ls Lhe Cood
whlch ls urglng lLself forLh Lhrough every acL whlch we call human or humane We see lL ln Lhe hand LhaL
glves and ln every human acL 1haL ls Lhe lnflnlLe Cood LhaL ls wlLhln melnflnlLe everyLhlng
whaLever Lhe need may be MedlLaLe upon Lhe absLracL essence of Lhe Lhlng Lhen brlng lL Lo a concreLe
polnL wlLhln your own menLallLy and see whaL lL means as lL manlfesLs declarlng LhaL lL ls
1hls greaL Leachlng plalnly shows Lhe way Lo llberLy and freedom lL ls a paLhway conLlnuously unfoldlng
from a LlmlLless Source Lo a LlmlLless Source Arlse shlne for Lhy llghL ls come 97 l am LhaL l am 98

noLe 8ead and sLudy Cosmlc Consclousness 8ucke 1welve Lessons ln MysLlclsm Popklns 1he
lmpersonal Llfe and CreaLlve rocess ln Lhe lndlvldual 1 1roward 8lble MysLery and Meanlng 1
1roward Saylngs of !esus 8ed LeLLer 1esLamenL

21686 AcLs 1728
21887 Luke 112
21988 !ohn 1410
21989 s 826
22090 hll 23
22091 Luke 112
22092 Luke 1721
22193 MaLL 314
22294 !ohn 1030
22493 hll 23
22396 !ohn 146
22897 lsa 601
22898 Lxodus 314

p 229
Lesson S|x 1he Law of 9sych|c 9henomena
lL ls Laken for granLed LhaL Lhe average person of Loday ls more or less acqualnLed wlLh Lhe facLs
concernlng psychlc phenomena lL would be useless ln a course such as Lhls Lo aLLempL any exhausLlve
research work Lhls has already been done by Lhose emlnenLly able Lo furnlsh Lhe daLa
1here ls wlLhln man a power LhaL can communlcaLe wlLhouL Lhe Longue hear wlLhouL Lhe ear see
wlLhouL Lhe eye Lalk wlLhouL Lhe mouLh move ponderable ob[ecLs and grasp Lhlngs wlLhouL Lhe hand
and perform many oLher feaLs LhaL are usually connecLed only wlLh Lhe physlcal lnsLrumenL All Lhese
facLs have been compleLely proved and lL ls no longer necessary Lo produce evldence Lo subsLanLlaLe
Lhese facLs
Whlle Lhe above sLaLed facLs have all been proved Lhe reason for Lhelr belng has noL been so
Lhoroughly or loglcally dlscussed and lL ls Lhe purpose of Lhls arLlcle Lo explaln Lhe fundamenLal reasons
behlnd Lhe law of menLal acLlon whlch ls called psychlc for lf a Lhlng happens Lhere musL be a reason
for lLs happenlng and a law Lhrough whlch lL operaLes
1he only excuse for Laklng up Lhls Loplc ln a course of lessons ln MenLal Sclence ls LhaL belng Lhe
phenomena of Mlnd lL should come under Lhe caLegory of known menLal acLlons
sychlc phenomena are closely assoclaLed wlLh lmmorLallLy ln peoples mlnds for Lhe reason LhaL Lhey
deal wlLh Lhose unseen powers whlch we Lhlnk of as belng aLLrlbuLes of Lhe soul and also because many
people have aLLrlbuLed Lhe phenomena largely Lo Lhe agency of dlscarnaLe splrlLs
p 230
Whlle no apologles are made for Lhe ensulng pages yeL ln [usLlce Lo Lhe 1ruLh lL musL be sald LhaL
many of Lhe worlds emlnenL sclenLlsLs have lnvesLlgaLed Lhe sub[ecLs Lo be dlscussed and so far Lo Lhe
auLhors knowledge none of Lhem have ever refuLed Lhe ensulng facLs
1he powers whlch are exhlblLed Lhrough Lhe psychlc llfe do really exlsL ln man and someday he wlll
make consclous use of Lhem and wlll Lhereby be greaLly beneflLed Meanwhlle every one ls urged Lo
be mosL careful ln hls approach Lo Lhe sub[ecL A llLLle knowledge ls a very dangerous Lhlng and lL ls Lo
be regreLLed LhaL very few people exhlblLlng psychlc powers appear Lo know whaL Lhe law ls LhaL
underlles Lhe phenomena Many are led asLray Lhrough lgnorance and one should be mosL careful ln
handllng Lhe Loplc 8uL as sLaLed above Lhls sub[ecL comlng under Lhe known laws of menLal acLlon
musL be dealL wlLh
Cod has glven us a mlnd wlLh whlch Lo know and a power wlLh whlch Lo dlscern Lhe 1ruLh and lL ls a
Lerrlble mlsLake Lo mlsuse LhaL power 1he whole end and alm of evoluLlon ls Lo produce a man who ln
hls selfconsclous sLaLe may deplcL Lhe ulvlne naLure We can do Lhls only Lo Lhe degree LhaL we remaln
ourselves aL all Llmes
We wlll Lake up Lhe sLudy of Lhls sub[ecL [usL as we would approach Lhe sLudy of any oLher law wlLh an
open mlnd wlLhouL any supersLlLlon and free from any sense of Lhe unnaLural naLure ls always naLural
and only Lhose Lhlngs are mysLerles whlch we do noL undersLand

p 231
Lesson S|x Metaphys|ca| Mean|ngs of Words Used |n Chart No VI
1he upper secLlon represenLs Lhe Consclous Mlnd Lhe Selfknowlng Mlnd whlch we call SplrlL 1he
mlddle secLlon represenLs Lhe sychlc Sea LhaL ls Lhe Sub[ecLlve World Lhls ls Lhe world of LhoughL
forms and menLal plcLures 1hls has been called 1he llluslon of Mlnd because lL conLalns many
plcLures whlch are plcLures only and have no real form behlnd Lhem As a plcLure LhaL ls hung on Lhe
wall ls noL really a personbuL ls slmply a plcLureso Lhe sychlc Sea may conLaln plcLures whlch whlle
Lhey are real as plcLures are noL real from any oLher sense lL does noL follow LhaL everyLhlng ln Lhe
psychlc world ls an llluslon for lL conLalns much LhaL ls Lrue We should be very careful Lo dlsLlngulsh Lhe
false from Lhe Lrue
1he lower secLlon of Lhe charL represenLs Lhe ob[ecLlve world 1hls world also reflecLs many false forms
such as dlsease and llmlLaLlon 1hey are noL Lhlngs of Lhemselves buL are Lhe resulLs of wrong menLal
plcLures ln Lhe Sub[ecLlve World
nelLher Lhe psychlc plcLures nor Lhe world of forms are selfcreaLlve boLh are effecLs
p 232

Lesson Slx MeLaphyslcal CharL no vl
1hls ls Lhe psychlcs charL and should be carefully consldered as lL shows LhaL Lhe SplrlL or Consclous
Mlnd operaLes Lhrough a menLal fleld or law whlch ls a world of reflecLlons 1houghL ls flrsL reflecLed
lnLo Mlnd and Lhen lnLo maLLer 8ead agaln Lhe meanlng of Lhe consclous and Lhe subconsclous aspecLs
of belng 1he world of Sub[ecLlvlLy ls Lhe sychlc Sea and Lhe Medlum of all sub[ecLlve acLlon lrom Lhe
sLandpolnL of mans LhoughLs lL may be false or Lrue accordlng Lo Lhe way ln whlch he Lhlnks lL ls Lhe
plcLure gallery of Lhe soul boLh from Lhe unlversal and Lhe lndlvldual sense 1he llluslon of maLLer
means LhaL Lhe false menLal plcLures wlll produce a false form ln Lhe world of ob[ecLlvlLy Mlnd ls noL an
llluslon buL mlghL conLaln false plcLures whlch would be llluslons maLLer ls noL an llluslon buL may Lake
on false condlLlons We musL learn Lo separaLe Lhe false from Lhe Lrue

p 233
Lesson S|x 9sych|c 9henomena
syche means soul psychlc phenomena are Lhe phenomena of Lhe soul We have already seen LhaL
whaL we call Lhe soul ls really Lhe sub[ecLlve parL of us We do noL have Lwo mlnds buL we do have a
dual aspecL of menLallLy ln whaL we call Lhe ob[ecLlve and sub[ecLlve phases of mlnd 1he ob[ecLlve mlnd
ls LhaL parL of Lhe menLallLy whlch funcLlons consclously lL ls Lhe parL of us whlch really knows lLself and
wlLhouL lL we would noL be real of consclous enLlLles
Cur sub[ecLlve mlnd ls our menLal emanaLlon ln unlversal Sub[ecLlvlLy lL ls our lndlvldual use of menLal
law lL ls also Lhe avenue Lhrough whlch lnsLlncLlve Man works carrylng on Lhe funcLlons of Lhe body for
lL ls Lhe sllenL bullder of Lhe body 1he sub[ecLlve mlnd of Lhe lndlvldual ls Lhe worklng of lnsLlncLlve Man
wlLhln hlm plus all of hls consclous and subconsclous experlences
1he sub[ecLlve mlnd ls Lhe seaL of memory and of lnsLlncLlve emoLlon 8elng Lhe seaL of memory lL
conLalns a remembrance of everyLhlng LhaL has ever happened Lo Lhe ouLer man 1hls memory ls perfecL
and reLalns every experlence of Lhe lndlvldual llfe 1he sub[ecLlve mlnd also conLalns many of Lhe famlly
and race characLerlsLlcs whlch have been experlenced by lndlvlduallzed man lL reLalns Lhese memorles
parLly aL leasL as menLal plcLures or lmpresslons 1hls ls proven by Lhe facL LhaL plcLures have been
Laken of Lhe sub[ecLlve LhoughL and deflnlLe ouLllnes developed 1hls does noL necessarlly mean LhaL
every lmpresslon ls reLalned as a menLal plcLure buL LhaL ln all probablllLy anyLhlng LhaL Lhe ouLer eye
has deflnlLely seen ls reLalned as a more or less dlsLlncL plcLure
p 234
1he sub[ecLlve mlnd ls a plcLure gallery upon whose walls are hung Lhe plcLures of all Lhe people whom
Lhe lndlvldual has ever known and all Lhe lncldenLs whlch he has ever experlenced
1he sub[ecLlve mlnd belng deducLlve only ln lLs reasonlng powers ls compelled by lLs naLure Lo reLaln all
Lhe menLal lmpresslons LhaL lL has ever recelved lL Lherefore conLalns much LhaL Lhe ob[ecLlve mlnd
has never consclously known When we reallze LhaL Lhe lndlvlduals sub[ecLlvlLy ls hls use of Lhe Cne
Sub[ecLlve Mlnd we shall see LhaL a sub[ecLlve unlLy ls malnLalned beLween all people and LhaL
lndlvldual menLallLles whlch are ln sympaLheLlc vlbraLlon wlLh each oLher musL more of less mlngle
and recelve suggesLlons from each oLher 1hls ls Lhe meanlng of menLal lnfluence whlch ls lndeed a
very real Lhlng 1hls also means LhaL Lhe sub[ecLlve mlnd recelves suggesLlons from Lhe race and ls more
or less lnfluenced by lLs envlronmenL all Lhls Lakes place on Lhe sllenL slde of llfe and ls mosLly unknown
Lo Lhe recelver
8acesuggesLlon ls a very real Lhlng and each lndlvldual carrles around wlLh hlm and has wrlLLen lnLo hls
menLallLy many lmpresslons LhaL he never consclously LhoughL of or experlenced for Lhere ls a sllenL
lnfluence golng on aL all Llmes beLween people under Lhls law
lL ls almosL cerLaln LhaL beLween frlends Lhere ls aL all Llmes a sllenL communlcaLlon a sorL of
unconsclous menLal conversaLlon golng on sub[ecLlvely When Lhls rlses Lo Lhe surface of consclous
lnLelllgence lL ls called menLal LelepaLhy 1hls communlcaLlon wlLh oLhers ls golng on aL all Llmes
wheLher Lhe consclous mlnd ls aware of Lhe facL or noL We are always recelvlng lmpresslons LhaL are
more or less vague and lL ls seldom LhaL Lhey come Lo Lhe surface buL Lhey are Lhere neverLheless and
are gradually bulldlng lnLo our menLallLles lmpresslons and forms of LhoughL LhaL are unconsclously and
sllenLly percelved
p 233
Slnce Lhe sub[ecLlve mlnd ls Lhe sLorehouse of memory lL reLalns all LhaL Lhe eye has seen Lhe ear heard
or Lhe menLallLy concelved Slnce lL conLalns much LhaL Lhe ouLer man never consclously knew and ls
Lhe recepLacle of much of Lhe raceknowledge Lhrough unconsclous communlcaLlon lL musL and does
have knowledge LhaL far surpasses Lhe ob[ecLlve faculLles
8eallzlng LhaL Lhe sub[ecLlve draws Lo lLself everyLhlng LhaL lL ls ln sympaLhy wlLh or vlbraLes Lo we see
LhaL any one who ls sympaLheLlcally lncllned Loward Lhe race or vlbraLes Lo Lhe raceLhoughL mlghL plck
up Lhe enLlre raceemoLlon and experlence and lf he were able Lo brlng lL Lo Lhe surface he could
consclously deplcL lL Many of Lhe worlds oraLors acLors and wrlLers have been able Lo do Lhls whlch
explalns Lhe reason why many of Lhem have been so erraLlc for Lhey have been more or less conLrolled
by Lhe emoLlons whlch Lhey have conLacLed
Cur greaLesL speakers are able Lo conLacL Lhe sub[ecLlve menLallLy of Lhelr audlences and ln Lhls way
noL only Lo Lell Lhe audlence whaL lL wlshes Lo be Lold buL also Lo send ouL a sLrong vlbraLlon LhaL wlll
make an equally sLrong sub[ecLlve lmpresslon on Lhose who are llsLenlng lL ls a wellknown facL LhaL
many speakers are able Lo connecL wlLh Lhe menLallLy of an audlence ln such a manner as Lo be able Lo
compleLely conLrol lL napoleon seemed Lo be able Lo do Lhls whlch was one of Lhe reasons why he had
such Lremendous lnfluence over hls followers
Slngers and poeLs generally enLer lnLo more or less of a sub[ecLlve sLaLe whlle slnglng or wrlLlng ln Lhe
case of a slnger or acLor Lhls enables hlm Lo respond Lo Lhe emoLlon of hls llsLeners and Lo be able Lo
reflecL back Lo Lhem an equally sLrong emoLlon lL mlghL work Lhe oLher way LhaL ls he mlghL hlmself
awaken Lhe emoLlon ln hls hearers 1hls we call LemperamenL and no slnger speaker or acLor can be a
greaL success wlLhouL lL
ln Lhe case of a wrlLer Lhls enables hlm Lo enLer lnLo Lhe raceLhoughL and perfecLly deplcL raceemoLlon
and raceendeavor oeLs are an especlally good example of Lhls ablllLy
p 236
for poeLry llke song ls Lhe language of Lhe soul and none can wrlLe good poems unless he allows Lhe
soul Lo come Lo Lhe surface We could noL lmaglne a greaL poem wrlLLen mechanlcally ArLlsLs lose
Lhemselves ln Lhelr work and muslclans ofLen do Lhe same Lhls we call lnsplraLlon
ln preachlng lL ls probable LhaL Lhe oraLor of Lhe pulplL ofLen so enLers lnLo Lhe longlngs of mens hearLs
LhaL he reveals Lhem Lo Lhemselves Pe ls able Lo deplcL Lhelr LhoughLs and emoLlons and coupllng hls
own wlLh Lhelrs glve blrLh Lo a greaL dlscourse we say LhaL he ls lnsplred
Any one conLacLlng Lhe sub[ecLlve slde of Lhe racemenLallLy wlLh Lhe ablllLy Lo permlL lL Lo come Lo Lhe
surface wlll have aL hls dlsposal a knowledge LhaL many llfeLlmes of hard sLudy could noL posslbly
accumulaLe 8uL lf one had Lo surrender hls lndlvlduallLy ln Lhe process he would be beLLer off Lo
remaln lgnoranL
Lnough has been sald on Lhls sub[ecL Lo show Lhe source of human lnsplraLlon 1here ls of course a
much deeper seaL of knowledge Lhan Lhe sub[ecLlve mlnd LhaL ls Lhe SplrlL 8uL dlrecL conLacL wlLh
SplrlL ls lllumlnaLlon and ls a quallLy whlch has been developed ln buL few people Lhe few who have
developed Lhls quallLy have glven Lhe world lLs greaLesL llLeraLure rellglon and law
Lach person has a menLal aLmosphere whlch ls Lhe resulL of all LhaL he has LhoughL sald done and
consclously or unconsclously percelved 1hls menLal aLmosphere ls very real and ls LhaL subLle lnfluence
whlch consLlLuLes Lhe power of personal aLLracLlon for personal aLLracLlon has buL llLLle Lo do wlLh
looks lL goes much deeper and ls almosL enLlrely sub[ecLlve 1hls wlll explaln Lhe llkes and dlsllkes for
Lhose wlLh whom we come ln dally conLacL We meeL some only Lo Lurn away wlLhouL a word whlle
oLhers we are aL once drawn Loward and wlLhouL any apparenL reason Lhls ls Lhe resulL of Lhelr menLal
aLmosphere or LhoughL vlbraLlon no maLLer whaL Lhe llps may be saylng Lhe lnner LhoughL ouLspeaks
Lhem and Lhe unspoken word ofLen carrles more welghL
p 237
Lhan Lhe spoken As Lmerson sald WhaL you are speaks so loudly LhaL l cannoL hear whaL you say
ln conLacLlng people we are lnsLanLly aLLracLed or repelled accordlng Lo Lhe vlbraLlons whlch we feel A
person whose aLmosphere ls one of love and sunshlne whose naLure ls Lo be happy who llves a clean
wholesome llfe ln a free aLmosphere wlll always aLLracL frlends
Chlldren feel menLal aLmosphere very keenly and are drawn Lo Lhose who are lnwardly rlghL shunnlng
Lhose who are lnwardly wrong lL has been Lruly sald LhaL people whom chlldren and dogs do noL llke are
dangerous Anlmals are almosL enLlrely sub[ecLlve and feel menLal aLmospheres more keenly Lhan do
mosL people A dog lnsLlncLlvely knows ones aLLlLude Loward hlm and acLlng accordlngly ls
lmmedlaLely a frlend or foe ersonal aLmospheres vary ln Lhelr lnLenslLy Lhere belng as many varleLles
as Lhere are people for each creaLes hls own aLmosphere ln Mlnd
ersonal charm may be easlly creaLed by learnlng Lo love all and haLe none 1ruly dld Lhe greaL Lmerson
say lf you wanL a frlend be one lf one wlshes Lo have frlends he should become frlendly lf he wlshes
love he should learn Lo love 1here ls no excuse for any one belng wlLhouL a power of aLLracLlon slnce lL
ls a menLal quallLy and may be consclously lnduced Lhrough rlghL pracLlce
As all people have a menLal aLmosphere so do all places and as Lhe aLmosphere of people ls Lhe resulL
of Lhelr LhoughLs so Lhe aLmosphere of places ls Lhe resulL of Lhe LhoughLs LhaL have been creaLed ln
Lhem laces are permeaLed wlLh Lhe LhoughLs of Lhe people who lnhablL Lhem ln Lhls way menLal
aLmospheres are creaLed and may be easlly felL by Lhose conLacLlng Lhem
Pow ofLen we have had Lhe experlence of golng lnLo a place only Lo feel LhaL we were noL wanLed and
became so
p 238
dlsLurbed LhaL we wlshed lmmedlaLely Lo leave Pow ofLen on Lhe oLher hand we have gone lnLo places
where we felL such a warmLh and lnner glow LhaL we wlshed Lo remaln 1hls ls Lhe resulL of Lhe menLal
aLmosphere surroundlng Lhe place or room 1hls ls why we love our homes Lhey are fllled wlLh love and
affecLlon and we feel aL peace wlLhln Lhelr walls 1hls ls why one llkes Lo reLurn home afLer hls days
work for he knows LhaL here ls a place where he wlll be away from Lhe world wlLh all of lLs cares and
worrles lL ls a wlse wlfe who undersLands Lhls law and who keeps Lhe aLmosphere of Lhe home
pleasanL Such a one wlll seldom lose her maLe buL wlll hold hlm Lhrough Lhe sLrong Lles of love and
affecLlon wlLh whlch she floods hls abode Many an unhappy home could be harmonlzed lf Lhls law were
beLLer undersLood and pracLlced
1he aLmosphere of Lhe home should never be clouded wlLh Lhe uncerLalnLles of Lhe ouLslde world Pere
ln Lhe palace of human love all else should be forgoLLen and an aLmosphere malnLalned whlch wlll be a
shelLer from Lhe world Pere love should be Lhe rullng passlon and harmony should relgn supreme
Pere above all oLher places should Lhe klngdom of Cod be esLabllshed and famllles should dwell
LogeLher ln peace and [oy
1oo ofLen [ealousy and decelL rob Lhe home of lLs [oy whlle mlsLrusL and doubLlng make lL so
unpleasanL LhaL lL becomes an lmposslble place ln whlch Lo llve 8uL all Lhls can be changed by reverslng
Lhe wrong LhoughLs and ln Lhelr place creaLlng LhoughLs of love and Lenderness Loward one anoLher
1here ls noLhlng more unforLunaLe for a chllds mlnd Lhan Lo be compelled Lo llve ln an unhappy home
1he home should sLand for heaven on earLh and unless lL does lL wlll noL sLand long buL wlll be burled
ln Lhe ashes of dead hopes
1he aLmosphere of Lhe deserL ls wonderful for lL ls free from Lhe LhoughLs of mens confuslon and fear
and so ls a place of greaL peace Pere lndeed away from Lhe haunLs of mens Lerrlble sLruggles quleL
may be found and peach regalned lL ls Lhe same wlLh Lhe mounLalns Lhe lakes and Lhe Lrackless deep
1hls ls whaL we love abouL naLure her marvelous calm and deep peace for she speaks Lo us and
p 239
Lells of a llfe undlsLurbed by Lhe sLrlfe of man She does lndeed bear a message from Cn Plgh and
happy ls Lhe one who can Lalk Lo her and learn from her for she ls wonderful and fllled wlLh llghL
Lven Lhe sllghLesL Lhlngs seem Lo be possessed of a soul or sub[ecLlve aLmosphere Pow ofLen we see a
famlllar coaL or haL hanglng on a peg whlle ln lL we seem Lo see Lhe person who wears lL lL seems Lo
look llke hlm and so lL does for lL reLalns Lhe emanaLlon of hls aLmosphere and really ls permeaLed
wlLh hls personallLy LveryLhlng has an aLmosphere whlch we sense and Lo whlch we reacL accordlngly lf
lL ls pleasanL we llke lL and lf unpleasanL we dlsllke lL
!usL as each person place or Lhlng has a sub[ecLlve aLmosphere or remembrance so each Lown clLy or
naLlon has lL lndlvldual aLmosphere Some Lowns are busLllng wlLh llfe and acLlon whlle oLhers seem
dead some are fllled wlLh a splrlL of culLure whlle oLhers seem fllled wlLh a splrlL of commerclal sLrlfe
1hls ls Lhe resulL of Lhe menLallLles of Lhose who llve ln Lhese places A clLy glven over Lo Lhe pursulL of
Lhe hlgher endeavors wlll reacL wlLh an aLmosphere of culLure and reflnemenL whlle one whose
domlnanL LhoughL ls Lo acqulre wealLh wlll reacL Lo an aLmosphere of grasp and grab 1hls ls very
deflnlLe and ls felL by all who enLer such places
!usL as a clLy as lLs aLmosphere so does a whole naLlon for a naLlon ls made up of Lhe lndlvlduals who
lnhablL lL and Lhe comblned aLmospheres of all Lhe people who lnhablL a naLlon creaLes a naLlonal
menLallLy whlch we speak of as Lhe psychology of LhaL people
When we remember LhaL Sub[ecLlve Mlnd ls unlversal we wlll come Lo Lhe concluslon LhaL Lhe hlsLory
of Lhe race ls wrlLLen ln Lhe menLal aLmosphere of Lhe globe on whlch we llve 1haL ls everyLhlng LhaL
has ever happened on Lhls planeL has
p 240
lefL lLs lmprlnL on Lhe walls of Llme and could we walk down Lhelr corrldors and read Lhe wrlLlngs we
should be readlng Lhe race hlsLory 1hls should seem slmple when we reallze LhaL Lhe vlbraLlons of Lhe
human volce can be preserved ln Lhe recepLlve phonographlc dlsc and reproduced aL wlll lf we were Lo
lmpress one of Lhese dlscs wlLh Lhe vlbraLlon of some ones volce and lay lL away for a mllllon years lL
would sLlll reproduce Lhose vlbraLlons
lL ls noL hard Lhen Lo undersLand how Lhe walls of Llme may be hung wlLh Lhe plcLures of human evenLs
and how one who sees Lhese plcLures may read Lhe race hlsLory
1elepaLhy or LhoughLLransference ls such a commonly known facL LhaL lL ls useless Lo do oLher Lhan Lo
dlscuss lL brlefly Powever Lhere are some facLs whlch mlghL be overlooked unless we glve Lhem careful
aLLenLlon 1he maln facL Lo emphaslze ls LhaL menLal LelepaLhy would noL be posslble unless Lhere were
a medlum Lhrough whlch lL could operaLe 1hls medlum ls unlversal Mlnd and lL ls Lhrough Lhls medlum
LhaL all LhoughLLransference or menLal LelepaLhy Lakes place lorms ln maLLer and solld bodles may
begln and end ln space buL LhoughL ls more fluenL
1elepaLhy ls Lhe acL of readlng sub[ecLlve LhoughL or of recelvlng consclous LhoughL wlLhouL audlble
words belng spoken 8uL Lhere musL be a menLal Lunlng ln so Lo speak [usL as Lhere musL be ln radlo
We are surrounded by all sorLs of vlbraLlons and lf we wlsh Lo caLch any of Lhem dlsLlncLly we musL
Lune ln buL Lhere ls a greaL deal of lnLerference and we do noL always geL Lhe messages clearly We
ofLen geL Lhe wrong ones and someLlmes many of Lhe vlbraLlons come LogeLher and seem Lo be noLhlng
buL a loL of nolses wlLhouL any parLlcular reason for belng lL ls only when Lhe lnsLrumenL ls properly
ad[usLed Lo some lndlvldual vlbraLlon LhaL a clear message may be recelved
1hls ls Lrue of menLal LelepaLhy whlch ls Lhe Lransmlsslon of LhoughL 1he recelver musL Lune ln wlLh Lhe
sender lL does noL follow however LhaL Lhe sender knows LhaL he ls
p 241
belng Luned ln on ln oLher words one mlghL plck up LhoughLs [usL as he plcks up radlo messages and
[usL as Lhe one broadcasLlng may noL know who ls llsLenlng ln so Lhe one sendlng ouL LhoughL may noL
know who ls llsLenlng ln Papplly buL few people can llsLen ln menLally and Lhese few only wlLh more or
less cerLalnLy of success lL would be Lerrlble Lo be compelled Lo llsLen ln on all Lhe LhoughLs LhaL are
floaLlng around 8uL forLunaLely we can only recelve Lhose messages Lo whlch we vlbraLe and so Lhe
whole Lhlng ls a maLLer of our own cholce We are lndlvlduals ln Lhe menLal world [usL as ln Lhe physlcal
and a wlse person wlll proLecL hlmself menLally [usL as he would physlcally
Some seem Lo have Lhe ablllLy Lo Lune ln on LhoughL and Lo read lL much as one would read a book
1hese people we call psychlcs buL all people really are psychlc slnce all have a soul or sub[ecLlve mlnd
WhaL we really mean ls LhaL a psychlc or medlum ls one who has Lhe ablllLy Lo ob[ecLlfy LhaL whlch ls
sub[ecLlve Lo brlng Lo Lhe surface of consclous LhoughL LhaL whlch lles below Lhe Lhreshold of Lhe ouLer
mlnd 1he medlum reads from Lhe book of remembrance and lL ls marvelous how farreachlng Lhls book
of remembrance ls
As everyLhlng musL exlsL ln Lhe sub[ecLlve world before lL can ln Lhe ob[ecLlve and as lL musL exlsL Lhere
as a menLal plcLure lL follows LhaL whaLever may have happened aL any Llme on Lhls planeL ls Loday
wlLhln lLs sub[ecLlve aLmosphere le Lhe experlences of Lhose who have llved here 1hese plcLures are
hung upon Lhe walls of Llme and may be clearly dlscerned by Lhose who can read Lhem
Accordlngly slnce Lhe unlversal Sub[ecLlvlLy ls a unlL and ls lndlvlslble all Lhese plcLures really exlsL aL
any and every polnL wlLhln lL slmulLaneously and we may conLacL anyLhlng LhaL ls wlLhln lL aL any
polnL because Lhe whole of lL ls aL every polnL ConsequenLly we may conLacL aL Lhe polnL of
p 242
our own sub[ecLlve mlnd (whlch ls a polnL ln unlversal Sub[ecLlve Mlnd) every lncldenL LhaL ever
Lransplred on Lhls planeL We may even see a plcLure LhaL was enacLed Lwo Lhousand years ago ln some
8oman arena for Lhe aLmosphere ls fllled wlLh such plcLures 1hls has been called 1he llluslon of Mlnd
(Lhe psychlc sea) 1hls does noL mean LhaL Mlnd ls an llluslon buL LhaL lL mlghL presenL us wlLh an
llluslon unless we are very careful and are qulLe sure LhaL whaL we are looklng aL ls a real form and noL
slmply a plcLure
lL ls very lmporLanL LhaL we undersLand Lhls for each person ln hls ob[ecLlve sLaLe ls a dlsLlncL and
lndlvlduallzed cenLer ln unlversal Mlnd buL ln hls sub[ecLlve sLaLe every one ln hls sLream of
consclousness or aL hls raLe of vlbraLlon ls unlversal because of Lhe lndlvlslblllLy of Mlnd Wherever
and whenever any lndlvldual conLacLs anoLher upon Lhe sub[ecLlve slde of llfe lf he ls psychlc le lf he
ob[ecLlfles sub[ecLlvlLy he may see a LhoughL form of LhaL person buL lL does noL necessarlly follow LhaL
he would be really seelng Lhe person
1he condlLlons necessary for Lhe besL resulLs ln psychlc work are falLh and expecLancy for Lhe sub[ecLlve
responds Lo falLh and seems clouded by doubLs uoubL appears Lo Lhrow dusL ln lLs eyes whlle
sympaLheLlc falLh and wllllng bellef render Lhe vell much Lhlnner and Lhe consequenL messages much
clearer 1hls explalns why many unbellevlng lnvesLlgaLors fall Lo recelve Lhe deslred resulLs and go away
saylng LhaL Lhe whole Lhlng ls a fraud WhaLever Lhe naLure of Lhe sub[ecLlve may be we dld noL make
and we cannoL change lL we shall be compelled Lo use Lhls force llke all oLher forces ln naLure
accordlng Lo lLs own laws and noL accordlng Lo Lhe way we Lhlnk lL should acL
lL has been compleLely proved LhaL Lhe sub[ecLlve menLallLy responds more compleLely when fully
belleved ln and any one wlshlng Lo lnvesLlgaLe Lhe psychlc llfe would much beLLer accepL Lhls facL and
acL upon lL raLher Lhan dlspuLe lL and recelve
p 243
no resulLs lf Lhe law ls complled wlLh Lhe resulLs wlll be cerLaln
Some psychlcs go lnLo a Lrance whlle glvlng sub[ecLlve readlngs whlle some can do Lhls ln a normal
sLaLe 1he Lrance sLaLe varles from a sllghL sub[ecLlvlLy Lo a compleLely submerged menLallLy le from
slmply geLLlng ln Lune wlLh LhoughL whlle ln a consclous sLaLe of mlnd Lo becomlng compleLely
submerged ln an unconsclous sLaLe ln order Lo geL ln Lune wlLh LhoughL lL ls never good Lo lose ones
selfconLrol buL many people do Lhls and ln so dolng have broughL Lo llghL remarkable evldence of Lhe
ablllLy of Lhe lnner mlnd Lo perform wonderful Lasks
lL ls posslble aL Llmes for a psychlc Lo Lell one mosL of Lhe lncldenLs LhaL have happened ln hls llfe and
also Lo Lell of hls frlends and many of Lhe lncldenLs LhaL have happened Lo Lhem 1hls ls done by enLerlng
Lhe sub[ecLlve realm of Lhe lndlvldual and readlng Lhe LhoughLs and menLal plcLures LhaL are hung on Lhe
wall of hls memory When a psychlc Lells one someLhlng abouL hls frlends he ls enLerlng Lhelr LhoughL
Lhrough Lhe sympaLheLlc vlbraLlon of Lhe one whose LhoughL he ls readlng We are always ln menLal
conLacL wlLh our frlends on Lhe sub[ecLlve slde of llfe and a psychlc Lunlng ln on Lhese vlbraLlons reads
Lhe LhoughLs LhaL come over Lhe menLal wlreless
CfLen a psychlc wlll enLer a persons menLallLy and glve hlm a falrly compleLe hlsLory of hls pasL and of
Lhe famlly from whlch he came golng back perhaps for several generaLlons namlng ancesLors and Lhe
Lhlngs LhaL engaged Lhelr aLLenLlon whlle on earLh Pe ls readlng Lhe records of whaL has already
happened and ls a sub[ecLlve remembrance of hls famlly
lor lnsLance people have ofLen sald Lo me l saw Lmerson sLandlng behlnd you Lhls mornlng Cf
course Lhey dld noL
p 244
see Lmerson whaL Lhey saw was a menLal plcLure of hlm Lhe reason belng LhaL l am a sLudenL of
Lmerson and each ls surrounded by Lhe forms of Lhe people he knows and Lhe forms of Lhose whose
LhoughL he sLudles
Cne ls surprlsed when he goes Lo a medlum and ls Lold hls own and perhaps hls moLhers name and ls
Lold by Lhe medlum LhaL hls moLher sLands beslde hlm 1he psychlc ofLen Lells [usL how she looked whlle
ln Lhe flesh now lL mlghL or mlghL noL be LhaL whaL Lhe medlum says ls Lrue for whlle Lhls personallLy
mlghL be consclously near Lhe chances are more Lhan even LhaL she ls noL buL LhaL Lhe medlum ls
slmply looklng aL a plcLure of her as she once was whlle ln Lhe flesh
A medlum mlghL by readlng ones sub[ecLlvlLy be able Lo Lell someLhlng abouL people who were noL
presenL aL Lhe Llme because each Lhrough a sympaLheLlc vlbraLlon of LhoughL ls connecLed wlLh Lhe
sub[ecLlve emanaLlons of Lhose whom he llkes of Lhose wlLh whom he ls assoclaLed and of Lhose Lo
whom he vlbraLes 1hese people mlghL be ln Lhe flesh or ouL of lL
1he personal readlng appears Lo be llmlLed elLher Lo Lhe lmmedlaLe lndlvldual or Lo some one wlLh
whom he ls ln conLacL 1he value of sub[ecLlve mlnd readlng ls more or less uncerLaln Cenerally all LhaL
a psychlc can Lell ls abouL someLhlng LhaL has already happened or someLhlng LhaL mlghL happen as Lhe
resulL of a sub[ecLlve Lendency already seL ln moLlon 1here are however deeper messages Lhan Lhese
Lach belng an lndlvldual ldenLlLy ln Mlnd ls known by Lhe name he bears and by Lhe vlbraLlon whlch he
emanaLes lor whlle we are all Cne ln Mlnd and SplrlL we each have a separaLe and an lndlvlduallzed
personallLy 1hls ls Lhe only way LhaL SplrlL can lndlvlduallze maklng lL posslble for many Lo llve ln Lhe
Lach Lhen ls represenLed by hls sLream of consclousness
p 243
and each conLlnuously funcLlonlng ln Mlnd bullds around hlmself an aura or menLal aLmosphere
whlch ln lLs Lurn ls consLanLly flowlng ouL as a sLream of consclousness
8ecause of Lhe unlLy of Mlnd each ls one wlLh Lhe All and aL Lhe polnL where he conLacLs Lhe All he
unlversallzes hlmself 1hls wlll be easlly undersLood when we reallze LhaL man always uses Lhe Cne
Mlnd Pe ls ln lL and Lhlnks lnLo lL and because lL ls unlversal hls LhoughL may be plcked up by any one
who ls able Lo Lune ln on LhaL LhoughL [usL as we plck up radlo messages A radlo message broadcasL
from new ?ork ClLy ls lmmedlaLely presenL all around Lhe world Pard as Lhls concepL may be Lo grasp
we know lL Lo be Lhe LruLh
LeL us shlfL Lhe basls Lo menLallLy and we shall see LhaL Lhe same Lhlng happens when we Lhlnk We
Lhlnk lnLo Lhe Cne Mlnd and Lhls LhoughL ls lmmedlaLely presenL everywhere lL ls ln Lhls sense LhaL
each one ls unlversal Accordlng Lo Lhe unlLy of Mlnd LhoughL ls everywhere presenL and so long as lL
perslsLs lL wlll be WhaL ls known ln one place may be known ln all places
1lme space and obsLrucLlons are unknown Lo Mlnd and LhoughL lL follows Lhen LhaL any one Lunlng ln
on our LhoughL wlll enLer lnLo our sLream of consclousness no maLLer where we are or where he may
be And lf we sLlll perslsL afLer Lhe body shall have suffered Lhe shock of physlcal deaLh Lhls law musL
sLlll hold good for pasL and presenL are one and Lhe same ln Mlnd 1lme ls only Lhe measure of an
experlence and space of lLself ls noL aparL from buL ls ln Mlnd
A psychlc can enLer Lhe sLream of LhoughL of any one whose vlbraLlon he can menLally conLacL be LhaL
person ln Lhe flesh or ouL of lL and slnce we are all psychlc all havlng a soul elemenL we are all
doubLless communlcaLlng wlLh each oLher Lo Lhe degree LhaL we sympaLheLlcally vlbraLe Loward each
p 246
oLher (1hls explalns Lhe medlum Lhrough whlch absenL LreaLmenL Lakes place)
We do noL all have Lhe ablllLy Lo ob[ecLlfy psychlc lmpresslons and ordlnarlly Lhey never come Lo Lhe
surface however Lhey are Lhere [usL Lhe same 1hls ls Lhe reason why we ofLen feel so uneasy when ln
Lhe presence of cerLaln people or when we menLally conLacL some condlLlon havlng an uneasy lnner
feellng buL wlLhouL any apparenL reason
As we read and sLudy peoples LhoughL we gradually enLer lnLo Lhe currenL of Lhelr consclousness and
begln Lo read beLween Lhe llnes we are unconsclously readlng Lhelr lnner menLallLles 1hls ls why we
en[oy readlng Lhe LhoughLs of Lhe greaL menLallLles of all ages More LhaL ls unwrlLLen comes Lo us Lhan
mere words could posslbly convey
Many of Lhe salnLs have seen !esus ln Lhls way 1haL ls Lhrough sLudylng Pls words and works Lhey have
so compleLely enLered Pls LhoughL LhaL Lhey have seen a plcLure of Plm for Lhe plcLures of everyLhlng
and everybody are hung on Lhe walls of Llme and any one who can enLer may read lL does noL follow
LhaL Lhese salnLs have seen !esus buL LhaL Lhey have wlLhouL doubL seen Pls llkeness or whaL Lhe
world belleves Lo be Pls llkeness hung on Lhe walls of Llme When we look aL a plcLure of a person we
are noL looklng aL Lhe person buL aL a llkeness of hlm
We are all surrounded by menLal plcLures and a good psychlc sees Lhese plcLures clalrvoyanLly and
reads our LhoughLs LelepaLhlcally A good medlum has Lhe ablllLy more or less clearly Lo brlng Lhese
plcLures and LhoughLs Lo Lhe surface and ob[ecLlfy Lhem buL lL does noL follow LhaL he ls really
communlcaLlng wlLh Lhe people whose plcLures he sees
p 247
Lvery one consLanLly radlaLes some klnd of a vlbraLlon and consequenLly ls always surrounded by some
klnd of a menLal aLmosphere 1hls ls called Lhe aura lL exLends from a few lnches Lo a few feeL from Lhe
body and someLlmes even farLher lL varles ln color and denslLy wlLh Lhe varylng degrees of
consclousness ln momenLs of splrlLual reallzaLlon Lhe aura ls brlghL yellow merglng lnLo almosL a pure
whlLe and ln momenLs of rage lL ls dark and murky ln appearance 1here are as many colors ln Lhe aura
as Lhere are varylng degrees of LhoughLacLlvlLy ln Lhe menLallLy
1he halo whlch arLlsLs have porLrayed around Lhe heads of Lhe salnLs ls real and noL an ldea of Lhe
arLlsLs 1here ls a more pronounced emanaLlon from Lhe head Lhan from any oLher parL of Lhe body
because LhoughL operaLes Lhrough Lhe braln more Lhan Lhrough any oLher parL of Lhe human
lL ls sald LhaL Lhe face of !esus shone so brlghLly aL Llmes LhaL Pls dlsclples could noL look upon lL
wlLhouL becomlng bllnded by lLs brllllancy
ln a combaL of wllls Lhe aLmosphere someLlmes appears Lo sLrlke sparks as Lhough a baLLle were belng
waged on Lhe sub[ecLlve slde of llfe unpleasanL people always have a dlsagreeable aLmosphere and
morbld people always depress A radlanL aura emanaLes from Lhe one who llves a normal happy llfe
and who ls always aL peace wlLhln hlmself
PablLs are formed by flrsL consclously Lhlnklng and Lhen unconsclously acLlng 8uL few reallze LhaL when
one consclously Lhlnks someLhlng musL happen Lo hls LhoughLs WhaL
p 248
one Lhlnks Loday wlll Lomorrow be a parL of hls memory and slnce memory ls acLlve whaL he Lhlnks
Loday as a consclous LhoughL wlll Lomorrow be submerged buL acLlve LhoughL
1hls ls how a hablL ls formed flrsL lL ls a deslre Lhen comes Lhe expresslon of Lhls deslre Lhen Lhe deslre
becomes sub[ecLlve and Lhe subconsclous acLlon of LhoughL causes lL Lo be performed auLomaLlcally
llrsL we conLrol LhoughL Lhen LhoughL conLrols us
llrsL Lhe man Lakes a drlnk
1hen Lhe drlnks Lakes a drlnk
1hen Lhe drlnk Lakes Lhe man
ConsLanL repeLlLlon gradually forms such a LhoughL force on Lhe sub[ecLlve slde of llfe LhaL Lhe very force
creaLed ln lLs Lurn conLrols Lhe one who creaLed lL Pow careful we should be abouL whaL we leL down
lnLo Lhe deeper currenLs of menLallLy! All hablLs are formed ln much Lhe same way Lhey are aL flrsL
consclous Lhen Lhey become unconsclous or subconsclous A person may creaLe such a sLrong deslre
LhaL lL wlll compel hlm Lo puL lL lnLo execuLlon Lhls ls called manla
LlLerally speaklng manla ls a deslre Loo sLrong Lo be conLrolled We speak of one havlng a manla for
cerLaln Lhlngs LhaL ls he has sub[ecLlfled so much deslre along some parLlcular llne LhaL he becomes
conLrolled by Lhe very power whlch he has seL ln moLlon Morbld people are more llable Lo do Lhls Lhan
normally mlnded ones lor lnsLance leL a senslLlve person become despondenL and he may Lhlnk of
commlLLlng sulclde 1hls LhoughL aL flrsL may be puL aslde as unworLhy buL as lL reLurns lL recelves a
llLLle more aLLenLlon unLll aL lasL lL may become so sLrong LhaL lL ls lrreslsLlble
MosL murders are commlLLed from Lhls menLal aLLlLude and mosL murderers are people who are
menLally slck Some day Lhls wlll be beLLer undersLood such people wlll be consldered slck and wlll be
healed menLally 1hls shows how very careful we should be Lo conLrol our Lhlnklng never allowlng Lhe
p 249
menLallLy Lo concelve ldeas whlch we do noL wlsh Lo see manlfesL AfLer all Lhese Lhlngs are menLal
aLLlLudes and Lhe besL way Lo heal Lhem ls Lhrough menLal LreaLmenL
Cbsesslon ls anoLher form of menLal conLrol and may or may noL be consclous aL lLs lncepLlon eople
may become obsessed wlLh deslres LhoughLs amblLlons hablLs suggesLlons or oLher menLal lnfluences
and lf Lhe splrlLs of undeveloped enLlLles surround us lL seems enLlrely posslble LhaL people may
become obsessed by Lhem
1he obsesslon of deslre produces a manla Lo express LhaL deslre for LhoughL demands an ouLleL Some
are so obsessed by Lhelr amblLlons LhaL Lhey are consLanLly drlven Lo Lhe accompllshmenL of Lhem
Some are obsessed by Lhe suggesLlon of Lhelr envlronmenL for Lhe menLal aLmosphere of places ofLen
obsesses people compelllng Lhem Lo do cerLaln Lhlngs and wlLhouL any apparenL reason ln sLudylng a
case of obsesslon we should Lake all Lhe facLs lnLo conslderaLlon and reason from effecL back Lo cause
eople ofLen become mlldly obsessed by Lhe menLallLles of Lhose surroundlng Lhem Lhls ls called
personal conLaglon Many Lake on Lhe color of Lhelr envlronmenL and Lhls should be guarded agalnsL
for lL ls a mlld form of hypnoLlsm lL ls of course broughL abouL Lhrough Lhe suggesLlve power of
unconsclous menLal acLlon and may or may noL be mallclous We should never allow ourselves Lo
become conLrolled by anyLhlng LhaL we do noL consclously allow Lo enLer Lhe LhoughL lf one feels an
lnfluence sllenLly demandlng aLLenLlon he should aL once declare LhaL Lhere ls no power ln Lhe flesh or
ouL of lL LhaL can conLrol hlm excepL of course Lhe Cne erfecL Mlnd
lf we are surrounded by dlscarnaLe splrlLs Lhey also mlghL
p 230
conLrol us Lhrough suggesLlon LhaL ls lf we allowed Lhem Lo do so 8y Lhlnklng Loward us wlLh a sLrong
deslre Lhey mlghL so lmplanL Lhls deslre on Lhe sub[ecLlve slde of our LhoughL LhaL lL would come up
from wlLhln causlng us Lo do cerLaln Lhlngs whlch we never consclously LhoughL of dolng 1hls of
course ls hypnoLlc lnfluence buL all menLal lnfluence ls hypnoLlc varylng only ln degree lf lL ls Lrue LhaL
dlscarnaLe splrlLs are around us (and lL appears Lo be Lrue) we should carefully guard agalnsL Lhe
posslblllLy of any menLal lnfluence from Lhem 1he sLaLemenL LhaL CnL? 1PL CnL Mlnu CCn18CLS wlll
proLecL us from any and all wrong menLal lnfluences of whaLever naLure wheLher emanaLlng from Lhose
ln Lhe flesh or ouL of lL
All obsesslon of whaLever characLer ls some form of menLal lnfluence and can easlly be desLroyed by
maklng Lhe above sLaLed afflrmaLlon We should never for one lnsLanL allow Lhe suggesLlons of oLher
menLallLles Lo conLrol us 1he day wlll come when people wlll choose Lhe LhoughLs LhaL Lhey allow Lo
enLer Lhe mlnd as carefully as Lhey now choose Lhe food Lhey eaL SLaylng close Lo Lhe LhoughL of Lhe
Cne Mlnd ls a safe and sure proLecLlon from any and all wrong menLal lnfluence
lnsanlLy ls Lhe compleLe conLrol of Lhe consclous mlnd by Lhe unconsclous or sub[ecLlve mlnd uwelllng
Loo long on one ldea or some sudden shock seems Lo produce Lhls sLaLe lL ls easlly healed by knowlng
LhaL Lhere ls buL CnL Mlnu Anu 1PA1 l1 CAnnC1 lC8CL1 l1SLLl 1PL8L lS CnL Mlnu ln CCu Anu
1PlS Mlnu Cu8 Mlnu nCW
1he psychlc power should always be under full conLrol of Lhe consclous mlnd oLherwlse all sorLs of
lnfluences may be
p 231
plcked up whlch operaLlng under Lhe gulse of seemlngly real lndlvlduallLles conLrol Lhe one who
admlLs Lhem When Lhe psychlc power ls under full conLrol of Lhe consclous mlnd lL furnlshes a
wonderful sLorehouse of knowledge for belng Lhe seaL of memory of boLh Lhe lndlvldual and Lhe race
lL conLalns much LhaL we do noL consclously know
A normal condlLlon would be a compleLe balance beLween Lhe ob[ecLlve and sub[ecLlve menLallLles 1hls
would glve an lmmedlaLe access Lo all Lhe wlsdom of Lhe human race and mlghL even exLend much
farLher for lL could glve access Lo a hlgher sLaLe whlch ls now more or less clogged by conLrary
1he sub[ecLlve slde of LhoughL ls Lhe sole and only medlum beLween Lhe relaLlve and Lhe AbsoluLe lf
one were ln full conLrol of hls lnner menLallLy he could aL once enLer Lhe AbsoluLe and hls every word
would bear frulL !esus was such an Cne
ln aLLempLlng Lo accompllsh Lhls we do noL have Lo come under conLrol of any power oLher Lhan LhaL of
our lnner selves and our hlgher selves anyLhlng less Lhan Lhls ls dangerous Many seem Lo Lhlnk LhaL
slmply because Lhey are under conLrol Lhey musL be deallng wlLh splrlLual power nC C8LA1L8 MlS1AkL
WAS LvL8 MAuL !esus Who was fully lllumlned always kepL Pls full sLaLe of consclous LhoughL and
personal vollLlon
1he alm of evoluLlon ls Lo produce a man who aL Lhe ob[ecLlve polnL of hls own selfdeLermlnaLlon may
compleLely manlfesL Lhe lnner llfe of Lhe SplrlL Lven Lhe SplrlL does noL seek Lo conLrol us for lL leLs us
alone Lo dlscover ourselves
1he mosL preclous Lhlng LhaL man possesses ls hls own lndlvlduallLy lndeed Lhls ls Lhe only Lhlng LhaL he
really has or ls and for one lnsLanL Lo allow any ouLslde lnfluence Lo enLer or conLrol Lhls lndlvlduallLy ls
a crlme agalnsL mans real self
p 232
1he Lrance sLaLe ls any sLaLe of menLallLy LhaL allows lLself Lo become submerged lL varles ln degree
from slmply allowlng Lhe mlnd Lo become recepLlve whlch ls harmless Lo a compleLe selfdenlal of Lhe
ob[ecLlve consclousness le allowlng any and all lnfluences Lo be plcked up 1hls ls very dangerous
1here are many normal psychlcs who can whlle ln a perfecLly ob[ecLlve sLaLe read peoples LhoughLs
and perform many oLher wonderful feaLs of Lhe mlnd 1hls ls normal and no harm can come from lL lL ls
lndeed one of naLures ways of worklng and ls mosL lnLeresLlng
Any psychlc power LhaL can be used whlle ln a normal sLaLe of mlnd ls harmless and helpful LhaL ls any
psychlc power whlch can be used whlle one ls ln a perfecLly consclous sLaLe of menLallLy Many have Lhls
power and flnd LhaL lL ls helpful as well as lnLeresLlng 1hls power can be developed by knowlng LhaL Lhe
Wl1Pln Anu 1PL Wl1PCu1 A8L 8LALL? CnL
Abnormal psychlc powers are developed ln Lhe full Lrance sLaLe LhaL ls when Lhe medlum becomes
conLrolled by surroundlng lnfluences ln Lhls sLaLe some wonderful and hldden powers of mlnd are
ln cerLaln psychlc sLaLes people can see hear and read oLhers LhoughLs Lravel abroad and perform
many oLher marvelous feaLs whlch ln Lhe consclous sLaLe seem lmposslble no doubL Lhe Llme wlll come
when all Lhese powers wlll be under Lhe conLrol of Lhe consclous mlnd man wlll Lhen be much less
Clalrvoyance ls a sLaLe of menLallLy whereln Lhe medlum ls able Lo see Lhlngs LhaL Lhe ob[ecLlve eye
cannoL see under normal
p 233
condlLlons lL ls Lhe physlcal eye reproduced on Lhe menLal slde of llfe only wlLh a greaLly exLended
vlslon 1lme space and obsLrucLlons are swepL away and Lhe operaLor can as easlly look Lhrough a
closed door as ln a normal sLaLe he looks Lhrough a wlndow
sychomeLry ls a clalrvoyanL sLaLe whereln Lhe operaLor ls able Lo psychomeLrlze or read from Lhe soul
or sub[ecLlve slde of Lhlngs MenLlon has already been made of Lhe facL LhaL everyLhlng has lLs menLal
aLmosphere whlch ls Lhe resulL of Lhe LhoughLs surroundlng lL 1o psychomeLrlze anyLhlng means Lo read
from Lhls menLal aLmosphere and Lo Lell whaL lL radlaLes SomeLlmes Lhe operaLor seems able Lo Lake a
plece of ore or meLal and glve a perfecL descrlpLlon of Lhe locaLlon from whlch lL was Laken 1hls wlll
explaln why some medlums wlsh Lo hold an ob[ecL whlch has been used by Lhe slLLer for Lhrough Lhls
avenue Lhe medlum ls able Lo enLer Lhe lnner LhoughL of Lhe person slLLlng
Clalraudlence may be called Lhe ear of Lhe soul lL ls Lhe ablllLy Lo hear Lhe lnner volce speak and ls a
mosL remarkable menLal aLLrlbuLe Some hear Lhese volces sllenLly whlle Lo some Lhey come as
lndependenL volces
lL appears as Lhough Lhe lnsLlncLlve man Lrles Lo Lell Lhe ouLer man of cerLaln Lhlngs or Lo glve hlm
warnlngs SomeLlmes Lhese warnlngs come as vlslons and someLlmes ln dreams 1hls power ls uncerLaln
and should be carefully waLched as we are noL always able Lo Lell wheLher Lhe lmpresslon ls real or
slmply some suggesLlon of a surroundlng menLal lnfluence A good way Lo LesL Lhls ls Lo know LhaL all
lmpresslons musL come from Lhe erfecL Mlnd
SomeLlmes lndependenL volces speak forLh apparenLly from Lhe alr and may be conversed wlLh by Lhe
hour l have Lalked
p 234
wlLh Lhese volces buL so far have noL been able Lo deLermlne wheLher or noL Lhey ever Lold anyLhlng
beyond Lhe sub[ecLlve knowledge of Lhose presenL l have been unable Lo saLlsfy myself as Lo wheLher
Lhey were caused by Lhose presenL ln Lhe flesh or wheLher Lhey were caused by some form of splrlL llfe
1he facL remalns LhaL such volces do speak and LhaL Lhey are real l have held anlmaLed and lnLeresLlng
conversaLlons wlLh such volces hours aL a slLLlng and lL has been a mosL wonderful experlence buL so
far lL seems lmposslble Lo deLermlne Lhelr exacL naLure 1lme and a more compleLe lnvesLlgaLlon alone
can glve Lhe real proof
ApparlLlons or LhoughL forms ofLen appear durlng menLal sLress lor lnsLance people ofLen see some
frlend [usL before he passes from Lhls llfe SomeLlmes Lhe apparlLlon appears before Lhe lncldenL Lakes
place an explanaLlon of Lhls wlll be made laLer ln Lhls chapLer 1hls Lype of phenomenon ls noL aL all
uncommon nearly every one has some record of such experlences When one ls asleep he ls enLlrely
sub[ecLlve and Lhls wlll explaln why so many of Lhe above referred Lo lncldenLs Lake place durlng sleep
8uL lmpresslons recelved whlle ln Lhe sleeplng sLaLe do noL always come Lo Lhe surface
eople ofLen see Lhe forms of Lhose who have passed from Lhls llfe Many have been alarmed over
seelng such forms as Lhough Lhere mlghL be danger from Lhem buL wheLher or noL we belleve Lhem Lo
be Lhe forms of Lhe dead or Lhe llvlng Lhey cerLalnly can do no harm
lL ls clalmed by some LhaL ghosLs are always Lhe resulL of some form of vlolenL deaLh and LhaL Lhose
who pass ouL ln a sLaLe of peace never leave a ghosL behlnd Cf Lhe LruLh of Lhls sLaLemenL l am nC1
absoluLely sure slnce all musL leave behlnd Lhe forms used whlle ln Lhe flesh and each musL leave
behlnd hlm a LhoughL form of hlmself
p 233
lL ls a wellknown facL LhaL ghosLs someLlmes have Lhe ablllLy Lo speak or convey some klnd of a
message Lo Lhe llvlng And lL ls also generally conceded by Lhose who have lnvesLlgaLed such maLLers
LhaL once a ghosL has had Lhe opporLunlLy Lo speak lL ls seldom ever seen agaln
lf we suppose a ghosL Lo be a real enLlLy we can easlly see how lL could speak or LelepaLhlcally convey a
message lf on Lhe oLher hand we assume LhaL a ghosL ls only a form of LhoughL we can lmaglne LhaL lL
mlghL be equlpped wlLh Lhe power Lo convey a message afLer whlch lL would gradually fade away lor
LhoughL has some power Lo express lLself l hold no brlef for elLher case slnce l have been unable Lo
make up my own mlnd as Lo [usL whaL a ghosL really ls
ln such a case as Lhls lL ls a mlsLake Lo assume anyLhlng oLher Lhan Lhe facL LhaL such appearances do
make Lhemselves known Lo people under cerLaln condlLlons 1he maLLer wlll have Lo resL aL Lhls polnL
unLll furLher lnvesLlgaLlon proves whaL a ghosL ls
under cerLaln sLaLes of menLallLy lL ls posslble Lo pro[ecL Lhe menLallLy and Lravel far from Lhe body !usL
whaL lL ls LhaL pro[ecLs ls dlfflculL Lo say and we are noL so much concerned abouL whaL lL ls LhaL
pro[ecLs as we are lnLeresLed ln Lhe facL LhaL Lhere ls someLhlng abouL Lhe menLallLy whlch can pro[ecL
lLself Slnce Lhere ls buL Cne Mlnd perhaps noLhlng has Lo pro[ecL perhaps we slmply see Lhrough Lhe
Cne Mlnd whlch musL have and hold wlLhln lLself all LhaL ls
CrysLal gazlng ls a form of concenLraLlng Lhe menLallLy ln such a manner as Lo make lL posslble for Lhe
sub[ecLlve Lo come Lo Lhe surface 1he operaLor looklng sLeadlly aL a brlghL ob[ecL gradually becomes
sub[ecLlve and consequenLly able Lo read LhoughL
p 236
8lack Maglc has been LaughL and pracLlced from Llme lmmemorlal lL ls Lhe acL of Lhlnklng Loward some
one for Lhe purpose of dolng hlm an ln[ury
1oday black maglc ls called by anoLher name buL a rose by any oLher name would smell as sweeL
1oday lL ls called malpracLlce MalpracLlce Lakes several dlfferenL forms namely mallclous lgnoranL
and unconsclous Mallclous malpracLlce ls Lhe acL of argulng ln Mlnd LhaL some cerLaln person ls
someLhlng LhaL he oughL noL Lo be ln some cases lL ls supposed Lo even Lake Lhe form of saylng LhaL he
ls noL presenL ln Lhe flesh lf Lhls were perslsLed ln and Lhe one belng damned should recelve Lhe
condemnaLlon he mlghL begln Lo feel slck and lf Lhls were carrled Lo a flnal concluslon he would
perhaps pass from Lhls vale of Lears
MenLlon ls made of Lhls noL as belng someLhlng Lo fear buL as one of Lhose Lhlngs whlch Loday ls belng
more or less dlscussed and belleved ln by many So far as we are concerned we belleve only ln Lhe Cne
Mlnd Anu WL knCW 1PA1 l1 CAnnC1 8L ulvluLu ACAlnS1 l1SLLl 1hls wlll seLLle Lhe quesLlon of
mallclous malpracLlce for all Llme
We hear of people who llve ln consLanL Lerror of malpracLlce and lL seems cerLaln LhaL some do Lry Lo
use Lhls force Lo do ln[ury Lo oLhers buL no one wlLh real undersLandlng of Lhe 1ruLh wlll be affecLed by
lL nor seek Lo use lL for Lhls would be playlng wlLh flre and we are Lhe servanLs Lo Lhe Lhlngs whlch we
lf our LhoughL ls sLlll operaLlng on a level where such Lhlngs are posslble we had beLLer flnd lL ouL
sLralghLen up our LhoughL and be healed for afLer all malpracLlce ls only wrong LhoughL suggesLlon
and we do noL belleve ln wrong LhoughL suggesLlon
lnnocenL and lgnoranL malpracLlce causes much dlsease and dlscomforL Lhrough sympaLhy wlLh
slckness and fear for peoples safeLy We should sympaLhlze wlLh Lhe one sufferlng buL
p 237
never wlLh LhaL from whlch he suffers for Lhls would make hlm worse lnsLead of beLLer
AuLomaLlc wrlLlng ls an lnLeresLlng phenomenon of Lhe mlnd lL ls a menLal conLrol whlch uses Lhe arm
and hand for Lhe purpose of wrlLlng messages
1here are several forms of auLomaLlc wrlLlng one Lhe Cul[a board whlch ls small smooLh board upon
whlch ls wrlLLen Lhe alphabeL upon Lhls board ls placed a small pearshaped Lhreelegged lnsLrumenL
whlch polnLs Lo Lhe leLLers and spells ouL words AnoLher form ls Lo puL a pencll Lhrough Lhe board and
sLlll anoLher form and one even more lnLeresLlng ls when Lhe pen ls held ln Lhe hand whlch ls
conLrolled by some force noL known buL supposed Lo be Lhe sub[ecLlve LhoughL of elLher Lhe operaLor
or of some one presenL
Some belleve LhaL Lhe arm ls under conLrol of a dlscarnaLe splrlL Many and long have been Lhe
dlscusslons on Lhls polnL and l do noL care Lo enLer lnLo Lhem buL one Lhlng ls cerLaln Lhe phenomenon
Lransplres and many wonderful messages come Lhrough ln Lhls manner
1he mosL lnLeresLlng wrlLlng of all ls whaL ls called lndependenL wrlLlng LhaL ls where Lhe pencll slmply
Llps up and wrlLes wlLhouL any one Louchlng lL l have seen Lhls done and can vouch for lLs reallLy Pere
lndeed ls ample cause for speculaLlon and we are compelled Lo admlL LhaL elLher some unconsclous
force of Lhose presenL grasps Lhe pencll or LhaL some splrlL force does
l am well aware of Lhe Lheory whlch Pudson worked ouL along Lhese llnes buL l have noL been able Lo
explaln everyLhlng on hls basls and l fear LhaL he overworked hls Lheory
p 238
Pls ldea was LhaL we have no rlghL Lo assume Lhe presence of an unknown agency when Lhere ls a
known one presenL ln oLher words he sald LhaL Lhe phenomenon ls caused by some form of menLal
acLlon whlch he called sub[ecLlve and LhaL we have no rlghL Lo assume a splrlL Lo be Lhe cause when we
know LhaL Lhere are people presenL ln Lhe flesh and LhaL slnce people ln Lhe flesh as well as Lhose ouL
of lL have a mlnd we musL assume LhaL Lhe phenomena are caused by Lhose presenL ln Lhe flesh 8y Lhe
same Loken and wlLh Lhe same loglc lL could be proved elLher way 1haL psychlc phenomena are caused
by some form of menLal power Lhere can be no quesLlon and Lhe sLudenL of Lhe worklngs of mlnd wlll
resL conLenL here knowlng LhaL menLal power can operaLe ln lndependence of Lhe physlcal lnsLrumenL
for Lhls ls Lhe greaL lesson Lo learn
A mosL pecullar and lnLeresLlng phenomenon Lakes place ln Lhe acL of smelllng where Lhere ls
apparenLly noLhlng Lo smell 1he menLallLy ln connecLlng wlLh Lhe vlbraLlons of a rose can produce lLs
odor lndependenLly of Lhe presence of Lhe flower
l have seen a case where Lhe vlbraLlons of a cerLaln man were broughL lnLo Lhe room when he was ln an
lnLoxlcaLed condlLlon 1he smell of whlskey was so sLrong LhaL Lhe lnfluence was asked Lo remove lLs
presence erhaps Lhls ls whaL ls meanL by occulL perfume
lL ls a commonly known facL Lo Lhose who have spenL Llme lnvesLlgaLlng Lhese Lhlng LhaL ob[ecLs are
grasped and held lndependenLly of Lhe physlcal Louch 1hls ls shown ln lndependenL wrlLlng and ln
LeleklneLlc energy
1eleklneLlc energy ls deflned as Lhe ablllLy Lo move ponderable ob[ecLs wlLhouL physlcal conLacL 1hls
form of energy ls dlsplayed ln LhaL class of menLal phenomena whlch cause
p 239
ob[ecLs Lo move wlLhouL any physlcal agency and ls Lherefore caused by some form of menLal energy
or by some agency oLher Lhan physlcal
1able Llpplng ls so common as Lo cause buL llLLle commenL buL lL does help Lo prove a prlnclple of mlnd
namely LhaL an ob[ecL can be moved abouL from place Lo place wlLhouL Lhe ald of any physlcal conLacL
8applngs on Lhe walls and floor are also Loo common Lo menLlon buL should be classed ln Lhe caLegory
of LeleklneLlc energy
Cne of Lhe lnvesLlgaLors has advanced Lhe Lheory of ecLoplasm whlch ls a formless sLuff emanaLlng from
Lhe body of Lhe medlum l have no doubL buL Lhls Lheory ls correcL as far as lL goes buL am noL wllllng Lo
advance lL as belng sufflclenL Lo explaln all Lhe phenomena lor lnsLance accordlng Lo Lhls Lheory lf any
one sLands ln fronL of Lhe medlum Lhe emanaLlon ls blocked and no resulLs wlll follow l have saL ln a
room and had a glass of waLer broughL from anoLher room and held Lo my llps whlle l drank lL lL was a
real glass and real waLer and l was really Lhere and ln a perfecLly normal sLaLe of mlnd l could noL
posslbly accounL for Lhe abovesLaLed lncldenL on Lhe Lheory of ecLoplasm buL l could accounL for lL
Lhrough Lhe Lheory of menLal power
1he Lheory of ecLoplasm cerLalnly wlll noL accounL for levlLaLlon where Lhe body of Lhe medlum ls llfLed
from a chalr and carrled Lo some oLher place ln Lhe room 1hls can be accounLed for only on Lhe Lheory
LhaL Lhere ls a power LhaL Lranscends Lhe beLLerknown physlcal laws Lxperlence has LaughL LhaL Lhere
are many Lhlngs ln llfe LhaL cannoL be accounLed
p 260
for on any oLher basls Lhan LhaL of a mlnd power whlch operaLes lndependenL of any and of all physlcal
lL ls lnLeresLlng Lo reallze LhaL we have such marvelous powers and no doubL Lhe Llme wlll come when
we shall make common use of Lhem 1hey are for some purpose and as we llve ln a 1lmeless unlverse
Lhls purpose wlll be made known [usL as soon as we are ready for lL
WheLher psychlc phenomena are caused by Lhe agency of splrlLs or by some lnner power of our own
menLallLy makes no dlfference 1haL Lhey are caused by mlnd power ls apparenL for Lhey are noL caused
by whaL we call physlcal force aL all buL by some flner power Lhan we aL presenL well undersLand
lL glves reason for LhoughL when we reallze LhaL such lnner powers exlsL Some power lndependenL of
Lhe body can see hear feel smell Louch and LasLe wlLhouL Lhe ald of Lhe physlcal lnsLrumenL Some
power of lnLelllgence wlLhln us can Lravel communlcaLe pro[ecL lLself recognlze and be recognlzed
wlLhouL Lhe ald of Lhe physlcal lnsLrumenL 1haL Lhere ls a reason for Lhls ls cerLaln LhaL Lhls reason ls
naLural and normal no one can doubL for naLure ls always naLural and only LhaL ls a mysLery whlch ls
noL undersLood
1lme and experlence alone wlll unravel Lhe mysLerles of Lhe human mlnd wlLh lLs many and varled
acLlvlLles So far we have buL Louched Lhe ouLsklrLs of lLs garmenLs 1o deny Lhese lnner aLLrlbuLes ls noL
only lnLoleranL buL ls downrlghL lgnorance lL ls all rlghL Lo say LhaL we do noL undersLand
p 261
Lhem buL Lo openly deny Lhem ls Lo place us noL among Lhe unbellevers buL among Lhose who do noL
know Lhe facLs
1nL S9IkI1 CI 9kC9nLC
Sub[ecLlve mlnd can deduce only lL has no power of lnlLlaLlve or selfcholce and ls compelled because
of lLs very naLure Lo reLaln any and all suggesLlons LhaL lL recelves 1he besL lllusLraLlon of Lhls ls ln Lhe
creaLlve soll ln whlch Lhe gardener puLs hls seed 1he soll does noL argue nor deny buL goes Lo work on
Lhe seed and beglns Lo creaLe a planL whlch wlll represenL Lhe Lype of manlfesLaLlon lnherenL as an
ldea ln Lhe seed 1haL ls from a cucumber seed we geL cucumbers and from a cabbage seed we geL
cabbages Always Lhe law malnLalns Lhe lndlvlduallLy of Lhe seed as lL creaLes Lhe planL never does lL
conLradlcL Lhe rlghL of Lhe seed Lo be whaL lL really ls lnvolved wlLhln Lhe seed ls Lhe ldea of Lhe planL as
are also Lhose lesser ldeas whlch are Lo acL as a medlum beLween Lhe seed and Lhe planL lnvolved
wlLhln Lhe seed are boLh cause and effecL buL Lhe seed musL flrsL be placed wlLhln Lhe creaLlve soll lf we
wlsh Lo recelve a planL ln Lhe creaLlve soll or ln Lhe seed Lhe full and perfecL ldeas of Lhe planL musL
exlsL as a compleLed Lhlng else lL could never be broughL forLh lnLo manlfesLaLlon
1he ldea of Lhe fullgrown planL musL exlsL somewhere ln Lhe seed and soll lf lL ls ever golng Lo
1hls Leaches us a lesson ln sub[ecLlvlLy 1houghLs golng lnLo Lhe sub[ecLlve are llke seeds Lhey are
concepLs of ldeas and acLlng Lhrough Lhe creaLlve medlum of Mlnd have wlLhln Lhemselves Lhe full
power Lo develop and Lo express Lhemselves 8uL how could Lhey express unless Lhey were already
known Lo Mlnd? 1hey could noL and so Mlnd musL vlew Lhe LhoughL as already compleLed ln Lhe Lhlng
and Mlnd musL also conLaln Lhe avenue Lhrough whlch Lhe ldea ls Lo be expressed Lvery LhoughL seLs ln
moLlon ln Mlnd Lhe fulflllmenL of lLs purpose and Mlnd sees Lhe Lhlng as already done
p 262
MenLal Lendencles seL ln moLlon casL Lhelr shadows before Lhem and a psychlc ofLen sees Lhe compleLe
manlfesLaLlon of an ldea before lL has had Lhe Llme Lo maLerlallze ln Lhe ob[ecLlve world
1hls ls whaL consLlLuLes Lhe average splrlL of prophecy for prophecy ls Lhe readlng of sub[ecLlve
Lendencles and seelng Lhem as already accompllshed facLs 1he sub[ecLlve mlnd can deduce only buL lLs
power of loglc and sequence appears Lo be perfecL
lor lllusLraLlon suppose LhaL Lhere ls a wlndow one mlle away l am Lhrowlng a ball aL Lhls wlndow and
Lhe ball ls halfway Lo lL golng aL Lhe raLe of one mlle a mlnuLe now you come ln measure Lhe dlsLance
compuLe Lhe speed wlLh whlch Lhe ball ls passlng Lhrough Lhe alr and say 1he ball ls halfway Lo Lhe
wlndow lL ls Lravellng aL Lhe raLe of one mlle a mlnuLe ln [usL one half a mlnuLe Lhe wlndow ls golng Lo
be broken by Lhe ball passlng Lhrough lL LeL us suppose LhaL you are Lhe only one who sees Lhe ball for
Lhe resL are looklng aL Lhe wlndow and ln half a mlnuLe lL ls broken Pow dld you prophesy LhaL Lhe
wlndow was Lo be broken? 8y drawlng a loglcal concluslon of an already esLabllshed premlse
1hls ls much llke whaL happens when a psychlc exerclses a splrlL of prophecy 1hey are generally
unconsclous as Lo why Lhey do whaL Lhey do because Lhey are geLLlng Lhelr own sub[ecLlve conLacL wlLh
Lhe condlLlon and slmply lnLerpreLlng whaL comes Lo Lhem 8uL Lhls ls Lhe loglcal deducLlve concluslve
power of Lhelr sub[ecLlve LhoughL seelng a Lhlng compleLed by flrsL seelng a Lendency seL ln moLlon
and compuLlng Lhe Llme LhaL lL wlll Lake Lo compleLe lL 1here are buL few however who have any
rellable splrlL of prophecy
LeL us carry Lhls LhoughL furLher Lhe race has lLs sub[ecLlvlLy from an lndlvldual Lo a naLlon 1hls ls lLs
karma lLs sub[ecLlve law seL ln moLlon Lach naLlon has lLs sub[ecLlve causaLlon and Lhe propheL of a
naLlon could and would read lLs sub[ecLlve Lendency and Lhls ls whaL Lhe old propheLs
p 263
dld for Lhey were psychlcs every one of Lhem from Moses down 1hey were able Lo lnLerpreL Lhe
sub[ecLlve causaLlon of Lhelr race and so predlcL LhaL cerLaln Lhlngs musL follow
1here ls however a sLlll hlgher splrlL of prophecy whlch buL few have percelved and Lhose who have
percelved lL have been lllumlned WlLhln Lhe sub[ecLlve mlrror of Mlnd Lhere musL also exlsL Lhe ulvlne
and Cosmlc urposesLhe very 1houghLs of Cod An lllumlned person who ls also psychlc mlghL read
Lhese greaL Cosmlc urposes and ln Lhls manner some of Lhe greaL propheLs have read Lhe desLlny of
Lhe race 1hey have Lold us LhaL Lhe desLlny of man ls dlvlne LhaL he ls lmmorLal now LhaL he need noL
dle Lo become lmmorLal buL LhaL PL lS lMMC81AL lL was ln conLacL wlLh Lhls greaL Law and from lL
LhaL Moses recelved Lhe 1en CommandmenLs Lhe Mosalc Law lL ls Lhrough Lhe avenue of sub[ecLlvlLy
whlch ls Lhe medlum beLween SplrlL and man beLween Lhe AbsoluLe and Lhe lnLellecL LhaL all of Lhe
propheLs have prophesled and all of Lhe sages have LaughL for lL conLalns lnflnlLe Wlsdom knowledge
and Law
1he sub[ecLlve mlnd ls Lhe source of much lnsplraLlon for lL conLalns all Lhe LhoughLs whlch Lhe race has
ever creaLed and aL Llmes one conLacLs Lhese LhoughLs and becomes lnsplred by Lhem 1he sub[ecLlve
mlnd ls Lhe source of much revelaLlon because lL conLalns Lhe urposes of Cod and lf Lhe soul were Lo
Lurn Lo Lhe Cne lL surely would reflecL lnLo Lhe ouLer mlnd Lhe LlghL of Lhe LLernal
We have shown LhaL mlnd lndependenL of Lhe body can and aL Llmes does perform each and every
funcLlon whlch we usually assoclaLe wlLh Lhe physlcal belng Whlle mosL people may have Lo go lnLo a
Lrance sLaLe Lo perform Lhese acLs Lhere are a few who can produce Lhe same resulLs whlle ln a
perfecLly normal sLaLe LhaL ls whlle ln a selfconsclous sLaLe l wlsh Lo make Lhls very plaln for Lhere ls a
bellef LhaL an abnormal sLaLe musL be enLered lnLo before Lhese phenomena can be produced l noL only
challenge such a sLaLemenL buL enLlrely
p 264
refuLe lL as belng alLogeLher wrong l have myself whlle ln a perfecLly normal sLaLe seen or experlenced
nearly everyLhlng LhaL has been dlscussed under Lhls headlng
l am wllllng Lo admlL LhaL ordlnarlly a Lrance sLaLe ls developed before Lhe besL resulLs can be obLalned
buL Lo say LhaL lL MuS1 be developed ls Lo conLradlcL my own experlence and refuLe my own
observaLlons l have never aL any Llme gone lnLo a Lrance sLaLe and would no more conslder dolng so
Lhan l would conslder [umplng from Lhe roof of a LensLory bulldlng lf Lhen l were Lo refuLe my sanlLy
durlng Lhese experlences by whaL manner of [udgemenL could l conslder myself Lo be sane aL all? lL ls
useless for Lhose who know noLhlng aL all abouL psychlc phenomena Lo deny lLs reallLy l can undersLand
any one saylng LhaL he does noL undersLand lL buL l cannoL grasp Lhe poslLlon of an lndlvldual who
denles someLhlng of whlch he ls enLlrely lgnoranL
We wlll say Lhen 1PA1 LvL8? AC1 Cl 1PL PuMAn lnS18uMLn1 WPlCP WL CALL 1PL 8Cu? CAn 8L
P?SlCS CAnnC1 LxLAln We wlll call Lhls agency some power of mlnd wlLh whlch we are noL yeL well
famlllar lL ls all slmple enough anyway for our bodles could noL move unless we were here Lo move
Lhem and so every acL ls menLal even Lhough we use Lhe body as an lnsLrumenL
l can flnd no explanaLlon for Lhe abovesLaLed facLs unless we suppose LhaL we have a menLal body
whlch reproduces Lhe physlcal one and whlch can funcLlon wlLhouL lLs counLerparL and ls enLlrely
lndependenL of lL
lL makes no dlfference wheLher we aLLrlbuLe Lhe phenomena Lo splrlLs or wheLher we say LhaL we are
unconsclously produclng lL ourselves 1PL lAC1 WlLL S1lLL 8LMAln 1PA1 1PL PLnCMLnA A8L
8CuuCLu and can be accounLed for only on Lhe basls LhaL we elLher have a menLal body whlch acLs
lndependenL of Lhe physlcal one or LhaL Lhe power of LhoughL alone and wlLhouL any physlcal
lnsLrumenL can operaLe upon maLLer ersonally l prefer Lo accepL Lhe Lheory LhaL we have a menLal
body slnce Lhls appeals
p 263
Lo me as belng more reasonable and cerLalnly much more human
lf we assume LhaL splrlLs have Lhe ablllLy Lo move ponderable ob[ecLs wlLhouL physlcal conLacL we are
assumlng LhaL Lhey have a menLal body or LhaL Lhey operaLe Lhelr LhoughL Lo produce Lhe phenomena
lor once granLed LhaL Lhe phenomena are really produced lL ls selfevldenL LhaL some klnd of an
explanaLlon musL be forLhcomlng
1here are buL Lwo posslble answers from whaL ls Loday known elLher Lhe mlnds of deparLed souls or
Lhe mlnds of Lhose presenL ln Lhe flesh produce Lhe phenomena 1hls ellmlnaLes any oLher posslble
agency for Lhe Lheory of ecLoplasm cannoL answer all of Lhe facLs

p 266
Lesson S|x 9sych|c 9henomena and Immorta||ty
lmmorLallLy means Lo Lhe average person LhaL man shall perslsL afLer Lhe experlence of physlcal deaLh
reLalnlng a full recollecLlon of hlmself and Lhe ablllLy Lo recognlze oLhers lf hls full capaclLles go wlLh hlm
beyond Lhe grave he musL be able Lo Lhlnk consclously Lo reason wlll afflrm declare accepL re[ecL
know and be known communlcaLe and be communlcaLed wlLh he musL be able Lo Lravel abouL see and
be seen undersLand and be undersLood he musL be able Lo Louch LasLe smell hear cognlze and
reallze ln facL lf he ls really Lo conLlnue as a selfconsclous personallLy he can do so only Lo Lhe degree
LhaL he malnLalns a conLlnuous sLream of consclousness and selfknowlngness
1hls means he musL carry wlLh hlm a compleLe remembrance for lL ls Lo Lhe remembrance alone LhaL
we musL look for Lhe llnk LhaL blnds one evenL Lo anoLher maklng llfe a consLanL sLream of self
consclous expresslon 1o suppose LhaL man can forgeL and sLlll remaln hlmself ls Lo suppose LhaL he
could cuL off Lhe enLlre pasL and aL Lhls momenL be Lhe same personallLy LhaL he was a momenL ago
8emembrance alone guaranLees personallLy lndlvlduallLy mlghL remaln wlLhouL remembrance buL noL
so wlLh personallLy for whaL we are ls Lhe resulL of whaL we have been Lhe resulL of whaL has gone
Man Lhen lf he ls Lo have an lmmorLallLy worLhy of Lhe name musL conLlnue as he now ls beyond Lhe
grave uLA1P CAnnC1 8C8 PlM Cl An?1PlnC ll PL 8L lMMC81AL
lL ls useless Lo ask why man ls lL can only be sald of man LhaL he ls for lf we were Lo push hls hlsLory
back Lo some
p 267
beglnnlng we should sLlll be compelled Lo say LhaL he ls lf mans llfe ls of Cod Lhen lL comes from a
source whlch had no beglnnlng and so Lhe quesLlon as Lo why he ls musL forever remaln unanswered
Cod could noL Lell why Cod ls Lo suppose LhaL Llfe could glve an excuse or reason for belng would be Lo
suppose an absurdlLy Llfe ls and rlghL aL Lhls polnL all lnqulry lnLo 1ruLh sLarLs and from Lhls polnL alone
musL Lhls lnqulry conLlnue
We are noL so much lnLeresLed ln why we are as we are lnLeresLed ln whaL we are 1haL we are some
parL of Llfe no one can deny and keep falLh wlLh reason LeL us noL boLher abouL quesLlons LhaL can
never be answered buL pay aLLenLlon Lo Lhose whlch have an answer
When man flrsL woke Lo selfconsclousness he had a body and a deflnlLe form showlng LhaL lnsLlncLlve
Llfe whlch ls Cod had already cloLhed lLself wlLh Lhe form of flesh 8ody or form ls Lhe necessary
ouLcome of selfknowlngness ln order Lo know Lhere musL be someLhlng LhaL may be known ln order
Lo be consclous Lhere musL be someLhlng of whlch Lo be consclous Some klnd of a body or expresslon
Lhere always was and always wlll be lf consclousness ls Lo remaln Lrue Lo lLs own naLure
WnA1 IS 1nL 8CD?
8ody ls a concreLe ldea exlsLlng ln Llme and space for Lhe purpose of furnlshlng a vehlcle Lhrough whlch
Llfe may express lLself 1he physlcal unlverse ls Lhe 8ody of Cod lL ls a manlfesLaLlon of Lhe Mlnd of Cod
ln form lL ls LhaL CreaLlon whlch whlle lL may have beglnnlngs and ends of lLself nelLher beglns nor
ends 1he ManlfesLaLlon of SplrlL ls necessary lf SplrlL ls Lo come lnLo Self8eallzaLlon hence 8ody
p 268
We say LhaL body ls composed of maLLer buL whaL ls maLLer? Sclence Lells us LhaL maLLer ls an
aggregaLlon of small parLlcles arranged ln some klnd of form we are also Lold LhaL maLLer ls ln a
conLlnuous sLaLe of flow SLrange as lL may seem we do noL have Lhe same physlcal bodles LhaL we had
a few monLhs ago Lhey have compleLely changed new parLlcles have Laken Lhe place of Lhe old and Lhe
only reason why Lhey have Laken Lhe same form ls LhaL lnsLlncLlve Man has provlded Lhe same mold
Cur bodles are llke a rlver forever flowlng Lhe lndwelllng SplrlL alone malnLalns Lhe ldenLlLy
lf we assume LhaL lmmorLallLy slmply means perslsLlng ln Lhe physlcal body Lhen we already have
lmmorLallzed ourselves many Llmes rlghL here on earLh
We are now belng LaughL LhaL Lhe eLher ls more solld Lhan maLLer We know LhaL Lhe eLher peneLraLes
everyLhlng lL ls ln our bodles aL Lhe cenLer of Lhe earLh and LhroughouL all space 1hls means LhaL
wlLhln our presenL bodles Lhere ls a subsLance more solld Lhan Lhe body whlch we see 1hls ldea ls very
farreachlng for lL shows LhaL we mlghL have a body rlghL wlLhln Lhe physlcal one whlch could be as real
as Lhe one of whlch we are accusLomed Lo Lhlnk lf lnsLlncLlve Man has molded Lhe ouLer body ln form
why should lL noL also mold Lhe lnner one lnLo deflnlLe form? 1here ls every reason Lo suppose LhaL lL
does and no reason Lo suppose Lhe opposlLe ln all probablllLy Lhere ls a body wlLhln a body Lo lnflnlLy
ln my laLhers house are many manslons 99
We do noL deparL from reason when we assume Lhls for whlle we used Lo say LhaL Lwo bodles could
noL occupy Lhe same space aL Lhe same Llme we musL remember LhaL we were Lalklng abouL only one
plane of expresslon 1he new ldea of maLLer and eLher has 8CvLu 1PA1 MC8L 1PAn CnL 8Cu? MA?
CCCu? 1PL SAML SACL A1 1PL SAML 1lML for lL has been proved LhaL Lhere ls a subsLance
p 269
whlch can occupy Lhe same space LhaL our body does no doubL as Llme goes on lL wlll also be proved
LhaL Lhere ls someLhlng sLlll flner Lhan Lhe eLher Lhls may go on Lo lnflnlLy 1here ls every reason Lo
suppose LhaL we have a body wlLhln a body Lo lnflnlLy and lL ls our bellef LhaL we do have
1he resurrecLlon body Lhen wlll noL have Lo be snaLched from some Cosmlc shelf as Lhe soul soars alofL
buL wlll be found Lo exlsL already Wl1Pln LvL8?1PlnC lS l8CM Wl1Pln lC8 LllL lS Wl1Pln 1he
resurrecLlon body of !esus shone so LhaL lL could noL be looked upon because lL was a more splrlLual
one Lhan Lhe physlcal eye ls used Lo beholdlng
1he facLs are concluslve LhaL we have a splrlLual body now and do noL have Lo dle Lo recelve one We
now remember Lhe pasL and have already ouLllved Lhe physlcal body many Llmes durlng llfe lL looks as
Lhough we were already lmmorLal and would noL have Lo dle Lo Lake on lmmorLallLy
lf Lhere are many planes of Llfe and consclousness perhaps we only dle from one plane Lo anoLher 1hls
LhoughL makes a sLrong appeal and seems Lo answer Lhe quesLlon compleLely
Some Lhlnk LhaL deaLh robs us of Lhe ob[ecLlve faculLles and LhaL we pass ouL ln a purely sub[ecLlve
sLaLe buL we are unable Lo follow Lhe loglc of such an assumpLlon 1o suppose LhaL Lhe ob[ecLlve
faculLles dle wlLh Lhe braln ls Lo suppose LhaL Lhe braln Lhlnks and reasons 1hls ls proved Lo be false
Lhrough Lhe experlence of deaLh lLself for lf Lhe braln could Lhlnk lL would Lhlnk on and on forever no
Lhe braln does noL Lhlnk Lhe Lhlnker Lhlnks Lhrough Lhe braln perhaps buL of lLself Lhe braln has no
power Lo Lhlnk or feel ueLach Lhe
p 270
braln and lL wlll noL formulaLe ldeas nor work ouL plans 1PL 1PlnkL8 ALCnL CAn 1Plnk
lL ls loglcal Lo suppose LhaL we pass from Lhls llfe Lo Lhe nexL ln full and compleLe reLenLlon of all our
faculLles !esus revealed Plmself Lo Pls followers afLer Pls resurrecLlon Lo show Lhem LhaL deaLh ls buL a
passlng Lo a hlgher sphere of llfe and acLlon 1o know LhaL we malnLaln an ldenLlLy lndependenL of Lhe
physlcal body ls proof enough of lmmorLallLy 1hls LogeLher wlLh Lhe facL LhaL remembrance malnLalns
a consLanL sLream of recollecLlon and Lhe reallzaLlon LhaL menLallLy can operaLe lndependenLly of Lhe
body performlng all of lLs normal funcLlons wlLhouL lLs ald and LhaL Lhe new Lheory of maLLer and eLher
furnlshes proof of Lhe posslblllLy of a body wlLhln a body Lo lnflnlLy and LhaL Lhe lnsLlncLlve Man ls
consLanLly formlng maLLer lnLo Lhe shape of a body should prove Lo anyone LhaL we are noL golng 1C
A11Aln lMMC81ALl1? 8u1 1PA1 WL nCW A8L lMMC81AL
lL would be lnLeresLlng Lo know wheLher Lhe splrlLs of Lhe supposed dead cause Lhe manlfesLaLlons
whlch we see ln Lhe seance chamber Cne Lhlng ls cerLaln Lhese manlfesLaLlons are elLher caused by
Lhose who are supposed Lo be dead or else Lhey are caused by Lhose now ln Lhe flesh for slnce Lhey
happen someLhlng musL make Lhem happen WheLher Lhe manlfesLaLlons are caused by Lhe dead or
Lhe llvlng Lhe agency used ls elLher a menLal body or Lhe dlrecL power of LhoughL operaLlng upon
ob[ecLs Cf course ln Lhe conveyance of menLal messages LelepaLhy explalns Lhe agency buL ln physlcal
manlfesLaLlons some klnd of conLacL elLher Lakes place or else LhoughL dlrecLly works on ob[ecLs
Pudson ln hls Law of sychlc henomena carefully goes Lhrough an elaboraLe process of reasonlng
Lhe resulL of years of palnsLaklng lnvesLlgaLlon and compleLely proves LhaL all of Lhe manlfesLaLlons do
Lake place Pe Lhen goes Lhrough an exLenslve argumenL Lo show LhaL Lhey are noL caused by splrlLs
saylng LhaL we have no reason Lo suppose Lhe presence
p 271
of an unknown agency when we know LhaL Lhere ls one presenL who could be produclng Lhe
phenomena now lf our reasonlng power ls correcL and lL ls proved LhaL physlcal manlfesLaLlons Lake
place Lhrough some power LhaL ls menLal and lf lL ls proved LhaL Lhose who have passed on mlghL sLlll
be near us Lhen we cannoL see where Lhe argumenL agalnsL splrlL agencles could be consldered perfecL
We are lncllned Lo feel LhaL Lhe very facLs ln Lhe case prove LhaL Lhese manlfesLaLlons could be produced
by elLher Lhe llvlng or Lhe dead and such we belleve Lo be Lhe case
1elepaLhy does noL explaln everyLhlng lL may explaln much buL cerLalnly noL all 1elepaLhy could noL
explaln cerLaln vlslons whlch people someLlmes have when passlng ouL We once knew a woman who
pracLlcally passed ouL and was lndeed LhoughL dead for nearly a day and nlghL buL was flnally resLored
Lo consclousness Lo conLlnue here for anoLher year She plalnly saw and Lalked Lo several members of
her famlly who had gone on some years earller lL ls noL sLrange LhaL Lhose who have gone before are
lnLeresLed ln us and wlsh Lo see us when we go over lf we had frlends ln London and were Lo send word
LhaL we were comlng over Lhey would cerLalnly wlsh Lo meeL us Cur frlends on Lhe oLher slde musL be
[usL as lnLeresLed ln us as Lhey ever were
1elepaLhy cannoL explaln how !esus could Lake some of Pls more advanced dlsclples aslde and leL Lhem
Lalk wlLh Lhe deparLed lL clearly sLaLes LhaL Lhls lncldenL Look place and lf we cannoL belleve Lhls how
can we belleve any of Lhe oLher evenLs ln Lhe llfe and experlence of Lhls mosL remarkable erson?
1here are Lhousands of cases on record where people have peneLraLed Lhe vell of flesh and seen lnLo
Lhe beyond lf we cannoL belleve Lhe experlence of so many how can we belleve ln any experlence aL
all? Cf course Lhere ls a large fleld for
p 272
decepLlon and lL ls noL probable LhaL all communlcaLlons are real buL Lo sLaLe poslLlvely LhaL Lhey are
all llluslons ls Lo Lhrow Lhe lle lnLo Lhe face of human LhoughL and say LhaL ls never sees clearly 1here ls
cerLalnly more argumenL and evldence ln favor of Lhe Lheory of splrlL communlcaLlon LhaL agalnsL lL
and so far as we are concerned we are enLlrely convlnced of Lhe reallLy of Lhls evldence
lf splrlLs really exlsL and lf we all llve ln Cne Mlnd and lf menLallLy can communlcaLe wlLh menLallLy
wlLhouL Lhe ald of Lhe physlcal lnsLrumenL Lhen splrlL communlcaLlon musL be posslble and slnce we
know LhaL Lhe abovesLaLed facLs are Lrue we have no alLernaLlve oLher Lhan Lo accepL Lhe concluslve
evldence and reallze LhaL whlle lL may be dlfflculL Lo communlcaLe wlLh Lhe deparLed yeL lL ls posslble
lL ls evldenL LhaL any such communlcaLlon musL be menLal lL would be LhoughL Lransference or menLal
LelepaLhy aL besL now lf Lhe supposed enLlLy knows LhaL we wlsh Lo communlcaLe wlLh lL and lf lL ls
consclously presenL Lrylng Lo communlcaLe wlLh us Lhen lL musL by Lhe power of lLs LhoughL cause lLs
message Lo come up Lhrough our sub[ecLlvlLy Lo an ob[ecLlve sLaLe of recognlLlon consequenLly how
very dlfflculL Lo recelve a coherenL message! lor lnsLance suppose LhaL one Lrles Lo Lhlnk a lecLure Lo an
audlence how much would Lhey recelve? ?eL Lhls ls exacLly whaL would happen under Lhe very besL
condlLlon lf Lhe deparLed were Lrylng Lo lmpress our LhoughL l belleve LhaL Lhey do seek Lo
communlcaLe wlLh us and LhaL Lhey ofLen succeed perhaps more ofLen Lhan we reallze buL l repeaL
Pow dlfflculL lL musL be!
WheLher or noL Lhe splrlLs are presenL ls uncerLaln !usL because a psychlc sees Lhe plcLure of a person
around us does noL mean LhaL he ls really Lhere for Lhe plcLures of all our frlends are always ln our
menLal aLmospheres lL ls qulLe absurd Lo suppose LhaL aL any Llme we wlsh we can call any one we ever
knew and make hlm Lalk Lo us We are unable Lo do so here and psychologlcal and meLaphyslcal laws
are Lhe same on every plane
p 273
1o suppose LhaL we can compel Lhe aLLenLlon of one ouL of Lhe flesh any more Lhan of one ln lL ls an
absurdlLy And lf we could whaL would we hope Lo galn? eople ouL of Lhe flesh know no more Lhan
Lhey dld when ln Lhe body l belleve LhaL we do communlcaLe wlLh Lhe sub[ecLlvlLy of Lhose who are
deparLed wheLher Lhey know LhaL we are dolng so or noL buL Lhe messages LhaL come ln our presenL
sLaLe of evoluLlon are very lncoherenL l belleve LhaL an unconsclous communlcaLlon goes on more or
less all Lhe Llme and LhaL Lhose people whom we have greaLly loved are sLlll consclous of us and are
wlLhouL doubL seeklng Lo lnfluence us buL lL could only be a menLal lnfluence We mlghL feel a vague
sense much as Lhe nlece of Com eLer dld ln 1he 8eLurn of eLer Crlmm She felL a vague sense of her
uncle LhaL he was Lrylng Lo lmpress her wlLh hls LhoughL and deslre She felL a bllnd groplng and LhaL ls
probably Lhe besL LhaL we would geL
We all have psychlc capaclLles buL Lhey should never be forced for lL ls only when Lhe sub[ecLlve comes
Lo Lhe surface whlle ln a normal sLaLe LhaL a normal psychlc power ls produced 1he average psychlc
musL go lnLo a semlLrance Lo leL Lhe sub[ecLlve come Lhrough Lhls ls never good nor rlghL buL ls always
desLrucLlve 1he psychlc capaclLy ls normal only Lo Lhe exLenL LhaL lL can be used whlle ln a self
consclous sLaLe uonL mlsundersLand whaL l am saylng lL ls known as Lhe power of darkness buL ls all
rlghL lf undersLood Many people are boLhered by Lhelr psychlc powers consLanLly seelng Lhlngs
conLlnually geLLlng lmpresslons Lhey are very near Lhe surface of sub[ecLlvlLy and lL boLhers Lhem 1hls
can easlly be healed and should be
1here ls a normal psychlc capaclLy and some are able Lo dlscern menLal causes wlLh perfecL ease !esus
was such an Cne Pe was able Lo Lell Lhe woman LhaL she had been marrled flve Llmes and LhaL Lhe man
wlLh whom she was llvlng was noL her husband Pe read LhaL ouL of her LhoughL buL
p 274
paragraph conLlnues Pe dld lL whlle ln an ob[ecLlve sLaLe for Pe was able Lo consclously and
ob[ecLlvely exerclse Pls sub[ecLlve faculLles 1hls ls perfecLly normal buL Lo leL go of Lhe vollLlonal and
chooslng faculLles whlch alone consLlLuLe lndlvlduallLy and become lmmersed ln sub[ecLlvlLy ls very
dangerous Cne mlghL become obsessed by dlscarnaLe splrlLs earLhbound enLlLles elemenLals LhoughL
forms deslres or oLher forces floaLlng around for we cannoL close our eyes Lo Lhe facL LhaL all of Lhese
Lhlngs do exlsL
lL ls a crlme agalnsL lndlvlduallLy Lo allow Lhe consclous faculLles Lo become submerged We should
conLrol Lhe sub[ecLlve and noL leL lL conLrol us 1he Leachlng of Lhe llluslon of mlnd sprang up because
men of wlsdom percelved LhaL people mlghL mlsLake Lhe shade for Lhe reallLy Lhe form for real
subsLance Lhe hollow volce for revelaLlon and Lhereby be mlsled 1haL ls why Lhey warned agalnsL
Lhese Lhlngs and agalnsL havlng famlllar splrlLs and Lhey were absoluLely rlghL never leL any volces
speak Lo you unless you are ln perfecL conLrol of Lhe slLuaLlon never admlL any menLal lmpresslons or
lmages LhaL you do noL wlsh Lo recelve or LhaL you cannoL recelve consclously Say 1here ls no power
ln Lhe flesh or ouL of lL buL Lhe Cne whlch can enLer my consclousness Any Lhlng LhaL obeys Lhe Cne
conforms Lo Lhe Cne belleves only ln Lhe Cne and comes only Lhrough Lhe consclousness of Lhe Cne ls
perfecLly welcome buL anyLhlng oLher Lhan LhaL cannoL come
1he only value LhaL an undersLandlng of psychlc phenomena can have ls LhaL wlLhouL lL we do noL
undersLand Lhe compleLe worklngs of mlnd We do noL undersLand experlences people ofLen have and
ln a conslsLenL phllosophy whlch deals wlLh mlnd Lhe lack of an undersLandlng of psychlc phenomena
would be lnexcusable lor any one ln Lhls day Lo say LhaL powers of clalrvoyance LelepaLhy LhoughL
Lransference clalraudlence or LeleklneLlc energy are noL exerclsed ls Lo admlL hls own lgnorance
1hese Lhlngs do happen and are conLlnuously happenlng ln more and more lnsLances 1he Lhlng Lo do ls
noL Lo deny whaL happens buL Lo flnd a loglcal and sclenLlflc explanaLlon of lL lL ls our buslness Lo
explaln all menLal acLlon ln so far
p 273
as lL ls explalnable and so we musL flnd and answer whlch wlll cover Lhe law of psychlc phenomena
Mlnd wlLh Lhe laws governlng lL ls Lhe whole answer for each plane reproduces Lhe one nexL Lo lL and
psychlc phenomena are reproducLlons of mans physlcal capaclLles on Lhe menLal plane WhaL ls Lrue
on one plane ls Lrue on all

nC1L 8ead and carefully sLudy Law of sychlc henomena Pudson Llfe AfLer ueaLh Pyslop 1he
unknown CuesL MaeLerllnck Sclence and lmmorLallLy Lodge 1he Pldden ower 1roward lrom
Lhe unconsclous Lo Lhe Consclous Celey

26899 !ohn 142

p 276
Lesson S|x kecap|tu|at|on
sychlc phenomena are Lhe phenomena of Lhe soul or sub[ecLlve mlnd 1he sub[ecLlve menLallLy ls
mans aLmosphere ln unlversal Mlnd lL ls Lhe seaL of hls memory and Lhe avenue Lhrough whlch
lnsLlncLlve Llfe works
1he sub[ecLlve menLallLy belng deducLlve only ln lLs reasonlng power ls compelled Lo reLaln all of Lhe
lmpresslons LhaL lL recelves buL of course Lhese lmpresslons can be erased consclously
Man ls unlversal on Lhe sub[ecLlve slde of llfe and ln Lhls way ls connecLed wlLh Lhe sub[ecLlvlLy of all
wlLh whom he ls ln harmonlous vlbraLlon
MenLal suggesLlon operaLes Lhrough Lhe sub[ecLlve mlnd and a sllenL lnfluence ls always golng on
Lhrough Lhls avenue ln Lhe form of racesuggesLlon A sllenL communlcaLlon Lakes place aL all Llmes
beLween frlends on Lhe sub[ecLlve slde of llfe when lL comes Lo Lhe surface lL ls called menLal LelepaLhy
1he sub[ecLlve mlnd belng ln conLacL wlLh Lhe raceLhoughL has a much greaLer knowledge Lhan Lhe
consclous mlnd lL ls Lhrough Lhls avenue LhaL human lnsplraLlon comes CraLors and acLors conLacL Lhe
sub[ecLlve slde of Lhelr audlences and ln Lhls way wleld a Lremendous lnfluence Slngers poeLs and
wrlLers enLer Lhe sub[ecLlve raceLhoughL and lnLerpreL lL Lhls enables Lhem Lo deplcL Lhe race
Lach person has a sub[ecLlve menLal emanaLlon or aLmosphere whlch ls Lhe resulL of all LhaL has ever
been consclously or unconsclously sald LhoughL or done by LhaL person 1he menLal aLmosphere of a
person ls hls power of aLLracLlon lL ls Lhe resulL of hls lnner LhoughLs 1he menLal aLmosphere of a place
ls Lhe resulL of all LhaL has been LhoughL sald or done ln LhaL place 1he menLal aLmosphere of a place ls
lLs power of aLLracLlon We love Lhose places whose menLal aLmosphere ls one of love and peace Lhls ls
why we llke our homes 1he home should always be kepL sacred and lLs aLmosphere should always be
one of love
p 277
1hlngs are possessed of a soul elemenL and conLlnuously emanaLe Lhls aLmosphere
Lach clLy or Lown has a speclal aLmosphere whlch ls Lhe resulL of Lhe menLal emanaLlons of Lhose who
lnhablL lL 1he same may be sald of naLlons each has lLs naLlonal menLallLy
1he hlsLory of Lhe whole race ls sub[ecLlvely wrlLLen on Lhe unseen walls of Llme and may be
reproduced by one who can read Lhe racemenLallLy
1elepaLhy whlch ls Lhe acL of readlng sub[ecLlve LhoughL Lakes place Lhrough Lhe medlum of unlversal
Sub[ecLlvlLy ln order Lo menLally recelve a message and brlng lL Lo Lhe surface one musL be ln Lune
wlLh Lhe vlbraLlon of LhaL message
Slnce Lhe whole fleld of sub[ecLlvlLy ls unlversal lL follows LhaL everyLhlng LhaL has ever been LhoughL
sald or done ls reLalned ln Lhe raceLhoughL and slnce Lhls fleld ls a unlL all of Lhe vlbraLlons are ever
presenL and may be conLacLed aL Lhe polnL of any ones menLallLy
ln hls ob[ecLlve sLaLe man ls separaLe and dlsLlncL buL on Lhe sub[ecLlve slde of llfe he ls unlversal
1he condlLlons necessary for Lhe besL resulLs ln psychlc work are falLh and expecLancy Lhls ls because
Lhe sub[ecLlve menLallLy ls Lhe seaL of Lhe lnsLlncLlve emoLlons and responds Lo feellng
A psychlc golng lnLo more or less of a sub[ecLlve sLaLe ls able Lo enLer Lhe vlbraLlon of an lndlvlduals
LhoughL and read from Lhe book of hls remembrance 1he personal readlng seems Lo be llmlLed Lo Lhe
sub[ecLlve remembrance alLhough Lhls ls ofLen very farreachlng
Lach malnLalns a sLream of consclousness ln Lhe Cne Mlnd and any one conLacLlng Lhls sLream may
ob[ecLlfy lL 8ecause of Lhe unlversallLy of Lhe Medlum Lhe lndlvldual sLream of consclousness ls always
omnlpresenL wheLher Lhe one from whom lL emanaLed be ln Lhe flesh or ouL of lL
1lme and space are unknown ln Mlnd Lhe pasL and Lhe presenL are one ln readlng Lhe LhoughL of
people seL down ln books we enLer Lhelr vlbraLlon and ln sLudylng Lhelr LhoughLs we enLer Lhelr sLream
of consclousness
Lvery one who ever llved on earLh has lefL behlnd a menLal plcLure of hlmself Lhese plcLures are ofLen
seen when one ls
p 278
ln a sub[ecLlve sLaLe 1hls does noL mean LhaL we really see Lhe person whaL we see generally ls Lhe
1he human aura ls Lhe menLal vlbraLlon or emanaLlon of Lhe lndlvldual 1he ldea of Lhe halo surroundlng
Lhe heads of Lhe salnLs ls explalned ln Lhls way 1he personal aLmosphere varles wlLh Lhe changlng
LhoughL and emoLlon and ls someLlmes pleasanL and aL oLher Llmes unpleasanL
PablLs are formed Lhrough consclous LhoughL becomlng sub[ecLlve and ln lLs Lurn conLrolllng Lhe one
Lhrough whom lL operaLes Manla ls a sLrong deslre sub[ecLlfled whlch becomes an obsesslon
eople may become obsessed wlLh Lhelr own ldeas or wlLh Lhose LhaL operaLe Lhrough Lhem from some
forelgn source wheLher Lhls source ls from some one ln Lhe flesh or ouL of lL Cbsesslon ls always some
form of menLal suggesLlon lnsanlLy ls Lhe loss of Lhe ob[ecLlve faculLy
1he psychlc power musL always be conLrolled A normal sLaLe ls a perfecL balance beLween Lhe ob[ecLlve
and Lhe sub[ecLlve faculLles 1hls ls Lhe alm of evoluLlon Lo produce a man who aL Lhe polnL of hls
ob[ecLlve faculLy may perfecLly conLrol Lhe sub[ecLlve A Lrance sLaLe ls abnormal and only LhaL psychlc
faculLy ls normal whlch ls under full conLrol of Lhe selfdlscernlng mlnd
Clalrvoyance ls Lhe ablllLy Lo see wlLhouL Lhe physlcal eye sychomeLry ls a clalrvoyanL sLaLe whereln
Lhe medlum ls able Lo enLer Lhe sub[ecLlve slde of Lhlngs and read Lhe aLmospheres surroundlng Lhem
Lhls ls why medlums ofLen wlsh Lo hold some famlllar ob[ecL ln Lhelr hands whlle glvlng readlngs
Clalraudlence ls Lhe ear of Lhe soul lndependenL volces someLlmes come from Lhe alr provlng LhaL
some lnner power ls able Lo express lLself audlbly ApparlLlons are LhoughL forms and may come from
Lhe llvlng or from Lhe dead aL Llmes Lhey come as a warnlng
CrysLal gazlng ls for Lhe purpose of concenLraLlng Lhe mlnd ln order LhaL lL may become sub[ecLlve
8lack maglc Lhe curse of malpracLlce all mean Lhe use of LhoughL power for desLrucLlve purposes
AuLomaLlc wrlLlng Lakes place when Lhe arm ls under conLrol
p 279
of Lhe sub[ecLlve mlnd of Lhe operaLor or by Lhe subconsclous mlnd of some one else elLher ln Lhe flesh
or ouL of lL lL ls a form of suggesLlon elLher consclous or unconsclous lndependenL wrlLlng ls where Lhe
pencll wrlLes wlLhouL physlcal conLacL 1hls shows LhaL some lnner power has Lhe ablllLy Lo grasp solld
ob[ecLs wlLhouL physlcal conLacL 1able Llpplng and rapplngs are from Lhe same source lL ls LhoughL by
some LhaL Lhese manlfesLaLlons come from Lhe agency of whaL ls called ecLoplasm or a subLle
emanaLlon of Lhe body Lhls Lheory however does noL explaln all of Lhe facLs Mlnd alone can do Lhls
LevlLaLlon or Lhe ablllLy Lo move Lhe body ls anoLher facL well known Lo lnvesLlgaLors
1he power of prophecy ls llmlLed Lo some sub[ecLlve Lendency already seL ln moLlon for menLal
Lendencles casL Lhelr shadows before Lhem 1here ls a hlgher power of prophecy whlch conLacLs Lhe
Cosmlc urposes and reads Lhe LhoughL of Cod
Man reproduces on Lhe menLal plane all of Lhe physlcal faculLles
lmmorLallLy means LhaL Lhe lndlvldual shall perslsL afLer Lhe experlence of physlcal deaLh carrylng wlLh
hlm a compleLe remembrance and an unbroken sLream of consclousness for lf man be lmmorLal deaLh
cannoL rob hlm of anyLhlng
Man cannoL concelve of hlmself elLher as belng born or as dylng he llves and cannoL Lhlnk of hlmself
from any oLher sLandpolnL Lven Lhough a person should concelve of hlmself as dylng and lmaglne hls
own funeral he would sLlll have Lo concelve of hlmself as consclously belng Lhere and so prove LhaL he
dld noL dle aL all lL ls Lhe same wlLh blrLh we can lmaglne belng born lnLo Lhls world buL we cannoL
lmaglne Lhe self as belng nonexlsLenL for whlle Lhlnklng of Lhe self as belng born we are sLlll
consclously Lhlnklng Lhus provlng LhaL we were before we were physlcally born
All lnqulry lnLo Lhe 1ruLh sLarLs wlLh Lhe selfevldenL proposlLlon LhaL Llfe ls
p 280
When man flrsL woke Lo selfconsclousness on Lhls plane he already had a body Consclousness always
cloLhes lLself ln some klnd of form
MaLLer from whlch Lhe body ls made ls a fluenL subsLance forever Laklng Lhe form LhaL lnLelllgence
glves lL lL flows ln and ouL llke a rlver we yearly lmmorLallze ourselves so far as Lhe body ls concerned
1he eLher belng more solld Lhan maLLer proves LhaL we could have a body wlLhln Lhe one LhaL we now
occupy Slnce maLLer ln form ls only a cerLaln raLe of vlbraLlon lL follows LhaL ln deallng wlLh lnflnlLe
Llfe we are deallng wlLh an lnflnlLe number of vlbraLlons consequenLly we mlghL have a body wlLhln a
body Lo lnflnlLy
ln reallLy Lhe body ls a splrlLual ldea Lhe flesh slmply covers lL for Lhe purpose of provldlng a physlcal
lnsLrumenL Lhrough whlch SplrlL may funcLlon on Lhls plane
Man deparLs Lhls body only Lo flnd hlmself already equlpped wlLh anoLher one Pe carrles wlLh hlm
every aLLrlbuLe LhaL he now possesses and goes forLh ln compleLe reLenLlon of hls lndlvlduallLy
Slnce Lhere ls buL Cne Mlnd lL follows LhaL lL ls posslble Lo communlcaLe wlLh Lhe deparLed buL as Lhe
communlcaLlon musL come Lhrough Lhe sub[ecLlve lL ls dlfflculL Lo recelve clear messages and lL ls
lmposslble Lo know wheLher or noL Lhe ones wlLh whom we Lhlnk we are communlcaLlng are consclously
lL ls never safe Lo go lnLo a Lrance sLaLe ln order Lo communlcaLe wlLh Lhe deparLed as ln so dolng one
mlghL sub[ecL hlmself Lo Lhe menLal lnfluences of lesser menLallLles lndlvlduallLy ls sacred and musL
never be Lampered wlLh nor conLrolled excepL by Lhe consclous mlnd
1he value of an undersLandlng of psychlc phenomena lles ln Lhe facL LhaL Lhey are Lhe phenomena of
Mlnd and musL be accounLed for
Lvery plane reproduces Lhe one [usL below or [usL above lL psychlc phenomena are Lhe reproducLlons
on Lhe menLal plane of Lhe prlnclple [usL below Lhe menLal whlch ls Lhe physlcal

p 281
Port lll Spec|a| Art|c|es
noLe lL ls well for Lhe sLudenL Lo carefully read and sLudy Lhe followlng arLlcles as Lhey have a dlsLlncL
bearlng on Lhe precedlng lessons
AbsoluLe ls deflned as lree from resLrlcLlons unllmlLed uncondlLloned 1he unllmlLed and erfecL
8elng Cod
8elaLlvlLy ls deflned as LxlsLence only as an ob[ecL of or ln relaLlon Lo a Lhlnklng mlnd A condlLlon of
1he AbsoluLe belng uncondlLloned ls lnflnlLe and All lL ls LhaL Whlch ls or Lhe 1ruLh lL ls axlomaLlc LhaL
Lhe 1ruLh belng All cannoL be separaLed llmlLed nor dlvlded lL musL be Changeless CompleLe erfecL
and uncreaLed
8elaLlvlLy ls LhaL whlch depends upon someLhlng else and lf Lhere be such a Lhlng as relaLlvlLy lL ls noL a
Lhlng of lLself buL only LhaL whlch funcLlons wlLhln Lhe AbsoluLe and depends on lL
We wlsh Lo afflrm relaLlvlLy wlLhouL desLroylng AbsoluLeness 1hls can be done only by reallzlng LhaL Lhe
relaLlve ls noL a Lhlng aparL from buL ls an experlence ln Lhe AllComprehendlng Mlnd 1he relaLlve does
noL conLradlcL Lhe AbsoluLe buL afflrms lL and Lhe relaLlve alone guaranLees LhaL Lhere ls an AbsoluLe
1he AbsoluLe ls Cause Lhe relaLlve ls effecL Lhe AbsoluLe depends upon lLself belng SelfLxlsLenL Lhe
relaLlve musL depend upon Lhe AbsoluLe
We should be careful noL Lo deny Lhe relaLlve slmply because lL ls noL absoluLe 1o suppose LhaL Lhere
could be an AbsoluLe wlLhouL a relaLlve would be Lo suppose LhaL Lhere could be an unexpressed Cod
or llrsL Cause Lhls ls unLhlnkable
p 282
and lmposslble 1he Consclousness of Cod musL be expressed hence Lhe relaLlve 1he relaLlve ls noL
aparL from buL ls ln Lhe AbsoluLe and as such lL ls perfecLly good and necessary 1lme space ouLllne
form change movemenL acLlon and reacLlon manlfesLaLlon and creaLlon all are relaLlve buL all are
8elaLlvlLy subslsLs wlLhln exlsLence and lnherenL Llfe ls poLenLlal and laLenL wlLh llmlLless posslblllLles
1he relaLlve and Lhe AbsoluLe do noL conLradlcL each oLher

Lvll wlll remaln a problem as long as any one belleves ln lL 1hls may sound raLher sLarLllng unLll one has
Laken Lhe Llme Lo Lhlnk Lhe maLLer Lhrough Lo a concluslon Lvll of lLself ls nelLher person place nor
Lhlng buL ls only a cerLaln use LhaL we make of llfe We call LhaL evll whlch we feel ls Lhe wrong Lhlng Lo
do buL our ldeas of good and evll change wlLh Lhe unfoldmenL of our LhoughL abouL and bellef ln llfe
for whaL was LhoughL Lo be good yesLerday ls Loday consldered evll and whaL yesLerday was
consldered Lo be evll ls Loday called good
Cenerally speaklng we may conslder evll Lo be LhaL whlch ls desLrucLlve ln lLs naLure and good Lo be
LhaL whlch ls consLrucLlve
Lvll Lhen wlll dlsappear ln Lhe exacL proporLlon LhaL we cease uslng desLrucLlve meLhods and good wlll
appear Lo Lhe degree LhaL we embody consLrucLlve meLhods 1o Lurn from evll and do good ls Lhe deslre
of every soul who ls consecraLed Lo Lhe 1ruLh Lhls we can do only as we cease Lalklng abouL bellevlng
ln or dolng evll
1he problem of evll wlll conLlnue Lo be a problem [usL as long as we belleve ln lL Cood wlll appear only
as we embody lL Lach soul has wlLhln a sure LesL a someLhlng whlch dlrecLs and guldes lL 1hls
SomeLhlng ls Lhe SplrlL of Cod and lL knows no evll
As Lhere ls no sln buL a mlsLake so Lhere ls no punlshmenL
p 283
buL an lnevlLable consequence As long as we make mlsLakes we shall be slnnlng and [usL so long we
shall auLomaLlcally be punlshed for Lhe law ls cerLaln and sure As we Lurn Lo Lhe Cood we wlll sLop
dolng evll and Lherefore sLop slnnlng
1he problem ls solved as we Lurn from all LhaL hurLs all LhaL ls desLrucLlve all LhaL denles Lhe Cood and
Lurn wlLh our whole belng lnLo Lhe llghL and Loward Lhe 1ruLh Lvll ls swallowed up ln Lhe Cood as we
learn Lo llve dally ln Lhe resence of Cod l wlll forglve Lhelr lnlqulLy and l wlll remember Lhelr sln no
more 100 1haL ls lL wlll be compleLely bloLLed ouL lL wlll cease Lo be
WlLh our whole hearL wlLh our whole belng ln slncerlLy and honesLy wlLh a compleLe LrusL ln Lhe Cood
yearnlng Loward lL wlLh a souldeslre LhaL wlll be saLlsfled we should Lurn Lo Cod as Lhe Supreme
resence as Lhe CompleLe Llfe forsaklng any bellef ln evll we should Lurn so compleLely Lo Lhe SplrlL
LhaL our souls wlll become lllumlned by Lhe LlghL LLernal
Lvll wlll cease Lo be when we sLop looklng aL lL lL never really was and ls buL a supposlLlon LeL us Lhen
Lurn Lo Lhe aLh of LlghL and look Lo Lhe Cod WlLhln LeL us say 1hou lnflnlLe lndwelllng Cod wlLhln
me knowlng no evll Leach me of 1hy ways and ln 1hy wlsdom make me wlse AlmlghLy Cod wlLhln me
dlrecL me lnLo Lhe way of Lhe All Cood LeL us Lurn compleLely from any and every bellef ln evll and do
good 1he problem wlll Lhus be solved and we shall reallze LhaL only Lhe Cood remalns

283100 !er 3134

1he sLory of Lhe fall Lyplfles raceexperlence as broughL abouL Lhrough lLs bellef ln duallLy Man ls
creaLed perfecL LhaL ls he sLarLs on hls [ourney as a perfecL belng buL he also sLarLs as an lndlvldual
and Lhls of course means LhaL he sLarLs wlLh selfcholce Selfcholce would have no real meanlng unless
lL were backed by Lhe power Lo exLernallze Lhls cholce and experlence
p 284
Lhe effecL of lL Man has Lhe ablllLy Lo choose and Lo exLernallze hls cholce for he ls a real lndlvlduallLy

1he Carden of Lden Lyplfles mans orlglnal sLaLe of perfecLlon before he began Lo have experlence 1he
1ree of knowledge means Lhe Llfe rlnclple whlch can be used boLh ways lL bore Lhe frulL of Lhe
knowledge of boLh klnds of experlence good and evll freedom and llmlLaLlon Man musL choose whlch
klnd of frulL he wlll eaL Choose ye Lhls day whom ye wlll serve 101 Man makes hls cholce consclously
buL generally ln lgnorance 1he serpenL Lyplfles Lhe Llfe rlnclple vlewed from Lhe maLerlallsLlc
vlewpolnL lL casLs man from hls perfecL sLaLe Lhrough hls bellef ln duallLy and separaLlon Man chose Lo
deparL from Cood and man alone musL choose Lo reLurn Lo lL Cod leLs hlm alone for he ls a free agenL
and may do as he wllls wlLh hlmself When man decldes Lo reLurn Lo hls laLhers Pouse he wlll flnd LhaL
hls laLher ls sLlll Lhere AcL as Lhough l am and l wlll be Cnlook Lhe uelLy and Lhe uelLy wlll onlook
Lhee 8e flrm and ye shall be made flrm As Lhough hasL belleved so be lL done unLo Lhee 102 Ask
and lL shall be glven unLo you seek and ye shall flnd knock and lL shall be opened unLo you 103 Cods
CreaLlon ls erfecL and we musL wake Lo Lhe facL and know LhaL we are now ln Lhe klngdom of Peaven

284101 !osh 2413
284102 MaLL 812
284103 MaLL 77

As Lhe fall of man was broughL abouL Lhrough hls own acL so Lhe rlse of man wlll be accompllshed
Lhrough hls own acL Cod already ls SalvaLlon ls noL a Lhlng buL a Way Lhe way of salvaLlon ls Lhrough
Lhe reallzaLlon of mans unlLy wlLh Lhe Whole Crace ls Lhe glvlngness of Lhe SplrlL Lo lLs CreaLlon
p 283
and ls noL a speclal law buL ls a speclallzed one ln oLher words Crace ls buL we need Lo recognlze lL lL
ls noL someLhlng LhaL Cod lmposed upon us buL ls Lhe loglcal resulL of Lhe correcL accepLance of llfe and
of a correcL relaLlonshlp Lo Lhe SplrlL
We are saved by Crace Lo Lhe exLenL LhaL we belleve ln accepL and seek Lo embody Lhe Law of Cood
for Lhe Law of Cood ls ever a Law of LlberLy and never one of llmlLaLlon LlmlLaLlon ls noL a Lhlng buL ls a
bellef lreedom ls a ulvlne 8eallLy whlle llmlLaLlon ls an llluslon a false bellef
SalvaLlon ls an acL of man and noL an acL of Cod Man damned hlmself and man musL save hlmself lf he
ever ls saved Pe wlll save hlmself Lo Lhe exacL degree LhaL he sLops damnlng hlmself Pe wlll llve ln
Peaven when he sLops llvlng ln hell Pe wlll be healed when he sLops belng slck Pe wlll become rlch [usL
as soon as he sLops belng poor Pe wlll become as Cod when he sLops masqueradlng as Lhe devll Pe wlll
be happy when he sLops belng mlserable Pe wlll be aL peace when he sLops becomlng confused Pe wlll
be fllled wlLh [oy when he sLops Lhlnklng sadness Pe wlll llve when he sLops dylng Pe wlll be perfecL
when he sLops looklng upon lmperfecLlon and he wlll be saved when he sLops damnlng hlmself PL WlLL
8L CnL WPLn PL S1CS 8LlnC 1WC MAn MAn MAn MAn MAn MAn MAn 1he greaL 1houl
and Lhe greaL l1hou

We musL reallze Lhe erfecL unlverse lf we wlsh Lo embody Lhe greaLesL good lf Lhe unlverse were noL
erfecL lL could noL exlsL for a slngle momenL lL ls selfevldenL LhaL we llve ln a erfecL unlverse and lf
so Lhen everyLhlng ln lL musL also be perfecL
1he 1ruLh ls lndlvlslble and Whole Cod ls CompleLe and erfecL A erfecL Cause musL produce a erfecL
LffecL ulsregardlng all evldence Lo Lhe conLrary Lhe sLudenL of 1ruLh wlll malnLaln LhaL he llves ln a
erfecL unlverse and among
p 286
perfecL people he wlll regulaLe hls Lhlnklng Lo meeL Lhls necesslLy and wlll refuse Lo belleve ln lLs
opposlLe AL flrsL he may appear Lo be weak buL as Llme goes on he wlll prove Lo lLself LhaL hls poslLlon
ls a correcL one for LhaL whlch appears lmperfecL wlll begln Lo sllp from hls experlence
1o dally medlLaLe on Lhe erfecL Llfe and Lo dally embody Lhe CreaL ldeal ls Lhe way Lo sure salvaLlon
Lhls ls a royal road Lo freedom and ls happlness Lo Lhe soul of man We cannoL afford Lo belleve ln
lmperfecLlon for a slngle lnsLanL LeL us learn Lo look as Cod musL look wlLh a erfecL vlslon leL us seek
Lhe Cood and Lhe 1rue and belleve ln Lhem wlLh our whole hearL leL us say dally Lo our lnner selves
erfecL Cod wlLhln me erfecL Llfe wlLhln me Whlch ls Cod erfecL 8elng wlLhln me Whlch ls Cod
come forLh lnLo expresslon Lhrough me and become LhaL whlch l am lead me lnLo Lhe paLhs of
perfecLlon and cause me Lo see only Lhe Cood
8y Lhls pracLlce Lhe soul wlll become lllumlned and wlll acqualnL lLself wlLh Cod and be aL peace 8e ye
Lherefore perfecL even as your laLher Whlch ls ln heaven ls erfecL 104

286104 MaLL 348

Coue announced a greaL LruLh when he sald LhaL lmaglnaLlon ls superlor Lo Lhe wlll buL he dld noL
explaln Lhe phllosophy behlnd Lhls LruLh lL ls a facL LhaL whaL he sald ls Lrue buL we wlsh Lo analyze Lhe
facL and dlscover Lhe reason back of lL for lf anyLhlng ls Lrue Lhere ls always a reason for lLs belng Lrue
Wlll ls an assumpLlon pure and slmple We do noL wlll Lo llve we llve because we have llfe and cannoL
help llvlng 1he use of Lhe wlll could noL make us anyLhlng LhaL we are noL for lL ls noL posslble Lo geL
ouL of a bag anyLhlng LhaL Lhe bag does noL conLaln We llve because llfe ls wlLhln us erhaps Lhls ls
whaL !esus meanL when Pe sald Whlch of you by Laklng LhoughL can add one cublL Lo hls
sLaLure? 103
We dld noL make Llfe and we cannoL change lL buL we can use lL and Lhe use of Llfe ls Lhrough Lhe
lmaglnaLlon because
p 287
Lhls faculLy has aL lLs rooLs Lhe very wellsprlng of llfe and acLlon lmaglnaLlon carrles wlLh lL feellng and
convlcLlon whlch mean llfe and acLlon lL awakens wlLhln us all Lhe flner forces of naLure and sLlrs lnLo
acLlon laLenL powers whlch oLherwlse would never come Lo Lhe surface
AL Lhe very rooL of Lhe whole maLLer we flnd LhaL Lhe CreaLlve ower of Lhe unlverse does noL creaLe
Lhrough wlll buL Lhrough lmaglnaLlon lmaglng feellng and knowlng 1o suppose LhaL Cod musL wlll
Lhlngs Lo happen would be Lo suppose LhaL Cod had some opposlng force Lo conLend wlLh
Wlll power may be necessary ln lLs place buL as a creaLlve agency lL ls nonexlsLenL lL ls noL creaLlve buL
dlrecLlve and used from Lhls sLandpolnL lL ls a wonderful force whereas used from any oLher angle lL
becomes desLrucLlve and wlll menLally weary Lhe one uslng lL 1o feel LhaL we have Lo wlll Lhlngs Lo
happen casLs doubL lnLo Lhe face of CreaLlon and presupposes LhaL Llfe ls noL SelfLxlsLenL and Self
lmaglnaLlon Laps Lhe very rooLs of 8elng and uLlllzes Lhe same ower LhaL broughL Lhe worlds forLh from
Chaos 1he worlds were framed by Lhe word of Cod 103 lmaglnaLlon ls Lhe power of Lhe word whlle
wlll ls Lhe dlrecLlve agency denoLlng Lhe purpose for whlch Lhe word ls spoken
Man reproduces Lhe power Lo creaLe and ln hls own llfe conLrols hls desLlny Lhrough Lhe acLlvlLy of hls
word 1hls word cannoL be wllled buL lL can be lmaglned or lmaged forLh lnLo expresslon

286103 MaLL 627
287103 Peb 113

vlsuallzlng means menLally seelng Lhe Lhlngs LhaL you wlsh Lo have or Lo do When you menLally see Lhe
Lhlngs you deslre and see Lhem very clearly you are presenLlng unlversal Mlnd wlLh lmages of LhoughL
and llke Lhe creaLlve soll of Lhe ground lL aL once Lends Lo pro[ecL Lhem lnLo form lf Lhe LhoughL lmage
ls clear lL provldes a good mold lf lL ls lmperfecL Lhe mold ls a poor one 1hls does noL mean LhaL
p 288
one musL seL hls mlnd or hold LhoughL lL slmply means LhaL he musL Lhlnk clearly 1here ls no power ln
holdlng LhoughLs lndeed Lhe real secreL of successful menLal work ls Lo loose LhoughL and leL Mlnd
operaLe upon lL
1he flrsL Lhlng Lo do ls Lo declde whaL you wlsh Lo lmage lnLo Mlnd AfLer havlng become composed ln
LhoughL begln Lo see Lhe compleLe ouLcome of your deslres ln menLal plcLures Suppose LhaL you wlsh
Lo demonsLraLe a home you should know [usL whaL klnd of home you wlsh Cf course lf you slmply
LhoughL of house you would geL someLhlng buL Lhe more deflnlLe Lhe plcLure Lhe beLLer Lhe resulLs wlll
be ln order Lo make Lhe plcLure compleLe declde [usL whaL klnd of a home you wlsh Lo llve ln Lhen ln
Lhe sllence of your LhoughL menLally look aL Lhls house go from room Lo room sLopplng here and Lhere
Lo look aL some plece of furnlLure or aL some plcLure on Lhe wall Make Lhe whole Lhlng real as far as
posslble enLer Lhe house slL down and feel LhaL you are acLually llvlng Lhere saylng l am now llvlng ln
Lhls house ?ou have seL a word ln moLlon Lhrough Lhe Law whlch wlll brlng a reallzaLlon of your deslre
unless you yourself neuLrallze Lhe plcLure by doubLlng lL uo Lhls every day unLll Lhe house appears use
Lhe same process ln vlsuallzlng anyLhlng
ln order LhaL you may fully undersLand [usL whaL l mean l wlll lllusLraLe by drawlng a menLal plcLure
whlch l wlll ask you Lo follow as you read Lhese llnes lmaglne LhaL you are wlLh me we wlll suppose LhaL
l am a man abouL slx feeL Lall wlLh llghL halr and complexlon We are slLLlng on Lhe fronL porch of a
house LhaL ls palnLed green lL ls a LwosLory house and slLs qulLe far back from Lhe road Lhere are Lall
Lrees sLandlng ln fronL of Lhe house Lhrough whlch Lhe sun ls shlnlng We can see Lhe llLLle shadows as
Lhey play upon Lhe porch Lhrough Lhe open spaces beLween Lhe Lrees 1he breeze ls genLly blowlng and
Lhe leaves are wavlng back and forLh l am Lalklng Lo you saylng LeL us Lake a walk LogeLher We
lmmedlaLely rlse from our seaLs whlch are made of wlcker and walk down Lhree sLone sLeps Lo a gravel
walk leadlng Lo Lhe sLreeL As we go ouL Lhrough a sLone gaLe we are suddenly meL by a dog whlch ls
runnlng along Lhe sLreeL he ls a large yellow dog and ls runnlng rapldly We waLch hlm as he runs
p 289
down Lhe sLreeL Llll he Lurns a cornerand our plcLure ls aL an end now lf you have carefully lmaged
each sLep ln Lhe above plcLure you wlll undersLand whaL vlsuallzlng means

ln Lhe creaLlon of any form lL ls necessary for lLs lmage Lo exlsL ln Mlnd before lL can come lnLo
reallzaLlon ln Lhe exLernal 1he Law belng only a neuLral force cannoL lnlLlaLe anyLhlng and cannoL of
lLself choose Lo creaLe anyLhlng lL ls a uoer only noL a knower 1he Word alone knows so we may
assume LhaL each word ls a law unLo lLself Lhrough Lhe Cne greaL Law of all Llfe

Mans creaLlve power ln hls world ls marvelous for every Llme he Lhlnks he seLs Lhe Law ln moLlon As
hls LhoughL seLs Lhe Law ln moLlon lL ls speclallzlng lL for some deflnlLe purpose and ln Lhls way hls word
becomes Lhe law unLo Lhe Lhlng whlch he speaks Cf course man never really creaLes buL hls use of
CreaLlve ower makes hls word creaLlve Lhrough Lhe Medlum of Mlnd 1hls should glve Lo all a sense of
freedom and a reallzaLlon LhaL Lhere ls nelLher compeLlLlon nor monopoly lL leaves each Lo work ouL hls
own salvaLlon noL wlLh fear or even Lrembllng buL wlLh a calm sense of peace and assurance

1o concenLraLe means Lo brlng Lo a polnL 1o concenLraLe Lhe menLallLy means Lo brlng Lhe Lhlnklng Lo
bear on one polnL of lnLeresL and Lo hold lL Lhere ConcenLraLlon has llLLle Lo do
p 290
wlLh wlll power lndeed Lhe mlsuse of wlll ofLen renders concenLraLlon lmposslble
1he slmplesL pracLlce for concenLraLlon ls always Lhe besL naLure always works along Lhe llnes of leasL
reslsLance and menLal power ls only a force of naLure and should always be LhoughL of ln a naLural way
lf you wlsh Lo concenLraLe on some parLlcular ldea or LhoughL brlng Lhe aLLenLlon Lo lL Lhen hold lL
Lhere buL wlLhouL efforL AL flrsL you may flnd LhaL Lhe LhoughL wavers do noL oppose Lhls buL menLally
brush Lhe wrong LhoughL aslde much as you would brush a fly from Lhe face wlLh Lhe hand 8e sure LhaL
you make no greaL menLal efforL feel aL ease and aL peace genLly brlnglng Lhe LhoughL back Lo Lhe
polnL of aLLenLlon
LeL us lllusLraLe Lhls by supposlng LhaL one ls golng Lo concenLraLe on Lhe LhoughL of happlness 1aklng
Lhe word happy lnLo Lhe menLallLy say l am happy wlLhouL efforL or menLally Lrylng [usL Lhlnk Lhe
words l am happy ln a few mlnuLes you may flnd LhaL your LhoughL has begun Lo wander 8lghL here
be sure and noL brlng Lhe aLLenLlon back wlLh a bang [usL say agaln l am happy maklng no efforL Lo
desLroy Lhe oLher LhoughL buL reLurnlng Lo Lhe sLarLlng polnL l am happy Make Lhe whole Lhlng easy
and naLural and soon you wlll flnd LhaL you can hold Lhe aLLenLlon as long as you deslre
lL ls always a mlsLake Lo oppose LhoughLs LhaL lnLerfere when one beglns Lo do Lhls he wlll aL once flnd
LhaL he ls reslsLlng someLhlng Lhereby dlsrupLlng hls whole medlLaLlon
lL ls unnecessary Lo concenLraLe on an exLernal ob[ecL for CCnCLn18A1lCn lS ALWA?S l8CM Wl1Pln
Anu nLvL8 l8CM Wl1PCu1 1he only place LhaL Lhe mlnd can know ls wlLhln lLself
ln concenLraLlng lay aslde all wlll power and reslsLance leLLlng Lhe LhoughL reallze Lhe words upon
whlch you wlsh Lo concenLraLe 1hls wlll be found a slmple buL mosL effecLlve meLhod and by far Lhe
mosL prollflc of resulLs
ln Leachlng a chlld Lo concenLraLe lL ls well Lo have hlm Lake someLhlng ln whlch he ls parLlcularly
lnLeresLed As a chllds mlnd wanders more or less almlessly abouL lL ls well Lo
p 291
have hlm wrlLe some LhoughL on paper and looklng aL lL see how long he can cenLer hls lnLeresL on Lhe
menLal plcLure LhaL Lhe words suggesL

lL has Lruly been sald LhaL Mlnd ls a mlrror lf we could reallze how compleLely Lhls law works no doubL
we would greaLly alLer our manner of Lhlnklng lL ls lmposslble Lo creaLe even Lhe sllghLesL LhoughL
wlLhouL causlng some reflex acLlon ln Mlnd and Lhe deeper Lhe emoLlon Lhe deeper wlll be Lhe
peneLraLlon of LhoughL and Lhe more compleLe wlll be Lhe reacLlon
1houghL ls Lhe mosL subLle of all Lhe forces whlch we know anyLhlng abouL and buL few undersLand
whaL a Lremendous power lL has elLher for good or for lll 1o learn how Lo conLrol ones LhoughL means
knowlng how Lo conLrol ones body and desLlny
Sub[ecLlve mlnd can reason only deducLlvely consequenLly lL ls compelled by reason of lLs naLure Lo
accepL whaLever LhoughL galns enLrance Lo lL So Lhe mlrror of Mlnd ls ln reallLy Lhe worklng of Lhe law
of cause and effecL Lhrough Lhe menLallLy 1he sub[ecLlve mlnd belng Lhe seaL of memory musL conLaln
all Lhe LhoughLs whlch have ever gone lnLo lL wheLher Lhese LhoughLs have been consclous or noL 8uL
when a person ls Lold LhaL he has LhoughLs whlch he never consclously creaLed lL ls a llLLle hard Lo
undersLand Pe musL reallze however LhaL consLanL conLacL wlLh llfe opens Lhe door Lo many
lmpresslons whlch were never consclously creaLed 1hls facL LogeLher wlLh Lhe reallzaLlon LhaL whaLever
falls lnLo Lhe sub[ecLlve mlnd musL be acLed upon answers Lhe quesLlon
Cf course we do noL lmaglne LhaL cerLaln Lhlngs are golng Lo happen Lo us buL we do Lhlnk cerLaln klnds
of LhoughLs whlch broughL Lo Lhelr loglcal concluslons would produce deflnlLe effecLs 8emember LhaL
Lhe sub[ecLlve mlnd reasons deducLlvely only and all Lhls becomes qulLe evldenL
1he sub[ecLlve slde of LhoughL belng Lhe creaLlve agency
p 292
wlLhln musL aL once seL Lo work Lo produce anyLhlng whlch ls glven lL no maLLer whaL Lhe emoLlon may
be Pow wonderful! 8uL Lhls shows how very careful one should be ln chooslng Lhe klnd and Lype of
emoLlon Lo be made lnLo form for someLhlng musL happen Lo all Lhe LhoughLs whlch submerge
1he sub[ecLlve mlnd never argues nor conLradlcLs whaL ls puL lnLo lL Lhe LhoughL ls aL once accepLed and
acLed upon lf one says LhaL he ls slck lL aL once beglns Lo creaLe a slck condlLlon for llke a mlrror lL
reflecLs and belng creaLlve whaL lL reflecLs lL Lends Lo creaLe and Lo casL forLh as a condlLlon
Llke any oLher naLural force sub[ecLlve mlnd was noL creaLed by man and he cannoL change lLs mode of
operaLlon buL whlle he may noL change a naLural force he may change hls manner of approach Lo lL
Man cannoL change hls own lnherenL naLure buL he can and should learn Lo make Lhe besL use of all
hls forces Sub[ecLlve mlnd wlll never change lLs own naLure buL wlll always reflecL Lo Lhe Lhlnker whaL
he Lhlnks lnLo lL Man dld noL make Lhls law nor can he change lL buL llke any oLher law once
undersLood lL becomes an obedlenL servanL
1he use of Lhls law ls enLlrely menLal and ls wlLhln Lhe grasp of every one lL ls so slmple LhaL all can
undersLand lL ls Lhe law of mlnd ln acLlon and Lhls law ls seL ln moLlon by correcL Lhlnklng and knowlng
8uL how few know why Lhey Lhlnk or whaL Lhey Lhlnk! Pow few conLrol even Lhe sllghLesL emoLlon or
allow Lhe emoLlons Lo express ln a consLrucLlve manner! no doubL Lhe Llme wlll come when a compleLe
conLrol of Lhe sub[ecLlve wlll be galned and man wlll Lhen be much less llmlLed
8uL Lhe race ls made up of lndlvlduals and Lhe place Lo begln ls rlghL aL home We who have afflrmed
Lhese greaL laws of mlnd Lo be reallLles ln Lhe human experlence musL so prove Lhem ln our expresslons
of llfe LhaL Lhe resL looklng on may read Lhe slgn and follow Lhe slgnal lL ls posslble Lo do Lhls and Lhe
reward ls greaL
AL flrsL Lhe road may be hard and beseL wlLh many dlfflculLles Lhere may be fallures and
dlscouragemenLs buL Lhe
p 293
end ls cerLaln We fall only Lo rlse agaln lnLo a greaLer reallzaLlon of llfe and acLlon and llke Lhe pllgrlm
of old Lo renew Lhe [ourney We shall need a backbone lnsLead of a wlshbone here as ln all oLher places
lL ls noL ln wlshlng buL ln knowlng and ln dolng LhaL we shall flnd Lhe reward of Lrue merlL lL behooves
each one Lo make Lhe efforL Lo consclously conLrol Lhe processes of hls LhoughL
1hls does noL mean slLLlng around ln some dark corner wlLh Lhe hand aL Lhe brow lmpersonaLlng
SocraLes or laLo lL means ouL ln Lhe world ln Lhe mldsL of affalrs aL home and abroad wherever our
work Lakes us We need noL leave Lhe world for we may engage ln all of lLs acLlvlLles wlLhouL belng
conLrolled by Lhem we may be ln Lhe world of affalrs as masLers and noL as slaves
Surely Lhls hope held before Lhe walLlng LhoughL wlll so sLlmulaLe our endeavors LhaL we shall go forLh
lnLo llfe and Lhe greaL game of llvlng wlLh a new song upon our llps and a new [oy wlLhln sprlnglng forLh
lnLo Lhe dawn of a new day

ersonallLy ls Lhe resulL of mans experlence lL ls Lhe sum LoLal of all LhaL he has sald done felL
LhoughL hoped for and belleved ln lL ls Lhe resulL of hls reacLlons Lo Lhe evenLs of llfe as Lhey come and
go lacLors Lo be consldered ln Lhe developmenL of personallLy are heredlLy racesuggesLlon
envlronmenL chlld Lralnlng educaLlon auLosuggesLlon and lndeed anyLhlng and everyLhlng LhaL
lmplnges upon consclousness 1herefore we are whaL we are and where we are because of Lhe naLure
of our accumulaLed consclousness
lL goes wlLhouL saylng LhaL all people deslre a dynamlc radlanL personallLy and lL ls selfevldenL LhaL
cerLaln palaLes are essenLlal Lo produce Lhls resulL 1he exLernal personallLy
p 294
really reflecLs Lhe soul and lLs bulldlng may be llkened Lo a menLal garden where Lhe harvesL depends
upon Lhe klnd of seed LhaL ls sown Lach one chooses for hlmself [usL whaL klnd of maLerlals he wlll use
and each bullds accordlng Lo Lhe paLLern of hls own deslres WhaLsoever a man soweLh LhaL shall he
also reap !usL as a flne archlLecL uses only Lhe besL maLerlals and plans mosL carefully how Lo consLrucL
hls bulldlng so should we ln Lhe bulldlng of personallLy choose mosL carefully Lhe klnd of maLerlals we
wlsh Lo use
PlCP CPA8AC1L8llrsL of all lL should be founded upon Lhe rock of hlgh characLer hlgh ldeals and
bullL for LLernlLy as well as for Loday
SlnCL8l1?SlncerlLy ln every human relaLlonshlp ls essenLlal
A8lLl1?1o be a masLer of one Lhlng and Lo dally lmprove
Ln1PuSlASMA keen lnLeresL ln people and Lhlngs aL home and abroad lL has been called 1he
lorLune1eller of Llfe LnLhuslasm ls compelllng and sweeps everyLhlng before lL
SL8vlCLServlce ls Lhe keynoLe Lo success and lmplles consLrucLlve work also loyalLy Lo your work and
Lo all concerned ln lL
WPCLLSCMLnLSSA cleanmlnded man wlLh hlgh ldeals ls always soughL afLer 1he readlng of flne
books llsLenlng Lo good muslc and becomlng acqualnLed wlLh Lhe besL ln arL and llLeraLure wlll soon
lmplanL ln Lhe menLallLy a quallLy of wholesomeness LhaL ls mosL deslrable
SuCCLSSA consclousness of success musL be developed Lhls can be done by creaLlng clear plcLures of
success and worklng Loward Lhem dally ueclslon and asserLlon are alds Lo Lhls end and musL noL be
SLLlCCnlluLnCLlmplles peace and polse and knowlng whaL Lo do ln every slLuaLlon
CWL8 Anu S18LnC1PAre also born of peace and polse
SLnSL Cl PuMC81hls ls mosL necessary Lo have as lL llghLens Lhe burdens of llfe and makes ones self
and oLhers happy WlLhouL lL Lhlngs seem dull and drear
p 293
paragraph conLlnues 1hls has no barb or sLlng and lmplles Lhe ablllLy Lo laugh aL ones own expense
CCCu MAnnL8SnoL servlle buL courLeous
1AC1Saylng or dolng Lhe rlghL Lhlng aL Lhe rlghL Llme
1PC8CuCPnLSSlmplles sysLem and Lhe ablllLy Lo carry Lhlngs ouL Lo a deflnlLe concluslon 1hls quallLy
ls essenLlal Lo success
CPA8Mersonal charm ls LhaL lndeflnable someLhlng whlch makes every one a frlend lL ls Lhe resulL
of genulne frlendllness sympaLhy klndllness and unselflsh lnLeresL ln oLhers
MACnL1lSM1he resulL of an abundanL vlLallLy on Lhe physlcal plane of lnLellecL and LemperamenL on
Lhe menLal plane and of aLmosphere or consclousness on Lhe SplrlLual plane
1LnuL8nLSSSympaLheLlc unlon wlLh people real compasslon
LCvL1he unlversal urge Lo express Lhe Selfglvlngness of SplrlL
C8lClnALl1?1ry Lo creaLe do noL lmlLaLe Lhlnk for yourself 8ead Lmersons Lssay on Self8ellance
lnCLn1lvLPave wholesome amblLlons and deflnlLe ob[ecLlves whlch are consLrucLlve ln Lhelr naLure
Any amblLlon ls wholesome whlch brlngs only good resulLs Lo ones self and all concerned
Sul1A8LL PuMlLl1? SlMLlCl1? Anu CLnulnLnLSS1hese aLLrlbuLes keep one from belng over
amblLlous and from belng Loo aggresslve
LMC1lCnAL CCn18CLresupposes polse and selfmasLery
Sl8l1uALl1?Looklng for Lhe good ln all and havlng falLh bellef and LrusL
PLAL1Pls a greaL facLor ln creaLlng a dynamlc vlbranL personallLy
vClCLA clear resonanL wellmodulaLed Lone aL all Llmes
u8LSSCloLhes reflecL ones ldea of 1he LLernal flLness of Lhlngs Colors parLlcularly have a pecullarly
subLle effecL on Lhe wearer and upon Lhose wlLh whom he comes ln conLacL
p 296
SLrlcLly speaklng personallLy ls Lhe use LhaL we make of our lndlvlduallLy lndlvlduallLy means LhaL whlch
we really are lL means Lhe polnL ln Llfe where we exlsL and can say l AM erhaps lL could be deflned as
a polnL ln Mlnd where Llfe recognlzes lLself as some erson Lach person ls an lndlvlduallzed CenLer of
CodConsclousness a selfknowlng cenLer of Llfe and AcLlon
lL follows Lhen LhaL personallLy ls much greaLer Lhan lL seems Lo be for lL ls Lhe use of ulvlne
lndlvlduallLy and has back of lL a llmlLless posslblllLy lL ls Lhe comlng forLh of Cod or Llfe lnLo Self
Mans personallLy ls noL a Lhlng Lo be llghLly spoken of or decrled as human or lneffecLlve WlLhln and
behlnd lL are boundless posslblllLles and few lndeed reallze whaL a Lremendous power lL wlelds elLher
for good or for lll
1oday we are hearlng much abouL Lhls power and Lhe way Lo develop lL for as yeL we express only ln
parL belng unaware of Lhe Whole LaLenL forces surge Lo express Lhrough man ulvlne lmpulse seek
expresslon Lhrough hlm a Cosmlc urge forever beaLs agalnsL Lhe Lhreshold of hls consclousness
demandlng expresslon hence all hls subLle longlngs and unspoken LhoughLs
1o develop or express Lhe self ls Lhe greaL need of Lhe human race buL Lhough feellng senslng lnwardly
knowlng and reallzlng a greaLer good man sLumbles bllndly along Lhe paLhway of llfe expresslng only ln
Llke all Lhe oLher faculLles of Lhe CreaL WlLhln personallLy may be consclously unfolded and expressed
lf we leL lL come Lhrough
We all deslre a powerful personallLy and all may have one lf Lhey pay aLLenLlon Lo a few fundamenLal
facLs of 8elng for personallLy ls Lhe expresslon of someLhlng LhaL already exlsLs and slmply needs Lo be
allowed Lo come forLh
Any one wlshlng Lo develop a pleaslng personallLy musL flrsL become pleasanL Pe musL Lhlnk pleaslng
LhoughLs All anlmoslLy and vlndlcLlveness musL be swepL aslde lf Lhe soul ls Lo express lLself ln Lerms of
1here ls no place for smallness ln Lhe full llfe and no place for meanness ln Lhe llberal mlnd A broad
mlnded LoleranL
p 297
aLLlLude musL be malnLalned Loward all 1hls ls noL a goodygoody ldea buL a plaln sLaLemenL of facL
A sense of calm and peace ls essenLlal Lo a wellrounded personallLy 1he dln and roar of Lhe ouLer
sLruggle for exlsLence musL noL flnd enLrance Lo Lhe soul lf 8eallLy ls Lo be expressed
olse and balance are Lhe malnsprlngs of reallLy and cannoL be overlooked We are noL aLLracLed Lo
people who are always fussed up and freLful who are never saLlsfled and are always unhappy Mlsery
and unhapplness are unknown Lo Lhe SplrlL of man and we should make Lhem unknown Lo Lhe ouLer
SenslLlveness and morbldlLy musL be swepL slde as unworLhy of Lhe greaL ldeal 8efuse Lo have Lhe
feellngs hurL lrlends do noL wlsh Lo hurL Lhe feellngs of Lhose whom Lhey love and none buL frlends
need be admlLLed
ersonallLy ls buL half expressed unLll we reallze LhaL wlLhln we are compleLe Wholeness ls Lhe keynoLe
Lo perfecLlon and selfesLeem ls noL egoLlsm buL ls selfreallzaLlon CompleLlon ls from wlLhln and noL
from wlLhouL and no one can add Lo or Lake from LhaL whlch ls already compleLe 1he Soul and SplrlL
are already perfecL and whole
Love ls Lhe greaL loadsLone of Llfe and wlLhouL Lhls quallLy of SplrlL shlnlng Lhrough Llfes acLlon
everyLhlng becomes dull and drear Coodness and human klndness are Lhe handmalds of Love and Llfe
and cannoL be separaLed from 8eallLy
lrrlLaLlon vexaLlon and confuslon go hand ln hand Lo rob man of hls blrLhrlghL Lo peace comforL and
harmony As chlldren of Lhe dusL Lhey musL be brushed aslde as unflL companlons of Lhe soul
Anger and mallce revenge and anlmoslLy cannoL breaLhe Lhe same aLmosphere as goodness and purlLy
and Lhey wlll fall away as we cllmb Lo Lhose helghLs where Lhe lndwelllng SplrlL llves
Selfconfldence and courage go hand ln hand wlLh real worLh and are buL Lhe declaraLlons of mans
Wholeness 1here ls noLhlng peLLy or llLLle abouL greaLness
MenLal alerLness and anlmaLlon buL slgnlfy LhaL man llves ln a llfe of everlasLlng lnLeresLs and acLlvlLles
PonesLy and slncerlLy show forLh Lhe fundamenLal prlnclples of 8elng and wlLhouL Lhem man expresses
only a makeshlfL
p 298
of hlmself a false and deluded sense of 8eallLy no real person can be dlshonesL or lnslncere 1ruLh
alone shlnes Lo LLernal uay
1he compleLe wellrounded dynamlc personallLy conLalns all of Lhese quallLles and aLLrlbuLes and Lhey
wlll come forLh lnLo expresslon Lo Lhe exacL degree LhaL we allow Lhem Lo flow Lhrough us
ersonallLy ls noL false buL real lL ls Lhe shlnlng Lhrough of Lhe 8eal SelfLhe man Cod made
hyslcal appearance has buL llLLle Lo do wlLh Lhose lnner subLle powers of aLLracLlon whlch declde whaL
Lhe lndwelllng Lgo ls Lo aLLracL Lo lLself 1he lnner Man Lranscends all LhaL ls exLernal and compels
aLLenLlon wlLhouL efforL 1o be consclous of Lhls lnner Self ls Lo know Lhe 8eal Man Lo know Lhe LruLh
abouL personallLy and Lhe power of aLLracLlon As a rose unfolds so Lhe personallLy of man unfolds and
blossoms forLh lnLo compleLe expresslon
A few slmple pracLlces wlll soon develop such a powerful personallLy LhaL lL wlll become a magneL
drawlng Lo lLs cenLer wlLh a force LhaL cannoL be denled 1PLSL 8AC1lCLS 8LCln Anu Lnu Wl1Pln
MAn lC8 PL lS 1PL CLn1L8 Cl PlS CWn unlvL8SL Anu nC1PlnC PALnS 1C PlM unLLSS PL LL1S
know LhaL Llfe flows Lhrough you and cannoL be hlndered ln lLs expresslon know LhaL Lhe All Cood ls
yours now AcL Lhlnk belleve speak as Lhough you were now all LhaL you have ever dreamed Anu 8L
Su8L 1PA1 ?Cu 8LLlLvL 1PL SAML 1PlnC A8Cu1 ALL LCLL lC8 nCnL Cl uS LlvLS un1C PlMSLLl
ALCnL 8u1 LACP LlvLS un1C ALL Wl1Pln 1PL CnL LllL
Llve consLanLly from Lhls lnner convlcLlon never sLooplng Lo anyLhlng less Lhan Lhe All Cood and you
wlll soon dlscover LhaL someLhlng ls Laklng place LhaL never Look place before ln your experlence uC
nC1 18? 1C MAkL 1PlnCS PALn SlML? knCW 1PA1 1PL? A8L PALnlnC
ually reallze your unlLy wlLh Lhe Whole and Lhe unlLy of Lhe Whole wlLh you ?Cu WlLL SCCn uLvLLC
p 299
paragraph conLlnues A CWL8luL L8SCnALl1? 1PA1 ALL WPC CCML ln CCn1AC1 Wl1P ?Cu WlLL
WlSP 1C 8LMAln ln ?Cu8 8LSLnCL

1nL S9IkI1 CI SLk
We have dlscovered from Lhe precedlng chapLers LhaL Lhe unlverse ls Lhreefold ln lLs naLure lL ls SplrlL
Soul and 8ody SplrlL as Lhe acLlve pro[ecLlve mascullne facLor Soul as Lhe recepLlve creaLlve femlnlne
facLor and 8ody whlch ls Lhe resulL of Lhe unlon of SplrlL wlLh Soul 1he SplrlL lmpregnaLes Lhe Soul wlLh
lLs ldeas and Lhe Soul glves form Lo Lhese ldeas and cloLhes Lhem wlLh flesh 8uL Lhls ls Lhe 1rlnlLy of
unlLy a 1rlune Cneness for Lhe 1hree are really one
Llfe ls Androgynous le lL conLalns wlLhln lLself boLh Lhe mascullne and Lhe femlnlne facLors 1he male
and Lhe female of CreaLlon come from Cne rlnclple all come from Lhe Cne and all wlll reLurn Lo Lhe
Cne all are now ln Lhe Cne and wlll forever remaln ln Lhe Cne
8ack of all manlfesLaLlon musL be Lhe deslre Lo creaLe Lhe urge Lo express Lhls ls called Lhe ulvlne
urge 8uL Lhls urge operaLlng as Law produces energy ueslre gaLhers energy for creaLlve purposes and
uLlllzes power Lo express lLself So dynamlc ls Lhls urge LhaL lL wlll cause a llLLle seed Lo break open Lhe
mosL solld earLh ln order LhaL lL may express lLself ln Lhe form of a planL lL ls Lhe comlng forLh of SplrlL
lnLo expresslon Lhe looslng of energy lnLo acLlon and ls apparenL ln all CreaLlon
1he SplrlL belng AbsoluLe ls always expressed lL has no unfulfllled deslres l1 lS ALWA?S SA1lSllLu Anu
p 300
paragraph conLlnues PA? 8LCAuSL l1 lS ALWA?S Lx8LSSLu CreaLlon ls Lhe resulL of Lhe deslre of
SplrlL Lo express lLself lL ls Lhe unfoldmenL of Lhe ulvlne ldeas LvoluLlon ls Lhe Llme and process of Lhls
unfoldmenL lnvoluLlon ls Lhe ldea ln Mlnd and evoluLlon ls Lhe comlng forLh of Lhe ldea lnLo expresslon
lnvoluLlon precedes evoluLlon and evoluLlon follows lnvoluLlon wlLh a maLhemaLlcal preclslon
propelled by an lmmuLable Law
1haL whlch ls lnvolved musL evolve else Lhe SplrlL would remaln unexpressed As Lhls ls unLhlnkable we
may seL lL down LhaL evoluLlon or Lhe manlfesLaLlon of deslre and energy ls bound Lo Lake place
whenever deslre seLs power and energy ln moLlon lrom Lhls law we cannoL hope Lo escape and lL
would be useless Lo make Lhe aLLempL
Man as we have dlscussed reenacLs Lhe ulvlne naLure and makes use of Lhe same Laws LhaL Cod uses
We flnd ln man Lhe same androgynous naLure LhaL we flnd ln Cod 1hls naLure we call hls ob[ecLlve and
sub[ecLlve faculLles Pls ob[ecLlve menLallLy lmpregnaLes hls sub[ecLlve wlLh ldeas and ln lLs Lurn Lhe
sub[ecLlve gaLherlng force and energy pro[ecLs Lhese ldeas lnLo forms
8ack of every acL of man ls some form of deslre Lo express 1hls deslre of course ls purely menLal ln lLs
naLure All LhaL man ls ls hls menLallLy boLh consclous and subconsclous plus whaL he expresses
1he ulvlne urge ls sLrong ln man and consLanLly causes hlm Lo seek some form of selfexpresslon lL ls
ulvlne because lL ls Lhe deslre of SplrlL Lo express lLself Lhrough hlm and llke all Lhe oLher forces of
naLure Lhls energy can work Lhrough man only aL hls blddlng consclously or unconsclously for he ls an
lndlvldual and has selfcholce
1hls urge or Lnergy ls called Llbldo whlch means 1he emoLlonal cravlng or wlsh behlnd all human
acLlvlLles Lhe represslon of whlch leads Lo psychoneuroses
p 301
1he energy seL ln moLlon Lhrough Lhls urge ls Lhe dynamlc power of Mlnd and unless lL becomes
expressed lL wlll congesL and cause a confllcL wlLhln Lhe menLallLy
lnhlblLed acLlon produces confllcLs and complexes whlch menLally Lear and blnd and as Lhey manlfesL
Lhelr physlcal correspondenLs Lhey produce nervous dlsorders lL ls clalmed LhaL a large percenLage of
dlseases ls caused by Lhe suppresslon of some form of emoLlon 1hls does noL necessarlly mean Lhe
suppresslon of Lhe sex emoLlon buL mlghL mean any deslre LhaL remalns unexpressed Some form of
deslre ls back of every lmpulse LhaL Lhe mlnd can concelve some lmpulse Lo express llfe Any
unexpressed deslre wlll evenLually cause a complex 1hlngs wlll sLand [usL so much pressure and no
more when Lhe llmlL ls reached an exploslon wlll follow unless some avenue for expresslon ls provlded
eople who are consLanLly belng lrrlLaLed have suppressed some deslre Lo speak Lhelr mlnds lL may noL
appear as Lhough Lhls were Lhe cause buL LhoughL ls very subLle and only a careful sLudy of lLs worklngs
reveals Lhe real facLs All lrrlLaLlon and aglLaLlon are menLal ln Lhelr cause and a sense of calm and peace
alone can heal Lhem
lear ls an lnLense emoLlon and lf boLLled up secreLes polson ln Lhe sysLem lear musL be removed from
Lhe menLallLy lf one ls Lo be healed and ls Lo funcLlon normally
Anger mallce vlndlcLlveness and klndred emoLlons are buL subLle forms of fear arlslng from a sense of
lnferlorlLy All of Lhese emoLlons musL be swepL off Lhe board lf one ls Lo galn peace calm and polse 1he
unlon of peace wlLh calm and polse alone can glve blrLh Lo power for wlLhouL Lhese aLLrlbuLes of
reallLy power ls dlsslpaLed and losL ln Lhe shuffle
lf we were compleLely expressed we would never become slck or unhappy 1he average person goes
Lhrough llfe expressed
p 302
only ln parL and always wlLh a sense of lncompleLlon and dlssaLlsfacLlon SomeLhlng musL be done Lo
make Lhe lndlvldual compleLe lf he ls Lo remaln normal and happy and really llve
LmoLlon ls sLrong ln man and ln Lhe wellbalanced person lL ls conLrolled by Lhe lnLellecL buL ln many
people Lhere ls a confllcL beLween Lhe emoLlons and Lhe lnLellecL and ln Loo many cases Lhe emoLlon
galns Lhe ascendancy
Cur sLrongesL emoLlons cenLer around Lhe ldeas of fear haLe love sex and worshlp wlLh all of Lhelr
many ramlflcaLlons and meanlngs
LmoLlon unconLrolled produces chaos unexpressed lL produces confuslon confllcL and complex for
energy wlll have an ouLleL 8oLLled up lL creaLes a pressure LhaL ls Lhe cause of much damage Lo Lhe
physlcal man and produces mosL of our nervous dlsorders Lxpresslon ls normal when Lhe lnLellecL
decldes how Lhe emoLlon ls golng Lo manlfesL Pe LhaL ls slow Lo anger ls beLLer Lhan Lhe mlghLy and
he LhaL ruleLh hls splrlL Lhan he LhaL LakeLh a clLy 108
When an emoLlon confllcLs wlLh Lhe wlll and becomes suppressed lL reLurns Lo lLs sub[ecLlve sLaLe buL
remalns acLlve lL wlll come up ln some oLher form lL wlll noL be puL down lL may remaln ln a sub[ecLlve
sLaLe for years buL evenLually unless neuLrallzed lL wlll manlfesL LeL one go for years wlLh some
unexpressed longlng and he wlll have creaLed such a deslre LhaL lL wlll have become lrreslsLlble ln lLs
lncllnaLlon Loward expresslon
eople ofLen become seeLhlng caldrons wlLhln because of lnhlblLed acLlon Lnergy musL flnd an ouLleL
p 303
Puman love and Lhe affecLlons ofLen go hand ln hand wlLh sex deslre even when noL recognlzed as
such An affecLlonaLe naLure ls generally a passlonaLe one Love ls Lhe mosL wonderful Lhlng ln Lhe world
and creaLes Lhe hlghesL form of energy known Lo Lhe mlnd of man lL wlll be expressed aL Lhe level of Lhe
passlons or else become LransmuLed lnLo SplrlLual Coln of real and lasLlng value 8uL Lhe ldeas on sex are
llkely Lo become overemphaslzed ln modern llLeraLure along Lhese llnes Sex ls normal ln lLs proper
sphere lf lL were noL lL would noL be for naLure does noLhlng wlLhouL some good and ample reason
1he Lrue meanlng of love ls a wonderful Lhlng for lL ls Lhe deslre of Lhe soul Lo express lLself ln Lerms of
creaLlon CreaLlon ls broughL abouL only Lhrough Lhe selfglvlngness of Lhe lover Lo Lhe ob[ecL of hls love
1hls ls why when we love people we wlll go Lo Lhe llmlL Lo help or serve Lhem noLhlng ls Loo greaL no
sacrlflce ls enough 1he Lrue lover glves all and ls unhappy ln noL havlng sLlll more of hlmself Lo glve Lo
Lhe ob[ecL of hls adoraLlon
8ecause of our emoLlonal naLure love ls generally expressed Lhrough Lhe sex deslre 8uL Loo greaL an
expresslon of Lhls deslre ls desLrucLlve for lL depleLes Lhe vlLallLy and demagneLlzes Lhe one who
overlndulges 1hls ls Lhe meanlng and Lhe whole meanlng of Lhe sLory of Samson and uelllah Pe LhaL
haLh an ear leL hlm hear 109 All people look and occaslonally someone sees
1he sex relaLlonshlp ls noL necessary Lo Lhe expresslon of real love Love ls Lhe glvlngness of Lhe self and
lf Lhls glvlngness ls compleLe sex wlll Lake care of lLself 8uL energy musL have some ouLleL lL ls only
when Lhe unexpressed deslre remalns
p 304
ln Lhe sub[ecLlve LhaL desLrucLlon follows ln lLs wake and sLrews Lhe shores of Llme wlLh human derellcLs
LlberLy and llcense freedom and bondage heaven and hell happlness and mlsery good and bad all all
are Lled up ln human deslres Lnergy ls energy and wlll be expressed or blow Lhe Lop off [usL as a plpe
wlll sLand only so much pressure before bursLlng Mllllons are dally belng blown up menLally and
physlcally Lhrough Lhe suppresslon of deslres ueslre ls a dynamlc force and musL be Laken lnLo accounL
Sex deslre becomes desLrucLlve only when lL remalns an unexpressed longlng 1hls Lheory ls noL puL
forLh Lo encourage free love nor Lo advocaLe lndlscrlmlnaLe relaLlonshlps for nelLher Lhe one nor Lhe
oLher ls belleved ln by Lhe wrlLer lL ls sLaLed as a facL paLenL Lo any Lhlnklng person Llbldo may be
expressed Lhrough more Lhan one avenue Lhrough LransmuLaLlon freelng llfes energles and llfLlng
Lhem lnLo an avenue of consLrucLlve expresslon or Lhrough subllmaLlon Lransfuslng Lhe essence of
energy lnLo hlgh acLlon and produclng a magneLlsm LhaL ls lrreslsLlble and wonderful ln lLs scope 1he
aLmosphere of one Lhus charged ls compleLe for Lhe energy Lhen Lakes Lhe form of real Love and ls Lhe
hlghesL and mosL powerful vlbraLlon on Lhe physlcal plane
Man comlng from unlLy ls boLh male and female and has wlLhln hlmself boLh aLLrlbuLes of reallLy ln
some Lhe male predomlnaLes ln oLhers Lhe female We have Lwo dlsLlncL Lypes ln man and woman buL
Lhey are Lypes of one fundamenLal prlnclple 1here ls also an lnLermedlaLe sex LhaL ls one ln whlch Lhe
Lwo aLLrlbuLes seem Lo be almosL equally balanced 1he greaLesL men and women of Lhe ages have
belonged Lo Lhls Lype for lL ls a more compleLe balance beLween Lhe Lwo whlch are really one 8uL Lhls
ls Loo greaL a Loplc Lo dlscuss ln Lhls course of lessons
p 303
1he soluLlon Lo Lhe problem of deslre ls Lo LransmuLe any desLrucLlve Lendency lnLo some form of acLlon
LhaL ls consLrucLlve Powever an lnLellecLual form of expresslon alone wlll noL do Lhls for only Lhose
Lhlngs Lo whlch we may glve Lhe compleLe self wlll solve Lhe problem Love ls Lhe glvlngness of Lhe self
Lo Lhe ob[ecL of lLs adoraLlon We should all have someLhlng LhaL we love Lo do someLhlng LhaL wlll
compleLely express Lhe self someLhlng LhaL wlll loose Lhe energles of Llfe lnLo acLlon and LransmuLe Lhe
power lnLo creaLlve work We should learn Lo love all people and noL [usL some people
lL ls very dlsasLrous Lo feel LhaL we cannoL llve unless we possess some one lndlvldual body and soul
1hls ls noL love buL ls an ldea of possesslon whlch ofLen becomes an obsesslon no soul ls really
compleLe unLll he feels compeLe wlLhln hlmself
1hls does noL exclude Lhe greaL human relaLlonshlps whlch mean so much Lo all of us buL lL does Lake
Lhe sLlng ouL of llfe and does free Lhe lndlvldual Lo love all adore some and flnd happlness everywhere
1o feel LhaL love ls unrequlLed creaLes a longlng so lnLense LhaL lL Lears Lhe very hearL ouL of llfe and
Lhrows Lhe one so feellng lnLo a flL of despondency from whlch lL ls lndeed hard Lo recover 1hls feellng
ls meL ln Lhe 1ruLh by knowlng LhaL Love ls LLernal and 8eal and cannoL be added Lo nor Laken from
1hls may seem llke a hard Leachlng buL Lhe problems of humanlLy deal largely wlLh Lhe human
relaLlonshlps and unLll Lhey are harmonlzed Lhere can be no lasLlng happlness
Papplness ls from wlLhln llke all Lhe oLher quallLles of Lhe SplrlL WlLhln Man ls already compleLe and
perfecL buL he needs Lo reallze Lhls LruLh
l can lmaglne some one saylng 1hls ls Loo lmpersonal a Leachlng lL ls noL lmpersonal aL all Lhls does
noL mean LhaL we care less for people lndeed we shall flnd LhaL for Lhe flrsL Llme ln llfe we shall really
care buL Lhe sLlng wlll have gone
8efuse Lo have Lhe feellngs hurL 8efuse yourself Lhe pleasure
p 306
and morbldlLy of senslLlveness Come ouL of Lhe emoLlonal lnLoxlcaLlon and be ?Cu8SLLl never allow
Lhe LhoughL Lo become depressed nor morbld Lngage ln some form of acLlvlLy LhaL wlll express Lhe
beLLer self uo noL aLLempL Lo draw llfe from oLhers llve Lhe llfe LhaL Cod gave you lL ls ample and
compleLe 8uL people wlll say l belleve ln afflnlLles lf by Lhls one means LhaL each ls only onehalf
of a real person and musL flnd Lhe oLher half ln order Lo be expressed he ls mlsLaken Such persons
usually flnd a second afflnlLy as soon as Lhe flrsL dlsappears We all have a naLural afflnlLy for each oLher
slnce we all llve ln Cne Common Mlnd and ln Cne unlfled SplrlL lL ls all rlghL lf we wlsh Lo speclallze on
some parLlcular love buL Lhe hurL wlll remaln unless love has a broader scope Lhan when narrowed
down Lo one slngle person
Llve love and laugh! LeL Lhe hearL be glad and free re[olce ln Lhe LhoughL of llfe and be happy 8eallze
Cod ln and Lhrough all and unlfy wlLh Lhe Whole Why Lake fragmenLs when Lhe Whole ls here for Lhe
sychoanalysls ls a sysLem of analyzlng Lhe soul or Lhe sub[ecLlve menLallLy lL ls a menLal process of
dlagnosls whlch seems Lo be Lechnlcally perfecL when used by Lhose who undersLand lL lL goes lnLo Lhe
pasL and unearLhs Lhe ob[ecLlvely forgoLLen emoLlons brlngs Lhem Lo llghL and causes Lhem Lo be self
seen and so dlsslpaLed lL ls based upon Lhe Lheory LhaL naLure ls erfecL and when leL alone wlll flow
Lhrough man ln a perfecL sLaLe of healLh 1he purpose of Lhe analysls ls Lo uncover Lhe complex and heal
Lhe confllcL Lhrough removlng lL lL Lakes lnLo accounL every experlence LhaL Lhe lndlvldual has ever had
paylng much aLLenLlon Lo hls early Lralnlng and more especlally Lo hls menLal reacLlons Lo llfe
lL ls a wonderful sysLem and ln Lhe hands of Lhe rlghL people ls prollflc of much good 8uL ln Lhe
LhoughL of Lhe wrlLer lL ls a Lhlng wlLhouL a soul a skeleLon wlLhouL flesh lL lacks Lhe warmLh Lhe flre
and Lhe reallLy of splrlLual reallzaLlon lL ls useless Lo remove a menLal complex unless aL
p 307
Lhe same Llme we place ln lLs sLead a real reallzaLlon of whaL llfe means lL ls useless Lo Lear down
unless aL Lhe same Llme we bulld up 1he proper analysls of Lhe soul coupled wlLh real splrlLual
recognlLlon wlll do wonders however and ls well worLh whlle
Co Lhrough a process of selfanalysls look lnLo your own pasL and carefully remove every complex 1hls
ls easlly done by Lhe one who ls noL afrald Lo look hlmself ln Lhe face llnd ouL whaL you are afrald of
and convlnce Lhe menLallLy LhaL Lhere ls noLhlng Lo fear Look Lhe world squarely ln Lhe face slfL Lhe
menLallLy Lo lLs depLhs removlng every obsLrucLlon LhaL lnhlblLs Lhe free flow of Lhose greaL splrlLual
reallzaLlons such as wlll be found ln Lhe medlLaLlons LhaL follow Lhese lessons
1he rlghL klnd of menLal work wlll go beneaLh Lhe surface and desLroy Lhe sub[ecLlve cause of Lhe
complex Lhereby easlng Lhe confllcL lL wlll Lhen supply a SplrlLual 8eallzaLlon LhaL wlll open Lhe avenues
of LhoughL Lo Lhe greaL Whole 1hls alone ls real and lasLlng

302108 rov 1632
303109 8ev 27

ALonemenL ls deflned as reconclllaLlon 1o make an explaLlon for sln or a slnner and 1o be aL one
1he deflnlLlon for sln ls 1o commlL sln Lransgress neglecL or dlsregard Lhe ulvlne Law Lo do wrong or
offend LlLerally speaklng sln means mlsslng Lhe mark or maklng a mlsLake 1here ls no sln buL a
mlsLake and no punlshmenL buL a consequence 1o assume LhaL man could sln agalnsL Cod would be Lo
suppose LhaL a ulvlne Law could be broken 1o suppose LhaL ulvlne Law could be broken would be Lo
assume LhaL man has
p 308
Lhe power Lo desLroy ulvlne Parmony and wreck Lhe unlverse wlLh hls acLlons
Man may have power Lo go conLrary Lo Law buL cerLalnly he has no power Lo break lL Man cannoL
break a law buL Lhe law can break hlm lf he goes conLrary Lo lL
1here ls no doubL buL LhaL all of mans Lroubles come from hls dlsregard of law Lhrough lgnorance
1here can be no doubL LhaL much of hls Lrouble wlll be over when he comes Lo undersLand Lhe law and
Lo consclously coperaLe wlLh lL
We llve ln a unlverse of Law and a unlverse of Love 1he Law of Cod ls erfecL and Lhe Love of Cod ls
also erfecL 1he Law of Cod ls Lhe way ln whlch Lhe SplrlL works Lhe Love of Cod ls Lhe SelfClvlngness
of Lhe SplrlL Lo lLs CreaLlon 1he unlLy of Love and Law produce a harmonlous unlverse and a erfecL
Man because of hls lndlvlduallLy and Lhe use LhaL he makes of lL may go conLrary Lo boLh Love and Law
buL so long as he does Lhls he wlll suffer 1hls ls Lhe real meanlng of sln and punlshmenL
Man has gone conLrary Lo Lhe Law of Parmony and Love and no doubL Lhls ls Lhe reason for all hls
Lroubles Pe wlll be saved Lo Lhe degree LhaL he reLurns Lo a sLaLe of harmony and unlLy wlLh Cod and
wlLh Llfe Pe can do Lhls only as he flrsL comes Lo reallze LhaL Cod ls Love and LhaL he llves ln a unlverse
of Law
1he greaLer lesson LhaL can be LaughL Lo Lhe race ls Lhe lesson of Love and of Law 1he lesson of Love
Leaches us LhaL Llfe glves and LhaL Cod ls Cood whlle Lhe lesson of Law Leaches LhaL Lhere ls a way Lo
freedom Lhrough real Love
lf Love ls Lhe SelfClvlngness of SplrlL Lhen LhaL man who mosL compleLely loves wlll mosL compleLely
glve of hlmself Lo Llfe 1he man who loves hls work glves hlmself Lo lL Lhe one who loves hls arL glves
hlmself Lo lL We glve ourselves Lo our frlends and Lo our famllles and Lo Lhe causes whlch we really love
Love ls always Lhe glvlng of Lhe self Lo someLhlng buL Lhe ldea of selfglvlngness ls noL a morbld one and
should never be LhoughL of ln Lhls llghL
We have always LhoughL of Lhe ALonemenL of !esus as Lhe
p 309
acL of Pls glvlng Plmself Lhrough sufferlng on Lhe cross as a sacrlflce for Lhe slns of Lhe world 8uL Cod
surely does noL need LhaL any man shall suffer for Plm nor sacrlflce hlmself Lo please Plm 1hls would
lndeed be a llmlLed ldea of Lhe ulvlne 8elng Cod does noL need an ALonemenL slnce Pe ls already aL
one wlLh hlmself and wlLh all CreaLlon lL ls man noL Cod who needs an ALonemenL 1he acL of
aLonemenL musL be on Lhe parL of man and noL of Cod Man may need salvaLlon buL Cod ls already
consclous of CompleLe Llfe and 8elng
Mans whole Lrouble lles ln Lhe facL LhaL he belleves hlmself Lo be separaLed from Lhe Source of Llfe Pe
belleves ln duallLy 1he ALonemenL ls made Lo Lhe degree LhaL he reallzes Lhe unlLy of Cood Man
needs and always has needed Lo know Lhe 1ruLh abouL hlmself and Cod and anyLhlng LhaL helps Lo flll
Lhls need would be an acL of aLonemenL
now a man who had reached Lhe undersLandlng aL whlch !esus musL have arrlved would flnd Lhe
ordlnary channels of expresslon lnadequaLe Lo porLray Pls concepL of Llfe !esus could have had no
deslre Lo become rlch nelLher dld Pe wlsh Lo be made a klng nor Lo recelve Lhe plaudlLs of Lhe world
Pe wlshed Lo show Lo Lhe world whaL Lhe Love of Cod could really mean ln Lhe llves of men Pe wlshed
Lo show LhaL Lhe SelfClvlngness of SplrlL ls compleLe Lo prove LhaL Llfe compleLely glves of lLself Lo lLs
CreaLlon 1hls he could do only Lo Lhe degree LhaL Pe leL Cod become Man Lhrough Pls own
1he whole LhoughL and aLLenLlon of !esus was glven Lo Lhe accompllshmenL of one supreme purpose Lo
show LhaL Cod ls a Llvlng 8eallLy ln Lhe llves of all men Pe musL show Lhe naLure of Lhe ulvlne 8elng he
musL Lake Lhe place of Cod and reveal Lhe Love and Lender care of Lhe CreaLor for lLs
p 310
paragraph conLlnues CreaLlon no more compleLe plan was ever organlzed ln Lhe menLallLy of an
lndlvldual Lhan Lhe plan of !esus Lo prove Lhe reallLy of SplrlL
Pls LhoughL belng psychlc LhaL ls belng able Lo read menLal causes Lold Plm [usL whaL would happen lf
Pe dld Lhls (See chapLer on rophecy ln lesson on sychlc henomena) Pe knew LhaL he would have Lo
suffer physlcal agony and for a Llme aL leasL be mlsundersLood and abused Pe also knew LhaL Lhe
lesson would prove for all Llme LhaL Cod ls Love Pe knew LhaL ln Lhe end Lhe lesson whlch Pe was Lo
Leach would be accepLed by all and ln Lhls way Pe would become a Llvlng WlLness Lo Lhe reallLy of
ulvlne Love and Coodness
Carefully Pe worked ouL Pls plan and paLlenLly Pe walLed for Lhe rlghL Llme Lo come Lo compleLe Pls llfe
work and when Lhls Llme came Pe unfllnchlngly gave of Plmself Lo Lhe necesslLy of Lhe case Man musL
come Lo undersLand Cod lf he ls ever Lo reallze hls own naLure he musL come Lo know SplrlL as a Llvlng
8eallLy and noL as a myLh
1he vlcarlous ALonemenL was Lhe consclous glvlng of Lhe Self Lo Lhe needs of Lhe human racean
example for all Llme LhaL Cod ls Love !esus perfecLly undersLood Lhe Law of Llfe and consclously chose
Lo make an example of Plmself LhaL would cause all people Lo see whaL a real ALonemenL could mean
ln order Lo do Lhls Pe had Lo Lake on Lhe slns of Lhe world LhaL ls Pe had Lo enLer lnLo mens mlsLakes
ln order Lo recLlfy Lhem noL because Cod demanded Lhls buL because man needed Lhe example
1he sufferlng of !esus as Pe conLacLed Lhe dlsorders of mens mlnds was Pls vlcarlous aLonemenL for
Lhe race lL was a wonderful example of whaL one man could do ln provlng Lhe unlLy of Cood
Any person who conLacLs Lhe racemlnd wlLh Lhe deslre Lo llfL lL above lLs own level wlll Lhereby go
Lhrough a vlcarlous aLonemenL 8uL Lhe LhoughL of morbldlLy LhaL Lheology had glven Lo Lhe message of
aLonemenL ls enLlrely erroneous lL ls noL a morbld Lhlng buL a glorlous one ALonemenL could
p 311
noL be morbld buL musL always produce a reallzaLlon of unlLy and of Cood 1he llfe of !esus ls noL a sad
sLory buL ls Lhe accounL of a Man Who so compleLely reallzed Pls own ALonemenL LhaL Pe had
reallzaLlon Lo spare and Lo glve Lo all who belleve ln Pls Leachlng Pls llfe was a LrlumphanL march from
Lhe cradle lnLo LLernlLy and noL from Lhe cradle Lo Lhe grave Pe swallowed Lhe grave ln vlcLory
because of Pls ALonemenL !esus lefL no grave and no dead man behlnd Plm
1he ALonemenL Lhen ls a glorlous recognlLlon of fulflllmenL and compleLlon 1he vlcarlous parL ls losL
ln Lhe greaLer reallzaLlon of unlLy and of Cood !esus ls Lhe mosL 1rlumphanL llgure of all hlsLory and Lhe
only Man of Whom we have record Who compleLely knew Pls own naLure All LhoughL of sln shame
lnlqulLy poverLy slckness obscurlLy and deaLh are swepL away wlLh Lhe empLy Lomb no wonder LhaL
Lhls lesson sLlll remalns and Pls Leachlngs sLlll hold good for 8eallLy never changes
As Lhe human slde of !esus gave way more and more Lo Lhe ulvlne 8eallzaLlon Pe more and more
compleLely became ulvlne LhaL ls Pe more compleLely became Cod lncarnaLed ln and Lhrough Man ln
Lhls mysLlc way Pe Look Lhe place of Cod and we may perhaps say LhaL Lhrough Plm Cod proved Lhe
Love of Cod Cf course Lhls ls a crude way of puLLlng lL buL lL does serve Lo polnL a moral and ls
perhaps Lhe besL way LhaL we can concelve of Lhe greaLesL lesson of all hlsLory
1he world has learned all LhaL lL should Lhrough sufferlng Cod does noL demand LhaL man suffer and
man suffers slmply because he ls lgnoranL of hls own naLure and because he mlsuses hls power !esus
proved Lhe 1ruLh and deparLed Lhls llfe ln [oy havlng fulfllled Pls ulvlne Mlsslon 1he lesson has been
LaughL and Lhe evldence ls compleLe 1he grave has
p 312
been swallowed up ln Lhe vlcLory of Llfe and Love and Lhe Lomb ls empLy for all Llme Why seek ye Lhe
llvlng among Lhe dead? 110 1he Llme has come for re[olclng and noL for sorrowlng for Lhe fulflllmenL of
LhaL peace whlch was promlsed eace l leave wlLh you 111 1here need be no more sorrowlng nor
crylng for 8eallLy ls now known Llfe ls 1rlumphanL and Love relgns Supreme
1he vlcarlous ALonemenL ls over buL Lhe real ALonemenL has only begun We are [usL beglnnlng Lo
reallze whaL Love and Llfe mean Lvery Llme we glve of ourselves Lo oLhers helplng Lhem Lo overcome
Lhelr Lroubles we are performlng an ALonemenL we are provlng Lhe unlLy of Cood

312110 Luke 243
312111 !ohn 1427

ln our meLaphyslcal absLracLlons we have come Lo Lhe concluslon LhaL Cod or llrsL Cause musL be
lnflnlLe and lL ls dlfflculL Lo percelve how a power whlch ls lnflnlLe can aL Lhe same Llme be personal
?eL Lhe soul longs for a responslve unlverse and Lhe hearL yearns for a Cod Who responds Lo Lhe human
1o Lake from Lhe lndlvldual hls ldea of Cod as a personally responslve lnLelllgence and leave hlm only a
cold unresponslve Law ls Lo rob Lhe lndlvldual of hls greaLesL blrLhrlghL and Lo Lhrow hlm naked and
bare lnLo Lhe mldsL of an LLernlLy whlch holds no aLLracLlon
1o Lhlnk of Lhe unlverse ln Lerms of Law only ls Lo make of Cod only an lnflnlLe lL a cold an blLLer
rlnclple lacklng LhaL warmLh and color whlch Lhe soul craves
1hls dlfflculLy ls removed when we reallze LhaL Lhe Law of Mlnd ls llke any oLher law lL ls a naLural force
and llke all law should be LhoughL of from Lhls angle 8uL back of and worklng ln and Lhrough Lhe Law
Lhere ls a responslve lnLelllgence
p 313
and a knowlng SplrlL Whlch ls Cod Lhe laLher of all and Who responds Lo all
We wlll Lhlnk of Mlnd Lhen as Law and of Cod as Love we wlll use Lhe Law and love Lhe SplrlL back of
and Lhrough Lhe Law ln Lhls way we wlll be robbed of noLhlng buL wlll see LhaL Lhe way Lo freedom ls
Lhrough Love and by Law

!esus sLands forLh from Lhe pages of human hlsLory as Lhe greaLesL llgure of all Llme Pls Leachlngs
conLaln Lhe greaLesL lesson ever glven Lo Lhe human race and Pls llfe and works whlle on earLh provlde
Lhe grandesL example LhaL was ever glven Lo man
ln Lhe Plgher 1houghL no aLLempL ls made Lo rob !esus of Pls greaLness or Lo refuLe Pls Leachlngs
lndeed Lhe Plgher 1houghL MovemenL ls based upon Lhe words and Lhe works of Lhls Lhe mosL
remarkable ersonallLy LhaL ever graced our planeL wlLh Pls presence and unLll a greaLer flgure
appears !esus wlll sLlll remaln Lhe greaL Wayshower Lo manklnd Lhe greaL Savlour of Lhe race
LeL us noL wasLe Llme Lhen ln Lheologlcal dlscusslons whlch lead nowhere buL followlng Lhe example
seL before us leL us also do Lhe works whlch Pe dld 1he works LhaL l do shall he do also and greaLer
works Lhan Lhese shall he do because l go unLo my laLher 112

313112 !ohn 1412

1he mosL lmporLanL Lhlng LhaL any sLudenL of Lhe 1ruLh can undersLand ls Lhe real meanlng of self
exlsLence WhaLever Lhe naLure of llrsL Cause ls lL musL be SelfLxlsLenL or else lL could noL be aL all lL
ls perhaps hard Lo comprehend LhaL Lhere musL be and ls a ower whlch exlsLs slmply because lL
p 314
ls whaL lL ls and yeL Lhls ls Lhe malnsprlng of all rlghL meLaphyslcal work and endeavor
We musL come Lo belleve ln and LrusL LhaL ower of Llfe and lnLelllgence whlch ls Cod or llrsL Cause
We musL undersLand LhaL we deal wlLh llrsL Cause whenever we Lhlnk aL any and aL all Llmes lf we
had Lo gaLher energy wlLh whlch Lo energlze Lhe CreaLlve rlnclple of Llfe where should we go Lo geL Lhe
energy wlLh whlch Lo energlze lL?
We are consLanLly Lhrown back upon Lhe fundamenLal proposlLlon LhaL Llfe already ls and LhaL we use a
ower whlch already ls LeL us Lhen wlLhouL doubL or fear Lhrow our word lnLo LhaL CreaL 8ecepLlvlLy
and LrusL lL Lo do Lhe work

SLrange as lL may seem Lhe human LhoughL can afflrm only lL can never deny for even aL Lhe momenL
of denlal lL really afflrms Lhe presence of LhaL whlch lL denles
We speak of denlals and afflrmaLlons as Lhough Lhey were opposed Lo each oLher buL such ls noL Lhe
case lear and falLh are buL dlfferenL ways of expresslng poslLlve bellefs abouL someLhlng lear ls a
poslLlve bellef LhaL we wlll experlence someLhlng LhaL we do noL wlsh Lo have happen whlle falLh ls a
poslLlve bellef LhaL we wlll experlence someLhlng LhaL we do wlsh Lo have happen
1he naLure of 8elng ls such LhaL real denlal ls lmposslble for Lhere ls buL Cne Mlnd ln Lhe unlverse and
lL ls always yea and amen
We are consLanLly afflrmlng our way Lhrough llfe and slnce afflrmaLlon ls Lhe only menLal acLlon
posslble lL behooves us Lo flnd Lhe greaLesL afflrmaLlon and use lL
1he Supreme AfflrmaLlon ls l AM and as such lL was glven Lo Moses 1hls afflrmaLlon ls consLanLly
wlLh us and every Llme we speak we use lL ln some form We musL be careful Lo use lL only as an
upbulldlng force

p 313
1he SplrlL of ChrlsL ls Lhe splrlL of one who undersLands Lhe Law and who uses lL for consLrucLlve
purposes only
1he splrlL of AnLlchrlsL ls Lhe splrlL of one who undersLandlng Lhe Law uses lL for desLrucLlve purposes
1he Law of lLself ls nelLher good nor bad buL ls a neuLral lorce obeylng all and may be used for any
purpose 8uL Lhose Lruly lnsLrucLed ln Lhe Law wlll never aLLempL Lo use lL desLrucLlvely for Lhey wlll
undersLand LhaL by so dolng Lhey would sub[ecL Lhemselves Lo Lhe very power whlch Lhey have seL ln
1here ls a power surroundlng us whlch can be used elLher way LhaL ls consLrucLlvely or desLrucLlvely
buL one lnsLrucLed ln Lhe 1ruLh wlll use Lhls power only for Lhe good of all A mosL solemn warnlng ls
glven Lo any one who would be so rash as Lo mlsuse hls power
lf Lhe LhoughL ls kepL close Lo Cood Lo Love and Lo Lhe SplrlL and lf Lhere ls never any deslre Lo do oLher
Lhan LhaL whlch ls consLrucLlve Lhere ls no danger
1he Law ls Lhere Lo use and lL ls a Law of LlberLy Lo all who consLrucLlvely conLacL lL AnyLhlng whlch
makes for a greaLer expresslon of llfe elLher for Lhe lndlvldual or for Lhe race and whlch has no elemenL
of desLrucLlon ln lL ls good
We should noL heslLaLe Lo use Lhe Law for Lhe beneflL of our personal affalrs or Lhose of our frlends or
for any who ask our help buL we should be very careful Lo use lL consLrucLlvely

All emerge from LhaL Cne Whose 8elng ls ever presenL and Whose Llfe robed ln numberless forms ls
manlfesL LhroughouL all CreaLlon
CreaLlon ls Lhe loglcal resulL of Lhe ouLpush of Llfe lnLo selfexpresslon lL ls Lhe comlng forLh of SplrlL
lnLo manlfesLaLlon Lhe exLernallzaLlon of an lnLernal ldea Lhrough Lhe ob[ecLlflcaLlon of a sub[ecLlve
p 316
1he Cne encompasses and flows Lhrough Lhe All spllllng lLself lnLo numberless forms and shapes 1hese
forms and shapes propelled by a ulvlne urge whlch brlngs Lhem lnLo belng seek sLlll furLher expresslon
because of Lhe dynamlc power wlLh whlch Lhey are equlpped
1hls ls Lhe real meanlng of evoluLlon for evoluLlon ls Lhe resulL of lnLelllgence and noL lLs cause
Lach evolvlng Lhlng has wlLhln lLself an lmpulse lmplanLed by Lhe ulvlne and slnce Lhe ulvlne ls
LlmlLless and erfecL lL musL and wlll ulLlmaLely brlng all CreaLlon Lo a sLaLe of perfecL manlfesLaLlon
1haL whlch Lo Lhe human eye appears as lmperfecL ls lmperfecL only because Lhe human eye sees
lmperfecLly or ln parL le Lhe human does noL see Lhe real ldea back of Lhe exLernal lmage
1here ls a phllosophy whlch sLaLes LhaL Lhere ls a 8ecomlng Cod and whlch aLLempLs Lo prove Lhls
asserLlon Lhrough evoluLlon buL Lhls phllosophy ls lnconslsLenL wlLh Lhe ulLlmaLe naLure of 8eallLy for lf
ulLlmaLe 8eallLy were ln a sLaLe of becomlng from whaL source would lL gaLher lLs lmpulse Lo become
and from whence would lL draw lLs power Lo express lLself?
A becomlng or evolvlng Cod or llrsL Cause ls noL conslsLenL wlLh Lrue phllosophy whlle on Lhe oLher
hand an unfoldlng Cod or llrsL Cause ls conslsLenL wlLh 8eallLy
lL ls one Lhlng Lo say LhaL Cod ls unfoldlng Lhrough Pls ldea of Plmself buL qulLe anoLher Lhlng Lo say LhaL
Pe ls gradually becomlng consclous of Plmself Cne ls Lrue whlle Lhe oLher ls false
A becomlng Cod lmplles a sLaLe of lmperfecLlon or a sLaLe of belng whlch does noL recognlze lLs
perfecLlon aL Lhe very rooL of all belng An unfoldlng Cod lmplles a foreverouLpourlng SplrlL and a
forevermanlfesLlng uelLy or llrsL Cause
1he unfoldmenL of Lhls llrsL Cause ls whaL we call evoluLlon Slnce Lhls unfoldmenL ls noL yeL compleLe
le slnce Lhe ldea ls sLlll ln an unfoldlng sLaLe lL appears as Lhough we llved ln an lmperfecL unlverse
1o a few who have been able Lo see behlnd Lhe vell of maLLer Lhe perfecL ldea has been apparenL and
Lhese few have
p 317
glven Lo Lhe world lLs greaLesL code of law morals and eLhlcs 1hese few have been Lhe greaL mysLlcs of
Lhe race and Lo Lhem Lhe world owes a debL whlch can be pald only Lo Lhe degree LhaL Lhe world comes
Lo undersLand Lhelr Leachlngs
LvoluLlon ls Lhe Llme and Lhe process Lhrough whlch an ldea unfolds Lo a hlgher sLaLe of manlfesLaLlon
and slnce ldeas are ulvlne 8eallLles evoluLlon wlll forever go on

Port lI Da||y Med|tat|ons for Se|fhe|p and nea||ng
ln Lhese shorL medlLaLlons l have Lrled Lo seL forLh some ldeas whlch my experlences ln menLal heallng
have glven me l have found LhaL a few brlef sLaLemenLs menLally afflrmed followed by a sllenL
medlLaLlon have been mosL effecLlve ln Lhe heallng work
MosL of Lhe medlLaLlons have been wrlLLen ln Lhe flrsL person ln order LhaL Lhose uslng Lhem may be
able Lo do so [usL as Lhey are wrlLLen
lL ls noL clalmed LhaL Lhere ls any occulL power ln Lhese words buL LhaL words slmllar Lo Lhese are
effecLlve ln lnduclng a greaLer reallzaLlon of llfe 1hey conLaln LhoughLs whlch l have found Lo be mosL
1ry Lhem my good reader and see lf Lhey wlll noL brlng Lo llfe a deeper meanlng and a greaLer [oy
WhaLever brlngs Lo Lhe menLallLy a greaLer reallzaLlon of llfe has wlLhln lLself a heallng power l belleve
LhaL Lhese medlLaLlons wlll help all who Lake Lhe Llme Lo use Lhem
llrsL declde whlch medlLaLlon you wlsh Lo use Lhen become quleL and composed 1he body should be
relaxed buL Lhe menLallLy should be acLlve 1hen carefully read Lhe medlLaLlon several Llmes phrase by
phrase endeavorlng Lo reallze Lhe meanlng of Lhe words and Lrylng Lo enLer lnLo Lhe aLmosphere of Lhe
LhoughL AfLer havlng done Lhls medlLaLe upon Lhe words followlng LhaL medlLaLlon unLll you feel a
sense of reallzaLlon


Come Lo me and l wlll heal you
1he lnner power of Llfe wlLhln me ls Cod and lL can heal anyLhlng
l wlll Lo heal and help all who come Lo me
p 319
l know LhaL Lhe reallzaLlon of Llfe and Love wlLhln me heals all who come lnLo lLs presence
l love Lhe LhoughL LhaL l sllenLly bless all who enLer my aLmosphere
lL ls noL l buL 1he laLher Who dwelleLh ln me Pe doeLh Lhe works
l beol oll wbo come oeot me

Cod wlLhln me ls mlghLy Lo heal
Pe healeLh me of all my dlseases and cures me of all
Cod wlLhln ls now heallng me of all my lnflrmlLles slckness and paln and ls brlnglng comforL Lo my soul
Cod ls my llfe l cannoL be slck
l hear Lhe volce of 1ruLh Lelllng me Lo arlse and walk for l am healed
l om beoleJ

1here ls no lnherlLed Lendency Lo dlsease nor lll healLh
l am born of ure SplrlL and am free from Lhe bellef ln maLerlal exlsLence
lalse ldeas cannoL be LransmlLLed from one Lo anoLher and l am free from all racesuggesLlon
My Llfe ls from Above and l remember LhaL l was always erfecL and CompleLe
An lnner LlghL shlnes forLh and frees me from Lhe bonds of all false bellef
l come ftom tbe 5pltlt

p 320
1here ls no congesLlon nor sLoppage of acLlon
Llfe flowlng Lhrough me ls erfecL and Clear
lL cannoL be sLopped reLarded nor hlndered
l feel Lhe Cne Llfe flowlng Lhrough me now
lL ellmlnaLes all lmpure secreLlons and washes me clean from all suggesLlon of false deposlLs ln Lhe flesh
l am Clean ure and erfecL and my Word ellmlnaLes all else
1bete ls oo cooqestloo

Lvery planL whlch my Peavenly laLher haLh noL planLed shall be rooLed up
1here ls no false growLh and noLhlng for one Lo feed on l am free from all LhoughL of or bellef ln
anyLhlng false or fearsome
l casL ouL all fear and wlLh lL all manlfesLaLlon of lear
A false ldea ls nelLher person place nor Lhlng and has no one Lo belleve ln lL nor experlence lL
l am now Cne wlLh 1he erfecL Llfe of CompleLe Wholeness
My wotJ costs oot oll feot

1here ls no wearlness
Mlnd and SplrlL do noL become Llred nor weary and l am Mlnd and SplrlL
1he flesh cannoL become weary slnce lL has no mlnd of lLs own
p 321
l am free from all llluslons of wearlness
My whole belng responds Lo Lhe LhoughL of Llfe
l am allve wlLh Lhe CreaL vlLallLy of Lhe SplrlL
l om ollve wltb spltlt

My hearlng ls perfecL
lL ls Cod ln me hearlng Pls own volce
l hear 1haL volce and no bellef ln lnacLlon can hlnder LhaL hearlng
1here are no lmpalred organs
Lvery ldea of Lhe body ls now compleLe and perfecL and funcLlons accordlng Lo Lhe ulvlne Law
l open my ears Lo hear
l am recepLlve Lo 1ruLh and can undersLand lL
Opeo my eots tbot l moy beot

1here ls Cne vlslon and Cne ablllLy Lo see Cne perfecL seelng
My eyes are open and l see and behold one erfecL Llfe
no suggesLlon of lmperfecL vlslon can enLer my LhoughL
l percelve LhaL all people can see and LhaL Lhe Cne looklng Lhrough all sees and cannoL be llmlLed ln
l am one wlLh LhaL compleLe ablllLy Lo see Lo know and undersLand Lhe 1ruLh
l do open my eyes and do see
noLhlng ln me can hlnder Lhls Word from operaLlng Lhrough me and manlfesLlng Lhrough my eyes
Opeo my eyes tbot l moy see

p 322
1he Lye of Lhe SplrlL cannoL be dlmmed nelLher can lL be lmpalred ln lLs ablllLy Lo see
My eyes are Lhe vlslon of my lndwelllng Lord Lhey are Lhe Wlndows of my lnner SplrlL and are always
open Lo Lhe vlslon of 1ruLh
l see wlLh Lhe vlslon of Lhe SplrlL and LhaL ablllLy cannoL be weakened nor losL lL ls forever effecLlve
My word whlch l now speak ls Lhe Law of erfecL SlghL and my eyes are open and l see
5pltlt sees tbtooqb me

My flesh ls Lhe ManlfesLaLlon of Lhe SplrlL ln my body
lL ls kepL perfecL Lhrough Lhe Law of Cod
ln my flesh shall l see Cod
1he manLle of flesh ls perfecL and compleLe here and now
lL ls one wlLh Lhe 8ody of Cod and cannoL be slck nor suffer
My flesb ls petfect

1here ls no paln nor lnflammaLlon
All fear ls swepL away ln Lhe reallzaLlon of 1ruLh
l am free from every bellef ln paln
1he SplrlL cannoL paln and l am ure SplrlL and cannoL be hurL nor harmed
l om ftee ftom oll polo

p 323
l am happy and compleLe Loday and forever
WlLhln me ls LhaL whlch ls erfecL and CompleLe
lL ls 1he SplrlL of all Llfe 1ruLh and AcLlon
l am happy ln Lhe sure knowledge of Lhe lnner LlghL
l cannoL be sad nor sorry buL musL radlaLe !oy and Llfe
lor Llfe ls wlLhln me now
l om boppy ooJ complete

erfecLlon ls already accompllshed
l do noL have Lo walL for Lhe erfecL Llfe
l am LhaL erfecL Llfe here and now
1oday l express Lhe LlmlLless Llfe of Lhe All Cood
1oday l manlfesL my CompleLlon ln every parL of me
1oday l am saved
nete ooJ oow l om beoleJ

1he lnner Mlnd ls sLlll
1he Soul reflecLs Lhe MosL Plgh
1he SplrlL of man ls Cod
ln Lhe greaL calm of Lhe All Cood
l resL ln peace and securlLy
My llfe ls now reflecLlng Lhe erfecL Whole
l am eace l am Calm
p 324
l am securlLy and compleLe saLlsfacLlon
l am Cne wlLh Cod
l om fllleJ wltb peoce

1here ls no loss
noLhlng can be losL mlsplaced nor forgoLLen
1here was never any loss nor confuslon
CreaLlon ls erfecL and CompleLe and wlLhln Lhe Cne are all Lhlngs and are all known Lo Lhe Cne
l am now ln compleLe harmony wlLh Lhe Whole and l cannoL lose nor mlsplace anyLhlng
l am consLanLly flndlng more and more Cood
l koow tbot tbete ls oo loss

Ch for a Longue Lo express Lhe Wonders whlch Lhe 1houghL reveals!
Ch for some Word Lo comprehend Lhe boundless ldea!
Would LhaL some volce were sweeL enough Lo sound Lhe harmony of Llfe
8uL WlLhln ln LhaL vasL realm of LhoughL where Lhe Soul meeLs Cod Lhe SplrlL knows
l wlll llsLen for LhaL volce and lL wlll Lell me of Llfe of Love and unlLy
5peok to me 5pltlt

C Soul of mlne look ouL and see look up and know 1hy freedom
p 323
8e noL casL down nor dlsmayed be upllfLed wlLhln me and exulL for 1hy SalvaLlon has come
8ehold Lhe wonders of Lhe CreaL Whole and Lhe marvels of Lhe unlverse
Look ouL and see 1hy good lL ls noL afar off buL ls aL hand
repare 1hyself Lo accepL and belleve Lo know and llve
LeL Llfe enLer and llve Lhrough 1hee Soul of mlne and re[olce LhaL 1hou hasL vlslon so falr and so
8e[olce LhaL Lhe erfecL Whole ls so compleLely reflecLed Lhrough 1hee
My llqbt bos come

My eyes behold Lhe compleLe and perfecL ln all CreaLlon
ln all over all and Lhrough all
l see Lhe perfecL Lhere ls noLhlng else Lo see and no suggesLlon of oLherness can enLer my LhoughL
l know only Lhe perfecL and Lhe compleLe
l am perfecL and whole now
l see tbe CooJ

1he Clrcle of Love ls compleLe
lL comprehends all lncludes all and blnds all LogeLher wlLh cords of LverlasLlng unlLy
l cannoL deparL from lLs resence nor wander from lLs care
My Love ls compleLe wlLhln me
1he Love of Cod blnds me Lo lLself and wlll noL leL me go
l shall make a home for you C my wonderful Love and we shall [ourney Lhrough llfe hand ln hand
p 326
l shall slL ln your resence and learn Lhe wondrous Lhlngs ?ou wlll Lell me
lor ?ou are Cod
love slts wltblo me

1nL 1nINGS 1nA1 AkL
1he Lhlngs LhaL are were and evermore shall be
1lme Chance and change begone from my LhoughL!
1he Changeless ls here Lo sLay and Lhe 1lmeless cannoL cease from 8elng
1he Lhlngs LhaL are shall remaln Lhough heaven and earLh should pass away
l resL secure and safe wlLhln Lhe Llfe of Lndless erfecLlon and CompleLlon
My whole 8elng responds Lo Lhe 8eallzaLlon of Lhe CompleLe Whole
l om tbot wblcb ls

My Llfe ls ln 1hee C lnner resence
l look upon 1hee and hope sprlngs forLh lnLo reallzaLlon
C Pope wlLhln me undylng evldence of Cood
1hou dosL compleLely hold me ln 1hy lovlng embrace
And from Lhls fond caress assurance shall be born and confldence and love
My bope ls lo 1bee

p 327
8e sLlll and know LhaL l am Cod
l am sLlll ln 1hy resence
l am quleL and peaceful for l puL my LrusL ln 1hee
A greaL sLlllness sLeals over me and a greaL calm quleLs my whole belng as l reallze 1hy resence
1he hearL knows of 1hee C MosL Plgh wlLhln
lL ls sLlll ln 1hy resence and lL puLs lLs whole confldence ln 1hee alone
lo 1by 9teseoce l om stlll

CasL aslde all doubL C Soul of mlne and be unafrald for 1hy power ls from Cn Plgh
Pe Who slLLeLh ln Lhe heavens shall be 1hy champlon
1hou need noL fear Come forLh C SplrlL from wlLhln and express 1hyself Lhrough me and leL noL my
doubLs hlnder 1hy approach
My falLh shall go forLh Lo meeL 1hee and my confldence shall embrace 1hee
My walLlng LhoughL shall bld 1hee welcome Lo my house of Love
And !oy shall accompany us Lhrough Lhe ages yeL Lo come
l loy oslJe oll feot ooJ Joobt

l have an lnner lrlend who walks and Lalks wlLh me dally
Pe ls noL afar off buL ls wlLhln me a consLanL companlon
l shall never become lonely for my lrlend ls always near
l have buL Lo speak and Pe answers
p 328
8efore ever my llps spoke Pe Lold me of Pls love
C my klnd lrlend how dear Lo me ls 1hy presence
1be 5pltlt wltblo me ls my ltleoJ

Pls eye ls on Lhe sparrow and l know Pe waLches me
1hls ls a blessed LhoughL for lL means LhaL we cannoL wander from Pls resence nor deparL from Pls
Always Pe wlll waLch over us and comforL us
lorever we shall slL ln Pls house and ceaselessly Pe wlll care for us
1he AllSeelng Lye cannoL overlook any one and all all shall be kepL ln Pls care
All ote kept lo nls cote

Pope cannoL dle LLernal Pope ls forever warm and fresh wlLhln me Lhe deaLhless Pope bullL upon Lhe
rock of sure knowledge
C Pope Subllme C Llfe Supreme behold l come Lo 1hee as a Llred chlld and 1hou dosL reklndle wlLhln
me Lhe flres of lalLh
SLrong swlfL and sure lalLh sprlngs forLh lnLo acLlon and my enLlre 8elng rlses Lo meeL Lhe uawn
nope loltb ooJ love ote lo me

l am noL alone for a resence goes wlLh me and dally accompanles me on my Lravels
p 329
Always l shall flnd Lhls ulvlne Companlon wlLh me
Pe wlll noL deserL nor allow me Lo go alone
Pe wlll always be wlLh me and near me and wlll always provlde for every wanL
My llfe ls blJ wltb cbtlst lo CoJ

l have dlscovered a SecreL lace wlLhln where Lhe LhoughL goes lnLo a mounLaln hlgh above Lhe dln of
Lhe world
l have found ln Lhls mounLaln a lace of eace and resL
A lace of [oy and comforL Lo Lhe hearL
l have found LhaL Lhe SecreL lace of Cod ls wlLhln my own Soul
l wlll llsteo fot 1by volce

My Soul wlLhln me re[olces aL Lhe reallzaLlon of Llfe
l am made glad as l behold my lnner LlghL
l cannoL be sad nor depressed for Lhe All Cood has clalmed me as lLs own
C Soul wlLhln me re[olce and become glad for 1hy LlghL has come and 1hy uay of SalvaLlon ls aL hand
8e sLlll wlLhln me and behold Plm Who slLLeLh Cn Plgh
8eflecL Lo me 1hy revelaLlon and flood me wlLh 1hy marvelous LlghL
l tejolce lo my llfe wltblo me

p 330
?es l know LhaL Lhe 1ruLh has freed me from Lhe bonds of fear
l am noL afrald l adore Lhee MosL Plgh wlLhln me l LrusL ln 1hee and ablde ln LhaL hope LhaL knows no
fear l am lree SplrlL and cannoL be bound
1he Cne Llfe flowlng Lhrough me ls erfecL and CompleLe l am noL aparL from lL l am Cne wlLh lL ln
Marvelous unlLy and lreedom Cne wlLh Lhe CompleLe Whole
l was born free and musL always remaln free 1he reallzaLlon of freedom permeaLes my whole belng and
slnks lnLo Lhe lnnermosL parLs of me
l love lL adore lL l accepL lL
l om ftee

l am free from bellef ln sln Lhere ls nelLher sln nor slnner
1here ls no [udgmenL agalnsL any one
Cod does noL condemn and man cannoL
All fear of sln ls removed from me all Lheologlcal bellef ln punlshmenL ls gone from me
l do noL allow myself Lo recelve such suggesLlons for l percelve LhaL Lhey are lles
l am free from all lles and from all llars
l llve by Lhe Cne ower and no LhoughL can enLer Lo dlsLurb me
1bete ls oeltbet slo oot slooet

p 331
My feellngs cannoL be hurL
no one wlshes Lo harm me and Lhere ls noLhlng ln me LhaL can belleve ln any separaLlon from Lhe All
l percelve LhaL l am free from all people and l cannoL be harmed nor mlsLreaLed
l have such a sense of unlLy wlLh all LhaL Lhe clrcle ls compleLe and perfecL
l love my frlends and Lhey love me and LhaL love ls ln and of Cod and cannoL be marred nor hlndered
l om fllleJ wltb joy ooJ love fotevet

I kLL9 1nL 9kCMISL
l shall keep Lhe promlse LhaL l have made Lo myself
l shall never agaln Lell myself LhaL l am poor slck weak nor unhappy
l shall noL lle Lo myself any more buL shall dally speak Lhe LruLh Lo my lnner Soul Lelllng lL LhaL lL ls
wonderful and marvelous LhaL lL ls Cne wlLh Lhe CreaL Cause of all Llfe 1ruLh ower and AcLlon
l shall whlsper Lhese Lhlngs lnLo my Soul unLll lL breaks forLh lnLo songs of [oy wlLh Lhe reallzaLlon of lLs
LlmlLless posslblllLles
l sboll ossote my 5ool

1hrough Lhe mlsL of human fear love gleams and polnLs Lhe way Lo freedom
l now decree and declare LhaL l am free from all sense of bondage
p 332
l am made perfecL and whole Lhrough knowledge of Lhe 8eal Llfe wlLhln me
no llluslons can enLer my LhoughL
l know LhaL Lhere ls Cne ower and l know LhaL Lhls ower now proLecLs me from all harm
As erfecL Love casLs ouL all fear so my fear flees before Lhe knowledge of 1ruLh
l om oot oftolJ

1here ls no bondage nor llmlLaLlon
Lvery parL of me moves ln perfecL harmony and freedom
l cannoL be Lled bound nor made lnacLlve for
l am lree SplrlL and Lhe ower of my Llfe ls from on Plgh
1here ls no lnacLlon nor false acLlon
And l am now compleLely lree
l om ftee

1here ls no condemnaLlon ln me nor operaLlng Lhrough me
l am free from Lhe bellef or LhoughL of men
l walk my own way lmmune Lo all suggesLlon of condemnaLlon
Cnly Lhose LhoughLs can enLer my menLallLy whlch l allow Lo enLer
l do noL and cannoL recelve adverse LhoughLs
Cnly Lhose LhoughLs whlch are helpful and llfeglvlng can flnd enLrance Lo my house
1bete ls oo cooJemootloo

p 333
1here are no vlclous nor false hablLs
Lver deslre of my LhoughL and hearL ls saLlsfled ln Lhe 1ruLh
l do noL long for anyLhlng nor feel Lhe lack of anyLhlng
l am compleLe wlLhln myself l am perfecL wlLhln myself l am happy and saLlsfled wlLhln myself
l am Cne wlLh All Llfe wlLhln me
l om ftee

1here ls no hypnoLlsm nor false suggesLlon
l represenL Lhe Cne Mlnd whlch cannoL acL agalnsL lLself nor can lL acL agalnsL me
l am lmmune Lo all suggesLlon and cannoL recelve false LhoughLs nor harbor Lhem
l am surrounded wlLh a clrcle of Love and roLecLlon
Asleep or awake l am free from false LhoughLs
l see Lhe noLhlngness of all bellef ln or fear of oLherness and l know LhaL 1he Cne and Cnly Mlnd
alone can acL
Ooly tbe CooJ coo eotet

1here are no mlsLakes none have ever been made and none ever wlll be made
noLhlng ever happened ln Lhe pasL Lo hlnder or hurL
1here ls no pasL and l know and can see LhaL Lhere ls no bellef ln any pasL Lo rlse agalnsL me
l llve ln Lhe now free from any yesLerdays or Lomorrows
now l am Pappy lree and CompleLe
p 334
My Word erases any and all bellefs ln mlsLakes and seLs me free
l Am lree!
l om ftee ftom ooy bellefs lo tbe post

1he SplrlL has no responslblllLles
lLs work ls already accompllshed and lLs purposes are already fulfllled
1he SplrlL knows no wanL nor fear
lL ls compleLe wlLhln lLself and llves by vlrLue of lLs own 8elng
l am SplrlL and cannoL Lake on Lhe fears of Lhe world
My work ls accompllshed and my ways are made sLralghL before me
1he paLhway of Llfe ls an endless road of LLernal SaLlsfacLlon and erfecL !oy
My Llfe wlLhln me ls CompleLe and erfecL and has no cares nor burdens
lL ls lree SplrlL and cannoL be bound
l re[olce ln LhaL lreedom
l tejolce lo fteeJom

1he Llme has come Lhe hour has sLruck
1he power from wlLhln has come forLh and ls expresslng Lhrough my word
l do noL have Lo walL Loday ls Lhe Llme
1oday l enLer lnLo all 1ruLh Loday l am compleLely saved and healed and made happy
1oday l enLer lnLo my lnherlLance
1oJoy tbe 1totb bos moJe me ftee

p 333
WlLhln 1hy Law ls freedom Lo all who wlll belleve
l belleve ln 1hy Law and l love 1hy precepLs
l know LhaL 1hy Law ls perfecL and lL ls a dellghL Lo my Soul for lL ls lllumlned wlLh 1hy Words of ower
1hy Law ls compleLe freedom Lo me and Lo all for whom lL shall be spoken
l speak Lhe Word of freedom Lo all and all shall recelve lL
l om ftee lo 1by low

l behold Lhe 8eauLlful and Lhe leasanL
My eyes see only LhaL whlch ls beauLlful Lo look upon
l wlll noL see anyLhlng else nor belleve ln anyLhlng else
l know LhaL beauLy has enLered lnLo my llfe and wlll always remaln Lhere
l see ooly tbe beootlfol

1he lrlendshlp of Lhe SplrlL and of man ls mlne now and forever
Lven now l see Lhe counLless numbers of frlends comlng and golng around me
l enLer lnLo Lhls frlendshlp and Lhls companlonshlp wlLh gladness and re[olclng
l tecelve my ftleoJs

p 336
lL was Cod Plmself who wllled LhaL l should be
l have no cares nor burdens Lo bear
l am remlnded of Lhe greaL command
Come unLo Me all ye who labor and are heavy laden and l wlll glve you resL
l do come lnLo Lhe LlghL and l do know LhaL all cares
And responslblllLles fall from me as l leL Lhe
LlghL of Wlsdom dlrecL my ways
ne wllls me to be tbetefote l om

l serve Lhe world
l walL upon Lhe Lord wlLhln all men
l call forLh glory from Cn Plgh Lhrough Lhe mlnds of all people
l obey Lhe wlll of Plm Who lnhablLs LLernlLy
l do Lhe works of Plm Who dwelleLh among Lhe heavens
My Lord wlLhln commands and l obey
l Jo qooJ to oll people

l shall noL doubL nor fear for my salvaLlon ls from Cn Plgh and Lhe day of lLs appearlng ls now aL hand
l shall noL doubL nor fear for my whole belng responds Lo Lhe reallzaLlon of Llfe wlLhln and around me
l shall noL fear for Lhe PosLs of Peaven are walLlng upon me and Lhe Law of Lhe unlverse ls my
l sboll oot feot

p 337
l was Lold Lo llve and Lo love Lo laugh and Lo be glad
l was Lold Lo be sLlll and know of Lhe Cne AlmlghLy ower ln and Lhrough all
l was Lold Lo leL LhaL ower work Lhrough and ln me
l belleved LhaL volce and l recelved my Cood
l om beoleJ1be joy of llfe

l medlLaLe upon Lhe Law of Cod
lL ls a erfecL Law and ls now worklng for me and ln and Lhrough me
1he Law of Lhe Lord ls perfecL
l speak lnLo LhaL Law and lL ls done unLo me
1by low ls lo my beott

1he Love of Lhe All Cood ls wlLhln me and Lhrough me
1haL Love goes ouL Lo meeL all who come lnLo my aLmosphere
lL radlaLes Lo all and flowlng Lhrough all
My Love wlLhln me ls erfecL
1by love wltblo me ls 9etfect

CreaLer Lhan fear ls Love
Love dlssolves all fear casLs ouL all doubL and seLs Lhe capLlve free
p 338
Love llke Lhe 8lver of Llfe flows Lhrough me and refreshes me wlLh lLs eLernal blesslngs
Love cannoL be afrald lL ls fearless and sLrong and ls mlghLy ln lLs works
lL can accompllsh all Lhlngs Lhrough Lhe lnner LlghL of LhaL falLh ln Lhe All Cood
Whlch fllls my very 8elng wlLh a owerful resence
love costs oot oll feot

My affalrs are ln Lhe hands of Plm
Who guldes Lhe planeLs ln Lhelr course
And Who causes Lhe Sun Lo shlne
ulvlne undersLandlng aLLends me on Lhe Way
And l shall noL be hlndered ln my work
My affalrs are conLrolled by erfecL lnLelllgence
And cannoL be hlndered from expresslon
l know LhaL all LhaL l do ls done from Lhe Cne MoLlve
1o express Llfe and Llfe wlll be expressed
ln and Lhrough me l cannoL hlnder lL
l om coottolleJ by lotelllqeoce

My buslness ls dlrecLed by ulvlne lnLelllgence
1he Allknowlng Mlnd knows whaL Lo do and how Lo do lL
l do noL hlnder buL leL lL operaLe ln my affalrs
lL prospers and dlrecLs me and conLrols my llfe
My affalrs are managed by Love and dlrecLed by
Wlsdom and Lhey cannoL fall Lo prosper and expand
My offolts ote lo nls booJs

p 339
My professlon ls Lhe AcLlvlLy of Lhe CreaL Mlnd worklng Lhrough me
As such lL ls a ulvlne AcLlvlLy and ls consLanLly ln Louch wlLh 8eallLy
l am lnsplred ln my work from Cn Plgh wlLh lofLy ldeals
And my LhoughL ls lllumlned by Lhe Allknowlng Cne
l om losplteJ

1here are no delays ln Lhe ulvlne lan for me
noLhlng can hlnder Lhe operaLlon of Lhls Law unLo my Llfe and AcLlon
CbsLrucLlons are removed from my paLh and
l now enLer lnLo Lhe reallzaLlon and manlfesLaLlon of compleLe fulflllmenL of rlghL deslres
l do noL have Lo walL for Lhe Law walLs upon me aL every Lurn ln Llfes road
Now lt ls Jooe ooto me

no one can lle Lo me none can mlslead me
l am free from Lhe bellef ln all lles and unLruLhs
l know and speak only Lhe 1ruLh and Lhe 1ruLh alone can be spoken Lo me
l know Lhe false and can undersLand Lhe 8eal
l cannoL be fooled nor mlsled l am gulded by 1ruLh alone
1bete ls oo lle oot llot

p 340
1here are no obsLrucLlons Lo Llfes aLh no hlnderance Lo mans endeavors
LeL my Word be Lhe Law of ellmlnaLlon Lo all LhoughL of hlnderance or delay
And leL Lhe Lhlng LhaL l speak come forLh lnLo manlfesLaLlon aL once
l behold lL and see LhaL lL ls even now done compleLe and perfecL
l tecelve oow

1here ls no overacLlon nor lnacLlon ln ulvlne Law for everyLhlng moves accordlng Lo perfecL harmony
Lvery ldea of my body funcLlons ln accordance wlLh Lhls Law of erfecL Llfe
l now percelve LhaL Lhe acLlon wlLhln me ls perfecL compleLe and harmonlous
eace be unLo every parL of me and perfecL Llfe Lo every member of my body
l acL ln accordance wlLh ulvlne Law
l om 9etfect llfe tbtooqboot my wbole 8eloq

l am Cne wlLh erfecL AcLlon LveryLhlng LhaL l do say or Lhlnk ls qulckened lnLo acLlon Lhrough Lhls rlghL
undersLandlng and Lhls correcL knowlng
1he harmonlous acLlon of Lhe CreaL Whole operaLes Lhrough me now and aL all Llmes
l am carrled along by Lhls 8lghL AcLlon and am compelled Lo do Lhe rlghL Lhlng aL Lhe rlghL Llme
p 341
1here ls noLhlng ln me LhaL can hlnder Lhls acLlon from flowlng Lhrough me
1be octloo of CoJ ls tbe ooly octloo

eace olse and ower are wlLhln me for Lhey are Lhe wlLnesses of Lhe lnner SplrlL of all 1ruLh Love
and Wlsdom
l am aL peace wlLhln me and all abouL responds Lo LhaL CreaL Calm of Lhe lnner Soul whlch knows lLs
rlghLful place ln Lhe All Cood
ower ls born from wlLhln me and passes lnLo my experlence wlLhouL efforL or labor
l resL ln SecurlLy and eace for Lhe lnner LlghL shlnes forLh and lllumlnes Lhe way
l test lo 1bee

l am sLlll and recepLlve Lo Llfe
l leL Llfe flow Lhrough me lnLo all LhaL l do say or Lhlnk
l shall leL my Llfe be whaL lL ls and shall noL worry nor complaln
l am now enLered lnLo Lhe SecreL lace of Lhe Soul where compleLe quleL relgns supreme and where
Cod Lalks Lo me
l tecelve

l wlll glve Lhanks Lo my lnner Llfe for all lLs Marvelous Wonders and for all lLs Wonderful Works
p 342
l wlll slng and be glad for l know LhaL l am hld wlLh 1ruLh ln a erfecL Llfe
1be foloess of Ioy ls mloe

1he ulvlne romlses are all kepL noL one ls changed
Cod has Lold me LhaL my Llfe ls erfecL
Pe wlll never deserL or leave me Lo Lravel alone
l know LhaL from Lhls day on and forevermore
l shall llve under ulvlne roLecLlon and Love
l llve ooJet ulvloe 9totectloo ooJ love

1he LlghL of Peaven shlnes Lhrough me and lllumlnes my aLh
1he LlghL LLernal ls my gulde and my proLecLlon
ln LhaL LlghL Lhere ls no darkness aL all
lL ls a erfecL LlghL shlnlng from Lhe alLar of a perfecL Love
C LlghL and Love wlLhln me 1hou arL welcome
llqbt sbloes tbtooqb me ooJ lllomloes tbe woy

l wrap myself ln Lhe manLle of Love and fall asleep fllled wlLh eace
1hrough Lhe long nlghL eace remalns wlLh me and aL Lhe breaklng of Lhe new day l shall sLlll be fllled
wlLh Llfe and Love
l shall go forLh lnLo Lhe new day confldenL and happy
l test lo 1bee

p 343
1he Seal of Approval ls upon me and l am noL condemned by Lhe LhoughL or acL of man
l wlll fear no evll for l know LhaL Lhe CreaL !udge of all conLrols my every acL
LeL every fear of man be removed from and leL Lhe Sllence of my soul bear wlLness Lo Lhe 1ruLh
CoJ opptoves of me

1here ls a SecreL Way of Lhe Soul whlch all may know
lL ls Lhe Way of eace and Love
1hls SecreL Way leads lnLo places of [oy
And lnLo Lhe house of good
lL ls Lhe Way of Lhe SplrlL and all may enLer who wlll
l Lread Lhe SecreL Way of good Lhe aLh of eace
And l enLer lnLo 1he SecreL lace of 1he MosL Plgh
1be 5ectet 9loce of 1be Most nlqb ls wltblo me

1nL SnINING 9A1n
1he aLhway of Llfe shlnes before me unLo Lhe erfecL uay
l walk Lhe paLhway of Lhe Soul Lo Lhe CaLe of Cood
l enLer lnLo Lhe fulflllmenL of my deslres
noLhlng need be added and noLhlng can be Laken from Lhe All Cood whlch ls forever expresslng lLself ln
ually shall l recelve lLs greaL blesslngs and my Soul shall re[olce forevermore
l om oow eoteteJ loto my qooJ

p 344
WhaLever l need comes Lo me from Lhe All Cood
ulvlne lnLelllgence worklng Lhrough me always knows [usL whaL l need and always supplles lL when l
need lL
1hls Law ls unfalllng and sure and cannoL be broken
l recelve my Cood dally as l go along Lhe paLhway of Llfe and l cannoL be robbed of my blrLhrlghL Lo
freedom and happlness
l tecelve my CooJ

1he Way ls made clear before me l do noL falLer nor fall
1he Way of Lhe SplrlL ls my Way and l am compelled Lo walk ln lL
My feeL are kepL on Lhe aLh of erfecL Llfe
1he Way ls prepared before me and LhaL Way ls a aLh of eace of lulflllmenL and !oy
1he Way ls brlghL wlLh Lhe llghL of Love and klndness
1he Way l Lread ls a pleasanL and a happy one
l see tbe woy ooJ l wolk lo lt

As Love enLers fear vanlshes
l am so fllled wlLh Love LhaL no fear can enLer my LhoughL
l am noL afrald for l know LhaL a erfecL lnLelllgence guards and governs my every acL
erfecL Love casLeLh ouL all fear
p 343
l am unafrald and sLrong ln my falLh ln Plm Who keeps me from all harm
9etfect love costetb oot oll feot

1he lnner SplrlL of man ls Cod and my lnner SplrlL ls Lhe 8eallzaLlon of my Llfe
l know LhaL my lnner SplrlL wlll keep me from all harm and wlll noL leL desLrucLlon come near me
l am unafrald ln Lhe mldsL of confuslon and unmoved ln Lhe face of calamlLy
l am confldenL ln Lhe presence of seemlng danger and fearless before any sense of Lrouble
ne wlll keep me

lnflnlLe Llfe wlLhln me whlch ls Cod guard 1hou my feeL and keep 1hou my way
LeL me noL sLray from 1hee buL compel me Lo do 1hy wlll
l am guarded and governed by an lnflnlLe lnLelllgence and an CmnlpoLenL ower
no mlsLakes can be made and none ever have been made
An unerrlng [udgemenL operaLes Lhrough me and l am lead by Lhe SplrlL of 1ruLh lnLo all Cood and lnLo
all eace and Papplness
loflolte llfe wltblo me

My feeL shall noL falLer for Lhey are kepL upon Lhe paLh of Llfe Lhrough Lhe ower of Lhe LLernal SplrlL
p 346
Culde 1hou my feeL compel my way dlrecL my paLhs and keep me ln 1hy resence
My feeL are guarded and l am gulded lnLo Lhe All Cood
ne qolJes my feet

no harm shall befall you my frlend for a ulvlne resence aLLends your way and guards you lnLo 1he All
Lovlng klndness awalLs you aL every Lurn of Llfes road
Culdance ls yours along Lhe paLhway of experlence
And an lnfalllble ower proLecLs you
Cod Plmself and no oLher ls your keeper
l ptoclolm tbls fot yoo

l have Lhe power Lo llve Lhe llfe of good
My power ls from Cn Plgh lL cannoL be Laken from me
lL wlll noL leave me desolaLe
ower flows Lhrough me and ls ln me and
l can now feel and sense lL
1he ower Lo llve ls ln me and l cannoL deserL me
lL ls my power and ls conLlnually presenL
l om tbe powet to llve

A clrcle of love ls drawn around me and mlne and all
no harm can enLer LhaL Sacred Clrcle for lL ls Lhe Love of Cod
p 347
lL ls a compleLe proLecLlon from all evll
l wlll fear no evll for 1hou arL wlLh me
1here ls no evll and no harm
l am free from all sense of fear
love sottoooJs ooJ ptotects me

l draw around me a clrcle of love and proLecLlon
no harm can enLer nor flnd place wlLhln LhaL charmed clrcle of llfe and love for lL represenLs Cods
Lovlng Care and LLernal WaLchfulness
l wlll resL wlLhln me now and l wlll speak comforL Lo my Soul and Lell lL of all Lhe wonders of lLs llfe safe
from Lhe dln of sLrlfe and fear
l om ptotecteJ ftom Oo nlqb

1he ower wlLhln me ls blesslng all manklnd and ls forever heallng all wlLh whom l come ln conLacL
1he ower wlLhln me ls Cod and lL musL bless and help and heal all who come near lL
SllenLly Lhe work goes on and sllenLly all are belng helped by Lhls lnner ower whlch ls operaLlng
Lhrough me
l wlll glve Lhanks LhaL my ower wlLhln ls sllenLly blesslng and helplng everyone Lo whom my LhoughL
1be llfe wltblo me blesses oll mookloJ

My answer comes qulckly and surely back Lo me from Cn Plgh
p 348
My answer wlll noL fall me for Lhe Law of Lhe unlverse ls Lhe ower Lhrough whlch lL comes
l shall noL doubL nor fear for Lhe answer ls swlfL and cerLaln
My ooswet comes

1here ls a Song upon my llps Loday lL slngs of Lhe glad hearL and Lhe happy ways of Llfe
l wlll llsLen Lo my song for lL carols Lo me Lhe glad Lldlngs of CreaL !oy of Love and Llfe
lL Lells me of Lhe Wondrous !ourney of Lhe Soul and Lhe 8oundless Llfe ln whlch my llfe ls hld
l om fllleJ wltb joy

Chlld of All Cood you are born of LLernal uay
1here ls no evenlng of Lhe Soul for lL shall llve forever
lL ls ueaLhless and erfecL CompleLe and Cne wlLh Lhe LverlasLlng
no LhoughL of Lomorrow can dlsLurb Lhe calm of hlm who knows LhaL Llfe ls one LLernal uay
no fear can enLer where Love relgns and 8eason keeps falLh wlLh Pope
1he LhoughLs of Lhe Lomorrows and Lhe yesLerdays are swallowed up ln Lhe greaL reallzaLlon of Lhe
erfecL Pere and Lhe CompleLe now
1oJoy l completely occept my wboleoess

p 349
l arlse and go forLh lnLo Lhe uawn of Lhe new uay fllled wlLh falLh and assurance ln Lhe All Cood
l arlse l arlse l slng wlLh [oy!
l proclalm Lhe Cne Llfe ln all and Lhrough all
l arlse l arlse l shouL wlLh gladness LhaL ls wlLhln me
l declare Lhls day Lo be CompleLe erfecL and LLernal
l tespooJ to llfe

Come 1hou CreaL and lnflnlLe Mlnd and lnsplre me Lo do greaL deeds
AcqualnL me wlLh 1hy knowledge and ln 1hy wlsdom make me wlse
l would be LaughL of 1hee lnner LlghL and lnsplred by 1hy presence
l wlll llsLen for 1hy volce and lL wlll Lell me of greaL Lhlngs Lo be done
l wlll walk ln 1hy aLhs and Lhey wlll lead me lnLo All Cood
l wlll be lnsplred from Cn Plgh
C Wonderful resence floodlng me fllllng me wlLh 1hy LlghL
1hou dosL lnsplre me!
l feel tbe lospltotloo of 5pltlt

CuL of Lhe darkness of Lhe long nlghL Lhe uawn has come
l rlse Lo meeL Lhe new day fllled wlLh confldence and sLrengLh
l arlse and go forLh lnLo Lhe dawn lnsplred and refreshed by Lhe Llvlng SplrlL wlLhln me
C uay you shall never dle Lhe sun shall never seL upon your perfecL glory
p 330
lor Lhe Lamp of Lhe Soul has been reklndled wlLh Lhe oll of lalLh
And Love has cleansed Lhe wlndows of Llfe wlLh Lhe splrlL of gladness
1hey shall nevermore grow dlm wlLh fear for erfecL Love casLeLh ouL all fear
l am renewed ln sLrengLh Lhrough knowlng Cood
My llqbt bos come

AlmlghLy Cod LverlasLlng Cood LLernal SplrlL Maker of all Lhlngs and keeper of my Llfe 1hou arL All
lnflnlLe resence wlLhln ln Whom all llve !oy Supreme floodlng all wlLh gladness l adore 1hee
LLernal eace undlsLurbed and quleL l feel 1hy calm
C 1hou Who dosL lnhablL LLernlLy and dosL dwell wlLhln all CreaLlon Who uosL llve Lhrough all Lhlngs
and ln all people hear 1hou my prayer
l would enLer 1hy gaLes wlLh [oy and llve aL peace ln 1hy Pouse
l would flnd a resLlng place ln 1hee and ln 1hy presence llve
Make me Lo do 1hy wlll and from 1hy wlsdom Leach me Lhe ways of 1ruLh
Compel me Lo follow 1hee and leL me noL pursue Lhe paLhs of my own counsel
C LLernal and 8lessed resence lllumlne my mlnd and command my wlll LhaL my Soul may be refreshed
and LhaL my llve may be renewed
As deep crles unLo deep so my LhoughL crles unLo 1hee and 1hou dosL answer
l am renewed and refreshed my whole belng responds Lo 1hy love and l am compleLe ln 1hee
All my ways are guarded and gulded and l shall llve wlLh 1hee eLernally
p 331
C Lover of my Soul and keeper of my SplrlL none can separaLe us for we are Cne
So shall 1hy Wlsdom gulde me 1hy resence dwell wlLhln me 1hy Love keep me and 1hy llfe envelop
me now and forevermore
l test lo 1bee

A marvelous sense sLeals over hlm who walLs on Cood and ln paLlence bldes hls Llme
A feellng of some unseen resence sllenLly creeps over Lhe walLlng LhoughL and Lhe volce of Cod
speaks Lhrough Lhe mlsL and says 8e noL afrald
lL ls all for a purpose and when you cannoL Lrace you musL LrusL 1hls ls noL an llluslon buL a reallLy for
Llme proves all Lhlngs and he who wlll walL for hls Llme Lo come shall be rewarded and Cood shall come
Lo hlm for Cod Plmself shall be hls Companlon and Champlon
l wolt oo 1bee

My confldence ln 1he All Cood ls compleLe
My falLh ln Lhe ower of SplrlL ls supreme
l have no doubLs nor uncerLalnLles
l know LhaL my Cood ls aL hand and
l reallze LhaL no fear can hlnder
1haL Cood from maklng lLs appearance ln my llfe and affalrs
l know LhaL my Llfe and Cood are compleLe
Lvll cannoL Louch nor hlnder my work
p 332
l resL ln securlLy for
1PL CnL Mlnu lS M? CCMLL1L 8LluCL Anu S18LnC1P
l om seteoe ooJ cooflJeot

l draw my Cood Lo me as l Lravel along Lhe Way of Llfe and noLhlng can keep lL from me
My Cood wlll always follow me
l accepL Lhe Cood and re[olce LhaL lL ls wlLh me
l occept tbe CooJ

l wlll fear no evll for 1hou arL wlLh me
l wlll noL be afrald for Lhe All Cood ls consLanLly wlLh me and ls always near aL hand Lo gulde and
1here ls no evll ln Lhe 1ruLh and no power of darkness Lo hlnder Lhe LlghL from shlnlng
l wlll noL be afrald for Lhere ls Cne wlLhln Who proLecLs and keeps me from all harm
l feot oo evll

l have always known Lhe 1ruLh and no fear can keep my lnner knowledge from me
My wlsdom from wlLhln comes forLh lnLo dally expresslon
knowledge from Cn Plgh ls glven Lo me and l shall always be led of Lhe SplrlL
l koow tbe 1totb

p 333
1oday l meeL my Cood lL knows me and wlll noL leL me deparL from lL
My Cood ls aL hand and l cannoL be robbed of lL
Cood ls forever expresslng lLself Lo me and mlne
l can even now see and hear and feel Lhe All Cood ln and around me
lL presses lLself agalnsL me and fllls me wlLh a greaL surge of Llfe
My CooJ ls ot booJ

My aLmosphere ls aLLracLlng Lhe Cood lL ls consLanLly on Lhe alerL Lo see and know Lhe Cood and Lo
brlng lL lnLo my experlence
1here ls LhaL wlLhln me LhaL calls forLh abundance and happlness from Llfe l am surrounded wlLh an
aLmosphere of eace olse and ower
All who come ln conLacL wlLh LhaL greaL Calm of my Llfe are made sLrong and confldenL are healed and
8less Lhe Lord C my Soul and all LhaL ls wlLhln me bless Pls Poly name
l om blJ wltb cbtlst lo CoJ

My Cood ls compleLe lL ls flnlshed lL ls now here and ls consclous of me and of mlne
l do noL have Lo walL for my Cood lL ls aL hand and ever ready Lo sprlng forLh and express lLself Lo me
l accepL my Cood and gladly acknowledge lL Lo be my dally companlon
p 334
My Cood ls mlne now and l can see lL and feel lL and know lL
1oJoy l clolm my CooJ

lrom far and near my own shall come Lo me Lven now lL ls comlng Lo me and l recelve lL
My own ls now manlfesLlng lLself Lo me and l see and know lLs presence My own shall know and
respond Lo me
1he drawlng power of LhaL lnner SplrlL wlLhln me ls now aLLracLlng and drawlng lnLo my experlence all
LhaL ls good and perfecL 1here ls noLhlng wlLhln me Lo hlnder nor Lo delay lL
My own cannoL be kepL from me nelLher can l keep my good away from me l recelve lL now
l oow tecelve my qooJ

My Cwn shall flnd me no maLLer where l go lL wlll follow and clalm me
l cannoL hlde myself from my Cwn
My Cwn shall come Lo me even Lhough l deny lL for Lhere ls noLhlng ln me LhaL can hlnder lL from
enLerlng and Laklng possesslon of my Soul
My owo ls oow exptesseJ

My Soul reflecLs 1hy Llfe and re[olces ln Lhe happy LhoughL LhaL lL looks on 1hee alone
p 333
C Soul of mlne look ouL and up and on and reflecL Lo me Lhe wondrous Llfe of Lhe All Cood
Look Lhou upon 1he Cne and be saved
8ehold Lhou Pls lace forevermore
My 5ool teflects 1by llfe

CuL of Lhe deep places of llfe my Soul has crled unLo 1hee and 1hou hasL made answer
CuL of Lhe Lurmoll and sLruggle and sLrlfe l have come unLo 1hee and 1hou hasL heard me and
l shall nevermore be sad for l have found whaL Lhe Soul cravesLhe lnner Llfe and Love of Lhe All Cood
1boo bost beotJ

As Lhe CreaL !oy of Llfe comes lnLo my Soul floodlng me wlLh lLs wondrous llghL all sorrow and sadness
flee from me
l shall noL grleve for noLhlng ls losL nor gone from me
My own cannoL be kepL from me
My own knows me and wlll follow me wherever l go
l am fllled wlLh Lhe !oy of llvlng and Lhe CreaL eace LhaL comes Lo all who belleve
l om moJe qloJ fotevetmote

1he SubsLance of Lhe SplrlL ls my ually Supply
l cannoL be wlLhouL my Cood
l can see LhaL Lhe consLanL sLream of Llfe flowlng Lo me brlngs
p 336
lnLo my experlence all LhaL makes Llfe happy and worLhwhlle
l resL ln securlLy knowlng LhaL lnflnlLe Cood ls wlLhln and ls expresslng Lhrough me
l tecelve my qooJ

Llfe always was and evermore shall be World wlLhouL end
All Lhe ower Lhere ls ls mlne now
All Lhe Llfe 1ruLh and Love of Lhe unlverse ls now and forever
llowlng Lhrough my Soul
1he All Cood cannoL change
l shall always have access Lo my LLernal Cod wlLhln me
l om cbooqeless llfe wltblo me

l dwell ln Lhe house of Love
A house noL made wlLh hands eLernal ln Lhe heavens
My dwelllng place ls fllled wlLh peace and eLernal calm
Love aLLends me ln my home of Lhe Soul and
!oy awalLs upon me ln Lhe SecreL lace of Lhe MosL Plgh
My house ls bullL for me by Lhe hand of Love and
l shall never leave Lhls Pome of Lhe SplrlL for lL ls always presenL
l shall ablde ln Lhls home forevermore
My boose ls o boose of love

p 337
Arlse my SplrlL arlse and shlne
LeL 1hy llghL lllumlne my paLh and leL 1hy wlsdom dlrecL my way
Compel my wlll Lo do 1hy blddlng and command my Soul Lo look Lo 1hee
l wlll follow 1hee my SplrlL and wlll learn of 1hee all LhaL l need Lo know
l wlll slL ln Lhe Sllence and llsLen and waLch and
l wlll see 1hy llghL and hear 1hy volce
ll wlll follow 1hee and wlll noL deparL from 1hee
for ln 1hee alone ls eace
Atlse ooJ sbloe

1he SplrlL wlLhln me ls 8lrLhless and deaLhless
lL was noL born and lL cannoL dle
l have no fear of deaLh for l percelve LhaL
ueaLh ls an llluslon and noL Lhe 1ruLh
l was born of Lhe SplrlL and l llve ln Lhe SplrlL
And shall conLlnue Lo llve ln and by Lhe SplrlL
1be 5pltlt wltblo me llves fotevet

SplrlL wlLhln me command my Soul Lo do 1hy blddlng
Compel me Lo follow Lhe course of 1ruLh and Wlsdom
ConLrol my lnward LhoughLs and my ouLward ways
And make me Lo undersLand 1hy Laws
p 338
Command my Soul Lo Lurn Lo 1hee for guldance and llghL
1o Lurn Lo 1hee for wlsdom and knowledge
LeL Lhe paLhs of my Llfe be made sLralghL and sure
LeL Lhe !ourney of my Soul flnd lLs compleLlon ln 1hee
commooJ my 5ool to Jo 1by blJJloq

uespalr glves way Lo [oy aL Lhe LhoughL of 1hee lndwelllng Cood
l cannoL be sad when l Lhlnk of 1hee
My sorrow ls Lurned Lo gladness and my shame Lo re[olclng
My Lears are wlped away and Lhe sunllghL of Lhe SplrlL shlnes Lhrough Lhe clouds of depresslon and
llghLs Lhe way Lo Peaven
1by Ioy bos moJe me qloJ

lree SplrlL wlLhln me unbound and erfecL Leach me 1hy ways and make known Lo me 1hy LlmlLless
C SplrlL of Llfe conLrol my every acLlon and LhoughL
Compel me Lo follow 1hy llghL LhaL l Loo may be free and compleLe
l wlll follow 1hy fooLsLeps and learn of 1hee all Lhe wondrous secreLs of Llfe
l wlll follow 1hy llghL lnLo Lhe erfecL uay
ltee spltlt wltblo me

1he LlghL of Llfe ls full wlLhln me and around me
lL shlnes forLh lnLo Lhe erfecL uay
p 339
C LlghL wlLhln llghLlng my paLh Lo peace
l adore and love ?ou and l leL ?ou shlne
Co forLh and bless all who come Lo ?ou LlghL wlLhln
My LlghL radlaLes Lo all and Lhrough all
My llqbt bos come
Pe Who lnhablLs LLernlLy keeps waLch over me and mlne
Pe Who nelLher slumbers nor sleeps forever keeps waLch over all
l wlll resL ln Lhe assurance of Love and roLecLlon
C 1hou CreaL Cvershadowlng resence
l am consclous of 1hy care l am aware of 1hy lovlng klndness l resL ln 1hee
8e stlll ooJ koow

l wlll llsLen for 1hy volce lnner resence
lL wlll gulde me and acqualnL me wlLh all knowledge
1hy volce ls sweeL and Lender lL ls always klnd and genLle
C Lover of my Soul how l adore 1hee! Pow l love 1hee!
Pow l love 1hy volce lL Lhrllls me wlLh gladness and [oy
lL fllls me wlLh peace and calm and lL sooLhes me
lL quleLs me and glves me wonderful resL
l llsLen C ulvlne Speaker l llsLen Lo 1hee alone
l llsteo fot 1by volce

!oy has come Lo llve wlLh me Pow can l be sad?
l do so love 1hy presence whlch ls !oy wlLhln me
p 360
lL makes me glad and l slng for l am so fllled wlLh 1hy SplrlL LhaL l cannoL be depressed nor unhappy
l am fllled wlLh Lhe [oy of Lhe SplrlL and l overflow wlLh Lhe gladness of llfe
1hou arL a Pappy Companlon Lo Lravel wlLh me Lhrough Llfe wonderful !oy 1hou arL so radlanL and
lL ls lmposslble Lo be sad ln 1hy presence
l shall glve myself Lo 1hee and remaln wlLh 1hee for 1hou arL compleLe and saLlsfylng
l flnd fulflllmenL ln 1hee and [oy forevermore
l om fllleJ wltb tbe 5pltlt of Ioy

All Wlsdom and knowledge ls from wlLhln
And my Cod Who ls Allknowlng ls also wlLhln
l am gulded and guarded along Llfes road lnLo Lhe All Cood
My Mlnd ls lnsLrucLed from Cn Plgh
And my Wlsdom comeLh from afar
1be 5pltlt wltblo me ls All wlsJom

M 1nCUGn1 IS IN 1nLL
My LhoughL ls ln 1hee lnner LlghL
My words are from 1hee lnner Wlsdom
My undersLandlng ls of 1hee lnner Cod
l cannoL be hld from 1hee my lnsplraLlon and my Llfe
My tbooqbt ls lo 1bee

C Love ulvlne wlLhln me l am overpowered by 1hy resence
l am speechless for words cannoL uLLer Lhe Lhlngs LhaL 1hou hasL revealed Lo me
p 361
Why dosL 1hou love me so and why clasp me so close Lo 1hy LLernal PearL?
C 8lessed resence l know for 1hou hasL clalmed me as 1hlne own
l shall nevermore walk aparL from 1hee
1be love of CoJ ls wltblo me

eace sLeals Lhrough Lhe walLlng Soul and Lhe comforL of Lhe SplrlL comes lnLo Lhe sLlllness of Lhe hearL
eace llke an ocean of lnflnlLe Llfe reflecLs lLself Lhrough me and calms every LurbulenL feellng
l am aL peace and resL ln Lhe knowledge of Lhe All Cood whlch ls aL hand
l test lo peoce

SLand forLh and speak SplrlL wlLhln me
roclalm 1hy presence announce 1hy course
ueclare Lhrough me 1hy wondrous works and
LeL Lhe chlldren of men hear 1hy volce
8ehold Pe makeLh all Lhlngs new
1he SplrlL wlLhln speaks words of 1ruLh and Llfe Lo all
1he SplrlL wlLhln me ls Cod
l speok tbe 1totb

SubLle Lssence of SplrlL wlLhln me flowlng Lhrough me
Lllxlr of Llfe ln my velns purlfylng me wlLh 1hy marvelous Llfe
p 362
l leL 1hy SplrlL cleanse me from all false LhoughL and ldeas
l leL 1hy Llfe flow Lhrough me ln a compleLe and erfecL Whole
l feel tbe pteseoce of 5pltlt wltblo me

1nL CnkIS1 WI1nIN
My Llfe ls hld wlLh ChrlsL ln Cod
1he lnner Man ls Lhe lmage and llkeness of Lhe SplrlL of Cod
l leL LhaL lnner Man come forLh lnLo expresslon ln my llfe
Pe wlll gulde my feeL lnLo all 1ruLh and Wlsdom
1he ChrlsL wlLhln me ls free from all worry and cannoL be hlndered by any opposlng force
My ChrlsL wlLhln me ls now perfecL
My cbtlst ls wltblo me

Pls Arms enfold me Pls SLrengLh upholds me
Pls resence fllls me wlLh Llfe and !oy
l shall nevermore be sad nor depressed for l know LhaL l do noL walk Llfes paLh alone
1here ls Cne Who goes wlLh me and Lells me all Lhe Lhlngs LhaL l should know
1here ls a resence wlLh me guldlng me lnLo Lhe erfecL Way
l tejolce lo koowloq tbot l om oot olooe

Llke a cloak Pls Love ls wrapped around me Llke a warm garmenL lL shelLers me from Lhe sLorms of llfe
l feel and know LhaL an AlmlghLy Love envelops me ln lLs close embrace
p 363
C Love ulvlne My Love how wonderful 1hou arL l am open Lo recelve 1hy greaL blesslng
love eovelops me

1nL VCICL CI 1kU1n
1he volce of 1ruLh speaks Lo me and Lhrough me
1he volce of 1ruLh guldes me and keeps me on Lhe aLh of Lhe erfecL uay
l wlll llsLen Lo Lhe lnner volce and lL wlll Lell me whaL Lo do ln Lhe hour of need
l shall be Lold everyLhlng LhaL l oughL Lo know when Lhe Llme of need arrlves and l shall noL be mlsled
1he volce of 1ruLh cannoL lle buL always speaks Lo me from Cn Plgh
noLhlng enLers buL 1hls volce for lL ls Lhe volce of Cod
CoJ speoks to me

1nL WI1NLSS CI 1kU1n
1here ls a WlLness wlLhln me who knows Lhe 1ruLh and who wlll noL leL me enLer lnLo falsehood
My lnner Culde keeps me on Lhe aLhway of Llfe and dlrecLs me aL all Llmes Lo LhaL whlch ls rlghL and
l shall never be wlLhouL Lhls wlLness of Lhe SplrlL for l belleve ln lL and accepL lL as Lhe CreaL Companlon
of Lhe Soul
1be 5pltlt wltblo me ls petfect oow

1hrough Lhe long nlghL waLches 1hou hasL been wlLh me
ln Lhe dark places of human lgnorance 1hy hand haLh gulded me
p 364
1hy llghL haLh llghLed Lhe paLhway of desolaLlon Lo a land of plenLy
l have percelved 1hee from afar and my soul haLh yearned Lo 1hee C 1hou MlghLy Cne!
1he SplrlL wlLhln me haLh urged me on Lo Lhe goal and l have noL been mlsled
l have been gulded and guarded Lhrough Lhe long [ourney and 1hy resence haLh been made known Lo
l awake from Lhe dream and reenLer Lhe house of my Lord cloLhed wlLh eace and robed ln colors of
1be 5pltlt of 1totb wotcbes ovet me

C SplrlL of man and Cod wlLhln me 1hy ower ls greaL and 1hy knowledge goes beyond Lhe range of
human experlence
1hy Wlsdom excels LhaL of all else and beslde 1hee Lhere ls none oLher
ln 1hy SLrengLh do l dally walk and llve
ln 1hy resence do l always resL ln peace and [oy
SplrlL wlLhln me and wlLhouL owerful 1hou arL and CreaL
Wonderful ls 1hy MlghL and CompleLe ls 1hy undersLandlng
l leL 1hy MlghLy SLrengLh flow Lhrough me
And ouL lnLo all Lhe paLhs of my human endeavors
llfe ftom wltblo exptesses tbtooqb me

ln walLlng on 1hee Lhere ls fulness of Llfe
l walL on 1hee my lnner Lord l llsLen for 1hy volce
l hear 1hy word l do 1hy wlll agaln l walL on 1hee
p 363
And llsLenlng l hear 1hee say 8e perfecL be compleLe llve love be glad
5lt tboo lo tbe stllloess ooJ let tby lotJ speok

Pe has come Whose rlghL lL ls
Pe has made Pls home wlLhln me and wlll nevermore deparL from me
l shall walk no more alone for Cne walks wlLh me
Who knows Lhe paLh of Llfe and Whose feeL wlll never falLer nor fall
My lnner LlghL shlnes Lhrough Lhe mlsL of human bellefs
And frees me from Lhe bondage of fear and llmlLaLlon
l shall walk wlLh ?ou my lrlend and shall learn of ?ou Lhe ways of Llfe and lreedom
We shall Lravel LogeLher from Lhls day and none can parL us
lor we are unlLed ln Lhe perfecL bonds of an everlasLlng unlLy
l wolk wltb 1bee

1nL 9CWLk CI 1nL WCkD
l conquer my menLal household and casL ouL all fear and doubL
LeL my Word casL ouL all sense of fear and doubL and leL my LhoughLs be llfLed unLo Plm Who llves
My Word has dlssolved all fear wlLhln me and has casL ouL all doubL
p 366
My Word shall guard my LhoughL and make me recelve only LhaL whlch ls Cood and erfecL
l coottol my llfe

My word comes back Lo me laden wlLh Lhe frulLs of lLs own speech
My Word ls Lhe Law unLo my Llfe and Lhe Law unLo everyLhlng LhaL l speak
C Word go forLh and heal and bless all humanlLy
1ell Lhem of Lhelr ulvlne 8lrLhrlghL
1ell Lhe sLranger LhaL he ls noL alone buL LhaL Cne goes wlLh hlm Who knows and cares
1ell Lhe slck LhaL Lhey are healed and Lhe poor LhaL Lhey cannoL wanL
1ell Lhe unhappy of Lhe [oy of Lhe Soul and break Lhe bonds of Lhose who are ln prlson
My Word shall come back Lo me blessed of Cod and man

1he Word of my mouLh shall bear frulL
lL shall accompllsh and prosper and shall noL reLurn unLo me vold
My Word ls Lhe law unLo Lhe Lhlng whereunLo lL ls senL and lL cannoL come back empLyhanded
l send ouL my Word and lL ls law unLo my llfe
My wotJ ls 9owet

noLhlng can hlnder my Word from worklng
lL wlll work and noLhlng can sLop lL
p 367
My word ls Lhe Law unLo LhaL Lhlng whereunLo lL ls spoken and wlll become fulfllled ln Lhe rlghL way and
aL Lhe rlghL Llme
My Word ls compleLe and perfecL and ls Lhe presence and Lhe
ower of Lhe Cne Mlnd LhaL ls ln and Lhrough all
l speak LhaL Word and know LhaL lL wlll accompllsh
l walL ln perfecL confldence for Lhe Word Lo fulflll lLself ln my llfe
My wotJ ls low

C MAN S9LAk ICk1n 1n WCkD
C man speak forLh Lhy word and be noL afrald
uld you noL know have you noL heard?
Pls ulvlnlLy ls planLed wlLhln Lhee and Lhy word ls one wlLh all power
1he SplrlL of Lhe MosL Plgh ls Lhy SplrlL and Lhe word of Cod ls Lhy word
1hy freedom ls hld wlLhln Lhee and Lhy lnner llghL shall lllumlne Lhey way
Speak man and be free! Announce and proclalm Lhy works!
LeL Lhy word go forLh wlLh power and Lhy SplrlL shall conquer all
5pltlt wltblo me speok

1nL 9CWLk CI 1nL WCkD
1he Word ls a mlghL ower and LhaL Word ls ln me and Lhrough me now
My Word ls one wlLh Lhe All Cood and cannoL fall Lo accompllsh Lhe deslred ends
My Word goes forLh wlLh ower unLo everyLhlng LhaL l do say or Lhlnk
1he Word ls my ower by day and by nlghL
p 368
l wlll speak Lhe Word and LrusL ln Lhe greaL Law of Llfe Lo fulflll lL
l speok tbe wotJ lo foll cooflJeoce

My Word ls a Word of ower for l know LhaL lL ls Lhe Word of Lhe CreaL Cod wlLhln me
My Word shall accompllsh and prosper and shall do good unLo all who call upon my name
My Word ls a Lower of sLrengLh and cannoL be denled
lL ls compleLe and perfecL here and now
My Word ls Lhe Word of Cod
My wotJ ls tbe wotJ of CoJ

1he 1ruLh wlLhln me ls unassallable and Lhe ower of Lhe Word ls lrreslsLlble
l can even now feel LhaL my Word has gone forLh wlLh ower and 8eallLy and LhaL lL wlll accompllsh LhaL
purpose for whlch lL was creaLed
LlmlLless ls lLs ower and wonderful are lLs works
lL can be noLhlng less Lhan Lhe AlmlghLy worklng ln and Lhrough me
l wlll leL Lhls Word of Lhe SplrlL go forLh from my mouLh and heal and bless Lhe world
lL shall be as a sLrong Lower unLo all who call upon lL
1he 1ruLh ls CompleLe and erfecL and ls wlLhln me now
My wotJ ls complete ooJ petfect oow

p 369
l behold ln Lhee Pls lmage
ln Lhee my frlend l see Cod and Lhrough you l feel Pls presence
l see ln Lhe hand LhaL glves Pls hand
And ln Lhe volce LhaL speaks of Love l hear Plm speak
lor Pls llnes have gone ouL lnLo all places
And from Lhe hlghesL Lo Lhe lowesL all all parLake of Pls naLure
lor Pe ls all ln all over all and Lhrough all
l petcelve tbot CoJ ls lo oll people

l see no evll l behold only Lhe good
l have seen Lhe drunkard lylng ln Lhe guLLer and Lhe salnL kneellng ln ecsLasy before Lhe hlgh alLar of hls
falLh buL l have found no dlfference
l have percelved LhaL each ln hls own Longue ls seeklng Lo express Lhe Cne Llfe
l wlll noL separaLe and dlvlde l cannoL condemn nor censure for l know LhaL Lhere ls buL Cne ln All
l know LhaL all came from Lhe Cne and all wlll reLurn Lo Lhe Cne
l know LhaL all are now ln Lhe Cne and LhaL each ls seeklng Lo express Lhe Cne
l koow ooJ love oll

l shall never dle for Lhe SplrlL wlLhln me ls Cod and cannoL change
p 370
My llfe ls hld wlLhln Lhe unlverse of Love and LlghL and LhaL LlghL shall llve forever
Co fear of deaLh and change begone from my LhoughL fear of deaLh and uncerLalnLy
1haL whlch ls cannoL become LhaL whlch ls noL and LhaL whlch l am can never change
1he SplrlL of LLernlLy ls enLhroned wlLhln me and Lhe Llfe of Lndless Ages flows Lhrough my belng
lrom LLernlLy Lo LLernlLy my Llfe flows along lLs way of peace and harmony
1lme brlngs buL more glory Lo crown me wlLh lLs pleasures
My llfe ls fotevet

My Love goes ouL Lo everyone ln Lhe world
l do noL exclude anyLhlng for l love all naLure and everyLhlng LhaL ls
My Love warms and llghLens everyLhlng LhaL lL Louches and lL goes ouL lnLo all places
1he Love flowlng Lhrough me ls a ower Lo all who come lnLo conLacL wlLh lL and all feel and know LhaL l
Love wlLhln me ls CompleLe and erfecL
love wltblo me ls complete

My llfe ls ln Cod lL cannoL be hurL nor hlndered ln lLs expresslon
Cod llves and expresses Lhrough me Pls work ls compleLe and perfecL ln me now
p 371
l know Pls llfe Lo be my llfe and l know LhaL my llfe ls compleLe and perfecL
My llfe ls lo CoJ

1here are no mlsundersLandlngs
All ls made clear beLween Lhe ldeas of Cood
no false sense of separaLlon can come beLween people nor dlsLurb Lhe reallzaLlon of Lhe unlLy of All
l percelve LhaL l am one wlLh all people and all are Cne wlLh me
1here ls no separaLlon
1bete ls oo sepototloo

1he ulvlne lan for me ls erfecL l am held ln Lhe Mlnd of Cod as a CompleLe and erfecL Lxpresslon of
Llfe and 1ruLh
no power can hlnder nor mar Lhls lnner lmage of 8eallLy for lL ls Codglven and CodkepL
CoJ qove ooJ CoJ wlll keep

1he CreaL ersonallLy of Cod ls my ersonallLy Lhe LlmlLless knowlngness of 1he SplrlL ls my
knowlngness and Lhe Cne Mlnd ls my mlnd
All All llve ln Cne lnflnlLe erson and each manlfesLs Lhe Cne Who ls formed Lhrough and ln all
p 372
Man ls Lhe ersonallLy of Cod ln manlfesLaLlon and cannoL be lefL wlLhouL Lhe lnner WlLness of Lhe
l now reallze LhaL Lhe lnflnlLe ersonalness of Lhe SplrlL ls my ersonallLy and l re[olce Lo know Lhe 1ruLh
abouL myself
CoJ ls my 9etsooollty

1he llfe of Cod wlLhln me radlaLes and shlnes forLh from me ln a consLanL sLream of LlghL Lo all
1he Cne Llfe flowlng Lhrough me ls Llfe Lo all who come near
1he Cne ower operaLlng Lhrough me ls flowlng lnLo everyLhlng LhaL l conLacL
llfe toJlotes ftom me

1oday l reallze LhaL l am Cne wlLh Lhe All Cood my Cod and l are Cne
l cannoL be hld from Pls face
l behold 1hee C MosL Plgh enLhroned ln my Lemple of flesh
1hy secreL place ls wlLhln me l feel 1hy presence
l hear 1hy volce l re[olce ln 1hy LlghL
1oday my body responds Lo Lhe ulvlne 8ehesL 8e perfecL
l know of my perfecLlon and wholeness l am compleLe and perfecL now
LeL every LhoughL of dlsease flee from me and leL 1hy LlghL shlne
C LlghL LLernal C LlghL of my Llfe l come lnLo 1hy presence wlLh [oy and Lhanksglvlng
5o be lt

p 373
WlLhln 1hee ls fulness of Llfe
WlLhln 1hee ls compleLe !oy and everlasLlng eace
WlLhln 1hee ls all
1hou arL ln me as l am ln 1hee and we are all ln all
My Llfe ls full and compleLe wlLhln me and LhaL Llfe l glve Lo all men freely
And from all l recelve agaln LhaL whlch l have glven
lor lL ls Cne ln All
l om Ooe wltb tbe foloess of All llfe

p 374
1hls glossary glves Lhe MeLaphyslcal meanlng of Lhe words as used ln Lhese lessons lL ls noL clalmed LhaL
Lhe deflnlLlon of Lhe words used ln Lhls glossary wlll ln every case keep falLh wlLh Lhe regular dlcLlonary
deflnlLlon 1he words are deflned ln such a say as Lo brlng ouL Lhe meanlng wlLh whlch Lhey are used ln
Lhls course of lnsLrucLlon
lL wlll be necessary for Lhe sLudenL Lo carefully sLudy Lhe meanlng of Lhese words LogeLher wlLh Lhe
explanaLlon of Lhe words used ln Lhe dlfferenL charLs ln Lhls way Lhe deslred ob[ecLlve wlll be obLalned
and Lhere wlll be no confuslon
(1he glossary ln Lhe orlglnal book ls noL ln alphabeLlcal order 1he orlglnal order has been reLalned!8P)
ALPA1haL whlch ls flrsL
AxlCMA selfevldenL LruLh
A8SCLu1Llree from resLrlcLlon See CharL no l
Alll8MA1lCn1o sLaLe poslLlvely and malnLaln as belng Lrue
Au8A1he menLal aLmosphere surroundlng a person
AA8l1lCnA specLer of phanLom 1he acL of appearlng
A118l8u1L1he belng essence naLure and subsLance of
ALLCCCuCod or SplrlL
AnAL?SlS8esolvlng Lhlngs lnLo Lhelr flrsL elemenLs
Anu8CC?nCuSPavlng Lhe characLerlsLlcs of boLh sexes
ACCuMuLA1Lu CCnSClCuSnLSS1he sum LoLal of all LhaL one has ever sald LhoughL done or seen
consclously or unconsclously
AC1lvL 8lnClLL Cl LllL1he SelfConsclous SplrlL
AxlCMA1lC 8LASCnlnC1he deducLlons drawn from selfevldenL LruLhs

8Cu?1he ouLward form
8Cu? Cl 1PL unlvL8SL1he manlfesL CreaLlon Lhe 8ody of Cod boLh vlslble and lnvlslble
8LlnC1haL whlch has exlsLence
8LLSSlnCConsLrucLlve LhoughL dlrecLed Loward any one
8l8LL1he sacred books of any race or people
p 373
CCnSClCuSnLSS1he percepLlon of exlsLence
CCSMlC CCnSClCuSnLSSercepLlon of 1he Whole
CCSMlC Mlnu1he Mlnd of Cod
CCSMlC CCnCL1lCn1he ulvlne Mlnd glvlng blrLh Lo lLs ldeas
CCnCL1An ldea ln mlnd
CCnSClCuS Mlnu1he selfknowlng mlnd ln Cod or man
C8LA1lCnasslng of SplrlL lnLo form
CCSMCS1he unlversal World vlslble and lnvlslble
CAuSA1lCn1haL whlch sLands back of Lhlngs as Lhe lnLelllgenL Cause
C8LA1lvL Mlnu1he unlversal Soul or Sub[ecLlvlLy 1he lemlnlne rlnclple of Lhe unlversal Llfe
C8LA1lvL MLuluMlrom Lhe unlversal Sense lL ls Lhe WorldSoul and from Lhe lndlvldual sense lL ls
Lhe sub[ecLlve sLaLe of mans LhoughL
CCSMlC S1ull1he sLuff from whlch all forms are made
CCSMlC u8CL1he deslre of SplrlL Lo express lLself
CCSMlC u8CSL1he ldeas of SplrlL propelllng Lhemselves lnLo ouLer expresslon 1he deslre of SplrlL
execuLlng lLself
C8LA1lvL SL8lLSAny parLlcular and concreLe manlfesLaLlon of SplrlL
CCLxlS1Ln11haL whlch exlsLs wlLh
CCL1L8nALAlways exlsLlng uncreaLed
CCnul1lCnS1haL whlch follows cause Lhe effecL of law
CC88LSCnuLn11he menLal plcLure of cause of anyLhlng
CCnCLn18A1lCn8rlnglng Lhe aLLenLlon Lo a focus
CPAnCL1he appearance and dlsappearance of forms
CP8lS11he LoLal manlfesLaLlon of Cod from Lhe planL Lo an angel from a peanuL Lo Lhe enLlre
unlverse of expresslon ChrlsL ln Man means Lhe ldea of Sonshlp Lhe erfecL Man as Pe musL be held ln
Lhe Mlnd of Cod
CCnC8L1L CAuSLueflnlLe ldea
CCnCLlvL1o glve blrLh Lo an ldea
CCMLnSA1lCn1he law of balance ln Lhe menLal world Cause and effecL
CCn1LMLA1L1o know wlLhln Lhe self
p 376
CLAl8AuulLnCL1he ablllLy Lo percelve sounds wlLhouL Lhe ear
CLAl8vC?AnCL1he ablllLy Lo see menLally See wlLhouL Lhe eye
Cu8SLMenLally used Lo desLroy
CCnlLlC1lnner menLal sLruggle consclous or unconsclous

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