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Number 2 | December 2015 | siemens.


Automation with LOGO! and SIMATIC S7-1200

Serving the
tunneling experts
LOGO! in the construction of
the Semmering base tunnel
GO! 2/2015 | Contents

Serving the tunneling experts

Holtermann Regeltechnik GmbH, Rietberg, Germany 14

Editorial Instrumentation and control

03 Networking possibilities
14 Serving the tunneling experts
Holtermann Regeltechnik GmbH, Rietberg, Germany
Electronic wheel truing
04 A well-rounded affair
Unger Kabelkonfektionstechnik GmbH & Co. KG,
Mobile building systems
Sehmatal, Germany, and Radsport Componenten 16 Automation for mobile buildings
Vertriebs GmbH, Erfurt, Germany Berger Raumsysteme GmbH, Großpostwitz, Germany

Machine building Products

06 Using PLCs as data loggers 18 Simatic ET 200SP
Eurolaser GmbH, Lüneburg, Germany More I/Os in a compact design

TIA Selection Tool

Traffic control systems Faster configuration
08 Sending a signal
Ibotech GmbH & Co. KG, Hockenheim, Germany LOGO! web-based training
Multilingual e-learning
Know-how 19 LOGO! CMK 2000
10 Using message texts efficiently An intermediary between two worlds

Publisher’s notice
Grill control
12 Cooked to perfection
Pottfeuer GmbH, Wetter, Germany

Cover photo: Holtermann

Editorial | GO! 2/2015

An omnipresent symbol of global connectivity, the Internet is fundamentally
changing our world. Cloud computing and Wi-Fi are now part of our
everyday lives.
Even – or especially – in automation technology, networking is making
inroads into more and more areas, from engineering and operation to
maintenance and service. Remote control, remote monitoring, and remote
services are no longer the preserve of the high-end sector.
Our LOGO! 8 logic modules, our smallest automation systems, feature an
Industrial Ethernet interface. This opens up a world of new communication
options based on TCP/IP and using the Simatic S7 protocol: for example,
to Simatic S7 or Simatic HMI, from LOGO! or to LOGO!, in combination
with communication modules, or for connecting to a company’s industrial
network. All LOGO! basic units with an Industrial Ethernet interface can be
addressed at access points via Wi-Fi, and the web server integrated into all
LOGO! 8 basic units makes monitoring and controlling LOGO! via Wi-Fi and
the Internet a simple matter. As examples, a grill chef can remotely control
the fan of his barrel smoker, and traffic signs automated using Simatic
S7‑1200 can be monitored over the network.
And with the new KNX module for LOGO!, which we present on page 19,
the LOGO! modules can be used as smart controllers in integrated building
We hope the solutions presented here will be a source of inspiration for
new applications!

I hope that you enjoy reading about these new solutions.

Heinz Eisenbeiss
Head of Marketing and Promotion,
Industrial Automation Systems

Fotolia / S. Schurr
Unger Kabelkonfektionstechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Sehmatal, Germany,
and Radsport Componenten Vertriebs GmbH, Erfurt, Germany

A well-rounded affair

Electronic tools for diagnostic head of research and development at “The bicycle technician places the
tasks are part of the standard Unger, is working on a very different wheel in the Radonaut to measure it
matter with his team: “As is well known, electronically and then true it by hand,”
equipment of car repair shops. it’s possible to deform your bicycle’s explains the automation specialist. “Our
In bicycle repair shops, rim. The wheel ‘wobbles,’ the ride be- new, electronic method is much more
comes less comfortable, and the rim precise, theoretically down to the 5/100-
however, the electronics thus
brakes don’t work as well.” That is when mm range, and the result can be accu-
far mostly have been limited the wheel needs to be trued – the same rately checked and logged,” he adds. In
to office PCs. That is now process as is used during the wheel’s August, Ra-Co and Unger presented a
manufacture when the hub and rim are preproduction sample at Eurobike, the
changing with the use of connected to the spokes. Truing means world’s leading trade fair for the bicycle
Simatic S7-1200 for truing that the length and/or tension of the industry in Friedrichshafen, Germany.
bicycle wheels. spokes is modified by rotating the
spoke nipple to ensure that the wheel Trusted equipment partner
turns smoothly.
Schubert can look back on many years
Faster and more precise truing of working closely with Siemens in

nger Kabelkonfektionstechnik Chemnitz; as the owner of an engineer-
GmbH & Co. KG, based in Sehma- This work is complex and time-consum- ing firm, he previously equipped pro-
tal, Saxony, specializes in making ing for bicycle technicians. The radial duction systems with Simatic S7-300
cables and wires using the latest pro- and lateral runout of the wheel are read and Simatic S7-400 controllers. “In our
duction technologies. However, on be- in and measured, for example, using case, the use of these controllers would
half of the Erfurt bicycle wholesaler dial gauges. Schubert has developed a not have been appropriate: they can do
Ra-Co GmbH, which also sells its own- special aid for this procedure – the Ra- far more than we need and would be
brand Cyclus Tools, Mike Schubert, donaut. too expensive for a mass product.”

Electronic wheel truing | GO! 2/2015

“Using TIA Portal, we can easily implement

menu navigation that the mechanic can
quickly master, and at the same time store
operating notes there.”
Mike Schubert, Head of Research and Development,
Unger Kabelkonfektionstechnik GmbH & Co. KG

The electronics originally produced an electronic linear displacement sen- costing rates for the services on the
in-house could have performed the sor. The resulting analog value, in a panel. “Once radial and lateral runouts
measurements but would quickly have range between 0 and 10 V, is inter- have been measured, the controller cal-
come up against their limits if cus- preted as a path by the Simatic S7-1200 culates the service costs for the cus-
tomers changed their requirements or PLC. The bicycle technician can read tomer when the bicycle technician
the system was expanded. “That’s why, the rim’s runout at the right, left, top, trues the wheel to a specific level of ac-
together with my Siemens contacts in curacy,” explains Schubert. “Not every-
Chemnitz and Leipzig, I sought out an one needs a bike wheel aligned to a
alternative situated between a hand- tenth of a millimeter.”
made solution and an industrial solution.
Here, I counted on the equipment sup- High tech for the bicycle
plier’s seamless system consistency repair shop
and the potential integration of a wide
range of applications, from drive tech- The idea and its implementation were
nology to sensor systems.” well received at Eurobike. Initial orders
have already been received, and there
Exact analog value processing are even plans to extend the system.
“Customers asked if it would be possible
Schubert was not disappointed. The to also measure spoke tension. Our ex-

Simatic S7-1200 Basic Controller with tendible, modular solution can accom-
an analog SM 1231 signal module modate this with little effort,” says
for connecting displacement sensors, The Radonaut with the Simatic S7-1200 control Schubert. He therefore sees the Ra-
and KTP400 Basic Panel brings new technology
combined with a Simatic KTP400 Basic into the bicycle repair shop donaut as just the first use of modern
Panel, proved ideal in terms of price control technology in a bicycle repair
and performance. “The 13-bit resolu- or bottom with an accuracy of 0.1 mm shop. “We could also control other tools
tion of the SM 1231 enables exact pro- on a bar cross shown on the Basic Panel. using the Simatic S7-1200 micro-PLC,”
cessing of the 12-bit analog signals He or she then calibrates those points he says, thinking ahead. The system’s
from the displacement sensors,” says that deviate from the target value by expansion potential can be ensured via
Schubert. “The solution is reliable and tightening or loosening the spokes at the remote maintenance option, and
extendible, and fast, competent service the spoke nipples. updates can be carried out with ease.
is ensured if a component should fail at Each step is documented on a report Electronic bicycle diagnostics has a
some point.” for the customer. If the mounted wheel bright future.
How, though, does the measurement is turned a further full revolution by
work? Moving linear guides are hand, radial and lateral runout are mea-
mounted on springs at the bottom of sured again, and the values are shown
the device. Together with a cylinder, on the display, saved by the controller, INFO AND CONTACT
these guides enable mechanical deter- and can be printed out as required. Ide-
mination of the wheel’s radial and lat- ally, these values should now all be jan.koehler@siemens.com
eral runout. The motion is recorded by close to zero. The user can enter the

GO! 2/2015 | Machine building

The recorded operating data are clearly presented and help optimize the cost-effectiveness of the laser systems

Eurolaser GmbH, Lüneburg, Germany

Using PLCs as data

The processing and presentation of operating data serves as the
basis for efficient maintenance and for the process optimization of
innovative laser cutting machines. A microcontroller is the perfect
solution for what is an atypical task for it.

he trend toward individualization in the con- The company’s machines are used worldwide.
sumer sector has long affected the production Christian Ehlers of the research and development de-
of low-cost items. The cost-effective manufac- partment describes the particular challenges: “Ini-
ture of small quantities requires flexible, simple- tially, the long distances were sometimes a problem
to-operate tools that can also be easily maintained. for our service department. On some occasions, our
Laser cutters can be adapted for use on almost any service engineers would arrive on-site to discover
material. They operate without contact, are almost that the only problem was that the emergency stop
wear free, and do not require tool changes or change- had been pressed, meaning that their long journey
over time. had actually been unnecessary.”

Cutting, engraving, marking Remote diagnostics in real time

Eurolaser of Lüneburg, Germany, specializes in the Searching for the most competitive remote diagnos-
manufacture of CO2 laser systems for cutting, en- tics solution, Mücahit Acar, also of research and de-
graving, and marking. Combining various modules velopment, came across a solution with Simatic
results in a large number of potential applications. S7‑1200. Here the controller is not used as a control
Protective cell-phone covers in many different ver- system in the proper sense of the word. Instead, it
sions are just one typical product for the cutting ma- collects and processes data before making it avail-
chines; laser engraving is used on such diverse prod- able for live monitoring on a specially designed web-
ucts as soccer boots and key chains. site. Ehlers says, “Initially, only simple tables were

Machine building | GO! 2/2015

Operating costs under control

Malfunctions can be displayed both directly on the

machine and on any company PC. E-mails signaling
limit violations also can be configured and sent. Ac-
cording to Ehlers, another factor is that “the ratio of
the machine operating hours to the service life of the
laser can demonstrate optimization potential in the
course of operations. This enables us to support our
customers in the cost-effective operation of their
machines. The customer is able to recognize when
maintenance measures are required and has greater
planning security. If the customer is operating sev-
eral of our machines, the Watchdog delivers reliable
comparative figures.”
The live monitoring is connected with hourly re-
The versatile CO2 laser systems from eurolaser are used for
cutting, engraving, and marking cording, storage, and graphical presentation of the
measured values. “Not only can our customers check
whether the ambient conditions are appropriate
during the runtime, but the parameters also can be
represented based on curves over the last 4,000
hours. This enables settings and workflows to be an-
alyzed and the cost-effectiveness of the laser cutting
system to be further optimized,” continues Ehlers.

Continuous further development

provided for our service staff. But we soon realized
that it would definitely be useful to also make oper- The Watchdog is programmed such that it can be
ating data accessible to our customers.” used for all new eurolaser machines. The operator in-
And the idea of the Watchdog was born. Every terface automatically adapts to the machine and dis-
laser cutter from eurolaser is now delivered with a plays the relevant data. Ehlers justifies this strategy:
Simatic S7‑1200 (CPU 1214) and the Watchdog func- “The development efforts are not to be underes­
tion. Ehlers explains, “The machines can be used for timated. Ultimately, the controller must be pro-
a very wide range of applications, in very different grammed in such a way that it can correctly interpret
installation locations, and by people with a variety of the operating states of the laser. For example, an in-
different qualifications. The machines are very ro- tentional shutdown may not be signaled as a mal-
bust and user friendly. Nevertheless, as the most ex- function. With a standardized Watchdog, future
pensive element, the laser, does have certain humid- ­developments will generate costs only in one area,
ity and ambient temperature requirements. It is not namely, for modifications. All our machines are
just the actual service life that is relevant for the therefore able to offer the expanded functionality si-
maintenance intervals of the laser but also the length multaneously.” Future plans include the incorpora-
of time that the machine is turned on and during tion of status messages from the motion system into
which the laser is kept ready for operation. We have the Watchdog via TCP/IP. Acar, who is responsible for
therefore decided to take note of these parameters the programming, is enthusiastic: “The opportunities
and make them available to the customer for live that Simatic S7‑1200 and TIA Portal offer for the
monitoring.” Watchdog application alone are enormous.” He and
The Watchdog operator interface is clearly laid out. Ehlers are in complete agreement that they also will
Fault signals are displayed in color and may be take advantage of the Simatic controllers’ core capa-
e-mailed to the maintenance engineer. Regarding bilities for automation tasks in the future. 
the configuration, Ehlers explains, “In principle, the
controller functions as a subsystem in the customer’s
company network, and access to the web server is
only possible from company PCs. Only when access
is specifically activated for us are we also able to read
data and take over or support the maintenance.
Write access is then also possible via the web server.
The emergency stop I mentioned can, of course, be
cancelled only on-site. But the fact that the fault was siemens.com/controller
detected by remote diagnostics made an expensive schroeder.stefan@siemens.com
journey unnecessary in this case.”

Note on industrial security: Suitable protective measures (including industrial security, e.g., network segmentation) must be taken to ensure safe operation
of the system. Further information about industrial security can be found on the Internet at siemens.com/industrialsecurity.
GO! 2/2015 | Traffic control systems

Ibotech GmbH & Co. KG, Hockenheim, Germany

Sending a signal
Highway construction sites see frequent accidents and are
despised by drivers because of the delays they cause. Mobile
LED congestion warning systems that automatically adapt to
traffic volumes help ease temporary congestion and improve
the traffic flow through construction sites.

onventional traffic manage- presents real-time alerts on clearly and stores them, ready for deployment
ment systems involve placing visible LED displays. at the next construction site.
large numbers of static warning The roadside signs are composed of
signs on the roadside. However, there LED elements displayed on boards ap- Reliable detection of
are so many that drivers are some- proximately 3 meters square and ro- free-flowing traffic
times confused and distracted. “That bustly mounted on 5-meter-high tri-
can be dangerous, especially on high- masts with concrete bases. The plan- Solar panels mounted on the tops of
speed roads,” says Adem Bogocli, ning office of the local highway the trimasts charge the batteries pow-
CEO of road safety engineering ser- agency stipulates the locations in a ering the LED displays. To collect accu-
vices provider Ibotech GmbH & Co. signage plan for each construction rate traffic data, lbotech uses sensors
KG. So the company has developed a site. As soon as the work is complete featuring passive infrared (PIR) technol-
solution that reliably collects up-to- and the safety measures are no longer ogy that detects changes in traffic flow
the-minute traffic information and required, Ibotech removes the signs very reliably even in bad weather con-

Mobile LED congestion warning systems aid traffic flow through construction sites

Traffic control systems | GO! 2/2015

“We very much appreciate the high

performance and failsafe operation
of the Simatic S7‑1200 controllers.
Despite the often harsh operating
conditions, we have not had a single
system failure to date.”

Siemens AG / J. Koch
Adem Bogocli, CEO, Ibotech GmbH

ditions. The sensors are mounted on ious measuring points directly on a PC ample, a congestion warning is auto-
the sides of the trimasts and are de- in the control room in Hockenheim. matically activated. Once the average
signed to detect across multiple lanes. speed is back above 70 km/h, the warn-
The contrast in radiation emitted by a PLC activates congestion warning ing disappears.
vehicle traveling into or through the
sensing ranges of the sensors delivers To retrieve the sensor data, Ibotech CEO Web server for mobile monitoring
the information to control the alerts. Bogocli connects to the variable mes- of traffic data
The sensor records the exact position, sage signs from the control room via a
speed, and length of each vehicle pass- secure virtual private network. The In the three years since Ibotech brought
ing through its range and detects the traffic conditions recorded by the sen- its first variable message sign to market,
presence of stationary vehicles when sors are evaluated as hydrographs and the signs have demonstrated their per-
there is congestion. The PIR sensors are displayed on-screen together with the formance capabilities in many applica-
also powered by the solar panels. latest data for the day. Each vehicle is tions. The now upgraded version en-
All the sensors and actuators in the clearly identified as a car or a truck, and ables authorized users to communicate
LED traffic signage system are routed the distances between the passing with the installations over the Internet
via the Simatic S7‑1200 DC/DC/relay v ehicles are also recorded exactly. via the web server built in to the Simatic
controllers, which ensure maximum The LED display has its own controller S7‑1200 controller. Bogocli explains,
flexibility and fault-free operation of that controls the individual elements. “We have enhanced the applications, for
the LED congestion warning systems. The controller, which is operated via example, to enable monitoring and
The controllers are housed in enclo- the digital outputs of the micro-PLC, control of PLC functions via Wireless
sures below the LED displays together switches the display as required. The LAN and over the Internet using the
with the communication components. images are projected via XML using a built-in web server. Traffic data reports
Data exchange between the controllers special software program and are can be viewed instantly on a PC, smart-
and sensors is via the RS485 interface stored in the LED controller. phone, or tablet through the web
of the CM 1241 communication module. As a vehicle approaches the construc- browser.”
Ibotech programmers have developed tion site, advance warning flashers first LEDs have proved to be an outstand-
an algorithm that calculates the aver- alert the driver that there is an obstruc- ing solution for construction site appli-
age speeds of the vehicles and switches tion ahead. At the start of the construc- cations, and the highway agencies view
the relays of the LED displays based on tion site, LED-lit variable message signs them positively. Ibotech is currently the
the results. The switching functions of with brightly illuminated wording then only vendor of variable message signs
the PLC are configured in Simatic Step 7 indicate a risk of congestion or a traffic with switchable LED displays to be cer-
Basic. jam. Depending on the traffic condi- tified by the German Federal Highway
The data buffer in the controller tions, other signs indicate information Research Institute.
stores the vehicle data at the pro- such as the maximum speed for traffic
grammed polling intervals and visual- passing through the construction site.
izes the measurement results via The messages are displayed automati- INFO AND CONTACT
Simatic WinCC Runtime Advanced. The cally, controlled according to the pro-
visualization software displays the gramming. If the average speed falls burkhard.kolland@siemens.com
events and states occurring at the var- below 50 km/h for two minutes, for ex-

Note on industrial security: Suitable protective measures (including industrial security measures, e.g., network segmentation) must be taken to ensure safe
operation of the system. Further information about industrial security can be found on the Internet at siemens.com/industrialsecurity.
GO! 2/2015 | Know-how

Using message
texts efficiently
Logic modules are often used when modernizing conventional control systems.
In addition to easy configuration and flexibility, they offer visualization and
operator guidance by text display. Other, less familiar, solutions are possible in
addition to the display of actual-value text in messages.

he display built in to the LOGO! 8 offers space for
six lines of 16 characters each, while the external
TDE has a capacity of up to 20 characters per line
(Figure 1). Using the ticker function, the user can ex-
pand the content of a message to 32 or 40 characters
per line, respectively (Figure 2). There is a choice of
three colors for the backlighting. This enables mes-
sages to be structured as
• standard, with white background;
• warning, with orange background; or
• alarm, with red background.
Programs migrated from earlier LOGO! versions can be
upgraded to a more user-friendly operator control
solution with just a few minutes’ programming.
Figure 1: Configuring a message for the base unit with no ticker text
(6 lines / 16 characters) Keeping an eye on alarm messages

Have you ever taken a closer look at the message text

function block? It offers a number of features provid-
ing low-cost monitoring and control functionality.
Sporadic alarms occurring just briefly are often not
identified because no one is viewing the display at the
time. If they are not noticed, more serious malfunc-
tions can result. This is where the reset function helps.
It ensures that the message remains on view until the
Figure 2: If a message is configured only for the TDE, 6 lines of message system is reset by pressing the OK button on
20 characters each are available. The ticker function doubles the the base unit or external display – even if the cause of
number of characters per line
the alarm, such as a high temperature value, has re-
turned to the normal range and the alarm is no longer
Displayed dates and times indicate when the alarm
was triggered for the first and last times. A counter in-
dicates how often the alarm has occurred in the mean-

Message merging
All pictures: Siemens AG

Figure 3: A second The character set function enables two messages to be

character set has been merged in the chart. This allows the message to be
activated. Flag 27 is
used to toggle presented in two languages, depending on the opera-
between them tor. The two messages can be toggled by activating flag

Know-how | GO! 2/2015

27 (Figure 3). However, the message in the second

character set may contain additional information
for servicing that is not relevant for the operator.
Actual values (analog values or counter values)
can be displayed as a vertical or horizontal bar
graph as well as numerical values. That makes the
message easier to read in most cases. Whereas pre-
viously two separate message texts were needed to
Figure 4: This enables status indicator messages to be defined based
display the “Motor ON” and “Motor OFF” messages, on various signals
each having to be actuated based on the output sig-
nal, up to four status messages can now be merged
in a single message text (Figure 4). It is possible to
“toggle” based on the input or output states, saving
resources and making the program clearer.
Outputs of individual function blocks can even be
used to actuate these status indicators. In LOGO! 8,
larger area symbols also can be configured (Figure 5).
Figure 5: Under the °C
Web server permits plant monitoring symbol there are additional
symbols for the cursor
by smartphone buttons and symbols to
display large characters
A highlight of LOGO! 8 is the integrated web server.
After connecting LOGO! 8 to a low-cost Wireless
LAN access point from a specialist reseller, the op-
erator can monitor and control a plant from a smart-
phone or tablet without need of HTML program-
ming. This is again enabled by the message text
and by selecting the web server from the display
(Figure 6). The message is then also displayed on a
smartphone. If so programmed, the smartphone’s
function keys can be used to control the system di- Figure 6: The web server can be selected in the message destination
rectly. After the program is downloaded, web server field under Properties
access must be enabled directly in LOGO! 8 and pro-
tected by a password. The function keys of a device
such as a smartphone or tablet can then be used,
regardless of whether a TDE is connected to the
hardware. For example, shutters can be opened or
closed as part of a building automation application
(Figure 7).


josef.ploch@siemens.com Figure 7: Display on smartphone, tablet, or PC

GO! 2/2015 | Grill control

Pottfeuer GmbH, Wetter, Germany

Cooked to perfection
Alongside such perennial favorites as sausages and steaks, smoking in the
style of American barbecues is growing in popularity in Germany. This
process, however, demands careful preparation. Grill caterer Markus
Mizgalski lets LOGO! do some of the work involved over the many hours
needed to cook the meat. He is impressed by the logic module’s flexible
expansion options.

efore the American classic of pulled pork can be Markus Mizgalski – supported by an administrative
prepared, necks and shoulders of pork must be assistant and a pool of event assistants – travel all
slow cooked for up to 20 hours in a smoker. over Germany. They bring everything the cus-
Only then can the tender meat be “pulled” and en- tomer needs with them, including the barbecues,
joyed, for example, with barbecue sauce and cole- tents, serving tables, cutlery, and ingredients. And
slaw, in a sandwich. Pulled pork, beef brisket, and then they grill live before the guests’ eyes. The
spare ribs are considered by fans the “holy trinity” of company is based in Wetter in the Ruhr, where
barbecues. They are among the many specialties pottfeuer also organizes barbecue seminars and
that grill specialist pottfeuer GmbH offers at family operates a store selling accessories and meat. The
or company parties. experienced IT journalist Mizgalski also writes ar-
As hired barbecue experts at larger events, the ticles and offers services that go beyond barbe-
pottfeuer managing directors Axel Kähne and cue-related matters.

Grill control | GO! 2/2015

Maintaining a constant temperature tem via the integrated web server and the Internet
or WLAN using a PC, tablet, or smartphone: “We
“Of course, we can’t cook the meat for pulled pork or integrated LOGO! 8 into our company network via
even spare ribs in a barbecue smoker on the custom- a network port and a WLAN bridge; it can be di-
er’s premises; that just takes too long,” explains rectly activated via an internal IP address from any
Mizgalski. “We do this in advance on our own terrace browser. This means that, in principle, we can
and then only prepare the meal with the cooked check up on things from anywhere. That simplifies
meat when we’re with the customer.” The traditional our work and gives us much more time and flexibil-
barrel smoker consists of a furnace for wood or coal ity in our daily routines.”
and the cooking space. “The challenge is to maintain
a constant temperature of between 100°C and 120°C Straightforward programming
in the cooking space for up to 20 hours. And it’s good
if you can check the temperature occasionally, ide- The self-taught Mizgalski also did the programming
ally also from off-site.” with LOGO! Soft Comfort himself: “Of course, I
In the past, he and his partner structured their rou- could have received assistance from Siemens. But
tines so that one person would check the tempera- when I get down to tackling something on my own,
ture in the smoker on the terrace every two hours or I’m very persistent and want to understand every
so, opening or closing the ventilation flaps by hand
as necessary. Although there are systems with tem-
The meat cooks for up to
perature sensors and temperature-controlled fans 20 hours in the barrel
for automated control of the heat in the cooking smoker. LOGO! makes for
less work for the grill chef
space, Mizgalski was first genuinely fired with enthu-
and ensures the correct
siasm on finding out about LOGO! 8 while enjoying temperature in the smoker
an evening beer with an acquaintance he knows
from his work as an IT journalist. “I’m not an expert,”
he says, “but am good at technology and enjoy tin-
kering, and I immediately came upon the idea of a
barbecue controller – one that also offers remote ac-
cess options, is extremely flexible and expandable,
and goes far beyond simple temperature control.
Pottfeuer / M. Mizgalski

LOGO! offers everything we need. Using the logic

module, we can measure, control, and connect ev-
erything to our internal network.”

Independence thanks to remote access

No sooner said than done. Mizgalski got himself a aspect of it.” He found the simple method of drag-
12-V LOGO! 8 basic unit with an integrated display, a ging and dropping modules, the simulation of pro-
LOGO!Power supply unit, and an AM2TD extension gram routines, and the heating control and tem-
module for connecting the PT100 and PT1000 tem- perature measurement project examples on the In-
perature sensors – hardware that he installed in a ternet helpful and convenient when programming
mounting rail box. One of the temperature sensors with the LOGO! Soft Comfort software.
measures the temperature in the cooking space, and Mizgalski has many more ideas he would like to
the other – an immersion thermometer – the tem- implement for various types of smokers using
perature inside the piece of meat. The latter, after all, LOGO! For example, LOGO! could additionally con-
makes all the difference in the quality of cooked food trol the demand-driven transport of wood pellets
such as pulled pork. The two temperatures are shown on a screw conveyor in the smoker. He also can
on the display. imagine it controlling a servomotor for a three-step
With this essential equipment, he undertook a rotary knob.
proof of concept and created a basic solution with
a simple smoker equipped with an electric fan. If
the temperature in the cooking space falls below a
set threshold, 90°C in the test, LOGO! switches the
fan on. The fan blows air into the embers until the
temperature returns to its target value of 110°C. INFO AND CONTACT
LOGO! then switches the fan off again.
What particularly impresses Mizgalski, however, josef.ploch@siemens.com
is the convenient remote access to the control sys-

Note on industrial security: Appropriate security measures (e.g., network segmentation) must be taken to ensure secure operation of the system. More
information about industrial security can be found on the Internet at siemens.com/industrialsecurity.
GO! 2/2015 | Instrumentation and control engineering

Holtermann Regeltechnik GmbH, Rietberg, Germany

Serving the
tunneling experts
LOGO! 8 logic modules affordably and reliably meet the
requirements for monitoring and controlling heating
technology for concrete mixing and hardening during
tunnel construction.

emmering, Austria, has always they cool down to the ambient tempera- have been excessive here, he says, add-
been a popular tourist destination ture in an open area and are stored there ing that the users have managed very
in both the summer and the win- for use. well with the logic module. Customer
ter. The town, located on a north-south service is also of central importance.
transport corridor, is also of major eco- Ideal system for switching and “We prepare the applications such that
nomic importance. Growing rail freight control tasks customers can independently commis-
transport has resulted in the planning sion the systems on-site following a
of a new, 27.3-km railway tunnel pass- We-Ho Beton-Heiztechnik GmbH, based short briefing,” explains Holtermann.
ing underneath the northern Alpine in Borgholzhausen, Germany, special- Martin Hartmann, who is responsible
peaks between Golggnitz in Lower izes in systems for producing process for planning at Holtermann Regeltech-
Austria and Mürzzuschlag in Styria. The heat and heating energy. These sys- nik, adds, “Our systems are highly cus-
Semmering base tunnel has been under tems include container heating plants
construction since 2012 and, on com- for tunneling projects in which large The TDE displays are clearly integrated
pletion in 2026, will be the key link on quantities of concrete are used. The in the control cabinet door
the Baltic-Adriatic axis for passenger systems are equipped with controllers
and freight transport. for self-optimizing temperature control.
Austrian Federal Railways and its con- Together with the pressure vessel of the
tracted construction companies are mobile heat-generating station, these
using prefabricated concrete sections are installed in a container. Holtermann
to support the inside of the tunnel. The Regeltechnik, a company specializing in
concrete parts, however, are not pro- building automation and control tech-
duced at a plant for precast units be- nology for heating and ventilation sys-
cause their size would make them im- tems, is responsible for the control cab-
possible to transport by road. Instead, inet construction and all the instrumen-
they are manufactured on-site in spe- tation and control (IC) engineering in
cially erected halls. Once the concrete the heating plants for the tunnel con-
has been poured, the sections, together struction project.
with the formwork, are moved to a dry- The IC engineering is based on the
ing hall preheated to 80°C, thereby ac- LOGO! 8 logic module, which, accord-
celerating the drying process. Because ing to managing director Martin Holter-
the concrete sections must not be mann, was “exactly the system we
cooled too quickly, they are then trans- needed to affordably and ideally per-

ported to a second drying hall with a form the switching and control tasks on
temperature of 50°C. In a third step, this project.” A larger controller would

Instrumentation and control engineering | GO! 2/2015

Prefabricated concrete
sections for the
tunnels are stored in
open areas (top)

tomized. During commissioning or in

the event of a modification, for exam-
ple, users may have to adjust the set-
tings. That’s why, in addition to under-
standing the system, it’s helpful for

them to bring along basic knowledge of

control technology. LOGO! 8 can then
be used to its best advantage.” Anyone
who needs support, however, can con-
tact the IC engineering specialist’s tele-
phone support or receive on-site assis-
tance from service technicians.

Full range of tasks covered

The control cabinets, designed for a

supply of up to 1,600 A, are installed
together with the heating systems in
the container heating plants. The logic
modules are attached to a door mount,
and the TDE displays are integrated in
a control cabinet door. “The controller
function of the LOGO! 8 is particularly
useful to us because we frequently work
with control circuits,” says Hartmann.

“We fit several controllers on the analog

outputs and can then easily perform a
wide range of tasks. The logic module View of a steam boiler

is extremely flexible when it comes to

quickly modifying individual functions.”
To ensure that the concrete sections software, programming the logic mod- controls the heating of the aggregates
comply with legal and safety-related re- ules and simulating the function se- (gravel, cement) with superheated steam.
quirements and the finished tunnel ex- quences is an easy affair. The software The various components flow into a
actly meets structural requirements, allows Hartmann to draw contact and mixing funnel and are heated there to
LOGO! 8 continuously monitors the function plans by selecting preconfig- 170°C using hot steam. The heated ma-
temperatures for the drying process. ured function blocks and combining terial can be processed at outside tem-
Hartmann prepares the control diagram them by dragging and dropping. peratures of even –40°C – when water
for the steam boiler system, clearly in- In addition to steam boiler control, freezes and pouring concrete is impos-
dicating the processes and tasks of the level control, temperature control in the sible.
controller. For example, it shows the steam boiler, and condensate feed-in,
steam boiler with safety devices, the LOGO! 8 is responsible for controlling
control sensor, the steam control, and the heating registers. Sensors in the
the steam valves for the concrete aggre- halls measure the temperature; LOGO! INFO AND CONTACT
gates. At the same time, the flow dia- switches the heating on or off depend-
gram forms the template for program- ing on the required ambient tempera- joerg.schlamilch@siemens.com
ming. Using the LOGO! Soft Comfort ture. The logic module’s relay function

Note on industrial security: Appropriate security measures (e.g., network segmentation) must be taken to ensure secure operation of the system.
More information about industrial security can be found on the Internet at siemens.com/industrialsecurity.
GO! 2/2015 | Mobile building systems

Berger Raumsysteme GmbH, Großpostwitz, Germany

Automation for
mobile buildings
A vendor of mobile building systems utilizes the great flexibility
and versatility of the LOGO! microcontroller for its disabled toilet
facilities. The logic module controls all the access and emergency
call systems of an installation at the botanical gardens in Rostock,

or Berger Raumsysteme GmbH, the customer gardens or – with an added LOGO! CMR module – to
r­ eally is king. For the past 16 years, the 14-em- upgrade the emergency call control with remote
ployee company based in Großpostwitz in the alarm transmission.
German state of Saxony has been building tailor­-
made portable building solutions. Its products in- Advanced access control
clude sanitary facilities as well as mobile saunas, car-
ports, sales stands, and office and residential units. LOGO! first controls access to the cabin. If it is vacant,
Among its key products are high-quality mobile toi- the light above the door is lit green, and the electric
lets for local authorities, transport companies, golf door control keeps the door closed. When a user in-
courses, and campsites. There are currently more serts a 50-cent coin into the slot or a disabled per-
than 40 mobile toilet units, in a variety of models, son uses the special access key, LOGO! activates the
lined up in the company’s yard – as sales samples and door opener, unlocking the door for 8 seconds. An
as units for rent. The specialist builder’s units are externally mounted mechanical door closer closes
now much in demand all over Europe. the door, and the light turns red, indicating “occu-
A variety of control and automation systems can pied.” The controller also blocks the coin machine
be installed, based on customers’ wishes or in line once a coin has been inserted in the slot, so no more
with local regulations for public sanitary facilities, can be inserted. When the user wishes to exit the
from coin slot machines and door openers, to vacant/ cabin, he or she presses a large-format door-opener
occupied indicators and occupancy time meters, to button. The door opens again for 8 seconds, then
emergency call systems for disabled toilets as stipu- closes automatically and is kept closed by the door
lated by the DIN 18040-1 standard. “For a long time, control. The light turns green again.
we purchased relay controllers and circuit boards, LOGO! also features a timer to monitor occupancy
which we then had to painstakingly assemble,” re- of the cabins, with the maximum time currently lim-
counts company manager and qualified electrician ited to 30 minutes. If a user does not exit the cabin
Steffen Seifert. “For the past three years we have after 30 minutes, the door is automatically released
been independently running LOGO!, and we have en- and the coin machine re-enabled. A visual and acous-
hanced our solutions from unit to unit.” tic signal inside the cabin warns the occupant one min-
Seifert is thoroughly pleased with the possibilities ute before this happens. LOGO! also permits opening
the logic module offers: “LOGO! is small and low cost and closing times to be set flexibly in line with the
and will meet all our needs into the future too.” That opening hours of the botanical gardens. When the gar-
is demonstrated in a highly practical way by a recent dens are closed overnight, between 6 p.m. and 7 a.m.,
installation for the botanical gardens in Rostock, fea- and on Mondays all day, the toilets are out of service,
turing a combined women’s and disabled-access though it is possible to exit from them at any time.
cabin and a men’s cabin. A LOGO! 8 12/24RCE logic
module with a DM16-24R digital expansion module Standards-compliant emergency call system
and a LOGO!Power power supply unit combine to
control multiple processes in a highly reliable setup. In the disabled-access cabin, a pull-and-press emer-
The system also can be reprogrammed, such as to gency call button triggers a two-minute acoustic
adapt the opening times to those of the botanical alarm, time limited in accordance with noise control

Mobile building systems | GO! 2/2015

Berger Raumsysteme GmbH

Berger Raumsysteme GmbH

The toilet units from Berger Raumsysteme GmbH are LOGO! reliably controls access
mobile and usable anywhere (right)

regulations, as well as a continuing visual alert. A red units, for example. Seifert adds, “In one installation,
light and alarm signaler are located above the door at the customer’s request, we configured different
on the left. An acoustic signal and a visual indicator opening times, which the customer is able to pro-
(reassurance lamp) inside the cabin tell the person in gram simply by pressing a button on the LOGO! TDE
need that help is being called. LOGO! additionally external text display.”
disables the door control so that the door is merely Not least, Seifert appreciates the “pleasingly sim-
ajar and can be opened at any time. A reset button ple” drag-and-drop programming using LOGO! Soft
on the inside of the door cancels the emergency call Comfort. And if he has any questions, the hotline is
and reactivates the system. there to help. “It works great!” he says. If there is no
Because there is always someone on-site at the bo- local electrical contractor available to carry out nec-
tanical gardens, it is not necessary for the alarm to essary reprogramming, Seifert simply downloads the
be relayed. “Nevertheless, that would be quite easy upgrade to a standard SD card and sends it to the
thanks to the LOGO! CMR communication module,” customer. “All the customer then has to do is insert
Seifert stresses. “We have in fact implemented such the SD card into the slot on the LOGO! unit to upload
a system at another location – a public toilet facility the program.” However, he is also looking to make
in Ratzeburg. Emergency calls are sent by SMS text use, sooner or later, of the remote service and re-
message to a security company and immediately re- mote programming options. 
layed to the emergency services.”

Easy programming and reprogramming

The coin mechanism could additionally be monitored

by a contact to guard against theft. Also, if the cus-
tomer so wished, LOGO! could initiate the flush as a INFO AND CONTACT
self-cleaning process when the user enters the cabin
or activate the heating. The display can indicate the britta.ballhause@siemens.com
opening times and the open/closed status of the

GO! 2/2015 | Products

Simatic ET 200SP

More I/Os in a compact design

f more I/Os are needed in a plant than ing and disconnecting of cables. In ad-
are allowed by the maximum of eight dition, two- or three-conductor sensors
signal modules connectible to a can be connected directly to the termi-
Simatic S7‑1200 (CPU 1217C), or if the nal strips with no additional hardware.
I/Os are spread over a large area, the Components such as the Simatic
new basic interface modules of the ET 200SP Energy Meter open up new
Simatic ET 200SP distributed I/O system possibilities, including energy con-
offer a good solution. These compact sumption metering. The expanded
connection modules feature two functions with Simatic ET 200SP also

Siemens AG
integrated RJ45 ports for setting up a offer the optimal value for money to
line structure, for example. The full which Simatic S7‑1200 users are
ET 200SP range can be connected to accustomed.
the modules and used by the Simatic
S7‑1200. The new design and push-in
clamping technology facilitate the wir- siemens.com/et200sp

LOGO! web-based training

TIA Selection Tool
Faster configuration

ith its web-based LOGO! 8 train-
ing, Siemens supports users
with clearly structured training
courses ranging from basic knowledge
to professional project planning.
The existing range of seven language
options has been extended to include
Czech, Polish, Portuguese, and Dutch. 

Siemens AG

ith the plant configuration The identified devices are set up in
functionality of the TIA Selec- the TIA Selection Tool, and the required
tion Tool, automation stations components are entered in the order
featuring Simatic S7‑1200 can now be list. The list can be forwarded directly
assembled even faster. Just specify the to the Siemens Industry Mall to order
quantity of I/Os, and the corresponding the components. This eliminates input
components are automatically set up. errors and enables cost estimates to be
The appropriate Simatic HMI panel can drawn up faster.
Siemens AG

be selected at the same time as well.

The programming software is built in. siemens.com/tia-selection-tool

LOGO! CMK 2000 Publisher’s notice
An intermediary
The examples published in our magazine are suggestions that
between two worlds professionals can use as solutions for their own automation
tasks. Proper use of LOGO! to control electrical systems and

ith the new LOGO! CMK 2000 com- equipment requires knowledge of, and compliance with, the
munication module, LOGO! 8 can relevant laws, official safety regulations, standards, and proce-
now be operated as an intelligent dures. Com­pliance must also be ensured with national regula-
controller within the KNX building automa- tions relating to accident prevention, the construction of elec-
tion system. The communication module is trical and mechanical systems, and electromagnetic compati-
connected to LOGO! 8 via a simple Ethernet bility as well as with relevant standards and safety regulations
connection. This means that the entire LOGO! specific to the a ­ pplication.
hardware configuration can be used for KNX: LOGO! may be installed and wired only by qualified profes-
24 digital inputs, 20 digital outputs, 8 analog sional electricians. Qualified professionals are personnel who
inputs, and 8 analog outputs. are authorized to commission, ground, and label equipment;
Projects are made more flexible, as up to 50 systems; and circuits in accordance with the standards of safety
communication objects can be configured via technology, and who are aware of – and follow – generally
KNX independently of their input and output ­accepted technical rules as well as the applicable standards and
points. LOGO! user programs can run inde- regulations.
pendently of KNX, though LOGO! is also able Failure to comply with these instructions may result in con-
to process signals from KNX sensors and in- siderable risk to people and assets.
dustrial sensors as well as control actuators The manufacturer accepts no liability for improper use con-
on LOGO! and/or on KNX. LOGO! can be used trary to these safety instructions.
in the KNX system for time and date synchro-
nization as both master and slave.


As a tool for getting to know the KNX system, GO! 2/2015

the KNX Association’s website provides a free Publisher: The following products are registered
version of ETS5 with which five devices per Siemens AG trademarks of Siemens AG:
Digital Factory Division ET 200, S7‑300, S7‑400, S7‑1200,
project can be configured. Factory Automation Siemens LOGO!, SIMATIC, SITRAIN,
Gleiwitzer Straße 555 STEP, TIA Portal, Totally Integrated
90475 Nuremberg Automation (TIA), WinCC
knx.org/knx-en/software/ets Germany
siemens.com/go If trademarks, trade names, technical
siemens.com/s7‑1200 solutions, or similar are not listed
above, this does not imply that they are
Responsible for technical content: not registered.
Heinz Eisenbeiss
The information provided in this
Editorial chair: magazine contains merely general
Jutta Pfister descriptions or characteristics of
performance, which in the case of
Publishing house: actual use do not always apply as
Publicis Pixelpark Publishing described or which may change as a
Postfach 32 40, 91050 Erlangen,
result of further development of the
products. An obligation to provide the
respective characteristics shall exist
only if expressly agreed in the terms of
Editors: Dorit Gunia,
Robert Engelhardt, Marion Schwab contract.
Siemens AG

GO! is published twice a year

Volume 19

© 2015 by Siemens Aktiengesellschaft

Munich and Berlin.
All rights reserved.



Simply ingenious. Simply more.
The logic module

A new design, new hardware, new software: The perfect • Integrated Ethernet interface for the entire LOGO! 8
intelligent logic module for switching and control tasks in product family: communication and networking are
small-scale automation projects has launched the next easier than ever before
generation! With LOGO! 8, it is even faster, easier, and
• Remote communication via cellular phone network:
more convenient to implement automation solutions for
text message communications for easy alerts and
simple machines or systems, in building automation, and
remote control
for applications in the private sector. This new LOGO! gen-
eration accommodates virtually every demand of custom- • New external text display: more than twice as many
ers with simplified handling. Impressive features include: characters as before and more options thanks to two
Ethernet interfaces
• Innovative LOGO! display: twice as many characters per
message for clear formulation of message texts and • New backward-compatible software in a new design:
with selectable backlighting, such as red, to optically ingeniously simple operation, configuration, and pro-
emphasize the current alarm status gramming in single and network mode

Answers for industry.

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