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LM6000TM Maintenance &

Troubleshooting Session
Fall 2006
© 2005 General Electric Company. All Rights Reserved. This
material may not be copied or distributed in whole or in part,
without prior permission of the copyright owner.
Ground Rules

• Please turn off or put your mobile phones on

• Please withhold from having side conversations
• Technical discussions only

Please feel free to ask questions of GE and other

Customers during the presentation…
dialog is good

2 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page


• Explanation/Discussion on Preventative Maintenance

Recommendations… Update from 2005
• RCA who, what and why
• Fuel Quality
• Control Regulators
• System Maintenance & Troubleshooting
› Eight topics

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Chapter 12 Preventative Maintenance
Service Letter 6000-05-03 R1

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Chapter 12 Preventative Maintenance (continued)
Service Letter 6000-05-03 R1

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Root Cause Analysis

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Root Cause Analysis Levels of Investigation
Product technical expertise
• Reliability focus - RAM, trip
reduction, DFR
Profitability • Design/Application – Compressor,
turbine, combustion, performance,
Proven emissions, mission

field solutions

• Technical experts - Depth

•Fleet reliability where it is needed

Fleet containment
•Fleet/Depot issues Local technical
•Tier-3 RCA support
Site containment
• Engineers ‘in the time-zone’
•Field/Site issues

•Tier-2 RCA • Product line/discipline cross-
lt trained
Customer technical Q&A

• Field Service/Depot issues • Responsiveness focused

• Tier-1 RCA
Installed base
7 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page
Root Cause Analysis - Levels of Investigation
•Goal of Root Cause Analysis is to provide effective
solutions RCA
› Three “Tiers” of Investigation with Different Goals Leadership
• Ensures site will not have immediate recurrence of event
• Allows site to restart… Target 5 days from event
– Tier 2 RCA Goal – SITE CONTAINMENT Regional
• Actions defined to mitigate risk of repeat in long term
» Goal - reduce risk level to no greater than rest of fleet
• Potential for Fleet Impact Identified or eliminated
» Often Follow up actions (lab work, etc.)
• Target 30 days from event
• Identifies fleet containment actions (Service letter, etc.) Global
• Identifies need for Improvement Program.
• Target 90 days from fleet issue identification
8 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page
Initial On-Site Forensic Investigation
• Determine sequence of events & possible damage
› Visual examination of failed components
› Interviewing O&M personnel
› Reviewing O&M records / data-logs and identifying
hardware needed for further analysis.
› Often accomplished using Field Service, Customer Service
Engineering & Design Engineering

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0 11156 22312 33467 44623 55779 66935 78091 89246 100402 111558 122714 133869 145025 156181 167337 178493 189648 200804 211960
9 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page Time (ms)
Follow-on Engineering Investigation

• Investigation is led by the Customer Service Engineer

• Additional data and analysis is often required
› May include site testing, diagnostic teardown
› Metallurgical examination to identify failure modes and
initiation site
› Metallurgical work can include
– Microscopic examination to establish failure mechanism, (LCF, HCF,
creep, corrosion, overheating, oxidation, corrosion, etc)
– Mechanical and chemical tests to determine if material properties
meet specifications
– Components may be returned to a source vendor for assistance in
Tier 2 and Tier 3 RCA’s

10 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Failure Analysis – EDC Polska & Evendale
• Engineering coordinate and conduct the analysis of engine parts or test
hardware to identify failure modes and when applicable, recommend
corrective action
• Metallographic laboratory
› Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection
› Hardness testing – micro Vickers
• Scanning Electron Microscopy + Electron Disperse Spectroscopy
› Electro Discharge Machining
› Hardness testing – Rockwell C and Brinell etc.
› Fatigue testing

11 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Failure Analysis –EDC Polska
• Investigated hardware:
› Rotating hardware: disk,
spool, blisk, shafts
› Combustion hardware:
combustion chamber,
liners, swirler, igniter
› Airfoil hardware: blade,
nozzle, vane
› Bearings and seals
› Accessory hardware:
tube, manifold, etc.

12 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Apollo RCA Methodology and RealityCharting™
• RealityCharting™
› Software solution specifically created to facilitate problem analysis with
the Apollo methodology… creates stability and consistency.
› The Apollo process is a method for facilitating a thorough incident
• Define the Problem
› What do we want to prevent from recurring?
› When and where did it occur?
› What is the significance of the problem?
• Analyze Cause and Effect Relationships
› Understand the causes and how they interact with one another
• Identify Solutions
› Solutions are specific actions that control causes
› Implement the best solutions
• The best solutions are those that prevent problem recurrence,
are within our control, and meet our goals and objectives
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Fuel Quality

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Fuel Quality
Fuel System Contamination
• Symptoms
› High Fuel Filter ΔP
– Particulates contamination
› High T48 Spread
– Particulate contamination in fuel nozzles
› Power Degradation
– Low fuel flows due to restriction/valve damage
– Hot Section degradation
› Emissions Increases

15 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Fuel Quality
Fuel System Contamination

•Symptoms (continued)
› Hot Section distress
– Corrosion
› Inability to achieve light off
– Reduced effective orifice sizes on FMV’s due to icing
› High combustor acoustics during starting (DLE)
– Plugged pre-mixers
› Poor operability (DLE)
– Plugged pre-mixers

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Fuel Quality
Contaminated Fuel Experience
• Fuel had trace metals beyond limits
• Significant damage to high pressure and low pressure turbine
flow path hardware



17 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Fuel Quality
Contaminated Fuel Experience
• Fuel not filtered properly - excess debris caused plugging, fuel
valve failures
• Significant damage to high pressure and low pressure turbine
flow path hardware

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Fuel Quality
Liquid Fuel Requirements
•Two classes of liquid petroleum fuels
› True distillate oils (naphtha, kerosene, #2 distillate)
› Ash-forming oils (blends, crude, residual)
•Ash-forming oils are nearly always contaminated with salts, salt
water, and trace metals
› These are not suitable for Aero Derivative Gas Turbines
› A single shipment of contaminated fuel or transport that had previously
contained contaminated fuel, can cause substantial damage to the gas
•Use fuel that meets the specification MID-TD-0000-2
› Sample, store, maintain per Service Letter 6000-97-01
•Basic fuel treatment includes:
› Centrifuges to remove sodium if contaminated with salt water
› Filtering to remove solid particles not removed during settling
19 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page
Fuel Quality
Gas Fuel Requirements
• Background
› Multiple DLE sites experienced increased Carbon Monoxide (CO)
emissions and increasing Turbine Exhaust Temperature (T48) spread (to
above 700 deg F)
› Required costly premixer
cleaning / replacement

• Investigation Status/Results
› Premixer plugging was due to:
– Poor fuel filtration
– Gas compressor oil carryover
– Glycol in fuel

20 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Fuel Quality
Gas Fuel Requirements
• System requirements
› Fuel filtration
– 3 to 5 micron element
– Monitor ΔP and observe manufacturer requirements
› Coalescing filter
– Removes gas compressor lube oil, other liquids
– Must be properly sized
– Properly maintained
› Fuel temperature
– Assure fuel supply temperature is 50°F greater than dew point
• Hydro carbon and moisture dew point

21 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Fuel Quality
Gas Fuel Requirements
• System Requirements
› Piping
– Avoid low points where condensation can collect
– Downstream of filter should be SS 304 or better;
– Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) weld
› Construction debris
– Ensure thorough cleaning during commissioning
– Extra precautions during startup phase

22 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Fuel Quality
Sulfur Sublimation in Fuel Metering Valve

• Some LM6000 DLE units exhibited power loss for no

apparent reason
• Power loss was preceded by an increase in Carbon
Monoxide (CO) emissions
• After shutdown/restart normal operation was restored
• Sublimation Elemental Sulfur in valve, restricting the
flow through the fuel metering valves
• See IAD Service Letter No. 6000-01-02

23 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Fuel Quality
Other Contamination Sources

• Water injected for NOx Abatement or SPRINT®

• Steam injected for NOx Abatement (PA/PC Only)
› Purity requirements provided in MID-TD-0000-3

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Fuel Quality
• Conduct regular fuel sample analysis
• Conduct water sample analysis
• Maintain delivery systems and filters
• Assure proper fuel temperature

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LM6000 Control Regulator Overview

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•Control Top Level Requirements

•Power Management
•Transient Operability Control
•Which Regulator Should be in Control… and why isn’t it?

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Top Level Control Requirements
• Protect engine from turbo machinery limits… transient
and “steady state”
› Overspeed
– Core speed (N25),
› Overtemperature
– T3, T48, Fuel Flow (DLE), Corrected core speed to T2 (N25R2),
Corrected core speed to T3 (N25R3)
› Overpressure
– PS3, Stall – Fuel Flow, Corrected core speed to T25 (N25R)

• Regulate steady state and transient power output

› Maintain “Stable” operation for steady state
› Meet power requirements - load drops/accept

28 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Power Management for LM6000

• Two Modes: Error

XNSD Demand Dynamics Flow
› Grid mode Demand

– Power turbine (PT) speed fixed

grid frequency
– Control regulates power output XNSD Feedback (Fixed)

› Island mode XNSD Demand Dynamics Flow
– Power Set by load
– Control Regulates LPT speed

29 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

LM6000 Regulators in “Grid Mode”

• Overspeed • Stall –
› Core Speed › Fuel Flow (WF36)
› Core Corrected Speed (N25R),
• Overtemperature (Direct)
› Core Acceleration Rate
› Compressor Discharge (T3) (N25DOT)
› HPT Discharge (T48)
› Fuel Flow (WF36) – DLE Only • Blowout
› WF36, Core Deceleration Rate
• Overtemperature (Indirect) (N25DOT)
› Corrected Core Speeds (N25R2,
• Overpressure
› Compressor Discharge (PS3)
30 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page
Transient Operability Control

• Transient operability assured by schedules for

› Acceleration/Deceleration schedules
› Booster operating line - VIGV/VBV schedules
› Compressor operating line - VSV schedules
› Combustor stability
› Turbine temperature protection

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Transient Operability Control

• Transient response requirements dictated by power

generation applications:
› 100% load drops
› 25% load accepts
• LM6000 control uses combination of rate of change of
speeds and fuel flow/PS3

32 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Transient Operability Control
• The fueling of the engine must protect various engine
› Compressor stall line
› Combustor flame out boundary
› Temperature limits at the HPT and LPT inlet

33 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Identification of Active Regulator

• Active Regulator is identified by parameter “REGULATOR” or

Regulator Limiting Parameter
1 Power or LP Speed
2 Core Speed
3 Core Deceleration rate
4 Core Acceleration rate
5 Min Fuel Flow
6 Max T48
7 Max PS3
8 Max T3
9 Max Core Speed
10 Max Fuel Flow (WF/PS3)

34 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Typical Base Load Regulation
Model/Configuration -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120


(7)S3S3S3WW (1) T3 (8)
PD S3S3S3S3S3S3S3S3S3S3S3S3S34848484848T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3


WWWW48484848484848484848484848485 T3T3T3T3
S3S3S3S3WW T48 (6)
MW (1)
N255 484848T3
PD SPRINT S3S3S3S3S3S3S3S3S3S3S3S3S34848484848484848484848484848T348484848
Core Speed
• “New and clean”, sea level, standard conditions (ISO)
• PC Model assumes water NOx suppression to 42 ppm
• Engine may change from T3 to T48 limit with deterioration
• Engine never on regulator 10 (max fuel control) at steady state
• Engine only on regulator 7 below 30 F ambient
35 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page
Regulator 10 at Base Load – Diagnosis (SAC)

• Symptom: Engine is operating at reduced base load

› Regulator=10
– MAX FUEL regulator

• Designed to stop overfueling in transients

› Should never be active steady state
› Limiting can result from either
– Scheduled flow too low
– Metered flow too high

36 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Regulator 10 at Base Load – Diagnosis (SAC)

• Scheduled Flow Low

› Maximum Flow is calculated from table of Wf/PS3 v. T2 and Corrected
core Speed
› Output Multiplied by measured P3 to obtain WFMAX
– Check PS3 calibration and stability
– Check T2 calibration and stability
– Check T25 Calibration and stability

• Calculated metered low high

• Flow is calculated from
› Gas Pressure – Check calibration
› FMV position – Check accuracy – look for “sluggish” valve response
› FMV Flow map – If control upgrade has been applied ensure flow map
has not been erased
› Fuel Properties (LHV, SG) – Calibrate
37 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page
Regulator 10 at Base Load – Diagnosis (DLE)
• DLE also has maximum fuel flow limit set by maximum
allowable flame Maximum temperature schedule as a function
of T3
• Control calculates maximum fuel flow based on T3, PS3
• Schedule normally set to ensure it does not come into play
› On occasion may be set deliberately low to limit NOx at base load
› Basic troubleshooting same as SAC except DLE systems require
individual metering valve characteristics (by valve S/No) to obtain
required accuracy
– Ensure correct valve type and characteristic in control
› May also result from Insufficient gas pressure
– Check parameter TFLAMEPCT
– If <100% check fuel metering valve position
– FMVISEL, FMVOSEL or FMVPSEL > 80% indicative of possible loss of metering
– Increase gas supply pressure
38 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page
Regulator 7 at Base Load – Diagnosis
• Symptom: Engine operating at reduced base load
› Regulator=7
– MAX PS3 regulator
– T2 > 30 deg F (PS3 normal regulator at lower ambients)

• Designed for overpressure protection at lower

› Should never be active at higher ambients
› Limiting can result from either
– Scheduled PS3 too low
• Operating on PS3 “backup” schedule
– Measured PS3 too high
• Check and calibrate PS3 measuring system

39 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

PS3 “Backup” Schedule

• PS3 “Backup” schedule is designed to protect engine in

case of false low PS3 reading
› PS3 limit calculated as function of P48SEL
– Ratio of PS3/P48 is essentially constant
› If value of PS3REF calculated from P48 is lower than normal
schedule, lower value is used
• Diagnosis
› Condition will normally be alarmed
› Check parameters PS3REF, PS3RFP48
› If parameters are within 1-2 psi, check P48 system for
calibration and leaks

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System Maintenance & Troubleshooting

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Maintenance & Troubleshooting Agenda

• Thrust Balance System

• D/E Sump Coking
• Preservation Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)
• SPRINT® System
• Vibration
• Engine Alignment
• Transportation FAQ
• DLE Emissions

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Thrust Balance

43 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

• The LP rotor thrust balance system is designed to maintain the
axial thrust loading on the No.1 ball thrust bearing. These loads
vary with power output
• One flanged port in the compressor upper case manifold (Stage
11 HPC) is used to bleed off air to the TRF as No.1 B thrust
balance pressure
• The stage 11 air is routed through three TRF struts to generate
the required axial loading through the rotor thrust balance

44 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Two Systems Available

• LP rotor thrust balance on the LM6000-PA, some “PA

uprate” (PAU) and current/converted PC is maintained
by a fixed orifice bleed which pressurizes the thrust
balance cavity behind the TRF
• Original LM6000-PC, some PAU, PB and PD uses a
modulated valve control system

45 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Modulated Valve Control System
• The thrust balance control system consists of the VG
hydraulic pump and the thrust balance control valve
and actuator (TBV)
› The servo valve for positioning the TBV is housed in the
hydraulic pump. Positioning of the thrust balance control
valve is scheduled by a purchaser-supplied control system
electrical input to the servo valve. Position feedback is
provided by two LVDTs integral with the actuator
› Valve bypass provides a minimum flow to the balance
piston cavity for bearing load protection in the event of a
valve failure closed
› In-line orifice prevent too much pressure if valve fails in
open position

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Modulated Valve Control System Schematic

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Thrust Balance Valve System Faults
Reference O&M Manual Chapter 10

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Thrust Balance Valve System Faults
Reference O&M Manual Chapter 10

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Fixed Orifice Bleed System
• LP rotor thrust balance is
maintained by a fixed orifice
• Added to LM6000 PC and PAU
› Production introduction:
November 2002
› Field implementation at
customer option via S/B 187 and
P/B 172
› 12 curves developed from
performance data
• Temperature range expansion:
-65 F to 140 F.
• IGV configuration added
50 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page
PAU and PC Thrust Balance Valve Elimination
• 682L928G02 Thrust Balance Tube Kit
• Requires S4 or higher core software revision
– S4 only: incorporate Software action request (SAR) 129 and SAR 153

• Configuration of core software to recognize no thrust

balance valve installed
• GE offers complete thrust balance removal upgrade
that includes all the above requirements.
– Contact Service Sales Director for a quote

51 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Additional Thrust Balance Orifice System Faults
reported after conversion from modulated valve

Fault Recommendation

PTB Demand vs Feedback Error (S-4 Incorporate Software Action

Software) Request153

Slow to Min Loads during attempts Old values (tunables) where copied
to come up in power over the new values (tunables)

52 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Proper Orifice Sizing
• The procedure for orifice sizing is defined in the O & M manual
for PA and S/B 187 and P/B 172 for PC and PAU.
› O&M update in process to include PAU and PC orifice sizing procedure
• PAU and PC - At engine power above 30 MW:
› Record steady state operating parameters PTBSEL, Ps3, P48, P25, and T2
› Identify engine configuration (IGV type, SPRINT® or no SPRINT®, new or
used engine)
› Calculate 1B bearing load using recorded parameters and 1B load
algorithm. Compare calculated load to target load from curves or tables
included in the Service or Product Bulletin
› Determine if change in orifice size is needed to reach target load.
› Operate engine with min 2000 and max 16000 of calculated bearing
– 16000 lb load limit protects bearing life
– 2000 lb limit protects against crossover

• An Excel spreadsheet is available to make the calculations,

contact your CSM for details
53 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page
Calculation Results 1. Bearing loads are
within the target
load range. No
3. Changes in ambient orifice change is
conditions may cause required
bearing load to exceed
limits. Orifice size change is

2. Bearing loads are predicted

to be within limits for the
given T2 range. No orifice
change is required

4. Orifice size change is

required. Bearing
load limits are Normal operating range (site specific)
54 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page
D/E Sump

55 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

D&E Sump Coking

• There have been removals

due to Turbine Rear Frame
(TRF) coking
• In extreme cases sump can
fully coke up leading to Drain
flame exiting frame vent Interface
• Typically observed on
engines installed in
packages after 2-3 years of
operation combined with
some package contributors

56 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

D/E Sump Coking
Examples When System is Not Functioning Properly
•D Sump Scavenge and
D/E sump Drain…
adapter removed for

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D/E Sump Coking
Why Maintain Proper Sump Venting and Drains
•Clogged drain or
restrictive sump
vent can lead to
internal oil leakage…
potential cause of
LPT module removal

Oil Oil
(Not Desirable) (Not Desirable)

58 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

D/E Sump Coking
Interface Between Engine and Package



59 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

LM6000 D/E Sump Coking
Post Shutdown Strut Cooling

•Post Shutdown Cooling flow should be 120°F

(48.9°C) or less and 25 psig (172.3 kPa gage)
› The cooling flow must be supplied for a minimum of
1.5 hours after shutdown
– Provides sufficient time for the frames to cool below the
lube oil coking temperature

60 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

D&E Sump Coking
Recommended Sump Drain Design

Ensure that there are no isolation devices, orifices or traps

within the D&E sump drain lines

61 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

D&E Sump Coking
Recommended Sump Vent (“A10” Interface) System Backpressure

• Non GE packages found to

have restrictions within the
D&E vent line
• Pressure can be measured at
the D & E Sump vent
interface, and should not
exceed 1 psig max
› Reference O&M Manual, Table
5.2 TRF
› D&E vent line is recommended
to be 2” diameter minimum

62 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

D/E Sump Coking
What to look for

• Monitor D & E sump drain – no oil flow on start is early

indication of potential problem, there should not be oil
flow when running on load
• Problem usually manifests itself after a period of
sustained cranking (e.g.. water wash) – this is because
the sump becomes saturated and cannot drain if
coking is present
• E sump temperature will rise suddenly and quickly to a
trip condition, usually within 20 minutes of start –
there is no gradual increase

63 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

D/E Sump Coking
Preventative Maintenance

• Maintain D & E sump drain tubing separate from all

other drain tubing
› Comply with P/B-LM6000-IND-0194 0.375” tubing
• Recommend annual D/E Sump drain interface cleaning
› Disconnect package drain to clean engine and package
drain as required… Service Letter 6000-05-03 R1

64 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

PC/PD D/E Sump Drain Interface Block Removal
1. Ensure you have a spare
wire - 1697M73P02 or P03
The block may have coke build
2. Disconnect interface piping up around it which can be
loosened with penetrant…
3. Remove wire pin (item 12) bearing puller may be required
4. Remove the nut (item 13)
5. Remove the bolts which
secure the block to the
frame (items 20)
Strut 8

65 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

D/E Sump Coking
Symptoms Possible Cause Troubleshooting Corrective Action
D/E Sump coking Restriction in package drain line Inspect float valves/orifices Consult OEM design team to seek
configuration and operation removal of float valve/orifice
Inspect & Clean hardware per
Packager & OEM - SPAM
Lines blocked with varnish and or Clean drain line Service Letter 6000-
carbon 05-03
Insufficient post shut down Check no restrictions/ hand valves Review cooling air supply system
cooling air flow open & cooling air supply pressure design
at interface > 25 psig
Post shut down cooling air Check second ring software OEM software modification
timer set incorrectly
D/E drain line size / routing Visual inspection Incorporate PB-LM6000-IND-0194
Clean drain line per Service Letter
Sump vent line restricted Check pressure at A10 interface Review vent system design for
(pressure not to exceed 1 psig) proper sizing
Check Air Oil separator system for Service A/O separator system -
restriction SPAM
Damaged / worn D/E Sump Air oil Measure D/E sump cavity Replace / overhaul LPT module
Seal drainage

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Frequently Ask Questions (FAQ)

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Engine Transportation

• Pneumatic tractor and trailer required

› No good alternatives exist that give equal protection
› Significant repair expense and down time
• Concern… main line bearing damage
› False brinelling, flat spots on rollers/balls/races
• Result… increased risk of premature bearing failures
• Occurrences / Mishaps increased in 2005/2006
› Site personnel to confirm transport equipment is pneumatic assist upon
arrival to site
› If not pneumatic assist, do not load engine onto trailer
› Work with supplier to get correct transport equipment
• References
› Chapter 6-2 in all LM6000 O&M manuals
68 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page
SPRay INter-cooled Turbine…

Applicable to: PA PB PC PD

•Injection of demineralized water into the inlet of the

low pressure compressor or the high pressure
•Lowers the air temperature and enables the T3 limited
gas turbine to operate at higher power more efficiently

70 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page


•Low Pressure Compressor has 23 nozzles (one water and one air
•High Pressure Compressor (HPC) has 12 inner nozzles and 12
outer nozzles (two water and one air manifold)
•Atomization air is supplied from the HPC 8th stage

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SPRINT® Schedules
LM6000 SPRINT® Schedules

SPRINT® Flow (gpm)






8 HP SPRINT should
6 not exceed 8 GPM at
4 or below 50F (10C)
2 per SL 6000-05-04
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

T2 (deg F)

72 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

PC Model Power Output
Impact of Inlet Temperature (T2)
LM6000PC VIGV and FIGV Performance Comparison
Sea Level, 60% Humidity, 4+V+6 Losses, Standard Natural Gas, Nox Water - 25ppm

Output Power - kW

30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Engine Inlet Temperature - F
VIGV, No Sprint FIGV, No Sprint VIGV, Sprint FIGV, Sprint

73 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

PC Model Heat Rate
Impact of Inlet Temperature (T2)

LM6000PC VIGV and FIGV Performance Comparison

Sea Level, 60% Humidity, 4+V+6 Losses, Standard Natural Gas, Nox Water - 25ppm

Output H eat R ate - B tu/kW .hr

30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Engine Inlet Temperature - F
VIGV, No Sprint FIGV, No Sprint VIGV, Sprint FIGV, Sprint

74 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

PD Model Power Output
Impact of Inlet Temperature (T2)

LM6000PD Performance Comparison

Sea Level, 60% Humidity, 4+V+6 Losses, Standard Natural Gas, NOx - 25ppm

Output Power - kW

30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Engine Inlet Temperature - F

75 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

PD Model Heat Rate
Impact of Inlet Temperature (T2)

LM6000PD Performance Comparison

Sea Level, 60% Humidity, 4+V+6 Losses, Standard Natural Gas, NOx - 25ppm

Output Heat Rate - Btu/

30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Engine Inlet Temperature - F

76 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

SPRINT® Operation PS3 Permissive

• SPRINT® is intended to be
initiated at full load
› Initiates at PS3/delta P0 greater
than quantity “Base PS3
schedule”-50 PSID
– 30 PSID if S4 core control
– SPRINT® stops if PS3 lower than 60
PSID threshold value
› Accurate PS3 sensor calibration
› Unit may require off-line water
wash to engage SPRINT®

77 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

SPRINT® Operation Atomizing Air Permissive

• LP and HP air must be maintained at pressure greater

than (0.25 * PS3)
– Accurate pressure transducer calibration critical
– SPRINT® air system should be visually inspected at each semi-annual
inspection or as directed by Table 12-1

78 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

SPRINT® Operation T2 Permissive
(S4 Core Control and Above)

• Either HP or LP SPRINT® (not both) water injection if

SPRINT® enabled
› HP SPRINT® capable at T2 greater than 30F (-1C), for “double
block and bleed shutoff systems”
– 38F (3C) if single shutoff valve
› LP SPRINT® at inlet temperature (T2) greater than or equal to
47F (8C)…
› If LP injecting and T2 reduced to less than 45F (7C), system
switches to HP injection

79 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

SPRINT® Water Ramp Rate and Impact of Manual
•When SPRINT® is enabled, and the permissives met, water
increases at 2 GPM per minute
– Reduced from 2.0 to 0.25 GPM/minute in PC S5 and PD S4 core software

•In manual mode, water is reduced by a operator selected

amount at all operating conditions (T2)…
– Normal reduction rate is same as in non-manual mode
• Normal rate is -0.25 GPM/sec for PC S5, -0.5 GPM/sec for PD S4
– Under conditions of fast decreasing PS3, reduction rate increases

80 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

SPRINT® Power Regulators

• The expected impact of SPRINT® is to operate on the

T48 (regulator 6 on PC) or T3 (regulator 8 on PC)
• Corrected core speed (HPC exit) XNHR3=6280 or 6380
(EFS) or (HPC inlet) XNHR=9525; regulator 9 on PC
› Consider reducing water injection just enough to get on
T3/T48 regulator… increase power

81 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

SPRINT® Control Screen Example

82 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

SPRINT® Operation at Part Power
• At power levels which can be obtained without SPRINT®,
injecting SPRINT® water adversely impacts heat rate..
› If power initially at baseload without SPRINT® injection and then SPRINT®
is turned on to a level of 7 gpm and power reduced back to the original
power level, then the heat rate will increase by about ~0.29%
• Operating SPRINT® depresses T48 and T3
› Reduced temperatures is expected to be beneficial in terms of hot
section life, GE does not have experience to quantify this impact

83 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Frequently Asked Questions

•Does SPRINT® affect NOx and what do you do about it?

› Yes, set SPRINT® water for power output and then reduce
NOx water to achieve desired NOx level
•How does the altitude (P0) of my plant impact expected
SPRINT® flows?
› Water flow is scaled down (up) by the ratio of P0/14.696

84 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Frequently Asked Questions

•Can abnormalities in SPRINT® water/air flows affect

T48 spread?
› Yes, inspect SPRINT® system if T48 spread is associated with
SPRINT® system in operation
•Can too high of water injection result in any issues?
› Reference SL6000-05-01, too much water flow can result in
water in the gas turbine lube oil
› Reference SL6000-05-04, too much HP water flow can result
in HPC stage 6 blade liberation… limit is 8 GPM below 50F

85 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page


• SPRINT® water quality requirement same as NOX

–14-41 gpm; 5-25 PSIG; 50-140F

• 10 HP centrifugal pump… 250 PSIG (1724 kPaG), 30

gpm (114 lpm)
–Alarm at 75 PSID (517 kPaD)
86 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page
Enclosure Mounted SPRINT® System

• Water pressure monitored

› Alarm outside of 0-300 PSIG (0-2068 kPaG)
› Shutdown >6 gpm @25 PSIG (172 kPaG); >10 gpm 50 PSIG
(345 kPaG) decreasing for >1 sec.

87 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Engine Mounted SPRINT® System

• HPC 8th stage air atomizes water

› Alarm if <0.25 *PS3 decreasing for > 1 sec.

88 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

SPRINT® System Purge after Shutdown
• System drains (valve F)
and then air purges
› 10 SCFM (0.28 SCMM) fr 2
› 80-100 PSIG (552-689
› Dry, filtered to 5 microns
› Prevent corrosion & icing
• Check valve operation key
to preventing water in air

89 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

SPRINT® System Maintenance
• Operational time with SPRINT® running should be
tracked for compressor maintenance consideration
– HP SPRINT® only: after 16,000 hrs of operation, replace or
refurbish HPC stage 1 blades… inspect HPC stages 2-4 chord
– LP & HP SPRINT®: after 16,000 hours HP operation or 25,000 hours
LP operation, whichever comes first replace HPC stage 1 blades…
inspect HPC stages 2-4 chord lengths
– LP & HP SPRINT®: after 25,000 hrs of LP SPRINT® operation, inspect
LPC stages 0 and 1

• SPRINT® nozzles: clean, flow and inspect every 25,000

hours at Authorized Repair Source

90 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

SPRINT® System Maintenance

Minimum Maintenance
Component Frequency Remarks
Ball Valves Annually Check valve for stem seal leakage.
If clogged, remove access cover and clean
Strainers 3 months or 2000 hours strainer.
Pump Reference vendor manual
Check Valves Annually Inspect for proper movement and sealing
Calibrate. If malfunctioning, reference
Annually or more frequently if Rosemount maintenance and troubleshooting
Pressure Instrumentation drift is suspected manual for further instructions.
Motor Reference vendor manual
Check valve for stem leakage. If valve stem is
Solenoid valves Annually damaged or fails, replace valve.
Flow meter Annually Calibrate.
Replace filter based on visual indication or at a
Filter Annually minimum annually
Flow control valves Annually Check valve stem for leakage

91 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

SPRINT® Troubleshooting
Symptoms Possible Cause Troubleshooting Corrective Action
Unable to engage/maintain PS3 too low (less than 50 Off-line Waterwash or repair damage per
SPRINT water flow below base schedule) Borescope per WP 4015 00 applicable WP
Pressure transducer calibration
(SPRINT atomization air or
PS3) Calibrate transducer
Compare to other inlet
temperatures; check resistance
T2 temperature too low (30F) per Table 10-7 Replace sensor per WP 1111 00
Compare to ambient
temperature Heat inlet
SPRINT Air manifold
<.25*PS3 Inspect 8th stage air system Repair damage per applicable WP
Calibrate Transducer

Check all check

Water supply pressure too low valves/strainers for obstructions Change components as required
Change SPRINT pump/motor as
Check SPRINT pump/motor required
Calibrate transducer
Water filter delta-p too high
(10 psid; 69kPaD) Inspect filter element Change filter
Flow control valve calibration Calibrate
Flow meter calibration Calibrate

92 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Frequently Ask Questions (FAQ)

93 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Engine and Package Preservation
• Concern… humidity and loss of oil film over time
• Result… corrosion, pitting, possible premature failures
• When to preserve major components?
› Long scheduled or unscheduled periods of inactivity
– Installation & Commissioning, Winter down time, etc.
› Add Spare engines & modules to preservation plan
• Tools
› Heaters, desiccant, humidity indicators, OEM procedures
• References
› WP 3011 00 in all LM6000 O&M manuals (engine)
› Service Letter LM6000-05-002 R0 Humidity Control
› Packager OEM Manuals for other major components
94 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page
Vibration Troubleshooting

95 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Vibration Troubleshooting

• Symptoms
› Vibration Alarms/Trips on broadband or 1/Rev tracked
› Step or rising levels in vibration trending
› Frequent loose, worn, broken engine hardware
› Worn & loose Package mount system hardware
• Impact of Issue
› Negative effect on unit Availability & Reliability
› Increased operations & maintenance costs
• Current Info
› Depending on symptoms and causes, corrective actions can be targeted
• Experience
› Data and field experience exists to help resolve vibration issues

96 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Vibration Troubleshooting
• Types of vibrations
› Step change
› Upward or erratic trending over time
› After maintenance or other work has taken place
› Directly after unit trips
› Vibration signal spikes
› Broad band
› False indications
• If your unit experiences any of these issues refer to GE
O&M Manual Chapter 10, TS-26 Engine Vibration

97 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Vibration Troubleshooting

More on this, later

98 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Vibration Troubleshooting
• Vibration Corrections - False Indications
› Examine available data for sudden and erratic vibration
levels that are not supported by other process variables.
› Inspect complete vibration monitoring system for
loose/worn connections, clamps, grounds, and failed
components. Repair & replace items as necessary.
› Insure complete vibration monitoring system is in
compliance with all related LM6000 Service Bulletins, Service
Letters, and Product Bulletins.
• Vibrations - True Indications
› Collect available trend data, sequence of events, define the
type, amplitude, and frequency of vibrations.

99 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Vibration Troubleshooting
• Corrective Actions Targeting
› Work with your local Field Service office or Product Support Engineering to
implement these actions as necessary.
› ALL LM6000 Model O&M Manuals
• Chapter 10, Section TS-26 Engine Vibration
› Vibration Monitoring System
• Insure the complete vibration monitoring system is defect free and
up-to-date with the latest design and configuration.
• Calibrate and verify the vibration monitoring system
» Test with Shaker Table, Wobulator, Signal Simulators, etc.
» Verification using Bently Nevada ADRE system
› LP Thrust Balance Pressure System (PTB)
• Insure LP thrust balance pressure is within limits during operation.
• Inspect LP thrust balance piping for air leaks
• Perform a calibration and verification of thrust balance pressure
transmitters and valve if installed. If the unit has a thrust balance
valve, consider upgrading to S/B-187 that replaces it with an orifice.

100 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Vibration Troubleshooting

• Duct & Diffuser Clearances

› Inlet Volute
– Inspect inlet volute alignment & look for rubbing indications on
VIGV/IGV forward face. If rubbing is confirmed, re-align inlet volute
to maximum specified gap per Packager’s Manual.
– Inspect inlet volute mounting hardware for bolt bound conditions. If
bolt bound conditions found, an entire train move to the left or right
may be required.
› VBV Duct
– Inspect Packager VBV transition duct for proper installation and
rubbing conditions in the expansion duct.

101 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Vibration Troubleshooting
• Duct & Diffuser Clearances (continued)
› GT Exhaust Diffuser
– Inspect and document as found exhaust diffuser alignment
– Pull the exhaust diffuser back from Gas Turbine TRF and perform
dimension check on diffuser interface areas
• Inspect for roundness of the seal areas and centering of the
inner seal area to outer seal area
• Measure TRF interface area and verify if a proper line up is
• Inspect exhaust diffuser inner and outer seal areas for rubbing
and wear indications and for worn or missing seal ring and seal
ring spring
– Replace worn parts as as required with latest versions.
– Install exhaust diffuser and align per GEK O&M Manual procedures
• If diffuser continues to experience rub, contact your CSM/GE
Engineering for “custom” exhaust diffuser alignment targets
and procedures.
102 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page
Vibration Troubleshooting
• Duct & Diffuser Clearances (continued)
› GT Exhaust Diffuser (continued)
– Exhaust Diffuser alignment procedures in GEK O&M Manuals
• LM6000 PA – GEK 98483 Operations & Maintenance Manual
» WP 4013 00 Gas Turbine Exhaust System Inspection
• LM6000 PB – GEK 103077 Operations & Maintenance Manual
» WP 4013 00 Gas Turbine Exhaust System Inspection
• LM6000 PA Uprate – GEK 98483 Operations & Maintenance
» WP 4013 01 Gas Turbine Exhaust System Inspection
• LM6000 PC – GEK 105059 Operations & Maintenance Manual
» WP 4013 00 Gas Turbine Exhaust System Inspection
• LM6000 PD – GEK 105061 Operations & Maintenance Manual
» WP 4013 00 Gas Turbine Exhaust System Inspection

103 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Vibration Troubleshooting

• Engine & Package Mount System

› Inspect all gas turbine & package mount hardware for loose
parts, enlarged or elongated holes, backed off jam nuts,
worn rod end bearings, and broken lock wire
› Inspect all package mount shims & bolts for looseness
› Review previous alignment records and check for any
discrepancies in “as left” targets deviating from Packager
alignment specifications
› Inspect the grouting as applicable around the generator and
reduction gear box for deterioration
› Inspect the grouting around the main package
superstructure to the main concrete pad for deterioration

104 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Vibration Troubleshooting

• Alignment
› Check alignment between LM6000 and driven equipment
with a Rotalign & document “as found” alignment results
› For GE Packages, perform the alignment of major
assemblies using the latest AEP procedure 285429 Version H
› For other LM6000 OEM Packages, use OEM documentation
› Inspect Generator installation is correctly set on the
FWD/AFT centerline of the package
– If the generator is installed on an angle left and right orientation, the
inlet volute and exhaust duct may not be lining up with their correct
bolt mounting points
– If the generator is found to be off centerline and other components
are bolt bound, the generator will need to be realigned/centered
before the rest of the alignment can take place.

105 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Vibration Troubleshooting

• Vibration Monitoring System should be continuously

kept up to date with latest hardware configuration
› Accelerometer Interface Module (AIM) Part Number 86517
– Bentley Nevada Corporation (BNC) has a no charge exchange kit (PN
144028-01) to resolve nuisance alarms, missed trips and false trips
associated with the PN 86517 mounting issues
– BNC (PN 144028-01), contains the revised manual and documents
telling how to inspect / reinforce the unit

106 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Vibration Troubleshooting

• Use latest GE engine configuration of Accelerometer

part numbers and off-engine cables
› Accelerometer Part Numbers
Old PN New PN
L31967P18 L31967P27
L31967P19 L31967P28
L31967P21 L31967P29
L31967P24 L31967P31

› Off engine cable Part Numbers

– 609976-40 CABLE, ENGINE, AMETEK, LM6000, E32 1 40’ TRF
– 609975-40 CABLE, ENGINE, AMETEK, LM6000, E22 1 40’ CRF

107 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Vibration Troubleshooting

• Further actions available as necessary

› Thermal Growth Study/Alignment Optimization
– Prerequisite = all worn or unserviceable package & engine
mounting system parts need to be replaced
• A separate presentation on TGS/AO is available on request.

• Trim balance of Generator, HPC, & LPC rotors is a

possibility based upon data analysis
› All other sources of external influence on the Gas Turbine &
Generator resulting in high or abnormal vibrations need to
be resolved first
› Data needs to specifically demonstrate that a true 1/Rev
unbalance condition exists.

108 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Vibration Troubleshooting
Unit should be up-to-date with all applicable Bulletins and letters
• Service Bulletin
LM6000-IND-207 R0 LM6000-IND-207 Non-Critical Vibration Indications
LM6000-IND-206 R0 Vibration Selection Logic
LM6000-IND-130 R2 Improved Low-Noise High Temperature
Accelerometer Introduction (PA, PB, PC, and PD Models)

• Product Bulletin
LM6000-IND-189 R3 Vibration Selection Logic
LM6000-IND-169 R1 Non-Critical Vibration Indications
LM6000-IND-163 R3 Vibration System Accelerometer Interface Module (AIM)

109 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Vibration Troubleshooting

• Product Bulletins (continued)

LM6000-IND-162 R0 Broadband Capability for Detecting Fluid in Rotors
LM6000-IND-117 R0 Y2K Bently Nevada 3300 Vibration System Monitor
(Serial Data and/or Dynamic Data Interface P/N 3300/02 and 3300/03
LM6000-IND-116 R0 Y2K Bently Nevada Data Manager 2000 Display P/N
2700/01 or 2700/03
LM6000-IND-110 R0 Y2K Bently Nevada TDIX Communication Processor P/N
LM6000-IND-094 R0 Brush Generator Rotor Balance Weight Inspection
LM6000-IND-091 R0 Stand-Off Lugs for GE Generator Coupling Guard
LM6000-IND-030 R0 Turbine/Generator Coupling - Interface Bolt Torque
LM6000-IND-026 R0 Coupling Removal Tool

110 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Vibration Troubleshooting

Service Letters
6000-05-003 R0 LM6000 Updated Periodic Inspection Table
6000-01-005 R0 LM6000 Oil Accumulation in HPC Rotor Investigation
6000-00-004 R0 LM6000 Vibration Monitor System Maintenance
6000-95-001 R0 LM6000 Exhaust Diffuser Alignment

111 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Thermal Growth Study, Alignment Optimization
and Machinery Diagnostics

112 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Three Sources of Vibrations

• Alignment & Mounting System

• Rotating Assemblies
• Monitoring system not functioning properly

113 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

What is Misalignment?
• When a machine is operating at thermal equilibrium, and the
rotor is subjected to normal operating loads, perfect internal
alignment exists when, at each axial location
› Average shaft centerline position is in the center of each inter stage
diaphragm or seal
› Average shaft centerline of the rotor operates at the design position in
the bearing
• Two machines are in perfect external alignment, when
operating at thermal equilibrium, the shaft centerlines are
collinear at the coupling and the shafts operate in their design
axial positions within each machine
• In practice, some degree of internal and external misalignment
always exists
› When the external misalignment between the two machines exceeds
the allowable tolerance of the couplings, seals, bearings, etc. the
machines are misaligned
114 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page
Three Types of Misalignment



Axial misalignment
115 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page
Causes of Misalignment

• Internal parts may have been installed incorrectly or

may have become damaged
• Thermal growth of machine components may not be
as expected
• Piping strain or a soft foot condition can warp the
machine casing
• Grouting of foundation deterioration may cause a shift
in machine position

116 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page


• Cold offset alignment compensates for thermal

growth. Machines are deliberately and carefully
misaligned in the cold condition so that thermal
growth will produce correct alignment in the hot

117 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Alignment Optimization
• What is thermal growth study (TGS)/alignment optimization
• GE AE Engineering and Bently Nevada team up to perform on
site work that:
• Corrects Alignment induced vibrations by the development of
new alignment targets using the unit’s actual thermal growth of
the components during operation.
• It uses optical surveying techniques to establish the dynamic
(hot) optimized machine alignment positions
• How is it done?
• Highly accurate optical methodology used to take the positions
• Core principles:
› Coupling and casing static alignment must be known
› Accurate, reliable & repeatable horizontal and vertical datum points
must be established
118 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page
Optical Alignment
• Extrapolate the dynamic coupling & casing alignment
• Measure the positional change of the machine casings &
bearing pedestals
• Thermal cycle
› cold to hot
› hot to cold
• Equipment Required:
• Jig Transit Square Telescope
› 1 second of arc level accuracy
– = 1 thou’ per 17 feet
– = ~ 5 um per meter

• Invar, Scales, Scale Holders and Tripod. Invar Has Minimal

Thermal Expansion Over A Very Large Temperature Range
119 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page
Brunson Jig Transit Telescope

120 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Scale Adapters

Scale adapters are mounted

on a 5/16” dowel pin
installed as close as
possible in each side of the
bearing housing

121 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Vertical Alignment
Measure on casing Measure Both
as close as possible Sides Of Casing
to bearing So Data Can Be

Take readings in Compare the
the cold and hot Measurements to a
positions stationary benchmark

122 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Horizontal Alignment

Both Vertical and Horizontal

movement can be measured



Datum (2)

Horizontal Datum Can Be On Top And

Bottom Or On Each Side
123 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page
Optical Alignment Benefits

• Alignment optimization will accomplish the most

accurate cold positioning possible for that machine
• Custom alignment for that machine
• Compensates for dynamic influences such as pipe
strains and stresses, load variations, local installation
differences, foundation problems
• Very flexible, adaptable to almost any type of machine
or machine train configuration

124 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Machinery Diagnostics

• What is it?
• Use of Bently Nevada ADRE vibration collection techniques to
see the full spectrum vibratory response of the equipment.
Tests the results of the thermally optimized alignment changes
as well as points out areas of needed improvement
• How is it done?
• Highly accurate Bently Nevada vibration collection
• Core principles:
› Measure the unit overall vibration before and after alignment changes
› Instant results of alignment changes
› Adjust alignment and other vibration sources to minimize overall
vibratory response
125 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page
Alignment Optimization on an LM6000

• These slides demonstrate the mounting of the optical

and vibration measuring equipment on the unit.

126 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Tooling Scales

Invar tooling scales

are mounted on the
GT with brackets

Point 7
Point 1 Point 3 Point 5

Point 6
Point 2 Point 4 Point 8

127 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Tooling Scales

Mount the tooling scales

on the Generator, and
the Clutch or Gear Box
if required

128 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Vibration Sensors

Vibration sensors mounted on trouble areas

Full frequency monitoring and recording

of field mounted vibration sensors as
well as unit sensors
129 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Measurements taken at the

cold position with unit not

Measurements are then taken Hot and cold measurements are

at the hot operating position referenced to a benchmark for the
with unit at full power. calculation of new alignment
130 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page targets.
Case Study

• Site – Unit B experienced 7 GT lube and scavenge

pump housing failures.
• Root cause was horizontal misalignment of the GT to
Generator coupling

131 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Lube and Scavenge pump was experiencing
HCF failure on the pump housing

132 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

L&S-pump (looking fwd):
AGB Fuel pump (looking from port side): AGB near borescope
cranking pad (looking aft):

Positions of temporary
transducers mounted
on the AGB

133 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Spectrum data revealed
main component on AGB
transducers at 3600cpm

Largest peaks evident

when load was reduced
to 9 - 7MW

3600cpm component
present associated with
the LP speed

134 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Load at which highest amplitude was recorded
May 18, 2002 9.2 MW
Pos 1 (L&S pump vert) 194 mm/s pk
Pos 2 (L&S pump hor) 113 mm/s pk
Pos 3 (L&S pump axial) 132 mm/s pk
Pos 4 (AGB Vert) 56.2 mm/s pk
Pos 5 (AGB Axial) 91.8 mm/s pk
Pos 6 (AGB Hor) 35.3 mm/s pk
Pos 7 (Speed gear vert) 104 mm/s pk
GT FWD 28.7 mm/s pk
GT AFT 18.1 mm/s pk

135 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Waterfall plot shows the most significant frequency components occur at/or near 60
Hz. Once the machine train becomes loaded (red data) the 60 Hz vibration subsides
significantly. This data indicates that the vibration tracks the LP shaft speed at
primarily 1X
136 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page
Spike occurred in the 5 to 8
Megawatt range

The data plots indicate the

vibration spike on the AGB
before and after
realignment of BRAVO unit.

Site has been operating

since October of 2002 with
no pump breakage or
vibration problems


137 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

• Alignment optimization and Machinery diagnostics are

capable of measuring the vibrations and the amount
of misalignment of all components
• Customized alignment targets are calculated to
optimize positioning of components to achieving
minimal vibrations possible induced by misalignment
• With this data changes/adjustments are made to the
positioning of the components with the results being
• Accurate trim balancing and other vibration reduction
work can then be accomplished as necessary
138 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page
Bently Nevada Web Page for Further Information



139 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

DLE Emissions Troubleshooting

140 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

DLE Emissions Troubleshooting
› Review Basic Troubleshooting Tools
› Review Troubleshooting Techniques
– Refer O&M Manual, Chapter 10, table TS32 for details
– 6+ Pages of information

141 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

DLE Combustion Principles
Temp limit to meet
both NOx & CO 4 Stage Combustor

Flame Temperature
Excessive NOx

CO Limit NOx Limit

Excessive CO / Blowout

Flame Temperature Power

• Low NOx and CO emissions occur • Lean Pre-mixed Combustion with
in a narrow band of flame Fuel Staging used to maintain the
temperatures narrow flame temperature window

142 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Keys to DLE Troubleshooting

• High Emissions result when engine is not operating in

optimum condition
› Ring(s)not operating at required temperature
› Most commonly result from
– measurement error
– control action to prevent engine damage
– Fuel system leakage
› Premixer blockage may also result in high emissions due to
uneven distribution of fuel between cups within a ring

143 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Sources of Control Flame Temperature Error

• CONTROL Flame Temperature calculated not

› uses fuel properties, metered fuel flow, T3 and combustor
› Critical Parameters: PS3, T3, FMV position, FMV upstream
and downstream pressure (GP1, GP2), LHV, SG
– Any of above parameters will introduce error into flame
temperature calculation
– Any leakage between metering valve and combustor will result in
high calculated flame temperature
• WP 4031 00 defines leak check procedure

144 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Parameter Sensitivity


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

PS3 (3.162 psi)

Fuel Flow (3.0%)
LHV (1.0%)
SG (1.0 %)
T3SEL (6.5 degF)
T2SEL(1.414 degF)
CDPSEL (0.707%)
NGGSEL: (10 rpm)
ST8SEL (0.707%)

145 GE Proprietary - Subject to Restrictions on Cover Page

Useful Data Sources:

• Alarm Log for event

• High Speed Data Log showing event
› 160 ms capture rate
› Minimum Parameter list in appendix
• Long term trending Data
• Data from last mapping

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Step 1 - Define the Problem
• Understand and clarify the problem
› Is emissions measurement system calibrated?
› Acoustic trips measurement system OK?
– ABAL action based on incorrect PX36 can drive high emission
• PX36B within 25% of PX36A ?
• Neither signal erratic
› In what mode is problem occurring (BRNDMD)
– Is problem related to one ring or to all?
› Steady state or transient
› Low or high power
• When was the problem first observed?
› Gradual change over several weeks / months
› Step change
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Step 2 - Check Instrumentation

• Fuel gas properties

› Is LHVSEL = LHV raw? Is LHV typical for site?
› Same for S.G.
• Pressure sensors
› PS3 system
– Differences between sensors
– Leaks in sensing tubes / water in tubes
› Fuel pressure (GP) sensors
– Differences between channels A & B

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Step 3 -Review High Speed Log
• If check and calibration of instrumentation does not
resolve issue, examine High Speed Log
› All input signals free of excessive noise
› Input signals behavior consistent
› Fuel Metering Valves and bleeds following demand
– FMVxSEL vs. FMVxDMD for all 3 valves

• > Look for Indications of Partial blowout

– Usually occurs in A or C rings
– causes increased firing of B ring to maintain power
• NOx emissions increase
• CO emissions typically increase
– Possible Acoustics Increase
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Step 4 - Identifying Partial Blowout

• Condition where “A” and/or “C” rings partially blow out

• Control Maintains Power if Possible by adding fuel to “B” ring
› Pilot FMV opens – parameter FMVPSEL increases
› Blowout parameter WFQPERRCORR increases
› May cause Acoustic (PX36) increase
• Control assumes all fuel is burned
› calculated flame temperature TFLCYC increases
• Increase of temperature causes closure of bleeds
› Percentage bleed DWB36PCT decreases
• If bleeds are closed percentage Tflame TFLAMEPCT increases
• May stage up to next higher mode (increase in BRNDMD)

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Step 5 – Examine Trending Data

• Used to detect gradual system change

› Blockage of premixers
› Leakage downstream of metering valve
› Fuel Metering Issues
– Blockage
– Calibration

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Trending Fuel Flow Parameters


› Parameter is ratio WF 36
WF 36calculated
– WF36calculated is based on Pressure Ratio and (assumed) fuel
nozzle flow function
– Parameter varies with power level and burner mode
– Rule of thumb: Change > 10% is significant

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Significance of WFNOZZ Changes:

•WFNOZZ Shift High:

– Leak between FMV and fuel nozzle
• Inspect
• Leak Check per WP
– Blockage of FMV
• Check for Sulfur Contamination
– GP2 sensor reading low
• Check Sensor lines for leaks

•WFNOZZ Shift Low:

– Premixer Blockage
• Flow Check Per WP 4030 00

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Other Checks

• Is gas supply pressure significantly different than

• Any other parameters which may have changed
• Water wash if compressor is dirty or efficiency is down

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Fault finding –staging valves
•Leaking staging valves can lead to high CO/UHC in
mixed burner modes (Anything except ABC)
•Root cause for leakage usually wear or contamination
•Identify suspect valves with leak test blanking F1B
•Test individual valves or return to OEM for test & repair

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DLE Emissions Troubleshooting Summary
•Check emissions measurement
› Gas leak ingested into GT inlet
•Eliminate external factors
•Check instrumentation/control
› Pay Particular attention to PS3, LHV, SG,GP1, GP2
› FMVs tracking demand, no alarms
•Check for trends in WFNOZ Parameters for blockage or leakage
•System leak check
•Premixer flow check
•Staging valve check
•Borescope combustor and inspect premixers per WP 4015 00
•If above actions do not resolve high emissions, recheck mapping
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LM1600®, LM2500®, LMS100® and SPRINT® are registered trademarks of the General Electric Company
LM6000TM is a trademark of the General Electric Company (USA)

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