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Time : 2.5 Hrs. Max.Score : 80 Marks

1. It is a method of fixing lower price when a product is introduced in the market.

Identify the pricing policy mentioned here. (1)
2. A company’s earning rate is 15%. But the normal rate of return of similar firm in the
industry is 10%. What is the situation of the company’s capitalization? (1)
3. Find the odd one out and state the reason
[ Trade Mark Act, Tax rate Policy, Employees, Privatisation ] (1)
4. World Consumer Day is celebrated on---------
[ March 15, December 10, June 5 ] (1)
5. Product, Place,-------- and------- constitute the components of marketing mix. (1)
6. Mobile phones are banned in schools. Identify the plan and explain it. (2)
7. List out any FOUR factors of social environment. (2)
8. Planning bridges the gap between where we are and where we want to go.
Elucidate. (2)
9. Almost all universities conduct several courses on management subject. Numerous
Research studies are still going on in this subject. Identify the concept of management
and state any TWO features. (3)
10. ‘This principle means justice and kindliness.’
(a) Which principle is mentioned here?
(b) Give any TWO merits of the principle. (3)
11. Mr. Arun purchased an induction cooker from a shop. But he found that the product
was not as per the specification and he decided to file a complaint. Point out the
procedure to file such a complaint. (3)
12. Mr. Vinayakam is a general manager of a limited company. At what level he is
working? Also mention his duties. (3)
13. Supervisor is no longer required in the official hierarchy of organization. Do you
agree? Why? (4)
14. There are certain factors which may disrupt the flow of information. Identify them
and explain any FOUR of them. (4)

15. Match the column A with B and C

(a) Bonus shares Derivative contract Reserves & Surplus
(b) Trade Test Communication Net work Staffing
(c) Wheel Pattern Working Capital Depository Participants
(d) Option Stock Dividend Gross Concept
(e) Current Assets Selection Encoding (5)
16. Identify the system of wage payment where the quality of product is more important
than quantity. State its demerits. (5)
17. Sunrise Limited wants to introduce a new hair oil in the market. Advise them various
factors to be considered for fixing the price. (5)
18. Controlling is the fundamental management function that ensure work
accomplishment according to plans. Analyse this situation and explain the essential
steps included in the controlling process. (5)
19. Informal Organisation exists within the frame work of Formal Organisation. Do you
agree? Give any Five points of difference between them. (6)
20. Grant Kerala Shopping Festival is concerned with the promotion of sales. Mention
and explain the various sales promotion techniques. (6)
21. (a) you are the financial manager of ABC Ltd. Management of the company ask you
to suggest a suitable dividend policy . What all factors will you take into account
while designing the policy.
(b) Working capital is the life blood of business. Explain the factors affecting it. (8)
22. (a) Stock Exchanges are the economic barometers of our country. Explain.
(b) In the field of stock market, an institution similar to RBI is there in India. Can
you name it and give its functions and objectives. (8)

Prepared by
Abdul Majeed and Team
Thrissur Cluster.

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