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Statement of Purpose:

Till high school, my interests were diverse and I was doing well on all fronts i.e. in curricular, co-curricular
and extracurricular activities. Along with excelling in academics, my inclination towards computers and
information technology drove me to opt for Pre-Engineering in my higher secondary education. I was eager
to learn and explore the field as much as I can and the advancement amused me. I did achieved a good
result in my Higher Secondary education (Pre-Engineering) especially in Physics. My interest in computer
also well stimulated me. I opted to go for a degree in engineering, as I thought this would be in line with
my analytical skills and would equip me to understand science better. I started to develop interest towards
Robotics and Control System over the years of my Study. My work and my projects made it clear for me
of what to do after graduation. I opted every opportunity to learn from my undergraduate education so that
I can stand different from others in knowledge and in interpersonal skills. I trained myself not to be afraid
of opportunities or task that are out of my working domain.
I opted for a Robotics project to implement my technical, logical and programming Skills. I am the team
leader of my project team who is currently working on “Mechatronics Design of Robots for RoboCup
Soccer Small Size League”. This project fulfilled my passion of computer engineering. It made me
understand that Engineering is what drives me to work and work.
Before I entered my undergraduate studies, I made sure that I am not going to lose the spark I had in the
co-curricular activities thus throughout my undergraduate studies I have done well academically, but I have
done even better in co-curricular activities. I have represented my class and university at various places,
and have won Robotics contest. But the mere achievement of all these things is not what matters to me,
what is important for me is that I felt really happy and in my element in doing all these activities.
In my undergraduate years, I’ve acquired a strong background in the fundamentals of the basics of Electrical
Computer Engineering. Subjects like Digital Image Processing, Control Systems, Robotics, Electronics,
Digital Communication and Computer Networks and Digital Signal Processing revealed the diversity of
computer engineering. My Undergraduate studies has not only provided me with the strong fundamentals
but also had taught me on how to approach a problem scenario and to act on it, it has guided me to continue
research related activities.
I developed interest in Embedded System and Robotics in the early stages of my Degree. Visualizing Robots
and their capability to sense, plan and act made it clear to me that I will be perusing Robotics, Artificial
intelligence and Machine learning in the future. Internship or Research in Robotics or Machine learning
was always in my plan list, as it will give me an academic boost in my career plus I would get to learn more
about the field I love.
Finally, I would like to say that joining the Computer Engineering program was one of the best decisions
that I made. I have reaped major benefits by doing so. Having to compete with the brightest minds of the
country has instilled a habit of hard work in me, my thinking skills are sharper than ever and I have polished
my other skills.

Muhmmad Maroof Aslam

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