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Toneentotion 8, a Feaget analyte by Comeding a chemical seadtion into on eletbicoll dignol . Th dedvochemttol dewo the elechode one set Q electrodes ta used > “onsducer olemert: | Eechdthemical senoors divideh into Seocat types based on theiv mechaniam 4, Opection and the type § seackion involved. ¥ Potentiomehic Gmensune voltage) i & Amporomebtc Greontune cwocedt) * Gnductomedte Cmenane conductivity) % Umedimavicdewora 1 menawre impedence ov vesistante § an ekchrode # Codlomebsic semord meosune the mount 9, roxge required 40 ostdlise Os reduce the Onalyte ad on elechode Aurface. Beckachenical Seuows one mode UP § Hove onentiol components 6 f & seceptor thot binds the Sample, the dample ov Onokyte. » ancl f % horsducer JO. wooed the seoctton into a meoswable elechtal Signol Ja the core Q elecko chemitol sersova , dhe ebtdyede acts as the “Homducer. _l BF Cecbochemtcal donsthg olirays requis 0 closed cvusit FGvorent raust qlow 4 make a mneosvtement> ja most Hesoiber \ Sensors +, Ain electrode Surifoce is used as the site @ the rkochvon NW “the elecbode will eahor oaidize ov seaduice dhe analyte of, intorst ® the aworent thot is product rom the steackon %& monitored and wed 4d collulate important dota auch as concentrations chrom Hre. dame] Working Runcighe: The quadornental concept in the diekedion § onalytes by electrochemical | Sensors tovolves the meosurxemet Q cleuic. ardtent Qewtoted by Chenical reackions in dhe elechoonontiah aysten The xeouione ushidh occur of dhe intefoce G the surface Jan dledtrode besten the eeegnition clement, ond dhe. ‘Toget binding alate Quake an cledicol double Layer ond Hous this potential i meouured oper ronsfocmning these chemical reschons into the meoavoble clecho -chuniiot aignot by O serggaition element, ond o ans duce Senos qa working mechonism involves dhe foleockon G the motevos with the olechode Surface and ouaging, 02 oo consequence too yedlox seacbon 1 wht toger Onabate * the desired, dange ‘ch Qrnowtes on eleubteol Signo Yot con be frondtosmed. “40 etglove the ade. § the Onobyyte Species « i Buagyition clement Apglicctions + 3 Ceahrodhemteal Sosors are constred athuckve tools to detow ine iorpor ovkaules ov biomnktls Het one used or dhe atingnoain § chidea.aes ond | dserdow Ly “Thy ove used dor the monitoring 9, foie feels 8, dhpowat substore ta dood quality ond envisonmutol conbol » The biogemer application omens Q ahese censors extenol to meclicol ond biomedtool opglicotions, proces control, bioveadovs, quality contol. , agpitudhur _badtedol ard Vivel aiagnosid , faduustwo! waste water contol. 02, What one optical Somos 2 Explain its working principle ord apleation. flns:- Optical sensors one devices that Use Aight anc conveda into cleuvicot Bapold dex ddtding orc measuring Phydteat Ov chemical Peopediea J o- Eample: Grample: (photomuic) Colorimedic. Senoos Brincigle + When @ sample dolukon {4 intowcdes! uaith a Hight 8 auitable ccaaslenfh Coton quontity § Light ia absovbeh by Me analyte dolution o chun'cat &% chustcal change occas . “this horge in the Sowing rrofevol's propectia Chaoweol by a deyor and fanwducer converts intensity 8 absorbed “ght into cledtcal Aigoal the change in intemty a codain voosellergih within i " crt a "Viale CH00-200 mm) “ong con be ddeownined uatog Apeuiok tnateurnerdai Absosption based oftiol dumows (Coloweimedyy) 2 Can be Colorimubte ox spedyo scopic fa Ache, Colociembic Aumord one OA Aengortont fort A opticoh dertord shal legenoh On the Colows qd - the analyte sith ia the visible xonge (100-800nm) + Ste baste components inkude Light sowece a. vsunbength ddector , 0 photodector onl o. seooh, Out deice | y 2: ey oH AH poe , A wconsiloiomedt Pie 16 wode do pan Ahenigh Onokyte aolidion usher Costain quontity G Ught ts absorbed ond it ho cfunction §, concentration Q, onalyte «The change in the intensity Slight ia deeded by photocded Caerting). The Sight Zowtce genvutes on intrse ard Atoble xadiation algral needed 49 Pre an ofticol property Q the moleudon Mecagnid'on elimert in the Zumoy . The omound §, absorbance ia Governed by Been - Jombertts law. Pelicstions % Medical diagnostics \ Colovimehic sensors ane Used 4p detect the & biomoleutes , uch as glucose, cholesterol , ancl hoemogtobin bodily oflwids auth 03 blood and. urine H Seavity ord defence & Food. cafchy futing. Presence am eqdoin the working Quincigle gp conductomebic, sensor ond its ayplicabon Tey ore chemical sensors dhat reaoure Chang eo in elect cob corduchi vil Tun 0 SpeCILE Orobyte Tatas bebocen dhe dlecvodles P cginciple Fa i composed. Q Nao electrodes Coated with o highly dunitive motoal P yot reaponds too Specific analyte » When dhe. arabyte § intoceat m eeba Fie ataode coading, WE binds do she doce . causing o change to the F genta Ptopettiea Q, the deaoe. The change in conduchvihy is measured ord costlated Usith the Concertodin § the anolyte in the 4am ple. The Ee coodackivity & reult J, diasoraton on dtkolyte , into fons «the migration @ the fons is induced hy on altcktcal fidd .whur o potenbrol Sifpene W opplad 20 the olerdcode., AHO 1 an dechtal diebh voila Ai dedholgie, 20. dhe. positively chorgecl 10 move dpvacvila Cofhede ancl NBtivdy choged fon ore mow Souls anode. thus she cwvotedh in : ckdvolute A Guded by the Tepe fon movement toumads the tehodes how dhe om ate Auuvalized & tolabed as neukol oto Fis chantcat chorge % oteengatzd hy voodking eleckode od tansdiue f Convers He hemtal change ‘ato oleuttcal Signo). Cen * Monitoring §, under quality ¥ Deleuion Q 994 ond Vagour Arolpia blochumtcal. compoundls ¥ Mepounemerdt G tonic strength ard phi Dols in doluttorys * Food and. berwigge Industry. OK. Dedsuribe ta defail about elebrochemicol sewor usecl qov the meoarement dissolved Oxygen. fins: - Thexe oe sevorcol Aypes sompetomer'c , Poloxographic, and gplvanic rors. Optical dentovs Like Juminebonce - bared, Jlunoscence -bosel, Ord. aosocgtion - based sorters Fh nei =I Counter elevbrodle! cre) | se Bledtclyte Uxon) ‘ Working, eledvode Aq) Z__Menbrone (Tedlon) Boosiple: “The: Ompotcmatctc DO Avwor is loavel on the principle 4 osygen oniclation *eadion (ODA) ato. working eleckodle “Tie working electrode ta poloodzed Oa ~sitive Gerentio voith sapere to the steforence electrode. when Q Orygen males dijuse to the aunfoce § the Wodaing electrode 1 Shey _ Oe ontduzed fo cform water,The onidbtion uncert-genootect by ths yon ts PWPSMtional 40 the DO ceacentvaton in the doluch on ea? onlin + ae Befowe we, dhe ampowmebic DO denser éhoull be iplitnated using a dlordord soldbioa ait o Knovon DO concentat'on, y Preparation , “The ampoomehic DO Sensory Shoukk be thoroughly hoard ord died before Use. “the voovking eledvede. _shoubl be polished with & pobshing fod 40 emove any oxide layer and increase its gorface Olea. 4 Meoswomurt | The Amperomebic PO durdor iA immersecl ia the dolution to be meas, andl the. working electrode ix Poloxisect ot a positive potential voith peeapert $d the reference efechrade The caticled as genocted % mepouredt cohith i Intra PHPortional to precenc ad Contentrotion 3 analyte. Te DO concenkahion in the golubion can be Coluulagect cfrom She coltbvobl (wwe. Poode Cfb) + Oxidoddn Of —— piety nem (othode CAg): RedurWon OQ, + HEH —> HoH Overall : Pb+O3 + 2H;O ——> opblor), 05. Write o note On olectochemfcal Qos senso dor a)sox H)NOx Bsr 6) Stnaore dov SOx: When 309 Hs entow dhe Atndor, it undergoes oxidetio tp produce MEYQer que yeodicals, Lh One hphly Neocbive Kpeuies he pre Yrodicola ther stead wth other OTYGJer moleutes tn the densor tb produce roleuutor oxygen. al Dawing Shia pouoceas, Seow one conmned cpio the denser’ ehedod, o« Be sudo @ Caygen , ord Phe auinbo ahi deors On the ; alrdrode dvfoce dtioreoses . Tis chonge tn the number df elevtrons Creoles on clectrical aignol, Shot con be meosuavd ond ued. $0 defexrmine the Con Cendeodion 4, SOs 9 in She onvixonmert- : Reoutiona Fe Piesi Greve iporkie, ° eae entre 80, RolALLOs +0 fe . ic Walt oy) FE —> eas) a S _ No = : 03 a) F280 —> oaQ 4° (Eusslpie Rewer] clerode. 5) Seno dor NOx Beinuoles ot Elebcochemicak GPS deniers chr NOx debestioa gre based on the prirtiple Q) dekodumicol steautons thot ocowe ot the swrfpre J the sensor ~ dlecsodes ¥ he working ebeuode wooded voith o moto thot cotolyres the seduction 5 NOx #0 NO, while the re ference clechode Provicles OH Stolde Potentiot H When NOx goo enountow he vaorking elebrede , it vedewgoes reduunts 40 Pieduce NO, Uhidr guvatts 99 oledicol aout Proportional to the Concentrohton | NOx ia the environment a _Gosmunisione 1,3,3 dectolyte ~ ad yt Refowrce Cour =| a Le ] fo ppoeksng : The Bendor Uses o worbung deutode wooded with o medolonde catalyst, v0 Wid doctitobes athe stdin g NOx to NO. The reference diode i mode QB gold and on Pecrdlyte solution is usel do | dpdblete fon tempor behotn the eleckodes, when NOx gos Cones inte uedoot sith The vsovking elledrode it urdeygows seduction 40 Produce NO, whidh gervratea on ebedctod Cwowd Proportional to dhe Concentration § NOx in the envivonmert Noy + e7 —>NO 0% what ore disposble deo | Geplon déomination Q Didloferac using devochenival cede. frs:-Deposable denser one Npteally erode 4 Horo-cast matovals an eaxy~do— Lue saving duitces designecl der short dom or vapid single-point Meonwremets The dechodiemteol detection §; alileferac Cov ony other analyte) typteolly Gum of dhe intedoce bbs he anolyte anol dhe working clechode, chore Opetenttol i opplitch yort dhorefonce elecbode ord dhe covresponding Gnownt a measuned - a ' a PS oun wansos ane cluveloped fox the detector g, Diclofenac such os Polentiomebtc sensor Choro sewitivity) Elhodwical sewer with vamodified cootbun deutcode Aarooeniel Eerwor with medifid corbon eletode Bio suucy. derbigg | Than clechorhumical sense uoith a sed comben ek c. the Surface Q Me hecbede ts chemically modified, tO increase tts sdlakvity ond eunsitvity to div Ucdenoc. fox example, the didrode may be Coottd th oo Polymer Ov nano podicls thot con speuficolly, Eid te didoqinoc, The preaunte and coatenkabion diddofenae. in he Sami con be deteminad by meoswiing dhe change ia the Gwin Qevctl by dhe oxidation & xedudhoa Meachon. Ot. Gagain te ddemnotion 4 Ascorbic aA 6 and Gluphosate using ckthodewool senow rs Tr Tre dabeutin AR do DHA oridoton using Ob clutyede typically iovolws dhe efellousra Abeps: W Fabrication 4 te clutnde + The Graphene - bas ecko dobsiested usieg scnen - preting dubnclogy Grophine mk & Quinte onto on i Subbdroke to dorm dhe Lomking aledkode The tak conta graphnre: gaphne based BH yyes, biodow ,ond solved that help 42 Improve. the Odhesion Q the ¥ H ogene qlokes fo the subshate. i omgle PrePOaHID | The ample w& prpnredl by disselving the AM ina F suitable dolvent , duch 04 phosphate buffered caline (PAS) ov uaader. | y Detection: The domple ¥s ther applied to dhe graphene -bosed electrode Food on cletrochemicol steauNon. cca behoen AM & He electvode aurface.| Fn aks oeodtlon AR is oxidized. £0 qfoxm DHA + ond electrons one i. yekad 3p She derode sonface The nombur 4 eleton released ee do dhe concentration. GAA in the Aarvple - | | Rela > 1h De + an + ger ie ° oH of s phccaie oud Dibjcroonerbic out —Detion § Glyphosote Giphosode {4 0 broad apedvum herbicide and. one Q the most Commody usd. gatides in He vsorld . Glyphosote hos become. 0 controversial pertiatd due 40 canunnd abou Ths poteatiod impact on human health ond the univonenent. Exposwe. 04 be Minkecl to health probes duc 04 Concert, duidlopmental disorder ee encdocwine dbsvuphion. I The gemor i a ailicon. based chip comariaing 4 three - electrode | duster - ik 16 dbriwted. by cleco deposition technique: en) Ctetrodes A gold dechrode, } Amn chlometer Coat cl wit Qoonm thicknews gold canoponticlea . “Courtor dledtvode (A gold elidkode 8 Minn diameter coottel usith: | Ram thickners gold. none padites Reppunce Beatode + Ag! Agtt A golentiol @ O8V tw appliech Jo the working eledvode which to mag A, gold. when the glyohosate moleuules come tr Contad> with the cletvode. duxfoce , they ondogo oxidation , pghich Leads 40 0 change’ tn the wooed tn the chevolyte. mediom «the chong etn the coud % divedly proportional #0 the concerhotion 9, glyphosote * the domele - Reoutons * Ak dre onade + Gooding eleciwode » whith ie posttVedly choged ) : Glyghosote CGily)+ Haz0—> GlyOuP + HT rede PA She cathode: Ceountor electrode, .vahith Us atgotively chawges!) ! anh + ge —S th 08. Explain the peoeenec det woorkag § Liston & Nocton bate — Fivton Balog Anode: ithivm intet Colodable, graphite Gthode: Lithiver mebol oxttter CLi- 00.) Aedalte: Aithiver gal duh 04 LPF. dissolved rn ovqanite colventes Like i MeSOde: crenene“cootorade, eliene coment. dose” a a ~ “eattt! Mics POYoUS poly propylene Co‘) polyethylene A for battery ' sseloe> & potential 9 sev ander $ By vinylidene Yluoside P cotton Representation: AaCel Linx , Poly propylene Lier) GL Reactiong | Anode. Lig 2h 4+ 6C+e7 (athede? Mos + Lt ye =< Limo, CeO on (HG + 1g, == Legrec Wed! Used in all ghone, note PC, portable ACO Tv, portable CD ployer, Zenivorductoy obiven auchio, Fleetvic Vehilea , efe- Sediivey tor battery ! Anode : Anode hard Carbon is most prifooble due Jo its high copacity God ydting stability Chien Con actomodote the torger ige § dock i005 Compontet $0 ith ions) Gthode : Sodiven - eased Cathode. CNoyFePo4F> Hehe: Bhyline Conbonate , obidhyl Corbonate dimdhy coxtoonate Sodiven gorunborate, CrotL04) etc. Seponstoy | Mico Porous poly propylore Cox) Polywthalene Swiiom joa Eaton deuetops o potenhial g§ 3ov Useo E Usd in Phabiewhides, doge ecole tregy otOage teuhndegy like woh p Alo E, voave. = 9. Explain te conétrurtion , wcesking Q QDSSCs ard % applicahon Aas; Puantum dotsclorcelt (@Bs¢) 2 0 solancell dujgn Hat uses "quantum dota Od te absorbice phebveltale woul. THs | Fio Gan / Prede Construction: Contraction 3, O Q@DSsC invelves O& sperfic Qwipase! “Cronsporent Conductive Oxide (co) Aubstrote + This Layer cerves as He Ktlom udrode ord olfows ligt Jo pa Fmrough. # Photoanccle Layer: This foyer 5 mace UP Cdemivondictoy material, such Os Htonium dioxide (TOs) ,whih & coatel with quartm clots CQ), The QDs cre hypicoly mode & Semicordit0y modedals dich os Codmimauly, Cops). Gdowium selenide CAS), o Jeacl sulfide Cea) ond ove. neponaible | der obsorbing the dight ond Gonvedting Ht into eleubons q B Cleckeolyte lagers this layer & dandivichecl behocen the photoonede | Grok cevster eledvode and in Aypfeally compost 4 on owganie. dalverd Wrtaining o stedor Couple. whith atts a a Jorge ardor medium ¥ Courter eleukode Jager! This dose is mode up Q a wnductive makedal, dud of plakoum (PE), whidi sents as ahetyp cevode | ord Comece the ruuit. : aval loyou 3 matevale ,coch with | a, Laociple: @DSSCe work hosted en dhe prsaciple Q athe pholovollote effy ut, Fchidh & fhe garter 9, clecbicat enoigy cfrome Lig. the QOr wed Hi QDSSIG_ one. demiconchucting motovals shat aba Aight ores ond ogroiate, elections y which ante thor Colleted to Qrodiice on elubfe ewer The Unique prepedies 9, Ds, durch Od dheiv Ainge dunable. abscrep hor ome emission Propeddes, moke thon ideal ov Ue ia dolooecells « Application : Ot. Portable dlevicea : ADS8Ce can be aed do pour portable elechronic deuic 09+ Building -Integvoded photo voltaics (APY)! QDSSCe Con be tnlegxated (ato Bhe windows ond woolls § buildings +o Qenvatte elertiaty ad Militery applications » Due to Jheiv Jight weight, floability . ond. ability to operote fo Low-Light conditions oH Space agplicabonas QDESCs could be Used Fo powor space Vehicles and dotdbites. Module -5 +E-maate management 10. Whok is E-woste? Mention the sources and Compoaition 9, Eunote Bos:- AL Roms a dledvonion ond olechical equipment dates oral Ha parts dhat Vrone been cliscorded by the uses as usaate vsithout the prpose g 1e-Use %% Condidered Gs e-woste. fl S80 UGmpakor Gevghorals: Monitor, Keyoool, mouse , mothorboarct, Japtops.Cds.e 3: Howseheld oppliances: Ts , xepuyorntows » washing mochines, roatios , Over dighumsher, etc 3. “induutial dectrontes » Sensors, medical cleitees, omtorndbotlersteyread ef: H, “Cele communtcodion dlevices 4 Telephone, Celh Frones , route, pogens, efox machine, etc- i SS FAS. elehicot dlevleeat Gutta, waves, tube Hight, bulls , (rn dbufve, eke . Compasition ! E- uate hos become a clivewe anol Complex nade Q vioste howin Vrozondow oncl non-hazardous (rgpediiots * 4 A Containa akow 65-67 § ixon ond slecl and othot mdollfc rach including costhy medols tke Pt Av, Ag ard oxic medols Tike Pb, By, ‘ G, G, de | & E-coaste Contoias oboud 20-20% § Poymouic non- biodegvod.oble vwotocels includiig “Puce » PUBS Cgaljehtainated bigheayls), ancl txt nckh dlome- netordont Qlostics 3. E-vmate ols Contains okou \.8-B.ay% 8 CRT ond LEO seeend ond | hor wakevals Lite glass, wood, Plyuvoak ond Coramics ta traces. Ns Exglain the ydke mdalhogy mahod 4, extortion 6 gold from — woste ee Aas: Hybo maollingtcal mabhod Echoutton 4 geld Can be done in diferent | mdhoda ike Cyonicle Jeacking " Oguo. negia , bleouh. andl hydvochlort’c. cid mixtwte and 40 On , Gpnide deaching i Thee rie Hote loge in metot evo by this | methed . They are > i &) Bie teotrnent Stage E-voaste is ditmandkd do Separate vauows dpoctions Like meals, commlcs plates , wood anol POPE. ehniques auch 06 grouity eporodion 1 detyo static epovration , magnetic. eparotion : and eddy usirerd Seperation dre wed. do Zeprate melala dxom othe droutions Chemical Treatment Stage: Goget muiols one fepuheol into the Solubons = Gestiog with ogreputate chemical Teagerts . Cyanide, Seouhing y the nat Comma method aad 20 exhout gold metal. Sodio so g, 2-aitroben AMonic goth uth KCNINOUN in the padence 9 Omyger |4 wed Leading aged. A woh sduble Bicpnoaurode geld complrs % obtoined Soin Be Hwcess : HAu+ BNA) +2h,0 +Q —> AawLavtcn)s y+ 4NoOH | OM dak Renwa, Stage: Meal ts rewowrel deter Fhe Jesrheol dolidion by Sinkte method. Gdd On be Hecovered em Soshiag éolubion by claro depesition § dicgarcautate golcl Complex. Pure. metal is token 04 cathe ard thet onde uu dpged to Leaked delusion. when oxen 6 P Opeleck ged is clebvodegrsited on Cothode- write showt ack on the heath hago Coused by Dkeod —-B) Uvemiom OGdmium d) Merway best Dlods + Guse damage 40 cndal arch poiphoal newous system, blood dyston and. bedingy. SH Ba namctosin qeda Ledly on dels bain durbeomad, Q dyftciney, Grutlatony ayer ard Kidney - # Log tom exppaine Gon damage ruprcduddine agtten ond. glheut gow Sun O ypeng vida. . )) Uscodom t # Thaling bexonnkt daiceiom Con domage i diver od Kidary # Allets pA ad come lung Grcer, | ¥ Gree brecehiol woldies inducing asthmotic brondhths . j ©) Codiver i & Trawortle toate elfrebs en toe and lings & -downic clamrags. fe Kavloey, anol etelten hoes & Preatmalatear ta kha and fiver AH Berg corrcinggente Canesey fama Canc art ais Toy chiseaae sohig, Q e a Brees seven Ga W the cjorata ond dpe x Rebrenory damage NX * yew domage bo Aural syste ; . f + clisnuatas Coleiyor orechanisor , caruadty hypedenaron & hearet claves | a) Mewway t ¥ Gur chronic damage to brain. F Coue seapratry And giva clistordors * Aiteus dhe cenbrot newous system, Kidney ancl Gamune yalem WOT tmpunes deehu Aowth and harov the Am fonta Movoygh mother's milk FTE bio acumrlate in fahes and Alpert ood chain, 1S. Write ble} note on ole §, produced ne- waste “management fas - Reduces (@onufacheng unit) + a) Rowhore the Heeyted motoval at died value ond using 4 dweeyded Ones during manvfachwuing . © Sething Lp cellechion cenkes ov o}fer exchonge on oll product individually ox Collectively. ; ©) Foonuing f owgpnining & Aydten Jy meet fhe Costa layolved i” wrviroamentolly scund monogemed g e-waste genecoltal & accomplish Aris in homporent Monnet. ) a) Forming dhe FPF mmanvdachores & encourage the seeylingy 9, . e- waste. : * . 8) Prardag dhe hronspodation Cosh and 1 q Colle Non «fen bo core She | Collerbion — Peocess OLatning a authowzation feo the Conceived Alate Wollahva (pnb col rk OV Cente Follwivon Control Lomorittee Carep.lerep) dn ocundont® voit suales Maintaining the seco and Pudtuce the dome docing taageation While a Lydef note on sole § Alalutory body tn e-waste mnonagornent Slate Rilutio Control Goarct [fallukion Control Ceond ploy the vitof sole 1X monogement 4, E- waste. “the moin ‘cole t + Collect the green Pace qhiom Aroducey. + Reapooile. do Jey Jou on produces Crarsontwuing units) in the. efocer Prnally, when ap Peper Hecycbing, —, e-~wasle YW amweed- G. Buovide the incertives In the cfowmn § Avbdidy to Yeeyclor and Collector, Bhan reeyrting §, @woate ts Monitored Proper. [e+ Prevention Ge -wodle, grarting, aadhorigption , xegistradion i Com plionce , marivtaining Fnormotion on dhe stedhyt Condittons tmpotect on Quthorizatton eke, 4 Breponahion § guiddiaw ov Ewivonmendol sound e-usoate rronogement Reconnmend ation Q, Alondorcts ancl spectficadions fs Processing and | eyyding § e-wodle. h. Sebo. Forget efor compliance tp the stecluchon oa we 9 hozodous Sebétonce tn monufachre, §, dleuttool & eletronte equipment. smontion ng, 4 ions, Juma ond

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