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NYK SMS Manual (Rev: 2021-06-01) <S-072000-01CHK >

Arrival Preparations Page 1 of 1

Section 1 - 1 Day Before Arrival
1 Pre Arrival Documentation (incl. Crew / Passenger info completed / sent)
2 Passage Plan updated with latest Information/ Navigational Warnings/ approved by Master
3 BRM / BTM Meeting
4 Updated Route plotted on appropriate scale charts / ECDIS
5 Updated Regulatory / Port / Agent’s / Weather information.
6 Cargo / Ballast Rearranged
7 MARPOL / SMS environment related requirements complied with
8 Cargo (DG info if applicable) / Stability / Draft / ship details ready
9 Test of Deck Machinery - Mooring winches, Windlass, Accesses, and Lifting Appliances etc.
10 Take Black Smoke / Soot prevention measures
11 Check all Deck Lights
Section 2 – (On the day of Arrival) Equipment Checks (Tested and ready for Use)
Gyrocompass(s): ☐ Magnetic compass: ☐ Repeaters: ☐
Auto pilot: ☐ Course recorder: ☐ Speed Log: ☐
VHF: ☐ GMDSS Equipment: ☐ SVDR / VDR: ☐
Telegraph logger Printers: ☐ LRIT: ☐ AIS: ☐
Navigation Lights / Signal Lights: ☐ Portable signal lamp: ☐ Search Light: ☐
Steering (Heading) Light: ☐
Window wiper / Clear view / Screen: ☐ Echo Sounder: ☐ Whistle: (blow only if harbor ☐
regulations permit):
Main Engine Astern Test: ☐ Bow Thruster: ☐ Steering Gear test: ☐
(As per Ship’s WI)
Shipboard clocks Synchronized: ☐ BNWAS Operational Status: ☐ Flags and Shapes: ☐
Internal Communications ☐ Indicators ☐ Other Bridge Equipment: ☐
Incl.Talk back/ Radio’s/sound power etc. (RPM/ROT/Anemometers): Binoculars/Azimuth Mirrors etc:

Section 3 – Before Entering Harbor / Terminal

1 Port / VTS / Pilots advised of ETA and other required information. ☐
2 Port and VTS channels Monitored ☐
3 Additional steering gear unit in operation ☐
4 Manual Steering engaged. ☐
5 Bridge / Engine Room / Mooring Stations manned as required ☐
6 Tool Box Talk (Fore and Aft Station) ☐
7 Mooring / Heaving Lines flaked and ready ☐
8 Anchors cleared and ready for use / Mooring winches tested (Start cooling system) ☐
9 Coaming drains and deck scuppers plugged / Check no sign of Oil leakage on deck ☐
Section 4 - After Berthing Confirmation Fwd Aft Deck Bridge
1 Berth fenders in contact with hull parallel body ☐ ☐
2 Position satisfactory for cargo operations ☐ ☐
3 Mooring lines tight with minimum chaffing points ☐ ☐
4 Tug lines released ☐ ☐
5 Rat guards in position and secured ☐ ☐
6 Mooring stations machinery switched off. ☐ ☐
7 Fire wires rigged and ready. ☐ ☐
8 Safe access between ship and shore ☐
10 Bridge Equipment Shut down / Standby mode ☐
11 E/ Room notified on Engine / Bow Thruster status to be maintained. ☐
12 Appropriate Flags / Light / Signals displayed ☐
13 Send Ship Position Reporting System (AMVER / JASREP etc.) ☐
14 Port Security Arrangements in place. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
All checks Completion time/date: At Port of:________________________.
OOW:_________________________. Master:
A laminated copy of this checklist may be used for the checks. If used:-
a) Make entry in the ship’s log book stating the checklist number complied with.
b) Make / Preserve copy of the filled checklist if an incident occurs.

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