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BCA 1st Year Syllabus

Paper Code: BCA-01

Paper Name: Introduction to Computer Science

Unit 1: An Overview of Computer

Objectives, Introduction to Computer System, Advantages of Computers, Generations of Computers –

Frist Generation, Second Generation, Third Generation, Fourth generation, and Fifth Generation,
Classification of Computers – According to Size, According to Technology used, According to
Purpose, Applications of Computers, Block Diagram of Computer, Software and Hardware Types of
Software, Difference between Application Software and System Software.

Unit 2: Input & Output Devices

Objectives, Introduction, Input Device: Keyboard, Mouse, Joystick, Trackball, Scanner, Bar Code
Reader, OMR, and OCR, Output Devices: Monitor, Printer, Plotter.

Unit 3: Computer Memory

Objectives, Introduction, Memory Hierarchy, Classification of Memory, Storage Types:

Semiconductor, Magnetic, Optical and Magneto-Optical.

Unit 4: Computer Codes

Introduction to Computer Codes, Need for codes, ASCII Codes, EBCDIC Codes, BCD Codes, 8421
Codes, 2421 Codes, Unicode.

Unit 5: Introduction to Memory, Process and File Management

Objectives, Memory Management: Terminology, Basic requirement that drive memory design,
Memory Management algorithms, Process management, File Management: Unix File System, File
System under Microsoft Windows, NTFS, Disk Allocation Methods.

Unit 6: Operating System

Introduction to Operating System, Functions of Operating System, Classification of Operating

System: Multi-User Operating System, Multi-tasking Operating System, Multi-programming
Operating System, Batch Operating System, Time Sharing Operating System, Real Time Operating
System, Distributed Operating System, Embedded Operating System.

Unit 7: Disk Operating System

Introduction to MS-DOS, Overview of DOS Commands: Internal Dos Commands, External DOS

Unit 8: Windows

Introduction to Windows Operating System, Windows XP installation: Installing and running

programs, Settings control panel and all features, File and Folder Management, Features of Windows
Operating System: Graphical User Interface, Moving and Sharing Information, Working with sound,
graphics, and video, Backing up files Components of Windows: Taskbar, Toolbars, Windows
Explorer, Recycle Bin, Briefcase, Network Neighborhood.

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BCA 1st Year Syllabus
Unit 9: Data Communication

Introduction, Analog Signal, Digital Signal, Modes of Communication: Simplex, Half Duplex, Full
Duplex. Data Encoding: Encoding of Digital Data into Digital Signals, Encoding of Digital Data into
Analog Signals, Encoding of Analog Data into Digital Signals: Pulse code Modulation and Delta
Modulation, Encoding of Analog Data into Analog Signals.

Unit 10: Introduction to Internet

Introducation, Local Arear Network, Metropolitan Area Network, Wide Area Network, Internet, Dial
Up Connection, ISDN, ADSL, Leased Line Connection, Satellite, ISP, Web TV, World Wide Web,
E-mail, Web Browser, Search Engine.

Unit 11: Security

Introduction, Need of security, Attacks, Security Principles, Viruses, Firewalls, Ethical Hacking,
Anti-Virus software,

Unit 12: Cryptography

Introduction to Cryptography, Digital Signature, Smart Technology.

Unit 13: Management Information System

Introduction and Definition, Characteristics of MIS, Structure of MIS, Role of MIS, Application of

Unit 14: E-Commerce

Introduction to E-Commerce, Advantages of E-Commerce, Electronic Payment System: ATM Card,

Credit Card, Debit Card, E-Cash, E-Cheque, Secure Electronic Transaction, Joint Electronic
Transaction, Security Threads to E-commerce.

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