Los Portafolios 1 y 2 en ingles

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Portafolio 1

Hello everyone, my name is Carolina lloclla. I am an ICPNA English student. I live in

S.M.P with my family. I have been reading books and painting pictures since my
school years. Also,I am performing well in my studies at the academy.I look at the
path of the future. I have hoped to achieve my goals. I am going to write in this essay
about my experiences and habits, goals that I want to achieve in the future.

The truth is, I have some habits that helped me improve my life. The first is the habit
of reading. In the morning, I read a book every morning, but not just any book, but
rather the Bible, because they are for me the letters of God that he writes to me
every day.The second is the healthy habit. I know that health is my priority, like
eating vegetables or fruits. I eat it three times a day in the morning, afternoon and
night. The other point is to do exercises every day from Monday to Saturday and
Sunday.I’ve been spending a lot of time on it these days. These help me to have
good health.The last habit is to make good decisions: this mentally because it
teaches me to control my emotions if I am sad or angry. All the time I have made a
wise decision this past six months because if I make a decision at a bad time I will
regret my actions.

The things I have accomplished was winning the poetry speech. My school was
celebrating its 36th anniversary. Teachers organized various contests. One of them
was poetry. Three people had to create a poem at school, put it on a decorative
poster, and at the end recite it in front of everyone. There were three rooms in each
group. My two classmates and I created the poem, decorated it, and all that was left
was to recite it. When the day of the presentation arrived, each group had its
representative and in my group I was the one who was going to declare. The first
started, then the second and the third where I am. They called me. I felt a strong
emotion when I recited with all my heart and soul. Expressing the wonderfulness of
my school about its teachings, the teachers and the love of God. Finishing saying all
the people applauded me and I quickly got off the stage. Then 10 minutes gave the
results. The winner was... our team. We went on stage and each of us was given a
diploma. In the end, it was an exciting day.

The other is to see a painting finished. My mother had put me in a painting course
because I liked to draw. That would develop me to have a painter's vision. Then,
after having advanced my course class. The teacher had asked for a table with all
the teachings during the course. I was going to know how to start. I had many ideas
at the same time. So I was inspired by the Chinese culture on their designs of the
houses. The painting had to reflect a house, a lake, the animals and a woman
walking. It took me a week because I had time. It would have been difficult for me to
leave it to the last moment. I finished signing my painting. In the morning, I presented
my painting to the professor. He told me that he was new to the idea of combining
these details . I thanked him. In the end, I left happy and jumped all over the hall. It
was a memorable day.
The first thing I would like to achieve in the next 10 years. I will get my master's
degree at the university in Spain.Then , I'm getting a job in the field of environmental
engineering. The key is that we will have a balanced world environment for the
future. Secondly,I think I'm going to travel around the world like the countries
France, England and Italy. By the end of my journey, I will have started my
ecosystem project.For this reason, the road to success will be difficult. But, with
God, nothing is impossible for us. Thank you so much.
Portafolio 2
Walter Hill is a young man who is very reserved about his life. He does not like to
talk much with others, but if he does, they record video of his classroom or his day to
day. The other classmates in the classroom knew that he was a strange person .
Because sometimes he laughed on the recordings knowing that there is no one.One
day, the cleaning man saw the blood on the floor. He continued to where the corpse
of a student was. What will the relationship between the corpse found and Walter Hill
have? This story is called "Pain Doesn't Silence Others".

They sat down and started class on a normal day at the Jay Teruel Institute. This is
how class time passed. Then, during recess, Walter, who was in the last folder, took
out his camera to record him near his classroom. It kind of came to an end for
everyone. Walter is being left as soon as he went downstairs to find a couple
arguing. The young man spoke hatefully, mentioning that he shouldn't talk to his
friends anymore because it would be impolite. However, he mentions that he has the
right to talk to anyone (this girl is Eli Maurer, the most successful in the institute). At
that moment, Walther's camera fell out of her backpack and he began recording the
moment when her partner threw her from the third floor to the top floor. Walther was
horrified by what he was seeing and backed away as soon as the camera hit him.
However, the young man saw her and grabbed her clothes.Not a word about what
you're wearing, but it will be next by the girl's boyfriend. Walther was shaking, he
couldn't move, the boy went downstairs to get the body out and hide it in the school

A cleaning man was passing by there. Then, he sees a patch of blood and follows
the trail until he finds the corpse of the girl lying in the garden. The scared man calls
the Directo and tells him he saw it. Then, the police and detectives were called. The
man went to see that the body was there. When they arrived, the investigation
began. A few days passed, they hypothesized that this event was late when they
found the body. They could have been a teacher or a student .But , all the teachers
went to the teachers' room after finishing classes to review the activities of each
They only stayed that they could be the students and seeing the schedules .They
must be from the last year. The following days, they present to the Director their
hypothesis that it was the students of the institute. Then, they began with the
students from each classroom asking them what they were doing last Tuesday
afternoon. Some responded that he was wandering around his house. Others said
they were on a part-time job. The answers from the students shouldn't have helped
the detectives. Then, walking down the hall, they find Walther who was recording
everything that caught their attention.

So, he intervenes again and they say: What are you recording? He says that he
records everything that happens at the institute. They are suspicious and tell him to
go to the police station. But, he refuses, and they still take him by force and shout. At
the police station, they asked him again and he refused again. Then, they must have
proceeded to take the camera away. When they see the recordings, they may see a
couple fighting suspiciously. It was at that moment that they saw how the girl fell
from the third floor due to her boyfriend.They say to each other: He can be an
accomplice. We have to hold him for a while. The next morning, they go to the
director and he orders him to give him his register of the students of the institute. The
question is, who was the culprit? Hours later, the investigation arrived. The culprit
was Niel Phill, because he was a person with a psychological disorder. Walther freed
himself from guilt and was released.
After the case began, the time it took was 3 weeks and one day today.
At night, Niel phil arrived at the house and arrested him for the murder of the student.
He took him to the police station for the court and the judge gave him a life sentence
for the young Niel phil. The girl's family shouted that it had been done justice for his
For this reason, I advise you in case of any problem. They could not keep silent for
others if they saw an act of violence. Therefore, you should report it to the police
station to avoid serious events. Because God bets authority to seek justice and

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