ICT practical file

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Subject –Information Technology (402)

Practical Questions

Word Processor
1. Write a letter to your father telling him about Annual Day using Mail Merge

 Save the letter

 Exit Open Office Writer

2. Write an Invitation letter to your birthday party by using Mail Merge feature.

 Add recipients, enter required details like Title , Name , and address of all the recipients.
 Send to your friends

3. Create a document in Open Office Writer and type two of the poems of your textbook.

 Write the following text in the Landscape orientation.

Software is a set of instructions that makes the computer perform tasks Software is another term for
a computer program. It controls the computer and makes it do useful work. Without software a
computer is useless.
Types of software
 System Software: It is the most important component to operate a computer. The
operating system is a type of system software.
 Application software. It is a program designed to help users perform specific tasks. It
is designed to be used by end-users.
 Take a print out by the help of Ctrl + P command and paste in your computer file.

Open Office Calc

1. Consolidate data of two sheets given below in third sheet of Open Office Calc.

Name June
Amit 1200
Sumit 1000
Naina 1500
Kamal 1300

Name July
Amit 1300
Sumit 1100
Naina 1600
Kamal 1400
Sheet 2

2. Create an invoice in Open Office Calc as given.

Sr. No. Item Quantity Unit Amount

Name price
GST @5%of total
Invoice Amount (Total+GST)

 Fill up details of five items their quantities and unit price

 Using product function calculate the amount of each item
 Using sum function calculates the total amount.
 Using formula calculate the GST according to the given rate
 Calculate Invoice amount payable.

3. Consider the following marksheet and use the goal seek feature to find the marks in place
of question mark(?)
1 Subject Marks
2 Math 75
3 English 56
4 Science 88
5 Physical Edu 94
6 S.Sc. 78
7 IT 70
8 Hindi ?
9 Average 70

Open Office Base

1. Consider the given table mentioning students detail and perform the following.
Reg Name Date of Marks
No. Submission Obtained
 Name the table as ‘Mark Distribution '
 Enter at least 5 records
 Sort the data on the basis of Marks obtained.

2. Create the following table using the Design View

Roll No Name Date of Phone Place

Birth No

 Enter any 5 records

 Sort the place in decreasing order
 Set Roll No as the Primary key
 Create a form for the following table
 Generate a report.
3. Do the SQL Queries for the following table- Emp
Emp_Id Emp_ Name Salary
001 Sumit 12000
002 Punit 20000
004 Vipin 15000

 Display the salary of all the employees

 Display the Employee ID and salary of employees whose salary is greater than 10000.
 Insert a new record ( 003, ‘Neha’ , 25000)
 Delete the records of those employees whose salary is less than 5000
 Update the salary by 5000 of all the employees.

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