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Gough Personality Scale

Gough, H. G. (1979). A creative personality scale for the Adjective Check List. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 37, 1398-1405. Gough, H. G., & Heilbrun, A. B., Jr. (1965). The Adjective Check List manual. Palo Alto, CA: consulting Psychologists Press.

Please indicate which of the following adjectives best describe yourself. Check all that apply. ______ Capable ______ Artificial ______ Clever ______ Cautious ______ Confident ______ Egotistical ______ Commonplace ______ Humorous ______ Conservative ______ Individualistic ______ Conventional ______ Informal ______ Dissatisfied ______ Insightful ______ Suspicious ______ Honest ______ Intelligent ______ Well-mannered ______ Wide interests ______ Inventive ______ Original ______ Narrow interests ______ Reflective ______ Sincere ______ Resourceful ______ Self-confident ______ Sexy ______ Submissive ______ Snobbish ______ Unconventional

Scoring Key: ___+___ Capable ___-___ Artificial ___+___ Clever ___-___ Cautious ___+___ Confident ___+___ Egotistical ___-___ Commonplace ___+___ Humorous ___-___ Conservative ___+___ Individualistic ___-___ Conventional ___+___ Informal ___-___ Dissatisfied ___+___ Insightful ___-___ Suspicious ___-___ Honest ___+___ Intelligent ___-___ Well-mannered ___+___ Wide interests ___+___ Inventive ___+___ Original ___-___ Narrow interests ___+___ Reflective ___-___ Sincere ___+___ Resourceful ___+___ Self-confident ___+___ Sexy ___-___ Submissive ___+___ Snobbish ___+___ Unconventional

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