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NYK SMS Manual (Rev: 2021-06-01) < S-072001-01CHK >

Departure Preparations Page 1 of 1

Section 1 - Passage Plan Checks

1 Berth to Berth Passage Plan for intended passage ready with latest Information / Navigational Warnings /

2 Passage plan checked and approved by Master

3 Latest Weather Forecasts obtained / Monitored.

4 BRM / BTM Meeting / Officers advised to carry out Tool Box Talks from Stations

5 Confirm vessel draught, stability and stresses within safe sea going limits
Section 2 - Equipment Checks (Tested and ready for Use)
Gyrocompass(s): ☐ Magnetic compass: ☐ Repeaters: ☐
Auto pilot: ☐ Course recorder: ☐ Speed Log: ☐
VHF: ☐ GMDSS Equipment: ☐ SVDR / VDR: ☐
Telegraph logger Printers : ☐ LRIT: ☐ AIS: ☐
Navigation Lights / Signal Lights: ☐ Portable signal lamp: ☐ Search Light: ☐
Steering (Heading) Light: ☐
Echo Sounder: ☐
(If possible fill Echo Sounder
Window wiper / Clear view / Screen: Whistle: (blow only if
☐ data) ☐
Actual: m harbor regulations permit)
Charted: m
Main Engine Astern Test: ☐ Bow Thruster: ☐ Steering Gear test: ☐
Internal Communications: ☐ BNWAS Operational ☐ Flags and Shapes: ☐
Incl.Talk back/Radio’s/sound power etc. Status:
Shipboard clocks Synchronized: ☐ Indicators: ☐ Other Bridge Equipment: ☐
( RPM/ROT/Anemometers) Binoculars/Azimuth Mirrors etc.
Section 3 - Before Departure Confirmation

1 All Crew on board

2 All visitors / Agents / Stevedores / Shore staff have disembarked

3 All Crew & Cargo documents / Ship Certificates / Port Clearances / Cargo Manifests on board

4 Port / VTS / Pilots advised of ETD and other required information

5 Cargo & Cargo Handling Equipment lashed / Secured

6 All Hatch Covers / Watertight Door / Hull Openings / Accesses secured.

7 Hoisting of appropriate Signals (Flag and Shapes )

8 Bridge / Engine Room / Mooring Stations manned as required

9 Tool Box Talk (Fore and Aft Station)

10 Anchors cleared and ready for use / Mooring winches tested (Start Cooling System)

11 Ensure mooring ropes / wires clear for un-mooring

12 Stowaway / Security Search completed.

All checks Completion time/date: At Port of:_____________________.

OOW:_________________________. Master:

A laminated copy of the check list may be used for the checks. If laminated copy is used,
a) Reference of compliance with the check list shall be noted in Log Book.
b) In event of any incidence a photo copy of filled up checklist shall be preserved.

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